#barbara x ava
rhcenyra · 2 months
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1x04 ⇢ 3x05
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jeritoodles · 2 years
i’m sorry but twice in this episode we got ava and barbara wearing the same shade of lipstick on the same day and that is something that is very important to me.
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vivaciousoceans · 6 months
blackbird singing in the dead of night; take these broken wings and learn to fly // chapter 1
“All my life, I should not have worried so much about looking foolish; I see that now. Signs matter. And all waves are dangerous, especially the ones you refuse to see coming.” ― Suzanne Finnamore
Fandom: Abbott Elementary
Pairing: Ava Coleman x Barbara Howard
Word Count:  2,265
Rating: M+
Posted on AO3 ->
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2nd story in The Mask universe
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 7 months
The Woman she Is
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gif by azertyrobaz
req: maybe just a tiny one-shot? I know you’re win the middle of writing many fics so no pressure. But Ava Coleman x fem!reader? Where r and Ava have been in a relationship and no one knew bc it was secret, r has a daughter and just loves Ava, even calling her Mom. You can decide the kids name maybe she could be mixed? but basically one day the kid has like a bad day and won’t talk to Miss Howard and finally gets r to try and talk to her but she wants to talk to Ava. (I haven’t seen anyone write for mom!ava) idk what else. But I’m just in the mood for mom Ava. Also, please put mom figure Melissa to y/n and Mel has her happy ending in relationships :,)
Been waving this one off for a while so here ya go anon! :)
Their daughter’s name is Hallie and it’s implied that she’s mixed.
“I even cut your strawberries into hearts!” Ava exclaimed placing a plate of pancakes in front of Hallie, she also put some fruit on the plate and a placed a small glass of orange juice on the table. “Tank you, mom!” She smiled, she ate her breakfast quickly, throughly enjoying her strawberries and taking nibbles of her pancake at a time. Y/n was upstairs getting ready, already having eaten. Ava was packing the little girls lunch, making sure to put her water bottle in the pocket of her backpack.
“Good morning to my two favorite girls!” Y/n smiled, placing her bag down on one of the chairs placing a kiss on Hallie’s bunny cheeks. “Good morning, Mama!” “Good morning, baby”
Y/n also placed a small peck on Ava’s lips, she might’ve been stubborn and might not do her job sometimes, but she really cared for the kids, she always wanted to be a mom.
Now, that dream has come true, she’s a mom to the cutest daughter, though, she might not be hers biologically that didn’t stop the little girl from calling her Mom. The best part was she gets to help raise this little girl with the love of her life. She may have been a player but she knew when she saw y/n that she was the one. As cheesy as it sounds, Ava couldn’t have fallen faster or harder. Falling for y/n was like falling face first into pavement for Ava.
They all got into Ava’s car, Hallie sat in her booster seat and happily played on her iPad as they drove to the school. Her backpack, sat next to her the sequins shining in the sunlight. Ava never thought that she was gonna actually fall in love with one of her Co-workers. She’d flirt, yes, but never actually date any of them. That was were y/n came in, she transferred to Abbott as a new first grade teacher. She charmed everyon
Ava was playing ‘Pick Up Your Feelings’ by Jazmine Sullivan, it was one of her favorites, actually. Even Hallie seemed to have learned some of the lyrics from how many times Ava’s played it. Though, if anything, Ava listens to Beyoncé the most.
You need to hurry and pick up your, ooh, feelings While I'm up cleaning
Boy please (boy please, oh) I don't need you (I don't need you)
Y/n let a smile take over her face as she looked out her window, nothing could’ve ruined this moment. Everything she could’ve needed was right here. Her life was perfect as it was and she wouldn’t change it for anything.
Her job might’ve not been a six figure paying job but it brought her memories that were priceless, her job might’ve been stressful but it helped the next generation. She couldn’t have wished for anything more. “You okay, baby?” Ava asked, placing a hand on her thigh, the principal’s brows furrowed, stealing a glance at her girlfriend.
”Yeah, just a little tired, I could go for some coffee right now” The woman yawned, regretting her choice of just drinking orange juice. Ava smirked, she made a U-turn to Starbucks, “We have some extra time anyway so why not make a pit stop?” Hallie giggled in the back, “Can I get a cake pop, pwease!”
Y/n nodded, she thought it was cute when she got lazy and forgot to pronounce the ‘L’ sound. It seemed like yesterday she couldn’t talk at all. “Well, I already know what to get everyone, then!”
