onceuponadream-rpg · 2 years
¡Feliz primer año en línea para todos!
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fatumetsperare · 4 years
Storybrooke Free Public Library
  ❛ 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞…   𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰. 𝐎𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰. 
  𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧. 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝. 
  𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝. ❜ 
   La caída de Regina, la mujer que gobernaba el reino con sus manos repletas de sangre y una sed de venganza insaciable, era un hecho para los mismos habitantes de Misthaven, quiénes reafirmaron su lealtad a la princesa Snow White al no ceder ante las amenazas de la monarca. 
 Con la boda de su hijastra a la vuelta de la esquina y su inminente destierro ante la segunda oportunidad que la irritable joven le otorgó, se resguardó en los confines del castillo que aún le pertenecía, sintiendo como la ira podía consumirla a cada paso al pensar que la niña que había arruinado su vida se saldría con la suya.
 Fue entonces cuando decidió que prefería morir antes que ser testigo de la alegría que Snow le había arrebatado, y tras un elaborado plan, irrumpió la ceremonia, anunciando el regalo de bodas ideal para la pareja de recién casados: El lanzamiento de una maldición que los enviaría a otro sitio donde no sólo serían prisioneros del tiempo, sino también de su memoria al olvidar quiénes eran realmente, condenados a la miseria de un futuro donde todos los que amaban serían apartados para siempre. 
 Una tierra donde existía un único final feliz escrito.   El de la reina. 
 O al menos así sería hasta que, veintiocho años más tarde, el fruto del verdadero amor de Snow White y el príncipe Charming rompiera la maldición, iniciando un largo camino hacia la batalla final.
 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ㅤㅤㅤㅤ 
 Proveniente de los términos «destino» y «esperanza» en latín, Fatum et Sperare nace como una comunidad de la serie de Adam Horowitz y Edward Kitsis, donde la magia y los ambientes medievales se mezclan con la modernidad del mundo real. 
 Si estás preparado para la aventura, las luchas contra criaturas míticas y los discursos de esperanza de Mary Margaret...¡bienvenido/a! 
   Una vez que hayas visitado Granny's Dinner  y verifiques que la disponibilidad de tu personaje, te pedimos leas Storybrooke Sheriff’s Department para informarte acerca de nuestras normas.  Pero no te olvides también de pasar por Storybrooke Town Hall para encontrar la ficha en la oficina de nuestra alcaldesa.
 ¡Estás tan sólo a unos pasos de unirte a esta tierra de cuentos de hadas!
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ouat-rpg · 7 years
Congratulations Kezzy!
You’ve been accepted as Snow! Please check your messages for instructions. We’re glad to have you here!
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if-you-onlyknew · 7 years
Cursed Again...
Jefferson sits at his desk which faces a lace-curtained window overlooking the driveway. Trees conceal any sight of a horizon thus limiting his view of the world outside the mansion that had served as a prison for 28 years. Those days were meant to be long gone. Emma broke the curse. Everyone was happy again. Grace finally came home. Joy and happy years proceeded.
Three curses later, he is back in the same damned position. Grace is lost to him again, but an older, more self-sufficient teenager instead of the reliant ten year old she had been during the first curse. That is not necessarily a good thing. Self-sufficient does not mean safe.
He drums his fingers upon the desk, his head tilting downward as his eyes glare through the window pane before him. Time is so important, and he is on the losing end once again.
Remarkably, he is not trapped in the mansion during this curse. Hell, he isn’t supposed to be in the mansion at all this time around. By being free to leave, this provided a possible pretense that this curse should be easier to break sooner, but that would be his own arrogance speaking. He is not so foolish anymore to assume that his influence would certainly break a fourth curse.
He closed his eyes and rolled his head back upon his neck as it became stiff from sitting and glaring for too long. Time… might still be on his side. Information could assist him. Who instigated this curse? What is the goal? What is the damn point?
With elbows planted upon the desk, Jefferson cups his forehead as he now stares at the grain of the painted white desk. “Think. Think.” His eyes move between two grain patterns as his mind races.
