#i’m really soft about them
jeritoodles · 1 year
@lakita-fisher I’m sorry for taking so long lol!
Prompt: 4, 28, and 33
Ava x Barbara
Thank you so much I love your content ❤️❤️
Barbara Howard’s love language is physical touch. She is a touchy feeley person if she loves you and she will touch you if she thinks the situation calls for it. What she will not allow is for you to touch her - that is unless she trusts you enough to show her love and she knows you won’t hurt her. Barbara has been touched by many people in her life who had done her so very wrong so now no one touches without being allowed.
That being said, during the day she’s quite a bit touch-starved. There are only two people she trusts at Abbott to touch her and with the cameras around, they don’t very often. By the end of the day Barbara craves attention and love in the form of hugs, back rubs, massages etc. Ava of course knows all of these things and tries to sneak a touch for Barbara at least once a day while they’re at work. Ava will go to Barbara’s room during a free period, sit on her desk, and watch her work. While they sit Ava will run her hand down Barbara’s arm or gently stroke the back of Barbara’s neck until it’s time for her to go. Her small time with Ava at work keeps her satisfied for a while but never enough.
When they get home is their favorite time of the day. Ava usually gets home first, driving like someone should really take away her license, and Barbara gets in soon after. Then the fun begins, because Ava makes sure the both of them are comfortable before engulfing Barbara in her arms. Ava hugs so tightly Barbara thinks she may bust, but she never asks her to let go. Ava holds her so close that Barbara wishes they would just fuse together into one. Barbara loves the way Ava holds her because it’s always face to face so she can admire the peaceful look that takes over Barbara’s features. They kiss for hours on end when Ava holds her, and when they’re not kissing, their foreheads are pressed, their noses are pressed together and every part of them is touching. Ava kisses not just Barbara’s lips, but all over her; anywhere she can reach at the moment. Ava’s favorite spot to kiss is right under Barbara’s left ear. It makes Barbara giggle. From there, Ava will kiss down her neck, onto her shoulder across her back to the other shoulder and back up until she reaches right under Barbara’s right ear. Barbara loves to be kissed on her neck and most of the time Ava barely makes it to the other ear before being dragged up the stairs. Ava rubs, something that at first made Barbara a little uneasy, but with time, she got along with the rubbing. Most times the rubbing is reserved for when Ava is feeling hot-n-ready. She’ll rub Barbara’s tummy, hips, and her behind, signaling that she wanted to touch and rub on other places. Barbara has come to like when Ava rubs, and when Ava hits her with a neck-kiss and rub combo? Barbara is goo.
Ava gives and Barbara soaks every bit of it up. Catering to Barbara’s touching needs is one of Ava’s many forms of saying ‘I love you’.
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
have u ever considered gojo trying to tease you about how into it you get whenever you suck him off, but how flustered he gets when you admit yeah, I like it more than I thought i would, mainly because it’s you, because you’re so pretty to look up at, you always treats me so well when I’m on my knees for you. now you’ve killed him, especially with the way you’ve been touching yourself all the while running your tongue up at that one vein on his shaft. dead. gone and buried.
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dumb-doll-lips · 8 months
Maybe controversial, but on posts about being dumb where girls are like saying ‘but I’m actually smart.’ Like tbh, I don’t really believe them. Like if you’re smart why does feeling dumb feel so good or hot or whatever to you then? I kinda feel like it’s having an excuse to let go of trying as much as you would be when you’re saying your smart. If you’re like really actually smart, I don’t feel like a break from ‘being smart’ would be such a relief or like as appealing.
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cuecrynsleep · 2 months
Amangela AU but it’s a rough draft;
Soulmate AU where after you turn a certain age, the day after, you get a soulmate timer. It counts down the days until you meet your soulmate/the days since you met your soulmate.