Ava made jokes about how the barista looked like 50 cent the whole ride to Abbott. They arrived a little bit early but they didn’t mind, Getting out of the car, Ava unbuckled Hallie out of her seat. “Ready for school, lil’ curly fry?” She smiled, chuckled as she tousled the little girl’s curly hair that was nicely slicked back into a half up, half down hairdo.
Hallie threw up a thumbs up, holding Ava’s hand and y/n’s in the other, not many cars were parked in the lot. The three entered the only person visible was Mr. Johnson.
He nodded at the to grown woman and smiled at the little girl. It was safe to say that Mr. Johnson was Hallie’s favorite person at school, besides Mel and Barb.
Ava gave y/n a soft kiss, and gave Hal a peck on the forehead. “Have a good day, you two” she said before walking to the break room, y/n unlocked her classroom door, letting Hallie in, she flicked on the lights. She usually just let her color until the bell rang signaling that she needed to go to Barb’s class.
“I have to go to the break room, will you be okay by yourself for a few minutes?” Y/n asked, placing a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. The little girl nodded, her attention not faltering from her coloring page.
Leaving her classroom, she trusted her young daughter to finish the coloring page, quickly coming into the break room she grabbed a donut happily munching down on the sweet treat, “There ya are! Was wondering you was! Where’s the kid?” Melissa questions, looking around to make sure she wasn’t hiding. Y/n laughed, leaning against the counter, “In my room, I’ll go grab her for you”
Being a woman of her word, the teacher walked back to her class, before she reached the door she heard a thud and a “uh oh..”
Y/n hurried into the room to see Hallie standing next to her desk, a cup in hand. She tried hiding the coffee puddle that was clearly on the ground, even her clothes were stained a dark brown color.
“Hal..what did you do!” She exclaimed, picking up the little girl and sitting her on the chair, quickly cleaning up the mess. “I’m sorry Mama, I didn’ mean to” her little head fell to her lap, seeing her clothes now ruined, she pouted, hating when she made her mama upset.
“It’s alright, sweet girl. Just be more careful, okay?” She cooed, kissing her cheek with a smile to let her know she wasn’t upset. “Go see your Mom while I clean this up,” the girl nodded, hopping off the chair and hurriedly running out of the classroom.
On the way, Hallie saw Melissa she waved and hugged the second grade teacher, “Mornin’ to you too, kid” she said sweetly, missing the coffee stains on the child’s clothes. Continuing her journey to her Mom’s office, she knocked and spoke in between the crack between the door and frame. “Mommy!” She called, the sounded muffled by the metal, shuffling was heard on the other side, Ava opened the door with a sweet smile.
A cough was heard behind the girl, The principal lifted her head to see a whole camera crew behind her. “Oh, damn” she let her jaw drop, ushering her daughter into the office, she stared the crew down as they all wore shocked faces.
“Go on doing whatever it is y’all do”
Ava closed the door, turning to the little girl who was sitting in her chair looking at the picture of Y/n, Hallie, and Ava. It was the picture they took at when they had gone on vacation last year. “You like it, baby girl?” She chuckled, grabbing some news clothes in the makeshift closet The principal made in her closet. It was quite impressive how she could hardly do her job as a principal but somehow renovate a old storage room into a high fashion closet in less than a day.
Hallie quickly got her clothes on, hugging the taller woman tightly. “Bye Mommy!” Though the morning was joyful and peaceful, since the coffee accident Hallie’s little day went tragically wrong. She had miss placed her lunch, hurt her knee during P.E., she couldn’t color inside the lines, She couldn’t even sleep during nap time because this girl in her class sleep kicked, At lunch time. Miss Howard had sat the little girl down.
“Sweetheart, what’s the matter? You’ve been upset all day!” She exclaimed, listening intently for an answer, the little girl only crossed arms and huffed, realizing she had no other way to get her to crack due to y/n being in a meeting. She brought her to the break room, “Melissa, help me with this one. Do you want to tell Aunt Mel what’s the matter?” Hal only, hugged into the red headed teacher, “Oh, hon..what’s got you in all worked up, huh?” She asked, Hallie finally spoke up huffing, she really did have her mothers attitude.
“I want my Mommy!” She pouted, crossing her arms, Barb groaned, “She’s more stubborn than her Mother, but we can’t get y/n she’s in a meeting!”
