#ouat 6x22
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OUATtober 2022 Day 31: Growth -> The final scene of the Season Six finale. Throughout the series, it was hard to imagine all these characters sitting down together at the same table as a family but that was what they were in this moment. It hadn’t been easy but they had reached this point together. 
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dinneratgrannys · 3 months
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A happy beginning now is ours.
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likehandlingroses · 1 year
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OUAT Rewatch 6x22 - The Final Battle, Pt. 2
Light cannot destroy darkness - it can only create more light.
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lumadreamland · 3 years
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 6x22 The Final Battle Part II
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Omg! Last episode of season 6! 
Wait, what? Lucy escaped the curse? How? I could have sworn she was cursed like everyone else.
I feel like they changed some things about the s7 curse between this season and the next. How could Lucy take the book to her mother when her mother was swept up by the curse. Oh wait! Now I remember! Henry hadn’t been taken by the curse yet! He was kidnapped by the Coven of the Eight. That’s where he went. 
Omg, how extra, putting the remains of the burnt storybook on Henry’s hospital plate xD.
Oh yeah! If the fairytale characters don’t exist then Emma can’t exist either! But then neither can Henry since both his parents are from that world. You’d think the Black Fairy and her descendants wouldn’t exist either but maybe she put some kind of blood protection on them, inadvertently protecting Henry in the process.
Goodness, as if that beanstalk wasn’t difficult enough to hold onto!
Oh! I forgot Hook fell! I thought it was David who fell!
Oh snap! There goes the beanstalk! Hold on David!
How the hell is Hook okay after that fall?! I’m 90% sure this dude has horcruxes at this point.
Emma’s old apartment!! The door! Omg we haven’t seen it since the pilot! My heart!
Damn, Hook should have used that bean straight away. I would have personally loved it if Emma’s parents used the bean to go through the portal, fully dressed in fairytale attire. I wonder how Emma would have reacted. 
One last Snowing true loves kiss :’). 
God I love them.
So was Rumple never under the curse? He seemed to be. I wonder what woke him up if he was.
Was Charming’s original sword restored with the curse? I’m sure the hilt was broken of in 3b.
Who’s taking care of baby Robin and Neal?
Is Regina gonna kiss herself? This scene feels weirdly romantic.
The show began with The Evil Queen casting a curse, now she’s protecting the kingdom from one.
No way can everyone in the Enchanted Forest and Oz fit in that one circle on the castle floor. 
Okay but Zelena and Regina holding each other is going to kill me. I love how far they’ve come! 
Go Henry!
Emma came back!
God, I feel for Belle. Have dealt with agoraphobia and didn’t leave the house for 2 years a few years ago. It’s horrible. Could this be the cursed Belle from the 1st curse?
Gideon is so disturbed by the Black Fairy lol.
How is she gonna break the laws of magic after the final battle? Please explain show!
Emma and Gideon’s fight was cool and all but I mean, we’ve seen them two duel in the exact same location before. A magic battle between Emma and the Black Fairy or Emma and Rumple would have been cooler.
Why do they always turn villains to dust. Just let them die normally. It happens too often. 
The curse is broken because Rumple killed the Black Fairy? I suppose because of Emma’s belief as well.
Go Henry! 
Emma just went to get her hat in the middle of a battle. Gotta keep warm!
They’re all back!
What would happen if all light was destroyed? 
Get the hell off Mary Margaret, dude!
Woah! Jesus! Rumple really freaked me out just then! 
Henry saves Emma with true loves kiss! What a perfect way to round off her story!
Big family hug!
Gideon’s a baby again!
Imagine if it wasn’t Gideon and it was just a random baby.
And the book’s okay! Mary Margaret found it of course! 
Good and evil both did the right thing. I guess they mean Rumple did the right thing too.
Mary Margaret: “Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a powerful thing but living with that belief; that’s the most powerful thing of all.” Ugh! Beautiful! That callback to my favourite quote makes me so emotional!
All the realms are restored! 
Everyone’s at Granny’s! My soul!!
And it ends with the last supper! With 13 at the table and everything!
Time for a new adventure, guys! 
Oh lord, I’m emotional! All the callbacks got me! What an end to most of the main characters’ stories. 