This particular curse set Jeff Buchanan into a lower middle class home in the center of town rather than the sophisticated, elaborately decorated mansion, in which Jefferson currently sat, at the edge of town. Jeff’s clothes were limited and consisted mostly of white hospital scrubs. A horrendous lack of color for Jefferson’s more refined tastes. The scrubs also would bare the jagged scar that ringed his neck just to add insult to the old injury. It certainly did not help the fact that he might be employed in a mental institution! A low chuckle emits from his throat followed by a quiet snort. What a cruel joke. Who had he pissed off for that sort of employment? The exact nature of that employment is not clear to Jefferson as he has not fully allowed the cursed persona to sit at the forefront of his mind in fear that it might take over. He cannot forget. Never forget who he is, who he is fighting for.
Leaning back in the plush leather chair, the grin spreads across his face as his hands hang over the front ends of the arm rests. “Jeff Buchanan, you might be cursed, but you’re going to help me get Grace back. Perhaps you’re not so unfortunate an identity after all.”
He stands from the chair causing it to roll back from his legs. His fingers find the knot in the scarf at his neck as he deftly pulls it loose, dropping it upon the desk. Taking a steadying breath, he runs his tongue across his lip wetting the dry skin in preparation. The scar is old. It doesn’t even burn anymore when he thinks of how he attained it. The reasons behind the scar should not affect him any longer. He had not abandoned Grace this time. None of this is his fault. But old scars are difficult to hide from memory, and his fingers cup the scar in a last effort of deciding whether or not to go through with this.
His expression softens as he thinks of Grace. She is who he has fought for her whole life. He won’t stop now. A decision is made as his fist squeezes the material roughly. His free hand yanks a drawer open and carelessly shoves the scarf within. It isn’t needed. Grace is more important than his fears and pride.
As Jefferson leaves the mansion and pulls the door to his sedan open, he focuses internally on the thoughts of Jeff Buchanan, hospital orderly. Perhaps an orderly, anyway. An oddly resourceful individual with no one but himself to care for. His shoulders relax as a much less burdened, guilt-free conscienced orderly sits in the car and turns the ignition. He’s got to get home and change clothes for his upcoming night shift.
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noholdsbaird-blog · 7 years
A Waltz into Mischief
If anyone could have known how much trouble Youtube tutorials could cause in the future, Harry was certain the website would never have been allowed to take off as it had. At least, not without significantly more security measures and more stringent guidelines.
But it was only harmless fun, Harry figured as he walked into the convenience store, giving the cashier on site a small smile and a nod when she waved at him. No need to panic. Just because she’d seen his face didn’t mean she’d know it was him. Didn’t mean he was going to get in trouble.
He just wanted to see if he could get away with it. He’d bring it back later.
Taking a deliberate fake sip of his completely empty soda cup for effect, Harry wandered down the candy aisle, eyeing up the goods. It was surprisingly easy with the shop as quiet as it was to follow the guidelines set in the tutorial - he’d left his bag at home and his coat fitted the season, no big pockets to make anyone suspicious. A cursory glance that looked like he was simply checking out the selection informed him that he was alone, and it was easy to open up the lid, blocking the camera with his own head to slip a couple of Apollo bars into his cup. 
He secured the lid again and picked up another bar, heading the counter. This was the tricky bit, and yet somehow he managed to keep his composure. He paid for the single candy bar and left, waiting until he’d gotten a few blocks over to check out his quarry.
Sure enough, inside his cup was another three of the candy bars.
The adrenaline was coursing through his veins in excitement. Should he tell Paige about it? He knew a few of his other friends would think it was cool, that he’d gotten away with it once, but... No. This was his secret. He’d stolen something. Just a little something, and it had felt good (and when he took a bite, the candy tasted even better than the one he’d paid for honestly).
But it was just once. A brief dance with mischief of a nature he wasn’t comfortable with. He was certain of it. 
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Rain || A Weekly Drabble
Aubrie Wooler was depressed.
It always rained in Storybrooke.
And rain typically meant no customers.
Some days she wondered why she even bothered to get out of bed. Sat on a stool behind the distressed wooden counter, she leaned forward, the palm of her right hand supporting her head by way of her cheek. Long ringlets of chestnut-brown curled around her face, eyes the color of a summer sky flicked here and there. The only sounds within the store were the haunting melody of Brian Crain’s Rain on the violin and piano from an old gramophone, the steady tick tock of an old cuckoo clock, and the rain pattering against glass. Minutes dragged into hours that dragged into days of nothingness.