No one on the staff had figured out y/n was dating Ava let alone it was serious, Hallie had done a pretty good job keeping it on the down low too. Everyone didn’t really put two and two together when they’d see Ava coming out of her car with y/n. Now that Melissa thinks about it, maybe they’re not bestfriends.
Though, Melissa couldn’t jump to conclusions, “Well, I dunno, I guess we’ll-” Melissa was interupted by the sound of a familar sound of yawning as the breakroom door opened, “Oh hello, you three! Everything alright?” Y/n said, dropping her keys and lanyard on the counter, ripping open a granola bar that she had grabbed from the shelf.
“She’s been upset all day and won’t tell anybody the reason why..” Melissa cooed, booping th kindergarteners nose, she only cuddled closer and pouted even more, “she says she wants her Mommy, so here ya go!” The redhead stood up placing the little girl in her mothers arms, y/n sighed knowing it wasn’t her that she wanted.
Y/n comtemplated fessing up, Ava and had had been keeping it under wraps for so long, so surely, they’ll understand. Melissa was like y/n’s work mom, or real mom actually.
”Okay, don’t make a big deal out of this..but i’m dating Ava! Surprise!” Y/n smiled, Barb’s face dropped in shocked, Mel lit up, “I KNEW IT!” she exclaimed, clapping her hand together and jabbing her finger in the younger teachers direction.
Really, the young woman thought their reactions would be more complicated, Well, at least Barb’s. She just kept standing their with her mouth agape. As if the two had been stalking, Janine and Jacob stumbled in, “GREGORY OWES ME!” Jacob squealed, Janine happily shuffled from side to side with that big smile. Gregory stands speechless, looking at the two who’ve dragged him into another one of their adventures.
“Well, I’m gonna take this one to Ava, see y’all!”
“Well, a knock would’ve been nice but come in wit’ yo’ fine self” Ava smirked, biting her lower lip as she eyed her up and down. Y/n rolled her eyes, “what? Acting like you can give me attitude knowing I can eat that body up like Megan Thee Stallion” She slapped her hand on her desk, laughing hard at her own joke. Y/n huffed, closing her eyes trying to hold onto any piece of patience she had left with her girlfriend, someday she really might explode from these jokes. In the mean time, she’ll secretly like them.
“Why you huffin’ and puffin’ like a choo-choo train?” She asked, y/n went to go tell her the reason why she was even in here but Ava was determined in finishing. “Chugga, Chugga, CHOO CHOO!” She howled and slapped her knee, almost falling out of her chair, Hallie began to laugh too. “You kinda do soun’ like a train, Mama” Ava smirked as y/n groaned, “That’s my lil’ curly fry!” She laughed, opening her arms up for the little girl. Hallie giggled, squealing when the principal would tickle her sides.
Y/n’s frustrations quickly disappeared, it had only been 6 months, yet, Ava’s changed so much. They’d been dating for 4 months, only recently did Hallie start saying Mom to Ava. Now that y/n takes a moment to see the impact this woman had on her life and the little human she called her daughter she melted.
Maybe Melissa was wrong for once. They may think that Ava’s rude or stupid for not doing her job, but she cared, no doubt about it. She’d Show softness here and there but never frequently, Lord help them if she ever was caught being nice to Janine.
Y/n noticed too, Ava seemed a little nice since they’d gotton together. Melissa just thinks she’s up to something but y/n couldn’t help but think it was because she was changing as a person, principal, and now…parent.
“She wanted her mommy” Y/n mocked, smirking as Ava’s eyes lit up. She loved that little girl more than any other little girl. She would knowingly drop everything for that girl. “Really? Oh, come ‘ere you cutie!” She hugged her tight, y/n playfully sighed, looking away with her hand on her forehead. Ava chuckled, “You too, doofus” the woman opened her arm out for her girlfriend kissing her lips softly.
A shriek was heard at the door, they whipped their heads around to see the same familiar faces at the door. Melissa’s face was most likely impressed (then again you never know), Janine was probably the one that shrieked as she jumped up and down, Gregory’s eyes were wide, Jacob was frozen like Barbara.
“Uhm, suprise?” Y/n chuckled, looking at Ava kissing her cheek sweetly turning back to them with a large smile.
