#other stuff might change & evolve too and if it does ill just edit this post lol
fluffyselfships · 7 months
hey guys! i know yall have been waiting for this for a few days and im proud to say that i finally have the whole timeline/backstory for bunny and i's adventure time ship lore sorted out!!!
so im proud to present our lore in extreme detail, its kinda rambly and very long!!
for yalls sake, im putting it under a read more 💀
kitty note: a lot of at’s canon events still happen, most of canon resides in the past, betty never comes back, so golb is never summoned. islands happens but no humans come back to ooo in fear of vampires, which are still an issue since marceline isnt alive either (referring back to the fact wk has ice marcy, implying something bad happened to her). some other canon events happen later on, so the timeline compared to ats is all over the place lol 😭 this has nothing in common with the f&c canon outside of the bare bones
for colored quotes, pink are for kitty, bold purple is for bonbon, blue for the wk and red for bunny :)
ik/wk gets ahold of the crown & puts it on in front of betty
betty doesnt get summoned to the present, she moves on after leaving simon
ik/wk meets marcy & has her for a couple of years before passing away (either due to the radiation from the gmw or due to the oozers that came from the radiation)
the original ice kingdom builds up around 500 years after gmw
kitty becomes princess of the stuffie kingdom about 700 years post-mushroom war
they meet princess bubblegum during a princess day celebration
this one is hosted in the breakfast kingdom
they get along famously during this princess day meeting & become fast friends
kitty meets ik/wk due to his princess kidnapping tendencies
kitty, once settled into his ice cell, informs him that theyre a lesbian
ik apologizes & they end up talking about girls until they get rescued
kitty & ik’s relationship mirrors marcy and simons post i remember you
BIG father/daughter type bond
after 150 years of friendship, kitty & pb persue a romantic relationship
their relationship is pretty healthy to begin with while both of their kingdoms are in infancy (725 years post gmw)
after ~200 years, theres a communication breakdown between the two of them, leading to their breakup
it takes a good amount of time before the two of them get back together- koo’s election still happens & she loses the ck for a while, which allows for their reunion to happen
bella noche gets summoned & ice king becomes simon again
this is the first time kitty gets a glimpse of who ik truly is
this, obviously, is an eye opener for them & they want to help ik gain his lucidity once more
kitty takes betty’s place in punching bella noche
marcy, as stated before, has passed & hambo is long gone, which prevents simon from creating the portal to apologize to betty
after bella noche’s defeat and kitty’s discovery, they ask bonnie for help in their quest to fix/cure the ik
bonnie agrees & offers to do some preliminary research on ik’s crown while kitty is away on royal business
bonnie uses the machine from “broke his crown”
ice king comes along with gunter
while ik and bonnie are using the machine & preoccupied, gunter is bored & starts pressing any and every button on the machine
this causes the machine to overload and explode
this accident transfers the curse of the crown from ik to bonnie via electric shock (from the explosion)/magic (the explosion malfunctions ik’s crown & the curse is transferred)
bonnie has amnesia from the crown curse
kitty returns from royal business and cant find ik anywhere and finds bonnie’s lab destroyed
kitty comes across bonnie, now bonbon, first
“…trying out a new look bonbon?”
“who’s bonbon? who are you? how did you get in here?”
bonbon is kind of aggressive, her mental state is adjusting to the curse
kitty, freaked out, goes in search of the ik, who is now the winter king
they finally come across wk while searching deep in the newly-forming winter kingdom
they ask him what happened & he genuinely has no idea what happened exactly, but offers to use his newfound conscious thought to help figure things out
kitty thanks him & they return back to their own kingdom
over the course of the next six months, kitty tries to adjust to bonbon’s changes & tries to help her remember
bonbon shows no interest in kitty, as the curse’s infatuation sets her sights on wk
kitty tries (and fails!) to ignore this & they try to help bonbon regain her memories
“i just got you back and ive lost you again” energy
kitty approaches wk & tells him that theyre going to be leaving to find a cure for bonbon’s madness & they werent sure when they would return
kitty’s sibling becomes the main one in charge in their absence & it stays this way
they lose touch with the wk after some time, leading him to believe they might be injured or worse- dead
kitty spends ~7.5 decades looking for a magic cure where both wk can continue to be wk and bonbon can turn back to normal to no avail
kitty meets magic man outside of the wastelands of ooo, where he promises to help in exchange for a favor
he’s still trying to steal glob/gob/grob/grod’s residual powers
the process malfunctions due to an interruption & magic mans powers transfers to kitty, making them magic woman
for the remaining 25 years before they return, they do intensive and obsessive magic studies in order to find a cure
they also occasionally watch bonbon from afar, watching the candy kingdom be rebuilt & just seeing how she’s doing
it is very painful for them but they miss her so much that they cant help themselves sometimes
bunny, age 24 by the time the 100 years have passed, meets winter king while assisting the ice scouts with another one of cq’s kidnappings
bunny is related to finn since josuha treated being an adventurer like a family business, so the tradition carries
impressed by their skill, wk appoints bunny to be his personal body guard due to their skill with a sword
since theyre always together, wk and bunny get to know each other rather quickly & become fast friends, bonding over magic and science
after some time, wk finds himself falling for bunny and he is not shy about those feelings in the slightest
he constantly flirts with them & makes it known that he likes them
bunny is oblivious + has had a crush on wk by this point anyway
wk takes bunny to some royal business & they get stressed out by all the people there/feeling like they dont belong due to the fancy event
wk takes bunny aside and gives them a pep-talk, a sweet one at that
“i wouldnt have invited you if i didnt think you wouldnt belong”
his hand is gently sliding towards theirs, interconnecting their fingers
“i brought you as my date for a reason..”
bunny.exe has stopped working
they confess their feelings to each other & they spend the rest of the event away from everyone, talking the night away.
wk and bunny enter a romantic relationship
two years pass & wk needs to go to wizard city, bunny accompanies him
the two run into kitty, causing a whole mess of emotions to run through wk- not good ones
kitty starts coming around more & becomes friends with bunny
kitty’s sudden reappearance is stirring up a lot of bad memories, thoughts & feelings with wk. despite this, the two are slowly rekindling a friendship
due to the bad feelings, wk is pulling away from bunny & is drowning himself in his work, this is a slow process, it takes a few weeks before bunny says anything
the stress of emotions is reaching to the point where he’s starting to see so much of betty in bunny & its scaring him
not to mention he’s feeling guilty about something…👀
during wk’s slow pull-back, bunny and kitty are venting to each other about their respective issues
my sona reveals that bonbon wasnt always the way she was & tells the story from their own perspective
bunny, having no idea this ever happened, decides to confront wk about his distance & why he never told them that he knew what was wrong with bonbon
during this confrontation, wk finally breaks down and reveals to bunny everything about what has happened & his thoughts
“you remind me so much of her..”
he also reveals the fact that there is a cure for bonbon’s madness that he discovered during kitty’s absence, but the caveat is that he would become the ik again. theres no way to be fully rid of the curse.
“are you ever going to tell kitty?”
“no. ive worked so hard for what ive had & i dont want to lose it.”
