#otp: proof of Concept
lizardkingeliot · 9 months
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Or I'll just live out my days waiting for my friends to return and die alone.
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eliotqueliot · 6 months
This moment
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I just love this moment, getting to see all the emotions as Eliot begins to remember. How much Quentin, their family, their lives together mean to him as it all comes flooding back...with the smell and taste of a peach. Regardless of what he says later...he feels so deeply about it. So glad we got this. It's also so striking/appropriate to me that Eliot remembers through vivid physical sensation, while Quentin remembers through reading. But this moment...somehow for me encapsulates everything.
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Just wondering if anyone knows what the song is that plays directly after the mosaic scene? When Quentin finds the key? I’ve been looking everywhere, I don’t have enough time to put the disc in and have google sound search it rn
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"Character X is Y sexuality" is such a dumb take to invalidate people's shipping.
If canon mattered that much in people's shipping/headcanons, Zutara wouldn't be popular. Everyone would (correctly) be disgusted by the concept of Z*c*st. Shipping wouldn't even be an actual thing, fanfic wouldn't be a thing.
People have always taken supposedly cishet characters and made them queer in their fan works.
("Azula is straight" gives me the same vibe of "Yelena is ar*-ac*". It's not explicitly mentioned in canon.
Oh, but she only showed interest in men.
So did Korra until she didn't and guess who she ends up with.
Kyoshi says she has to convince herself she's not in love with Yun and guess who she ends up with.
They'll kill Azula off, probably, take away her bending and finish ruining her character before there's a chance she's canonically queer.
Canon still doesn't mean much.
Unless clearly stated, anything is a headcanon.
Including "Azula is straight".)
This is a good ass blog, but that kind of take just ruins all of it for me.
"To invalidate people's ships" You're REALLY gonna pretend you didn't see me literally list all the lesbian ships I have for Azula, and that I didn't say I would love for her to be bisexual, huh? Again, I don't give a damn what people ship or what kind of fan content they want to create, I only don't like being told to treat fanon (even fanon I like) as canon because it leads to dishonest analysis of a show.
You: Unless something is clearly stated, it is not canon!
Also you: Azula canonically only ever shows interest men and never in women, and I personally think the writers would rather torture and kill her character than show her as a queer woman. But if you say that means she's canonically straight, I'll yell at you.
Make it make sense.
Also "Korra ended up with in a relationship with someone that the writers, by their own admission, never made her be explicitly or implicitly interested in because they were two cowards that were not at all interested in rocking the boat" is NOT the winning argument you think it is. And that doesn't retroactively make Azula bi or a lesbian, it's just extra proof that the writting for Legend Of Korra was TERRIBLE!
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"Kyoshi SAYS a thing that confirms she's bisexual"
Congratulations! You found actual representation! Aka something being considered canon to a particular story BECAUSE IT WAS EXPLICITLY SHOWN TO THE AUDIENCE THROUGH THINGS THAT WE SEE PLAY OUT!
"Oh, but Azula never said she is NOT into women, so even though she is only ever shown to be attracted to men, we can't rule out the possibility of her secretly liking women too until she full on says it!"
Wanna go there? Fine. Then you cannot tell me that the Fire Nation royal family doesn't have a tradition of incest like many real life royals did, and that Zuko and Azula did not at least consider the possibility of marrying each other to avoid an Agni Kai for the crown like we saw in the finale. Sure, that is never explicitly confirmed by canon, but it was never explicitly stated to NOT be the case either, and according to you that TOTALLY means it is not at all impossible for this kids' show to have secretly said "incest is wincest" all along, because apparently the writers need Zuko and Azula, the two characters in a KIDS show, to look at the camera and say "Our family tree is not a circle" for us to understand that this family that has never been stated to practice incest, does not, in fact, practice incest.
"Canon doesn't mean much anyway" Then why are you mad that I said "Even though I would like for Azula to be bisexual, that is simply not canon. There's sadly just no way any character in a kid's show made in 2005 was meant to read as anything other than straight"?
Considering you felt the need to:
1 - Point out that Zutara is a ship with no canon basis AND that you like my blog, literally called "Zutara was never CANON."
2 - Randomly mention the fact that my OTP, Zucest, is also not canon AND that plenty of people, you clearlt included, find it absolutely disgusting (like I somehow didn't get the memo on that).
