#otherkn ask meme
valhallanbadger · 10 years
can you answer listen + outfit plz :)
LISTEN:Make a playlist to describe your kin identity.
Hm.... Some songs would be...
My Heart's In the Highlands - represents the longing to be back among the wilderness that fills me so strongly
The Warren of Snares trilogy by the metal band Fall of Efrafa really vibes with me for my jackrabbit theriotype. It wasn't a happy life that I lived when I was a jackrabbit, and the albums which are based on Watership Down both appeal to the rabbit and the harsh-life lived.
I think the song Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera really vibes with my bat theiotype. Not only because of the night thing but the nature of the song feels like flight with ups and downs, swooping and soaring.
And for my badger theriotype, I'm struggling to think of a song that really fits it right now. ^^"
OUTFIT:What's your favorite kin-themed outfit?
To be honest, I don't have any kin-themed outfits per say. I do have accessories or clothing that help me feel closer to my theriotypes. Wearing an unzipped jacket outside in the wind helps to simulate the feeling of wings and flight. Anything that can simulate claws or wielding a shovel helps me feel more badger-y. I don't have anything in particular that makes me feel more rabbit-y though. Maybe I should change that...
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valhallanbadger · 10 years
Who & Home? :)
WHO:What do you identify as?
HOME:What places do you go that make you feel home?
WHO:What do you identify as?
I am a poytherian. I identify as an American badger (Taxidea taxus), a Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus), and a black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus). I am also feline-hearted and deer-hearted.
HOME:What places do you go that make you feel home?
Any where dark and snug makes me feel at home like I'm in a badger sett or a cave. The open desert by my home feels like home because it's where my theriotypes live. It's thrilling to be in the open desert strolling around especially because as a jackrabbit I had to be on high alert for the coyotes prowling at dusk and dawn, but now I can stare them down in my human form without the fears I once had. c:
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