“but you really should, its unfair to them to hold onto hope that isnt th-“
“im not telling them!” he snaps at them
after he snaps at bunny, they decide that they need to think about things for a while & they spend the next few months in the magic man house with kitty
at some point during this period, kitty decides to go on a date with bonbon, mirroring bespoken for
rather than getting angry and frustrated like betty, they get progressively more upset and sad
during their breakdown, they reveal to bonbon that they used to date
bonbon later thinks about this & it begins the crowns obsession/infatuation slow shift from wk to kitty
this date doesn’t go well & kitty ends it early
bunny’s sona is the one to give the tiny manticore speech
“maybe you're going after someone who doesn't exist anymore. why not take her as she is? after all, you’ve been through a lot of changes yourself”
kitty takes bunny’s speech to heart & they think it over, but not immediately
on wk’s side of things, he is miserable and alone & wants nothing more than to apologize to bunny
he seeks out kitty, who takes him to the magic man house
he apologizes profusely
“i never meant to push you away.. ive just spent so long trying to avoid these feelings that i ended up exploding. i’m horrible at dealing with negative emotions, but i want to work on it for you. i am so sorry, bunny”
bunny, after hearing his apology, forgives him & they return back to the winter kingdom with wk
bunny & the winter king, once reunited, try and figure out a way to tell kitty that there is a cure to bonbon’s madness in a way that they wont freak out/blow up/snap
during this time, kitty comes back bonbon to give their date another shot, apologizing for how abruptly it ended last time
they end up having a simple spaghetti dinner & kitty realizes they have more in common now then they did 100 years ago
this date goes well & they continue to go on dates, falling in love with each other all over again
bunny and wk finally find a way to tell kitty that there is a cure but it would reverse everything in wk
my sona, interrupts them before they can say more than “we found a cure-“ and tells the two that they dont want to fix bonbon anymore & that things finally feel the way they should now, ending my sona’s arc
the four of them can finally relax & enjoy life once more & they all become close friends once more :3
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lovethisletters · 3 years
Dating Grell HC!
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Hi! SO sorry for taking this long, irl stuff got in my way but I’m finally here! Agreed, finding Grell content is kind of difficult, and though they aren’t my favorite character, I do enjoy their personality. Before we start, I would like to clarify that I wrote this with gender neutral pronouns for Grell since I’m kind of confused: in the manga and anime sometimes, characters will refer to them with: He/Him pronouns, they refer to themselves with: She/her but their wiki refers to them with they/them pronouns; so, if someone could clarify that for me (and provide a link that confirms is cannon) I would be beyond grateful!
Word count: 1220
Keys: Y/n = Your name.
Summary: Grell starts to feel in a way they have never felt before.
Warnings/Additional notes: none…I think(? But I tried to keep it neutral for the reader too, since pronouns weren’t specified.
Grell being a reaper they have little to no time on their hands, so most probably they met you at work.
They were the one to approach you first by practically throwing themselves at you going on a ramble about how GORGEOUS you are.
I think that at the beginning their feelings are more like a simple crush that will fade away with time or mindless lust that is set to disappear the moment they get to have sex with you.
So, until that happens you will have to deal with practically a cat, they get all touchy: rubbing their cheek against yours, hugging you enthusiastically (like how a child would hug a stuffed toy) begging for attention constantly and even directing not so subtle innuendos at you.
But overall Grell is someone fun and pleasing to be around (especially if you are feeling a bit down) their bubbly and dramatic personality is just so contagious you can’t help but smile!
So that’s why you don’t push them away as harshly as Sebastian or William would
And I feel like that’s why they get a little bit more interested in you.
Even though they identify themselves as a masochist, that does not mean they enjoy being treated poorly all the time, they know their personality is…hard to cope with, but Grell appreciate when someone would still make the effort to get along.
So, when you don’t just…you know…kick them in the face every time they approach you (cofcofSeb&Willcofcof) they feel more comfortable being themselves around you, since no matter how eccentric they might be, you always continue the conversation in a kind manner.
Grell is someone who’s VERY emotionally driven, to the point I think it must be hard for them to differentiate certain emotions like: anger to frustration, sadness with deception and romantic love to lustful attraction. I feel like for them there’s no grey area, is either love or hate so in the beginning this might cause your relationship a bit of trouble.
As your relationship grew closer you started to notice a change in Grell’s behavior: They started being a bit more serious (still as theatrical as ever but different none the less)
They suddenly seemed to have become aware of what personal space is supposed to mean, the hugs became relatively short, the innuendos stopped almost completely and when the two of you started talking, Grell was eerily quiet.
This probably would make you feel like you might have angered them in some way, but don’t worry…the truth is..Grell is just confused.
Lust driven love is all they’re ever known, but their feelings for you have changed, evolved if you may. The only thing they know: is that they like you, but not in the way they like Will, Sebastian or Undertaker, no. They like you in a different way…a deeper way.
So please be patient and let them figure it out on their own.
BUT tbh I don’t think they figured out on their own…I just think they where in the phantomhive manor one day (just to tease Sebastian or double-check these newfound feelings were indeed different) But Ciel just felt so uneasy since he had never seen Grell so quiet and deep in thought.
—What is wrong with you, Grell?—His words condescending as ever.
—Pay no mind to them, master. The reaper is just hopelessly in love—Said Sebastian with a smirk creeping on his lips.
Sebastian’s words were almost eye-opening to them. “Love? Was it truly the right word to describe this feeling?”
Yes, yes it was, they knew the moment they went back to you that day.
Saying that you were surprised when Grell suddenly appeared at your house, late at night, pinning you to the floor by giving you the BIGGEST hug in your life, after weeks of not seeing each other since apparently, they were ignoring you, was a severe understatement.
—What has gotten into you, Grell?— you questioned, caressing their long red hair.
—Oh! Y/N my love! I love you!—You smiled, Grell had finally come back to you.
—Ha Ha Ha, I love you too, Grell!—Grell froze in place.
You thought they were messing around with you like countless time before, so you just responded in the usual joking manner.
—No, no, no! You’ve got it all wrong my dear!—For the first time since you had known them, their expression turned serious and gently took your hands in theirs.
—Y/n you are probably the only person I have ever felt this strongly, I feel like if you were to die today, I will die with you! Y/n my dear…I love you! This are my true feelings…Won’t you accept them?
Such sweet words, spoken with the most profound sincerity.
You couldn’t help but tear up a little (Which made Grell panic a bit)
—Yes, Grell, I love you too, so please accept this feelings of mine as well.—The hugh that followed was not only an acceptance but the seal of a promise, the true love kind of promise.
From here onwards you can see a change in Grell’s behavior towards you (in a positive way that is)
Dating Grell means you get to see them in a whole new light.
They are much more sincere (still dramatic as ever but a bit toned down)
They allow themselves to be vulnerable with you, no longer hiding their worries under a carefree and almost indifferent facade.
You become a safe place they can come to when things get difficult or simply when they just feel tired and overwhelmed with their reaper duties.
Something that stays pretty much the same in your relationship is how much attention-seeking they are.
You have to put on hold whatever you’re doing ‘cause those things can wait but Grell don’t.
“Nee~ honey, pay attention to me!” is a phrase you might hear often if you even dare to pay attention to something else when they are right beside you!
Grell will 100% shower you in kisses constantly.
Cuddles! Cuddles are a MUST with them.
Be prepared for Lots LOTS of PDA, they don’t care if it’s not the appropriate time or place, they need to show you how much you mean to them now!
I feel like they are the type to pull you closer and start dancing or reciting a dramatic dialogue of some romantic play they recently saw, out of nowhere in the middle of the street.
Grell also loves when you touch, caress, braid or brush their hair, is just so adorable! (If you want to turn them on, just pull their hair a little and see what happens ;)
If you have long hair, they will do the same but if you don’t expect them to go wild with how much flower crowns, hats, hair pins, etc they gift you.
Matching outfits! They even gifted you a red coat like theirs!
Grell loves when you let them do your make up! (if you wear any that is, otherwise they would allow you to do theirs) and it goes without saying, they are so good at it! you always end up feeling like royalty.
Theatrical pet names!
Sometimes they would allow you to borrow their Death Scythe (even if is for ridiculous things like idk cutting bread lol) but shhh, don’t tell Will!
Theater Dates!
Kisses, TONS of kisses (they love when you bite their lips, if you do; you might even hear them moan)
Overall, Grell is just so happy to have someone like you in their life and they will demonstrate it to you every chance they get.
If you spot any misplaced pronouns, please let me know! I will correct it asap! just know that I didn’t do it with any ill intention and that english is not my first language and perhaps that’s why something might have slipped! as well grammatical errors, I’m trying to polish my writing in this language so calling me out on any mistakes helps me a lot!
I will forever thank you if you go check out my other profile: @aileysmirnov​ where I post things about my OC: edits, one-shots, imagines, art, etc. If you like Greek mythology and the bat family maybe you would like her as much as I do!
Anyway! Thank you for reading!
