#otp: always you [ yume x cid]
starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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𝙳𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝚋𝚛𝚘?!
Thank you to this anon ask HERE for the idea!
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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Love me, that's all I ask of you <3
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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Auraugust -> Day 12: Summer
“Cid, please, put down the camera and relax with me! We finally have some time to ourselves and I don’t want to squander it.”
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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Auraugust -> Day 15: Rest
“I must be strong, resilient, and unwavering in the face of the enemy, for naught else will allow me to achieve victory on the battlefield. Yet, when I am able to turn away from the world, retreat into my safe place where I am allowed to be my full self, vulnerabilities in plain view, I seek the solace of your arms around me. At last, I am able to rest.”
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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she belonged to him
not because it was something he demanded
but because it was something she couldn't help
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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Auraugust -> Day 4: Family
“When we met, we had both lost our families, everyone either had passed or treated us as if we were dead already. A few years pass, and we decided to start our own family, to find our own happiness. Once our daughter was born, we realized we had indeed found our happiness… in each other and in her. All of us together… that is all I have ever wanted and needed.”
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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The Eternal Bond 💞
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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Auraugust -> Day 16: Sorrow
Cid, my love,
There is so much I need to tell you, and I know it would be preferable to tell you in person. Unfortunately, I don’t know if I will be able to return to you… I may not have much time left, and this may be my last chance to make things right.
I have instructed Feo Ul to give you the details of all that has happened in the First, but this letter actually addresses something else… something that is really hard to explain, but I will try.
The one that was calling us to the First, the mysterious voice, it was our friend G’raha Tia, and he was awoken by the Ironworks’ descendants in the far future. I know it sounds really strange to you now, but everything I am about to tell you is the truth.
G’raha spoke of an Eighth Umbral Calamity, where the Scions and the Warriors of Light all perished… including myself. But that is not even the worst of it. He said… he said I was with child when I died.
I feel so lost, so empty. I simply don’t know what to think… I am mourning over our child that does not even exist yet. Please Cid, tell me everything is going to be alright. Tell me that I will see you again, tell me that our child will live.
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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With a swift thrust of her katana, the gunblade flew out of the Garlean engineer’s hand and clanged against the steel floor across the room, echoing through the empty chamber. Before his brain could register what was happening, Cid nan Garlond was laying flat on his back after being roughly thrown to the ground, pain flowing down his spine from the impact, with his opponent sitting atop his lap and her blade firmly under his chin, ready to slit his throat at any moment. If it were not for the blue flames burning in her eyes and the cold steel on his neck, he would have sworn that she was about to ride him then and there... unfortunately for him, his fantasy had very much not become a reality.
~Excerpt from the Imperial Cid AU
A HUGE thank you to @mythopoet-of-amaurot for posing them so I could actually get these screens to work! I love you my friend!! I could not have done this without you. 😘💖
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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at the end of the world,
let there be you, my world
~ Danez Smith
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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Auraugust -> Day 11: Mount
If it were not for the blue flames burning in her eyes and the cold steel on his neck, he would have sworn that she was about to ride him then and there... unfortunately for him, his fantasy had very much not become a reality.
~Excerpt from the Imperial Cid AU
*Unused shots from a previous post about my Imperial Cid AU, which can be found HERE
Once again I have to thank @mythopoet-of-amaurot for making the pose!
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021 Prompt #17: Destruct
Destruct: adjective - serving or designed to destroy; noun - the act or process of intentional destruction.
Yume’s Villain AU
Implied Yume x Cid, One-sided G’raha x Yume
CWs: Referenced Character Death, Process of Grief, Suicidal Thoughts
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“G’raha… why have you come?”
“You know why. I have come to help you, to save you.”
“Save me? What do I possibly need saving from?”
“From yourself! You are drowning in your grief and you are spiraling out of control. Stop this senseless killing now, when you still have a chance to spare innocent lives!”
“Innocent? Is being complacent when your tyrannical rulers destroy everything in their path truly innocent?”
“Nor does it matter to me whether those people are innocent or not. My blade will run them through regardless. The Empire has taken everything from me, the love of my life, my future, my very reason for living! Why should I spare their lives when they did not spare Cid?!”
“Yume… please, don’t do this.”
“The only reason why I have not killed myself yet is because everyone that allowed him to suffer and die must pay with their lives and all of those they hold dear! Only then will I be satisfied.”
“And no words from you will be able to save me. Get out of my way G’raha.”
“Forgive me Yume… I care… no, I love you too much to let you do this.”
