#{ I hope this is okay! }
raisin-gran · 1 month
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I don’t know if anyone has done this, but I took some time to try and write out what Bill is writing behind all over the page, but I wrote it all down to the best of my abilities!
(Writing Under The Cut.)
“Ever since that pathetic excuse for a 5-sensed, three-dimensional, one-life spanned, skin puppet was barfed into the universe he was nothing but a carbon-copy of a better genetic duplicate and he knew it! A trillion years from when I’ve broken out of this place—no, taken over, he’ll be remembered as a speed bump under the cement truck of my inevitable triumph, as a six next to an asterix next to an asterix next to an asterix. Who would be a joke if he was capable of understanding comedy when he OBVIOUSLY isn’t. I mean, have you heard the hack material he does on the tourists? I’ve been inside his dreams, he WORKSHOPS that material, he SLAVES over it and the best he can spare some pun that would make a third grader cringe and a vaudeville routinist that was a hack before they were even invented! It’s an insult that he’s allowed to wear a suit and tie, he should be in a BARELL and SUSPENDERS!“
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kokokoula · 5 months
pt 1
prompt pt2: wanting to tease tsukishima a bit, you ask him if he was really that worried about not being able to kiss you anymore. he huffs and denies it. he insists that he was trying to save you from the embarrassment of having to go back on your own words once you realise that you can't go on without his kisses. you take that as a challenge. and he isn't going to back down, not with his pride on the line.
so the next few days go about the same, but only without kissing, even including small acts like on the hands and cheeks. without you knowing, he hated those few days. conpletely resented it. tsukishima's ultimate downfall though, is when he sees you eating strawberries. he watches as the juice paints your lips a glossy red. gosh, it drives him nuts. he tries not to look at them, but that's all his mind can focus on.
"dammit, pipsqueak." kei grunts and tugs you in by the wrist, smashing his lips against yours. you taste just like how he expected it to be, sweet strawberries. he relishes in it as he kisses you harder with a hand behind your head. after a while, he pulls away, but not before licking your lips. he sees your victory grin, all cheery and smug. with smile of his own, he brings you in one more time. because at the end of the day he gets to kiss you again, and he's set on making up for lost time.
taglist: @priv-rose
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solarmorrigan · 10 months
omg I'm obsessed with your latest "don't fucking touch me" prompt. Would you continue it?
Hello! I know this is actually from earlier in the week than the one I answered a couple of days ago, but I was saving it because, while I don't exactly have a continuation, I do have a little stobin interlude I wanted to share
I'm still working on the "fix it" part of this idea, but at least in the meantime Steve gets a hug?
[Part 1]
It isn’t unusual for Steve to show up at Robin’s house well after any reasonable guest would come knocking. It isn’t unusual for him to do it by climbing the side of the house and knocking on her window (she hasn’t told him that her parents don’t really care anymore if he’s there in the middle of the night; she figures the physical activity counts as some kind of jock enrichment). Unfortunately, it isn’t even unusual for him to appear out of the dark because he’s upset.
What’s more unusual is the way he sits silently on her bed after she’s let him in, the way he’s almost folded in on himself, the way he won’t quite meet her eyes – as if there’s anything he can or even needs to hide from her.
What’s fucking unheard of is the way he starts crying when she pulls him into a hug, his face pressed to her shoulder and his arms wrapped around her waist like she might disappear if he doesn’t hold on.
Robin doesn’t even understand what’s happening at first; she can feel Steve shaking against her as she rubs a hand up and down his back, but when his shoulders start to heave like he’s having trouble drawing in breath, a cold bolt of uncertainty lances through her gut. She tries to pull him back to look at him, to see what’s wrong, but she only gets him far enough away to hear one very quiet sob before he’s hiding his face again and she realizes–
“Oh. Oh, shit– okay, this is happening. Okay.” Robin resolutely does not panic as Steve sobs into her shoulder, even though crying isn’t something Steve does (not that Robin’s ever seen, and she’s seen Steve through a lot); instead, she goes back to rubbing a hand up and down his back, bringing her other up to pet his hair, and tries her best to project literally any kind of comfort. “Okay, you’re okay – well, you’re obviously not okay, but I’ve got you. You can just let all this out and when you feel up to it you can tell me what’s wrong because you’re kind of freaking me out, but not until you’re ready, okay? I’ve got you.”
She feels maybe her success is mixed, but Steve doesn’t complain and he doesn’t seem to be made more upset, so she can’t be doing too badly.
All told, Steve’s breakdown is unsettlingly quiet. Robin tries not to think about why he can cry so silently, and instead focuses on finding the transition from actively sobbing to sniffling and trying to catch his breath. The next time she tries to pull him back, he lets her, still not quite meeting her eyes and automatically bringing a hand up to wipe at the tear tracks on his face.
Robin has seen Steve all manner of beaten and bloodied and bruised, but somehow, sitting here in her room, still half-curled into her space with his face blotchy and wet from crying, she thinks this might be the most upset she’s ever seen him. She can only imagine what’s happened to cause it – at least until she can get him to tell her.
“Get it all out?” Robin asks, as gently as she’s able (she’s never been great at gentle, but Steve’s used to her by now, she thinks he’ll get it).
Steve shrugs, but then gives a little nod.
“Okay, so here’s what we’re going to do: I’m going to give you some tissues so you can clean yourself up, because I love you, but I’m not going to wipe your nose.” This gets a congested laugh from Steve, and Robin allows herself an answering smile. “Then I’m going to go downstairs and get you something to drink, and then you’re going to tell me what’s wrong, because I am this close to being seriously alarmed.”
“Sorry,” Steve says gruffly, ducking his head, moving to pull away.
“Nope, we don’t do sorry here, nothing to be sorry for,” Robin insists, grabbing Steve by the shoulders and keeping him close. “I just want to know what’s wrong, okay? I want to help. So here.” She shoves the box of tissues from her bedside table into Steve’s lap and gets up with one last squeeze to his shoulders. “I’ll be right back.”
Robin slips out of her room and sneaks down to the kitchen (her parents don’t really care about Steve’s late night visits, but they will be grumpy if she wakes them up), poking around quietly for some kind of suitable post-breakdown sustenance. She ends up with a bottle of Gatorade from the fridge and a half-eaten package of Oreos from the pantry – the late night snack of champions, she decides.
Back up in her room, Steve has shucked his sneakers (no shoes on Robin’s bed, it’s a cardinal rule) and settled himself up against the pillows; his face is dry and his eyes aren’t as red, but the tiny smile he gives her when she passes over her spoils still makes him look just as sad as before. Still, Robin valiantly lets him get through half the bottle of Gatorade before she elbows him gently in the side, demanding answers.
“Right.” Steve caps the bottle and rolls it nervously between his hands, watching the highlighter fluid yellow slosh around inside. “So, uh. You know how I’ve been seeing Eddie?”
Robin’s heart sinks. “Oh, shit, did you two break up?”
“Actually, it turns out…” Steve clears his throat. “It turns out that there wasn’t anything to break up. Apparently, we’ve been friends with benefits this entire time and I’m just a delusional idiot who made up an entire relationship in my head. So there’s that.”
There is nothing Robin can think to say to that. There’s entirely too much to unpack, and none of it makes sense.
“What,” she finally manages, a little flat.
“Yeah, he said that, uh. I’m not the type of guy you have a relationship with, and that I’m hot, but I’m just a good friend, and we’re just having fun.” If Steve’s voice cracks on the last word, Robin doesn’t mention it.
In fact, she’s too busy being consumed by rage to really notice. “He said that to your face?” she demands.
Steve clears his throat. He won’t meet her eyes. “Not– not exactly.”
“The guys were over, and I went out to get some air, and that’s… what I heard Eddie saying to them when I came back in,” Steve says. “So now they know how pathetic I am, too, which is. Great. That’s fucking great.”