Rain meant that customers had little need to seek out a store selling books and needle crafts, especially when it seemed as though so few people read or crafted in the town. Perhaps opening The Library in Storybrooke had been a silly idea. It was not a large town after all, just a hamlet of sorts tucked away on the Atlantic coast. She had wanted the store though, had always dreamed of sharing her hobbies with the community at large, and naively she had thought perhaps others would enjoy such novelties.
How wrong she had been.
The Library was better situated to a large city, one with eccentric quirks who could also enjoy a tea while knitting or reading. Perhaps she should have moved to Portland after Gold had died. Taken her inheritance and set up in some old shop on Exchange Street. But memories had prevented her from leaving, the need to be close to all that remained of her one – and only – best friend. Just as memories of her mother had kept her here after graduation.
It was always loneliest on rainy days in Storybrooke.
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ombrasgossip · 8 years
What do you think of the new charakter Rose Everwood ? I think she is really intressting .
I think she will be a good edition on the island.Very refreshing. It’s fun watching her and Pan interact. 
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fatumetsperare · 4 years
Storybrooke Town Hall
 ❛ For too long, this office was a place to be feared.    I want every citizen to feel welcome and included here. ❜ 
  Si ya has recorrido Storybrooke Free Public Library, estás de acuerdo con las reglas impuestas por Storybrooke Sheriff's Department  y verificaste que en Granny's Diner se encuentren tu personaje y faceclaim disponibles, ¡es tiempo de llenar tu ficha y enviarnos los datos a nuestra página en Facebook! 
  Código (Aquí debes colocar un apodo que también utilizarás como código dentro de la comunidad):   Lugar de origen: 
  Especie (humano, hechicero, lobo, sirena, entre otros):
  Historia (Solo para personajes OC y de otras franquicias): 
  Ascendencia (Solo para personajes OC y de otras franquicias):
  Starter o relato de más de 20 líneas interpretando al personaje solicitado
      Las reservas son posibles, teniendo 48 horas para enviar la ficha y el perfil a utilizar desde que se les otorga el beneficio.    Pasado el tiempo estipulado y sin reportarse, el personaje volverá a quedar disponible.
  Una vez que se te acepte deberás añadir a los administradores para ser miembro del chat grupal y solicitar unirte a los tres grupos que componen esta ciudad tan particular. 
                           ¡Bienvenido a Storybrooke!
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ouat-rpg · 7 years
Congratulations Alex!
You've been accepted as Hans. Check your messages for information on how to set up your blog. So glad to have you here!
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if-you-onlyknew · 7 years
Elated Rain || Drabble Prompt
The sky was grey. It looked like rain was moving in fast. In the sleepy northern town of Storybrooke, Maine, that was nothing new. Jefferson wore a jacket or coat every day to ward off the chill of the place. Warmth was a rare occurrence.
He peered out the window of his hat room contemplating rain, chill, and lack of his daughter in his life during the Black Fairy’s curse, a sense of doom constantly weighed his shoulders. Things hadn’t been looking very positive lately. All of his attempts at waking anyone from their slumber of their real identity failed miserably.
A motion on the grounds in the front of the property caught his attention. A... mailman? Jefferson never received mail. He hadn’t checked the mailbox in so long, he’d even forgotten he had one.
Curiosity always got the best of Jefferson. It was what got him into trouble so frequently in the Enchanted Forest, but with his quick wit and smooth talking, he usually found his way out of most inconveniences. Best not to dwell on the word ‘most.’
And so, Jefferson bounded down the steps of the mansion and onto the concrete path that led to the streetside mailbox. Flipping down the door, a small envelope was contained inside. The color of sparkling lavender ink was scrolled across the front. His name and address. In the top corner was the name Grace.
“Grace!” Jefferson croaked in complete shock as his now shaking fingers ripped the envelope open.
Elated. She remembers me! The curse must be broken! His heart rate sped as he struggled with the awkwardly torn envelope with the greatest of care not to destroy the letter inside. Dropping the envelope on the ground, his fingers opened the twice folded paper.
It was typed. Not what he’d expected.
I’ve been watching you closely. Giving that boy the birthday card for your daughter... Do you really think I’m making this easy for you? You’ve witnessed the pirate’s injury. I’ve warned you. Leave Paige Skovbye alone. No more warnings, Hatter.
Fiona X
And then the rain began to fall.
