#otherwise jamie wouldnt be waiting to see her
jamieatthebarricade · 4 years
Okay so I was rewatching outlander (whose surprised) and in the first episode I got to thinking about Jamie’s ghost watching Claire. There are a lot of things that are yet to be discovered but I just had the realization that this means Jamie and Claire probably won’t die together. Either Claire will die first or Jamie, and Idk why that hurt so much but now I’m crying and I need to go to sleep.
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7wanderingpaws · 3 years
⭐️ I’m curious about about a “directors cut” for Let’s Have Some Gentle Fun and Captain Bucheon as well.
Jamie, not gonna lie but if I had to guess what youd be asking about, I would say these two! I feel like I owe you with the "Lets have some gentle fun" one shot since it was for you ㅠㅠ (this will be long, sorry)
Directors cut for: Lets Have Some Gentle Fun
(Can I just say I want to explore Jiyongs character in this one? lol totally unrelated but still... "Dragon" and his own adventures haha)
Baekhyun smiled at you kindly, his eyes following your movements the entire time despite having a beautiful chick sitting on his thighs. Gulp. Those thighs.
“Thank you,” he made sure to say, when you stood up to your full length. Shooting him a very pressed, almost painful smile, you nodded once, accidentally meeting his gaze that you thought was not on you any longer.
You were wrong. But were you wrong as well when you always felt electricity curse down your veins whenever you would look at each other? Was the attraction just from your side? Why was he so hard to approach yet so easy to talk to once you actually managed to spike up a conversation?
Right. Your friends always snatched him away. While he was the center of the circle, you were the edge; the misunderstood one yet always invited. Doing chatty-chats with the famous ones in the circle of your friends seemed to be hard because if they didn’t really vibe with you, they’d made sure you could feel it. Baekhyun not once did, yet his apologetic smiles whenever someone wanted to talk to him when he was about to start a conversation with you, hurt more than any of your other friends’ attitude.
Reciprocating his stare a little longer, you finally turned, thinking he would be paying attention to the pretty lady on his lap. Yet again, you were wrong. He was looking even when you were far gone and back to the bar to continue your shift.
Okay, stop here. This right here screams interest and Baekhyuns badly hidden attraction towards OC. He had been doing that in other scenes where he stares at her and says words that clearly mean his interest, but there is something holding him back which is his girlfriend; the one sitting on his lap, the one who will appear at the end of the storyline. Meanwhile, OC isnt as focused on his girlfriend, as she is on the reality of everyone stealing him away from her. Baekhyun can only offer apologetic smiles - why is that? OC can only interpret that as his disinterest; he isnt much different than the others. Baekhyun is being very vague again in the next scene:
“You have a man here?”
Both of you were quiet now. He was staring into your eyes, something so hard for you to decipher flashing in those deep orbs. His eyes seemed almost black, swallowing up every light that dared to enter including you.
“It’s what you all think about me, isn’t it?” you mumbled quietly. “That I bring men home, that I’m the quiet before the storm. I know that’s what you all say behind my back. I’m just living up to your knowledge.”
Baekhyun’s face became unreadable. His features evened out. “Way to ruin the mood.”
You laughed. “Whatever mood you’re talking about-“
Baekhyun made OC believe there was something happening between them in that moment. He is always unconsciously flirting with her, making baby steps to get to know OC better; it felt like he put the blame on her when in reality, he is the taken man and he is the one never offering more. And he had the audacity to act hurt at the idea of her having someone there?
He stepped closer, silencing you right away. “I know people are judgemental fucks but I would have always said otherwise about you.”
He gave you a lopsided smirk, not reaching his eyes. “I can hardly judge you when I know so little about you. I never believe those rumors and you shouldn’t give a damn either. If anything, you’re the most intriguing among our friends.”
He couldn’t tell, but breath hitched in your throat from the way his eyes were drinking you up, their intensity burning every sane thought you could produce. “Then why do you always yield to those friends? We had many chances to talk. But it wasn’t me who always turned around at the last moment.”
The tension was almost palpable when you were looking up at him.
He didn’t reply and you realized the headache you were gifted with today. Sighing tiredly, you smiled up. “Whatever. Don’t answer that. Go. I bet your girlfriend is waiting.” When he didn’t move, you snorted a laugh. “Why are you even baking at this hour? You’ll be late to work.”
Poor OC. Baekhyun was darn lucky she decided to speak up and not let him answer. He wouldnt be able to offer anything she would want to hear in that moment. I really liked these scenes because they set the diversity of Baekhyuns character, they set up the confusion, and at the same time they are enhancing OCs struggle with her crush towards him. She knows she cant have him, and she also thinks Baekyhun is just like her other friends, while she has no clue the man is attracted to her. Just for the funsies - we dont know whether he actually meant it, or whether he just wanted his desire to be satiated by her as a one night stand. I still love this plotline so much! And I think it is the most realistic kind of crush - from OCs side and from Baekhyuns side.