3 - STILL cherry pick stuff to claim Queer!Azula could totally stealthly be a canon thing.
I'd say you only have a problem with me saying things like "X is canon, Y is not" because YOU very much think of canon as being inherently better than fanon, so when I point out something you dislike is not canon that means my blog is awesome to you because you see it as validating your opinion that something is trash, but the second I go "But this other thing you (and I) like/are neutral on is not canon either" suddenly I'm the devil because I'm "attacking" people for something that is just harmless fun.
The whole "Azula is not canonically bi/gay, so any headcanon of her being queer is bad" is in YOUR head, honey. You're never gonna hear that kind of crap from me, and I'd appreciate it if you stopped putting words in my mouth.
And as a bisexual woman, I'd appreciate some ACTUAL REPRESENTATION of bisexuality being praised, instead of garbage like the incredibly insufferable Korra/Mako/Asami love triangle ending with a nonsensical conclusion that people praise just because it had two women *gasp* holding hands! And even THAT being hidden away since Korra's last season was basically dumped online because the show's ratings were terrible.
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mjspenumbra · 2 months
It's 3:40 AM and I should really be asleep but nevermind that. Saw you also reblogged the 'come talk about my fic' thing which is funny because your fic actually tangentially came up in conversation yesterday. We were talking about natural disasters at work and which ones would be the worst and I remembered lahars exist because of your fic and after teaching everyone else what they are I 'won' the debate. Which just goes to show that your fic still lives rent free in my mind.
So here's a question, I've talked at length about my favorite part(s) of it in the comments, what is your favorite part/theme/detail(s) of it?
Glad I helped you win the debate, lol. This is why I’ve always told writers who ask about such things to do their homework! Even when you’re writing fantasy, the more "real" you can make the world, the more it will work for the readers.
Anyhoo…. Oh my, a favorite part/theme/detail. With something as long as OTP, that’s not an easy ask. But I shall try.
My sister has a quote she likes from a book she read way back when, "your god is too small." The general concept is that many people tend to view God only within the limits of whatever religion they have been exposed to and raised in. Within the confines of whatever dogma they’ve been exposed to, they ultimately stuff God into that box and never let Him out (and for the record, I use "Him" because that’s what I learned as a kid in the Catholic Church. My only positive parental figure was my father, so while I tend to have that sort of relationship with my Maker, I also know that it's absurd to think that the Being Who created everything is not Himself Everything. It's English that lacks a gender-neutral or all-encompassing pronoun. So if someone else prefers to think of God as Her, Them, It, whatever, I am not offended, nor do I mean to offend with my personal choice of pronoun. That being said, very Catholic Colombia of the 1950s would have said "Him," though persons with native backgrounds might have debated the matter, depending on which indigenous group was discussing the matter). ANYWAY: so why can’t Bruno be both a seer of the future AND an actual prophet? Why can't God be more a part of human existence than humans believe? So many people who go to church every Sunday (or Saturday, or whichever day) have religion, but what they don’t have is actual faith. They say the words, come together with fellow "believers," but so, so many of them don’t actually have faith in what they profess, in God. It's sad. I’ve had several friends who spent their entire lives bouncing from one church to another, one religion to another, looking for answers they never found because the one answer they lacked was faith. They wanted proof, and that’s a whole different animal.
So here we have Bruno with the Gift of seeing the future. I’ve read far too many stories where the burden of his Gift strangled any semblance of faith in God. Being weary of a world that seems bent on crushing hope and the belief that the world can be a good place, on telling us that the future is doomed to be dystopian, I wanted to try telling a story that instead embraced hope, where Bruno understood that there was another side to his Gift, that of being an actual prophet from time to time, and what would happen if the people of the Encanto — and his family — finally understood this. So this, I think, covers my favorite theme. Wouldn’t be a story but for that.
I think my favorite parts are the chapter where Bruno reveals his Secret Past to the grandkids, the Big Dramatic Climax, and the very end. They describe the circle of his journey through the story: broken man who has lost everything, who becomes more than a man by surrendering to his faith, and in the end becomes a father in more than one sense, and finds joy.
