ask-dipstick · 1 year
How do you know cats don't have bones? Have you looked?
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ignore ouchieouch hes photobombing
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fantasyconcrete · 8 months
"Ouchieouch, big painhurt... Zipper didn't land too hard on lady, did he?"
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 2 years
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prpledusk · 4 years
Ok so theory time.
I recently made a post about vexen, infact the lil labrats been on my mind as of recently surprise to some but eh I do me, but having been thinking about miste4 walking chemical bath I have been bombarded with thoughts on the rg crew as a whole and me being me the rabbit holes dig themselves.
Dear god Im still falling but to put it lightly for the rest of you kh schmucks I think I just came to the conclusion that the rg crew cannot be held responsible at all for the betrayel of ansem the wise. The reasons why shall be explained.
Firstly we must take a look at the victem of this crime, ansem himself as its his statements on the event that we have to go off for this whole hoohah and lemme just point out something that I never notice anyone ever bring up when it comes to the betrayal.
Ansem, more specifically diz, is completely UNRELIABLE.
For one Ansem as diz spent most of his time trying trying to get the kh kiddys to murder the nobodies for the sake of vengeance and typically I wouldnt trust the word of a man whose willing to dehumanize and murder the fuck outta some kids for the sake of getting back at his coworkers as just a general rule. Seconed, Ansems knowlege on nobodies not only seems to be extensivly wrong but he also even outright lies at some points in order to get Roxas and Riku to do as he pleases, pretending to be tiddy ansem in order to get riku to not only attack said coworkers but to get riku to use darkness against said co-workers, this mother fucker didnt even fuckin blink when Riku was about to yeet his sword into Zexions skull like a fuckin javelin and had no problems with Riku getting so infected by darkness that it began physically turning him into ansem.
Not to mention Ansems himself streight up admitted that he wasnt in his right state of mind and his blind hatred and want for revenge streight up changed him into something else so literally everything he says and this includes anything mentioned about his old co-workers can be taken with a grain of salt.
Seconed, theres two questions that need to be answered.
1: when did the scene in ddd with terranort doing the stabby stab to the crew.
And 2: *Why* did the betrayel happen.
The first first question helps to answer the seconed. Specifically if that scene happened BEFORE the betrayel took place. If after I then the betrayel makes no fucking sense.
My reasons being that from what we're given there is literally no fucking reason for the rg crew to betray ansem. Literally everyone ((accept braig)) seems to have a high amount of respect and even love for the guy and dont really seem to have issue with him.
Lex: seems to still retain loyalty to Zexion and for the most part kept his soft spoken stalwart nature even as a nobody.
Zexion: baby
Dilan: literally almost began crying at Ansems return
Even: put himself in harms way to redeem himself, was trusted by ansem enough to be dad number2 and as far as we know was ansems head scientist. (And dont gimme that FOR SCIENCE bull shit, vexen was a slut for science but even knew when to use the safeword dammit)
None of them are shown to have any reason to dislike or want Ansem gone so exactly why would they betray him???
The answer:
They didnt have a fuckin choice.
Because theres a wee thing that the fandom forgot about.
As seen with Roxas, Xion, and even Axel has mentioned he and the othere whent through it, when you become a nobody you're basically a zombie. Head empty, no thoughts, not even a name. Your just an empty shell running on autopilot.
And as shown by Roxas and Xion, when you through the zombie phase? Your more subseptable to suggestions, your basically an entirely different person, and you have no idea who or what the fuck you are.
This lack of agency, this blankbrain? Easy to take advantage of. I think its entirely possible that terranort yeeted everyones hearts, took advantage of the zombie process and had the grew toss ansem in their nonemotive states. This not only would explain why everyone did the betrayel dispite not having reason to but also why when they all got their hearts back it hit Vexen extra hard, enough to go full nobody again, put himself in more danger, and proceed to fuck over the real org in the background and rescue ansem.
So in other words the crew literally had no choice but to go along with it, any agency they could have had in the situation was robbed of them the moment the stab happened so fuck.
This just makes it all extra sad. Since most likely the "they" ienzo was referring to when it came to saying someone told him ansem was mad, most likely that was either Lex or Vex so most likely they realized what they did later, realized it was a bad, but didnt care enough to fix it cause ya know lolno<3 amd decided to instead tell the kid a kind lie to spare him the truth of what they did. So in a sense their bonds with ienzo made it through the whole becoming nobodies thing.
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senzu-frijole · 10 years
Did your phone fall off a cliff or something?
Yeah it was called a little something called the titanic 
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my back hurts someone come rub it in exchange for milkshakes and sexual favors
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plutohater · 11 years
I can honestly say that the only time I exercise is when I wake up, shower, and get dressed ten minutes before my bus comes.
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dreamsyyy · 11 years
On professionalism and things like that
Had a professional massage 10min ago. It was horrible. Let me tell you first, I love massages, they are like gentle healing touch, exchange of energies and they tend to make me a puddle of goo. But this one made me only angry. Because it looks like it is a chore for this person (it is his profession, but not well loved it seems), my friend showed more professionalism when he was fresh out of the school... Things that made me cringe: * massage is body experience, that makes you vulnerable (not thai masssage, when you are clothed) and you want consideration for your nakedness. And awaits instruction how much naked you should be. Or not. Sometimes there is possibility of this crinckly paper underwear, but this person didnt say anaything, didnt give me anything to cover myself... Cringe worthy. * no introduction? No health questions (sans one about blood vessels during the massage), nothing about that when they would be pressing too hard, i should say so? Nuthing * and they pressed too much, i crunged, i tried to move away, but nothing, it looked like they were in their own world and i was only a dummy... I flinched from pain. My spine was terrified. But i waited if they would say stg. Nothing. No question about how i am liking it, if the pressure is okay (let me say - it wasnt) I was relieved when it was after me. The feeling of puddle of goo was not achieved, but i was happy that i am alive o.o and sad how someone can dislike what they do... Ouch. Hope there will be no bruises tomorrow... End of my rant
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sharkattackks · 11 years
I microwaved my Spaghettios too hot.
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