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top 10 (ish) ridiculous or annoying FAQs:
(click at your own discretion)
1) "kids today rely on others to do everything"
ah yes, damn those participation trophies! if it wasn't for them my hands wouldn't be fucked, and I wouldn't need people to write for me. but seriously, stop reading boomer comics, and go outside to meet some actual young people.
2) "sus that a non-american says mom"
yeah, because it's clearly the superior version, and I'm not too patriotic to concede a defeat.
3) "sweaty, the victims of abuse by catholics are real people, stop appropriating their pain just because you want to hate catholics; plus teachers abuse people just as often anyway"
so firstly, I don't hate anybody. and secondly, regarding the fact that victims really do exist, [insert "of course I know him, he's me" meme here]; although I don't often talk much about the abuse I went through or what my religious beliefs are. but, more importantly, statements like "survivors are people" can be phrased like "some people are survivors", and when you're unable to act according to the latter (like when you don't even consider that somebody might be one) then you display a failure to recognise the former - you're projecting; a survivor can't be appropriating their own pain, but you can be appropriating it to silence one. and thirdly, teachers do abuse - the problem isn't and has never been purely religion, rather that abuse is often done by somebody in a position of trust, power, and familiarity; and that the lack of a global minimum enables totally legal abuse on top of the illegal stuff. people with access and respect have more opportunity to abuse than those without, and that goes for teachers too. but, once again, you can be appropriating the pain of survivors to deflect and silence people. please remember this before you say that shit.
4) "get help/therapy"
way ahead of you - years ahead of you. but it's not magic - people who say this often act as if you'll start behaving differently overnight. not only are some things simply beyond the ability of talking therapy to completely rectify, it also takes time and has to be selective. you've got to pick your priorities, and that's definitely not whatever ship or joke you're mad at me about today. therapy is a slow, arduous process that can't guarantee results - it isn't "anti-recovery" to recognise that, it's honesty. while I've been in therapy for a long time, it is not necessarily going to change whatever you don't like about me - whether that's because it can't, because my focus now is on more important or urgent things, or because I don't want to change that.
5a) "tell your family you ship incest, see how that goes; normal people find it disgusting"
actually, some know, and they're fine with it. in fact, one prefers sibling pairings in fiction to all other dynamics because, to paraphrase, "it's a deeper level of messed up co-dependence". so unfortunately for you, my remaining family (by which I mean those not dead or cut out of my life after abuse and so forth) actually are able to distinguish between fiction and reality. plus, my reasoning for caring if they find it gross or not pertains only to recommending books and such - their opinions do not dictate my tastes.
5b) "don't sexualise/appropriate incestuous abuse" and "I bet you enjoyed being raped" and other attempts to upset me over 5a
firstly, as I've already said here, survivors can't be appropriating ourselves. in addition, you're not owed people's history or trauma - it's not okay to require people's personal information, or else you'll send anon hate and accusations of appropriation. secondly, I'm not sexualising our abuse (not just because I write horror, and so a lot of my writing is intended to be creepy, not sexy); these stories aren't about us, they're not us at all. entire dynamics/people (fictional or otherwise) aren't all going to be applicable to us or identical to us, just because they have something in common with us; they're not us and they're not accountable to us. thirdly, the fact that people send this stuff (attempting to trigger people's trauma over ships) is so much more worrying to me than somebody making our communal imaginary friends kiss. you're trying to hurt people. and finally, to the "I bet you enjoyed it" crowd (if you're at all serious): do you think you'd enjoy being in a real zombie apocalypse, alone, afraid, and really at risk of being eaten alive? a fictional scenario does not feel remotely the same as a real one. this isn't rocket science - things that look like you aren't you; fiction isn't reality; don't send anon hate. (edit: comparable "just leave me alone, I'm not hurting anyone" sentiments for yandere stuff, and anything else you decide I'm naughty for.)
6) "you'll be sent off to do manual labour once your communist revolution happens"
while I don't know why people think that I'm a communist, a dictatorial regime probably isn't going to want me to do manual labour. they're more likely to just shoot me; I'm useless and a liability. call me crazy, but something tells me that "ah yes, we shall give ze deranged cripple ze power tools" isn't the communist position.
7a) "they/them can't be singular pronouns"
yes they can, and they're used as such in both shakespeare and the bible. but you don't have to say this - I'm also okay with he/him, so you could've just used those and chilled out. also, do I look like somebody who views the rules of grammar as fully immutable and imperative?
7b) "enbies/aros/pan/etc aren't valid"
do you really think that you're going to change any hearts or minds by putting that in my ask box or under my funny maymays? chill out, it's not worth the effort - you could be planning a party (in minecraft) and having fun instead. it isn't worth my time to rant at everybody who's saying something isn't valid, updating how I'm explaining it as my opinions grow and general discourse around it evolves; I'm just who I am, somebody else is who they are - why bicker in presumptuous ways about if that's enough? it ultimately is valid, in my opinion, but that isn't an invitation to keep demanding that I debate. (edit: old posts of mine probably don't phrase things incredibly, on this or anything... I tried.)
8) "what are your politics?"
my politics are informed first and foremost by the knowledge that I'm not cut out to be some kind of leader - I don't want to be the guy who tells everyone else what to do, I just offer what seem to me like valid criticisms of how we are doing things now, and general pointers on the values and ethics that I would prefer to move towards. things like individual freedom, taking the most pacifist route where possible, trying not to give excessive power to small groups of people (governments or corporations), helping those in need even when they're not palatable, and letting me suck loads of dicks. but please refrain from decreeing me something - there's not enough information in what I said, so you'll just be filling in the blanks with assumptions. (edit: workplace democracy seems cool to me; benefits are good; fair fines and taxes; and the "sperm makes you loopy" saga: 1, 2, 3, and 4.)
9) "you're a narcissist"
no, I don't meet the diagnostic criteria. joking on the internet that you're hot doesn't make a person a narcissist. the fact that I've chosen to keep my actual self-esteem issues to myself is not proof that they don't exist - you're just not entitled to that information about me. but it's also not narcissism to really like how you look. (edit: don't throw labels around carelessly too.)
10a) "kin list?"
the fabric of the universe, a zombie, dionysus, maned wolf/arctic fox hybrid, a comedian, big gay, big rock, ambiguously partial insincerity. (edit: kin list may or may not be incomplete.)
10b) "kin isn't valid/that's just being insane"
haven't we established that I'm deranged, and that sending stuff like this on anon is simply a waste of your precious time? besides, I do not care if it's invalid or insane - it's fun, I'm happy. (edit: see 7b for my opinion on sending me yet another ask with "that's invalid" in it; I'm not in the mood to discuss the nature of validity.)
bonus: "it gets better" and "trigger list?"
as I've said before, things just don't always get better for everyone - sometimes things can't be cured or even treated, sometimes they kill you; in some cases it could get better if not for a blockade or lack of time. the world is messy. it needs to be more normalised to reassure or comfort people without relying on saying that their issue will get better or be cured. it does suck to be this ill, but it also sucks to be made out to be a lazy pessimist, just because I have the audacity to not play along. and as for the trigger list, I don't like providing people with an easily accessed list of ways to hurt my feelings or harm me - upsetting me is supposed to be challenging, and thus rewarding. if you want a cheat sheet then you're out of luck, I'm afraid.
bonus #2: "FAQ stands for frequently asked questions, it doesn't need that s at the end!"
yeah, I know, I just enjoy chaos and disarray.
bonus #3 (edit): "what are your disabilities and how exactly are they incurable and/or deadly?"
again, I don't tell the internet everything about me, especially when it poses a risk, especially not as an easily accessible list for you to refer back to whenever you feel inclined to hurt my feelings. that is understandably a sore subject. (edit: that includes physical health issues btw.)
bonus #4 (edit): "so we shouldn't be critical?"
if it wasn't clear from my answer about politics or my post in general, you can have opinions about things, and you can voice that. it's just not realistic to exist at extremes: to think that you alone should dictate what exists in fiction, or to think that people shouldn't be expressing disdain or criticism of any calibur. say how you feel about things, that's fine, but it's also fine if people find that they don't value your input. plus we're all flawed, we can all be hypocritical from time to time, we all get bitchy, and we all make mistakes, or even knowingly fuck things up. that's important to keep in mind, whether we're talking about the one being criticised or the one doing the criticising - poor choices of words, imperfect tone, or contradictory ideas are inevitably going to happen occasionally.
congrats on reaching the end! if you have, at any point, said one of these to me, you owe a hug to your nearest loved one (once it's safe).
edit: might add more links/bonus points in the future when I think of things, but it's late now. (sorry for links where prior notes in the thread have my old url, that may get a tad confusing; also, not all links are my blog or my op, since it is to illustrate points/vibes, not to self-promo.)