The two women explained to them how long they’ve been dating, the Abbott crew listened carefully and happily. Barb was still in shock, Ava and y/n wasn’t something they thought would actually get together. Sure, they were polar opposites but they fit so well together. The rest of the school day was quite interesting with Melissa lecturing Ava on how if she ever hurt y/n she’s got a guy who take care of the principal real quick. “I got my eye on you, Coleman” Melissa said, with a stern tone, slowly walking back to her class while staring the tall woman down. Y/n snorted, “don’t mind her, she’s just trying to scare you” y/n smiled, hugging Ava tightly, “I know, but I don’t think I’d ever willingly leave you, baby. Someone would have to physically restrain me, I love you and lil’ Hal too much” She admitted all too easily, to her this was all she wanted for the rest of her life. Of course, someday she’d get down on a bended knee, she planned on getting married, maybe even get a dog?
Who knows, only time will tell.
But maybe this won’t even work, then someday they’ll see this as a learning experience. But if there was one thing they everyone knew, was that they were meant to be together, whether or not if it was the right time, place, or even moment.
They’d up together, that’s how it was in every universe. So, whatever happened in this one, maybe they’d mess up and separate or even just drift apart. They needed each other, in every universe.
Time is something no one is Master of, but this story surely ends happily.
As the day ended, Melissa waved bye to her colleagues, smiling as she saw y/n and Ava give each other a small peck on the lips, they were cute together that was for sure. Maybe someday she’d-
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” A voice apologized profusely, Mel had been too focused on the couple in the distance she wasn’t even focusing on where she was walking.
“It’s fine, really” Melissa chuckled, fixing her hair before looking up to see..damn. The woman in front of her was absolutely gorgeous, she felt her heart flutter for second. “Erm, hi, I’m lissame! No, sorry, Melissa! Melissa Schemmenti” she gave a bashful smile, securing her bag onto her shoulder once more.
“I’m Georgia Prescott, the new librarian”
huh. Looks like Abbott’s in for another love story.
the whole thing was rushed 😭
forgive me for this 🙏
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I will spend this entire week (month? Forever??) thinking about Barbara’s speech to ava about her relationship to church and choir in 03x05
And right now that’s thinking about how Barbara is friends with abbott’s more colourful teachers
Now call me a member of the alphabet mafia but when I hear colourful I think gay
And when I think gay I think jacob and melissa
Jacob her work son, her gardening buddy, who she’s taken under her wing, who despite homophobia from the other church sisters she would never share in that. Sometimes she has old school values (see the mom with the bitch tattoo) but not with this.
Melissa her work wife, though not canonically queer (yet), her closest colleague and if we’re talking people Barbara is friends with at Abbott well Melissa is number one.
And of course colourful could mean shady, not of the lord if you will. And well Melissa does plenty that could be side eyed by those women. But not Barb. Despite the importance of her faith, despite up until now it seeming as though she were perfect saint barbara woman of God. Despite that she still lets in, bonds with, forms a partnership with this woman who doesn’t align with her values, who she’s judged for befriending. But it doesn’t matter, because Melissa matters more.
One of the things that really gets me about their partnering, about their relationship, a reason I love barlissa so much, is that on paper they shouldn’t work. They shouldn’t get along, Barb should be wary or judgey towards Melissa. Mel should find Barbara boring and too prim and proper. But that’s not who they are, they’re not on paper, they’re nuanced and real, with emotions and experiences that shape who they are including their relationships. It’s two people who shouldn’t get on but who actually care for each other earnestly and have done so for a long time.
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peabodyandsitcoms · 14 days
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gweninred · 8 months
melissa schemmenti
mention of sex
just a fic based on s2e4 where melissa invites janine in her house to learn cooking.
It came as a shock to you when Melissa invited Janine to your house after seeing her make pork rinds with peanut butter. You'd never thought your wife would invite one of her colleagues. "What time? I mean, can I come? I need you to help me with my wine pairings. Zach gets embarrassed when I ask the clerk for the second least expensive bottle." Jacob jumped up from his seat, Melissa was gathering her things to go back to class. "Well, I couldn't think of a reason why you can't quick enough, so yeah, I frickin' guess you can, buddy." The redhead slapped his shoulder, then turned around to pick up Janines peanut butter ramen to throw it away. "Get rid of that!" She walks out of the room. "Whoa!" Janine threw her hands in the air. "Here, have some of mine so you don't starve today." You offered her the other half of your grilled cheese.
