#otp: i love you ya goober
avasharpe · 8 months
Only For Her
Chapter: 1/1
Words: 777
Summary: Ava and Sara text each other using emojis.
Fandom: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
Relationships: Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe. 
Characters: Ava Sharpe, Sara Lance, and Mick Rory.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences.
Additional Tags: Emojis, implied sexual content, Beer, Friendship.
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
AN: Look at me posting for Avalance again. I decided to clear out my WIP folder so while these are short and simple. I'll be posting a few more things in the future.
Sara smiled down at her phone as those three little dots disappeared to reveal Ava’s new text.
“I know how much you love desert, 🍩🍰🧁.”
“Not as much as you do 😜,” Sara typed back with a smile.
“I don’t know. You seems to enjoy that whipped cream and chocolate last week🍫.”
“You know I can have Gideon fabricate anything I want 😉.”
“Is that a challenge, my love? 🤨” 
The more Sara thought about it, the more her mouth watered as she longed for her lips to touch Ava. Something stirred deep inside her, a gentle ach that she knew and loved. It had been a week since they had been able to see each other in person as Ava was busy with the Time Bureau being audited by the government and the nonstop time aberrations appearances. Sara was so worked up that even the idea of licking her girlfriend’s fingers was enough to work her up.
“Your kitchen. Tonight. The one who looks the most delicious wins. 🥵🌶️”.
Just as she hit send someone knocked on her door.
“Sara,” Ray wined, as he knocked again. “John refuses to do any of his chores or clean up after himself. It’s becoming a real problem. The dust build up in the Gym is reaching allergen levels.”
“I’ll be there in a minute Ray,” Sara yelled, flopping onto her bed.
Her phone dinged and she quickly checked her text.
“You're on! 😠🍑” 
Sara smiled and placed her phone on her nightstand before going to moderate Ray and John’s . argument. Some day she wished her team was more independent and willing to deal with their own shit without running to her at the first sign of conflict. She often felt like a school teacher with a bunch of ill-equipped children.
“Mick!” Sara shouted, as she entered the parlor, she walked up to him and held out her hand making a grabbing motion.
“Something, I can help you with Captain?” Mick asked with a smirk.
“Just hand it over Mick.” 
However, he only shrugged and as he casually sipped on his beer.
“Now!” Sara said using the harsh voice she only used for desperate times.
“Alright, alright, no need to get your panties in a twist or did you decide on a thong for the Mrs. tonight,” Mick said as he teased her while fishing her phone out from the lining of the recliner.
“What have I told you about going through my phone,” she said, when he handed the phone to her she waved it at him like a scolding teacher.
“How the hell am I supposed to resist when you just keep it lying around like that?”.
“It was in my room behind a locked door!”
“Yeah well, isn’t that secure of a door, I thought you of all people would know better. You should at least hide it in a safe or smoothing. I mean I expect this kinda thing from Haircut or Pretty…”
“My room is supposed to be secure!” Sara said, stomping her foot. It was in that moment as she realized how childish she was being, but he had already made his bed she might as well make him lay in it.
“I can’t allow you to continue to go through everyone’s phone. It’s a gross invasion of privacy. If you continue to do this I’ll have no choice but to prohibit you from lighting any fires.”
He shrugged, clearly not taking her threat seriously.
“I mean it Mick. No trash fires, no lighters, no nothing, and if it means John has to stop smoking, then so be it. It’d be good for him,” Sara said, crossing her arms as Mick eyed her, but they both knew she would make good on her threats. 
“Fine,” Mick growled, as glared at her.
“Thank you,” Sara said, her voice returning to its sweet sound. “Now, hand over Ray’s too. And Nate’s.”
Mick reluctantly handed over the phone and mumbled under his breath in worlds she chose not to hear.
“Thank you,” she said. When she finally had everyone’s phone, she turned to walk out of the parlor.
“How come, Ava only texts you, Emojis,” Mick asked, catching her attention as she turned back to him. “She doesn't text them to anyone else.”
“I guess I’m just special,” Sara said, with a smile she felt a pink tint to her cheeks that she didn’t bother hiding from him.
“You got a good one, their boss,” Mick said, giving her a nod of approval, something Sara knew meant he thought very highly of their relationship.
Sara smiled, as she thought of how true his words were. “I know.”
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brinnanza · 6 years
Klinger for the character meme!
1: sexuality headcanon
chaotic bisexual tbh
2: otp
klinger/charles if we’re honest they balance each other so well
3: brotp
klinger and mulcahy tbh the two of them playing craps together in a night at rosie’s? wonderful. mulcahy being the only one to stick up for klinger in period of adjustment? WONDERFUL.
4: notp
I don’t think I have any? maybe debbie from ain’t love grand if only because debbie is Definitely a lesbian
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
klinger takes up tailoring after the war; he is extremely successful at it
6: favorite line from this character
ajshdglkjah I don’t even know y’all my brain is orbiting a completely different star right now
although I am quite fond of “not me. I’d ruin a perfectly good pair of nylons” like babe it is so not about getting out of the army
7: one way in which I relate to this character
I too am a nonbinary mess who would smooch rosalind chao if given half a chance
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
not much except for that bit in inga where he’s all “men are men and women are women” like hush up ya enby goober. (I mean it’s Bad Writing is what it actually is but yknow)
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
are you seriously asking me to pick a binary label for nonbinary bisexual maxwell q klinger
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locksmithoflove · 6 years
Humans Fandom Meetup! (a day late)
Hi there! I'm Jules, I'm 27, I'm Canadian, and as you can see by this post's timestamp, I'm late to everything!
A brief history of my obsession with these cute robots and their human pals: I caught the AMC premiere of Humans back in 2015. My dad and I are huge geeks so we decided to check it out, and, well... it was love at first episode. Since then my passion for the show has waxed and waned, but right now, I don't see it waning any time soon.
But why? If I had to give one reason I love this show so incredibly much, it would be that it's always done things a little differently. Sci fi is awesome and I love the themes the genre explores, but I feel like it often focuses too much on head and not enough on heart. Humans is different. It's a show very much about admirable characters trying their best, trying to love each other and positively affect the world around them.
Which is not to say, at all, that the show neglects the more cerebral side of things. Many of my favourite moments are philosophical discussions—on morality, humanity, activism, emotion. These discussions, though, usually further character arcs and relationships. Quiet moments like these are really the foundation of the show, and what makes me keep coming back to it. Though this season is a bit... “wilder”, let's say, than the past two, I've still never seen a sci fi show that felt so down to earth.
Favourite characters: Ahh, this is where I stop sounding like I'm writing an essay and start fangirling instead. Look, I dearly love like 90% of the cast. Seriously. I have 10+ children and they are all Humans characters. But if I had to pick, if I HAD to, then I'd go with Mia and Laura. They've been it for me since the first season, and look at them now. Look at these freakin’ heroines now.
If I start naming honourable mentions, we'll be here all night, but I will say that I think Niska is the best-drawn character of the entire series. Her arc. Her ARC!
OTP: Probably not too surprising given my answer above—I'm Miaura trash. Again, they've had me since probably like 1x07, and that goodbye hug in the first finale... I could hardly believe it when I first saw it. It was just. It was A Lot. They're A Lot.
But I can't not mention Nistrid (talentedbrilliantincredible.gif), and really, all the popular fandom pairings are precious.
Platonic OTP/OT6(?): The Elster siblings make me so emotional and I would give anything to see them, like, all sit down and play a board game or something. Just be at peace together, having fun and smiling and doing their ridiculously cute forehead-bump-thing (this is Fred-and-Karen-inclusive, by the way).
What I think of the fandom: Look, I've been stalking y'all for a long time, and man, I really gotta start joining in the fun, because this fandom is beautiful. Everyone's so passionate yet simultaneously nice and respectful of each other?? When does that ever happen! It's witchcraft I tells ya!
So here's my commitment to officially coming back to Tumblr for you guys. I'm going to start reblogging things and hopefully creating my own posts, writing fic/meta, and even making fanvids. Because dammit, this show is worth it! Feel free to come chat with me—especially about Miaura. I'm so down to talk about those two goobers, you have no idea. If you're on the Humans Discord server, I'm swearingtweetybird, DO @ me.