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‘The Absent Father and Spider-Man’s Unfulfilled Potential’: Rebuttal Part 1: Introduction
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Back in 2012 I read a very interesting book called ‘Webslinger: Unauthorized Essays on your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’. 
As the title suggests it was an anthology book made up of several different essays about Spidey (and edited by Gerry Conway himself).
The essays are an interesting read, though there are questionable points made and some inaccuracies. 
Today though I’d like to debunk some points made in the essay titled ‘The Absent Father and Spider-Man’s Unfulfilled Potential’.
The reason for my desire to debunk parts of this essay is partially due to my inherent instinct to debunk problematic or misinformed stuff surrounding Spider-Man generally. However it’s also partially due to the author, J.R. Fettinger.
Fettinger is the creator and author of the essays found on ‘Spideykicksbutt.com’ and a regular panellist on the Spider-Man Crawlspace podcast. I respect both and the content they provide though there have been times I’ve disagreed with both and other times where quite frankly I think they’ve put forward statements that are outright wrong.
Fettinger and his work was the inspiration to an extent for me even choosing to write so much about Spider-Man, helped bring me back into fandom and his work helped me reconcile some things that I had felt made me an uninformed minority within fandom.
However, there have been times, more and more as the years move forward, wherein my eyes have narrowed at Fettinger’s statements regarding Spider-Man.
He once said something to the effect of ‘alcoholics are just stupid people doing stupid things through no fault but their own’.
He has repeatedly attested that it is morally wrong for Spider-Man and Batman to not simply murder characters like Joker or Carnage.
He has said that Otto’s actions towards Peter in Superior Spider-Man render him the worst enemy Peter has. This is in spite of him being a huge Norman Osborn fan.
He has essentially stated criminal killers like Shriek or Vermin (who suffer from severe mental disorders) deserve no sympathy.
He has said Kraven’s Last Hunt was flawed (to put it more delicately than he did) because Peter ‘never settled his score’ with Kraven.
He has even said that whenever DeMatteis gets into the psychological aspects of the characters he ‘goes off the deep-end’.
These views are most especially chronicled in his on-going segment of the podcast ‘Spider-History’ wherein he takes a month’s worth of (usually 616 Peter Parker) Spider-Man comics from a bygone month decades ago, recaps them and analyses the stories.
However, what is so frustrating to me about these segments as time has gone by is that Fettinger is overly critical and incredibly cynical. He has put forward his opinions as fact with little analysis or consideration of an alternative point of view.
To be blunt with relatively few exceptions he surmises each month in this section as mediocre-bad unless it contained something by Marv Wolfman or Roger Stern, two of his personal favourite runs.
Even then he puts across reductive summaries of the events of the book, in particular phrasing things to make certain characters (like Spider-Man himself) come across as worse than they actually are in the stories in question.
This is particularly a problem in my view because Fettinger’s status as a long read, knowledgeable and analytical fan confers onto him a certain degree of authority in regards to his statements about Spider-Man.
And you know what? It should.
He really does know A LOT about Spider-Man and he has made some incredible assessments about stories and characters related to the wall-crawler.
I cannot recommend you check out his website Spideykicksbutt enough.
But here is the thing...I do not advocate blind trust in his word, or anyone’s for that matter. Not even my own. I know A LOT about Spider-Man but I’m far from infallible.
Think for yourselves, do your own research, present your own arguments and counterpoints.
It’s what I do and why Fettinger frustrates me. Because he’s so belligerent to changing his views, most of which are adamantly cynical and judgemental.
Some people I’ve spoken to about this attribute this to his age. Most of his writing and podcast work has been produced when he was in his 40s or 50s.
It is often said that everyone becomes more cynical, grumpier and more stuck in their ways as they age.
I disagree with that in so far as not everyone becomes like that. And 40-60 is not a point when you are ‘done’ becoming who you are going to be and beyond changing.
It is the prerogative of old men to speak their minds but the WISE men are not adverse to changing them.
This is the root of my problems with Fettinger and his cynicism. Not to mention, I find cynicism simply lazy and foolish under most circumstances. Much as I find Fettinger’s ‘kill all criminals’ mentality to crime to be lazy and foolish.
These thoughts struck me when I re-read his essay from Webslinger. I read the essay upon first discovering his work but I apparently have changed in 6 years as I find much of it ill-considered, cynical, judgemental and problem riddled.
Hence my desire now to debunk it.
The gist of the essay is Fettinger talking about how Spider-Man has lots of unfulfilled potential and attributing this to the loss of his father figure Uncle Ben. He goes on to list off different father figures Peter has had and what the end result of their roles in his life might have been. For context this was written around the time of Civil War 2006.
My first and probably biggest bone of contention lies in how Fettinger frames Peter’s ‘unfulfilled potential’.
It’s here where you start to see his overly cynical and judgemental side.
I will not quote him word for word here because it’d take too long. But early on he writes that Spider-Man’s powers come at the price of his happiness, peace of mind and the normalcy that we all take for granted.
This is partially true but still misinformed.
Peter’s mind is most definitely not peaceful most of the time and his life not normal. But there is that key phrase ‘most of the time’. Not all of the time.
Even during his career Peter has had several moments of grace. Most of the stories transpiring in the immediate aftermath of Mary Jane’s return to his life in ASM v2 #50 come to mind issue #51 even calls out that nothing bad has really happened to get in the way of Peter and MJ’s reconciliation.
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This oversight is particularly egregious since that period had only been a few years before the writing of this essay.
But it’s not as egregious as the other thing Fettinger said. That being Spider-Man has cost Peter his happiness.
There have been many things that have made Peter unhappy in the course of his superhero career but as ASM #500 clearly confirmed for us Peter, in spite of all that, is  ultimately happy. Which was a big deal as Peter had just relived all his old battles at once.
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The omission of ASM #500’s ending is telling because Fettinger actively dislikes the story and the scene with Uncle Ben particularly. He’s labelled it as ‘banal’ and essentially said if he could talk with his own deceased father the conversation would’ve gone very differently. Problem is the the story was not about him and his family but about Spider-Man and HIS family!
Fettinger then asks if when Peter dies he’d be labelled as someone who fell short of his potential. He illustrates the point by comparing 15 year old Spider-Man to adult Spider-Man circa 2006.
He claims Peter made few adjustments to his fighting skills. Not true. The older Spider-Man beyond the Silver Age did in fact adjust some of his fighting skills, noticeably in regards to ramping up his speed during combat.
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He also took martial arts lessons from Captain America in FNSM v1 #1, putting the techniques he learned from that into practice in the very same issue. That issue was published just a year before Fettinger’s essay by the way.
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Granted these do not seem particularly significant.
But let’s flip the script a little bit. Let us presume Fettinger to be correct, Spider-Man between 1962-2006 had never evolved his fighting style significantly.
Is that really   an example of Peter doing himself a disservice, of not fulfilling his full potential...or is it that the fighting style he had was not only adequate for the life he lived but in fact optimum?
Spider-Man after all has an incredibly effective and sophisticated fighting style. It is impossible to truly replicate by anyone exempting those of similar powersets to himself.
His immense strength allows him to plant himself on the ground and exchange simple punches, kicks, etc. with a lot of power behind them.
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But with more room to manoeuvre his speed, wall crawling, web-slinging and agility allows him to augment that raw power to deliver a lot of hits in a short space of time from a near 360 degree axis. See his battle with Firelord above)for proof of this. 
His webs can be used concussively, to distract, to incapacitate and can even act as a defensive shield.
