#other than charlie and pol
soulfireblue · 10 months
i predict that empanada's parents will coparent, pepito's raising will be a community effort (including from those who aren't parents to pepito), and sunny will be a child of divorce
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cheese-water · 11 months
Charlie is right.
Bolas Rojos won today. They got their revenge after yesterday’s beating. They’ve proven themselves as real competitors. They have literally won the battle today.
But they themselves have orchestrated the war.
Peace is no longer an option. All bridges have been burned for the red team. Any sympathy or pity from the other groups was gone as soon as they cemented first place. And even worse, there were many witnesses to their carnage. Primarily ElQuackity on green, who faced them head-on (so much for blaming the base raid on Bad), but Pol and Tina on blue saw those same chat messages. Like Charlie said, in situations like these, people will never forget. These are how grudges are formed, how small decisions lead to larger repercussions, and how consequences end up mattering after all is said and done.
The Bolas can’t go back now. They’ve made their bed of destruction and warfare, and now they have to lie in it. While the actions of the others may have led them down this path, do not get me wrong. They were not backed into a corner. There are many opportunities to do something different. For instance, the trader village or going full-on cult mode were genuinely viable options. Due to the lack of players on today and the players that were online’s motivation for the competition visibly waning, the red team could have easily isolated them each and indoctrinated them into the group.
To be honest, the Reds’ resistance to joining general vc only furthered their “us against the world” and “peace was never an option” mentality. Disregarding everything pre-purgatory, the only person who actually has positive relationships with the others is Foolish, who made an effort to interact outside of the team (1v1 with Étoiles, chatting with Tina and BBH, etc.). Unlike his teammates, Foolish really has set himself up well for the future, be it for trading, secret alliances, or if, for whatever reason, teams switch. And in games like these, that's how you gain credibility; that’s how you end up being pitied; that's how you survive.
And today, guess who won in that regard? The team in last place, SoulFire. Which thank god they did, because steamrolling the competition two days in a row is how you get majorly targeted. Their lack of progress (which was definitely unintentional lmao), the gen vc basically being BadBoyHalo’s “apology” tour for a bit (which again, very unintentionally focused the blame off of the six kills from their equally bloodthirsty leader), but most importantly, keeping Étoiles, the skilled and need I mention literal leader of the enemy team, company when his team was gone has more impact than even they might not realize. I mean, talk about damage control lol. Like going into Day 3, my bets on who’s group will form an alliance first are solely on green and blue.
Anyway, I am happy not only about the Reds getting the win they rightly deserve but also about the fact that they are aware of what they are doing. The moves they have and will make are purposeful, self-aware of their own “let’s all be peaceful” hypocrisy.
On Day 1, Blue and Green got to be the bad guys.
On Day 2, Charlie can’t help but question his own morality while doing the same terrible things that sent him down this spiral to ElQuackity tonight.
But I guess it's the burden that first place has to bear. I’m sure they’ll all get used to it eventually :)
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lavender-romancer · 2 years
Loving girl
Tommy Shelby x reader
CW: suicide mentions, grief
You've always known you would be a better partner for Tommy, after Grace died you had to reassess your motivations for being close to Tommy because he needed a friend more than ever before
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When you were younger it was easier to deal with the unrequited feelings of a teenage crush. Everyone has those feelings when they're around 15, it's not unheard of for them to go away after a few years or even months. But this was incomparably different. You didn't know how to express your feelings in a coherent way to him, the way you had always shown affection towards him was support and material things like buying him cigarettes or baking him something. There was no way to vocalise your feelings because you were so awful with expressing yourself. Instead turning towards sexual and substance based distractions which would allow you to forget about him for a moment.
Tommy didn't care for labels unless there were children involved, he didn't have girlfriends only women he fucked. Grace became his wife because of Charlie and you didn't know if it would have been different if she wasn't pregnant. Tommy Shelby expressed fondness for Grace but nothing which you would call love, responsibility was more important to him.
You so wanted the story of the two of you to end happily, the teasing that the two of you got from the Shelby brothers was enough to make you hope there was something there but it was a story. A story that you liked to manufacture an ending for rather than feelings based in fact. Tommy saw you as his closest friend but since that wouldn't be too popular with his new wife you'd been seeing each other less and less over the years. You still saw the other Shelby's and Michael at the Garrison most evenings and at work but Tommy was scarcely around.
Everyday felt prettier when you saw Tommy, when he was in a room with you it made you feel instantly more comfortable. It had been this way since you were younger, racing to meet him after school and go on a walk together before having dinner at Pol's house. The memories of your youth where your minds just contained an emptiness of anxieties that you'd experience later in life. You'd never seen Tommy quite as anxious as when you saw him after Grace had died. It was the first time the room didn't feel prettier with him being there. you could appreciate the stoic dimness of the lamp on his desk and how the grand windows let in a beautiful amount of light but… just the bags under Thomas' eyes indicated how sleepless these nights had been.
"Got these for you and made you some stuff, don't worry if you don't eat it," you softly placed two packs of cigarettes and a tin of pastries on his desk.
"Thank you," he said gruffly with a nod, immediately looking at the packaging of the cigarettes "The posh ones eh? Spending all that money on me?" He showed the hints of a smile and you took it gratefully.
"I mean, clearly in a slum like this you could do with the glamor of taste," you said sarcastically and he scoffed.
"You always have the worst attempts at humor I've ever heard." Tommy sat back in his chair and rubbed his eyes.
"Oh shut up, now give me one of those and we can chat," you held your hand out and Tommy handed you a cigarette which you lit after you sat down on the chair in front of him.
"Chat, hmm? We haven't done that in a while have we." Tommy reminisced.
"I meant to apologise about that. I should've made more of an effort to see you." You pursed your lips uncomfortably but Tommy waved you off.
"Not at all, she wouldn't have liked you being here anyways. It was a good decision, jealousy can fester from any corner of a friendship." Tommy lit his own cigarette.
"How has today been?" You asked.
"Just as shit as the others. My never ending guilt and the wish I had died instead is still such a strong feeling," he paused "Do you think it will ever go away?"
"That's a lot to ask of your unconscious thoughts, Thomas. They're not usually that helpful in normal situations." You smiled at him and he nodded.
"I thought so, Charlie will now grow up without a mother and that's one thing I can't fix with all the money in the world. It's so frustrating." He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
"How is Charlie?" You changed the subject because you feared that line of conversation would go nowhere.
"You're doing that thing you do again," Tommy looked like he almost smiled.
"What thing?" You narrowed your eyes at him.
"The way you change the subject when I start getting emotional so I don't actually get there," he commented and you shrugged.
"It's what friends do isn't it." You took a deep breath in and out.
"You're too considerate for your own good, Y/n." Tommy tapped the ash off his cig and looked into your eyes.
"Only to you," you said quietly.
"I know, I appreciate it. A lot," he paused "I always wondered what it would be like to have that amount of consideration all the time."
"What do you mean?" Your palms began to sweat.
"Just when I'm imagining a world like that, you know? With more people like you," Tommy paused and smiled sadly at you. "It would be infinitely better than what we suffer with now."
"Tommy… you've drank too much today," you said cautiously looking at the half empty whisky bottle on his desk.
"And yet, I'm thinking clearer." He suddenly stood up and walked over to the window.
"What are you thinking about?" You asked.
"How I want to burn it all," he said in a stoic voice and you could have shivered at how serious it sounded.
"Well I don't think arson would be the best move for you next." You smiled to yourself and he let out a small closed mouth smile before leaning the side of his head against the window.
"It's something Michael said when I met him again, that if he saw the pretty white brick wishing well in his old village again he would blow it up just to see the bricks everywhere. I want to do the same thing to this fucking house half the time," Tommy closed his eyes.
"But this is now Charlie's home, you have to think about consistency with his life from now on." You reasoned and Tommy nodded slowly.
"He's the only reason I haven't done it. The only reason I won't." He walked back to his desk and sat down before pouring another whisky as well as one for you.
"Thank you. So, what's next?" You asked, sitting back on the sofa nursing your glass.
"Business, business, business I think. It's the only way I know to distract myself from the enormity of this fucking house and all the fucking loss that's occurred throughout it." Tommy sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Why don't you tell me about it? The loss I mean." You proposed and Tommy sounded like he scoffed at the idea.
"Turning into my personal shrink now are you, eh?" He asked.
"I'm being a friend." You said simply and he nodded.
"You're right, but I'm not the man for those kinds of conversations. I don't know how to verbalise any of it," he took a drink. "I do sometimes wish we could go back to being 14, lying in wildflowers without any issues we couldn't solve with a bit of practical thinking. Everthing is so fucking hard now, Y/n and I don't think I can cope with it for much longer."
"You don't mean that, we were just innocents but, we all have to grow up at some point and you decided your life path when you got married and had children within the marriage. You can't back out now to go back to a simpler time or something," You placed the glass down and walked over to the desk.
"Why do you fit so well together?" He asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You're so reasonable and caring and you want to help me even though I've been a terrible friend. You like your job and your house and your social life, everything fits together so well. Whereas I always feel like I'm on the verge of the end everyday." Tommy looked up at you and you shook your head.
"You know I'm even better at lying than you are. That's how I do it, fake confidence, fake togetherness. Whatever it takes to get me through the day because eventually it feels normal to me." You reached over and touched Tommy's hand.
"I used to crave a normal routine but then after the war I couldn't deal with the plague of silence that comes with it. Everytime I would have normality it would be colliding with some kind of crisis I created to make my own life more interesting." Tommy rubbed his temple with his other hand and you frowned.
"And what does wallowing in it do for you?" You asked.
"I know, it's fucking deluded of me. But I don't know how else to get through. How do you deal with grief?" He asked.