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noholdsbaird-blog · 7 years
Little Thoughts || Open
As much as Harry was learning to hate the early mornings required of his paper round, there was one benefit to getting up with the birds - the peace and quiet. Not that Storybrooke wasn’t a quiet town in the first place, but when he first walked out of the door and grabbed his bike, it was dead. The sense of solitude was both eerie and deeply satisfying, leaving Harry alone with his thoughts and his dreams. The familiar path he took helped him figure out the time, too - the residents of that house would be cracking open the curtains around when he cycled past, and by the time he came back to deliver their paper, they’d be eating breakfast. As the last house on his route, that meant he had half an hour before the town’s version of hustle and bustle were out their doors and on the streets.
Plenty of time for Harry to get a few minutes in at the park alone.
He liked it there. To sit silently by the lake, settle himself on the bench and just exist for a little while. Granted, he tended to have his iPod playing so it wasn’t wholly silent, but it just meant he had options. Watching the water, untouched even by ducks or the faint breeze. Jotting down ideas in the notebook he preferred to carry around with him. Maybe do some of his homework like he’d been threatening for the past week.
“Yeah, right.”
His words, only a murmur, seemed to catch the attention of a nearby dog walker, to whom Harry only gave a weak smile before gathering his bag and his bike. Alright, time to head off. Headphones in, the teenager started pushing his bike alongside beside him and he couldn’t help himself. As he got to the first set of houses, the paths clear of other people, he couldn’t help singing along. He was alone, who was going to notice?
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It's looking G R I M M // opens november 8th
Everyone in Hollowshire, Virginia can all agree on one thing: it’s a small town, but simply too big for words. Once a place for popular festivals of all kinds, things have begun to change. People are beginning to speak as if they belong in a knight’s tale, castles are sprouting out of nowhere, and people are speaking of magic as if it’s some regular occurrence in the 21st century. Some even speak of fairy-tales they’ve only heard of in books, of evil Queens and monsters. Hell, even last week they hung a man in the street claiming he was some wolf. People have begun to talk of a curse. Outsiders that visit the town expecting to find fun are only finding chaos in the magic that’s slowly leaving devastation in its wake. Well, there’s no other way to say it, but things are certainly looking G r i m m.
Stories wanted to be read, David's mother would whisper. They needed it. It was the reason they forced themselves from their world into ours. They wanted us to give them life. -The Book of Lost Things.
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fatumetsperare · 4 years
Granny’s Diner
 ❛ — When a fairy talks about the center of Storybrooke...    — She means the heart of Storybrooke: Granny's. ❜
                                   Emma Swan as The Savior
                                         status: ocupada
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                            Regina Mills as The Evil Queen / Roni
                                             status: ocupada
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                          Robin of Locksley as Robin Hood / Dark!Robin
                                           status: ocupado
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                                 Killian Jones as Captain Hook 
                                          status: ocupado
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                                     Elsa Araldssên as Ice Queen                                                       status: ocupada                                      codename: #WinterGodness                                                                                     looks like: Amber Heard
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                                 Ingrid Trondsen as The Snow Queen                                                 status: ocupada                                      codename: #QueenofSnow
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                                 Ruby Lucas as Red Little Hood                                              status: ocupada                                      codename: #RedQueen
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 Outcanon / otras franquicias
                         Maeve of Locksley as OutlawQueen legacy.                                               status: ocupada                                    codename: #LittleSquirrel                            looks like Mackenzie Foy ; Charlotte Hope
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                                   Harry Jones as Hook legacy.                                            status: ocupado                                     codename: #LittleHook                                    looks like Thomas Doherty
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                                      Zelena / The Wicked Witch                                       Mulan                                       Mary Margaret Blanchard / Snow White                                       Neal Cassidy / Baelfire
 Post en constante actualización.
 Para consultas específicas puedes acercarte al inbox de nuestra página en Facebook.
 ¿Tu personaje no está ocupado? ¡Perfecto! 
 Pero antes es de suma importancia que conozcas sobre nosotros, por ello debes visitar Storybrooke Free Public Library.   No olvides pasar por Storybrooke Hall Town para hallar la ficha de ingreso en la oficina de nuestra alcaldesa, así como tampoco de encontrar a Emma Swan en Storybrooke Sheriff’s Department, donde se te informará acerca de las reglas.
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