The world goes still. Suddenly, everything makes perfect sense. Robin reaches out and squeezes Steve’s wrist. “I’m going to have to leave for a few hours, okay?” she says. “I have to bike down to the trailer park and fucking kill Eddie.”
In a flash, Steve twists in Robin’s grip and grabs her by the wrist in turn. “Don’t leave,” he says quickly.
“No, he doesn’t– he doesn’t get away with this,” Robin hisses. “He doesn’t get to do this to you and not face consequences!”
“He wasn’t trying to– I mean– I was the one who–”
“Are you defending him right now?”
“No, I just– fuck.” Steve lets go of Robin and shoves both hands up into his hair, grabbing and pulling. “I already feel enough like some fucking – loser reject, okay? I don’t want to be alone right now. Please just… stay.”
The rage doesn’t abate (if anything, there’s probably more of it), but Robin’s priorities do rearrange, and she settles back on the bed next to Steve. “Fine,” she huffs. “Munson gets a stay of execution.”
She pushes the package of Oreos into Steve’s lap and orders him to finish the Gatorade. She doubts if he’s going to escape tonight without a migraine, but dehydration on top of stress will only make it worse.
They sit quietly for a while, munching on cookies, shoulder to shoulder on Robin’s bed, before Robin breaks into the silence.
“You’re not a loser, Steve. You’re my best friend, and you deserve to be loved, okay?” she says softly, reaching over to wrap her hand around his wrist again. “And one day it’s going to happen. I’m choosing to believe in love, too.”
For a long moment, Steve says nothing. When he finally does speak, his voice has gone a bit rough. “If you make me cry again, I’m dumping what’s left of the Gatorade over your head.”
Robin snorts, squeezing Steve’s wrist. “There’s that mean girl I know and love.”
Steve laughs, too, small but sincere, and Robin takes it as a win.
Part 3
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victoria-grimesss · 1 year
tear you apart - part I
->Pairing: König x fem!reader
->Words: 2.2k
->Warning: sexual thoughts, use of Y/N, close proximity, and tension, eventual smut
->Summary: König is kinda mean, dark and a little possessive but it’s all in good fun! A new girl catches the colonel's eyes, and he won’t let her go. Inspired by my favorite song Tear you Apart by She Wants Revenge.
->A/N: please let me know what ya’ll think, this is my first time writing anything spicy so im open to feedback. Also my requests are always open :)
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The base is cold as it should be at this time of year, you transferred from the states to the Austrian KorTac base against your own wishes, you are a specialized stealth agent that the higher ups thought could be a valued member to the KorTac team. Wishing to be back in the sun but alas your new skies are clouded and mean.
It is what it is, you thought to yourself, lacing your boots, and emerging from your room. It’s always a weird adjustment process when you transfer to a new base, learning the way around like learning a new maze each time. The people were friendly enough although you didn’t know if it was because you were a new soldier or just because you were a new pretty face around that hadn’t heard any rumors about the seedy guys and their proclivities.
Altogether you have heard one rumor,
One big, tall, menacing rumor.
“The king”
Curiosity killed the cat and God help you, all you wanted was to know if what they said was true. Before you left for transfer you heard whispers when they found out where you were going.
“She’ll be miserable under his watch.”
“He’ll have her running laps and doing reps the first day for sure.”
“He’ll eat her alive.”
 “He’ll eat her alive.”
 Did these whispers make her shiver? Yes
Did these whispers make her restless? Yes
Did these whispers make her ache in anticipation? Absolutely.
 It’s been a long while since the last body occupied her bed, a touch a century ago, a kiss eons ago. All these fairy tales about this big, tall strong man that could throw her two football fields didn’t help her desperation at all.
She knew these thoughts weren’t appropriate, sleeping with a superior was frowned upon. He was probably married and happy, men like that don’t stay on the market for long. And from the stories she heard she obviously has no shot with him.
She rounded a corner from the barracks and exited to the outside courtyard, the air nipping at her skin. Dark clouds looms and the trees are barren of leaves ready for life anew. Approaching the main building the smell of sweat and metal entered her nose making way to the meeting room.
The debriefing was the same as all the others, the captain explaining what to do and who goes where. She nearly fell asleep until the doorknob turned, that’s weird, usually people don’t barge into these things halfway through… unless they’re king of the castle.
He enters the room, his aura dominating those around him. His stature is something to behold, well over six feet of pure muscle. He could break me over his knee like a glowstick and I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it…
He stalks into the room greeting the captain, his voice it deep and dark and you want to hear more of it.
His gear makes him all that bulkier, his mask concealing his face and yea, if I were the enemy and I saw him running towards me I would definitely shit my pants.
He stands at the front of the room observing everyone in it and maintaining concentration on the presentation the captain is giving for the next mission. You try your hardest to maintain the same concentration but he’s just so tall and all the rumors are true he’s an enigma. You find your eyes drinking him in, from his shoes to the metal plates on his shins, to his..oh god… his broad broad shoulders. You imagine taking your hands and tracing over them feeling the thick muscles underneath his war-torn skin as you bring your hands lower-
 He shifts in place.
 Your eyes quickly dart away then to his eyes, his eyes locked on yours like a predator watching his prey.
You immediately break into a sweat, his eyes like a spotlight and they don’t move from you.
You look again to see if he’s still looking, he tilts his head a bit to the side and raises an eyebrow teasingly. Shit. oh no he’s hot. Like really hot.
Shifting in your seat, nervous beads of sweat dripping down your neck, the meeting is coming to a close and people start tucking in their chairs. König is still standing by the door, his eyes still locked on yours, I wonder what he’s thinking. I mean, surely if he’s a married man he wouldn’t be looking at me so hard….right? Maybe no one told him you were transferring so he’s just confused on who the fuck is this new girl in here I didn’t approve this. By now most of everyone has left the room, the projector is turned off, the map put away, the captain gone. You move your gaze to the floor and get up and tuck in your chair, clearing your throat, now realizing how eerily quiet the room is and you haven’t heard König make a noise since he greeted the captain. You make your way to the door, preparing to walk by him and out of the room.
An arm shoots out to block the doorway and you are forced to stop dead in your tracks keeping your eyes dead set on the long dark hallway in front of you.
“Your name soldier.” He barks, his voice smooth and dark like black coffee. The sweat beads up again and you know for a fact your face is growing hot.
“Y/N, sir.” You straighten your back and maintain my straight state.
He leans down. You can tell he’s looking at you and you raise your eyes to meet his and your heart is racing a million miles an hour and nerves are on fire you breath is uneven and you know he knows, I mean who wouldn’t be uneasy this close to him.
“I-I’m the transfer from the states sir, from the stealth unit.”
“I know who you are hübsches Mädchen, read your file. Approved your transfer myself.”
He replied, his eyes never leaving mine. He’s even more intimidating this close but something deep within you wants to reach out to him and quell this thirst for his touch.
“I appreciate you thinking me worthy to serve on this team, I won’t let you down.” You affirm with the little strength you have left. His gaze is piercing but intoxicating all the same.
He removes his hand slowly from the doorframe and straightens his back standing at his full height again. His begins again,
“Training at 0700 tomorrow morning be there, I’d like to see you demonstrate some maneuvers see if you need any additional training. I will be watching closely, do not disappoint me.” His arms are crossed now and he’s even larger than before.
“Yes, of course sir, I’ll be there.”
“I look forward to it.” His tone is light now, maybe even teasing.
You swear you saw him wink but maybe it was just the lighting and how it hit his mask.
“Well run along kleiner Hase; you need your beauty sleep after all.” He motions to the hallway and you take quick steps back to your room, cheeks still hot and breath still quick. It was going to be difficult to have him as your commanding officer.
Sleep didn’t come easy, tossing and turning and thinking about the way König devoured you with his eyes made you sweat and frankly being that close to him and replaying that moment over and over again didn’t help with your insomnia. You thought of him a lot that night, more than once, enough to make your hand cramp up. By the time it was daylight you were running off 4 hours of sleep and a large coffee you picked up from the mess hall. You trudged your way over to the main building again where the gym and training room was, once again passing through the courtyard.