"Talking about it for a start, I don't know…screaming sometimes works. When my mum died I punched a wall." You laughed and Tommy smiled to himself.
"I can see myself doing the second thing at least, talking about it makes me want to commit. It's just…so fucking sad because Charlie's mum's died when it should've been me. It was a bullet meant for me." Tommy sighed and you walked around his desk to stand in front of him.
"Come here," you beckoned him to stand in front of you and he slowly got up and straightened his waistcoat.
You pulled him into a deeply needed embrace, Tommy hadn't received any type of comfort that had actually worked until now. He cried. He cried for the mother of his child, he cried for the fact that he didn't love her. But most of all he cried for himself, his own shame at being alive.
Peaky Blinders Taglist:
@queenofkings1212 @severewobblerlightdragon @cl5369 @fairypitou @stressedandbandobessed7771 @shadow-of-wonder @hipsternoionlylikeunicorns @curled-hair-red-lips @lucystivinsky1315 @lovemisshoneybee
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atthebell · 4 months
the thing to me about the doied stuff, and this is only partially because i hate angst so i wouldn't be that interested in it lingering, is that if it weren't for the entire shitshow that the server had already become and then worsened into, i don't think it would've taken qcellbit very long at all to figure out it wasn't actually roier. i think he would've figured it out pretty damn fast on his own, and then with pepito's help would've really been like "hey, that's not adding up," and would've gotten to the bottom of it immediately. like i'm not trying to be optimistic atp i truly think that would've been solved very quickly and we would've gotten our beautiful reunion.
but because of purgatory in the first place and then cellbit taking breaks and then the reset (where ccs were told not to do lore heavy stuff and then literally weren't able to regardless), we didn't get any of it. cellbit had to shrug off pepito's attempts at pushing him in the right direction because the admins weren't ready for it/wouldn't allow it (and because he and roier both didn't feel up for heavy rp stuff at the time), and roier never got saved and cellbit never came back to the server at all before the final event. so i think it's a bit unfair to be like "cellbit always said he'd recognize an imposter roier and then he didn't!!!!" when in point of fact he literally could not do so within rp. he had to keep his mouth shut and not get suspicious about any differences, and roier himself was barely ever rping anything differently anyway (and said so explicitly). so what we got was a whole lot of nothing, not through either of their faults (and i don't want to blame anyone other than higher ups and broader communication issues for the choices made here).
idk it just rubs me the wrong way when people ignore meta reasons for things when they really are important for this kind of stuff within the narrative. like, it's not cellbit's fault either that his murder arc got cut short and never got a conclusion-- that was directly because of purgatory! despite him being told literally days beforehand that he could keep going with the arc and get to do all the stuff he planned! it's not baghera's fault that her federation experiment stuff got dropped completely!!! it's not antoine or charlie or max or pol's faults that their shit got ruined! it's not any rper's fault that they were not communicated with appropriately/plans were abruptly changed on them and therefore they couldn't execute any of their planned lore. it's where the cards fell, because of decisions out of their control, and that blows and means there's no canonical closure, but that doesn't mean that like. qcellbit canonically failed to recognize someone else in his husband's skin. it just means that cellboier didn't get to do what they had planned (like four times over, tbc, because they had stuff planned before the eggs went missing, before purgatory, before the reset, and then even after the reset) and the story never got to be finished. which is depressing and disappointing but it feels inaccurate to frame the characters themselves as at fault.
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qtubbo · 8 months
i'm watching bagi's prison day 2 vod and she just made the same mistake as fit by assuming that sunny asking about their pop meant tubbo. i don't expect charlie to log in super regularly but i wonder how long it will take for other people to recognize the difference between pa and pop for sunny.
it'll be interesting to see what happens if she ever gets to meet her other parents too. lenay i wouldn't expect to be more than an occasional presence in her life but pol could potentially see them pretty often if the admin's schedule works with his. also i'm curious what they'll call pol. i don't think she's picked something for him yet. tubbo brings up charlie the most and lenay's body is there so it makes sense for them to be pop and ma.
Everyone got so used to Tubbo being a single dad that even the rest of Morning Crew couldn’t process Sunny having anyone but Tubbo. Also I doubt people will be getting the difference between Pop and Pa anytime soon, Sunny just won’t be talking about Charlie nearly enough as Tubbo to do that. I have been thinking of Pol’s name though since he’s just the least referenced of four, not showing up in fanart or being close to Tubbo, nor having his corpse in the pool. I’m not southern so I wouldn’t be able to guess if there is any other parent names she’d use for him, and I doubt sh’ed use Papa since it’s too close to Pa…she could also go for spanish though.
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tubborucho · 9 months
In my imagination, the Eggs are shapeshifters, but not in a way where they can change their looks on a whim or the looks can change drastically whenever because of something.
For me their looks change when they first imprint on someone (usually parents) and settle more or less down after about a month. So all the test meaningful connections leave a much lighter trace on them.
Like, for example, Sunny looks like she is Tubbo’s daughter through and through. She is not short though, and will outgrow him as a nod to Fit, who was a very important person for her in the past weeks. And it’s kind of locked in. When she will meet her other parents, she might form very deep and meaningful connections with them, but it won’t change her much appearance wise. Maybe her eyes will get just more on a green side from green and blue dichotomy like Tubbo has when she meets Charlie. Blond part just a tad whiter when Lenay. And her brows thicker when Pol. But those are minor things.
This is also the reason why Tallulah still very much looks like a copy of Wilbur, despite being much closer to Phil at this point. Her dragon wings turned dark purple (like royal purple), closer to crow feathers, and her hair is straighter than it used to be, but still very much Wilbur.
And Em looks like a mix of Bagi, Tina, Niki and Mouse, with more of a Bagi traits, she will not get much of Jaiden, maybe her hair will turn a little bit more spiky.
Obviously it’s just my personal headcanon and there are so many cool Eggies designs, you can’t go wrong with it. But that’s how I imagine them.
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evita-shelby · 2 years
A different sort of man
part ii
Gif by @nofckingfighting
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The witch scours through every book on magic she owns, and Thomas spends the time trying to see how different this Tommy’s life is from his.
The tattoo on his hand is different.
Instead of TGC, he sees an entwined E and T. Same monogram on the linens, tiles on the floors and carved on his own desk.
“You got it done on our first anniversary in 1921, we didn’t have Charlie yet.” The witch answers as she tossed another book into the stack and leafed through the next one. “Charlie was born in 1922, September to be exact. We eloped on June 1920 and a month ago we had a church wedding to cover up the Russian business and because our families ---mainly Polly and my aunts--- demanded we pretend to be good catholic people despite us being atheists.”
“How do you know about the Russians?” he tensed.
He didn’t confide in anyone save Polly, he couldn’t trust Grace even after three years. Too many lies, too many things ruined by her presence alone.
Even his family was distancing themselves from him because they can’t stand her.
“Because you tell me things, we are not just husband and wife, we are also business partners, have been since I told you Grace was the rat and told Campbell about Black Star Day.” She answered before muttering a curse, tossed the book and began searching through the couch cushions.
Lucky, lucky Thomas Shelby, this Tommy has a wife he can trust, with a good head on her shoulders and a spark of gypsy magic.
Something gnaws at him because he knows he cannot even begin to comprehend why he even sought Grace out in London in the first place.
“Should your stay last longer than it should, I am perfectly equipped to handle everything the other you has left pending. I act as your proxy when you aren’t available, if I do need you to make an appearance, I will brief you on it.” The witch runs a tight ship it seems.
“Mrs. Shelby, Mrs. Gray is here.” Mary, the same housekeeper he employes said with a little more warmth than her counterpart.
“Thank you, Mary. Please send her in, I am afraid it is rather urgent.” She thanked the housekeeper with a smile.
Grace was not an easy woman to please, demanded perfection, demanded that everyone knew their place and would never have even acknowledged Mary with a smile.
Where had this woman been all these years, he found himself asking.
“71 Watery Lane, with my daj, Ethel Smith.” She answered his unspoken question to his horror.
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“You aren’t you.” Polly cuts to the chase as they meet in his office.
“No. Believe it or not, when I went to sleep my wife’s name was Eva, my son Charlie was five months older and I would have never sought out Grace Burgess for what she did to us six years ago.” Tommy explained to Polly, she was closer to the original one, but there was a coldness to their interactions.
He couldn’t blame her, Eva had told him that Grace believed Pol to have incestuous feelings toward him and assumed it was jealousy and not disgust because she saw her for who she was.
“If only that version of you had your sensibility, boy.” His aunt said with pity aimed at the man whose body he occupied.
This Thomas had a similar tattoo on his hand, except for the monogram Eva has on tiles and linens, there is a G for Grace, a C for Charles and a T for Thomas.
This man’s feelings were not strong enough to keep it just their initials, he had to add the baby that turned a fuck up into his life.
“Yeah, if only.” He found himself agreeing as he tossed the photograph of Grace into a drawer.
This house was a dark and gaudy shrine to her and him, he had not been surprised to know she had not curtailed his less than fashionable décor. Worse, Grace Burgess had enabled him.
Grace’s tastes seemed to exist within the confinements of her wardrobe and even that was questionable.
If Eva were here she would have burned the garish purple wedding dress with unabashed gusto, along with every portrait he commissioned.
He missed her, not even three hours apart from her and he wants to return to her and his much, much happier life.
“What do we know about Eva Smith, granddaughter of Ethel Smith at 71 Watery Lane?” he doesn’t hear the quiet gasp until Polly’s dark eyes zero in at the woman spying on them.
Fuck him, fuck her, fuck them all.