“So be it.”
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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“I feel so much of you inside me I am no longer certain where you begin and I end.” ~ N.R. Hart
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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There is so much work to be done before the Ultima Weapon is fully operational… and yet, I just can’t stop thinking about you. I barely know you at all, so why do I feel like I need to see you again? Tell me, Yume…
~ For the Imperial Cid AU
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
Yume x Cid Ship Timeline
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I just realized now that I never wrote out the timeline of events of my ship within canonverse! I have fics that I tried to put in chronological order on my pinned post, and I now have the timeline for the Imperial Cid AU, but not within Yume’s canon. So here you go, enjoy!
Ancient Times
* Back in Amaurot, Athena and Daedalus (Yume and Cid’s past selves) were in love but never confessed to each other until right before they died together when Amaurot was being destroyed. Athena and Daedalus were able to erect a barrier that stayed the creatures for a time, but they ultimately were struck down. They both vowed to find each other again in each subsequent reincarnation.
* Sometime before the Calamity, while traveling on the Enterprise, Cid sees a vision of an Auri woman made of light who gives him his trademark goggles. He has no idea who the woman is, but he consistently has dreams about her ever since.
* At the same time, Yume was banished from her home by her father. Shamed and dishonored, she took on missions as a ronin and mercenary in Kugane. It is during this time that Yume found a pair of goggles from a Garlean merchant, and mysteriously she has a dream that night where she gives the goggles to a young Garlean man on an airship. Yume wakes up the next morning and the goggles are gone.
* After spending a few years in Kugane as a mercenary, Yume decided that she wanted a better life for herself and to see the wider world. She decides to go to Eorzea, but unfortunately for her, it is shortly before the events of 1.0 and she gets wrapped up in trying to prevent the Calamity.
* Yume soon meets a Garlean engineer who defected from Garlemald, Cid Garlond. They grow close as they work together to stop Nael van Darnus and the VIIth Legion. Cid and Yume soon fall in love and Cid decides that he will fight Nael van Darnus on his own, in order to protect Yume.
* Yume arrives at the airship landing in Gridania before Cid takes off and tells him that she won't let him go alone. She runs to him and hugs him, saying that she is going with him no matter what he says. Then they share their first kiss, and agree that they will go together. Cid promises that there will be an "us" after this is all over.
* After Nael van Darnus' defeat but before Yume helps the Archons with their preparations in summoning the Twelve, Yume and Cid confess their love for each other and make love for the first time, with Yume losing her virginity.
*Yume and Cid participate in the Battle of Carteneau. Unfortunately Dalamud falls and Bahamut is unleashed, causing the Seventh Umbral Calamity. Archon Louisoix is able to save the Warriors of Light by sending them five years into the future so that they are able to protect the realm in the aftermath of the Calamity. Cid is severely injured during the Calamity and awakens to having complete amnesia, forgetting not only his time with Yume but his entire life and identity.
A Realm Reborn
* Five years after the calamity, Yume awakens in Eorzea, having completely forgotten all of the events of the Calamity, including forgetting Cid. She becomes an adventurer and eventually joins the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. It is during her first mission as a Scion that she meets a man named Marques at the Church of St. Adama Landama in Drybone that, unbeknownst to her, is in fact Cid Garlond, the man she had loved and forgotten.
* Some time later, after the Scions’ subsequent victories over Ifrit and Titan, Yume goes back to the Waking Sands and discovers that the majority of the Scions have been murdered in an attack led by Livia sas Junius, Tribunus Angusticlavius of the XIV Imperial Legion.
* Yume doesn’t have anywhere else to go, so she goes to the Church of St. Adama Landama and tells Father Iliud what happened. Father Iliud asks Marques to look after Yume and to take care of her, to which he gladly agrees to.
* Yume spends a lot of quality time with Marques at the church, and she finds him really easy to talk to and he’s so funny, kind, and hard working. Yume is shocked at how easy she grows to trust him. She soon finds out that he was severely injured during the Battle of Carteneau and he has amnesia, not remembering anything about who he was before the calamity.
* Though Marques doesn’t remember, he somehow has a feeling that he knows Yume from somewhere. He desperately wants to remember who he was, and discover why he always dreams about an Auri woman made of light, who suspiciously looks like Yume, even before he meets her.
* Weeks pass, and Alphinaud shows up at the church, declaring that he wants to rebuild the Scions and tells Marques that he is really Cid Garlond, the famed Garlean engineer who founded Garlond Ironworks. Though he still doesn’t regain his memories, after being given his belongings, he knows it feels right.