My favorite detail is probably Bruno's serenity room, along with Pepa's Grove and Julieta's Garden. I personally had a hard time believing that a Miracle that created Casita would just throw the kids to the wolves with powerful Gifts without giving them some kind of training ground — though alas, they were misunderstood and thus misused at the time. Alma needed to loosen up!
sheesh, I don’t do short in much any of my writing, do I? 🤪
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clusterduck28 · 2 years
I often hear huntlow fans say that one of the reasons they like that particular ship so much is because, in popular media, it's actually quite rare to see plus-sized girls being framed as attractive or desirible romantic partners for other characters; and that, in fact, 'fat girl + skinny boy' pairings are so rare, they're basically non-existent in popular media! This is, of course, very much fair and valid, it's not hard to imagine how seeing more relationships like this represented on screen goes a long way towards dismantling all sorts of weird long-standing societal attitudes towards beauty, bodies, gender etc etc.
Did you know, The Owl House actually has another CRIMINALLY UNDERAPPRECIATED big girl + skinny boy pairing that might potentially be as, if not MORE compelling than huntlow?
Bold claim, I know but don't scroll away yet, just hear me out...
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Now THIS here, this is what we in the biz call a Diversity Win!
Look at the size ratio between these 2 lovebirds, easily the biggest one I've seen since the day I first learned about anglerfish mating. BEAUTIFUL, INSPIRING, MAGICAL union between this charmingly disgusting stickman-shaped bug boy and this mysteriously shy small-scale proof-of-concept steampunk evangelion unit prototype girl!
And hey, guess what? They Have CHEMISTRY. What kind of chemistry you may ask? Well... let me tell you about this one particular type of chemical reaction called "nuclear fission". Picture this, a tiny but eager little brown-haired neutron, one of the smallest things measurable with current day scientific equipment, is rapidly approaching a lonely and often-misunderstood atom of Uranium-235. Mesmerised by its complex and hypnotic atomic structure as he gets closer and closer, in the final few pico-seconds before the inevitable high-speed collision the marker-mustached atom finally understands what the phrase "Love at first sight" means. And now, there it is... The Chemistry is Finally Happening. What's it like? Well, to them it felt like the warmest of a lover's embraces as this particular chemical reaction is know to release up to 320 million kilojoules of pure energy, the purest form of energy, in fact, you might've already heard of it, it's called LOVE...
In conclusion: matthrok OTP!!!
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flowers-of-io · 1 year
Eris Morn, Savâthun and Xivu'arath for character opinion ask 👀
Eris has been answered!
favorite thing about them: [gestures to the whole her & the Traveler plotline] return to the Light or somethin'
least favorite thing about them: she's a horrible person who killed many, many people! And contrary to a popular belief I do not condone literal genocide. Star Jasmine loretab is brilliant and it makes me very uncomfortable
favorite line: "Go on, then. You know so much? Tell me who I am!"
brOTP: I'm torn between Immaru and Oryx here
OTP: the ship economy is in shambles, so I'm here like... either Rhulk or Eris or the Guardian, because there are a few really good Sav/OC fics out there...
nOTP: I've yet to encounter a bad Sav ship ngl. Sav/Crow squicks me a bit because of the power imbalance, but at the same time their dynamic is too good to be a nOTP...
random headcanon: she wears a lot of jewellery. This is what I'm missing in her canon look ngl
unpopular opinion: she likes kids
song i associate with them: please look at this playlist that is my magnum opus, I've sorted it chronologically and have fifteen reason for why each song is where it is. The lyrics doc is like 10 pages long
favorite picture of them: omg I don't know but it MIGHT be that shot of the siblings from the cutscene retelling the Hive's story where Sav is standing with a whole ass cleaver. I love it so much
favorite thing about them: she loves her siblings more than the sword logic itself
least favorite thing about them: we still know so little of her current motivations, but if she turns out to be wholly like 'my wretched Savathun, who is Wretched, and a Traitor, and there is no rhyme or reason to what she's done' I will shake her violently. Shush and go read the truest proof of love, and maybe then you'll calm down
favorite line: "He made us strong. He will lead us to infinity. Oryx my Brother loves me and this love is war."
brOTP: Haroktha and the other Super Old Generals of her army! They've been a squad for millennia. Sitting on some stairs deep within the Sea of Screams with a boombox
OTP: I'm wholeheartedly embracing @xivu-arath's aroace Xivu headcanon, but at the same time @aceofdumbass made me promise I'd write her a Xivu/Mara fic and I've been 👀 about this ship ever since...
nOTP: again, in general I don't really vibe with shipping Xivu with anyone but the concept of war itself
random headcanon: she doesn't have a palace in her throne world, and the whole place is more like a boot camp
unpopular opinion: she would still choose Savathûn over the Deep
song i associate with them: guess what? I have a whole playlist! "Do you have a playlist for every character in this fucking game?" Well I don't look very neurotypical do I
favorite picture of them: there are like. three in the entire canon. but I'll choose the one from the Legions Adrift grimoire anthology, where she is spreading her wings over Torobatl
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
You know I gotta ask for Pyrrha lol
Yeah, Pyrrha for the ask game, let's go.
