#otp: even if we're reborn again and again
lavellenchanted · 1 year
Hiding/hoping not to be caught kiss + an otp of your choice?
It is surprisingly easy to slip inside the Moon Palace unnoticed.
Endymion had been prepared to spend a good portion of the night - if you can still call it night, here where the sky is always dark and full of stars and there is no real day to compare it to - carefully working his way inside, past the guards on patrol. Instead luck, or maybe fate, seems to be on his side, because while he’s hiding behind one of the pillars outside the gates, trying to discern any patterns in the guards’ patrol routes, another delegation arrives for the ball.
They’re from one of the outer planets, he thinks, but crucially all the attendants are wearing a silver and white ensemble that’s not too different from the disguise Endymion is wearing. As they sweep past him, it’s not hard to step out a couple of paces behind as if he is one of them. The lunar guards barely spare him a glance, just one attendant among many. 
He peels away again once they’re inside the palace, before one of the actual attendants realises there’s a sudden addition to their group that they don’t recognise - but by that point they’re at the doors to the ballroom and there is an entire crowd into which he can disappear. 
There are representatives here from every planet (well, every planet except Earth, apart from him, and he’s not supposed to be there), and some Endymion thinks might be from outside the galaxy. Their clothes glitter jewel-bright as they move and dance around the floor, the steady thrum of laughter and voice filling the air. Music underscores it all, light and quick and energetic. 
Another time, Endymion would have stopped to memorise each face and try to place them against names, information to be taken out and poured over later to try and work out where the alliances and friendships, rivalries and enmities lay. At balls like this there always dances happening beneath the surface, of currying favour or trading barbs and seeking power. They may be beings from other worlds but Endymion has found over the years that politics doesn’t really change that much from planet to planet – even if the Silver Millennium does manage to keep any conflict from truly boiling over.
He’s not here for politics, though. He’s here for one reason and one reason only. 
He keeps to the edge of the room, which is circular in layout and conveniently designed with pillars stretching from floor to ceiling between each gold-framed window that he can easily stay behind, unseen. There are only a handful of people here that would recognise him if they saw him, but if any of them did it would not go well. 
Finally, when he’s about halfway around the room there’s a break in the crowd and there, suddenly, he can see her. 
Princess Serenity stands nearly in the centre of the room, of course, as is only to be expected of the guest of honour. Instead of her usual white dress, today she’s wearing pink, a pale blush that brings out the colour in her cheeks. It sits off her shoulders, with a ribbon at the waistline where the skirt falls in ruffled layers. There are matching pink roses in her hair, which remains pulled into her signature, shimmering golden buns, so that even with a lace mask over her face there is no mistaking who she is. As Endymion watches, she smiles brightly at the diplomat she’s talking to - someone from the Mercury delegation, if he remembers rightly - and holds up a hand to cover a laugh.
Endymion’s breath catches in his throat, just as it does every time he sees her. He has wondered, often, if there will ever be a day that it doesn’t, and he’s beginning to believe there never will be.
He glances around, but doesn’t see any of her four Senshi nearby (though he has no doubt that they will be). When they don’t appear in another moment, he adjusts his mask and starts weaving between guests and across the floor.
Anyone immediately coming up to greet the princess will be calling attention to themselves, which is precisely what Endymion does not want to do, so he doesn’t head straight to Serenity. Instead he circles around and just brushes past the woman she’s talking to, so that he can casually glance over her shoulder and for the briefest second catch Serenity’s gaze before he disappears back into the crowd.
When her blue eyes widen, he knows he’s succeeded and it’s all he can do not to grin uncontrollably as he winds his way back to the edge of the room and then out the open double doors that lead into the gardens. 
An alcove set into the wall made a good place to wait. The minutes seemed to stretch on and on but, sure enough, there finally came the sound of footsteps on the marble floor and then Serenity’s voice calling, “Endymion? Where are you?” 
“I’m right here.”
Leaning out, he caught her hand in his and tugged her back into the alcove with him. She let out a squeak of surprise, but as his arm came up around her to steady her and pull her close against him her face broke into a wide smile.
“You really came,” she said wonderingly, reaching up to pull the mask from his face and then discard her own.
“Of course I did.” Endymion brings a hand up and curls one long strand of her hair around his finger. Despite the fact that this is technically the most dangerous thing he’s done all night, he feels nothing but calm and knows it’s because of her presence; the warmth of her in his arms, so close he can feel her heart beating as fast as his own, the beauty of her smile, the brilliant blue of her eyes that he could so easily get lost in. “You didn’t think I’d miss your birthday?”
Her cheeks flush, and it’s easily the most endearing sight he’s even seen. “I hoped not. It was why I asked for a masquerade. But I wasn’t sure if you would be able to . . .”
He chuckles, admiring her cleverness. For days he had been agonising over how he might manage to see her today, until he had caught word of the masquerade ball.
“Nothing would have kept me away.”