Later that day, the doorbell rang at your shared house. "Will you get that, honey?" Melissa asked, grabbing a few wine glasses from the cabinet. You walked to the door, and there were standing Janine and Jacob. "Hey guys!" They stepped into the house. "Oh wow." They looked around the house. Janine went to look at the wall full of pictures. "This is, uhm... It's Melissa." Jacob chuckled. "Oh, it used to be worse. When I hadn't moved in yet, she had plastic over her couch." You told them. "But don't bring that up, though; it sits deep." Jacob held up a bottle of wine. "I brought this. I think it's called a 'blend' because they just mix all the best wines together." You led your colleagues to the kitchen, where Melissa was. "Well, hello to you too." Janine went to give your wife a hug. "Hey. Did you bring the onion?" Melissa quickly turned away to avoid giving the other teacher a hug.
"Yeah!" Janine went to look in her bag. "That's a shallot?" Melissa held up the grocery. "A what now?" The brunette asked. "A shallot. I said, get an onion." You walked to the fridge to get a bottle of wine. "Oh, Janine thought it was an onion that was adorable and small like her, and who am I to shatter that illusion?" Jacob cut in. "Wine?" You asked. "It seems more like I need vodka right now." Melissa was annoyed. "Ooh! Now I get to patronize a local vendor. Brb!" Jacob pulled on his coat to get an onion. "I swear to god, if you get a white onion!" Melissa yelled at him before he shut the door behind him.
"So, what are we making?" Janine asked, you handed her a glass of red wine. "Pesto pasta." You told her. "And I only like it when Melissa makes it." You walked up to her, placing the glass of wine on the kitchen counter in front of her. "She's my cooking princess." You smiled up at her, placing a kiss on her temple. "Yeah, Y/n isn't normally allowed in the kitchen when I'm cooking." Melissa wrapped her arm around your waist, pulling you close to her. "So, Janine, you can start by peeling this garlic." She handed her a cutting board and knife. "Just cut into very small pieces." Janine hummed. "So, what's my job tonight, babe?" You asked, squeezing Melissa's waist. "Just make sure the pasta doesn't overcook." She slipped away from your grip to continue her cooking. "Okay, boss." You hopped onto the counter next to the stove, sipping on your glass of wine.
Around 45 minutes later, the table was set. Some scented candles were burning around the house (Melissa's favorites, white musk and warm vanilla). and the onion Jacob went to get successfully made into the pesto sauce. Another bottle of wine had opened after dinner, with Melissa telling Janine she did well for her first cooked dinner.
"If you spill wine on the couch, I'll sue you." Melissa tells her coworkers, as they take a seat in the living room, you are sitting next to your wife. "So I also brought these cards to get to know each other more." Janine is excited. A sigh escaped the redhead's mouth, and you poked your elbow in her side. "Okay, Jacob!" Janine grabbed one of the cards. "If you could invent anything, what would it be?" Jacob crossed his legs, thinking. "A time machine. You know I love history, so I'd love to travel back in time." He explained. "Crab the next card, Jacob." Janine told him. "Y/n, what is your favorite thing about home?" He asked you. "Oh! Easy, Melissa, of course." You smiled at her, her hand creeped up your back, rubbing soothingly. "You're sweet." She placed a kiss on top of your head. "Ahw." You heard from Janine. "When Terique and I were together, he always told me I-" Melissa cut her off. "No one is making you tell these stories, you know?" You grabbed a card. "Right..." The other teacher sat back, sipping her wine. "Melis, what is a secret you never told anyone?" You asked. Melissa placed her wine on the coffee table, thinking. "A secret I haven't told anybody." She thought out loud. 
Melissa turned to you. "You know my boyfriend before you?" She rubbed your arm. "Gary, the vending machine guy?" She nodded. "We were in a relationship, and we never had sex." She giggled. "Ever?" Jacob asked, his mouth agape. "Never," she confirmed. You lauguhed, feeling tipsy. "How did you keep that up for so long?" You asked. "And why didn't he, you know, how could he resit you?" You were confused as to how he could ever resist Melissa, in your eyes the most beautiful woman. "Well, maybe it was kind of me. Now I know I'm more into  women."She wrapped her arms around you to keep you close.
A few hours had passed, and you were now sitting on Melissa's lap sideways, your arm wrapped around her neck as she held you around your waist. Janine and Jacob had left around 11. Melissa gave the leftover to Janine so she could eat it tomorrow at lunch. You had been making out but felt quite tired. You kissed down Melissa's neck, but your kisses were getting sloppier by the second. "Let's go to bed." You mumbled against her neck. You were now a little more than tipsy. "Alright, hon." Melissa pulled you up, holding hands as you made it up to your shared bedroom.