Directors cut: Captain Bucheon
“Then why would you do it if you don’t want to do it?” he asked, genuinely confused.
“Because I’m in the student council,” you replied almost in a whine. “They asked me and I couldn’t say no!” You threw your arms around, making it sound like a big deal. And for you, it was a big deal. You didn’t like how you were easily pushed around.
Baekhyun nodded, a small smile stretching his lips when he saw your comprehension. Sweet university life. “You must be very liked by everyone.”
You froze at that. That wasn’t true. How would you tell your ex the reason everyone was all over you was because you had huge tits and you were friends with Chul? “It’s not like that…”
Baekhyun nodded, noting your discomfort but deciding against questioning it. He didn’t think he was anywhere near the position to stick his nose into your business. For all he knew, he’d scare you away like that time in the bar but, frankly, he didn’t even utter a single word that night to give you a reason for your abrupt fleeing.
“So you run here often, huh,” he heard you say and then saw you shuffling your feet, the small stones of the track field rustling under them.
So much is happening here I want to CRY! The first question Baekyhun asked is something he would definitely ask her if they were dating. He cares about her so much, he needs to ask for her reasons. Yet, Captain Byun isnt the type to be too nosy; from Burn Your Bridges we saw he was a passionate lover but very mature and responsible which also shows in the part where he didnt question her about her discomfort when he sensed it. But he still cares too much. These scenes prove how tables turned; Lee Nari is the one who is harder to reach now, while Baekhyun seems to be losing his mind a little with having the young girl back in his life. It shows in this scene:
Baekhyun was fast. Before you realized the warmth of his hand leaving yours, you heard a loud snap, his fist landing with the dude’s face. You squealed, covering your mouth in shock and just like that, Baekhyun had professionally put the lad down, having both his arms locked behind his back. It vastly made you remember when he did a similar move with your brother in his office at the police station, and chills ran down your spine.
Right. Baekhyun first arrested you, and then your brother who was still in jail until now. Baekhyun lied to you to get closer to you. Right. Right, right, right.
“Don’t ever even imagine her in your filthy mind,” Baekhyun’s voice thundered through the space.
Baekhyun lost it. And this is also a huge trigger for the OC. If you read the story, you would learn that Baekhyun would never pull this move on just a random person he needs to protect as a cop. But we are talking about Lee Nari and he would sure as hell manhandle anyone who dared to talk about her badly. Even her brother.
Your palm landed on his cheek and Baekhyun’s face snapped to his right side. “I hate you!” You shouted shakily, more tears spilling down your cheeks, the snot out of your nose. You were a mess. “I hate everything you put me through, Byun Baekhyun! You lied to me! Why did you lie to me?! I loved you!” You shouted again, and squeezed your eyes shut.
Your palms were still, pressing against his sturdy chest but you couldn’t make him move anymore. You were crying now, your voice shaking and your eyes still squeezed shut. “What did I do to deserve this… when all I did was love you honestly, purely,” you wailed, your voice sounding almost like a wolf’s howl in the empty streets of the campus. “I was just seventeen…”
Baekhyun was quiet the whole time, emotions of guilt eating him away just like they had been for the past year. His own heart was in pain and he knew how hurt you were but seeing you like this made his heart split into two. You were a complete, utter mess.
Even I felt heartbroken as I wrote that, angst at its best!! Baekhyun could finally witness just how damaged the girl is. Nari needed this. Thank God Baekhyun provided her the chance to finally speak up. I just loved the slap that she gave him, I loved how passionate and aggressive she was - with all his previous kindness, she finally erupted like a volcano. I love how she became so tired of her emotions, so tired of hating on Baekhyun that eventually led her to be in his arms. That last sentence is just as heart-breaking; your lover realizing just how much they ruined you but they still hold you in their arms. Its a little ironic, isnt it? The delicious pain of enemies/lovers trope <3 God I love them!!