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bepoets · 6 years
Character thing: Alarik
Aaahhh my FAVORITE GOOSE!!! Thank you Anon! Why I like them: Honestly? Because he makes Elsa happy. Yes, I love that he’s a giant nerd and all that good stuff. But most of all I just want Elsa to be happy and they just CLICK and work well together as a team and he makes her happy. Which is the most important thing. Why I don’t like them: When he’s a know it all jerk butt trying to show off his knowledge thinking he knows more about magic than Elsa WHO HAS MAGIC ABILITIES in the beginning of Shards. I love you Alarik, but come on buddy read the room. Favorite Episode/Scene/Season/Movie: okay so for fanfiction I guess this means scene or like fic? And my favorite fic with Alarik is Sweet Joy Befall Thee by @shardsofarendelle (duh). Forever and always. I used to be able to recite PASSAGES from that story from pure memory, but I’ve lost my touch so I need to read it again. Favorite scene though is in Boarding House AU where he’s thinking about sending Elsa elsewhere, but realizes he doesn’t know if he HIMSELF could handle not being around her. Wow someone is smitten ya goober. Favorite Line: Okay, I’m basing this off of Trish’s knowledge, because she wrote this on the back of the artwork she sent me. “What you chose to do, is miraculous” which I BELIEVE she said was from a Twelve Day’s of Elsarik Fic many years ago. I treasure that quote with me always. Favorite outfit: Any outfit he’s wearing so long as his hair is a complete and utter mess is my favorite. OTP: ELSARIK ELSARIK ELSARIK!!! ELSA AND ALARIK!!!!BROTP: Anna and Alarik because red head bros. But also I love Alarik and Kristoff interacting because they’re so fucking awkward and just DO NOT CLICK AT ALL. Head Canon: I don’t know if this is canon or head canon or not but I am in LOVE with @couragedontdesertme ‘s head canon about how Alarik didn’t say “I love you” until he proposed to Elsa. Unpopular Opinion: Um idk if this is unpopular or controversial but...he is the only male I will accept being paired with Elsa. A Wish: More interaction between Alarik and Kristoff so I can die from second hand embarrassment from their social ineptitude. And that he makes Elsa happy for as long as they both live. Which is forever because they’re immortal obviously. An Oh-God-Please-Don’t-Ever-Happen: Don’t die. Stay alive forever. (I can’t think of a serious one I’m sticking with that)Five Words to Best Describe Them: 1)Goose, 2)Intelligent, 3)Understanding (for the most part he knows when to leave Elsa alone and not push her, which is pretty understanding I think.) 4)Loving 5)Scholar (I know I already said intelligent but being a scholar just IS Alarik it was a necessary inclusion.) My Nickname for Them: Goose, Nerd, Dork, mostly Goose and adding any appropriate adjective prior to the word Goose is my go to. Side note: I still don’t really know if I’m pronouncing his name or any of the Shardsverse characters names correctly.
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avasharpe · 3 years
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the original one was lost when my first blog got deleted but here it is again!
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avasharpe · 2 years
Maternity and Sorority
Chapter: 1/1
Words: 5351
Summary: Nora goes to book club feeling sick and discovers that she’s unexpectedly pregnant. So the women of the Waverider and Charlie talk about their experiences with uterusis, unwanted pregnancies, and abortion.
Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Relationships: Nora Darhk/Ray Palmer and Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe. 
Characters: Nora Darhk, Ava Sharpe, Sara Lance, Mona Wu, Charlie LOT, Zari Tomaz, Ray Palmer, Gideon LOT.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences.
Additional Tags: Woman’s health, Uterus, Pregnancy, Infertility, abortion, and Discussion of abortion, non-binary Charlie.
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
AN: In light of recent events this feels like an important story to tell. Everybody's decisions around pregnancy and abortion is different and everybody should be allowed to make a choice that fits them and their situation it is a deeply personal thing to choose to get an abortion it is the right of people everywhere. The only person who should be making this decision is the pregnant person.
The reason I wrote the story is that abortions and being pro-choice are not discussed enough in fandom circles. Whereas I have read numerous stories about an unexpected pregnancy that are blatantly anti-abortion. The writers have chosen to use language such as referring to abortion as an unthinkable act, an act of murder, making the woman a murderer, it being heartless and callous to even consider it, and so on, but the reality is that the decision to have an abortion is a deeply personal one. You can’t judge someone for their decision, you can only make your own decision. Everyone's story and everyone's reaction to an unexpected pregnancy is different, and whether you have chosen to keep it or not is your choice and this is the choice that I have made for these characters.
Takes place in season 4.
“I feet like shit,” Nora announced as she walked into the lab holding her stomach with a grumpy expression. 
Mona and Ava both looked up from their spots on the couch where they were setting up the wine and cheese platters for book club. Ray was out with Nate and Behrad for some bro time, and Nora was looking forward to some girl time of her own. She loved book club, but right now all she wanted was a nap.
“Come here,” Ava said, gesturing to Nora from her spot in the pile of pillows on the carpet. 
Nora slowly made her way over and laid down next to her as Ava scooted closer and Nora moved to lay her head on Ava’s chest.
“Cuddle party, I want in,” Mona said, dropping the book she was holding and running over. 
“You’d better take Nora’s other side or Sara will be jealous when she and the others get back with the snacks,” Ava added even though Mona had already moved to be Nora's big spoon.
“She can share,” Nora pouted, nuzzling Ava and relaxing as Mona held her. 
“What's wrong?” Mona asked as she started to run her fingers through Nora’s hair. 
Nora sighed, she wasn’t sure what it was. “I’ve just been so tired and nauseated and my stomach is cramping so I think I'm getting my period, but this has been going on for a couple of days now.”
“Oh my god, what if you're pregnant,” Mona said, sitting up and staring down at them.
“You always go straight to pregnancy. You even thought Sara was pregnant a few weeks ago after she puked while cleaning out Mick’s month old leftovers and she’s dating a cis woman!” Ava said, giving her a look and throwing up her arms while gesturing to herself. 
“You never know what could happen and we all got our periods last week except for Nora. You've admitted to occasionally forgetting your birth control and no one else has the flu.”
They both looked at Nora who shrugged, but her mind swirled with the possibility. A pregnancy? A baby? It did make sense and it was all she could think about as she stared off into the distance. 
Ava looked like she was about to say something else, but cut herself off when they heard the door to the lab open. Nora buried her face in Ava's chest even though it was just Sara, Charlie, and Zari. As Nora was getting used to expressing her emotions, she always ended up wearing them on her face and she wanted to have time to process this alone. 
“Hey, my Ava!” Nora heard Sara shout.
“You can share,” Ava said, taking one hand off of Nora's back, probably to offer it to Sara. “Come here.”
Nora didn't have to look up to know that Sara had an adorable little pout of complaint; it brought a smile to her face knowing how ridiculous her friends were. She didn't hear Sara's response, but did feel it when she laid her head next to Nora’s. Ava moved Sara’s head away so they could each settle on Ava’s chest. Once Sara was settled they all started talking about whether they wanted to read or just talk and watch a movie. Nora secretly hoped that it was the latter. She half listened to the conversation and thought over what Mona had said. 
Nora knew two things for sure. She was late and she was sick, and not just a few days late, a whole week late. Even though her period hadn’t always been regular for her, she hadn't skipped it since she had started birth control and usually, it was only a few days late. Nora quickly looked up pregnancy symptoms on her phone and found that she had almost all of them: morning sickness, lightheadedness, frequent urination, abdominal cramps, fatigue, and breast changes. 
There was something inside her that just told her that this was a real possibility, she could take a test, but Nora knew there was another way she could know. She closed her eyes and focused on her magic as she explored her own body. Sure enough, she felt something, the tiniest of changes, a little something extra, an extra part of her growing inside her. As soon as she felt it, she knew. Nora set up quickly, which was a mistake as it made her dizzy and nauseous, but she pushed it away and looked over at Mona and Ava.
“I’m pregnant.”
“You’re pregnant?” Charlie asked, sitting up and looking over at her with wide eyes.
“I think so, I just felt something with my magic and...” Nora trailed off hardly believing what was happening.
Ava’s voice brought her out of her head as Ava put her hand on Nora’s shoulder. Ava sat up and Mona moved behind her and placed her arm around her. “Why don’t we go to the Med-Bay and have Gideon scan you, okay?”
All four of the women and Charlie piled into the Med-Bay. Nora sat down in the chair and after a quick scan from Gideon, she confirmed the pregnancy.
“From the date of the last day of your menstruation, Miss. Darhk, you are five weeks and 2 days pregnant.”
“I wanna see it,” Nora said, the process of actually being pregnant was so foreign to her and she wanted to see indisputable proof. 
“Would you like a comprehensive full display scan, a 3D scan, or a 2D black and white ultrasound?”
“The black and white is fine, thanks, Gideon.”
Gideon started the scan over her abdomen and displayed a grey image with a black spot in the middle. It was so tiny, Gideon zoomed in a little bit more so they got a better look, but it was just black with the little grey outline of a bubble that was supposed to be the baby, but it wasn't really much of anything. Certainly, not a baby, or at least Nora didn't think so, but Nora didn't really want to think about it being a baby. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to be pregnant at all, but she was. 
“I'm pregnant,” Nora said, the words finally sinking in as she sat up and swung her legs around to sit over the side of the chair. 
“It's going to be okay,” Mona said, coming over as she and Ava sat down next to her. Each of them put an arm around her, making her feel a little bit better because she knew she didn't have to face this on her own.
“But what am I supposed to do?” Nora asked, looking between them. 
“You can do whatever you want to do,” Ava reassured her. 