If Grace was just as he remembered, she will be calling the All Saints’ Hospital to throw him in there before the sun sets today.
As if he didn’t already have the Russians to deal with too.
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moomoorare · 11 months
I've seen some hate of red being like ohhh we're the underdogs, but here's the thing. Every time I've been watching a red pov (only one I've watched) what they see is that lots of people for the other teams do log on (even if it's sparingly to us, that's what they see, and remember, the most active player there would be foolish, cellbit too, Phil if he hangs around in VC not on stream. Then Jaiden Charlie log on when they can, usually late, and Carre who knows. So they feel like they have many inactive members, bc when they look at tab they see see who's on. They say Bad counts for three ppl (I mean he's really strong) and they see tubbo and pac,.then they see Tina Niki Aypierre and sometimes even rivers pol, missa and Mariana. So while it's not true that the last ones log on much, what Red sees is that Blue has more active players than they have, so you know, in character they're like FUCKK WE'RE BONED, it's always luck, strategizing and working their asses off that pays off for them.
Also for team green they do feel bad, they do see they have just as many or less active members than them
Idk if it comes off when they argue rp in VC with the other teams, especially with blue, but like right after the banter they come in their own VC and start barking and saying YES RP SUCCESSFUL they love to rile them up for the joke and then just chill and look for biomes or farm tea and apples
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rusty-jester · 1 year
RUSTY what happened on charlies stream i couldnt watch and ur the resident liveblogging mutual i trust u to know what happened
OK OK OK.. imma put this under a readmore since there was. A LOT but heres a quick summary.
Charlie Slimecicle logged on, stream title was 'trust' in binary and he had this skin on;
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He looked around for Codeflippa, but couldn't find her. Cellbit and Philza came over to eggxile, inquiring about his ticket (012). They talked for a minute about it before Codeflippa came down the ladder, causing her and Slime to panic and try and hide her even though the two had clearly seen her. Slime tried to gaslight and threaten them (ineffectively) before Codeflippa said it was okay that they had seen her, and he mostly calmed down. Slime leads them down to the mine/cave after asking Codeflippa if it was alright to show it; he tells them about how he encountered Codeflippa. Phil tries to interrogate Codeflippa a little, but to little results. She says she doesn't remember anything other than her dad and a few other things. Codeflippa gives Slime a book of 'egg tasks' which are; '-FEED THE BABY A FOOD WITH [gibberish] -LEAVE A MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE YOU CARE THE MOST -TAKE PHOTOS OF 5 DIFFERENT PLACES -RIDE A BIKE OFF THE WALL' Cellbit comments that he understands why Slime kept her a secret, since everyone would think he's crazy; Slime says that he's never done anything crazy, his voice then glitches and there was a glitch overlay on the screen for a second. He doesn't acknowledge this. Codeflippa is given a green onion, which she accepts for her first task. Phil and Cellbit try to ask Slime about the corrupted slime on his shoulder, and he dodges the question. Cellbit pokes it and he reacts negatively, saying he felt lightheaded, and then saying he felt fine as his voice glitched again. Roier then joined the party. They talked for a minute before Slime went to go to Mariana's place (codeflippa calling mariana mom) Slime told COdeflippa about the Flippa monument, and insulted him a bit as they waited for the others to catch up. They started putting TNT all over Mariana's house to 'decorate' it, playing a game where they theorized about the code structure behind them. Codeflippa said 'it looks like [gibberish]' twice and Slime 'read' them with the glitchy voice, crashing when he read the second one. Codeflippa got a raccoon she named 'RACCOON F U NN Y :)' Codeflippa and Phil made a L out of tnt on the top of Mariana's house,a nd they deemed that the message. They went to spawn to go do the picture tasks, Pol, Bad and Mouse all meeting Codeflippa. Scaffolding was placed and everyone messed around that for a minute, SLime falling off of it at one point and going down; being revived by Codeflippa. Mouse asked if he was good and Slime said that he was, but again he was glitchy. They then took a picture in front of the federation building, on top of the scaffolding, in the adoption centre, in front of the titan and then near the train station(?) Slime gave Codeflippa his paraglider and a bike, letting her ride off the edge of the wall. He jumped after her in panic without anything to break his fall and somehow didn't die, relived to see Codeflippa unharmed. Cellbit said that Slime could come to him whenever he needed help, and said that Slime could trust him. He wished everyone farewell before taking Codeflippa back to eggxile and putting her to bed, giving her a goodnight kiss. He sat down in the chairs next to the firepit and mused about his day, and how he felt like he was becoming a better parent. He was relived that everyone was so chill about Codeflippa, and said that this was the happiest he's ever been in a while. He ended stream, and his minecraft skin changed to this;
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Events 1.7 (after 1950)
1950 – In the Sverdlovsk air disaster, all 19 of those on board are killed, including almost the entire national ice hockey team (VVS Moscow) of the Soviet Air Force – 11 players, as well as a team doctor and a masseur. 1954 – Georgetown-IBM experiment: The first public demonstration of a machine translation system is held in New York at the head office of IBM. 1955 – Contralto Marian Anderson becomes the first person of color to perform at the Metropolitan Opera in Giuseppe Verdi's Un ballo in maschera. 1959 – The United States recognizes the new Cuban government of Fidel Castro. 1968 – Surveyor Program: Surveyor 7, the last spacecraft in the Surveyor series, lifts off from launch complex 36A, Cape Canaveral. 1972 – Iberia Flight 602 crashes near Ibiza Airport, killing all 104 people on board. 1973 – In his second shooting spree of the week, Mark Essex fatally shoots seven people and wounds five others at Howard Johnson's Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana, before being shot to death by police officers. 1979 – Third Indochina War: Cambodian–Vietnamese War: Phnom Penh falls to the advancing Vietnamese troops, driving out Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. 1980 – U.S. President Jimmy Carter authorizes legislation giving $1.5 billion in loans to bail out the Chrysler Corporation. 1984 – Brunei becomes the sixth member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). 1985 – Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency launches Sakigake, Japan's first interplanetary spacecraft and the first deep space probe to be launched by any country other than the United States or the Soviet Union. 1991 – Roger Lafontant, former leader of the Tonton Macoute in Haiti under François Duvalier, attempts a coup d'état, which ends in his arrest. 1993 – The Fourth Republic of Ghana is inaugurated with Jerry Rawlings as president. 1993 – Bosnian War: The Bosnian Army executes a surprise attack at the village of Kravica in Srebrenica. 1994 – A British Aerospace Jetstream 41 operating as United Express Flight 6291 crashes in Gahanna, Ohio, killing five of the eight people on board. 1999 – The Senate trial in the impeachment of U.S. President Bill Clinton begins. 2012 – A hot air balloon crashes near Carterton, New Zealand, killing all 11 people on board. 2015 – Two gunmen commit mass murder at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, shooting twelve people execution style, and wounding eleven others. 2015 – A car bomb explodes outside a police college in the Yemeni capital Sana'a with at least 38 people reported dead and more than 63 injured. 2020 – The 6.4Mw  2019–20 Puerto Rico earthquakes kill four and injure nine in southern Puerto Rico. 2023 – The longest U.S. House of Representatives speaker election since the December 1859 – February 1860 U.S. speaker election concludes and Kevin McCarthy is elected 55th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.
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michelle-is-writing · 2 years
Babies, Finn Shelby
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I aged Finn to 21 for the sake of the plot. Also, this doesn’t follow season five or six.
Warnings: Talks of baby-making, but no actual baby-making.
Word count: 1.3k~
When Tommy asked Finn to stay late all this week, Finn originally thought it would only be for an hour or so. However, as it would turn out, Finn started coming home around eleven every night exhausted as Tommy would keep him and his brothers so busy. With me being the one to watch the Shelby children (including all of John’s little ones), I was just as exhausted when Finn got home. When our day off came, we were more than excited to just stay in bed and catch up on well-needed rest. However, just as the clock struck six, we both woke up to the telephone ringing downstairs, and without having to answer the call, we both knew it was Tommy asking for Finn’s help today. Begrudgingly, we both got out of bed and got ready for the day.
The good thing is it wasn’t too bad of a thing that we ended up having to work. With Finn going in today, not only did Tommy promise us the next two days off, but he also gave us some extra money for whatever we wanted to do on those two days. Now, finally free, we both simply lie in bed together and enjoy the lack of responsibilities for once.
“So, what all did you do with the kids today?” Finn asks, one arm holding me close while the other rests on my satin-clad hip. It’s only now that we can truly spend time together and relax like we originally wanted to do earlier this morning. We may not have been able to do it at the time of which we wanted to, but at least we get to do it before midnight like every other night.
“Well, after walking with you to the office, I gathered up all the kids and headed back to our place,” I explain, adjusting my head on the pillow we currently share. “Aunt Pol ended up coming over to help since Tommy asked me to get Charlie new clothes as he’s getting bigger, of course, so I took him to shop. I don’t think your brother particularly enjoys shopping like I do, so he wanted me to take him,” At that, Finn lets out a small laugh.
“Darling, I don’t think anyone enjoys shopping like you do,” he chides, causing me to look at him with a curved eyebrow. Quickly, his smile softens and he speaks up once more, but not before dragging his lips against my neck repeatedly. “But there’s nothing wrong with that. Please, continue on.”
“If you keep doing that, I won’t be able to,” I joke, placing my hand on top of his combed down hair. He only smiles at this, but doesn’t stop his assault on my neck. “Afterward, I took him back here and I made some soup for all of us. I think Charlie’s starting to like more things now that he’s a bit older because I actually got him to eat squash today and I have never been able to-“
Within a matter of few seconds, Finn’s mouth has moved from my neck and down to top of my chest where his fingers begin to drag down my nightgown. “Finn,” I say his name aloud, watching him pay no mind to his name being called. At this, I giggle as his kisses only become rougher and his other hand moves to grip my other hip with a firm hold. “Finn, what has gotten into you? You’re- ah, you’re more fired up than usual,” I nearly moan out, his lips halting around the middle of my chest.
