#otp: a lingering aroma of shalimar
jeritoodles · 2 years
i’m sorry but twice in this episode we got ava and barbara wearing the same shade of lipstick on the same day and that is something that is very important to me.
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jeritoodles · 2 years
Writer's choice for the ship!! "I've already forgiven you."
Work Wives (in reference to barb ava)
To say Barbara Howard was embarrassed was an understatement. Sure she was out, and quite proud of it, but her newfound relationship was still under wraps. Well it was until Melissa decided to blurt it out.
“Barb, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“Melissa it’s-”
“No. I was totally out of line. I really am sorry.”
“No, I totally should’ve asked you or Ava before-”
“Melissa Ann Schemmenti! Breathe! It’s okay.” Barbara took a deep breath, encouraging Melissa to breathe as well. Melissa followed, her breathing a bit more unsteady. “Ava and I were going to get around to telling everyone else. You just made it a bit easier that’s all.”
“But Barb that wasn’t my job. I shouldn’t have been so reckless. Forgive me?”
“Honey, I’ve already forgiven you.” Barbara opens her arms and lets Melissa fall into them.
“I could forgive you for 20 bucks,” Ava says in passing.
“Fuck off, Ava.”
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jeritoodles · 1 year
@lakita-fisher I’m sorry for taking so long lol!
Prompt: 4, 28, and 33
Ava x Barbara
Thank you so much I love your content ❤️❤️
Barbara Howard’s love language is physical touch. She is a touchy feeley person if she loves you and she will touch you if she thinks the situation calls for it. What she will not allow is for you to touch her - that is unless she trusts you enough to show her love and she knows you won’t hurt her. Barbara has been touched by many people in her life who had done her so very wrong so now no one touches without being allowed.
That being said, during the day she’s quite a bit touch-starved. There are only two people she trusts at Abbott to touch her and with the cameras around, they don’t very often. By the end of the day Barbara craves attention and love in the form of hugs, back rubs, massages etc. Ava of course knows all of these things and tries to sneak a touch for Barbara at least once a day while they’re at work. Ava will go to Barbara’s room during a free period, sit on her desk, and watch her work. While they sit Ava will run her hand down Barbara’s arm or gently stroke the back of Barbara’s neck until it’s time for her to go. Her small time with Ava at work keeps her satisfied for a while but never enough.
When they get home is their favorite time of the day. Ava usually gets home first, driving like someone should really take away her license, and Barbara gets in soon after. Then the fun begins, because Ava makes sure the both of them are comfortable before engulfing Barbara in her arms. Ava hugs so tightly Barbara thinks she may bust, but she never asks her to let go. Ava holds her so close that Barbara wishes they would just fuse together into one. Barbara loves the way Ava holds her because it’s always face to face so she can admire the peaceful look that takes over Barbara’s features. They kiss for hours on end when Ava holds her, and when they’re not kissing, their foreheads are pressed, their noses are pressed together and every part of them is touching. Ava kisses not just Barbara’s lips, but all over her; anywhere she can reach at the moment. Ava’s favorite spot to kiss is right under Barbara’s left ear. It makes Barbara giggle. From there, Ava will kiss down her neck, onto her shoulder across her back to the other shoulder and back up until she reaches right under Barbara’s right ear. Barbara loves to be kissed on her neck and most of the time Ava barely makes it to the other ear before being dragged up the stairs. Ava rubs, something that at first made Barbara a little uneasy, but with time, she got along with the rubbing. Most times the rubbing is reserved for when Ava is feeling hot-n-ready. She’ll rub Barbara’s tummy, hips, and her behind, signaling that she wanted to touch and rub on other places. Barbara has come to like when Ava rubs, and when Ava hits her with a neck-kiss and rub combo? Barbara is goo.
Ava gives and Barbara soaks every bit of it up. Catering to Barbara’s touching needs is one of Ava’s many forms of saying ‘I love you’.