The trees are still barren, and you almost slip on the sleet left on the pathway cursing to yourself and hoping to god no one saw.
The gym smells musty, the air vents clearly working overtime since the gym has some activity. A couple groups of pairs work on sparing on the far side and others work out alone. You walk over to the mats and stand to the side watching the two pairs fight for the upper hand, takedown training great, you knew how to do it most of the time on missions you were equipped with a silenced pistol and other quieter tools. Stealth takedowns are your forte but it can’t hurts to get more practice with face to face takedowns.
The fight with the two are done and you were too busy thinking to hear your voice being called.”
“Sergeant L/N!, to the mat.” König barked, his authority shaking the ground, not the best first impression on training day.
You apologize quickly and step onto the mat, your opponent being someone a bit taller than you but not by much, a weight to weight equal, should be easy enough.
König’s eyes watch you as you grapple with the opponent twisting his arm and throwing him over your shoulder onto the mat, you brace your knee on his neck and apply a small amount of pressure, the opponent taps out. He won’t lie, König felt his pants get tight from seeing you work so effectively. Your work is certainly good, he won’t lie, taking down someone so easily.
“Again, another.” He barks once more, his accent thick.
You take down another three opponents, you clearly are growing restless from the muscle exertion and signal to take a break. König watches with amusement.
“A break? What if this was real combat kleiner Hase, will you beg your advisories to adjourn their dissatisfaction for you? Beg them for a time out?” By now he’s stepped onto the mat with you, today he’s shed the outer layer of his gear just wearing his mask and usual military uniform, he still looks just as hot.
“There’s no time for breaks out there as you know, and when you come up with a larger enemy you must be able to take them down as well.”
He wants you to take HIM down, your muscles are already weak from the last three fights he surly knows you’ve exerted yourself right? Right?!
“Go on schatz, I’ll let you make the first move.” His voice has an edge of teasing to it and you want to rip off his mask and see the smirk you know he’s displaying.
You huff
“Very well sir.”
You move to grapple his middle trying to take out his legs, he’s sturdy like a tree and you think if you can take out his legs he’ll go down like one. He budges only slightly when you hit on a pressure point and just when he’s moving and you think you’ve gain the upper hand he sweeps your legs from underneath you and has you pinned. Your wrists are bound by one of his hands above you head and he’s got both of his very thick thighs straddling you.
Your face grows hot at your defeat, especially all your other coworkers seeing it too. But it burns even hotter when he comes down close to your ear and whispers to you,
“You look very pretty underneath me schatz, so pretty when you are short of breath.” He laughs, that bastard.
You can’t admit it but your panties grow damp at his words and your body is on fire, although to those around you it just looks like you’ve over exerted yourself with a tad too much training.
König stand, his height from down here is astonishing. He reaches a hand down and lifts you to your feet but he’s so strong you accidentally collide with his chest before taking a quick step back. You mumble an apology.
“You fight well L/N, no doubt you will be a fine addition to this team. Although you will need to know how to take down large adversaries so I can help you with additional training of course.”
He holds his hand for you to shake it and you meet him halfway, his large hand grips yours and you get a flashback to feeling it wrapped tightly around your wrists, you shiver.
König’s gaze casts down upon you, no woman has yet to capture his attention the way you have. Many have tried. Thrown themselves at him in an unsavory manner, but you, oh you’re different. He admires the way you speak to him, although not many words have been exchanged between the two of you he prays there are more.
Your hair, your eyes, your body, all of it has entranced him and the moment he laid eyes on you, the others know. The way his gaze is steady and dark on you the others know you’re off limits. He yearns to learn more of you, to hear of your history as he strips your clothes off one article at a time under the dim lights of his office. He must be patient though. You are like a deer, scared in the spotlight and he must not spook you, he stands still until you come to him. For now he stares.
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devilmns · 3 months
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Indira Varma as THE DUCHESS Doctor Who (2005—) | 14.06 "Rogue" Costume Appreciation requested by anon
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zombyjuice · 9 months
<3   💿 LOVE AND LUST >~< wonbin ミ゚ ∋   
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in which all you guys want is to crawl into eachothers skin.
bsf!wonbin x reader
warnings! smutty and so lovely >< playlist I listen to while writing LOL!!
You always drove binnie crazy you were perfect, the big smile you wore when he’d come into your view the way you’d stretch your arms out to hug him he’d never miss the way you’re boobs would move or how they felt pressed against his chest and of course he’d watch the way your butt would sway walking away in that annoyingly short skirt.
He loves the way you so gently scratch his back while in his distress you always know the right time to make him feel better or when he’s feeling blue.
The way you’d listen to him ramble about stupid things he believes no one else cares about so intently and look at him with so much admiration “What?” he’d smile awkwardly “Nothing I just like listening to you talk”.
He wasn’t like that with anyone else he loves how he feels so vulnerable to being himself around you and he loves the way you do the same. You were so good with people but just so much better with him.
He would go mad, consistently red in the face and shifting to make the problem in his pants a little better poor baby suffering constantly because you just so pretty in those little cute outfits just wanna give you everything you deserve.
When it’s finally that time of day when he can give you everything. Oh my… he’d be a mess softly whimpering the moment he slid into you melting in your neck pinching at your cute tummy you were hugging him so good, so tight.
He’d moan and groan he loved the way he could feel all your love radiating onto him, oh how you loved him so. “mm baby doing so good, so big, feel you in my stomach” he’d look down and look at the bulge poking out, his favorite he smile lightly pressing on it knowing what it did to you. Going back to kissing you all over, he goes feral rutting and huffing so eagerly “mm feel so-so good baby you're taking me so well mmph”.
With one hand tangled with yours and the other pulling your leg up, he’d pump his pretty dick in and out of you till he shoots his load deep into those cute gummy walls.
“Hi my love, are you feeling alright” You come into the room with a glass of water and such a warm smile on your face, Wonbin melts or malfunctions he’s not quite sure face going red.
“m-mhm” his big boba eyes go a little wide when you go in for a gentle kiss, just like yesterday, fuck.
“that’s good do you wanna rest for a while or do you want me to make some pancakes, it’s grandma's recipe, do you remember? you loved it when you came over the first time” You look deep into his eyes and sit across from him on the bed.“let’s… let's rest yeah? Come here I miss you” he smiles sheepishly. “You miss me? I’ve been with you all night” you giggle a bit “mm whatever just wanna be close to you, listen to you talk” he mumbles tugging you into his arms and letting you cuddle into his side “mm I don’t know what to say now” you sigh lifting your head and loving gaze up at the beautiful boy with doe eyes and trailing them down to his neck.
“mmm” he grumbles as you softly get on top of him and go straight for his neck “Baby, what’s up” he breathlessly said with a giggle as you start leaving kisses along his neck “wanna be close to you so close”.
And just like that, you end up with his cock shooting loads deep in that pretty little pussy all day while watching silly little youtube videos.
sometimes he forgets your not even his girlfriend and he’s to nervous to ask you to be his.
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luselih · 9 months
( a/n - first writing post, it’s short and bad so, i apologize in advance- )
Gojo is such a type to use infinity when it’s raining, rubbing it in other peoples faces how he can’t get drenched by it, but when he hears your “does that mean we won’t share an umbrella together now or..?” in almost sad voice, he looks at you and after 5 seconds suddenly turns it off, making him almost to got wet but he quickly goes underneath your umbrella, his face close to yours as he kisses the side of your head, mumbling a tiny “i was just teasin’ them princess, i will always go with you” and you guys takes a stroll to his house, hand in hand <3
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junosmindpalace · 3 months
May I request Senku developing a crush on his childhood friend after the petrification? fem!reader if possible (if not gn!reader is completely fine)
hope you have a good day :)
Something is different. 