“When am I not this way around you?” He asks, his head popping back up at stare at me a questioning gaze. Now that I see his eyes, I realize they’re blown with lust.
“Never, but right now, you’re more eager than any other time,” I explain, sitting up a little to rest back on my elbows. “Was it something I said? Does squash get you going?” I ask, a joking grin taking over my lips.
Immediately, Finn looks taken aback. “What? God, no!” He nearly exclaims, shaking his head profusely. “No, it had nothing to do with that, it’s just...” he starts, but doesn’t finish. His eyes look away from mine and his freckled cheeks turn red with embarrassment.
At this, I sit up more and place a hand against his warm cheek. “Just what, love?” I ask softly, Finn’s eyes still avoiding mine.
“It’s just... hard,” he confesses, quickly continuing on afterward as he finally looks at me. “It’s hard because I want to have babies with you - in fact, I can’t wait to have babies with you,” Finn adds, his words causing my breathing to halt for a moment. His words are surprising enough, but the fact that his eyes continue staring into mine after he stopped talking is even more shocking.
Usually, Finn is timid and he’s not always completely confident in himself or what he’s saying. So, to see him not looking away or explaining himself in an attempt to justify his words shocks me. It’s rare to see Finn confident like now.
“You want to have babies… with me?” I ask, making Finn look dumbfounded.
“I married you; you’re the only woman I want to have babies with,” he states, blunt with each word. Relaxing a little, Finn holds himself above me as his stare never leaves me. “When I first met you, I knew you were going to have my children, and when I see you with my brothers kids, loving on them, kissing them, treating them as if they’re your own, I can’t help but feel the need to give you one,” Finn admits, his hand coming down to rest against my stomach. At his touch, my lips fall open with a small gasp, the movement causing a warm sensation to flow throughout me. Looking up at the ceiling, Finn’s head nods a little. “Well, more than one, but I figure that’s a good place to start.”
For a few moments, silence passes between us before a small laugh leaves my lips. “Okay,” I murmur, wrapping my arms around his neck and leaning up to place my lips on Finn’s soft ones. Immediately, Finn kisses back before pushing me to lie back down and pulling away with a smile.
“Okay,” he repeats my previous statement, nodding to himself as if he were grasping the situation. “Let’s… let’s have a baby,” he states, grinning to himself. I can’t help but share his excitement, my legs coming up to wrap around his hips to pull him closer to me.
“Yes, let’s,” I agree, my head going back as Finn’s lips return to my chest. With a mischievous smile taking over my lips, I say something I know will set him off. “In all honesty, when I first met you,” I start, pausing to let out a small gasp as he moves to focus on the side of my neck. “I knew I wanted to have your babies too.”
For a moment, Finn stops his assault on my neck, sparing me a glance for a few moments before his hands take a harsher grip on my hips and his lips find mine with a newly discovered urgency. Sure enough, my words did precisely what I wanted them to do, and I can’t help but anticipate what’s to come.
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utaxnanami · 3 years
Adoration - Tommy Shelby x fem!reader
A/N: Hey it’s been a while, sorry for that. I currently have no motivation and my energy is going into studying. Might be a bit till a new Anne Shelby update, but I am already working on a chapter. The end is pretty lousy but I dint know what else to write.
Cross posted on AO3
Summery: Tommy and Y/N share a soft moment while taking care of baby Finn.
Warnings: mention of character death
Wordcount: 1165
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Tommy leaned on the doorway to his room, the door slightly ajar, watching Y/N gently sway his baby brother to sleep in her arms while humming a nursery rhyme. It distantly sounded like something his mother used to sing him to sleep with when he was younger, but he couldn’t remember the lyrics, the memory too foggy.
Everything has seemed so surreal since her death; the day uncle Charlie broke the news to them, the funeral preparations, the funeral itself and now the time after the funeral. He could still hear his mother humming in the kitchen or scolding him for dragging in the mud with his dirty work boots. Walking past his younger siblings’ room he would imagine hearing her tell goodnight stories to John and Ada despite them insisting that they were too old for that. When he laid in his bed at night, he could imagine hearing her down in the dining room gossiping with Pol about the neighbors.
But in reality, the house was very quiet.
Finn’s fussing pulled Tommy out of his grieving. The amused smile that graced his lips at the picture before him was a welcome change to the frown that had taken over his features lately. Y/N had tried to put Finn in his crib, believing he had finally fallen asleep. But Tommy was apparently not the only one who cherished her undivided attention. With a huff Y/N had pulled the baby back into her arms and continued her humming.
Seeing her handle his baby brother so patiently made Tommy fall in love with her even more. She didn’t have to do this – he told her so often enough – but she was persistent to help. After his mother’s death she had swooped in and helped out wherever she could, whether it was taking care of little Finn while Polly took some well-deserved time for herself away from the chaos that was six watery lane or just help out with the housework. All that while also working herself. She was amazing and Tommy didn’t know what he would do without her.
He had known her since school. Back then they had barley exchanged more than few words with each other. It wasn’t until four months ago that they really got to know one another. Freddie was seeing one of Y/N friends at the time and for some reason he had roped Tommy into a double date. Why he had said yes, he couldn’t remember, but now he was incredible thankful that he had. They had clicked instantly – sharing their love for horses and their respective families.
Having enough of just observing her, Tommy decided to enter the room, which caught Y/Ns attention. She greeted him with one of her beautiful smiles, making Tommy break out in a smile as well.
“He won’t sleep?” Tommy whispered while approaching her.
“Little Finnie just wants to be held; I think.” There was a chuckle in her voice and Tommy’s smile grew bigger.
“Oh yeah? I can think about at least one other that likes to be held.” He said while laying his arms around her middle from behind and placing a kiss on her cheek. Y/N settled into his chest and turned her head to give him a proper kiss, then grinned from ear to ear at him.
“What?” He grinned back, waiting for one of her silly jokes.
“Got dirt on ya face, right there.” She pointed at his cheek with her nose.
“Here you say?” Tommy took his opportunity to mess with her and rubbed his dirty cheek all over hers, making her squeak and try to worm herself out of his embrace. But he kept her in place while he continued, until Finn started to protest that was.
“Jealous, eh?” He regarded his brother, letting go of Y/N.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Tom, he’s just a baby and you interrupted his sleep.” She settled Finn back into her arms and gently swayed till he quieted down again.
“Haven’t you noticed how ‘es been slowly steeling you away from me? Drawing you in with his sweet face.” Tommy was playfully pouting, pretending like this truly bothered him.
“Finn is not the only one with a sweet face around ‘ere.” She teased.
“You calling me pretty?” Tommy batted his eyelashes at her, knowing that she was jealous of them.
“No, I’m calling myself pretty.”
“Oh, you are pretty, alright,” Tommy pulled her back into his arms, “and beautiful,” he placed a kiss on her cheek, “stunning even.”
“Are you only with me because of me looks?” Now it was her turn to pout, but the teasing glint in her eyes told Tommy that she wasn’t offended.
“Maybe.” Tommy grinned, earning himself a slap on his arm from her.
“How dare you, Thomas.” Y/N gasped for the dramatics, turning her back on him. “And here I thought I was with the one man that loved me for me brains.”
“Forgive me, my lady,” he started with a sarcastic posh accent. “How utterly foolish of me to not recognize your intelligence sooner. I hope you can forgive a low-level peasant like myself, who only wishes to bask in your royal presence.” He finished his little act while falling on his knees before her. For a moment they both keep a straight face before breaking in silent laugher, trying to not wake Finn who so far seemed to stay asleep. Standing up again he takes her one hand that isn’t supporting the infant in his and gives it a squeeze.
“In all honesty thought, you are the smartest, most compassionate person I know. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Y/N– to this family really – and I don’t know what I would have done without you these past few weeks.” Tommy looked her deep into the eyes, holding his serious expression.
“You are giving me too much credit here, Tom.” It was her drawing him close this time. “You make me sound like I am a saint, and we both know I have my faults.” She gave him a quick peck on the lips, but he cupped her face in his hands and deepened the kiss, but it didn’t turn heated, staying sweet and almost innocent. When they drew back, they rested their foreheads together, both of them having their eyes still closed from the kiss. Just enjoying each other’s closeness for a moment.
“I love you, Tom. I could not imagine a better, more loving man on my side. You do everything for the people you love, even if it means that you get the short end of the stick again and again and again, just to see them happy. You deserve nice things too, love. Let them come your way for once.”
There were no words exchanged after that. Just smiles and loved filled kisses. Y/N put Finn finally into his crib, the boy having miraculously not woken up.
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mlwritersguild · 2 years
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Miraculous Writers' Guild presents: the MWG Official Playlist!
For our August Event and in celebration of our two year anniversary, we asked our members to first submit songs of their choice to the playlist. These songs were anything from ones that remind us of Miraculous Ladybug and its characters, of specific fics, or just songs that make us inspired to write in general! Everyone was allowed to submit up to three songs, and these are the songs they chose! (See the full track list and contributors after the break)
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We're so happy to be celebrating 2 years with everyone, and we can't wait to see what the future holds. Happy anniversary MWG and happy listening!
Follow and listen to the playlist on spotify!