“And how do I know what that is?” Nora asked as she began to freak out. 
“I don't know,” Ava said, squeezing her shoulders. “I'll never be in your position, you know I don't have a uterus, so I can't offer much, but I know that you are not taking this lightly and that you'll figure it out.”
“But how?” Nora said, getting up and pacing the length of the room. “This isn't exactly planned and I don’t really want to be in the situation right now.”
“So don't be,” Charlie said, letting the words hang in the room. 
“So I could just have an abortion, right now?”
“If you wanted to,” Charlie said, looking around at all of them before continuing. “I was pregnant once. A long, long, time ago, way before I stopped having a uterus in whatever form I chose. I think that was the last time I had a uterus, after that, I just didn't bother with it.”
Charlie gave a little shrug before continuing. “For me it was easy. I just shifted my form into one without a uterus and it all went away, so I continued on with my life. If I would have kept it, it would have been a demigod. I know it was the right decision because I wasn't ready for that responsibility and I don't think I'll ever be ready. I don't want kids and it sucks to be brought into a world and raised by someone who doesn't want you. I wouldn't wish that on anybody, let alone my own offspring.”
Nora thought about what Charlie said, she didn’t want any future children to ever feel unwanted. For now, she felt she could go either way. Nora looked down at her stomach and imagined it ballooned out with a full term baby. “And what if I wanted to keep it? What would that look like?”
“I don't really know,” Zari said, looking over at Nora in a tone that was more serious than she had ever heard from the influencer. “But you could talk to my mom if you wanted to. I was not planned. Both of them were really young at the time and newly married. They hadn't quite figured everything out in their own lives, much less trying to figure out how to raise a child, but they made it work. They were lucky enough to be able to buy a house and they took all sorts of baby related classes and read books and lots of my family members helped out. It wasn't without its sacrifices, my father worked extra hours and my mother put her own career on hold. If it was me, I would keep it. I just don't think I could go through with an abortion. I've always wanted kids and regardless, I'm emotionally and finically ready for them, but that's me, and you have to make your own decision about this.”
Nora looked up at Zari and thought about what she said. She and Ray could make it work, Ray would love to be a dad and he would adore their child, but it wouldn't be without sacrifices. 
“We wouldn't be able to stay here on the Waverider and I don’t know if I could continue to be a fairy godmother. We’d have to settle down. I don't know if we could continue to time travel. I know how much Ray loves this life and I’m constantly being pulled away as a fairy godmother to help out other kids. I love working with them and think of them as my own kids temporarily, but it’d be different if we had an older kid. They would be in school and we could do the nine-to-five thing and then come home and have a family. With a baby, you'd have to find care for them and they need you so much. I don't know if I want that.”
Nora looked around at all of them, but none of them looked at her with pity or with sadness. They all nodded and she knew they would support her decision. 
“If you want to have an abortion you can have it here. Gideon can provide you with either a medical abortion or with the pills. It's hard either way, you're going to want to take some time off, trust me.” Sara said as she looked over at Ava. Ava reached out for her and Sara took a step towards her. She took Ava’s hand and Ava gave her a little smile before Sara continued. “I know because I had an abortion when I was 23.”
“You did?” Nora asked, looking up at Sara who looked away from Ava, and back at Nora, with a nod. “What was it like? I mean, are you okay sharing?”
Sara nodded again and Ava pulled Sara in to sit in between her legs and wrapped her arms around Sara’s waist. Sara smiled as Ava kissed her shoulder and she relaxed against Ava. 
“A few months after being taken in by the League of Assassins, I got pregnant after a one night stand, this was before I was with Nyssa. I didn’t want to be pregnant so I got an abortion. There was no room in my life for a baby and I was in a dark place, but I do sometimes think about what it would have been like to have a child back then. Lord knows the League of Assassins was no place to raise a child, but if I had gone back home and kept it, who knows what my life would have looked like? I knew then, that I wasn't in the best place to raise a child. I knew then that I didn't want to keep it and looking back, I know I made the right decision,” Sara said, looking up from where she was staring at her and Ava’s hands to look at Nora.
Nora nodded, taking in what Sara said. “What was the abortion like?”
“Nyssa and I went to China where I was able to get the abortion. There were two abortion pills, I took the first at the clinic, but I didn’t start bleeding until I took the second medication a few hours later after we got back to the place we were staying. Then I passed the pregnancy. The abortion itself was painful, like a heavy period with a lot of cramping and I was really sick and nauseous. The pregnancy came out in chunks of blood and tissue, it was hard, but it was over in a few hours and then, I just bled like I would have with a normal period. It took me a couple of days to recover and even then, I took it easy because I was still bleeding. I had a follow up appointment to confirm the abortion and to check that I was okay and after that, it was all over…”
Sara trailed off, closing her eyes for a second and relaxing against Ava before looking back over at Nora and continuing. “I just felt so relieved, so relieved that I didn't have to worry or figure out what to do and all those things that come with having a kid. I don't regret it, I know I made the right decision and that’s what you have to decide. What is the right decision for you? The choice to have an abortion is one you have to seriously consider, but so is the decision to have a kid. The kind of changes you would have to make to have a kid, they're big ones, your whole life changes.”
Nora nodded, taking in everything that Sara had said. Just hearing Sara talk about her experience and what the process was, helped Nora understand it. She looked over at Mona, the only person who hadn't said anything yet. Mona was one of her best friends and Nora valued all of her advice. Mona had been the one to help her develop a relationship with Ray and she wouldn't have the wonderful life she did without Mona. 
“Mona, do you have anything to add?”
“Not really,” Mona said, with a shrug. “I got diagnosed with infertility when I was 15 so the pregnancy stuff has never been in my future and I've made my peace with that. If it was me and I was pregnant, I would keep it. I would feel like it would be my one chance, but this isn't your one chance Nora, and my decision wouldn’t be yours. You can have an abortion now and choose to have another baby later if that's what you want. I know that whatever decision you make it will be the right one for you, but I think that you should tell Ray. He loves you, and he will support you in whatever decision you make. You're gonna want him by your side throughout the process and you know that he will dote on you, he always has.”
“Mona’s right,” Sara added, putting her hand on Nora’s knee. “This isn't something you should go through on your own and having your partner there with you makes a world of difference.”
Nora knew they were right, she should tell Ray. The two of them were partners and the only thing that Nora wanted was to have him hold her and she knew that he would be there for her unconditionally.
Hearing all the women and Charlie's stories helped her know what would be the best decision for her right now. She had made up her mind. Nora stood up and turned around to look back at them. “Thank you guys for everything, for being here for me, and for helping me know my options. Right now, I think that an abortion is what’s best for me. I'm just not ready for a baby, and you're right I should talk to Ray. I want him by my side and I know he will support me.”
Mona smiled at her and pulled her in for a hug as Nora melted in her arms. 
“Group hug!” Charlie shouted and they all pulled in. Nora got a little squished, but it was always worth it. She’d never gotten hugs like this before she stepped on the ship and she treasured every one of them. It was the little things that made her feel loved. 
Once they parted Nora looked up at the ceiling, a habit among the crew when they talked to the resident A.I. “Gideon, can you call Ray and tell him to meet me in our bedroom?”
“Of course Miss. Darhk.”
Nora fidgeted with her hands as she waited for Ray to portal into their room. She had some idea of what she wanted to say to him, but she wasn't sure how to break the news to him without him initially being excited. 
They had talked about kids a little bit and he was open to a future with kids after they got married. He talked about how excited he would be for a baby, but he knew Nora wasn't totally sold on the idea yet and they had agreed to keep talking. He respected her boundaries and agreed to wait. When they talked about the future Nora was sure that she wanted to marry Ray Palmer and she was open to the idea of one day starting a family with him. However, they hadn't been dating very long and she didn't want to rush into things because they had to. She wanted to take things slow and give herself and Ray time to plan out their life together. 
However, she didn't have time to dwell on that anymore as the portal opened and Ray stepped through. Behind him, She could see the hallway of Constantine's house and hear the other guys laughing and talking, but the portal quickly closed. He had a concerned look on his face as he stepped towards her and the fact that her face mirrored his expression, caused the lines and his forehead to deepen.
“Hey, Gideon called and said that you had something you wanted to tell me?” Ray asked as he walked over to her.
“Um, yeah I do,” Nora said. She couldn't bear to look at him and look down at her hands, fidgeting with her fingers. 
Ray put his hands over her, taking her hands and holding them as he gave them a reassuring squeeze. When she looked up, she saw that he had kneeled in front of her. “Nora, is everything okay?”
“No, no, it's not,” Nora said, shaking her head. “I’m... I have.... I'm going to tell you something, but I don't want you to get excited because... because we can't keep it… I don't... I don't want to keep it.”
Nora stopped to take a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. Ray’s look of confusion only deepened. He tilted his head in a way that meant he was trying to figure something out. “Nora whatever it is, if it's making you feel like this then, of course, I won't be excited. I don’t want anything that makes you this upset.”