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(I know the Spider-Girl image isn’t 616 but it might as well be if you know the contex behind the story) 
And then there is his ace in the hole, the Spider Sense. This ability is linked to his reflexes and intuitively enables him to know an attack is coming. It almost automatically makes him adjust his movements accordingly in conjunction with his immense reaction speed and agility.
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This fighting style had been enabling him to defeat a wide variety of foes across what was then 44 years of published stories.
So was it really that Peter was slacking off in not evolving it? Or was it more that he early on developed something extremely effective that didn’t need any real reinvention?
Moreover isn’t it impressive (rather than a point of condemnation) that Spider-Man essentially figured out the best way to fight with zero instruction or training when he was just a teenager. That’s incredible so it’s far from something to chastise him for simply because he hadn’t radically altered it.
What’s worse is Fettinger claimed that Peter ‘continued’ to rely upon sheer strength, raw intelligence, dumb luck and the stupidity/lack of imagination of his foes to win the day.
Let’s put aside for the moment how Peter has whipped up gadgets or chemicals when needs be.
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Let’s also ignore how his foes even upon trying new tricks have more often than not met with defeat anyway.
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Let’s also entertain the idea that Peter truly does rely upon his foes stupidity and dumb luck in battle. Let’s do that even though he absolutely doesn’t, he’s very rarely just presumed he can win because a villain is dumb, but he has exploited that fact when presented with it; see 99% of Rhino fights. Hell let’s even ignore how Spider-Man uses his speed, and agility and webbing and spider sense in battle as much as his strength.
What exactly is Spider-Man supposed   to rely on besides  his sheer strength and raw intelligence?
Fettinger is calling Spidey out for relying upon his raw physical powers and his intelligence.
Like...what is an MMA or boxer supposed to rely on besides their muscle and their mind to strategize before and after a fight?
Fettinger continues to point out that exempting his Iron Spider outfit or his alien costume Peter has continued to rely on his ‘wash n’ wear red and blue pajamas’.
There are two waysto view this statement. Either Fettinger is being critical that Spider-Man has not opted to alter his costume aesthetically ever or else never opted to alter it in terms of being functional. That is to say it’s still just a piece of cheap cloth.
Both arguments are invalid criticisms.
Peter has changed his look more than once throughout the years, noticeably he wore a cloth version of his black suit, used two rubber insulated outfits to fight Electro, made an armoured costume in Web of Spider-Man #100 and used four different costumes when he adopted four new identities for himself, all of which were used for different functions.
The black costume however served no function beyond enhanced stealth and Peter retired it due to him and his wife not liking how it reminded them of Venom, a notorious publically known homicidal maniac.
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The Armoured suit was only created with access to ESU’s scientific resources, was destroyed on its first mission and realistically was compromising to Spidey’s fighting skills (hence Slott’s version was redesigned). It was also impractical as it was composed of a new hardened version of Peter’s webbing meaning it was never going to last anyway.
His rubber suits were similarly impractical for continual use and severely damaged during battles with Electro. They could not be worn as casually as his standard suit, realistically would’ve impeded mobility to a certain extent and were designed for one specific foe anyway. In fact Spidey usually ran into Electro by chance or else with limited time to intervene in his crimes. Meaning he’d not have the time to locate the rubber suit anyway. Besides...he usually managed to beat Electro without it anyway. After all rubber gloves would be a fairly effective defence and his webbing was itself an insulator. That was his go to in Electro’s debut in ASM v1 #9 and brought up in New Avengers v1 #4.
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True Spider-Man trashed his original rubber suit for seemingly no good reason, but since this so aggressively makes no sense I think it’d be safe to presume Peter’s rationale was that the suit itself was ineffective (it didn’t provide full insulation) and was literally held together by glue. The suit was likely unusable after the battle hence why Spidey trashed it.
The four new identities he created though are the hardest to defend. It really doesn’t make much sense for him to have retired those identities beyond the simple fact that, well...the book is called Spider-Man not Hornet/Ricochet/Dusk/Prodigy. I suppose you could go so far as to say pretending to be other people and not using his web-shooters compromised his fighting abilities as he had to consciously move and talk differently as well as use different weapons and tactics. Also maybe he heard about how well multiple alter egos went for Moon Knight. The costumes were to be fair stolen from him and used by other people meaning he’d have had to come up with entirely new identities for himself and ultimately Peter would prefer being Spider-Man having come to see it (for all it’s burdens) as part of who he is.
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So contrary to Fettinger’s criticisms, Peter HAS changed his costume, but from a practical/functional point of view there really is little reason for him to permanently make any changes. Or else when he has done so extenuating factors have compromised his attempts.
Meaning all that’s left is Fettinger’s complaint that Spidey never changed the outward aesthetic. Which is not a legitimate complaint about his ‘unfulfilled’ potential. I’ve kept the same posters in my room for many, many years. It doesn’t mean I’ve failed in my potential. It just means I can’t be bothered to change them/I have grown attached to them.
Fettinger continues his train of thought by talking about how Spider-Man’s webbing and web-shooters have not significantly changed since his early days barring his adoption of organic webbing.
I will give Fettinger some leeway here. He never said the webbing/webshooters have remained totally unchanged, just that they’ve mostly remained unchanged. So stuff like Peter equipping a spider tracer trigger to his web-shooters, sedative stingers, impact webbing, an LED light to tell him when he’s low on ammo and adjusting the design and formula of the webbing over time I am lumping all under ‘mostly not changed’.
Even though objectively by 2006 the web-shooters had changed.
But again why does this demonstrate unfulfilled potential?
Spider-Man’s web-shooters are a brilliant feat of scientific engineering/chemistry and have served him well across the decades.
They didn’t need to be radically re-invented.
True, Ben Reilly found ways to improve upon them which Peter later incorporated. Does this not prove Peter was slacking off, of failing to live up to his potential?
Yes and no.
Yes because there WERE improvements he could have made.
But no because Ben had access to Seward Trainer’s scientific resources, less social responsibilities, a lot more time on his hands and was in many ways far less stressed out. As such he was better able to spend time dreaming up those improvements.
Said improvements by the way equated to wearing the web-shooters on the outside of the wrists, sedative stingers and impact webbing and he had FIVE years to dream all that up.
So you know...hardly him re-inventing the wheel.
The truth is if Peter had been in a similar position to Ben, he would’ve likely dreamed up the same improvements.
But he evidently didn’t need to since the web-shooters worked just fine. Ben himself didn’t spam the stingers or impact webbing during his career as Scarlet Spider or Spider-Man. Nor did Peter in the years after he integrated most of Ben’s adjustments into his own web-shooters.
And he did just fine most of the time.
Any further upgrading to his web-shooters, like the kind we saw in Parker Industries, would’ve required access to resources Peter simply didn’t have.
Fettinger continues that Peter’s relationship with the public he serves is tenuous at best.
Again, this is not an example of unfulfilled potential. This is the result of Spider-Man’s reputation being slandered by Jameson and the wider press getting in on the act. This was proven in ASM v2 #39 wherein Aunt May, decades after Spidey began his heroic career, attempted to find a newspaper that didn’t  have a negative bias towards her nephew and struggled to do so.
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In New Avengers v1 #15 the Avengers attempt to win Jameson over due to Spider-Man’s involvement with the team only for him to turn on the team collectively.
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Combine that with:
 a)     The numerous times Spider-Man has been framed for crimes he was guiltless of
b)     The instances where he was deliberately painted in a negative light, such as when he assaulted a seemingly innocent Norman Osborn in Spectacular Spider-Man #250
 And it was summarily not  Spider-Man’s fault that in his 15 year history his public relations had never been great. Nor was it a negative reflection upon him that he’d been unable to improve them in that time
The public have been fed a particularly strong and buzz worthy narrative for so long that it’d be difficult for him to ever rehabilitate his public reputation without working for the authorities legitimately, being pardoned for any real/perceived crimes he’s been accused of and unmasking publically. Even then it’d be no guarantee.
Not to mention (though Fettinger could be forgiven for not taking this into account from a 2006 perspective) in the world we live in today it’s sadly apparent that news stories about how bad  things are simply sell much more than stories about something positive.
