flomuffin · 1 year
the fact that pokemon sleep doesn't work in my giant human sized dog bed is devastating and I will never recover
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iamagenuinedragon · 6 years
Dragon kin things
When someone asks for a lighter and you instinctly open your mouth to breath fire but the remember how stupid you look stood with your mouth just open.
Stupid human body
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Can someone draw my kinself for me please? I have no artistic ability at all lol.
My name was Xavien, I was a young angel (I think i was 15), I had big, fluffy, pink wings (so pink they were almost white but still pink. like cotton candy), I had wavy golden hair that went all the way down to my butt, green eyes, always wore a daisy flower crown, had freckles and blushed a lot, had a small scar above my left eyebrow, had straight across bangs, and I wore a 70′s style wedding dress that looked just like this. i didnt wear shoes but i wore a gold anklet
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kinth · 3 years
I guess I’ll start this blog off with my self-applied identity word definitions:
Otherid/Fictionid: When something is a kintype, kithtype, and/or recurring flicker; The -id stands both for ID as in identity, And for id as in the subconscious/unconscious, like in ego/superego/id; emphasis is on how it is seeming to bring up things about oneself that one previously may have been unaware of, like dredging up things from the sub/unconscious. 
 It’s what’s on the tin, a being/concept/character that one has some kind of deep internal connection to, where it feels like it’s saying or revealing something about yourself to you. There is an aspect of “involuntarism” or discovery involved. But questions like “is this a permanent part of me or just something I relate to in the present?” “is it me or is it only something I strongly relate to?” ““real” or roleplay??” “a metaphor or a simile???” and other label-separating question(s) are able to be put aside within this term to focus instead on “Why or How does this thing relate to me and my life? What is it about this thing that’s striking a chord with something within me?”
Kinth: When something’s kin and/or kith. Kinthtype, otherkinth, fictionkinth. Useful for when differentiating between the two isn’t necessary, relevant, or practical for oneself. (Probably has already been defined by someone somewhere else but I’m doing it here anyway)
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dovewithscales · 6 years
Quick question about your kintype: the description of your horns in your /otherkinthings says they "extend from the base of my skull, curving slightly upward at the tips." Do they swoop forward like a D&D Black Dragon's, or swoop back like Rremly's (from the webcomic Catharsis)?
More like, the opposite of the dragon from the comic.
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elektra359 · 7 years
Good kin blogs!! (incomplete list)
The bold ones are the ones i find to be usually more active! Sorry i didn’t check to see which ones had open rqs! Xoxo
@earth juicekincare
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p1ns1r · 7 years
Userbox requests are open on @otherkinthings !
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friendlyface15-blog · 9 years
Hello, My name is Antonio and I feel like I am dragon kin . IVe always felt like I've been something else trapped in a human body and today when I came across tumble I finally saw people who I agreed with. I want to know what I can do to get more involved with the people of my kin and just any other kin. I hope tumblr can help me through this new interesting part of my life and I can become a part of this community
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redtorrent · 10 years
Having an emotional attachment to bread.
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dovewithscales · 7 years
Holy shit! Your dragon-kin! What do your wings look like? Mine are skin colored and scaled! ( sorry if this seems demanding Or has been asked before. I'm just really happy to see another dragon-kin)
There are lots of us. 
http://dovewithscales.tumblr.com/otherkinthingsThere you will find both the answer to your question and a list of other dragonkin blogs.
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Angelkin Struggles
I want more than anything to return to the kingdom of Heaven and gain my wings back so I can fly like the angel I was born to be:(
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