Nora just shook her head and decided just to tell him. “I’m pregnant.”
“Oh? Oh!” Was all Ray said as Nora looked down. “So you don't want to keep it, you want to get an abortion?”
Nora paused, unsure if she had heard him right. Nora looked up to see him still staring at her, still with a look of deep concern for her. He reached up to hold her face.
“Nora I know we’ve talked about having kids, but if you want to terminate it, then you should,” Ray said, his words were soft and gentle and full of understanding.
“So you’re okay with this?” Nora asked, still unsure. “You’re okay with us not having a baby right now? It’s just that I know that you love your life here on the Waverider and I love my work and we wouldn't be able to have both with a baby. They would need at least one of us 24/7 and we can’t give them that, without some big sacrifices.”
“Of course, I'm okay with this Nora,” Ray said, punctuating his words as he squeezed her hands. “If you aren't ready for this, then it's not something we have to do. Besides, I'm not ready for this either. I mean, our lives are crazy right now. I'm off chasing villains through time and you're constantly being pulled away to help your fairy godchildren. I mean, we don't even have a room for a baby, we haven't read any pregnancy books, let alone any baby books, and we'd have to change everything, we’re just not ready.” 
Ray let out a deep breath and Nora could tell that he had gotten worked up just thinking about it. Nora pulled him in close and kissed his lips. She melted into him and let him pull her close and wrap her up in a big bear hug. His hugs always made her feel safe, and warm, and wanted. She felt at home in his arms. They shifted so that he could sit against the headboard and she could curl up in his lap with his big arms around her. 
“For now,” Ray said, breaking the silence. “What are we going to do about this pregnancy? You said you wanted to terminate it, when do you want to do that?”
“Now, kind of,” Nora said, taking in a deep breath before letting it out. “I just, I don't want to be pregnant.”
“Okay,” Ray said, kissing her head.
Ray didn't make any signs to move and just kept hugging Nora, holding her close and Nora let herself relax for the first time since this whole thing started. Nora just breathed in Ray’s sweet scent. Eventually, they got up and made their way to the Med-Bay.
“Hello, Mr. Palmer and Miss. Darhk,” Gideon greeted them with her usual cheerful tone. “I'm aware of your decision and have everything set up for you. How would you like to proceed? As you are aware, there are two options for an abortion.”
“Can you do the procedure, Gideon?” Nora asked while staring at the chairs. “I just want it out.”
“Of course, Mrs. Palmer,” Gideon said as a drawer popped open to their left. I'll just have you change into a gown and I'll have everything set up for you in the chair on the left and the door to the Med-Bay has been locked.”
“Thank you, Gideon,” Ray said as he put his hand on Nora's lower back and led her to the drawer. 
He pulled out the gown and held it up for her. There was nothing special about it, just an ordinary white and blue polka dot hospital gown with a pair of socks. 
Nora quickly got changed and sat down on the chair. Neither of them was sure how this would happen and Nora reached out and grabbed Ray’s hand. He put both of his big hands over hers and gave her a reassuring smile. A door opened in the wall and a machine came out and stopped at the end of the chair which split with stirrups as Nora’s legs dangled in between them.
“Alright Mrs. Palmer, please lay back and put your legs into the stirrups. I'll be giving you a light anesthetic and then we will begin, you will be awake throughout the procedure, and you will have to stay in the Med-Bay for a few hours afterward. It’s just until you're recovered from the anesthetic then you can go back to your room. I'd advise that you take it easy the next 24 hours and only return to physical activity once you feel up to doing so. Captain Lance has already asked Mr. Constantine to cast an anti-magic spell around the ship so you will not be pulled away during your recovery and rest assured Mr. Constantine is unaware of the circumstances.” 
“Ready?” Ray asked.
Nora only nodded as he placed the medical cuff over her left hand and the machine buzzed to life at her hips. Ray gave her hand an extra squeeze and Gideon told her that she was staring. 
A few hours later Nora was back in her own bed, cuddled up with Ray, and watching ‘Singing in the Rain’. She was still a little out of it from the sedative, and lazily watched the movie. The girls and Charlie had all stopped by to check in and deliver her favorite meal, a veggie pizza with fresh chocolate chip cookies and milk, all gluten-free of course. The nausea from the anesthetic still hadn't quite passed so she pushed the plate away and turned to roll back and look up at Ray who was spooning her.
“How are you feeling?” Ray asked, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead before she could answer. 
Nora took a moment to enjoy his kiss, his touch, and his arms around her. It was the little things like this that she enjoyed most about being with him, how sweet he was with her, how kind and caring, and how he put her needs first. She's never really had someone in her life that did that for her before without expecting something in return, and she was so appreciative of it. 
“Good, but tired,” Nora said, looking up at him. “Thanks.”
“Of course,” Ray nodded, pulling the blankets up to tuck her in. “Do you want to shut the movie off and take a nap?”
He nodded and reached for the remote, shutting off the TV, and asked Gideon to dim the lights. He took their plates and the leftovers back to the kitchen and then came back to cuddle in her arms. Nora rested her head on his bicep and curled her fingers into his shirt as they settled in.
“How are you feeling emotionally?” 
“Honestly, I just feel relieved not to be pregnant anymore,” Nora said, letting out a breath.
“Good, I’m glad you're feeling okay.”
“We did the right thing,” Nora said as she closed her eyes. “Thank you for supporting me in this.”
“I’m always going to support you,” Ray said as if it was nothing. “I love you Nora and I want you to be happy and comfortable. I would never make you do something you didn't want to do or put your body through something you weren't 100% on board with.”
Nora teared up at that and hugged him tighter. “God I love you, Ray Palmer.”
“And I love you too, Nora Darhk,” Ray said, leaning down so he could give her a kiss. It was soft and she lingered on his lips before she settled back into his arms. Happy and content.
Nora walked up the steps of the parlor with Ray’s hand on her lower back. He had paused on the lower step and when she turned around they were now closer in height. Ray leaned in and kissed her cheek before taking a step back and waving to her. “Text me when you're done and I'll come to walk you back to our room.”
Nora heard some giggles from the others behind her but ignored them. Ray had been doting on her a bit more in the past week and honestly, Nora didn't mind it at all. She still wasn't feeling 100% back to normal and it was nice to know that he was there for her. So she just blushed and waved back to him. 
“Sounds good.”
Ray waved one more time before walking away and Nora turned around to face the rest of them waiting for her for book club night. When she turned around all of them greeted her with hi’s and hello’s and rushed in to hug her.
It had only been a week since her abortion and all of them offered to postpone and made it very clear that Nora was under no obligation to attend. However, Nora wanted to get back to her life and was eager to see her friends. Nora was also looking forward to hearing one of Mona’s excited rants as apparently one of her favorite writers just dropped a new book. Mona had spent the last 24 hours reading and rereading it and was now overly excited to talk about it. 
“I'm so happy to see you,” Mona said, getting to her first and pulling her in for a hug that was just a little too tight, but Nora wouldn't have it any other way.
As soon as she was done Ava pulled her in for a hug as well and soon all of them piled in for a group hug. When they all settled down Ava made sure to pour her a glass of wine and clinked their glasses together, like she always did. Nora relaxed back into her chair, happy to be around her friends again. 
“How are you feeling?” Sara asked, reclaiming her spot on Ava’s lap.
“Good,” Nora said with a smile. “I wanted to thank you all for telling me your stories and helping me through this process. You never once told me what I should or shouldn't do and you encouraged me to do what was best for me and my situation and I want to thank you for it.”
All of them responded, that of course they were happy to help and Nora looked around at all their smiling faces. She had never had so many friends before and felt so lucky to get such great ones.
“Okay, but can we please talk about this new book?” Mona asked, practically vibrating with excitement.
“Yes, Mona, what did you think of it?” Nora asked, taking a sip of her wine.
“Well, first of all, I can't believe the author kept the fact that he was a vampire a secret for the first half of the book. It kinda felt like it just came out of nowhere, but then I looked back and was like, of course, he was a vampire.”
“And it's not like other vampire novels, which was a good relief,” Sara added, leaning forward so much that if not for Ava’s hands around her waist Nora was sure she’d fall onto the floor. 
“Yes,” Mona said, jumping up. 
“Okay, but if they were vampires then how did he survive the hotel fire in chapter 3. Because later in chapter 11, he said that the only way to kill a vampire was to either stab them or burn them?” Zari asked, gesturing wildly with her hands knowing it was the only way to get their attention.
Nora caught Ava’s smile as she gave Nora a wink as they watched Sara and Mona fuel each other’s excitement. They laughed together at their infectious excitement and drank more wine. Mona and Sara continued to talk over each other and excited voices about the book while Zari and Charlie occasionally chimed in with their own input and Nora let her mind wander. 
She hadn't realized that she was still smiling until her cheeks began to ache. She was so happy and Nora knew that no matter what life threw at her, as long as she had Ray and her friends, she would be happy.