Amanda has had her soulmate timer for a while. By the time her soulmate timer says “00:19:45” (aka 19 hours, 45 minutes left) it’s daunting if anything. Then that day it’s announced that some of the new hirees will be coming in tomorrow morning. That thought alone is ever so present in Amanda’s mind and she doesn’t want whatever soulmate jargon to effect her work at Smosh, if one of the new hirees did end up being her soulmate.
She does her usual routine of driving to a nearby coffee place before showing up at Smosh. Her mind isn’t on her soulmate timer as she’s more so focused on getting to her first shoot of the day. She passes by the new hirees as they were getting a tour of the Smosh Office, being quickly introduced to the four by Shayne. She doesn’t notice the ever so slightest tingle on her wrist, and continues on with her day.
By the time it’s the end of work, a few people at Smosh decided to end their day at the bar. Tommy points out her soulmate timer that now read “-00:10:19” meaning she met her soulmate roughly ten hours ago. She probably should’ve paid more attention to her soulmate timer. It was just hard to focus on that when she had more daunting things to focus on.
Her mind briefly thought of anyone significant at the coffee place from that morning, as well as the new additions at Smosh. As soon as Angela passes through her head she shakes the thought away. She had just met these people not even a day ago and to already think about one of them in a romantic context felt wrong. It didn’t matter if it was inevitable because of a timer on her wrist, after all she didn’t like living her life as such. All she wanted to do was to live it all naturally. Not forced by some timer on her wrist that made her feel like she had to talk to someone because it was fate.
Angela gets her soulmate timer whilst working at Smosh. The first thing she notices when waking up that day was the new addition of her soulmate timer on her wrist. The ink read so clearly “-1,242:01:10” She honestly saw the number ridiculous at first, given how high it was. The moment she read it she couldn’t help but rub at the ink, as if that’d make the timer change. Whilst getting ready for work she gets an expected call from Chanse, the latter reminding her the day before that she’d get her soulmate mark. She hadn’t always cared about the phenomenon, definitely not as much as others.
“How the hell am I supposed to remember who I met over a thousand days ago?”
“No one expects you to,” Chanse chuckles. “Now you just have to find who has the exact same time as you.”
“Wonderful,” she sarcastically quipped.
“I’ll help you out during work. I’ll just have to subtly look at some people’s wrists.”
“Yeah, that’s assuming they’re from work and they already have their soulmate mark anyway,” she said offhandedly.
If her brain happened to think about Amanda first she wouldn’t mention it. After all, surely there was no way. She didn’t want to start her day with some false hope. Not only for her, but also her soulmate. because in some way having hopes on who her soulmate is felt unfair to them. Even if she didn’t know who it was.
Angela couldn’t tell if Chanse was joking or not. She would get her answer when Chanse gave her a thumbs down after getting a look at the camera man’s wrist. He wasn’t annoying about it and didn’t do it to everyone. If anything he did it three times before the bit would get old. He even did it twice with people who already found their soulmate. He knew Angela wanted to discover her soulmate at her own time, naturally. So, of course, he’d respect that.
She let life pass her by as she went through her mental checklist of the day. After a short shoot for the main Smosh channel she had a meeting with Spencer, Amanda, Courtney, and Trevor about instructions on a game they had to play later today for a Smosh Games shoot. She hadn’t had the time to see Amanda in the morning so it felt only natural to immediately bring her into a hug.
As she pulls apart from the hug, albeit unwillingly she gets a quick glance at Amanda’s wrist. Only did she see the familiar number of days in the thousands, yet the moment she did she felt her heart beating against her chest. Without any warning she grabbed Amanda’s wrist, putting her arm down next to her own. Their soulmate timers next to each other, showing the same number.
Then as if they needed more proof they watched as the 43 minutes turned to 44 minutes. Amanda was her soulmate.
Angela was pulled into a hug, she could feel Amanda’s lips so close to her ear as she whispered in a soft voice. “I’m so glad, you’re my soulmate.”
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betterthanbatman1 · 11 months
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Umm I love them???