Senku isn’t referring to his environment, which is so far removed from everything he used to know and love. Instead of brick buildings and concrete pavements, there is seemingly never ending forestry, green and gravel beneath the heels of his makeshift shoes. 
It isn’t Senku’s clothing, which is only some thin tattered animals skins that he had spent days working to hunt down the material for, then skin, then tan, and then stitch together with whatever he could to make the haphazard, ugly garment he wears on the regular to provide him with whatever kind of protection from the elements he can with the resources available to him. It’s a stark contrast to the color he used to wear long ago. 
It isn’t even the new friends (and enemies) he’s made since freeing himself from his petrified state. A whole village of people, now, who look toward him for guidance and instruction, upon him with admiration and reverence. People who help him against the newfound stakes, newfound work, newfound responsibilities that haven’t in the slightest been easy to take on. 
Something is different, and amongst nearly everything in his life becoming dirt and dust nearly overnight, Senku is referring to something different about you. 
But he isn’t referring to the environment he’s used to seeing you in, a school setting, perhaps a park, maybe his own room. There’s no new observation to make about a change in your room or a decoration in your locker, because like him, those things are long gone. 
It isn’t your appearance, a similar reflection of your new environments and state of the world. Random pieces of tanned skin poorly stitched into something that resembled clothing, a Frankenstien’s monster of a garment. More simple and plain assuming compared to the various designs and fabrics you wore way back when you’d spend time on an experiment with Senku. He watched you mature from one phase of your life into the next, and this was no different.
It wasn’t even the new people you surround yourself with, found comfort within. It wasn’t listening to their stories, the things that made these people, so far removed from your time, human. It wasn’t the small, pleasant things that he knew grounded you when you got too caught up in your head, the new habits you made out of retrieving materials, crafting things to keep your hands (and mind) busy, new skills you learned (or were forced to learn) and previous skills you learned to develop.
But for the life of him, Senku cannot figure out what it is that’s different. He drives himself a little further mad each time he looks on at you. There’s something in his mind, almost like an itch, that intrusively takes hold on the rest of his senses when there’s a moment between the two of you, whether it’s a quiet one, whether it’s one of shared excitement or mutual understanding. There’s a warmth and a chill that wash over him at the same time when your gaze settles on him a little too intensely, or when you say something wise and agreeable. There is something he’s missing, and he can’t figure out what. 
Maybe it’s your laugh that’s different, though Senku doesn’t know why that would be a thing of prominent notice, or notice at all. It’s a little rougher, and at times with a little less heart than he’s accustomed to after so many years of hearing it bright and enthusiastic. But it’s still kind, and most of all, genuine. Perhaps something about that makes it distinguishable from another. 
Or perhaps it was your new approach to, your new outlook on, life. No, perhaps it was the way you applied your already existing approaches and outlooks to your new, unique circumstances. To help cope, to help others, to help him. 
It was something different, Senku was sure of it. However, he hasn’t had much time to linger on what could possibly be the source of such…irritation, for very long. 
Perhaps a more irritating point was the fact that Senku could hardly place a time when he first observed this difference. 
At the very least, he could estimate it to be sometime after the both of you emerged from the stone. 
The simplest solution, perhaps, could be for him to just ask you directly. It’s the easiest way to confirm or deny hypotheses’. He would ask if you had gotten haircuts in the past, ask if you had gotten any sleep after noticing prominent circles under your eyes and sluggish movements. This was no different.
But when Senku finds himself hesitating on an evening when the two of you are working in the lab together, Senku thinks that maybe this is the different thing. For some reason, he’s slower to communicating such personal things, despite it being nothing more than simple, casual and menial conversation. 
You’ve had hundreds of conversations about a million different things over the years, from careers you aspire to pursue in earnest to the more daunting topics about love and loss. He’s seen every side of you, good and ugly, he’s heard every side of you. Every insecurity, every point of pride, about every friend who’s come and gone and stayed behind; and in a more Senku like fashion, you’ve heard the same from him, in that straightforward and logical way of communicating that you’ve always been able to see through from the wavers in his voice to the passionate glints in his eyes. 
But something is different. Something has been different. 
Yet the two of you work away in the lab as if it were any other evening, the twinkling stars in the sky he admires so much hidden away by the walls and bamboo roof. It’s what you’ve been doing since you’ve established some sort of lab to work out of ever since the petrification. Senku has felt quite disturbed by this difference of yours, but at the very least, he finds it comforting that it doesn’t affect this routine that the two of you established early on in your relationship. The content, collaborative efforts the two of you put in to create something satisfying, worthwhile; exciting. 
It’s what he’s always felt with you in your relationship. Thrill to indulge in something he’s passionate about together, thrill to create something with you, thrill to be with you--
Senku pauses his work for a moment. He shifts his gaze from the notes in front of him to where you stand just down the opposite end of the table, completely enamored with the tests you were performing. 
Something is different. He thinks, at that moment, that he’s almost figured out what. 
But the realization he was about to reach disappears from him suddenly, and he can’t seem to become conscious of the conclusion when he stares at you. He tries desperately to recall it, reach for it in his mind, through a frantic look at your features. The warm light against your skin, the gentle movement of your hands, the concentrated furrow of your brows. 
His heart feels like it might burst out of frustration the more he looks at you, and he forces himself to turn away. It’s there, it was there!
(And it still was.)
He’ll figure it out eventually.
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homerjacksons · 4 months
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Dominic Danbury Costume Appreciation QUEEN CHARLOTTE: A BRIDGERTON STORY (2023-)
requested by anonymous
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citruslullabies · 7 months
I was wondering if you could write some shameless fluff for Dogday x reader just doting on each other and exchanging kisses/ words of praise after a long day while they settle down for bed ──★ ˙ ̟🎀 !!
Of course, dear!
Trigger warnings: none
Requested by: anonymous 🎀
Romantic/platonic?: romantic
Category: tooth-rotting fluff
Ship (romantic or platonic): Dogday x reader
Word count: 524
Our Warm Bed
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The house was filled with buzzing laughter all day after you came home from work. When it came to spring cleaning, Dogday was already cleaning when you came home but let you help despite his protests of you relaxing. The cleaning turned into teasing whether that be you chasing the canine with a vacuum cleaner or him splashing you with dish water, which led to more play than productivity. A yawn escaped your mouth before you even had the chance to recognize you were exhausted from your long day, which had caused Dogday’s ears to perk up before he chuckled.
“Are you tired, Angel?” He asked while he was folding some of your freshly cleaned work clothes. You nodded and chuckled, quickly wiping down the tables and ridding them of dust and clutter that he had missed earlier. “Yeah, but I'm fine. Let's just finish up these last few things and-” before the chance for the next of the words to even slip from your lips, a squeak took place of them instead once Dogday walked over and lifted you up as if you weighed nothing.
He looked outside the window and saw the stars painting the night sky, humming. “Let's finish up tomorrow then, alright? It's time for some rest.” He didn't allow you to argue, simply carrying you in his arms and holding you against his chest. He adored you, really - and you adored him. The two of you couldn't ask for a life any better than the one you had now, which was full of cozy moments like the one you're experiencing now.
He gently laid you down on your side of the bed and laid down on his side, humming with content as he firmly yet loosely held you, planting a kiss to your forehead. “You've worked hard enough today..” he said softly, and in response you scratched behind his ear and smiled at him.
“You act like you didn't do most of the cleaning.” You said with a chuckle, pressing the tip of your nose against his and letting your soft breathing mix and merge with his. The large dog's tail wagged happily, shifting the blankets off of the both of you a bit but it's not like Dogday wasn't warm enough for them to need it. The golden canine wiggled around a bit and pressed his fat head against your chest, hands firmly on your back as one leg was over yours as if he was a small dog that didn't take up more than half the bed. “You did a lot today too, Angel..”