Fettinger continues to say that in spite of Spider-Man’s dalliances with team membership his stubborn independence and feelings of inadequacies ensure he remains a loner and at times a fugitive with many heroes regarding him as poorly as the villains he fights.
This for me was possibly the greatest ‘what the fuck’ moment in this essay.
Stubborn independence. Okay, maybe? Although the message of his role in the then current ‘Civil War’ storyline was that surrendering his independence was a bad thing! By unmasking, surrendering some of his independence to Iron Man and working for the government Peter found himself in an inevitable position. He was trapped from doing the most good by a corrupt system. A system that was actively demanding he help do bad things by rounding up fellow heroes and removing their civil liberties. And in the process he made his friends, family, colleagues, students and general acquaintances targets!
Fettinger didn’t know this at the time, but in truth when you follow the chain of events, joining the Avengers is what led to One More Day.
If Peter hadn’t joined the Avengers and let them know his identity, Charlie Wiederman wouldn’t have gotten approval for his experiments from Iron Man.
If he hadn’t performed his experiments he’d have never become a freak.
If he hadn’t become a freak he wouldn’t have eventually burned down the Parkers’ homes.
If they hadn’t been homeless Iron Man wouldn’t have offered them Avengers HQ to stay at.
If they hadn’t been living there Tony wouldn’t have taken Peter under his wing.
If Tony hadn’t done that, if the Parkers weren’t beholden to him for the roof over their heads and if Tony didn’t know who Peter was, there’d have never been an issue about Peter unmasking publicly in support of the Super Human Registration Act.
If Peter hadn’t unmasked publicly Kingpin wouldn’t have put a hit out on his family.
If Kingpin hadn’t put the hit out Aunt May would never have been critically injured.
If Aunt May hadn’t been critically injured there’d have been no need for a deal with Mephisto to save her life.
Joining a team led to one of Spider-Man’s darkest hours and ultimately his greatest defeat.
So you know…maybe there is something to be said for ‘stubborn independence’.
Moving on…feelings of inadequacy? That’s heavily debatable. Again, see ASM #500. Peter was an ultimately happy person. He had a firm sense of pride throughout his life as much as he’d beat himself up. His inadequacies always came in the form of ‘I could/should have done more to help’.
Typically inadequacies manifest as ‘I’m just not worth it’. Even if you disagree and argue they are more like ‘I’m not good enough’ the context is still different. Whenever someone laments ‘not being good enough’, it’s almost always coming from a selfish mindset. Peter in AF #15 was frustrated about his inadequacies before going off on a power trip. But the older Peter’s frustrations were about his inability to do more for others! Superficially they might be called the same thing, but the internal psychology behind them is very different. Fettinger is attributing the former mindset to the latter iteration of the character.
It didn’t even really apply in the early years of the character. After all his problem in ASM #1 when he tried joining the Fantastic Four was about being too cocky (understandable given his age and experience as a performer) than about feeling himself to be somehow ‘not good enough’ for the team.
But then you get to the part here Fettinger claims these inadequacies and independent streak ensure Peter will at times be viewed as a fugitive. And that’s the point where I began to question near damn everything Fettinger has ever said about the character.
That’s not about Peter.
That’s the result of Jameson and super villains. If he wasn’t so independent or felt so ‘inadequate’ then I fail to see how that’d change his situation beyond other heroes disbelieving the news and vouching for him. But his various friends in the superhero community for many years never fully believed such slander anyway, especially since some of them had been victims of similar stuff themselves.
For instance, circa 1996 (let alone 2006) I find it fundamentally unbelievable that Daredevil or the Human Torch of all people would ever honestly entertain the idea that Spider-Man simply assaulted an innocent man in Spec #250 or (beginning in Peter Parker: Spider-Man #88) that he actually murdered low rent thug Joey Z (a crime Osborn framed him for).
More mind boggling though is Fettinger’s assertion that Spider-Man was (and always had been) a loner precisely due to his independence and inadequacy. This is utterly inaccurate because by 2006 Spider-Man was (to much consternation within the fandom) a member of the Avengers!
He’d been one for 1-2 years at the time of this essay’s writing and it’d been a MASSIVE deal. With hindsight we know that to some extent Spider-Man more or less held some form of Avenger’s status up until 2019, around 15 years after he first joined.
The idea of Spidey always being a loner was also aggressively contradicted by Spectacular Spider-Man #75-100. In those issues Peter and his girlfriend the Black Cat formed a crime fighting partnership. Yes they were lovers but the point is Peter was more than capable of accepting an on-going team arrangement. True their team fell apart with the end of their romance, but that had little to do with his independence or his feelings of inadequacy. Peter broke up with Felicia because she’d lied to him and didn’t value him beyond his Spider-Man identity.
That doesn’t touch on his independence at all and more importantly is an example of Peter doing something because he had too much self-respect to continue to be with someone who didn’t value him properly. Which is the opposite  of things failing because he had issues of inadequacy.
Heck Spidey at one point tried to form his own superhero team, the Outlaws.
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What’s worse is that Fettinger himself wrote a detailed essay about Spidey’s history as a team player.
I’ll leave it there for now. We’ll continue covering the introduction next time.
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ursae-minoris-world · 6 years
I’m back ! :D
Hey everyone ! I’m back and I finally marathoned s7 ! What a ride !!!!
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I loved it. We’re at that part of the story where we finally get answers to our questions, some that we’ve been having since sooo long. And it feels so good (even when the answers hurt ; still closure !).
I loved the development for the story, and for the characters, they all grew so much ?! Including side characters getting really cool arks ? There is such a HUGE cast now, and everyone is so interesting and gets their moments ?!
I was really on the edge of my sit the entire season. The stakes were really high, and it was also such an emotional roller-coaster omg.
For now, let me just go back to all my questions and hopes  for this season !
Because so much were met, I’m so happy !!!
And... let’s put that under a read more, because it is LONG.
Here are just quotes from that post I made about what I was excited for in s7 (it was before SDCC and any trailer / articles etc, based on s6 only (and that one quote from Kimberley Brooks) : 
So much has changed, with new members on the team (Krolia, Romelle), Keith back, Shiro back in his own way : everyone will have to reconnect a little / find their place. 
They totally did, it was particularly explored in “The journey within” where they finally talked about and worked through a lot of stuff, but we saw it in the entire season ! I really like that they got to discuss some stuff like the impact of Keith leaving, and Keith questioning their friendship. Also, reconnecting / bonding with Galaxy Garrison characters as well ! And even bonding more with their lions !!!
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Specially, what’s going to happen with Shiro ? We’ve had this thing with the White Lion, and Josh Keaton’s latest answer at Florida Supercon makes about Kuron and Shiro makes me really curious. And will Shiro get a new altean or olkari arm ?
Wow, I loved Shiro’s development, he was so amazing. I was right to trust the show writers when everyone was freaking out about him not piloting a lion anymore. And he did get an altean arm !!!
edit - OH ! I forgott to add him being canonically mlm and chronically ill ? Blew my mind ?! I loved it. It feels the SDCC was so long ago already, but it is, indeed, s7 content too !!!!
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No Castle ship anymore, so the whole journey will have very different vibes I’m sure. Longer journey, less distractions, everyone in their respective lions… Kind of hoping for a bit of a roadmovie vibe maybe ?
Oh, absolutely. Loved the little slice of life moments. That part with “who goes in which lion and what do we do with the pets” was so cute lol.
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Will the “long sleep” spoiler Kimberley let slip happen then ? Will they need to go in cryosleep for the journey ? Or is it something else entirely ?
Sooo... was it about the time skip between s6 and s7 ? It didn’t feel like them sleeping...
Going back to Earth, how will that turn out ? Will they have prepared for the wars thanks to Sam’s warning ? Will the Galaxy Garrison have attempted to silence Sam ? Is Colleen up to something ? How will Earth react to Voltron and the War in general ? Will Earth already be under attack or become under attack ? I suspect Sendak has that in mind or will think of it soon !