"I couldn't imagine never having sex with you." You slurred as you two lay in bed. Your head is lying on the redhead's chest. "I would have sex with you right now if I wasn't this tired." Melissa giggled at your words, slightly massaging your scalp. "Goodnight, honey."
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zamoimagines · 10 months
Women of Abbott Elementary - First Date (Headcanons)
A/N: Hey ya'll! I have so much fun writing for these girlies, I love them all so much. If you guys want more of them, please let me know! - Headcanons under the cut - **DISCLAIMER: None of the gifs are mine, all credit goes to the original creators**
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Ava Coleman:
If there’s one thing about Ava Coleman, it’s that she loves luxury
Anyone who is with her is bound to know that and she’s more than happy to share the wealth with someone she cares about 
A first date for her is definitely at some hip new bar she found on social media with lots of fancy cocktails and champagne, maybe a few shots here and there
She insists that she pays for everything since she has a lot saved up (surely not for a potential zombie apocalypse, but she could afford to dip into her funds) 
She absolutely spoils you and tells you to get dressed up. She’s definitely in a sleek cocktail dress with a faux fur coat, or maybe a really fashionable jumpsuit. It’s whatever she’s feeling that night. Regardless, she looks hot and expensive 
The whole time you guys have drinks, she’s flirting hard with you. Unlike her other dates, she also spends some time getting to know you and asks you about where you’re from, where you see yourself in ten years, who your favorite celebrity couple is, etc. All the important first date topics 
Definitely calling you every nickname under the sun; baby, princess, cutie, baby cakes, honey, sugarboo, you name it, she’s calling you that 
Also making sure to take plenty of pictures of you, making you pose and encouraging you to be confident in how gorgeous you look
You stop her when she almost tries to make a tik tok video, but she respects you. Just means she has more pictures of you to look at later on her own time 
Absolutely making sure to touch you as much as possible, whether that means touching your hand, lightly jabbing your shoulder, maybe even playing with your hair a little bit
She definitely has a stare that could see right through you and while it’s intimidating, she also knows exactly how to make you squirm without doing anything at all 
After you guys are a little too tipsy, she’d surely take you to her favorite club. She’s dying to get you out onto a dance floor, especially when you both look so damn good together 
As soon as you guys arrive, the bouncers immediately let you through the door and you guys skip the line. She pulls you right out to the floor and encourages you to fuck it up 
The more you let loose for her, the harder she’s simping. More than likely, she’s grinding up against you, holding your hips to hers, rocking with you and making sure to keep you close
God forbid if ANYONE tries to dance with you, they’re getting kicked out of the entire club. She doesn’t give a fuck 
Straight up, she would make sure to put her arm over your shoulder just to be more possessive of you and make sure that everyone knows your her date. She respects you, she just doesn’t like it if someone doesn’t respect you
During a more slow song, she holds you super close so that you don’t get too far from her. She’s much more comfortable being vulnerable with you in a setting like this 
“I had a good time tonight. You’re so cute- Forreal, I can’t keep my hands off of you, baby” 
Right after, she’d lean in really close to your ear and ask you in a very husky voice, “You wanna come home with me, baby? I could take really good care of you.” 
Absolute best sex of your life as a nightcap, Ava is fully on board with having sex on the first date- especially if it’s with you.
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Barbara Howard:
Barb is the most traditional out of all of them. After all, she’s a good Christian woman
She picks out the cutest local restaurant that’s not too snooty, but not too cheap. She also happens to be a regular there, but she doesn’t give that away immediately 
She’d meet you there, showing up a little early so she could have the table ready and waiting for you. When you arrive, she stands up and makes sure to give you a very tender kiss to your cheek and a little squeeze to your hand 
When the waiter comes by to ask for a drink order, Barbara makes sure to get a simple cocktail and urges you to do the same since the have the best ones in Philadelphia (in her own opinion)
For a while, you two start to talk. You both talk about work, then maybe move onto other first date topics like favorite movies, colors, foods, etc. Eventually, you both get on a topic in which Barbara tells you everywhere she’s traveled and you learn how much she loves cruises. 
You guys finally order, and you’re still not sure what to order because the conversation has gotten away from you. She most certainly asks for your permission, but offers to order for you to ease your mind a little. You give her your consent, and she tells the waiter exactly what to bring. Absolutely hot to you that she could take care of you in so many different ways like that. 