AN: This felt important to write and more so now. I was sexually assaulted when I was a child. I can’t imagine what would have happened if I fell pregnant. I’m so lucky that I didn’t need an abortion, but others aren’t as lucky and this story is dedicated to them. If you want to talk or receive support or help please contact
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avasharpe · 3 years
Two years ago I wrote “It Takes Time” and had Ava get Sara pregnant with their daughter and now in 2022 and you're telling me that Sara and Ava got pregnant naturally and are having a daughter!!
I'm so happy, but I'm pretty sure the CW owes me royalties for this one 🤣
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avasharpe · 3 years
A Sick Captain and Broken Ship
Chapter: one of one
Words: 5638
Summary: Sara wakes up with the flu one day and Ava is determined to nurse her back to health. 
Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow.
Relationship: Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Nora Darhk/Ray Palmer.
Characters: Sara Lance, Ava Sharpe, Nate Heywood, Behrad Tarari, Mick Rory, Zari Tarari, Ray Palmer, Nora Darhk, Mona Wu, Gideon. 
Rating: General Audiences.
Additional Tags: Sick Fic, The Flu, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, 
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
AN: Takes place around season three.
Ava folded the newspaper and took one last sip of her cup of coffee before placing the newspaper in the recycling bin attached to the wall. She walked over to the kitchen to put her plate in the dishwasher. With Ray gone, they all had to make more of an effort to keep the kitchen clean. She grabbed the pan and spatula she had used for her morning egg, put it in the sink, and ran the water till it was warm. It was a late Saturday afternoon, and Ava had enjoyed being slightly lazy in her morning routine. Especially after the disaster of a week with the Legends fighting Charlie's sisters. They all deserved a lazy Sunday. 
Ava looked out the window as heavy flakes of snow fell in a soft, steady rhythm. A smile spread across her face as she thought about how happy Sara would be to see the falling snow. They had fallen asleep to a light fluttering of flakes, but now they had a good few inches and were only expected to get more as the weekend continued. 
After scrubbing the pan and setting it in the drying rack, Ava dried her hands and looked at her watch. It was half-past nine and Sara should have been up by now. Ava let her sleep in as she slipped out of bed that morning and let Sara enjoy an extra hour. She figured Sara wouldn't mind if she woke her up with breakfast and grabbed the jar of overnight oatmeal Sara had made the night before, warming it up before making her a cup of coffee. After she had put in a dash of that vanilla creamer Sara liked, she poured the oatmeal into a bowl and grabbed a spoon, wrapping it in a napkin and placing coffee and bowl on a tray. 
Ava headed back to their room with light steps, passing Nate and Charlie in the hall. Gideon opened the door for her, and Ava set the tray on Sara's nightstand. Ava sat next to Sara on the left side of the bed that has slowly become their bed over the past few months. There was a stack of crossword puzzles next to the lamb with a pen tucked into the fold of the top book. There was a small bottle of Sara's favorite hand lotion, and Ava reached down to pick up the metal water bottle that always got knocked down to the floor.
Ava grabbed her phone and gently increased the brightness on Sara's lamp. Ava took a moment to watch Sara. She was so peaceful in her sleep as she starfished across the bed. In the beginning, it drove Ava to the edge of the bed, but nowadays, she welcomed the way Sara's limbs fell over her body. Neither of them were used to cuddling all night long. They were simply content to reach out and touch. Although there were some nights when they clung to each other, chasing the nightmares away. 
“Sara?” Ava whispered softly, leaning over her and brushing the hair out of her face. “Time to get up, my love.”
Sara turned her head towards Ava’s voice but was still asleep. Ava leaned in to trail her lips across Sara’s face. Sara groaned and smiled as Ava moved her lips to peck Sara’s cheek. Sara's eyes fluttered open and Ava leaned back to watch her slowly awaken with a soft morning smile. Sara stretched out her arms across the bed before rolling over to curl into Ava’s side.
“Did you sleep well?” Ava asked as she brushed Sara's wispy baby hairs away from her forehead. “I brought you breakfast if you're hungry?”
“Umm, I don’t want to eat breakfast.”
“Well then, what do you want to do?”
“You,” Sara said with a low and sleep laden voice, she finally opened her eyes and greeted her with a warm smile. “Good morning.”
“Good morning,” Ava replied, letting Sara tug her down for a proper morning kiss. 
Once they had really greeted each other, Ava pulled back and reached over to the tray of food. “Are you sure you’re not hungry?”
“I guess I should enjoy this wonderful breakfast that you work so hard on,” Sara teased as she sat up.
Ava handed her the bowl of oatmeal and turned on a few more lights before crawling into bed next to Sara. She pulled out her e-reader and sat against the headboard after Sara cuddled into her side, slowly eating her oatmeal. Ava quickly got lost in her reading before she felt Sara shift against her side and rested her head in her lap.
“Not hungry?” Ava asked, seeing Sara put the mostly full bowl back on the nightstand.
“Not really,” Sara said, curled back into her side and closing her eyes. 
Ava set her e-reader down. It wasn't like Sara not to eat or to go back to sleep in the morning. 
“Are you feeling okay?”
“My head still hurts,” Sara whined, rolling her eyes.
Ava massaged her temple and forehead, where Sara had been complaining of pain yesterday. “Do you want me to see if there's any pain meds in the bathroom?”
“No, I'm sure it'll go away. I'm just tired. I didn't sleep well,” Sara said, closing her eyes and leaning into Ava's touch. Sara refused to admit it when she had a small cut or bruise, let alone when she was feeling sick.
“Are you sure? What if you're getting sick?” Ava asked, she put her hand up to Sara’s cheeks. Her forehead was warm to the touch, and her cheeks were flushed, but Sara looked up at her with tired eyes. 
“I'm sure,” Sara said, pushing away Ava's hand on her forehead. “Besides, I'll just steal from your perfect immune system.” 
“That’s not how it works,” Ava said with an eye roll.
“Un hu, you protect me from all the yucky germs with your superior immune system and hazmat level cleaning system.” 
“It's only hazmat because I’ve seen how dirty your crew is, especially Charlie and Mick’s rooms. I'm surprised there isn't an outbreak?” 
Sara chuckled. knowing Ava was only partially serious, and Ava leaned down to bop her nose. “It's not that bad. Ray keeps us all in adequate shape, or he used to.”
“True,” Ava said, brushing her fingers through Sara’s hair. 
Sara closed her eyes and leaned into Ava's hand. Ava continued to brush her fingers through her hair until she was sure Sara was asleep. Ava knew that she should go and get out the thermometer or at least something for her headache from the bathroom, but she didn't have the heart to untangle herself from Sara’s side. So for a moment, she picked up her e-reader and went back to her book. 
A half hour later, Ava crouched over Sara as she carefully swept the forehead thermometer across her temple. It flashed green and Ava pulled it away to read a temperature of 99.9, meaning that Sara had a slight fever. Nonetheless, Ava had taken the necessary precautions, grabbing the tissue box and cold medicine from the med-bay. It seemed like Sara had developed a cold, so Ava started a pot of chicken noodle soup, one of the only kinds of soup she knew how to make.
Sara's nose had started dripping and Ava grabbed a tissue to wipe it away. A bit disgusting, yes, but after you deal with somebody else's brains and guts on you, a little booger didn't gross you out anymore.
The motion caused Sara to wake up and turn her head away from Ava to avoid the tissue. She opened her eyes to glare at Ava and reached up to steal the tissue from her and hid it in her hand. Then she snuggled further back into the blankets with a full body shiver. 
“I don’t have a cold.” 
“No, but it does seem like you're getting the flu,” Ava said, moving to sit on the bed next to her. 
“Same difference. I still feel like shit,” Sara said, still scowling up at her.
“Actually, there are some differences between the cold and the flu, but regardless you're sick and we should probably head over to the Waverider’s Med…”
“No.” Sara insisted, cutting her off.
“Sara, if you’re not feeling good, then Gideon can help.”
“No, if it’s just the flu, then there's reason to go.”
Ava sighed and tilted her head. Why did Sara have to be so stubborn about these kinds of things? Two years ago, after Sara was taken to Mallus' realm, Ava had to drag her kicking and screaming to the Med-Bay so Gideon could look her over. Even now, Sara crossed her arms in a way that meant this would be a fight. 
“How about this?” Ava asked, trying to find a compromise. “So long as you don't have a fever above 102, are not throwing up, and are not exhibiting other signs of distress, we can just stay here until you feel better.”
“Okay,” Sara agreed, unfolding from her defensive stance. “Can we watch something?”
“Yeah,” Ava said, moving back and grabbing Sara’s pink fluffy slippers. “Why don't we go downstairs? I've got a pot of soup on the stove for you.”
“Chicken noodles with extra noodles?” 
“Okay,” Sara said, sitting up and swinging her legs over the side of the bed and into her slippers.