Weeeell. Yes they prepared, yes the Garrison attempted to silence Sam, yes Colleen absolutely got involved, yes Earth got under attack, and yes, it was Sendak’s doing !!!
And in what time frame will they come to Earth ? They have been travelling through space and we know time can do weird things. I didn’t think they would necessarily take it into account in VLD, but Keith’s and Krolia’s experience in the Quantum Abyss show they are not afraid to do it. I’m a bit worried they come home a long, long time after leaving, that could lead to some big angst for those with families back on Earth (*squints at the Garrison Trio*). But yeah big question about what Earth will be up to when they come back !
They totally did that... There was  indeed a timeskip, even if it was about them being in the rift more than theory of relativity.
At least it wasn’t as bad as I feared - I was scared they would come centuries late and their families would be long gone. We still did some family angst for Hunk and it killed me. Loved the family reunions for Lance and Pidge though.
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What will be going on with the Galra Empire ? They are without Emperor again. Will Haggar somehow take the lead ? What is Haggar up to after Oriande, regaining more and more of her memories… Will someone else step up ? Will Lotor be back sooner than expected ? (Come on, I don’t believe he’s dead).
Will we hear again about the other realities ? In s6 Lotor sounded a lot like those Alteans for the other reality, and he was in the Rift…
We don’t know anything yet, aside from the Galra Empire still being divided, but what we discovered at the very end is a big clue. That mecha could be either Lotor’s doing (either with the Colony or with the alternate reality Alteans), or Haggar’s (as she knows now about the Colony through Kuron). The robots attacks being reminiscent of the Komar, I think it might be Haggar’s doing.
I expect this to be a major plot point in s8.
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Oh, and what will Lotor’s generals do NOW ? Poor girls are in quite a situation here.
Oh wow I SO loved their character development ? Ezor and Zethryd were total badasses. Also, is it just me or were there major hints at them being in a relationship ?! I know I ship it !
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And Acxa ?! Totally getting a redemption ark ?! I was so happy to see her and Keith fight side by side and support each other ? I’m so proud of her. Apparently she does seem to have a crush on Keith, aww. I suspect it is unrequited but he does respect her. Well, the future will tell us.
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(I did spent the rest of the season going “where is Acxa ?!” though. I guess this is for s8. I’m getting very curious, because if we didn’t get answers so far, I wouldn’t be surprised if something major is coming this way. Joining the Blades or the Rebels, maybe ?).
What were the Rebels and the Blades up to during S6 ? How did they react to Voltron siding with Lotor ?
Aaaaah ! ;___; I will come back to talk about this, but I knew the Blades and Rebels would be exposed. It still broke my heart to hear about it. And quiznack !!! Voltron writers, did you have to toy with my fear for Kolivan ?!!! I’ve been worried for him since s2. I really thought this was it for him. I’m so glad he survived !
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(yeah this is what worried me. Same for the entire Coalition. I’ll come back about this).
OMG more specifically I’d die to see some kind of reunion between Kolivan, Krolia and Keith. My hopes aren’t too high but DAMN. Kolivan sent them on a mission and didn’t get news of them for who knows how long, I bet he’s super worried, if he doesn’t believe them to be dead.
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What about the altean colony ?! Of course Allura and Coran will want to visit. And Romelle has yet to tell them the horrible truth, hasn’t she ? And OMG as it was pointed out, Haggar knows about them now, oh I’m so worried…
Well, as I said above, this seems to be the next big thing in s8... I fear the worst.
Also, from this post about Hunk :
But when Allura introduced him to his lion, she said “As the leg of Voltron, you will lift the team up and hold them together.” I kind of hoped… he would be more open to the others. I mean, he cares, no doubt about that ; it’s telling, how emotional he got when Keith left. But he doesn’t seem to spend time and talk with his teammates that aren’t Lance or Pidge. He even seem to have bonded more with Matt than with Shiro, Keith or Allura, despite knowing him for a considerably shorter time. Which, again, I get : they have a lot in common. But it’s kind of telling that he stays with people within his comfort zone, and doesn’t seem to reach out that much to others ?
We see Lance evolving and finding his place as emotional support for the team, but Hunk is a leg too and… I think he still has room to improve ? Maybe it’s something he still has to learn and that we will see in the future ? I’d like that.
He shone so bright in “The journey within” ?! ;___; I loved him calming everyone down. Even staying completely unfazed and positive when Keith snaps at him and calls him a coward. And when Keith attempted to leave and he just grabbed his ankle and went “NO !”... I might have squeed a little. :3
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Other stuff that I wished for and I got (even if I don’t necessarily made posts on it):
Keith and Shiro keeping saving each other and holding each other. More insight about their past ! Keith calling Krolia “mom” and them hugging ! Keith and Krolia mourning Keith’s father ! Romelle bonding with the team ! Positive interactions between Keith and Lance ! AND THAT KEITH & HUNK BONDING HAAAAA I wanted it since the Weblum episode and it was so good. Keith and Pidge teaming up.  Getting to know Lance’s family ! (I so love Veronica !). Flashbacks for Hunk’s family !!! Cute Pidge and Lance interactions ! More space wolf shenanigans, and we get to know his name (it was so endearing that Keith just wanted to wait until he would tell him !). SHAY COMING BACK TO HUNK !!! I had given up hope on that one after so long. More allurance cute moments.
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I’m probably forgetting some stuff but...yeah. What a good season.
I’ll come back yelling about a few things very soon ! :)
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therevaliir-blog · 7 years
Announcements: 03-26-2017
Site Changes:
- The Wand (found in Ye Old Sword) has had its description updated.
- Lots up updates to items and their pricings, visit here for the full list and refunds!
- Brittlez has been working tirelessly on a new welcome page that new users will be able to go to as soon as they sign up. This will be separate from the  Starter Kit. She’ll be adding a button to go to the starter kit page from this page as soon as she gets done with this. (She’s  coded most of this herself besides Telly turning it into an html/css page for her) So be gentle! The New Welcome Page This is for new users so they aren't completely lost when they start the site :)
- We discontinued these items:
Goddess Locket- 250 silver. If the owner doesn't own Cure + Heal we will gift them it.
Changling Brooch- 200 + Incognito
Magician's Hat- 300 + Summon Item
Revealing Monocle- 500 + Reveal
Ring of Purity- 150 + Dispel
Heart-Shaped Amulet- 300 + Lucina's Lantern from the Abed Summer Event
Final Breath- 400, was combined with Resurrection there wasn't really a need to have both.
Poison Field- 80, you can literally just cast poison a bunch of times.
Lightning Field- 80, same principal as above.
Dice- 15 
Text Editor:
- The Administration of Revaliir is very, very sorry about the problems with our text editor. Currently, Darros (Telly) is annoyed at all text editors available on the net and he is building his own from the ground up for Rev to use. SO - until that's done we're gonna have to endure the problems this one is giving us. Thank you so much for enduring this terrible problem and we assure you that… THAT IS NOT SCREAMS OF BLOODY MURDER!!!! that you hear in the backend of Rev. (ok it is we're murdering the text editor). But we're trying to get this fixed as soon as possible. Code just takes a long time to write and make sure it works with our current set up. <3
-   Anyone who has problems with their posts get ahold of me. Everyone pasting from ANYWHERE even here highlight your post hit the remove format button. Then bit the bbcode button to see your paragraphs disappear. THEN reinsert all of your paragraphs and put in your bbcode. I understand this is a pain but this is a temporary solution until we roll back the old text editor. I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why some browsers are having it worse than others.
Firefox + Google Docs = Blank space
Firefox + Word Doc/Libre = Aligning left for some weird reason
Chrome + both = removal of all paragraphs (this is the least worrisome out of all of it)
I don't know about edge though because I refuse to touch it :V
-  Darros edited the code on the text editor.  It should strip the formatting on paste now.