* In the search for the Enterprise, Yume and Alphinaud accompany Cid to Coerthas, and it is during that time that Yume and Cid grow even closer, shamelessly flirting with each other as much as they can. They both soon realize that they are very sexually and romantically attracted to one another, yet they do not think the other has those same feelings.
* Once they find the Enterprise and embark for the barrier surrounding Garuda, Yume and Cid end up sharing an echo vision of their memories. Cid regains most of his memories and finally remembers who he is; in so doing, he remembers that the Auri woman in light that gifted him the goggles was in fact Yume. In turn, Yume realizes that it was Cid that she saw on the airship all those years ago, but she finally realizes that it wasn't a dream but the Echo.
* Immediately afterwards, they both relive Yume's past, seeing the violence she witnessed and was a part of growing up as a samurai and daughter of the daimyo Lord Aino, including her attempted seppuku. Yume is devastated that Cid saw her shame and her dishonor, and is afraid that he will distance himself from her. Cid instead pulls her into a tight hug, telling her that she has a second chance at life. He tells her that she is "a bird that has been freed of her gilded cage", and that he couldn't be prouder of her for her courage.
* What they both still don't remember at this point is that Yume was with Cid during the Calamity. Cid remembers that there were Warriors of Light but doesn't remember that one of them was Yume, while Yume thinks she has just arrived in Eorzea a few months ago and doesn't remember that she is a Warrior of Light.
* Yume fights and defeats Garuda, but she is injured in the battle. She keeps this to herself and hopes that she can get cured back in Ul'dah without Cid and Alphinaud finding out. After disembarking the Enterprise in Ul'dah, Yume collapses from internal bleeding around her scar from her attempted seppuku.
* While in the Chirurgeons' care, Cid is distraught at the thought that Yume might die, but Yume pulls through. Cid scolds her for not telling him that she needed help, almost confessing that he is in love with her, but he is able to stop himself. He instead tells her he cares about her and he doesn't know what he would do if she were to die. Yume apologizes for her carelessness and the two, along with Alphinaud, make for the Waking Sands.
* Soon, the Scions are back together and the Eorzean Alliance commences Operation Archon. While Yume, Cid, and the other adventurers infiltrate the Praetorium, Cid tells Yume jokingly, "Don't even think about dying. You're too bloody useful." Though Yume is well aware that this was a mere jest, she thinks that it was a clear sign that Cid did not feel the same for her as she does for him.
* A few days pass, and Yume finally realizes that she has fallen in love with Cid, and she is heartbroken that he must not feel the same way. She can’t stop crying so she tries to avoid Cid, though he keeps trying to contact her.
*Cid finds Yume in Mor Dhona and he asks her why she keeps avoiding him and won’t even look at him, wondering if he did something wrong. Yume blows up at him and blurts out that his joke hurt her, especially after she had been led to believe that he wanted to be more than friends. Cid tries to stop her, but Yume teleports away, leaving Cid to cry to himself and regretting not confessing his feelings sooner.
* Cid instinctively knows that Yume would be at the church, where they first met. He apologizes for hurting her with his joke and confesses that he loves her. Yume responds that she also loves him and the two share a deep, passionate kiss. It is during their kiss that they both are struck with another Echo vision and they finally remember everything. Yume asks if he could spend the night with her, to which he quickly agrees, remarking that they need to make up for lost time.
Post ARR and HW
* Yume and Cid are officially a couple after this and the events of the Crystal Tower, Post ARR, and HW serve to bring them even closer together. It doesn't take long before Cid asks Yume to just move in with him in his apartment above the Ironworks Workshop in Revenants Toll, as Yume doesn't own a lot of personal possessions and she was staying over at his place all the time anyway.
* During the investigation of the Crystal Tower, Cid confesses to Yume that he has been in a polyamorous relationship in the past, and when Yume wonders why he brings it up, Cid tells her that he has seen how close she has gotten with G’raha Tia, and speculates that she must have feelings for him. Yume realizes then that she has fallen for G’raha, even though she’s still in love with Cid. Before the guilt settles in, Cid tells her that he understands and just wants her to be happy. Cid encourages Yume to talk to G’raha about it, but G’raha decides to seal himself away in the Crystal Tower before she is able to confess her feelings to him.
* In the aftermath of the Bloody Banquet, when Yume must stay away from Revenants Toll, Cid goes and stays with her in Camp Dragonhead and in Ishgard as much as he can, until it is safe for her to return to their apartment.