1: sexuality headcanon
I like to headcanon Pyrrha as a biromantic demisexual.
2: otp
Gonna have to say Pyrrha x Weiss for this one, but Pyrrha x Blake is a close second! Pyrrha and Weiss just have great potential as romantic partners, and their first season clips together so easily read as Weiss having a crush on Pyrrha and Pyrrha being like "Oh pretty disaster girl, I can fix you." XD
3: brotp
Pyrrha and Nora! I already talked about them recently, but they could be such close friends!
4: notp
Can I say 'anything involving a Jaune harem?' I don't mind Pyrrha x Jaune on its own if it's done well (in a way that doesn't treat Pyrrha as the prize to be won or Jaune's cheerleader,) but every time I see some Jaune x Pyrrha, Weiss, Blake, Ruby, Neo, Glynda, Willow, Cinder all at the same time any of that... Ugh. That's so embarrassing.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
I saw a fanart once of Pyrrha and Neptune as kids together living in Argus, and now I love the headcanon that they went to combat school together and actually know each other pretty well. (Of course, in my headcanons, Neptune isn't nearly as sucky. XD) Oh wait, no, I want to talk about Pyrrha's parents! Because the whole monument to Pyrrha seems like something Pyrrha really wouldn't want, I've started headcanoning that her parents were the ones who fought to get that statue made but that they both never really listened to Pyrrha and had kind of pushed her all the time growing up, and were sort of similar to pageant parents. So even though Pyrrha loved them, she also had very complicated feelings towards them, and felt like they didn't know her well, which made her very eager to establish a found family at Beacon (and to latch onto possible mentor/parental figures.)
6: favorite line from this character
"I'll do it. If you believe this will help humanity, then I will become your fall maiden." This line is so good at further establishing what we already know about Pyrrha. She's trusting, she's a follower, she's kind, she's good, she wants to do the right thing because it's the right thing, she doesn't even ask for an explanation because when someone tells her that people need help and this will help, she jumps in with both feet before even thinking through the implications. It's both a sign of some flaws (it's pretty naive to trust people just because they're your teachers and some guy, it's pretty reckless to let people do experiments on you without even asking very many questions,) and proof of her deep goodness and her good intentions. Also I like to think that Pyrrha looked at Amber and felt a connection to her, something drawing her to Amber, and felt like she understood Amber in that moment even though they'd never met, and then her being so willing to take on that power and that responsibility was also for Amber and for her legacy. (Side note, the concept of Amber is slept on both in the show and in the fandom.)
7: one way in which I relate to this character
We both seem to be attracted to disaster people? Lol. But in all seriousness, I feel like I do share some minor similarities to her like her tendency to be protective (I will break his legs) and her over-polite awkwardness and slight passive aggressive tendencies. XD
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
The romance with Jaune. As I said before, I don't mind Arkos in theory. But the way it's done in canon? Gross tbh. They more or less invented Pyrrha for Jaune, made the majority of her story revolve around him, didn't give her real connections with other characters, used her death to prop up his character in a very fridgey way without letting anyone else grieve, and in volume six they gave her a tribute she wouldn't have wanted to remind everyone of how sad Jaune is... And Pyrrha never got any song that wasn't about her feelings for Jaune. Yikes!
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
One of the only cinnamon rolls left in this show! Pyrrha may have her minor flaws, but by and large, she's a good person who tries to treat everyone well (except for Cardin the bigoted asshole bully which is a good thing) and she spent her life trying to help everyone. Rip that Pyrrha never got to connect with Penny because they would've been the ultimate cinnamon roll redhead duo.