Two New Gods Announced!:
We debated for a good hour or more and only two choices remained when we were done. Before we go on to announce the chosen for these spots we decided to go into a bit about choosing them. First: We didn’t choose them out of favoritism. Each has the skills we look for. One of them we shot down multiple times and told them to keep applying and how they could improve. Second: We wanted you to make sure that you knew that *I* wasn’t biased in this. You’ll understand when I get to the results. I was most critical of both of our choices and tore them apart worse than the other two Triune members. If anything these choices had it worse than the other applicants making the scales tip in the other applicants' favors. Now we get on to the god selection: Our new gods are: Porthyrius, the Keeper of the Keys and Secrets of Knowledge and the Arcane, The One with the Silvered Tongue.   Xunatar,  the Chaosweaver and the Lord of Lies. Gypsy(Porthyrius), does an enormous amount of things for Revaliir behind the scenes. She not only draws for us but she has come up with many ideas for the site that we’ve implemented. Every project we’ve ever started she’s joined. Her activity level is second to none (Well maybe myself). She is friendly and helpful to all who come to her. We were worried about announcing Gypsy as well but we believe that her activity and devotion to the site speaks for itself. Brandon(Xunatar), is a moderator on our site. He has been with Revaliir since the June before we opened our doors. He was/is some of the driving force for things we do. He helps all and will rp with anyone. He is the ideal Moderator but we weren’t looking for a moderator when we chose him for this spot. His lore weaving is some of the best I’ve seen(That we have seen). He also have a high activity count, which we count. He can also rp with anyone easily. This is not the first time he’s applied but he has worked on the things we told him too. We’re glad to have him not only as our moderator but as what we hope to be a long standing deity. When selecting him I sat in a different room and he didn’t know a thing about what I was doing. He didn’t know and still doesn’t know that we picked him. This will be the first he’s heard of it despite us living together. Brandon’s selection is the hardest because we worried people would think I was being biased. However, I am only one person out of three and easily out voted. The others saw what I did. An evolving roleplayer who has earned his right to become a deity ontop of his job as moderator. He has an even harder job as I’ll be over him making sure that he gets his stuff done. By no means does he have this easy, if anything he has it harder. I don’t like our deities slacking no matter who they are. Revaliir is our baby and we wouldn’t put any ol person as a deity just because we like them as a person. Overall I owed this explanation to no one. As I hoped that you all would trust in my judgment and trust me to be fair. I’m doing this because I want to be transparent with everyone. Cello and Whitney agreed with that line of thought and we thought this was best. That being said anyone who gets caught ranting to members in the discord or on skype (anywhere it gets reported from) will be issued a warning. We’ve had problems in the past with people thinking we promote favoritism. We don’t. I certainly do not. As I said before those I choose are what I believe to be the ideal person for roleplaying and being an active leader in our community. That’s all I want for this site. However, their applications have to make sense and I won’t sit with rose-colored glasses. I’ve ripped apart their applications down to the single most elusive detail. All in all these two have earned their spots and I’ll be happy to talk to whoever didn’t get the spots and help them with their applications if they want for the future (keep in mind the applications might change for the next round whenever we have them). Brandon’s moderator position will be moved to Xunatar following this announcement. This rounds out the conclave to 6. Unless we see a higher number of people on the site or someone falls this will be the last god selection for a while. Also this interestingly enough rounds out the conclave: 2 good, 2 neutral, and 2 evil.
Just a Reminder:
Rev is getting a whole bunch of new people! We understand everyone is excited but we would like to remind people that they need to read the rules. Revaliir is a high fantasy medieval site with its own lore. We don't go by the real world here nor do we necessarily go by the written lore of others. 1. Only Gods can be Immortal: Lemme explain. There is no rule on age here in Revaliir. We're not talking about THAT kind of immortal. We're talking about being able to take hellfire from another God and living. We're talking about taking so much damage that your body is barely being held together. THAT kind of immortal. That is why Immortal is only reserved for the gods. No mortal(aka not gods) should be able to take that kind of damage and live without an outside source.(say a God healing you) Not dying from illness? Have cure on you. It's a cheap spell. Don't die from poisons (not godly poisons looking at you Dal) but regular poisons? Get cure again. Heck you can't even be killed unless you give permission so your character is practically immortal anyways as long as you don't powerplay. 2. You have to rp with the items in your inventory. We have shops and silver for a reason. This puts everyone on equal footing. Everyone starts off the same. Even the original staff members of the site started out with nothing but their starter packs. That being said your stories don't have to be the same. 3.We are not restricting you. I've been to plenty of rp sites where you can't play whatever you want. We're literally restricting you on one thing, Immortality. The items thing? That isn't a big deal. If you rp a lot and advertise (you get the x3 silver boost for that) you'll have the items you need in no time at all. 4. No one is allowed to have demi-god characters. Don't even Gods can spawn Demi-gods. This makes all characters not gods equal. 5. Even the Triune is equal to the Gods. We get no extra power but the ability to call mandatory conclaves. 6. We restricted our Gods outside of temples to make it more fair for everyone.  Hense the 3 god rules. Past those 3 rules we can't do anything to you without your permission. We can't even kill your characters even in our temples. (because that is fair) You guys have free reign to do whatever you want on Rev as long as it's within the rules. You can have your own kingdom. You can have your own guild. You can do whatever your heart desires within the rules. We don't even have that many restrictions on things like that. We aren't being cruel or unfair by setting rules and guidelines. If you have a problem with it talk to an administrator or try and understand why we have it the way we do. Revaliir is one of the most free-form rp sites out there with its own lore. We truly can't help you if you think Rev isn't for you and we also hope you don't expect us to change Revaliir for you. Do not under ANY circumstances insult Rev staff or userbase because you don't get your way. We're all mature adults/blossoming young adults. If you have problems with stuff get ahold of staff. If you think you need something for character building so you can start get ahold of me. I have 10,000 silver I will gladly help you. There is no excuse for not following the rules, being rude to staff members who are doing their jobs, or screaming we're unfair. You being that way makes it unfair to everyone who are following the guidelines and rules. We will do whatever it takes so that our regular everyday users have peace of mind. This is by no means calling ANYONE out. It has happened one too many times and I will start being the one who handles it if this keeps up. You don't want that and I don't either. I quite like being the bubbly lead administration besides the other two who are regularly in charge of being the mean ones(sorry gals I love you). However, I won't watch our staff or userbase be treated like that. I assure you that I am 10x as worse as the others when warranted so please don't make me be that way because I don't want to be. I want to see Rev grow and become better and also not have a toxic community. Now please everyone get along and be understanding to each other! (Also read up the rules. I posted the Welcome page up that would be a good place to start) Also please remember that most of us do this after a long day's work or in between children needing their parents. This is our fun time too. Sorry for being mean, Brittlez One of the Lead Site Administrators One of the Lead Site Administrators
Staff Breakdown:
In order to better serve the user base of the site, here is the actual breakdown of personnel to seek out when a problem arrives. Please make sure that you seek out the appropriate staff members; if not then the problem will be forwarded to the correct parties. Moderators (Green Usernames): For post related problems, issues with harassment from another non staff member, general questions about the site. Administrators (Blue Usernames): For moving actual threads to their proper locations, activating accounts, moving items, issues with the shop, resetting passwords, distributing silver, having issues with warnings and strikes, having issues with moderators. Triune(Golden Usernames): Custom item creation (Angela Rose), issues with another Triune member, issues with an Administrator, event related problems, issues with Deity members, general questions about Deities and lore. *Angela Rose and Dalenesca may be contacted if no Admin is currently online at the time of needed assistance and either of them are.*
News, Updates, and Revivals:
We've added some new stuff to the site to help people out… and we've updated some old stuff/revived it to check to see if there is any interest. 1. Synth Recommendations + Other Info : This has a list of pricing for trades. Info on a bunch of other stuff like custom items, event items, etc, etc. For more info go read it real quick :) 2. Wish Upon a Star : A weekly Synth Ingredient Lottery that will roll every Saturday has been started. Zanetimm92 is my faithful helper. Read up on the rules about it to get started. 3. The Wishing Well : Rules have been updated to include synth ingredients and synth items. 4. Roleplay Roulette : Has been restarted and I am gauging interest on whether or not to keep it stickied. It was previously left alone due to not only activity but Revaliir getting busy. This is a fun way to get a new/old roleplay partner. Read up on the rules!
0 notes