1. every little thing she does is magic by the police [by @maggies-scribblings]
2. like i’m gonna lose you by meghan trainor (feat. john legend) [by @team-leo-v]
3. …well, better than the alternative by will wood [by @azuriteartist]
4. limits by little violet [by @azuriteartist]
5. tt by twice [by @marvelousmsmol]
6. le tourbillon by jeanne moreau [by @2manyfandoms2count]
7. follow you by imagine dragons [by @ladybugs-and-black-cats]
8. atlantis by seafret [by mod stsi, who deactivated their tumblr]
9. venus in blue jeans by jimmy clanton [by @alexseanchai]
10. halfway (reprise) by original caste of amélie [by @multimousenette]
11. the moon will sing by the crane wives [by @theladyfae]
12. what’s wrong by half•alive [by mod stsi *SHAMES*]
13. build me up buttercup by the foundations [by @alexseanchai]
14. eulogy by charlie allen [by @marimeetsmischief]
15. amazing by rex orange county [by @deinde-prandium]
16. where do we go from here by original cast of amélie [by @multimousenette]
17. it’s time by imagine dragons [by @marvelousmsmol]
18. youth by daughter [by @team-leo-v]
19. love bug by gfriend [by @xiueryn]
20. la vie en rose by édith piaf [by @strangerahne]
21. pictures of you by the cure [by @strangerahne]
22. lua by bright eyes [by @sunfoxfic]
23. paper rings by taylor swift [by @bugchat]
24. metaphor by the crane wives [by @theladyfae]
25. moondance by van morrison [by @strangerahne]
26. black cat by mayday parade [by @charcoalhawk]
27. papillon by the sonder bombs [by @marimeetsmischief]
28. shut up and dance by walk the moon [by @charcoalhawk]
29. it was always you by maroon 5 [by @2manyfandoms2count]
30. fearless (taylor’s version) by taylor swift [by @2manyfandoms2count]
31. don’t let me fall by lenka [by @thedreadpirateholmes]
32. you don’t know me by ray charles [by @thedreadpirateholmes]
33. hello by weeekly [by @xiueryn]
34. still into you by paramore [by @team-leo-v]
35. the hawkmoth rap by keith silverstein [by @hanaasbananas]
36. feel special by twice [by @marvelousmsmol]
37. cute boys with short haircuts by anneliese van der pol [by @queer-cosette]
38. hurting each other by carpenters [by @alexseanchai]
39. the sun is in your eyes - voice memo by jacob collier [by @deinde-prandium]
40. shallow river by the crane wives [by @theladyfae]
41. glimpse of us by joji [by @bugchat]
42. lay low (acoustic) by david benjamin and conro [by @bugchat]
43. page 28 by sleeping at last [by @sunfoxfic]
44. in case you don’t live forever by ben platt [by @multimousenette]
45. death valley by fall out boy [by @azuriteartist]
46. i’m serious by day6 [by @xiueryn]
47. the lovecats by the cure [by @maggies-scribblings]
48. walk in the sun by mcfly [by @hanaasbananas]
49. on top of the world by barbie [by @queer-cosette]
50. i’m still here (jim’s theme) by john rzeznik [by @thedreadpirateholmes]
51. to the end by blur [by @maggies-scribblings]
52. you, dear by eloise [by @deinde-prandium]
53. dream boy by waterparks [by @miabrown007]
54. daisy by karine polwart [by @queer-cosette]
55. oh! gravity. by switchfoot [by mod stsi *shames*]
56. i’ve got you by mcfly [by @hanaasbananas]
57. rabbit heart (raise it up) by florence + the machine [by @marimeetsmischief]
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geekwritersworld · 3 years
Hiii El. Can i request something where the sister messed up somehow, sold drugs ? maybe stole ? and the brothers find out and are angry as hell because they thought she was innocent and stuff ? and they yell at her and maybe one of them, john or tommy slaps her (messed up, i know) and they re dissapointed and shit and she s messed up and crying and thinks they hate her and stuff ?
thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
and by the way you re such a good fucking writer !!
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Y/N
warnings: angst, mentions of Tommy being a little bitch, drugs
summary: as stated above in the request.
A/n: Grace is very much alive here, not because I like her, but because she's vital to the fic. Secondly, I’ve never done drugs nor do I plan to, so please bear with the terrible description of her being high, Thirdly, excuse the shitty writing, i honestly don't think I have a defense at this point.             Also I do apologize anon for getting your request out so late, I did start working on it when you sent it in, but my pet passed a way and so I needed to take a step back.
As always, feedback is more than welcome. Thank you for requesting  Anon🤍❤
Despite their unescapable arduous lifestyle, the Shelby's always protected 2 people and made sure they had as little to do with the business as possible.
Ada and Y/n Shelby.
Ada always fought back, hating the way her brothers wouldn't let her breathe for 2 seconds without being overly protective.
Y/n on the other hand was the quiet one. She didn't bother to up a fight like Ada, not because she was timid but because she just didn't want to give her aunt or brothers any reasons to rage on. 
She didn't always comply either, for instance when Tommy told them he was marrying Grace. It was the first family meeting Tommy had let Y/n into, and it was the first she'd stormed out of.
She'd come around, however, after a lot of convincing from John.
It wasn't surprising either that John had been the one to talk to her. He always did understand better. She was closer to Tommy, but John always had a special place in her heart for being the fun light-hearted one.
Accepting Grace became slightly easier when she put the idea of Y/n living with her and Tommy on the table one evening. 
And though at first Aunt Pol scoffed, she knew it was a good idea. She only scoffed because she didn't like the idea of another Shelby living under the same roof as the ex-undercover agent.
Before anyone had really even settled into Arrow house, Charlie decided to join them.
After Charlie's first birthday, Y/n found herself feeling lonelier. The Shelby's were scattered. 
Each one living in different destinations made it difficult for her to visit them; she wanted to see them under one roof again. And though she'd insisted on it with Tommy, it had yet to happen.
When the house was bright with the sunlight pouring in through the windows, Y/n found it easy it distract herself; whether it was by occasionally helping out in the kitchen since she loved to cook, or helping Grace with Charlie Y/n found a way. But when the house darkened, the lights turned off and the moonlight barely made it through the windows and it got quiet, y/n found it difficult to distract herself.
There was only so much she could do.
It was the result of such a particular night that Y/n found herself wandering the cold streets of Warwickshire late at night. There were the occasional couples, drunk and high as kites that stumbled past her.
She couldn’t help but observe them closely. They seemed free, not a care in the world. She didn't remember the last time she felt even a little carefree.
So she followed the noise, everyone knew, pubs had dealers and so to a Pub she would go.
It was loud, the music wasn’t the cause, ironically, but the people. They danced and giggled. The occasional drunk man would holler something only he understood  and no one else did, but everyone was too drunk to care.
Y/n slid into an empty seat, watching the crowd carefully trying to spot any dealer.
And she almost didn't catch it, the swift, movement of the hand across the table. But once the man grabbed the drug and slipped out of his seat, she made her move.
Carefully she approached the man, knowing she'd only get one go and she'd never done this before unlike her brothers.
"And how do I know you're not working for the coppers? "
"If I was, I wouldn't wander in here by myself at bloody one in the morning would I?" she knew it was stupid to tell the man she was alone in there, but she didn't know how else to prove that she wasn't working with the cops.
"Right" still suspicious with narrowed eyes, the older man slipped 2 tiny bottles with the drug across the table as she slipped him the money.
Adjusting his hat, he watched her get up and thank him.
"I find out you're with the coppers, I will fucking shoot you" his thick accent would have sent shivers down anyone's spine, but not y/n.
 She was a Shelby and though she'd never been involved in the illegal side of the business she'd heard and seen her fair share.
"yeah alright, and I'll give you my gun to make it easier eh" she turned around and walked away, not waiting to see his reaction.
A Shelby would have been more cautious of their surroundings despite being a few minutes away from their home, but not Y/n. 
 A part of her felt excited that she didn't care to watch her surroundings, and the rest of her was nervous.
Of course, she'd have to keep this from Tommy, he wouldn't exactly pat her on the back for buying and using drugs at 1 in the morning.
She managed to get in and out of the house unnoticed, and while she silently and quickly crept up the long stairway, she walked right into somebody. She hoped it was grace, but Grace didn't feel like a wall when you walked into her.
she was glad she'd slipped the bottles into her coat pockets because Tommy made sure to look at her carefully when she walked right into him on the stairway.
"where are you going one in the morning eh?" he was soft yet stern; she was safe but he didn't know why she'd have stepped out at that time.
"taking a walk, couldn't sleep" she breathed out, looking up at him.
"right" it shouldn't have hurt her as much as it did when he simply just nodded and turned around and climbed back up to go to his room.
She wanted him to tell her to be careful; get mad even. But he didn't. Because she wasn't Grace or Charlie. And she wasn't much of a priority as she once had been.   With slumped shoulders, she followed after him, only changing directions to go to her room.
closing the door and softly locking it, she slipped off her coat and turned on the light, after wrapping her fingers around the bottles and sitting down in front of her bedside table.
Carefully pouring the contents of the bottle onto the table, Y/n discarded the bottle and hid the other one. And stared at the white powder. Deciding to just imitate what she'd seen Isaiah and Finn do, she bent forward and inhaled it  while pressing her index finger against the side of her nose to inhale better through one nostril.
She felt the disorientation kick in first, then the relief.
Y/n didn't know what time it was. Had she been wobbling around her room for minutes or hours? she didn't know. She only knew that she’d felt as if life was to be taken in a stride and not be worried about. Something she’d never felt nor thought in her life.
They sounded like murmurs at first, but as the haze slowly passed, she could tell the voices for what they were, screams. Her nose burned a little, and there was a slight throb in the back of her head, though it took her a few minutes to recall the events of the previous night.
