#otasune fanzine
frankosteln · 1 year
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here's a little preview for my comic in @otasunefanzine ^_^ please show the project lots of love and support, so much care and effort went into this zine! you can order a copy here!
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boradiumatom · 11 months
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Here are some silly -and mostly distressed- ottercon scribbles I made on papers (and a book) today. Though, more importantly, my @otasunefanzine came in the mail today!! I was very excited to open it even though I got home really late- it’s so much better than I imagined! Everyone did such an amazing job, and I’m so glad I got it this time around. Couldn’t get one over the summer, was up north camping with a group of friends and we didn’t have good cell service for a week and a half, or at least enough to use the internet. If you want one of your own, they’re still in stock, even the bundles with more goodies like prints and charms.
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wolfdog1974 · 1 month
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Hi everybody!!! Exciting news, I’m organizing a zine!! Introducing….
MSpaint Otasune Charity Fanzine! The title is…. A bit self explanatory, but Artist applications are now open!!!! Deadlines are subject to change to become more generous, we’re still early days! But I’m so excited to be doing this, so spread the word & I hope that you’ll join !!! ^^
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onipuff · 1 year
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My artwork for @otasunefanzine 'Philanthropy' ! I'm really grateful for having the opportunity to be a part of this zine, and draw one of my fave ships <3 This is a charity zine so all of the proceeds will be going to a non-profit for retired Alaskan sled dogs! it's got over 80 contributors and 200 pages of art and fic (and merch bundles!), so consider picking up a copy here!
Posted using PostyBirb
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winterleech · 1 year
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My order from @otasunefanzine arrived today so you know I had to read it all in one very long sitting <3
Featuring the plushies the boyos
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jenleigh1 · 8 months
At long last, I've finally got my fic from last year's otasune fanzine posted on AO3! Feel free to have a look, if you didn't get a chance to read it then. <3 SNEAK PEEK: The first time it happens, he’s ashamed of himself for being so utterly, stupidly caught off-guard. He’d known, of course.  Philanthropy had never been conceived as a “peaceful protest” sort of organization; no useless letter-writing campaigns, or circulating lists of signatures.  Otacon had understood from the beginning – at least in the abstract, theoretical sense that’s been his default way of relating to the world for as long as he can remember – that the thing he was proposing had far sharper edges than that. A direct action plan, as Snake had so succinctly put it. (This meant modified handguns, and a tactical suit, and a shit ton of black market C4.  There are neat, earnest magazine clips filled with painstakingly-constructed custom tranq darts.  Non-lethal.  But – it’s a deadly serious business, on both sides.) He knows. It’s just… he isn’t ready. Not really.  Not in the ways that count. 
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monarchetype · 1 year
What We See - Philanthropy: An Otasune Fanzine
The authors for the PHILANTHROPY zine have been given permission to post their stories. This is mine: What We See, now up on ao3! Be sure to sign up for the mailing list for the zine here so you can get a copy when it goes on sale!
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crispywisp · 1 year
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just received my free copy of a metal gear solid fanzine i was a part of as well as the merch, my artwork is the first page!!
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la-li-lu-le-lol · 1 year
I have an amount of fomo/sadness that I didn't participate in the huge otasune fanzine this year. This happens every single time a zine (not just metal gear, ANY zine) comes and goes because I've never been in one and have always wanted to be. But every single time an opportunity comes up, either life gets too busy for my pea-sized attention span to even glance at fandoms, or I just can't force myself, for some reason. I can do deadlined creative work for my job (with difficulty, lol) but the second I have to follow any structure outside of work my brain just throws a tantrum and recoils at the idea.
Well, "not now" doesn't mean "never". I'll work up the conviction to apply for a zine some day! Even if it's by the time I'm an old lady.
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caracello · 1 year
otasune fanzine ordered.
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mutsukiss · 1 year
I need the otasune fanzine to come put already bc i spend another day without seeing bisclavaret's and roorenart's pieces I will implode like a popcorn in a nuclear reactor core
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soliddaddy96 · 10 months
mutuals that i know the addresses of would i be ok if i ordered the otasune fanzine (if it releases physical copies again) and mail it to yr house ?
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specialagentartemis · 2 years
do I apply to the new Otasune fanzine.  the only Otasune concept I particularly have that I’d want to write rn is some Hardcore Whump
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An Otasune Fanzine Interest Check
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Do you love Solid Snake? Do you love Otacon? Do you love Solid Snake and Otacon….. together?? Would you want to make content of them…. for our zine????
Fill out this interest check, so we can see if this is a feasible summer project! The final piece would either be a free, or a pay-what-you want PDF, with 100% of the proceeds going to TBD charity, depending on survey results. We’ll be accepting illustrations, writing and short (1-2 page) comics.
Even if you’re only interested in reading, and not submitting a piece, please still fill it out!! (it’s only six questions)
This survey will be open for the rest of May, with applications opening at the start of June.
Reblogs would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!
(HD banner here)
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polmcarts · 7 years
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My piece for the otasune anthology:  Let the world be.
I hope you all get your copy!
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kithuu · 5 years
Guess who also participated in @anotherotasunefanzine ? This is a sneak peek of my piece, you should all check out the finished product, so many amazing people worked on it!!
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