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mydollsaregay · 5 months
@americangirlruinedmylife asked me if i had seen AG’s website today and for a minute i was so wrapped up in the revival of Julie’s floral jumpsuit that i straight up didn’t even see the other historical drops 😅
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anyway i love this fit SO much. i was devastated when i got back into collecting and saw how expensive it was, so i am very pleased to be able to have a version of it (though they changed the sandal color for some reason?? it’s odd but im fine with it - I have some tan ones I’ll switch them out for).
the other thing I’m definitely going to be getting is Addy’s birthday dress- my Addy only has her pjs so i’m pumped to be able to get another fit for her!!! also I just love her birthday outfit. her snood is super fun, and I LOVE the checkered apron.
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(I kinda wish the book was sold separately though, as I believe I already have a copy and. Y’know. Money.)
i actually LOVE the idea of the limited drop IF they end up doing what I think they’re going to do. they dropped just the birthday/spring outfits and books during the season when they take place….
I think they might be doing a seasonal release of each book and accompanying outfit??? 🤔
based on how much got left hanging around on sale for molly and kit, i think they might be trying to broaden the audience while limiting the amount they have to stock by doing these three girls at once - they could be planning to rotate out items as they add each new book and accompanying outfit, which I actually think is an extremely cool idea. there’s no way to know for certain until we hit summer and the next wave would release (if im not totally off base), but we’ll see 👀
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forestmossling · 13 days
someone: what’s your favorite stranger things pairing?
me: obviously it’s steddie
someone: that’s such a BASIC FUCKING BITCH ANSWER-
me: alright, you want a real answer?? wayne munson/benny hammond. look it up.
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yourqueenb · 9 months
You are so right in your distaste for Blades book 2. No matter how great things get near the end, a majority of the book was horrible. They led us along like mouse to cheese. It’s inexcusable to play with their audience this way.
I only wish more people were less willing to excuse PB’s mediocrity. The signs were on the wall for me when DLS was flat out better than Blades 2, and it’s narratively quite simple. The story told was well paced, thought out, and above all kept us waiting for more each week. I cannot say the same for B2. That is sad.
I mean I do understand why people still enjoyed it and were willing to overlook the negative aspects or didn’t have much of a problem with them to begin with. Blades 1 was a fan favorite, we all missed these characters a lot, and many people (myself included at one point) didn’t believe we would actually get book 2 because of all the bait and switches PB had done in the past. But the first two things are why I personally couldn’t overlook the glaring issues.
I can’t remember who the OP was now, but I remember seeing a post from when book 2 only had a few chapters out where someone said something about it seeming like the writers learned all the wrong things about what made the book so good, and I couldn’t agree with that person more! Yeah, book 1 was good because it was different from anything we had ever gotten before. But I think the main reason it was so good was because of the characters as individuals and the relationships we got to form with those individuals to ultimately become a family. Yet they didn’t really acknowledge those individuals or relationships in ways that did them justice for the majority of book 2. And on top of that, MC’s own characterization was inconsistent at times because the writers picked and chose when they wanted us to be a competent leader and when they wanted us to be virtually clueless for plot convenience.
Book 1 was also relatively straightforward whereas it seemed like the writers wanted to turn the sequel into their own personal commentary on religion, which is an incredibly complex topic in itself. They had some social commentary in book 1, but it was done a lot better in my opinion because it didn’t take so much of a front seat. They managed to make it clear that that commentary was important and relevant to the writers, the characters, and the readers living in the real world while never robbing book 1 of that fun adventure game used for escapism feel. Meanwhile, book 2 almost felt like ‘Rising Tides but make it religion’ at times. And that’s on top of all of the other issues I’ve already mentioned in my previous posts.
I will say that I can see how there’s usually a lot of pressure to blow things out of the water for a sequel to something so beloved, and that most likely contributed to how things played out. So maybe I’m being a bit too harsh in my judgement of everything. But I still find it very disappointing to wait so long for something just for it to be so messy and miss the mark by a mile
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jeritoodles · 1 year
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flowryluv · 1 year
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Lisa’s birthday countdown (15/15)
Thank you for enjoying my stuff!!