"What the fuck were you doing at their fucking pub, at the Ralphs fucking pub?"
 before she could even sit up from the floor where she fell asleep, Tommy was pointing his finger at her, raging.
"Do you fucking know who the bloody Ralphs are? We called a bloody truce with them right, under the condition no fucking Shelby steps foot inside their pub, and you've gone and fucked it up!" Tommy's ramble took a few seconds for Y/n to completely comprehend, and once she did, her eyes went wide with realization.
"I didn't know Tommy" she tried to defend herself, which was quite a weak defense, she felt.
"They'll bloody come after us, after Grace after CHARLIE" the Shelby sister didn't even notice when Tommy had inched closer to her, in her panic.
But she certainly didn't expect Tommy's rough palms to collide with her cheek. Her brain felt dazed for a few seconds, refusing to accept that her older brother had just slapped her.
Her breathing slowed, not because her cheek throbbed but because the man that protected her from everything, the one who tucked her in at night and held her when she had a nightmare, was the one to hurt her in a way she never thought he would. 
she knew she fucked up, but not to the extent that her brother would hit her. She didn't see it coming.
It wasn't exactly something anyone saw coming from their brother.
 Slowly turning her face towards Tommy, her fingers brushing over the sensitive red skin on her face, she expected Tommy to apologize. Instead, she was met with the sight of his back as he stormed out of her room.
"Get the fuck out, Go to Ada's or fucking John's. I don't care where you fucking go, just get out"
She didn't see that coming either.
Grace's quick steps could be heard, she was probably trying to calm Tommy down. Y/n knew she couldn't stay. Not when she put Tommy's wife and son in danger and when he asked her to leave. She knew Grace would try to come in and talk to her but she wouldn’t stay after what she’d done.
Grabbing only a few of her things, she knew where she was going. Ada had a lot of y/n's belongings at her house from y/n' s previous stay overs.
Pulling her coat, the door to her room was slowly opened completely. Before anyone could hear and object, the youngest Shelby had quietly slipped out of the house once more.
It was far colder than she'd realized.
And the coat over her short-sleeved shirt didn't do much to keep her warm. The streets were scattered with a few men and women. There weren't many children, after all, why would they wake at this ungodly hour?
She walked to Ada's, though she wanted to go to John, but he lived way too far and Ada’s was just closer.
She did get a few stares and furrowed eyebrows at her appearance that early in the morning. But the walk had given her enough time to realize that getting high at 1 in the morning and then being thrown out at 5 am by your brother didn't exactly give you the sense nor time to look presentable.
Y/n’s eyes watered every now and then. Being a Shelby meant that she didn't have the liberty to show any emotion, so the tears were quickly brushed away and replaced with a cold and stiff stare.
Arriving at Ada's door, Y/n knocked; hoping her older sister would be awake that early.
"what do-" she'd clearly been asleep, and only awoke because of her little sister’s knocking." y/n, what the bloody hell are you doing here 5 in the morning?" she asked while opening the door wider for her to step in.
"I fucked up" was all she could get out before she stepped foot into the house, sat down on the stairs, and broke down.
Shutting the door, Ada was quick to grab another coat and wrap it around her little sister, whose own coat obviously wasn't enough.
"what are you talking about?" Ada sat down next to y/n and pushed her unruly hair back before putting her arm around y/n.
Within the next few minutes of y/n relating everything from her sneaking out and getting high to waking up to Tommy screaming at her about her going to another gang owners pub and being asked to get out, Ada's expressions varied from amusement at her sister sneaking out to anger at Tommy hurting his youngest sister.
"fuck" Ada sighed. She wasn't angry at Y/n. Because she herself was no stranger to what it was like to be lonely.
she knew it all too well. She was surprised y/n had gotten high, then again she could only be so surprised when all her brothers and almost everyone they knew, got drunk and high.
But she was fuming at Tommy for slapping y/n. Ada knew Tommy could be an absolute bastard at times, but she'd never thought of Tommy would ever hit his own sister. It was the one thing she always put past Tommy. Something far too beneath him.
"I didn't know Ada, honestly, I didn't" y/n whispered " he hates me Ada, he hates me so much". She sounded as weak as she felt. 
The mental exhaustion as well as physical started to hit her now and she was glad she'd been sitting down.
"Tommy could never hate you no matter what, we'll figure it out. This insane bloody family always does"
Ada helped Y/n get comfortable into her room and sat with her until her younger sister fell asleep.
 Once she was sure y/n was out for the count, she hastened to shut her door while leaving Y/n’s room and quickly picked up the telephone to call Tommy. She stabbed the numbers in, rather.
"Have you lost your fucking mind Thomas!?" her voice , though a whisper so as to not wake Karl or y/n, was still heavy with anger.
"I know Ada, but she fucking went to the fucking Ralphs pub" Tommy tried to reason
"how the fuck is she supposed to know who owns that fucking pub? Its not like you bloody tell anyone anything. Even if she did, slapping her Thomas? she thinks you fucking hate her,  you're a bloody bastard for that"
"I'm on me way" he sighed, Ada knew that her older brother realized he'd messed up , and though she was slightly hesitant at the thought of letting Tommy see y/n after what he did, she also couldn't keep him from doing so, since she knew nothing good ever came from avoiding the problem.
Tommy felt the anger slowly subside, though he was upset and worried, he knew he'd fucked up the moment he left y/n's room.
Ada telling him that his little sister thought he hated her, made his heart drop.
All the Shelby's knew that Tommy loved his wife and son. But they knew that he had a special place for y/n in his heart.
He'd always been close to her. He'd taught her to ride horses, made sure to sit with her till she fell asleep, held her hand whenever she was scared. He always knew when she was upset, and he was the only one how could ever cheer her up. 
But that was all before the war, after however, things between him and his little sister did change but not too much.
He still her hand whenever she was afraid, he knew whenever she was upset and he tried to cheer up as much as he could.
He never really thought about how far apart he and Y/n had drifted, until that very moment when he frantically drove to Ada's house that morning.
"Ada" Ada had never looked more disappointed in him. Tommy of course wouldn't admit it, but the look on her face did make his heart sunk even more.
" she's in the kitchen" she didn't even look him in the eye.
nodding, he walked inside, turning towards the kitchen.
The sight of his sister hunched on the chair , with a coat wrapped around her , her slim fingers holding onto the cup of tea for, apparently, dear life, made him feel far more worse than he already did.
Loosing the trust of the one person he needed it most from would break him even further.
'Y/n" he didn't remember the last time he spoke that softly, but he was sure it was much before the war.
Her head jerked up the moment she heard him. She didn't think for one second he would come to her ever again after what she'd done.
"Tommy " Tommy wasn't sure if it was relief or fear he saw in her blue eyes. Aunt Pol did always say that she had eyes like him.
"Right listen, I shouldn't have" he pulled the chair out and sat across from, not sure if she'd feel safe sitting next to him. "it happened in the moment, if I was thinking or in my right fucking mind, I wouldn't have done that" he struggled to find words to explain "I shouldn't have slapped you, and for that" he sighed "I'm sorry"
She hadn't looked him in the eyes either like Ada, except Y/n didn't because she was far to disappointed in herself and not him,
"its not your fault Tommy" she finally looked up at him, taking in his sunken eyes
"I should've never gone to the pub in the first place"
"You're a Shelby, eh, if you don't go to a fucking pub where else would you go? "he tried to lighten things "Look ill fix it with the Ralphs alright. And I don't hate you. I couldn't do that. I love you and if you decide to stay with Ada I understand "
"I don't want to stay at Ada's"
"Oi!" Ada stood in the doorway.
Y/n gave a small smile at her older sisters quip
"What I mean is, Tommy, I'm sorry for sneaking out, but I just-you haven't been around a whole lot either. I mean you're home, but its either with Charlie or Grace. I'm not-I'm not saying they're not important, its just that maybe you could spend an evening or two with me. With everyone living so far apart....I don't know" she sighed, feeling small" it gets a bit lonely I suppose"
Tommy saw the extent of how far apart they'd drifted, now. Charlie was a year old, and he hadn't spent any time with her in over a year.
And it wasn't because Grace needed help with Charlie or he wanted to spend time with his son; there were days when Charlie would be asleep and Tommy would just sit in his sons room and stare at nothing, until grace would come get him.
"fuck" he bowed his head slightly, knowing he'd fucked up big time." alright, if you come back, how about you and I take that fucking vacation Arthurs been on me about?"
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Writer (part 10) Final Chapter - Epilogue
Warning - childbirth
Massive thank you goes out to @heidimoreton for your trust and faith with your idea - couldn't have done this without you 💖
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @peakyciills @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @cilleveryone @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06 @datewithgianni @heidimoreton @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch
It had been nearly a full year since that first encounter. Twelve months of pure bliss. Your roommate was married to your brother now, and had a job as Charlie's tutor - Thomas still hadn't allowed him back at the school so Laura had been hired as his home tutor. You'd moved into Arrow House when you discovered there was a mini Shelby on the way.
"Y/n, come here..." Polly had been over that morning to help you make plans for Christmas dinner. Your brother and Laura were coming, along with the Shelby family, and you were panicking about the whole thing. You wanted it to be perfect. You entered the kitchen where Polly suddenly grabbed under your left breast, and you instantly pulled away.
"What are you doing?"
"Just stand still will you?"
"Stand still while my boyfriend's aunt gropes me??"
"Yes." You furrowed your brow in confusion but allowed her to continue.
"This isn't awkward at all Polly, wanna tell me what's going on?" Thomas walked in right at that moment, and froze instantly.
"Polly... Polly what are you doing?" He eyed her, but not suspiciously like you did. It was more of a 'knowing' kind of look.
"Well well Thomas.. hardly surprising considering you two can barely keep your hands off each other..." She smirked.