- ASK ME: Fanfic Writers: Directos Cut
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omgmicheal01me · 5 years
This Corso Italia house just went on the market for the first time since 1919
If youre an architectural history geek in the market to buy some property, your dream home might be waiting in Corso Italia. The semi-detached house at 133 Boon Ave., a few blocks northeast of Dufferin St. and St Clair Ave. W., boasts 2.5 storeys, fours bedrooms and two bathrooms, front and back porches, a walkout basement, and is listed for a mere (by Toronto standards) $799,000. What makes this house unique? It hasnt been on the market since 1919. A hundred years within one family, thats pretty rare, said Simon Wright, one of the realtors representing the house. He said the home has remained in the same family since it was last on the market 100 years ago, owned first by a woman named Jamie Shaw and later by her relative, Alan Shaw, who died in December. The sale is now being handled by an estate trustee. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW
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Not only does the century home come with a smaller price tag data from the Toronto Real Estate Board reported the average price for a semi-detached home in the city of Toronto was $911,100 last month but, according to Winnipeg-based architect and columnist Brent Bellamy, its a rare opportunity to experience a piece of history. Especially in a market like Toronto, I think theres good investment in redoing the inside completely, but this one ... doesnt look like its been renovated, he said. People like the quality of old houses, the craftsmanship and that handmade quality, but they definitely like new kitchens and those kinds of things, so its pretty rare to see a house thats factory original. While its unclear how much the house was bought for back in 1919, records of similar homes for sale in Toronto that year show an average price of around $2,500 (about $36,000 adjusted for inflation). Property records for the home show it had a registered mortgage of $1,500 when it was transferred from Jessie to Alan in 1946 for $1. (Alan) was born in the house, actually right on the dining room table, said Bob Barnett, the executer of Alan Shaws estate.
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According to Barnett, Shaw was a radio operator in the Second World War, before working in the post office. He died at age 97, in the veterans wing of Sunnybrook hospital. In his will, Shaw split his assets between the Bruce Trail Conservancy and the Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy, Barnett said. Wright said a Syrian family briefly inhabited the house from April 2018 and until April of this year as part of a refugee sponsorship group managed by the estate, but otherwise the home has remained empty since Shaws death. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW Aside from the now-enclosed porch, which would have originally been open, and some renovations to one of the bathrooms, the home has mostly kept its original configuration, Wright said. The houses age is in line with many other turn-of-the-century homes in the Corso Italia neighbourhood, but in staying off the market for a century it has avoided the structural and design changes new owners might have made in pursuit of trendiness. There are some interesting wallpaper patterns in the house, Wright said. And the stairs that go up to the third floor loft are pretty tight, almost like a ladder, but its an interesting space up there.
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Architect Bellamy pointed to the wood trim along the walls, floors, doors and windows as evidence of the houses contemporary design elements, as well as the glass doors, narrow staircases and more closed-off rooms. Typically we now design houses with the great room and the kitchen overlooking the living room, but in the old days houses were more compartmentalized, he said. In the 70s and 80s especially, many old houses would have had the contrasting wood trim either removed or painted white, and walls were often shifted or removed to open up the floor plan. While some of the trim in this house has been painted out, Bellamy said, some rooms still have the dark, contrasting colour that was fashionable in the early 1900s. Wright couldnt confirm the houses exact age, estimating it to be somewhere around 1910. Bellamy pegged it at not much older than 1919 due to the seemingly original forced air heating, which would have been an uncommon feature at that time. Most old houses like that had radiator heat, he said, noting the ornate grilles likely mean the heating system is original to the house.
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Joey Giaimo, a heritage conservation architect and principal at Giaimo architecture firm, said the house is a modest version of an Edwardian house that might have been influenced by other local neighbourhoods, noting the Annex had similar Edwardian-style houses that were much larger. Because this house is part of a larger subdivision, a lot of the subdivision homes are sort of stripped-down versions of (an) architectural style. He said while modern buyers still want open-concept houses, hes noticed a demand for more closed-off spaces like the ones this home offers. Its going back, in a way, to the way early 20th-century houses were designed in Toronto, he said. Historical records back up Bellamys claim that a house like this is a unique find. According to 2016 census data from Statistics Canada, only 4.7 per cent of houses in Toronto are 100 years or older.
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Though Toronto ranks sixth on the list of Canadian cities with the most houses 100-year-old houses (Winnipeg is first with 9 per cent), Bellamy says this number is surprisingly high considering the citys size and development pressure. Thats pretty impressive, for people not to have lost very many old houses, he said. It speaks to the character of the city. Wright, when asked about the state of the houses electrical and plumbing systems, said the new buyer may want to make some upgrades, noting I would expect that there will be some sort of renovation that new owners will take on ... but I think its a diverse field of people who would be interested. But Bellamy says he hopes the new homeowner will resist making alterations. If it was redone it would probably be worth way more, but hopefully they find someone who really appreciates the historic character of it, he said. I might buy it, he joked. If I did that, I wouldnt change anything. With files from Sherina Harris, Raneem Alozzi and Emma Sandri Rhianna Jackson-Kelso is a breaking news reporter, working out of the Stars radio room in Toronto. Follow her on Twitter: @RhiannaJK https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2019/06/16/this-corso-italia-house-just-went-on-the-market-for-the-first-time-since-1919.html
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