The more she finishes her cocktail, the more comfortable she becomes. You could tell she was slightly nervous before, but since it’s going so well, she comes into her own a little more. That signature Barbara confidence shines through with vigor and it only makes you swoon more 
She gets as bold as to hold your hand for a moment, and even takes time to gaze into your eyes while she’s speaking to you. When she laughs at your jokes, you could swear that she could be the personification of sunshine 
The food arrives, and you two eat happily to which you compliment her decision on picking this restaurant in particular. The food is delicious and she ordered you the perfect meal 
At the end, the chef surprises you both with a cute little dessert that’s sharable. It takes Barbara off guard, especially when they insist it’s on the house. You both feel like giddy teenagers in that moment, but you share it anyway 
Barbara would notice that there was a little speck of something on the corner of your mouth and would say, “Oh- Sweetheart, let me get that for you-” 
She’d take her napkin and start to wipe it away, but your heart would race at how close her hand was to your face. She’d notice how close she was too when the napkin slipped out of her hands 
There’s a moment where her hand is literally just caressing your face and neither one of you can move, completely swept up by the moment 
Once she snaps out of it, she apologizes to which you tell her not to worry. Secretly, you’re hoping she’d touch you like that again 
As you two finish up, you grab out your wallet to pay but she insists you put it away 
“I invited you out to dinner, darling. Let me take care of it.” 
You know better than to argue with Barbara, and so she pays for the whole meal. When you two leave the restaurant, she walks you right to your car to make sure you’re safe and taken care of. 
“I had a wonderful time with you, dear. Thank you for coming. I’ve been looking forward to this all week, and it was even better than I imagined it would’ve been.” 
Which is so cute to think about Barbara planning this whole thing just for you, and you make sure to thank you and assure her that you had a good time as well
There’s an awkward silence between the two of you as she takes in every inch of your presence, just silently swooning over how much she adores you
She cuts through the silence and softly asks, “May I kiss you?” 
You’d nod, but you can’t believe she just asked that question. You never thought in a million years that Barbara Howard would’ve been taking you on a date 
As you’re swimming in your thoughts, she’d lean forward and give you a firm yet sweet kiss to make sure she makes it perfect for you. 
You’d kiss back in an instant (how could you fucking not), and as soon as you accept her love, her hands move to hold your waist as she pulls you in closer, her other hand moves to caress over your cheek
She’d rest her forehead to yours and admit, “I’ve been waiting so long to do that” 
She’s certainly a lady and respects your boundaries enough to not invite you home, but you bet your sweet ass that she’s most certainly asking you on a second date. 
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Janine Teagues:
Janine is a pretty classic girlie and takes you to see a movie 
At first, she’s trying to psyche herself up to see a drama or a horror movie, something that is way too serious for her tastes because she wants to impress you
She offers to pay for everything- The movie tickets, the snacks, she even tries to shove gas money in your face 
You try to insist that you can split everything, but she’s incredibly stubborn 
Once you have your drinks and your food, you guys go into the theater 
She made extra careful plans to sit in the perfect spot so you two could have enough privacy but be far enough from the screen to see everything 
The movie starts up and it’s clearly too much for her, you can tell by the way she’s getting tense and how she’s trying to hide her face every five seconds
She gets way too nervous and steps out to use the bathroom, but after she’s gone for so long, you make sure to go and check on her 
You’d use a line like, “You left your purse under your seat” or something along those lines 
To which Janine would completely crumble and let you know that she was acting all out of sorts just to make sure you’d still like her. She’s terrified of being too boring or not being “cool” enough for someone else 
You’d definitely have to reassure her very tenderly because you went on this date knowing it was Janine. Clearly you love everything about her, even her little quirks. You’d have to make sure to tell her that upfront so she could finally relax
Once everything was out in the open, she’d finally calm down. 
She’d say something like “Good- I was kinda hoping we could see Paw Patrol because my students have been going nuts over it. I heard it was a pretty wild time.” 
She’s definitely nervous about admitting that, but as soon as you’re on board, you two refund the tickets for the next showing of the other movie. This time, you make sure to get the drinks and you guys settle in.