“But you still did more, and I'm very proud of you.” You replied in a tone that was almost teasing without skipping a beat, peppering the top of his head in kisses and trailing them down his ears as well. You let another yawn crawled its way from your lips as you snuggled into your lover's warm embrace. Dogday simply squeezed you close as he felt his eyes flutter shut, happily settling into bed. “..Good night, Angel. I'm proud of you too..” he murmured before the two dozed off in each other's arms.
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I hope you enjoyed!
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hungharrington · 1 year
okay but could you please write something about steve’s reaction to the reader thinking her boobs are too small for him? because i needed it yesterday and it’s all i can think about
foh sure my friend <3 fem!reader, 1k, MDNI this entire blog is 18+ other than that, enjoy <3
You don't want to be that girl. Digging up a partner's history and trying on comparisons in the mirror til you're sick with jealousy. You know you don't want to do this to yourself, you know that— especially when it always leads to bitter feelings and bruised self-esteems.
But... Steve seems to have a type, whether he realises it or not.
Dana Williams was at least a double-D cup. As was Cindy Prince and as was probably every other girl that Steve's ever gotten into bed with over his sprawling sexual history. Everyone, of course, except for you.
But hey, you're pretty certain you have the tiny, tiny insecurity under wraps. That you can keep it from ruining the budding relationship between you and Steve that is so good, that tastes sickeningly sweet with how well he treats you.
That is, until you're pressed up against the leather of his backseats, his hot mouth kissing yours, hands wandering up higher and higher up your midriff. You don't even notice you do it — freeze up on him — til Steve is pausing, pulling back from you, panting.
"Y'good?" He asks, licking his lips. He checks your face properly, trying to get a read on you. "Everything okay?"
You nod with a hum, trying to settle the nerves alight under your skin. You don't need to be nervous, really, you know Steve wouldn't be so cruel as to dislike you over something so trivial as small boobs. But it doesn't quell your insecurity like you hoped. You still worry what he might think when his hands start wandering again.
Satisfied with you nod, Steve surges forward again and his kiss finds your neck, suckling sweet little marks into the side of it in a way that has you sighing lustfully in his ear. He nips at your neck perfectly, lips hot and teasing, making you squirm —you arch your back into his chest with another soft sigh of his name, your desire boiling hot.
"Mm, feel good?" Steve murmurs into your skin heavily, just as his hand slides up to your chest. You feel your body recoil just an inch as insecurity blooms a mile wide in your mind and in an instant, Steve is halting, again, pulling back from you. His brows pull together, his concern evident on his face as he searches your face.
"Hey, if you don't want—"
"No!" You interrupt, shaking your head. "I- I definitely want to. Believe me, I really want to." You push up and connect your lips with his, a soft and deep kiss that Steve melts under, getting your message across. When it breaks, Steve looks relieved but still, his eyes search yours desperately.
"Then... what?" He looks around the car, looking for the apparent thing bothering you that he can't spot. "Is it the place? I promise no one comes out here but- but we can go somewhere else if you want? Maybe back to—"
You kiss him again, strong and sure and Steve gives a sweet little hmph! against your lips, his hands on your waist gripping tighter. You pull back but stay close, your nose brushing his and can't help but grin. Steve always looks so flushed with love after you kiss him; cheeks glowing, lips pinker than ever... Your stomach does a flip as he regards you with such ardent desire.
"Okay, okay," He nods, a bit breathless. "If it's not any of that..."
He trails off, leaves it open ended for you to answer and you resist the urge to squirm away from the question. It feels silly now, even more silly than worrying about it earlier all alone in your head. You sink your teeth into your bottom lip and decide to just be out with it.
"My boobs!" You exclaim, louder than you intend.
Steve's eyes widen a bit. "Your boobs? What- what about them?"
As he speaks, his eyes drop to your chest and there's no mistaking the hunger that creeps in to his gaze. Not so subtlety, one of his hands moves to adjust his jeans as his eyes move back to your face, waiting.
"They're small." You say in explanation. Steve blinks, head tilting to the side an inch in confusion. "Too small," you say, voice a little smaller. "I know in the past you- well, I don't know but I, uh, I figured that—"
"Woah, woah," Steve butts in, expression a little bewildered. His hands on your waist grow a bit surer in their grip and he tugs you closer, the two of you pressed against one another. "Firstly, Steve Harrington is a lover of all boobies. No matter the size."
He's smiling but you can tell he isn't making fun of you; no, in the way Steve speaks in earnest, tone soaked in seriousness, you know he means it.
"Secondly," He begins, leaning in close, dropping a kiss on your neck. He kisses his way down, lips scraping along your collarbones as he does, pulling back just enough to speak. "I like these boobies," he skims the underside of one with his thumb, enough to make you inhale sharply. Steve grins. "Because of the girl attached to them."
A laugh bursts out of you and Steve lasts only a second longer before he's laughing too, lips curved into a grin against your skin. "That sounded so much better in my head." He admits bashfully.
"That's okay," You say, running your hand over his hair soothingly, even as another laugh titters out before you can stop it. It turns quickly into a gasp as Steve's hand shifts up again, palm covering your tit as his thumb rubbing over your nipple that peaks up in interest. He's already back to his lazy kisses on your chest, still traveling lower and you can't deny how good it makes you feel. The fire in your belly burns hotter.
"Gonna let me show you?" He hums, fingers pinching your nipple in a way that makes you keen. His other hand shifts up, reaching to tug your shirt down — but he pauses before he gets anywhere, still checking. He gazes up through his lashes, big brown eyes pleading for longer taste of your skin and you nod, breathy and hot.
"Good girl," He purrs, pulling your shirt down further, his kisses following suit as he begins to suck the first of many little lovebites onto the skin of your chest. Writhing beneath him, moans pouring from you as your cunt gets wetter and the windows get even foggier yet, it takes only a matter of minutes before you find it quite hard to recall any insecurity whatsoever...
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little-pup-pip · 10 months
hihi fren! can i have a primary color board, lots of red n yellow, with an 80's theme? thankie!!! oh and add dinosaurs plz!!
Here you go!!
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274 notes · View notes
Do You Believe in Soulmates, Darling?
poly!mikaelsons x reader
summary: after waiting a thousand years to find their soulmates, the mikaelsons find it in mystic falls. one thing though - they all share the same lover. | request
word count: 7k (I don’t know how this happened)
tags: soulmates, fluff, human!reader
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It is Kol that sees you first. He is standing in the town square, observing how people are in the twenty-first century, and how much has changed since he’d last been undaggered. He hadn’t really planned on being out that day, but Klaus was getting unruly in the mansion, needing quiet time to paint. Kol wasn’t in the mood to be on the receiving end of his anger again, so he scurried out the door and decided to explore the town. 
It’s peaceful and no one bothers him. No siblings, nor vampires, nor townspeople. For once, the inhabitants of Mystic Falls mind their own business. 
By nearly three o’clock, he still occupies the square. Klaus was probably over his anger hours ago, but Kol finds he quite likes the scene. Despite enjoying the time away, though, he knows he should go home soon before a sibling catches up to him. One cannot escape the family for too long; that’s the blessing and curse of family. With a sigh, he stands up to leave, sparing one last glance to the park before him. 
Thank god for that last look. Had he not taken it, he wouldn’t have noticed you. That would be a missed connection never known, but to secretly haunt him forever. 
You, with your gentle smile as you look at the girl to your left. The way your eyes roll at something she says. The way you walk gracefully towards him, though he knows that’s not where you’re headed. Suddenly, something inside him wishes it were. Something fluttering in his chest; something that starts to beg for your attention. He stares at you as if his gaze would somehow attract yours. 
“Are you daft? Kol! Hello?!” None of the words register to him. However, the swift hit to the head does. 
Kol whips around to see his sister. Her hands open to him in frustration. 
“I’ve been calling you for ages, standing right beside you. What are you even looking at?”
“Nothing,” he says, almost stutters. 