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kingmintyreturns · 2 years
you can't make glass without sand and that’s why glass joe × mr. sandman is the otp. it's literally coded in their names. as a matter of fact i was there in the board room in 1983 when Nintendo General Manager Genyo Takeda presented the proof of concept for Punch Out. it was very subtle but at the time an incredible move forward for gay representation in video g
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nagirambles · 2 years
Hey hope you don't take offense to asking this but why did you tag 'no do tag nalu' and 'do nottag nali' in your previous post? is something wrong with either ship for the context
Nothing's wrong. That post talks about both Nalu and Nali, about how nali existing enriches nalu, but it is also not an indicator that nali is a crashed ship. It's the opposite, because it actually gives nali shipper something to hinge on and feel endeared about because their ship's validity has been acknowledged in canon by the words of lucy herself. It's small, but nalu has celebrated for less.
The reason I ask to not tag the ships is because I've seen the more amatonormative, monogamic side of tumblr ruin this scene and fight over how this adorable moment actually enriches one and crushes the other, instead of appreciating both of them as how beautiful they enrich each other.
Lucy is precious to Natsu because Lisanna was once in the picture. Lisanna's meaning to Natsu continues to be so powerful because Lucy is now in the picture.
Like, a lot of shippers in the fandom hold the concept of 'natsu belongs with lucy, and thus, nali is a heck no from me', and the other way around. I'm not talking which side of the argument is worse or not, I'm saying that there are people who cannot handle the idea of both ships at the same time because they believe an otp is a 'must concept' that cannot coexist with smaller, non-canon pairings with the same characters. So since they ship Nalu or Nali, the idea of Loke x Lucy or Juvia x Lucy is somehow completely off the table and 'impossible to consider, don't lead me into this trap' simply because Natsu exists and he's 'the best to pair with Lucy'.
But the point is, I don't think that way.
Both ships are portrayed in a delicate way, and Lucy does not crash her own ship by acknowledging Nali is a thing. And Nali is not crashed because Lucy exists, either. Even after Lisanna comes home, I think they both have the potential to continue enriching each other like this. But now, their little sentences acknowledging the other relationship keeps being compared and used as weapons against each other, and that's just so upsetting. I just want to enjoy how they both can be beautiful in tandem, and yet.
I think they both can coexist. But a lot of people don't, and thus, I forsee people tagging my post in reblogs as just Nalu to perpetuate my words as Nalu content. Even the translator of the official english manga did that, erasing traces of romantic implication in Lucy's sentence just to avoid a scene of Lucy acknowledging Nali, despite it being perfectly in her personality to tease Natsu for things like that.
I despise that. I also forsee the more petty side of the Nali fandom perpetuating this post as simply Nali, because this is proof that Nali existed and is acknowledged, which a lot of Nalu shippers still insist was not. While I want to give more power to that side of the fandom for being smaller, I do not want that post spread as a one-sided form of the argument when I speak of them both fondly in it.
I do not want any part of this nonsensical anti nalu or anti nali war that I can't believe is still happening in the fandom, it makes me sick to my stomach especially because I'm aromantic and don't understand why any of you can be so bitter over the superiority and canonicity of ships. Analysing and criticizing it is fine, especially if it isn't given justice like Nali or is horribly written like any else of the Big Four, but you guys take it way too personal and start dragging randos into your fight and that makes this fandom miserable.
I hate Fairy Tail when talked in the context of ships, because even though romantic love is the least important part of the entire Fairy Tail narrative, people treat it like it's the most important thing.
So please, if you reblog that post, respect my wishes and reblog it simply as Fairy Tail analysis content, not ship content.
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lizardkingeliot · 6 months
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listening to the fame monster like it's 2010 so naturally i was inspired to make this
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eliotqueliot · 7 months
On my list of favorite hugs
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(what a beautiful way to open their quest)
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Currently having my obligatory Evolve listen of the night
(Pretty sure I’ve literally listened to this song 1-2 times every single day for the past few months)
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hydrangeapartridge · 16 days
Thank you for the ask dear anon!
🤩 What’s the most meaningful comment you’ve ever received?
I loved and was touched by so many comments, but the most meaningful one has to be a comment on my SnK fic "Through Horus Eyes", a fic that stayed unfinished for 10 years and that I finally felt motivated to finish because someone commented they re-read the fic (amongst other JeanMarco fics) every summer (for ten years!) and still hoped one day I would complete it... the story is now complete thanks to them!
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
I have so many OTPs (even if you're supposed to have only one, it's basically the concept XD) ... so it depends on the pairing and the setting.