“Oh?” Serenity tilts her head to the side and raises an eyebrow at him. “Not even your knights?”
There are very few people that Endymion can say he feels close to, and even fewer that have the confidence to tease him. It is part of being a prince - he is responsible for his people and must one day lead them, and he had always been taught that to do that he must hold himself apart from them, mindful of his status and power. He cannot make friends like an ordinary man, and since childhood he has had a reputation for being staid, aloof and unapproachable, with walls around him that few can get past.
Since the day he met Serenity, she has had no qualms about barrelling straight through those walls and jumping over any distance he might seek to keep between them. And he adores her for it, more than he has the words to say. With her, he’s not the Prince of Earth but just Endymion; fully, completely himself, in a way he has never been before.
“I’m here, am I not?” he replies, with a brief, flashing grin.
“And how did you get past them?”
“I told them I wanted to spend some time by myself in Elysium, to connect with the planet.”
By now he’s sure they will have discovered his ruse and know where he’s gone. Fortunately they are sensible enough that they won’t barge into Silver Millennium to drag him home, but Endymion has no doubt that they will be waiting for his return. Kunzite in particular will be furious, and Endymion suspects that their sparring sessions will be even more gruelling for a while.
It’s worth it though, to be here.
“How very sneaky,” Serenity says, but delightedly, making it a compliment. “Perhaps I can play a similar trick to visit you soon.”
He should tell her not to, that it’s too dangerous, but that’s an argument he’s been having and losing with himself since he first found her on Earth.
Instead he just says, “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too.”
Her words are so soft they’re almost a sigh, and as she speaks she lifts herself up on to her tiptoes and brings her face up to his until their lips are only a hairsbreadth apart. Endymion smiles, leaning down to close that last space and brush his mouth over hers. Trailing his hands up her arms and shoulders, he kisses her long and slow, softly, almost reverently - because she deserves reverence, this perfect, precious girl who shines brighter than any star, who holds his heart and who has, to his eternal joy, chosen to give him hers in return.
Time seems to stand still, the world around them fading until there is nothing but her and him, the sound of their breathing, short and shallow, and the feel of her hands clutching his shoulders and her mouth moving beneath his. Then Serenity makes a quiet noise of frustration and tugs at him, pulling him closer, and nipping at his bottom lip with her teeth, telling him quite plainly: she wants more.
Obediently he wraps his arms around her, pushing her back against the wall of the alcove until their bodies are flush against one another and her head tilts back so that he can deepen the kiss. He sweeps his tongue over hers, tasting the champagne she’s been drinking. Her perfume fills his senses, making his head swim, and the way her arms have moved up to wind around his neck, her fingers running through his hair, sends electricity crackling through his veins. 
It is a miracle, consumed by her as he is, that he hears the footsteps at all. But some rational thought lingers at the back of his mind and he realises abruptly that the clacking sound he can hear isn’t either of them but someone else. 
He lifts his head, breaking the kiss; Serenity starts to protest but he lifts a finger to her lips and slowly her dazed, passion-filled eyes clear and alarm starts to creep over her face as she understands. They withdraw as far into the alcove as they can and hold themselves as still as possible, barely daring to breathe. 
“Do you want to take a turn outside?” a voice asks, and is answered by a hum and chuckle and then, 
“No, not right now. Let’s go back to the dance floor.”
The footsteps fade into the distance, but it’s only when they can no longer be distinguished from the general background hum of noise from inside that Endymion and Serenity relax, letting out a joint sigh of relief.
They turn to look at one another, only to find themselves so close that their noses brush. Serenity giggles, but only for a moment before her smile dims.
“Do you think there will ever be a day when we don’t have to hide like this? When we can just be together?”
“I don’t know.” Truthfully Endymion doesn’t see how it’s possible, unless they run away somewhere to the farthest edges of the galaxy and even then perhaps not. He wishes, not for the first time, that they had been born simple, ordinary people, who could spend their days hand-in-hand in the sunshine, able to love each other freely and without fear. “But I do know that I will cherish whatever moments with you I am given. That if I were given the choice, I would always choose to love you.”
Serenity lays a hand against his cheek, brushing her thumb over his cheekbone. “So would I.”
Endymion smiles, and leans down to tenderly kiss her again. “How long do we have?”
“Not long,” she says, regretfully. “I told Venus I wanted some air, but I can’t disappear too long or someone will notice and come looking for me.”
“Well, then.” He presses several feather-light kisses to her lips, her cheeks, her nose, until she’s laughing breathlessly. “We’d better make the most of it, hadn’t we?”
Stepping back, he bows and stretches a hand out towards her. 
“May I have this dance, Princess?”