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dent-de-leon · 7 months
The scene where Astarion meets Sebastian hurts my heart so bad. Thinking about how it mirrors the “sweet darling boy” that Astarion let go because he couldn’t bear to hurt him. Thinking about how Astarion can admit that if he’d met Tav/Durge back then, he would have killed them too—how agonized by guilt he is at the mere thought of it. Begs them not to speak of it.
Astarion having a weakness for partners who are sweet, kind, compassionate—Astarion telling Tav/Durge, “No one ever looked out for me. No one ever said a kind thing to me. Other people don’t have a heart like you. You’re…you. No one is like that.” Astarion clinging to these stolen moments of warmth, so starved for genuine affection and compassion.
Are there others Astarion still wishes he’d spared, even if it would cost him dearly—
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ari what do you think of jin itadori (also i would like to bubble🫧 anon if that's available please)(you could just call me bubbles)
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(hi my lovely little anon, the bubbles emoji is taken by an ask i haven’t answered quite yet, but feel free to pick another one!! 🥹 so nice to meet you <33)
it’s funny you say this actually because i’ve been thinking of him recently... especially after the whole lore reveal. the fact that jin was literally devoured in the womb so his sibling could survive + willingly let himself be manipulated by kenjaku despite knowing it wasn’t kaori….. well. it’s tasty, right? and it makes me a little insane because if sukuna embodies strenght, isn’t it only natural that jin would embody weakness? the weakness of love? inherent submission to those more powerful than him?
anyway what i’m trying to say is kenny topped. thank you for listening 🫶
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unknownarmageddon · 6 months
for the sanscest ships, kist : o?
OUHHH….. OUHH KIST…. weeping wailing kist my beloved
kist is like my third or second favorite ship it’s like the only other killer ship i like other than kross. ouh. kist <3
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clovesnz · 4 months
Dude I can’t help it I just like having someone to worry over too much. Like apparently it doesn’t matter if I’m actually attracted to someone, my desire to have someone to check in on and take care of is too great. Like maybe I can tolerate being completely sexually disinterested if it means I get all the soft stuff
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ninjaaa-go · 1 year
why am I getting so emotional about a little plastic ghost??? morro seriously has such a grip on me it’s insane
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acrobattack · 6 months
i think it’s fun that blossom and buttercup butt heads the most vs brick who targets boomer and more or less gets along swell with butch
#once again this is just me stating the obvious but i think about it a lot anyway#like with buttercup it’s a general refusal to follow the given instruction#vs boomer whose issue with brick tends to be incomprehension or lack of capability#and like. the difference between a leader who wants a Good Clean outcome vs one who just wants to have fun at all costs#butch has no reason to oppose brick because their goals basically align similar to how bubbles and blossom function#whereas buttercup Wants to be reckless under the instruction of someone who simply is Not#and boomers situation is a bit different because he really doesn’t oppose Brick much at all#he’s just a bit slow to catch on and will tend to speak out of turn out of excitement to contribute to a situation#vs butch who quite literally just parrots a lot of what brick says in a lot of his dialog#boomer is just ‘soft’ enough to be an easy target#it also Is just really fitting of brick to aim that kind of attitude at someone who’s less likely to do anything about it#whereas blossom generally has a real point she wants to drill into buttercups head so the resulting fight is. kind of the goal#idk where i’m going with this i just saw a post that made me want to organize these thoughts somewhere#bubble journal#editing to add more#like alright boomer is. undoubtedly a part of their group#i don’t think he’s a true odd one out he Isn’t#he scraps with them and likes the same things they do and generally likes to participate with them#he just so happens to be the ‘worst’ relative to the other two at being a Rowdy/ruff Boy#at least in the way they perceive one ought to be#so when he gets a bit too obviously naive he’ll get singled out#but it’s clear he can generally keep up with them anyway#if only for the fact that brick and butch can instantly tell when bubbles wasn’t able to#does this make sense i feel like i lost the plot
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