You were totally confused, darting your eyes between them
"Someone wanna enlighten me?"
Tommy looked to the floor, rubbing his eyes, before smiling. A huge grin, followed by a long sigh.
"Remember telling me you didn't have children with Jack because you thought you couldn't have them?" Polly asked and you nodded, still trying to work out what was going on.
"You weren't infertile, y/n." Tommy leaned against the door, his eyes slightly damp as he glanced at your stomach. The penny still hadn't dropped.
"Someone want to tell me what the fuck is going on here?"
Tommy nodded at Polly who left the room, smiling to herself. Tommy pulled you over to him, his hands stroking your arms.
"After Grace died, I vowed never to love again. It felt like I would be cheating on her, disgracing her memory. She didn't need replacing, and I certainly couldn't replace her. When you lost Jack, you felt the same, which is exactly why I think fate brought us together. We discovered there was enough room in our hearts for another love. Now, it seems we need to make room for one more." His right hand took yours, and he placed them both over your stomach gently. The penny dropped, and your mouth hung open in stunned silence.
"I'm... I'm pregnant?"
"You are. Pol?" Polly came back in and threw her arms around you, squealing with delight.
"But I didn't think I could... Jack and I tried for years..."
"You clearly weren't the infertile one, y/n. I'd say you're around six weeks already, you're glowing! That's how I could tell," Polly had tears in her eyes, and you felt your emotions coming to the surface.
"I can just about handle one of you crying, both of you will send me over the edge, knock it off!" Thomas laughed, wiping his eyes on the back of his sleeve making your eyes water more, a choked sob leaving your chest.
He pulled you close, his chin resting on the top of your head as you sobbed with happiness into his shoulder.
"A baby..." You choked.
"Our baby. And now we know you can have them, don't think we're stopping here either," he winked, making you grin. You'd have a football team of Shelby's if you could.
Present Day
You were both lying in bed having a lazy Sunday morning. Tommy's hand drifting over your baby, still tucked warmly inside you but due to make her appearance in the next two weeks. Occasionally she would kick his hand - the clear bump visible making both of you smile.
"She's going to be famous - Polly told me," you grinned, clasping your hand over his, resting it where she'd kicked.
"She's going to be beautiful. Any thoughts on names?"
"Yes. What do you think of Jacqueline Grace?" You asked, nervously. A mix of the two people who'd brought you both together. He looked down at your belly, moving his body down to kiss it lightly, smiling.
"I love it. It's perfect.. thank you.."
You grimaced slightly as a sharp pain shot through your abdomen, you'd had a few over the last few days but put them down to over exertion - you'd refused to rest up like Tommy had ordered, continued the renovation planning of the house.
"You okay?" He asked as you tensed.
"Yes - Ada warned me about this, it's just my body preparing that's all, nothing to worry about." Your hand suddenly tightened on his as another pain gripped you, you sat up and gritted your teeth.
"Shit..." Tommy gasped as a sudden gush of water flooded the sheet underneath you. He looked to you, both of you panicking but smiling through the fear.
"Call Polly - I think your daughter wants to meet us a little earlier than planned!" He kissed you, then shot up and ran down the stairs to the phone in his office.
You stood up, walking round in circles, rubbing your belly as another wave of pain took over. You were doubled up, haunched over a chair when Tommy came back in the room, panting through the pain.
"She's out - Michael's out looking for her... We need to call a doctor -"
"No! I wanted this to be family only Thomas, I don't want doctors fussing or drugs, I can do this without them... Just rub my back, please.." he moved to your side, his hand stroking firmly over your lower back.
"I don't know what to do y/n!"
"You do as I need you to do, then when Polly gets here you can leave if you need to.."
"Not a chance am I letting you go through this alone - I'm staying right here if you'll let me?" You turned to him surprised, but nodded.
"Fuck... Tommy this really hurts..." Another wave of pain. "Take me downstairs, I need water..." He led you slowly down the stairs into the lounge, before fetching you a glass of water. You paced the room, the pressure in your pelvis was excruciating but you tried to remember Ada and Polly's advice as much as possible - breathing slowly, staying calm.
"Thomas where is she?!" You screamed, leaning over the back of the sofa. The contractions were coming quickly and getting more painful. Weren't these things supposed to take hours?? Days even??
"Come lie down, rest - you need to keep your strength up..." He lay you down on the floor, but you quickly realised that wasn't what you wanted. You moved into a kneeling position, your upper body resting against Tommy's chest as he breathed with you through each contraction.
"Tommy, I can feel her pushing down..." You panted. He suddenly took charge - lifting your nightdress up and ripping your panties away from you. Reaching a hand between your legs, he pulled away sharply.
"Then push - she's coming now whether Polly is here or not, I can feel her head - Push!"
You bore down, gripping onto his shoulders for support. The pain was stifling. His hand between your legs, he could feel his baby's head slowly pushing through.
Pulling away from you slightly, he grabbed a cushion from the sofa and placed it between your knees.
One of the maids must have heard the commotion, and she entered the room carrying a bowl of cool water and towels.
"Mr Shelby let me help, I've delivered three sisters..." He nodded, holding your nightdress up by your waist as Clara focussed on the baby.
"Thomas Shelby, you put that cock anywhere near me again and I'll cut it off, you hear me??"
"Shh now you know that's not true.... I've got you, come on... I'll breathe with you, eh?"
"Mrs Shelby you need to pant - do not push until I tell you to, okay?" Clara ordered.
Tommy leaned back, looking directly into your eyes.
"With me... Come on..." You found strength in those blue eyes, as he panted with you. Your eyes watering from the immense pain between your legs. "Stay with me, that's it, I've got you.."
"Heads out, push now Mrs Shelby!"
A scream left you as your body took over.
"How much more Clara?!" Tommy asked, desperate not to see you suffering any more.
"We're nearly there now, one more Mrs Shelby.."
"You hear that? One more and our girl is here. Jacqueline Grace will be here in her Mama's arms, come on baby, you can do this I know you can." You shook your head to protest but again your body defied you.
"Tom... Shit shit shit...." The wave of pain, tied with your exhaustion, was almost too much to bear. You couldn't take anymore, you could see the blood on Tommy's shoulders through his shirt where your nails had dug into him. You rested your head on his chest, focussing on his heart beat as he kissed your head. One scream from you, followed swiftly by a baby's cry from underneath you as you slumped against him, completely exhausted.
A few minutes went by, as Tommy eased you onto the floor between his legs, pulling your nightdress clean off you. You didn't care that Clara saw you completely bare - there wasn't much more she could have seen at that point. Just as you regained your senses, your baby girl was placed on your chest, having been checked and cleaned by your new favourite maid.
"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Shelby, she's perfectly healthy," she smiled, handing her to you. She instinctively searched for your breast, hungrily suckling from you as a wave of pure love took over. You could feel Tommy shuddering slightly underneath you, unashamedly crying as he watched his daughter feed.
"You were so brave.. so strong.. you blew me away y/n, I'm so fucking proud of you..."
Once you'd been cleaned up and moved back upstairs in bed, Polly arrived. She stopped in the doorway in shock, seeing you lying in bed sleepily as your husband swayed back and forth, Jacqueline in his arms dozing.
"Better late than never, eh Pol?" He laughed, handing his daughter to his Aunt. She choked holding the little one close, kissing the top of her head gently.
You tried so hard to stay awake but you could feel your eyelids growing heavy. A small kiss placed on the top of your head sealed the deal.
"Sleep now Mama. You'll need your rest, because I'm putting another one of those in you at the earliest opportunity."
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theshelbyclan · 3 years
Me and my girls
Summary: Polly didn’t think it was possible, but she’s expecting a child and she needs both her nieces by her side when it is time
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(gif by @thesoldiersminute​)
A/N: I was really, really intrigued by Anon’s request right here: Could I please request anything with Polly having a daughter. Maybe much later than anyone expected and the boys all trying to help pol cause she was clearly not expecting this and just cute family fluff. I kinda put my own spin on it because I really wanted to focus on the women, but I hope you like it all the same! This one is set around the end of season 4, so Teddy’s 17 (because I really wanted to write a teenage Teddy as well), and Aberama and Polly are together. I know Polly is a bit older at that point, but I mean it’s not entirely impossible for her to have a kid and I just really, really want for her and Aberama to have a child together… And thanks for requesting 😊 Words: 2303 *** The actual night was a blur to Polly in many ways. She remembered sitting on the ground, back in the woods, with her feet in the mud. She remembered the smoke and the way it had made her hair smell. And she remembered his hands, soft and gentle, but certain. 