* During the events of Stormblood, Yume returns to Kugane, and misses Cid terribly. She realizes that though she may always be Hingan and still loves the city of Kugane, her home is now in Eorzea and with Cid.
* While in Kugane, Yume spots some of her father's samurai and she grows paranoid that they will find her. When Yume checks in at the Bokairo Inn, she gives her name as "Garlond". Yume feels guilty for using Cid's name without his permission, but she feared that she would either be taken captive or killed if found out that she had returned to Hingashi.
* When Yume returns to Eorzea, she goes to Rhalgr's Reach and is reunited with Cid. She tells him that she is sorry that she had to use his name in Kugane, but that all she thought about was to be able to return to him. Cid just laughs and tells her that she can always use his name.
* It is then that Cid gets down on one knee, asking Yume if she would take his name and to make him the happiest man in the world, asking her to marry him. Yume, of course, enthusiastically says yes.
* Sometime around the events of 4.2, Cid and Yume are married at the Church of St. Adama Landama in Drybone in a quaint ceremony attended only by their close friends, with the ceremony officiated by Father Iiliud, the man who graciously took in Cid after the Calamity.
* During the events of Shadowbringers, Yume is summoned to the First by the Crystal Exarch, later revealed to be G'raha Tia, the man she fell in love with back during the investigation of the Crystal Tower.
* Soon afterwards, Yume finds out that Cid, Nero, and the Garlond Ironworks' descendants were the ones who ultimately spent lifetimes researching a way to reverse the Eighth Umbral Calamity. She also finds out that not only did all of the Warriors of Light, Yume included, died during the Eighth Umbral Calamity from Black Rose but that Yume was pregnant with her and Cid's unborn child at the time, so the growing life in her womb died with her.
* Yume is distraught at the revelation, but the news gives her resolve to defeat Emet-Selch, rescue G’raha from the Ascian, and to save the Source and the First with her fellow Scions and Warriors of Light.
* Between 5.0 and 5.1, Yume finally is able to confess her feelings to G’raha, and once he is sure that Cid has already given his blessing, Yume and G’raha officially get together.
* Once G’raha is back in the source after the events of 5.3, Cid, Yume, and G’raha become an exclusive polyamorous throuple, with G’raha moving into Yume and Cid’s apartment in Revenants Toll.
Endwalker and Post 6.0
*Around the events of 5.5 and into 6.0, Yume and Cid conceive a child, and Yume goes with the Scions and the Warriors of Light to save the world from Zenos and Fandaniel, not knowing that she is pregnant. It is not until after the final battle that Yume finds out that she will soon welcome a child into the world.
* Based on the timing, and the fact that G’raha has insisted that Yume and Cid must conceive the child that they were supposed to have but had died in the Eighth Calamity in the other timeline, that it must be Cid’s child.
* A few months later, Yume gives birth to a half Raen half Garlean girl, confirming that it is indeed Cid’s child and not G’raha’s. Cid asks Yume what the Hingan word for "future" is, to which she responds "Mirai". They both agree that it's the perfect name for their daughter.
* Not too long after Mirai’s birth, Yume finds out that she is pregnant once again, and no one is certain if it is Cid’s or Graha’s child until Yume gives birth.
* While Yume is in labor, she has complications with severe internal bleeding, a remnant of the internal damage suffered from her attempted seppuku all those years ago. The half Raen half Miqo’te baby girl is delivered safely, and is perfectly healthy. G’raha holds his daughter while trying to hold it together, as Yume is fighting for her life.
* Soon, Yume comes back from the brink of death and fully recovers in time, though the chirurgeons had to perform a hysterectomy and she can never have another biological child. G’raha and Yume decide to name their daughter “Hikari”, the Hingan word for “light”.
*After Hikari is born and Yume fully recovers, she retires from the Scions in order to be home with her daughters. She also begins helping Cid with the Ironworks part-time.
* Yume, Cid, G’raha, and the children then live long and happy lives together, with Cid, Yume, and G’raha going into full retirement decades later. Mirai takes over as President of Garlond Ironworks, while Hikari becomes an Archon and takes over as the protector of the Crystal Tower.
Whew, if you have gotten this far, thank you so much for taking the time of reading all of this. Let me know if you have any further questions about my ship or if you want me to talk about any more of my headcanons for them!
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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Floating, falling, sweet intoxication
Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation
Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in
To the power of the music that I write
The power of the music of the night
Phantom of the Opera AU
Headcanons to come soon!
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