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jeritoodles · 2 years
so… so we all agree that ava tops barb 🫣 or do we need to have a discussion 👀👀
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jeritoodles · 2 years
1 - BarbAva :3
i actually put a shorter version of this in the discord a while ago! i’m glad i get to use it again and make it better!
Ava goes out clubbing Friday night. It’s an arrangement her and her girls made years ago in attempt to keep themselves young and exciting. Barbara gets an invitation to go every week but that’s not her scene, so she goes over to Melissa’s house to hang out until Ava gets home.
Tonight, Melissa had a date, so Barbara stayed home. She made herself some dinner, watched a movie she had been meaning to see, and took a very relaxing bath. Barbara was tired, but she doesn’t like to sleep alone, so she decides to wait up for Ava.
When Ava comes in she finds Barbara on the floor in the living room, completing a puzzle while listening to Anita Baker. Barbara doesn’t notice that she’s home and Ava stands behind her for a while, enjoying getting to see Barbara so relaxed. Ava goes and sits behind her placing a kiss on her shoulder.
“Hey! Did you have a good time,” Barbara asks, leaning back into Ava.
“Mmhm. Whatchu workin on?” Ava nuzzles her nose in the side of Barbara’s neck, smiling at the quiet giggle it earns her.
“A puzzle that Jacob got me a while ago. He said the proceeds go to some ‘save the whales’ foundation. But of course it’s a picture of a whale in the ocean so it’s all just blue and grey. I can’t figure out this piece for the life of me.” Ava leans over Barbara’s shoulder to see better and takes the piece from her hand.
“Top left right here.” Ava puts the piece in and Barbara chuckles to herself. “What are you still doing up anyways?”
“I was waiting on you. I didn’t want to go to bed without you.” Barbara bows her head embarrassed, still getting used to being open and vulnerable with Ava.
“You should’ve told me beforehand. I would’ve come home early you big softy.”
“I know. I wanted you to enjoy your evening.”
“I did.” Ava wraps her arms around Barbara’s middle and burrows her face in her neck. They sit comfortably like that for another minute or two before Barbara’s favorite song comes on.
“Ooh I love this song.”
“Mmhm. Get up and show me those moves.”
“Ava, no it’s entirely too late and I’m too tired.”
“C’mon. I didn’t get to dance with you at the clubs tonight. Least you could do is shake it for me here at home.” Ava stands up and lifts Barbara up with her.
“This is not a shake it song, Ava.”
“I can shake it to anything, Barb.” Ava starts twerking to the beat and while Barb is impressed, she wants to dance with Ava.
“Would you stop it? Come dance with me. You wanted this.” Ava pulls Barbara into her arms and they sway together, noses brushing against each others and foreheads pressed together. When the song changes, Ava spins Barbara around so they’re front to back and continues to sway them.
Getting rocked in Ava’s arms was like getting soothed to sleep for Barbara. She felt warm, safe, and loved.
“I’m tired. Take me to bed please?”
“Of course, Baby.”
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jeritoodles · 1 year
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jeritoodles · 1 year
I still love them your honor 😭🤧
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jeritoodles · 1 year
very soft. read at your own risk.
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jeritoodles · 1 year
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jeritoodles · 1 year
19. ‘it made me think of you.’ for barbava? <3
Barbara was a loved woman. It was uncommon for her to run into people who didn’t love her these days. Whether it be for her generosity, her kindness, or just her overall loving personality, everyone found something to love in Barbara Howard. With that came the ways people showed their love for her. Most people said it, while others would offer to do her services, spend time around her, and give hugs and supportive (approved) touches, but one that she had the most trouble with was people who showed their love giving her gifts. She never knew how to accept them with anything other than a smile and a thank you, and while the giver thought it enough, Barbara never did.
Ava was a gift giver. Ava was a gift giver who loved Barbara. After Barbara’s divorce, Ava would randomly drop gifts on Barbara’s desk; always with a post-it note to let her know who it was from. By the end of the day, Ava knew to expect Barbara to drop by her office to say thank you and Ava would routinely insist that it was a ‘I saw it and thought of you’ gift. When in reality Ava would listen to Barbara and anything she mentioned she had an interest in, Ava would get for her.