Ava pulled the throw blanket around her shoulders as they walked down the stairs. Sara walked over with her fluffy slippers to collapse on the couch. Ava went over to check the soup. Finding the noodles ready, she dished them up each bowl as well as a cup of tea as Sara started up a horror film. Resisting the urge to sneak the cold medicine, Sara had refused into her tea as Ava stirred in a bit of honey and placed it on a tray with a soup. 
Sara was pretty lethargic as they sat and watched the movie. Her fever spiked to 101.8, and Ava suspected she was keeping it under 102 out of spite, but she took the ibuprofen Ava gave her and she did eat a bowl of soup. As the movie continued, Sara laid her head in Ava’s lap, still complaining of a headache. Ava wiped her brow with a wet cloth that seemed to ease her pain. 
“Ava, I'm dying,” Sara lamented, falling into Ava’s arms the second she returned with a second bowl of soup, as clingy as ever.
“You’re not dying. You’re just sick,” Ava said, putting her bowl away before it spilled on Sara’s head.
They both moved and Ava laid down and pulled Sara close so she could rest her head on her breasts. Sara got comfortable and laid on the right side so she could hear Ava's heartbeat. Ava turned on the lamp so she could read, and Sara closed her eyes and buried her face in Ava’s chest. Ava pulled the blanket over her head as Sara fell asleep and got lost in the book, so much so that she almost didn't hear the portal opening into her mudroom.
“Hey, Ava,” Mona and Nora called out.
“Shhh,” Ava said, pointing to Sara as they stepped out into the living room.
Mona and Nora nodded and crept into the living room. It wasn't unusual for them or the other Legends to waltz into her home unannounced. They were over so much that having them wait at the door was an unnecessary formality. However, they usually came in and waited in the mudroom until Ava gave them the all clear after one too many run ins with the couple’s active sex life.
“Hey guys, what are you doing here,” Ava whispered as she rubbed her hand up and down Sara’s back. Sara had turned her head away and was buried in Ava’s shirt, blissfully asleep.
“Guess what we got?” Mona asked, standing in front of her, practically wiggling with excitement and dressed from head to toe in snow gear.
She wore a bright yellow jacket with neon blue and pink stripes. Nora stood next to her dressed in an oversized black coat with fur lined hood paired with modest black snow boots and dark purple pants.
“What? Ava asked, smiling with her friends as their excitement was contagious.
“A foot of snow, the keys to Ray’s countryside villa, one magnificent hill and,” Nora opened a portal behind her, reaching in and pulling out two double person inner tubes. 
“Inner tubes!” Mona said, bouncing with excitement
“Please say you'll come with us!” Nora asked, knowing Ava's tendencies to enjoy her time inside rather than outside.
Ava smiled, shared in their excitement, but then Sara shifted on top of her to curl her fingers into her shirt. Reminding her of her lover. Ava would love to go sledding with them, but she didn't want to leave Sara, not now.
“Is Sara awake?” Nora asked.
“Oh, I hope we're not interrupting anything?” Mona said with a wink.
“It’s not like that, Sara's not really not feeling well, and she has a headache,” Ava said, lowering her tone so as not to disturb her. “I would love to go with you, but I have a clingy and sick assassin on my lap. I’ll try and meet up with you when I’ve convinced her that cold does not mean she’s dying. For now, it’s probably best if I stay here.”
Nora shrugged, “Why can’t you just take her to the med-bay or ask one of the Legends to Sara-sit?”
“Nora!” Mona said, elbowing her, Nora wasn’t used to having someone around to take care of her, but they were all slowly showing her what it meant to be loved and cared for. “Ava wants to watch over her and nurse Sara back to health.”
“That and she's stuck to me like glue. I’d just like to be with her right now,” Ava said, resting her hand on Sara’s back. 
“Of course,” Nora said, nodding. “I remember when Ray accidentally ate that cake that was not gluten-free and even though he was puking and stuff.”
Nora made a face, and Ava and Mona tried to hide their laughter. Whenever they got too drunk and the alcohol came back up, Nora made a quick exit. 
“I couldn't bear to leave him.”
“Besides,” Mona said, putting her arm around Nora and pushing the inner tube into the open portal before closing it behind her. “Technically, we're heading out there two days from now, so once Sara starts feeling better, you can just time travel over and join us.” 
“That sounds great. I’ll probably head to the Waverider soon and drag Sara to the med-bay,” Ava said, glancing down to make sure Sara was still snoozing softly in her lap. “Is it just you two that are going?” 
“No, everybody’s going, even Mick.” 
“He said it'd be nice to write somewhere that’s peaceful and quiet.”
“Yeah, they just have to take care of this little problem with the ship and then they’ll join us,” Mona said, only to be elbowed by Nora. 
Nora looked like she was about to explain, but Sara pushed the blanket and her hair out of her face and squinted up at them. “What problem?”
“It’s nothing really, just a minor engine issue. Behrad said he and Ray would have it up and running in no time,” Nora explained.
Sara sighed and sat up, rubbing her temples, “Why wouldn’t they notify me?”
“They didn’t want to disturb your guys' time together,” Mona answered quickly. “They’ve got it handled, really!”
“Sara. I’m sure they can handle it,” Ava said, sitting up as well, but one look at her, and Ava knew Sara wanted to double-check. “You guys go ahead. We’ll stop by the Waverider and maybe join you later.”
“Okay, I hope you feel better, Sara.” 
“Bye guys,” Nora said with a wave.
As soon as they were gone, Sara stood up, leaning on the arm of the couch for support. She wavered a little in her step forward and Ava quickly got up and rushed to her side. She put one arm around her and helped her sit back down. 
“Stay here. I'll go get your boots, okay?” 
Sara nodded and Ava rushed upstairs. Being as quick as possible, she grabbed a coat for herself as Sara was wearing her sweater and a pair of shoes for each of them. She ran back down the steps and knelt in front of Sara, pulling her foot into her lap as Ava slipped her boot on her foot and did up the laces.
“You don't have to do that,” Sara said, tugging her foot up.
Ava held her ankle. “It's okay. I want to.”
As soon as Ava finished tying Sara's laces, she looked up to see Sara with flushed cheeks but a determined look on her face as she stood up. Ava quickly went to grab the thermometer to check her fever before they left. However, the thermometer was missing from where she had put it on the end table along with the medication and tissues. 
Ava looked over at Sara, who suddenly found that the carpet was very interesting. “Where is it, Sara?” 
“I dunno,” Sara said as innocently as possible while she kicked the carpet with her boot. 
“Well, luckily, I have another oral thermometer,” Ava said, pulling it out of the medicine bin.
Sara rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, with a pout. Ava crouched down in front of her and put her hand on Sara’s knees. Even though Sara refused to meet her eyes, Ava looked her over. Ava could see that she was exhausted and Ava knew the last thing she wanted to do was wrangle the Legends.
“Sara, baby, I want to take your temp because I want to see if the dose of Ibuprofen I gave you a few hours ago is working. If not, I can give you another dose.” 
Sara just opened her mouth, letting Ava put the thermometer under her tongue. As they waited for the results, Sara’s eyes drooped, and Ava hoped that she would just fall asleep and they could go back to their snow day movie cuddles.
When it beeped, Sara looked up at her with hopeful eyes and Ava was relieved to see a medication had done its job. Sara stood up and Ava put an arm around her. Knowing there was no stopping her. Sara leaned into her as Ava opened the portal onto the bridge. Most of the Legends were hanging about as Ray and Behrad worked under the console with Gideon’s head floating above them. 
“Hello, Captain Lance and Director Sharpe,” Gideon greeted them with a smile. 
“Umm, Sara, Ava, Hi,” Ray stammered out. 
“I thought Nora and Mona were going to go sledding with you guys?” Behrad said as she leaned over to Ray and whispered. “Mona said they'd keep them busy.”
“What broke?” Sara asked, too tired to beat around the bush.
Ava watched as Sara looked around at her crew, all of them displaying guilty faces. 
“The thrusters burnt out,” Mick said from his spot in the parlor. 
Suddenly the Waverider shook and tipped Ava ground her knees in order to keep herself and Sara standing.
“And the stabilizers, that’s what we're working on now, uh Sara, are you okay?” Ray asked, looking concerned. 
Ava looked over at Sara, who was hunched forward with her hands on her knees. Her face was pale, with her eyes squeezed shut. Sara lurched forward and vomited onto the floor. Everyone visibly recoiled as Sara heaved, but Ava held back her hair and put one arm around her waist, holding her up. Sara leaned into her arms before glancing up at her with a defeated look. 
“Time to go to the med-bay,” Ava said softly and Sara just nodded. She put one arm on Sara's back and leaned down to put her other arm under Sara's knees. “I'm going to pick you up, okay?” 
Sara nodded again as Ava picked her up as gently as possible. Sara put one arm around Ava’s neck but went limp in her arms, leaning her forehead against her chest. Ava could feel the heat from her body. Sara, for sure, had a fever now. 