“Certainly not nothing to have your attention like that.” Rebekah scoffs, then tries to follow his line of sight.
By then, you had dipped into a store. Kol secretly curses his sister for the distraction. 
“That bird over there, you were seeing?” There’s a bluebird standing where you just were.
“Then whatever in the name of-”
“Just a girl, Bekah. So like I said, nothing.”
“Oh? A girl’s caught your attention?” She snickers, “tell me, is she pretty?”
“Can you bugger off?”
“Why don’t you just answer?”
“Because I-” he stops upon seeing you again. You and Caroline tumble out of the store laughing, clutching onto each other’s shoulders. He listens to the words he sees leave your lips. 
“That was so weird,” you mutter.
“People here are so strange sometimes,” Caroline agrees with your statement. 
“Because you what?” Rebekah’s voice cuts back in. When Kol doesn’t answer, she follows his gaze again. “Caroline Forbes?”
“No, the girl beside her.”
A tease is prepared on the tip of her tongue, but upon seeing you, it’s gone. The two Mikaelsons are quiet for a moment as they watch you and Caroline continue to laugh. 
“My, she is pretty,” the blonde finally admits. “Go talk to her.”
“Do you really think it’s wise for me to go over there with Caroline Forbes right there?”
“Well if you don’t now, you could lose her forever!”
“Or I could lose my life when her blonde friend rips my head from my neck!”
“You never know until you try.”
“I think I have a pretty good idea what will happen if I do that.”
“Caroline won’t kill you because then she’ll lose brownie points with our brother.”
“Fair point, Bekah, but-” He’s interrupted by two ringing phones. Specifically, his and his sister’s. “Bloody hell. Almost went all day without a summoning.”
“Who’s calling you?”
“Elijah’s got me. Guess we have to go back now. Wish your pretty girl farewell.”
Kol rolls his eyes at her words. He steals one last glance at you before following his sister to what he hopes isn’t some new brand of chaos. 
“So is it true?” You turn to your best friend.
“That Klaus has a thing for you?”
She slouches in her next few steps, “really?! Y/N! As if I hadn’t had this conversation so many times.”
“Well, is it?”
“Ugh. I don’t know! I think he does, but trust me, I don’t feel anything for him back!”
“Aw,” you joke, “why not give him a chance? He could be your soulmate for all you know?”
She lets out a sharp laugh, “no way! In fact, Klaus has no soulmate, and do you know why?” She doesn’t give you a chance to answer before saying, “because I don’t think he even has a soul.”
“Am I wrong?”
“I- I don’t know, I’ve never met the guy!”
“Well good. Avoid him. He can be charming, I’ll give him that, but it doesn’t take away the fact that he’s a killer.”
“He can’t be that bad. We’ve all killed once or twice.”
“First of all, yes, he is. Second, no, we haven’t. I have. You have not, and that will stay that way.”
“Maybe I have, you don’t know that.”
She snorts, “You’re too sweet for that. And besides, even if you have, you’d tell me right away with your guilty conscience.”
“I do not have a-”
“Keep telling yourself that.”
“Fine, I might. But don’t mistake that for me not having fire, because I can assure you, I do.”
“Oh I know you do. That’s what makes us such good friends. But you need to remember that you’re human, so you still need to be careful.”
“I know, I know!”
“Which includes talking about Klaus, because he could be listening.”
“Sorry,” you try to hide your smirk, “I won’t ask about the big bad vampire again.”
“Good.” Caroline’s not at all convinced that this’ll be your last question about them, but at least it’ll be the last for today. 
Ever since the Mikaelsons have arrived in Mystic Falls, you’ve been curious about them. It’s hard enough keeping you out of the Salvatore drama, but that difficulty increased tenfold when the original family came into play. With you and Matt being the only two humans left in the friend group, they’re very protective of you. You, even more-so than Matt. Matt’s met most of them by working at the grill, but the girls do their best to hide your existence from the four siblings. They all swear that if they ever find you, nothing good would happen. 
“You two have been out all day, where could you have possibly gone?” Elijah questions as soon as he sees his two youngest siblings enter the mansion. 
Kol already has his answer ready, “well seeing as Klaus was about ready to kill us all this morning, I decided it would be in my best interest to get away from him.”
“He’s been steady since one. It’s past three now.”
“Lost track of time, I guess. Tell me, what is it you wanted?”
“Why? Have something to get back to you?”
Rebekah, who had left to fetch a glass of bourbon, replies, “yes, actually. I was quite occupied before you called.”
“You two? Together? Sounds like a recipe for disaster,” the eldest raises his eyebrows. “Hopefully not planning a kill in the square?”
“On the contrary, dear brother. But unfortunately for you, it’s none of your business. So again, what is it for which you called?”
“Ever so fiesty, Rebekah. Worry not, we just wanted to make sure you weren't starting anything."
"What? That's it?"
"What kind of older brother would I be if I don't check up on my younger, more troublesome siblings?"
"You called us both home for that?"
"What’s got you so bitter, sister? Mystic Falls isn't so interesting that you should be so upset."
"Not to you, but this time, we actually did find something interesting, thank you!"
"Oh, do tell, Rebekah," her other brother asks as he fetches his own drink.
"Doesn't matter now that we'll never see her again," Kol mutters, sharing an annoyed look with the blonde.
Rebekah glares, "yes, a girl. But Kol's right, doesn't matter." She swallows down the rest of the liquor in one gulp.
The two eldest brothers are too confused to question further. Kol takes this as a chance to retreat to his room, while Rebekah, after one more look at Elijah, leaves to hers. 
"What girl could have stolen the attention of our two siblings so quickly?"
"Doubt there is one at all. They just wanted a reason to get away," Klaus snaps with a tone full of anger. 
Elijah detects a hint of jealousy, but says nothing. Nor does he share about his curiosity for this supposed girl that infatuated them both. 
Two days later, you’re spotted in the square again, this time, by Elijah himself. At first glance, he makes no connection between you and whomever his siblings saw, but rather takes in the sight of you. You are sitting by the fountain, legs crossed on the cement, and a hand reaching into the water. A stack of books are in front of you, the one on top open, and a notebook to your left. You pay no attention to them, though, and keep your eyes trained on the small waterfall. The sight of a human so seemingly relaxed in such a busy and perilous town has him unable to draw away his attention. He watches you carefully from the square’s metal bench, far enough that you could not catch his eye. 
Only a mere five minutes pass before you have company. A girl Elijah recognizes - April Young - touches your shoulder lightly. You turn to her with a smile as she starts to speak. Curiosity kills him, so Elijah tunes in to listen. 
“If someone finds you out here, they’re not going to be happy.”
“I don’t care, April, I’m so bored. I can’t be inside all day just because they’re scared I’m going to encounter vampires.”
“Shh! You know they could overhear you, right?”
“It’s fine! They have no reason to hurt me, I’m just minding my own business.”
“They don’t need a reason to hurt anyone, Y/N, they just do. They drink blood, remember?”
“Okay, sure, point taken. But since I apparently have a team of protectors, I should be fine, right?”
“Yeah, but-”
“And, hey, you’re human. Why are you allowed to talk to them? Who’s the girl again? Rebekah?”
“Y/N, be quiet! Yes, I talk to them, but it’s because they found me first and dragged me into all this. And Matt’s been dragged in almost since day one. You haven’t been discovered by them yet, and we all need to keep it that way.”
“So boring! I want to be in on the fun.”
“It’s not fun, Y/N. I’m serious. None of them will be gentle if they find you; they’re all dangerous.”
You sigh, giving up on arguing with the girl.
“You know what they say, ‘curiosity killed the cat’,” April says.
“Okay, but they also say, ‘satisfaction brought it back’,” you finish, eyebrows raised. 
April rolls her eyes, “stay out of it. In fact, I’m texting Caroline right now that you left your house if you don’t go back right now.”
“I’m not going back, I’m studying here.”