Ava had been at it for months before Barbara finally caught on. The day she had was right after the last day of teacher appreciation week. Barbara had come into her classroom, ready to educate the minds of tomorrow when she looked on her desk and saw a gift card to Buffalo Wild Wings perched against her pen holder. Right beside it a little post-it note read: “$100. Treat Yo Self. -The Best Principle Ever.” Barbara smiled, tucking away the gift card in her desk and looking at the time. She decided she had a few minutes to spare so she marched down the hallway to see Ava.
“If you were listening, Principal Coleman, you would know I said $50 not $100,” Barbara greeted with a smirk.
“I wasn’t listening, Ms.Howard. I was simply eating there last night and thought you would enjoy it,” Ava lied with a smirk of her own. Barbara dropped her playfulness and sat down in front of Ava’s desk.
“Thank you, Ava,” she said with all the sincerity in the world.
“You’re welcome, Barb.” They sat there, looking at each other for a moment, both having so much to say but struggling to find the words. The bell rings and Barbara, with a shy smile, leaves back to her classroom.
The gifts continued from Ava, ranging anywhere between a pack of pens to more gift cards. Barbara tried her best to accept all of them with a thankful and humble heart but it got hard. She wanted so badly to give Ava something in return, but what do you get someone who gives you everything you want? It wasn’t until Barbara was aimlessly wandering in the store that she came upon a small trinket that made her think of Ava that she got a brilliant plan. She could play Ava’s game, and she could play it better. She plucked the item off of the shelf and bought it with a smile.
It took her two months, but Barbara had finally done it. She made it a point to get to school earlier than Ava and snuck into her office, placing the gift basket on the desk. Before she left, she wrote out a post-it note saying: ‘Checkmate. - The Best Kindergarten Teacher Ever’ and stuck it in front of the basket. Then she went back to her room and waited.
It had neared the end of the day and Ava still had not acknowledged the Barbara’s gift. Barbara tried not to be upset by it, but the longer she waited the more agitated she got. It was nap time, she figured she could ask someone to step in an watch over her children while she dealt with Ava and she was moments away from doing so before the P.A. system sounded and Ava’s voice flowed through the speakers.
“I need Ms.Howard to my office please.” Barbara let out a sigh of relief, asked Gregory to stand in her class, and marched down to the office.
“Yes, Principle Coleman,” Barbara asked nonchalantly, taking a seat in front of the desk.
“Simple. Whenever I was somewhere and saw something that made me think of you I bought it.” Barbara smiled, watching Ava process everything. Ava set the basket to the side and put her hand palm up on the desk, inviting Barbara to hold it. Barbara tensed, looking around for cameras or students before looking back at Ava who rolled her eyes as to say ‘just do it’. Barbara smiled gently placing her hand in Ava’s and squeezed ever so slightly.
“Thank you, Barbara.”
“You’re welcome, Ava.”
“This isn’t checkmate, though,” Ava said, releasing Barbara’s hand to reach inside of her desk. Ava pulled out a long box, putting it directly into Barbara’s hand. “Before you open it, I really wasn’t intending on buying you anything. I walked past them in the mall and immediately saw you in them and had to get them for you.” Barbara opened the box, her jaw dropping at the beautiful black pearls that sat in the box.
“I understand if they’re too big of a gift, and you can certainly give them back, but I just knew they would be perfect for when you didn’t want to wear your traditional ones.”
“I love them. I l- Thank you,” Barbara said with a watery smile. “It seems we do more thinking about each other than talking to each other. If we think any more we’ll both be in debt, hm?” Barbara rambled, trying to keep the tears at bay.
“Sure. Would you like to go to BDubs with me after school? Maybe we can stop thinking so much.”
“I’d like that.” Barbara nodded, getting up from the chair in attempts to get back to her classroom.
“Good. And Barb?”
“Yes, Ava?”
“Wear the pearls.”
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jeritoodles · 4 months
happy pride :)
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jeritoodles · 1 year
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jeritoodles · 1 year
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