“Don't worry, we'll clean everything up and get the stabilizers working,” Ray said, grabbing the mop and cleaning supplies. 
“Not it,” Charlie said, starting the round of not it until they handed Nate the mop. 
Ava carefully walked down the hall and thanked whoever designed the Waverider that the med-bay was just a few feet ahead. Gideon had brought out a stretcher in place of the chair and had dimmed the lights to the same soft yellow setting Ava had in her home. 
Ava pulled back the blankets before setting Sara on top of the bed and took off her jacket. She turned away and grabbed the medical band, putting it over Sara's wrist.
“There's mouthwash and a bowl to your left, Ms. Sharpe,” Gideon said as she began to scan Sara. Ava looked over to see that Gideon had put out a tray with the cup and a warm washcloth along with a sick bowl.
“I’m sorry,” Sara said when Ava returned to her side.
“Oh honey, don’t be,” Ava said, handing her the cup. Sara rinsed her mouth Ava gently wiped her lips. “These things happen.”
Ava put her hand to Sara's forehead, gently brushing her hair, caressing her head, and stroking her cheek. The heat from Sara's forehead and flushed cheeks caused Ava to worry, and Sara reached up to smooth the lines of her forehead. 
“I guess we should have stayed home today.”
“We will go home soon,” Ava promised her. “We can watch as many movies as you like, and you can finish another bowl of soup.”
“I'm not really hungry,” Sara admitted with a small smile.
“Right, you just threw up, sorry.” 
Gideon concluded her scan, but Ava didn't even notice until Gideon called for their attention “Captains?”
“What is it, Gideon?” Sara asked, squinting up at the ceiling lights. “The cold or the flu?”
“Influenza B, I have detected some mucus in Captain Lance’s throat and sinus cavity and given the lack of fluids Captain Lance had been unable to retrain, I must insist on I.V. fluids and a nasal rinse before I can sanction her release.”
Sara's nose wrinkled as she frowned. “I hate doing the nasal rinse.”
“It's good for you,” Ava insisted as she walked over to the cabinet to get the supplies. Ava got her settled under the blankets and helped Gideon start an IV that Sara instantly hated and started scratching at the plastic cover. Ava grabbed her hand, pulling it away and giving it a squeeze.
“This is torture,” Sara said as Ava put the bottle of sterile water and salt solution on the tray next to them. “And I literally just threw up.”
“Sorry, babe, you're not getting out of this, especially when it comes to doctor Gideon's orders,” Ava said, tilting her head and rubbing her thumb on the back of Sara’s hand.
“I only like it when you play doctor,” Sara said as she flashed Ava a sultry smile. 
Ava rolled her eyes as she moved her hand up Sara’s shoulders to grace her cheek as she leaned down. “I'd be happy to play doctor with you after you listen to Gideon.” 
Sara’s smile quickly turned into a frown. She crossed her arms and pouted once again. Ava wondered how long she would hold out for, given how stubborn Sara could be. 
“Hey Gideon, do you think you could allow Sara to leave the med-bay and recuperate in her room here on the ship after she does the nasal rinse?”
“I believe that would be suitable,” Gideon said in her naturally cheery voice.
Ava raised an eyebrow and looked down at Sara. “What do you say? If you do the nasal rinse, then we can go back to your room, put on a movie, and I’ll get you anything you want.”
“Even a Cuddle Me Beebo?” Sara asked as she bit her lip and seemed to chew over the idea. 
“Yeah, even a plushie Beebo, pinky promise,” Ava said, holding out her pinky finger. 
Sara reached up and wrapped her pinky finger around Ava’s, but her grip was loose and weak. Sara nodded and took the bottle from Ava, who held the bowl under Sara’s chin. Afterworlds, Ava wrapped a blanket around Sara's shoulders and grabbed the I.V. attached to the poll as they prepared to walk back to Sara's bedroom. 
Sara looked over at Ava with tired eyes. “Can you carry me?”
It was said as a whisper and Ava barely caught it, but she would sooner break her back than deny Sara this one comfort. “Of course,”
Ava bent down and picked her up, despite how Sara was only a few inches shorter than her, she felt light in Ava's arms. Ava was happy to hold her as Sara wrapped her legs and her arms around her, settling into Ava’s arms. Sara held the pole if they walked down the hall. It was mostly empty until Zari ran past before she stopped and turned around to smile at them.
“Hey, Ava, how’s Sara?” Zari asked as she held her phone and snapped a quick photo of them that she immediately sent to Ava as she heard her phone ding. “You're welcome for that, by the way. Very cute.”
“I'm fine,” Sara said from her place on Ava's shoulder. “How's the ship?”
“Oh well, I don't know, but it's…” Zari said as another tremor hit the ship. 
Ava braced herself against the wall and tightened her grip on Sara. Once the tremor passed, Ava adjusted Sara’s position putting one arm under her butt and the other on her back. Zari held up her hands, referencing their current situation. 
“Thanks Z, can you keep us updated?” Ava said, running her hand up and down Sara’s back. 
“For Sure,” Zari said with a wave before she walked away.
Ava walked to their bedroom and set Sara down on the bed. She went and got a bowl from the bathroom and a cool rag for Sara’s forehead. Sara had curled up on her side in bed and was watching Tik Toks on her phone. 
Ava walked back over to sit next to her and wiped her forehead with the rag as Sara barely looked up from her phone. “Do you want to brush your teeth, honey?”
“No, I'll just puke again soon, so what's the point?”
Ava sighed and pushed Sara's phone down, put her hand over Sara's phone while putting the other to cup her face and gently rubbed her thumb over her cheek. “Why don't you put on a movie and I'm going to go get the Beebo yeah?”
Sara sighed but leaned into Ava's hand and closed her eyes, before nodding. Ava leaned in to kiss her forehead. She wasn't worried about getting sick. Sara was right, her immune system would protect her. If only it could have protected Sara as well. 
Ava got up and walked on that instead of going to the fabricator, she went back to the Med Bay. Gideon had given Sara something for her nausea earlier, but Ava wondered if there was anything else the A.I. could do. 
“There is a tablet in the third door on the left. All Captain Lance has to do is hold it under her tongue until it dissolves.”
“Thank you, Gideon,” Ava said as she retrieved the medication. 
When she walked into the fabrication room, the blue Beebo was waiting for her as Gideon was once again, two steps ahead of her. Ava picked up the blue plush toy that giggled and blinked up at her. She made a face and held it out in front of her. Ever since you first saw the Beebo back in Newfoundland, she always thought there was just something a bit off about it. Yet, for some reason, Sara and the rest of the Legends loved Beebo. Sara told her story about how her dad had searched every store in Star City for months before Christmas to find one for her. It was her favorite stuffed animal, second only to her little grey shark. 
Ava returned to their room and held out the Beebo to Sara, who instantly smiled and reached out for it. She gave it to her, and Sara cuddled it against her chest, rubbing its belly as it giggled and talked to her. 
“I see you picked a movie,” Ava said, crawling into bed on her side and seeing the title card for Swamp Thaaang play. 
“I like this one,” Sara said as she rolled over to lay her head in Ava's lap, and Ava put an arm around her shoulders.
“Me too,” Ava said, reaching down to bop Sara's nose. “Gideon said to give you this Ava said opening the package for the nausea tablet.
Sara took the medication but made a face and. “It tastes weird.”
“You're not supposed to taste it. It’s supposed to dissolve under your tongue.”
Sara still groaned and wrinkled her nose. She moved it around in her mouth, and Ava looked up at the movie as Sara settled in her lap. Sara reached out to hold her hand, pulling it to hold it at her chest. 
Ava alternated between watching the movie and watching Sara as her eyes grew heavy as the film went on. Only Sara Lance could fall asleep in the middle of a horror movie. Unfortunately, Sara’s fever spiked, and she spent the rest of the day and most of the night in between awake and asleep. Ava watched over her as she tossed and turned, getting tangled up in the sheets. Eventually, around 6 a.m., she settled with her head in Ava's lap again. 
There wasn't much that Ava could do, and she didn’t want to startle Sara as she knew she would wake up, so Ava pulled out her knitting again. She intended to make Sara another pair of socks to replace the ones that were falling apart on her toes. She grabbed the ball of yarn and placed it on the bed before beginning to measure out the length she wanted in order to cast on. 
“Ava? Why let go of my hand” Sara’s voice was rough and sleep laden.
Ava's eyes snapped open wide, and she jumped up, dropping the needles to the floor. She turned to see that Sara was awake and smiling at her. Her beautiful eyes were tired, but a clear blue and her smile was small but soft, wonderful to see.
“Oh my God, you startled me. I thought you were still asleep. I was just going to start knitting again,” Ava said as she grabbed Sara's hand and held it to her chest while moving to sit next to Sara’s hip.
Sara chuckled and it was like music to Ava's ears. She closed her eyes again but continued to smile and squeezed Ava's hand. Ava wasn’t surprised that she was still sleepy and figured she would fall back asleep soon, but to her surprise, Sara's eyes flutter open again. Ava couldn't help the smiles that spread wider across her face. 