“Study at home.”
Immediately, she starts to dial Caroline. In an instant, you pack your books back into your bag. “See you later, buzzkill.”
The girl hangs up, but doesn’t leave until you do. You know better than to try and win a fight against both of them, so you head home, missing the square already. 
Elijah knows he shouldn’t follow you. Caroline could be on her way; April’s in the distance. Yet, he can’t watch you walk away, either. He must at least know your name, or else it might kill him. At the very least, he could compel the conversation out of your mind as soon as he hears it. 
He waits until you’re alone to approach. Probably not the best way to do it, but he doesn’t know how many there are keeping you hidden in your supposed “team of protectors”. And this way, it would be easier to compel, should it come to that. So, as you travel down the sidewalk, humming to yourself, he suddenly calls out to you,
“Excuse me, miss.”
You turn quickly towards the voice. Your breath catches in your throat at the sight of the handsome stranger. “Um, hi.”
“I mean you no harm, but I saw you in the square just a little bit ago, and I have to know your name.”
You hesitate, unsure if you should give it.
He continues, “I know this is quite random, but I truly do not wish to frighten you. I saw you by the fountain, unbothered by the world around you. The screams of children, the barking of dogs, but nothing disrupted your focus from the gentle flow of water. I could tell it brought you peace, and I could see the secret you harbored to jump in and enjoy it. It was beautiful, not to mention the beauty that you are, yourself. So, apologies if I am crossing a line, but I can’t help but wonder what name to put on this delicate soul that has imprinted on my own.”
You stare at him, speechless from his words. Never has anyone said such beautiful things to you, and in such an alluring accent, no less. 
“My apologies, love. I fear I have said too much.”
“N-no! Forgive me, I’ve just never had a man tell me I’m beautiful before.”
“That is quite a shame. Sure they just have never told you out loud.” He walks closer to you, feeling a bit more confident that you’re not afraid. 
A blush rises to your cheeks, but you’re still unable to form a response. “I-I, um… Y/N. My name.”
He repeats your name, tasting it on his tongue. “Lovely name. Lovely name for a lovely girl.”
“Thank you. And what’s yours, may I ask?”
Elijah hesitates. It hurts his heart knowing he’ll have to compel this conversation from your mind, but at least, he can give you his name before he does. “Elijah Mikaelson.”
“You- you’re a Mikaelson?”
“Afraid I am.” He scans your face for fear, which he wholeheartedly expected. However, nothing. 
“You’re the first I’ve gotten the pleasure to meet. I’ve been curious, I’ll admit, but my friends tell me to stay away,” you pause, “which you probably found out from my conversation with April a few minutes ago. Oops.”
“It’s alright, love. I won’t tell a soul of your secret.”
“Thanks,” you smile, “I hate being cooped up in the house all day. You were right - I did want to jump in that fountain.”
“You should’ve. I bet the joy on your face would have been unmatched.”
You swallow hard. You’ve never been good at taking compliments. Especially not those given to you by a handsome man who has lived long enough to see thousands of beautiful things. Never would you have expected to be one of those things. “I think I should’ve, too.” 
Suddenly, you get a text. In a brief glance, you see it’s Caroline. “Oh crap.”
“Is everything alright?”
You sigh, “it’s Caroline, asking me to send a picture of myself in my kitchen, with an egg in my hand, and a spoon on my head. I guess I have to go.”
“Such an odd request,” he wonders out loud.
“She likes to put me up to things like this to prove I’m at home. It’s something I won’t have in my pictures already, and have to do that instant. If I don’t get it done in five minutes, she comes over.”
“Well I guess I better let you leave, then.”
“Unfortunately, yes. But I liked meeting you, Elijah.”
He smiles, “you too, Miss Y/N.” He steps forward and takes your palm to kiss it. In a deep breath before he starts to compel you, you suddenly interrupt him. 
“Wait! I’m way more than five minutes away. Crap! She’s gonna catch me.”
He shouldn’t offer. He shouldn’t know where you live. Yet, the idea of you getting caught out of your house worries him. He may never see you again if that happens. “I could, perhaps, take you home? Could get you there much quicker than if you were to walk.”
“You would do that?”
“I owe you that little, being the reason you might get caught otherwise.”
You blush at the thought of him picking you up, but try to force it away. “If you don’t mind.”
“Of course.” He picks you up bridal style, and before you know it, you’re on your porch. 
“Thank you.” You smile, then check your phone. “Oh, shoot! Two minutes left.” You’re quick to unlock your door and throw it open. “Come in and help me find an egg!”
Surely you know the rules about those words pertaining to vampires and one’s home, yet you said them without hesitation. You didn’t stick around for him to question you, either, and instead ran to complete the quest. Slowly, he tests the entryway, and enters with no resistance. He then finds you in your kitchen digging through the fridge, then pulling out an egg. As quickly as you can, you take a selfie and send it to Caroline. 
“Whew!” You breathe out, then notice him, “hi.”
“You completed your challenge?”
“Hopefully! But she might still come by because it was April that called her.”
“So I should probably leave.”
You bite your lip, not wanting him to go. 
“Why did you invite me inside?”
“Because I needed you to find an egg. Which I found myself, so thanks,” you joke.
He smiles, but only for a second, “I’m serious.”
“I don’t know, I trust you.”
“Why? I’m a Mikaelson. The very family that your friends told you to avoid.”
“Well maybe I don’t like being told what to do. And maybe you don’t seem so bad to me.”
“I would like to prove your feelings right. I wish I could.” He says truthfully, catching your eyes. 
You start to look back, but then his words hit you. I wish I could. You straighten, then look away from his gaze. “Don’t compel me.”
“Don’t you dare compel me to forget this. I don’t want to forget this. I don’t want to forget you. You, or your smile, or the things you’ve said. Please don’t take it away from me.”
He takes a deep breath. It must be done, but he hates it. He doesn’t want you to forget. In fact, he wants to know you deeper. “I have to.”
“No, you don’t. I won’t tell, I promise. If anything, compel me to never forget.”
“‘Lijah, don’t.” 
The nickname you’ve already given him weakens him. It renders him unable to finish the task; there’s no way he can force himself to compel you now. “Alright.”
“Wait, really?”
“If you’re sure you want to remember, but you’re sure you’ll never tell.”
“I promise. And I won’t say that I invited in a Mikaelson, either.”
He chuckles, “that would be wise.” He kisses your hand again. “I hope to see you again, Y/N.”
“You too. And thanks for taking me home.”
“Of course, love.”
After he leaves, you collapse on your couch, head swirling with thoughts of him. The words he said: how he described your time at the fountain, the beauty he saw in you. His own appearance: kind eyes, small wrinkles under them from a lack of sleep or hundreds of lifetimes lived, or both, a perfectly neat suit, the dark blue ring fitted on his finger. The way he watched you take Caroline’s picture with a smile on the edge of his lips. How he kissed your hand gently as a parting. 
Your cheeks are hot with blush, not to mention the heat you feel throughout your body. Butterflies are alive in your stomach. It all makes you feel so silly, but some part of you whispers that it’s love at first sight. 
The minute Klaus hears the door open, he’s already yelling, “another sibling spending hours out and about in Mystic Falls. Where in the bloody hell have you been all day, Elijah?”
Elijah enters the room to find Klaus standing beside another painting, while the two other siblings sit on the couch. All three have glasses of bourbon and are sipping carefully. “What’s going on?”
“For once? Nothing. We all just happen to be here.”
“Where have you been, Elijah?” Rebekah turns around in her seat to question him. 
Before he can answer, Klaus chuckles, “let me guess! Out with a girl. You only wear that smile when you’ve found a girl to fancy.”
“Niklaus, I have not-”
“Oh don’t try, I’ve known you for a thousand years!”
“Better not be my girl, mate,” Kol mutters, though his tone isn’t rough like Klaus’. 