I am going to be very millenial here and since I love imagining scenes with background music, I'll say 'Accidentally in love' (yes the Shrek 2 sountrack one by Counting Crows). There was an AMV (do those still exist??) that I loved for a JeanMarco fic called 'like a drum' using that music and I loved it so much back then... (I often imagine my DnD campains romances with that song in mind too bc I have a problem... ><)
🟥How long do you spend in edits?
Obviously it depends on how long the text is. First, when I write a scene or a text, I make very little changes (I rarely delete entire paragraphs because I don't like them for example), so my edits are more or less only proof-reading.
I usually re-read what I already wrote for let's say a chapter, and correct it before I continue writing what's next (that way I also know where I stopped precisely). And so on until the chapter is finished.
Then I reread the chapter twice, on two separate days before I post it (it takes me between 30 minutes to an hour per reading for chapters between 4 and 7k I think?). And sadly mistakes and typos still get past me... I sometimes correct them again when I reread my fics and am not on my phone (btw I re-read my fics almost every year because I like them! I enjoy the stories I told and am proud of what I wrote! sometimes I rediscover sentences I wrote and am like 'damn, I wrote that?! X) )
I hope that answers your questions! :)
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workforcesolution · 5 months
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Securing information and data through authentication has come a long way, evolving from simple passwords to more advanced methods like biometric verification. However, in today's digital landscape, the ever-increasing skills of fraudulent individuals present new challenges. This leads us to the crucial question: What's next? How can authentication mechanisms be further improved to combat evolving threats and safeguard sensitive data? This article explores the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in enhancing authentication methods.
Biometric Verification Techniques
In our increasingly digitized world, we rely heavily on computers for communication, banking, security applications, and more. This dependence makes us vulnerable to malicious attacks, necessitating robust security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access. Presently, we primarily rely on Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) and passwords for authentication. To enhance security, we have adopted biometric verification techniques, including: 
Fingerprint Recognition
Finger Vein Recognition
Retina and Iris Recognition
Hand/Palm Recognition
Voice Recognition
Signature Recognition
Face Recognition
 The Evolution of Authentication Techniques
While these techniques offer improved security, they are not foolproof. Thus, the concept of continuous authentication using Machine Learning has emerged as a critical solution. This approach, often referred to as Behavioral Biometrics, involves using ML techniques to authenticate users based on behavioral patterns and sensory data continuously.
Silent Real-time Monitoring
Each individual exhibits unique behavioral traits, making them distinct. Characteristics such as gait, vocal tone variations, typing cadence, and more are as unique as fingerprints but considerably harder for malicious actors to replicate.
Behavioral biometrics leverages these patterns to authenticate users and safeguard data. These tools operate on users' devices and computer systems, generating a behavioral profile that reflects their interactions with critical systems, including keystrokes, screen swipes, and mouse movements. Once a user's profile is established, their gestures are silently monitored in real-time to maintain continuous authentication. If deviations from the established profile occur, the system can prompt for additional authentication methods, block access, or lock down the device.
Deep learning algorithms play a pivotal role in creating a user behavior model by analyzing interactions with a platform, such as login times, IP addresses, devices used, typing patterns, clicking habits, or keyboard shortcuts. These algorithms silently monitor subsequent interactions, comparing them with the recorded behavioral patterns. If anomalies are detected, the system can initiate additional security measures, such as sending a one-time password (OTP) to a mobile device or email address or requiring the use of a security USB key.
Use Cases of Behavioral Biometrics
Examples of situations where behavioral biometrics excel include detecting sudden spikes in document downloads or data access from a cloud application, abnormal email access, or irregular typing and clicking patterns. In response, the application may request further proof of access or account ownership to ensure security.
While the initial wave of behavioral biometrics solutions was focused on mobile computing, these applications are expanding into non-mobile computing contexts. The adoption of behavioral biometrics is on the rise across various organizations to meet the demand for highly secure authentication that balances privacy, security, and user experience. With an estimated 26 billion devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) by 2020, device-by-device password authentication becomes impractical, emphasizing the need for more advanced security measures.
Several security providers, such as Callsign and UnifyID, have begun offering Adaptive/Risk-based authentication tools and applications designed to recognize various types of malicious attacks. While behavioral biometrics isn't the ultimate authentication concept, it represents a significant step forward in protecting citizens' everyday data.