So, season 6 was cool. It’s still the season I’ve watched the least, so I definitely need a few rewatches before I’m fully decided on how I feel about it but I enjoyed it overall! It reminded me a lot of 2b. Magical objects were a little too conveniently placed and found and there were quite a few retcons but apart from that it was fun, I especially enjoyed it from ‘6x17 Awake’ to the finale. But I can’t tell you how excited I am for s7!! It’s my third favourite season after s1 and s3 and it introduces my favourite character in the show, Alice Jones! Can’t wait! 
Gonna miss the main cast, especially Snowing, Zelena, Emma and young Henry, but fortunately my girl Zelena will make a return in the latter half of the next season! But gosh, it’s gonna hurt not seeing Snowing as much. I’ll miss my babies and how in love they are so much. Can’t wait for my second favourite ship in the show though, Curious Archer! 
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exhaustedpirate · 4 years
unpopular opinion : season 6 of once upon a time is the worst season
i understand that we get the proposal and the wedding but it’s also one of the worst in my opinion, save perhaps the last episode and the musical
season 7 had season 1 vibes so it made it interesting, season 6 was just dragged out with villains that disappeared 4 episodes in and the worst ship decision of all time (looking at you goldenqueen) 
i like emma’s big saviour moment in the finale (hence why i’m not considering the last episode) but other than that ... it’s also the episode of killian’s ridiculous speech with david
again, yall can argue with me but i’ll always be right, tremble before my otherworldly knowledge, my friends
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tomeandflickcorner · 5 years
Tonight, I’m feeling particularly miffed over how the show writers handled the S6 finale of Once.  What exactly was the point of Emma getting the flashbacks to her and Killian’s wedding and later looking at the illustration of Killian from 2x04 with clear recognition if they weren’t going to have Killian be the one to restore her memories? What was the point of Killian venturing back to the beanstalk to  retrieve a magic bean and recalling his first adventure with Emma if they were just gonna have the bean end up being completely useless?
That whole episode felt like they were building up to something really epic in terms of Captain Swan, but then nothing happened.  (Yes, seeing Emma and Killian being partners as sheriff and deputy was cute, but it still felt like two different scripts got mashed together.)
Not to mention how Black Fairy’s defeat seemed almost insultingly easy.  And I still feel cheated that we didn’t get a final confrontation between Killian and Rumpelstiltskin (especially since the episode before the finale gave Killian/Hook a whole song and dance number about how much he hated the man, and also  had him vowing to finally skin his ‘crocodile.’)
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castielamigos · 6 years
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I am a hero. I am hope. I am light! And light cannot destroy darkness. It can only create more light. I will do what all saviors must! I will give hope...
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heddagab · 6 years
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GQWeek18 Day 4: Golden Queen + another Ouat couple
Golden Queen + Snowing: The End
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dinneratgrannys · 3 months
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ONCE UPON A TIME The Final Battle (Part 2)
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tehgreeneyes · 7 years
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Killian Jones in s6 + Fall colors
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lumadreamland · 3 years
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leiandcharles · 7 years
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100 days of once upon a time: day one hundred
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mariequitecontrarie · 7 years
Hi! I don't know if you remember me, but I sent an AU version of 6x21-22 where Belle had a more active role than what the writers gave her. I know you must be extremely busy with other projects, but I was just wondering how it was going. Sorry for being a pain.
I absolutely remember. And you’re not being a pain--I’m working on it, but there are a few items ahead of it at the moment.
Thanks for checking in and thanks for your patience.
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exhaustedpirate · 4 years
I am so mad with OUAT’s cop out (ha!) in the season 6 finale.
They just had to make Killian a deputy. It was on of the most ridiculous choice ever, we never see Killian doing actual police work besides helping Emma in simply a boyfriend/hero type of way, he’s literally an outlaw and honestly, there are many way better people than Killian for that job.
I would have killed for an Emma/Ruby badass cop duo or, hell, even Emma and David, I'm not picky, he can have his farm and still be a cop.
But making Killian a deputy was such a big disappointment just because they didn’t want to/had time to show more - they could have literally had Killian and Emma at the docks, talking over coffee, Emma gets a call and she says goodbye with a kiss and leaves with the light thingy on and Killian watches her leave and then goes to the docks office thing idc just have him work on the docks, don’t neuter the pirate even more please!
I love Emma and Killian and I love their dynamic, I do think they make a great team together but not as sheriff and deputy, it’s just ridiculous in my opinion.
The scene was adorable and you can see they’re happy but it’s just ugh.
It’s just a cop out...
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