She’s luminous as she replies, “Yes, my prince. You may.”
kiss prompts
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
valk for the ask game!
omg, the both of them... don't mind if I do!
favorite thing about them: how can I choose just one... the fact that he's good at sewing and embroidery is so [heart eyes] tho...
least favorite thing about them: fr*ncophile (derogatory). I could fix him
favorite line: that entire monologue in Human Comedy where he talks about what makes a human at the fruits parlour with Mika. I think he made some Points tbh ... the "kill me as gruesomely as you can" one was also metal
brOTP: all of the Eccentric 5 in a brolycule, I think they deserve it
OTP: ShuMika,,,,,,,,, where I'm from we have a saying for when two people are just the right flavour of horrible for one another; they found eachother /lh
nOTP: I never really thought about it, but I guess I wouldn't ship him with Eichi. It'd be funny, but it wouldn't workkasjksdak
random headcanon: he can't handle alcohol, at all. He's a total lightweight, a single beer gets him lightheaded
unpopular opinion: idk how unpopular it is here on tumblr, but i can't subscribe to him being "irredeemable". He was a piece of shit, of course, but it was needed for the narrative and his own arc was about him becoming Less of a piece of shit, yknow? Besides, he's been trying his best since ! era.
song i associate with them: Dionysus by BTS... there's something about the "born as a (kpop) idol, reborn as an artist" line. The whole song, though, has a Shu vibe to it, comparing creating music/art to getting drunk
favorite picture of them: sighs longingly. I wish he would smile more,,,
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favorite thing about them: his dialect/accent has bewitched me from day one, I love listening to him speak, even when I understand nothing
least favorite thing about them: he has no faults. All of his flaws make sense and are needed for the narrative to work, and, furthermore, most of his flaws are charming because he's Mika. #Number1MikaApologist
favorite line: in one of his winter homescreen lines, he mentions having sewn a tiny little scarf for Mademoiselle. I have never stopped thinking about it. The visualisation of it is impeccable.
brOTP: MAYOI AND MIKA... they're quite similar, I really wanna see them interact more, that one little 3* story was NOT enough
OTP: NaruMika,,,, I love them as besties, I love them as lovers, I love them in any and every type of dynamic. They're sooooooo please read that CN story where he makes a brooch for her
nOTP: again, I haven't really thought about it, but I guess Rinne and Mika. Asides from the questionable age gap, I think their dynamic is genuinely hilarious, but I can't see it ever working in neither a friendship nor a relationship. I do want it explored more as... whatever the hell they have going on. Coworker from hell on Mika's side, I'm assuming lmfao
random headcanon: He's a smoker. I've seen one (1) fanart of him with a cigarette in his mouth, and it hasn't left my mind since. "But he's a singer!!" yeah, well, uhhhh, he's also Slavic, so he's immune to the side effects of smoking, don't worry about it
unpopular opinion: I get the baby-boy-ification of Mika, I'm guilty of it, too, and I understand that humans will often judge based on appearances... But I feel like we're all too quick to forget that he's a freak and into go.re (and into go.re, if we are to trust Leo's words), among other weird stuff. Man is not a harmless little guy.
song i associate with them: Where I Live by Woodkid... It feels a bit like him
favorite picture of them: And I'm expected to choose just one smh... anyway can we get his nails painted more often Please
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send me a character <3
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jgnico · 3 years
Mahito and Jogo for the character meme?
favorite thing about them
Mahito: I actually really liked how quick his growth was throughout the series. Even as an adolescent curse, he still reached Gojo levels of skill and I think that says a lot about how dangerous he would have become if left to learn. / Jogo: I enjoyed the shift in his personality between his fight with Gojo and his fight with Sukuna. Yes, he allowed it interfere with how truly capable he could be, but having a curse as strong as he was suffer through something as human as doubt and anxiety over his own abilities was such a nice bit of nuance for his character.
least favorite thing about them
Mahito: He talks too damn much. / Jogo: I have no complaints.
favorite line
Mahito: "This is war! Not a battle to fix what's wrong, but a clash of truths. [...] How the hell did you think you were going to beat me when you didn't even realize that?" (ch 126) Fuck Mahito, but he's right. This is also one of the best villain speeches I've ever read. Go give it a reread. / Jogo: "When we're reborn, we'll no longer be the same as before. Even so, I'll be anticipating the day we meet again." (ch 116) I love this chapter so much, but this line! This line is so beautiful and telling for his character and the other Nature Curses as a whole. They cared about each, they felt grief for each other, and I just... I love the humanity that Gege gave them when he really didn't have to.
Mahito: Kenjaku / Jogo: Hanami
No 🖤
Not applicable.
random headcanon
Mahito: He knew that Kenjaku was lying about his identity because he could see his soul, but he didn't care enough to bring it up. / Jogo: Hanami's flower field is a source of comfort for him.
unpopular opinion
Mahito: He's ugly as fuck. Mappa shouldn't have given him abs. / Jogo: This fandom doesn't appreciate him enough.
song i associate with them
Mahito: patchwerk by sub urban / Jogo: goodbye to a world by lushroom
favorite picture of them
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