Wrapping Up
In conclusion, as the digital landscape continues to evolve, so do the methods of authentication. The integration of AI and ML in authentication processes, especially through behavioral biometrics, is a promising avenue for enhancing security and safeguarding sensitive data in an increasingly interconnected world. As technology continues to advance, the ongoing collaboration between security providers and the adoption of innovative authentication solutions will be crucial to staying ahead of cyber threats.
About Rang Technologies
Rang Technologies, based in New Jersey, has dedicated over a decade to delivering innovative staffing solutions and the best talent to help businesses of all sizes unlock the full potential of the latest technologies and build high-performing teams to achieve their digital transformation goals.
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techblog-365 · 1 year
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Securing information and data through authentication has come a long way, evolving from simple passwords to more advanced methods like biometric verification. However, in today's digital landscape, the ever-increasing skills of fraudulent individuals present new challenges. This leads us to the crucial question: What's next? How can authentication mechanisms be further improved to combat evolving threats and safeguard sensitive data? This article explores the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in enhancing authentication methods.
Biometric Verification Techniques
In our increasingly digitized world, we rely heavily on computers for communication, banking, security applications, and more. This dependence makes us vulnerable to malicious attacks, necessitating robust security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access. Presently, we primarily rely on Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) and passwords for authentication. To enhance security, we have adopted biometric verification techniques, including: 
Fingerprint Recognition
Finger Vein Recognition
Retina and Iris Recognition
Hand/Palm Recognition
Voice Recognition
Signature Recognition
Face Recognition
 The Evolution of Authentication Techniques
While these techniques offer improved security, they are not foolproof. Thus, the concept of continuous authentication using Machine Learning has emerged as a critical solution. This approach, often referred to as Behavioral Biometrics, involves using ML techniques to authenticate users based on behavioral patterns and sensory data continuously.
Silent Real-time Monitoring
Each individual exhibits unique behavioral traits, making them distinct. Characteristics such as gait, vocal tone variations, typing cadence, and more are as unique as fingerprints but considerably harder for malicious actors to replicate.
Behavioral biometrics leverages these patterns to authenticate users and safeguard data. These tools operate on users' devices and computer systems, generating a behavioral profile that reflects their interactions with critical systems, including keystrokes, screen swipes, and mouse movements. Once a user's profile is established, their gestures are silently monitored in real-time to maintain continuous authentication. If deviations from the established profile occur, the system can prompt for additional authentication methods, block access, or lock down the device.
Deep learning algorithms play a pivotal role in creating a user behavior model by analyzing interactions with a platform, such as login times, IP addresses, devices used, typing patterns, clicking habits, or keyboard shortcuts. These algorithms silently monitor subsequent interactions, comparing them with the recorded behavioral patterns. If anomalies are detected, the system can initiate additional security measures, such as sending a one-time password (OTP) to a mobile device or email address or requiring the use of a security USB key.
Use Cases of Behavioral Biometrics
Examples of situations where behavioral biometrics excel include detecting sudden spikes in document downloads or data access from a cloud application, abnormal email access, or irregular typing and clicking patterns. In response, the application may request further proof of access or account ownership to ensure security.
While the initial wave of behavioral biometrics solutions was focused on mobile computing, these applications are expanding into non-mobile computing contexts. The adoption of behavioral biometrics is on the rise across various organizations to meet the demand for highly secure authentication that balances privacy, security, and user experience. With an estimated 26 billion devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) by 2020, device-by-device password authentication becomes impractical, emphasizing the need for more advanced security measures.
Several security providers, such as Callsign and UnifyID, have begun offering Adaptive/Risk-based authentication tools and applications designed to recognize various types of malicious attacks. While behavioral biometrics isn't the ultimate authentication concept, it represents a significant step forward in protecting citizens' everyday data.
Wrapping Up
In conclusion, as the digital landscape continues to evolve, so do the methods of authentication. The integration of AI and ML in authentication processes, especially through behavioral biometrics, is a promising avenue for enhancing security and safeguarding sensitive data in an increasingly interconnected world. As technology continues to advance, the ongoing collaboration between security providers and the adoption of innovative authentication solutions will be crucial to staying ahead of cyber threats.
About Rang Technologies
Rang Technologies, based in New Jersey, has dedicated over a decade to delivering innovative staffing solutions and the best talent to help businesses of all sizes unlock the full potential of the latest technologies and build high-performing teams to achieve their digital transformation goals.
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