“Hello,” Ava whispered, bringing her hand up to kiss her palm. 
“Hi,” Sara said, smiling at her in a voice that was just too cute.
They spent a moment just staring at each other before Ava reached up and brushed her fingers along Sara’s cheek. She leaned into her hand and admired the pink hew that was back on Sara’s cheeks. Her forehead felt warm but not hot, so Ava reached for the thermometer on the nightstand and tapped it against Sara’s lips. 
“What happened to the forehead thermometer?” Sara asked as she parted her lips.
“You hid it, remember?” Ava said as Sara let her place it under her tongue.
“Ah, ah, no talking.” 
Sara gave her a light glare as Ava looked down at the thermometer. When she finally took it out from under Sara's tongue, she gave a sigh of relief her temperature was back to normal. 
“How are you feeling?” Ava asked as she put the thermometer back and ran her fingers along Sara's cheek.
“Good,” Sara said with a yawn as she stretched. “I'm kind of hungry, though.”
“Alright, well, let’s start with a cup of tea and toast,” Ava said as Sara sighed and sunk back into the bed. “If you keep that down, then we can move on to the chicken noodle soup, sound good?”
Sara nodded, and Ava retrieved the toast and tea before she crawled back into bed next to Sara. Ava put her arm around Sara’s shoulder and cuddled up next to her as they started another movie, putting on Harry Potter this time. Sara nibbled on the toast and drank most of the tea. Ava was happy that she was feeling better and leaned over to kiss her forehead.
“I'm sorry you missed going skiing with Nora and Mona,” Sara said as she leaned her head against Ava’s shoulders and tilted to look up at her. 
“I'm not,” Ava said, looking down at her and reaching down to hold Sara's face. “I would have spent the entire time worrying. Besides, I love cuddling and watching movies with you, and I love taking care of you,” Ava said, meaning down to kiss Sara’s forehead. 
“Me too,” Sara said, smiling at her kiss.
They both settled in and spent the rest of the day watching movies and enjoying each other's cuddles and company for a cozy afternoon.
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avasharpe · 3 years
I’m catching up on Supergirl and Alex and Kelly adopting Esme has me crying 😭😭
Alex is finally gonna be a mom!!
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avasharpe · 3 years
To See You Is Not To Meet You Chapter Four
The Time Bureau 2017
Chapter: Four of Four
Words: 1086
Summary: Ava officially meets Sara and Nyssa for the first time, and despite their rough start, she ends up falling in love with them.
Fandom: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
Relationship: Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe. 
Characters: Sara Lance, Nyssa al Ghul, Ava Sharpe, Ray Palmer, Nate Hayward, and Rip Hunter.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences.
Additional Tags: The Time Bureau, Canon compliant, the Legends are a little annoying, but Ava still loves them.
Read at AO3
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AN: Guess who's back!! Not sure how much more I’ll write for Legends, but I’m trying my best!!
The next time and the first time that Ava officially met Ra's al Ghul and The Canary, The captain of the Waverider and her co-captain, was when the two of them waltz into the Time Bureau with two other legends. By now, Ava knew exactly who they were. She knew every little detail about their past and she knew what their future should be. Although with time travelers, the future was never set in stone. She once admired these two women and even had a crush on them, although she would never admit it. They had long since fallen from her graces. The Legends were nothing but trouble and disaster followed behind them like a trail of trash down the highway. It doesn't help that they were the most frustrating people she had ever met. She didn't know what Rip ever saw in them or what he sees in them now. 
“Hello, everyone, welcome,” Ava said as she coolly and collectively walked into the lobby in her prim and precise suit as she eyed the Legends. Despite her warm welcome, she was not going to fool herself into thinking that they should be treated as anything less than the enemy. She knew that if she gave them an inch, they would go a mile. “On the floor, hands behind your heads.”
Unlike their friends, both Sara and Nyssa complied with a roll of their eyes, but they exchanged a dangerous look.
“Uh, sorry, there must be some kind of mistake,” Dr. Ray Palmer said as she forced him to turn around, grabbing his hand and pushing him to the floor. “We're the Legends!”
“Oh, we know exactly who you losers are,” Ava said as she pressed her knee into his back.
“Wow, this floor is, like, super clean,” Ray commented, and she knew that it was a distraction, and she tried not to let it get to her. “Lady, why are you so mean?” 
“Maybe it's that poly-blend pantsuit that's got her so grumpy,” Sara Lance said her first words to her, and of course, it was a snarky remark.
“It is important to keep one's work suit comfortable and durable, lest a prickling seem or tag distract you from your mission,” Nyssa said, her accent was soft and warm, but her words are full of sarcasm, as she and her beloved shared a smile at Ava’s expense.
“I didn't know Men's Wearhouse gave group discounts,” Dr. Nate Hayward said, although not an original Legend, his stupidity fit in perfectly with the Legends.
“What's wrong with you people?” Ava said, pulling out her gun and pointing it at them. She didn't understand how they could make jokes at a time like this. “Do you want to get shot?”
“Totally rather get shot than look like a Sears model,” Dr. Nate Hayward said as the rest of the Legends nodded in agreement.
It was then that Rip arrived, and much to her dismay, he let the Legends go, and they got the upper hand on her. Sara stole her gun, pointing at her, and Nyssa pulled out a dagger, ready to throw it. The small dagger didn't look too threatening, but in the hands of Ra's al Ghul, Ava knew that it was a severe threat. 
Upon hearing that their friend went back to her home time by her own accord, the Legend seemed to drop their malicious intent.
“All right, this is just awkward,” Sara said as she put down the gun and Ava held her hand out for it, easier to have it back. 
As Sara gave it to her, their fingers brushed and a twist of electricity flowed around them. Ava was surprised, but she quickly turned away. She didn't like Sara Lance. She reminded herself besides, she was taken.
She looked over to Nyssa, who watched the two of them in with intrigue before her eyes fell on her. Ava could tell by the way that she looked at her that she remembered the two times that they had met. There was something else in her eyes, too, flirtation and something else that Ava couldn't quite put her finger on. She held Nyssa’s gaze until Rip pulled her out of her thoughts.
The Legends explained why they were there and that somehow, one of their friends, while drunk, Ava might add, supposedly spotted Julius Caesar. Rip asked her if they had seen anything of the sort and of course, she hadn't. Ava was Rip’s right-hand woman and she wouldn't have missed such an anachronism.
“Well, I guess you must have missed one then,” Sara said in that frustrating and annoying voice as she raised her eyebrows and looked over at her. 
“I find that very hard to believe, and you know what..” 
Rip cut her off before she could say anything else as she took a step towards Sara and Nyssa, the two of them eyeing her up like they were ready for another fight. 
Ava stomped away as she went to check on the timeline. She had no idea how Rip ever allowed the Legends to continue ruining the timeline after their mission after Vandal Savage was defeated. God, the two of them were so frustrating, just waltzing into the Time Bureau, making snarky remarks at her and looking at her with deep dark eyes and sparkling blue eyes. She refused to think about them any longer. This would all be cleared up in the Legends would be gone for good. Then she would never have to see Sara Lance and Nyssa al Ghul again, but oh how wrong she was. 
Because she would see them again, and despite every instinct telling her not to, she would fall in love with them. Because they were both sweet and kind, and they loved her like no one else had before. They awoke these feelings inside of her and opened her up to a world of love and affection and playfulness. 
Ava laid in bed with her girlfriends on either side of her. Sara snuggled up against her, snoring in her ear and drooling on her shoulder, and Nyssa laid beside her, carefully pressed up against her, with a kind of softness across her face that she only had when she was asleep. Ava loved being in between them and being loved by them. She could never have imagined the life they would have together when they first met, but she was so glad she met Sara and Nyssa, the loves of her life.
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avasharpe · 3 years
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avasharpe · 5 years
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avasharpe · 3 years
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avasharpe · 3 years
Also you literally posted that post AFTER she used that gif. How do we know you didn’t steal shit from somewhere else? It conveniently was “deleted” from your blog until after someone else used it as a reaction? And then you all of sudden needed all the credit for spending 2 mins to plug a video into a gif creator. Wow.
You want proof, here is your proof, here is a screenshot of the original PSD’s both the creation date and the modded modification date predating both of the posts.
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And here it is in photoshop along with some icons I'm working on
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And for the record, it's not just a simple as everyone sees it, and clearly, you've never made any gifts. I spent hours on this because it took hours to cut and edit and add text and add layers of adjusting the colors and the speed of the gifts and cutting them to size and making sure they all matched. The reason I don't do it anymore is because it takes so much time and I don't have that much time these days. I wish I did because despite how hard it was I absolutely enjoyed making gifts.
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avasharpe · 5 years
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avasharpe · 5 years
Legends is finally going to show that,
Ava is the top
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And Sara is the bottom
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