Aberama Gold was a Romani gypsy killer for hire, but none of his physical appearance seemed to match that job description. He was softly spoken, with delicate features and gentle movements. But with the same beautiful smile on his face he could murder easily and not give his reputation a second thought. It was so easy to underestimate him. But still, he was captivating. He tipped his hat in a flirtatious manner and offered a rose when you least expected it. And then his eyes twinkled to match his golden earring and he not only looked young, but could make you feel young as well. He had a certain charm to him that only the Romani have. And Polly had fallen in love. Or maybe she hadn’t just yet that one night, but he reminded her of something she had long forgotten. When he said to her, “What a beautiful ghost you are,” he made her feel seen and her gifts feel accepted. And when he called her “free”, she realised that was all she ever wanted to be. Imagine calling a man “savage and dangerous” at first, only to realise he was the only one who understands her. Right there, on the ground in the forest, they’d made love. She had held a knife in hand and he still had blood on his sleeves, and in the end, Polly had fallen pregnant. *** After having received the Black Hand and the Changretta’s were closing in on the Shelby family, Tommy had decided that the only safe place for the Shelbys was Small Heath. And so they went back to their familiar homes; back where they belonged. Of course, Teddy had never left. April 1926 marked her 17th birthday and both she and Finn were still the only Shelby’s to never have left Birmingham. Why the hell should they, they often said to each other, where else would they go? “Tommy?,” she whispered, as she entered his room on tiptoes. He was standing by the window and looking out over Watery Lane. Charlie was fast asleep in his bed. From his son, he turned towards his sister, only to turn back to the window and continue smoking, “You used to do that when you were little,” he commented, “creeping about…do you remember?” “I remember you having nightmares,” Teddy said, “I remember coming in here…” “You know,” Tommy mused, “you were often the only thing that kept me sane during those long nights. Our only light in the dark…” She didn’t know what to say, because what kept Thomas Shelby sane these days? Nobody knew. “You used to curl up under my blankets, just like my boy does now, same position,” Tommy pointed at Charlie, “I used to tuck you in.” “Yeah, when you weren’t away or mad at me,” Teddy joked, but not entirely. “Was I such an awful big brother?” She smirked and turned around to leave the room. “Teddy,” Tommy stopped her and locked eyes with her, “I’m serious. How badly did I fuck up your life?” “Tom,” Teddy started, but then changed her mind, “this isn’t why I came up here.” “Why did you come up here?”
“You need to know something and it’s better if you hear it from me,” she blurted out. He cleared his throat and waved his cigarette, “Spit it out.” “Promise me you won’t go mad.” “When have I ever gone mad?” Tommy replied sarcastically. “You want to be a good big brother?” Teddy challenged, “Fucking shut up and promise me you’ll let me handle this, whatever it is, alright?” “Cheeky devil,” he smiled as he saw ten-year-old Teddy standing there again, “Alright, have it your way.”
“Polly’s coming to stay here,” Teddy eventually said, “she’s with Aberama Gold.” Tommy rolled his eyes in disinterest, “Whatever your aunt’s involved in these days…”
But Teddy cut him off, “She’s pregnant, Tom.” ***
The next morning the two Shelby sisters were sitting at the kitchen table. And you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. “You’ve grown up so much,” Ada said in her very characteristic loving but aloof manner. Teddy was having none of it though, “Well, you would’ve noticed if you hadn’t fucked off to America.” The Shelby-patented eyeroll followed. “Why are you back again?” “Came for Christmas,” Ada said cheerfully, “Stayed for the death threats.” “Yeah, those are always fun…” The older sister’s eye suddenly fell on her younger sister’s upper arm, which showed a vague hint of a scar. And she couldn’t quite keep the worry out of her tone, “What happened there?” “Bullet,” Teddy answered casually, “got shot when we infiltrated the Chinese brothels.” “Theodora, don’t you lie,” Aunt Polly’s voice sounded strictly through the house and Teddy’s eyes lit up when she heard it. As soon as she entered the kitchen, Teddy shot up and hugged her long and hard. She’d missed her aunt so much and even though it’d only been a few days, after everything that had happened, she needed her. Aunt Polly was the only mother Teddy had ever really known. When they hugged, Teddy looked down at Polly’s stomach and she put her hand on it. “Ooh,” she commented happily, “does Aberama know yet?” “I haven’t told him yet,” Polly smiled, “but he said he wants a girl…” “Excuse me,” Ada demanded, mouth still hanging open in shock, “you got shot in a Chinese brothel?!” “Like hell she did,” Polly lit one of her elegant cigarettes, “Finn and she were playing, like they were still little kids. I swear sometimes…” Ada sighed dramatically, “Either way, why is the baby of this family even allowed guns?” “I’m seventeen?” Teddy protested, “Besides, why the fuck do you care whether I live or die?” As Ada was about to open her mouth, Aunt Polly silenced the two of them with just a hand gesture, “I could feel the frost as soon as I entered the room. Now the two of you are sisters, and you better behave like it.” “Why?” Teddy protested, “When she…” “I won’t hear of it, Teddy.” So the sisters continued to glare daggers at each other. They’d never been particularly close, in the sense that they had much in common. Obviously, Ada was a lot older and when Teddy was little still, she was already running off with Freddie. But apart from that, Teddy was always more of a tomboy than Ada and a little more Birmingham and less refined than the rest. Or, as Polly put it, Teddy was gypsy through and through.
These thoughts went through Teddy’s head as well, “Have you told Ada yet, Aunt Pol?” she asked like she wasn’t even in the room, “that you’re carrying the child of yet another filthy gypsy, just like us? Might make her ashamed of her new niece, just like she’s ashamed of me now.” “Oh, shut up, Teddy,” Ada snapped, “Or I’ll come over to your side of the table and smack some sense into you!”
Teddy scoffed, “Please, try.” And suddenly some older sister instinct seemed to take over, as Ada grabbed hold of Teddy’s arm and smacked her backside only a few times, but bloody hard. And all Teddy could do was sit back down, embarrassed, feeling a lot less grown-up and cocky than just a few second ago. “Feel better?” Polly asked Ada with an amused look on her face. “I do, actually!” “I don’t,” Teddy pouted, which made Ada laugh out loud in turn. “This,” Polly smiled at the two of them, “This is what I needed. The boys may have created their empire, but I’ve already lost one nephew to ambition and my son nearly died in hospital. Men are for fighting and death, we women have more sense. I need us to be together when I’m having this child.” Ada nodded, “Who knew you still had it in you, Pol. A woman of your…” But Teddy shot her a warning look, telling her not to mention ‘age’ with just a look. “…calibre,” Ada finished smoothly. “I didn’t think I could,” she mumbled, “I didn’t want it at first. I’m too old for all of this…” “Nonsense! You managed with me, so this one will be easy enough,” Teddy said cheerfully. Ada smiled at her little sister, “And you think it’s a girl?” “I know it is.” “Alright then,” Ada walked over to Teddy’s chair and planted a soft kiss on top of her head, “we’ll help you Pol. Us Shelby women need to stick together.” ***
As the weeks wore on, the house at Watery Lane was starting to feel cramped. The days were filled with anxiety and it was like the men had forgotten how to be without their big houses and estates. Charlie seemed more at ease here, as he played in the front room with Teddy, while Aunt Polly watched over them. “Soon he’ll have another one to play with,” she commented. “How soon?” Teddy asked as she looked up. Polly felt her stomach and simply repeated, “Soon.” And that night all hell broke loose. It started off with a simple storm, that forced Ada inside the house. Utterly drenched, she started to undress in the kitchen, as Teddy boiled some water to get her warm again. But the thunder only grew louder and the simple houses were shaking in the dark. A few houses down the road, they could hear Arthur cursing. Moments later, Polly called from the front room. “What is it?” Teddy asked, but when she saw her aunt, she knew. Ada immediately set to action and sprang out into the rain for a second time. There she banged on the doors until Linda opened up and ordered her to look after Charlie and Karl for the night. Linda didn’t need to be asked twice, which was an indescribable relief. Teddy asked Aunt Polly, “Do I get Aberama?” “No, sweetheart,” she answered between contractions, “this is no place for a man. But he needs to know. Tell Tommy to go, will you? He knows where to find them.” When Ada entered the house again, she fell by Polly’s side, but still the older woman was the one mothering her, saying, “get out of those wet clothes, Ada, you’ll catch your death!” “Priorities, Polly?” But still Ada obeyed.
Around midnight a copper appeared at their door, complaining about something and looking for Tommy. But he barely got to finish his sentence before Ada told him, “Get the fuck out. Can you not see we’re busy? And no, you can’t fucking come in, a baby’s being born here. And if you try, I’ll break your fucking nose before it crosses the threshold.” “Bravo,” Teddy said, her voice filled with admiration, after the copper had left. “You’re not the only tough woman in the family,” she replied, “However, if they do come back, you can handle them. I don’t think I can do it again.” “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it,” and Teddy readied her gun and placed it by the door. On hands and knees, Polly laboured on the rug in front of the fire. And like it was the most natural thing in the world, Teddy and Ada were by her side. How could it possibly have been otherwise?
At times, Polly seemed to despair and say things like, “I can’t do this again,” and, “what future can this child have, with me?” Ada offered Polly simple instructions, remembering giving birth to Karl very well and her common sense and sensibility helped Polly through the long night. But Teddy offered answers to all of her questions, telling her aunt, “Your baby will grow up outside. Not like us, not in here, not in the smoke, but in the country. Because you and Aberama are going to go back to woods and live in a vardo again, as it should be…” And Polly remembered the night that had started all of this. She remembered how they’d slept together afterwards under the stars and how the trees had moved gently above their heads. She’d make sure her daughter would see those things as well. She’d be a free woman as well. “And if anything happens,” Teddy continued, “I’ll make sure she’s alright. Not Tommy or Arthur, even though they mean well, but they’re horrible with kids. I’ll look after your little girl, Pol.” And this was immensely comforting. And so the hours went by until the morning light started filtering in through the windows again. Outside a bird started singing and when Polly closed her eyes, she was back in the forest. “Birdie,” Polly said through clenched teeth as she pushed with all her might, “her name will be Birdie.” “That’s lovely, Pol,” Ada said in a practical manner, “but I need you to push and get this baby out first!” And she did. Moments later, her daughter was born. Ada placed her into Polly’s arms and wiped away her own tears, while Teddy was unapologetically sobbing. After that, everything was peaceful and quiet. Silently, the four women sat together in the dimly lit room, by the fire, and none of them felt the need to speak. Eventually Teddy asked, “Tommy and Arthur are standing outside the door, I can hear them, should I let them in?” “No,” Polly smiled, “Not yet. Just give me a few more moments of just me and my girls.” ***
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