You can clearly see she’s more excitable, laughing and being adorable as ever
She’d even hold your hand and make sure to whisper little things to you so that she didn’t get too lost in the movie 
Once it’s over, you guys would hit a little coffee shop and just talk for a while. Really gushy stuff, like laughing about how Janine picked the worst movie for a first date initially, maybe she goes on about how much she liked the actual movie she wanted to see. You guys stay for hours and talk about everything under the sun until the cafe closes.
“Well uh… Guess that’s it then.” She’d fidget a little, definitely super nervous about how to end the night. You’d let her know that you had a great time 
Which would give her enough courage to launch herself forward and kiss you right on the lips
Right after, she’d pull away and blush super hard and start apologizing and rambling like she does
But you’d cut her off and give her another kiss. In return, she’d just melt in your arms and you two could just let yourselves get caught in the wholesome gay vibes that the whole night had been leading up to <333
Then she’d most definitely ask you to come back to her place to hang out and cuddle, maybe play some board games she’s been dying to show someone. Absolutely more kissing- She wouldn’t be able to stop kissing you once she knew it was okay to do so.
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Melissa Schemmenti:
Definitely plans a date at her place
Who needs a fancy restaurant when she’s the best Italian cook in all of Philly? 
She’d invite you over and everything would be super casual, she’d probably insist on it just so she could make you comfortable 
But nothing would be quite ready whenever you got there 
In fact, you’d get all dressed up in your best
And Melissa opens the door in jeans, a tank top and her denim jacket she always wears around her house, hair up in a ponytail with a small kitchen towel hanging off her shoulder
“Damn- You really thought you were coming to the Met or something, huh?” She’d definitely laugh it off, but she’d assure you that you look incredible. She’d even apologize for not being more specific or for not dressing up herself 
Her idea of an adorable date is letting you help her cook. Being able to make a meal with her loved ones always makes her feel at home, and you’re no exception to that 
She’d definitely teach you how to make a kick ass risotto and would hold your hand the entire way
If you did something wrong, she wouldn’t be nearly as harsh as she would’ve been with Jacob or Janine. She’d lightly redirect you and even show you how to do it by guiding your hands with her own
And for the most Sicilian thing to do, she makes sure to get out a bottle of wine so you two can indulge in some drinks while the meal is getting prepared 
She has on her favorite tunes in the background, and the more tipsy she gets, she definitely starts to sing to you which is so sweet (even though her voice is completely off key, still super charming) 
Absolutely letting you be a taste tester, offers you the cooking spoons or makes you eat something out of her hand 
She won’t say it out loud, but she loves how you go with it. It’s adorable to her that you’re comfortable enough to trust her and lowkey she thinks it’s kinda hot how your mouth feels around her fingers ANYWAY
Once the food is done, you help her set the table and get all the food set up. She cracks open another bottle of wine so you guys can still drink during dinner 
You literally wanna pass out because the food is so good. You had no idea that she could cook like this, and it’s very clear she takes a lot of pride in her work with that pleased smirk on her face.
She’s also just so happy to see you so happy and in her space being so comfortable, that’s all she wants in a partner and you’re fitting in so seamlessly with her life
You guys talk about everything under the sun; About work, about annoying people, she tells you crazy stories from her family, maybe some about her antics and how she’s run away from the law, in return you’d tell her stories of your own 
Before you know it, dinner is completely gone and so is half the bottle of wine 
You both are much more tipsy than before, but it feels so cozy and warm. Melissa is even gazing back at you with her chin resting against her hand, just taking in how beautiful you are
“Mm.” She’d hum a little bit while she’s just silently staring at you, to which you ask her what’s on her mind 
“Oh, nothin’. Just was thinking about what it would be like to kiss you.” 
There’d be a small pause before she just leans in and presses her lips to yours 
It’s heated almost immediately, because this woman does everything with as much passion as she possibly can- But she’s also so tender and makes sure to hold you while she’s getting closer to you
Melissa doesn’t care about rules, ya’ll are going straight up to her bedroom if you’re comfortable with that. If not, she fully intends to cuddle you on her plastic wrapped couch 
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royalarmyofoz · 2 years
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cyarskj52 · 10 months
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Yeah, I’m gonna miss Gregory, but I’m gonna miss everybody. And that includes Gregory. And, you know, we’ve become really good friends this year.
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jeritoodles · 2 years
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i will apologize ahead of time for the person i will become after this moment here.
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tvuniverse · 2 years
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Abbott Elementary ➤ 2x18 Teacher Appreciation
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Abbott Elementary x Reductress Headlines 1/?
Part II
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abbottmenty · 5 months
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