“Your girl is my girl, too, Kol. Remember that.”
“Heaven’s sake, you all are idiots.” Klaus turns back to his work, ignoring the three. 
Elijah ignores him right back, and instead looks down to the others. “Describe this girl you saw. Everything you remember.”
So, Kol and Rebekah do. Everything from your appearance, to the sound of your voice, and to the way you walked. The more they described, the more it sounded like the ‘you’ Elijah was with all day. When he admits this, their faces pale. 
“There’s no way all three of you idiots have fallen in love with the same girl,” Klaus mutters, still listening despite his annoyance. 
“It’s happened before, brother. Remember Mary?”
“I remember, Bekah, but that doesn't mean it’s plausible to happen again.”
“I think it is entirely plausible,” Kol admits, “in fact, I think this goes deeper than it did with Mary.”
“Whatever are you talking about?”
“Something draws me to her. And it’s like I know her, yet I don’t at the same time. Do you guys feel this too, or is it just me?”
“No, I definitely feel it,” Elijah says, “and spending time with her today felt so natural. Like it was something I could never tire of.”
“You three sound so stupid. Talking like this girl, that two of you have never actually met, is your soulmate or something.”
“Well maybe you need to see her, Klaus. You’ll be in love instantly, I promise.”
Klaus rolls his eyes one more time at his youngest brother before going back to his painting. He refuses to admit the curiosity he feels towards you, and instead plays on animosity. His siblings don’t give up, though, and continue talking about their feelings for you until they all part to go to bed.
The following day, Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah actively seek you out in hopes of inviting you to dinner. They spent the morning planning that they’d find you and convince you to come over, where they could all gain your trust and get to know you better. The difficult part of this was getting you alone to talk. Elijah had warned his siblings about what you had said and told them to keep a close eye on their surroundings. He did also mention how excited you were to meet a Mikaelson, though, and said to use this to their advantage if one of them finds you instead of himself. 
So, in three different parts of the city, the siblings fan out and keep their eyes peeled for your presence. Shouldn’t be that hard to find; they’ll just follow the pull of their hearts. 
For ten minutes, you’re able to sneak away, just long enough to visit your favorite store on the street corner. After meeting Elijah yesterday, the thought of being stuck in your house all day sounds miserable, and you are prepared to risk your friends’ wrath to see him again. Granted, inside the little shop is probably not the place you’d find him, but being out in the open at least makes it seem possible.
You are looking at a row of necklaces when a man comes up beside you. You don’t see his face, yet he doesn’t seem threatening to you, so you’re not too worried. 
“That color would look beautiful on you,” he says aloud. 
“Me?” You glance around to see if he’s talking to someone else.
“Yes, darling. I mean you.”
You blush instantly. “Thank you.”
“Let me get it for you.”
“Oh, no, I couldn’t. It must be expensive!”
“Not a problem for me. I happen to come from a well-off line.”
“Oh do you now?” You turn to face him fully. “And what line would that be?”
He smiles at you, then plucks the necklace from its place and brings it to the counter. Immediately after buying it, he’s fastening it around your neck. “As expected, you look beautiful.”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“How could I not? It was made for you.”
“You’re too kind.” You reach your hand out for him to shake, “Y/N L/N.”
Instead of shaking it, he presses a kiss to the back, “Kol Mikaelson.”
He watches your eyes light up, just as Elijah said they would. “Mikaelson?”
“So you’ve heard of me?”
“Heard of you? Definitely.”
“And I heard you met my brother yesterday. God, he would not stop talking about how beautiful you are.” 
You blush deeper at the thought of Elijah talking about you to his family. Either that, or it’s because Kol’s still holding your hand gently. You’re not sure. 
“Say, Y/N, would it be possible I could invite you to dinner? I would love to get to know you better, and I know Elijah would love to see you again. Bekah, too, has a curiosity.”
“I, um…” you so desperately want to, but fear your friends finding out. “I want to, but I don’t know if I can.”
“If it’s Caroline Forbes you’re worried about, I bet we could fake an alibi.”
“It’s not just Caroline, it’s all of them. But, if we could think of a good enough alibi, I bet I could escape for a little bit.”
“Perfect, I will let my siblings know. This is our address, but if you need one of us to pick you up, my number’s on there, too.” He slips you a piece of paper. “I look forward to seeing you again, darling.”
“I do, too, Kol,” you smile. 
With one last kiss to your hand, he disappears from sight. 
You show up on the Mikaelsons’ porch at seven in one of your best outfits, playing with your hair nervously after ringing the doorbell. When the door swings open, the girl - Rebekah - is on the other side. 
Before you can greet her, she looks you up and down, “wow… you are gorgeous.”
The redness rises back to your cheeks, “thank you.”
“No wonder my brothers are smitten with you.”
“Don’t lie, Rebekah,” Kol’s voice rings through the house, “you know you are too.”
She rolls her eyes, “come inside, dear. We promise we won’t bite.”
You follow her into the house, smiling as you pass the threshold into the mansion. “It’s beautiful in here.”
“Not as beautiful as you, darling.” 
You’re starting to pick up on the affectionate nicknames that each gives you. Elijah calls you ‘love’; Kol calls you ‘darling’; and Rebekah just used ‘dear’. It’s one thing that they’ve all called you beautiful, but they all have nicknames for you, too. If they get any more romantic, your heart will flutter right out of your chest. 
Just as you think that, they do. Elijah and Kol both kiss your hands as they greet you, making you weak in the knees. 
“Thank you for coming, love. I’m glad you could join us.”
“Thank you for inviting me. About that alibi, Kol, I’m gonna need it tomorrow. No doubt I’ll get some kind of spoon-on-head, one-nail-painted-black kind of challenge that I’ll fail, and have to find an excuse for.”
The boy laughs, having been told by Elijah about Caroline’s antics. “We will certainly come up with something. But for now, are you hungry?”
“Yes, actually. And I’m excited to know what you guys eat when you’re not drinking blood,” you joke. The giggle fades out once you see the kitchen table, though. From end to end, it’s covered in dishes. “Holy crap.”
“Only the best for a woman such as yourself,” Kol sends you a wink. 
Rebekah pulls a chair out for you. “Stick around, and you’ll find we actually have quite the appetite for more than blood.”
“Oh that was just a joke,” you say, afraid you’ve offended her.
“No worries. I know it was.”
Soon, you’re all seated, except for the head of the table. “Um. Don’t you guys have another brother?”
“Niklaus, yes,” Elijah smiles at you, “he’s painting at the moment, but he should be here shortly. I apologize for his absence.”
“It’s okay! I was just curious.”
Speak of the devil, Klaus enters the room not a minute later. Elijah gestures to you immediately, introducing you. Klaus, still skeptical as to why his siblings are so obsessed with you, has a threat prepared that sits on his tongue. The three wait for it to come out, expecting it, and ready to defend. However, as soon as he looks at you, his mind is wiped of all things foul and offensive.
“Hello, love,” he says instead. 
All four of you are caught off guard. The tension in the room was thick; you were expecting an insult, too. Not to mention how Caroline speaks so poorly of the man. 
“Hi,” you respond, voice smaller than you’d like, “nice to meet you.”
“You as well.” He sits down with a newfound attitude towards you. “Tell me, how do you like Mystic Falls?”
After you answer his question, the five of you talk for the next two hours, sharing every bit about yourselves. They learn how you’ve lived in Mystic Falls your whole life, and have barely traveled out of the town. You discover they were born in Norway, but were turned in this very town, some thousand years ago. You find common ground in the parents’ department, none of you having the best relationships with your parents, especially your fathers. Though you get a glimpse into the abuse that they all faced from their father, and feel an indescribable rage towards the man you’ve never met. This part of the conversation helps you understand each of them better, including how that fear and anger has made them into one of the most dangerous families - a term they admit describes them well.  
“Dangerous,” Rebekah says, “but fiercely protective over those we love.” 
“Quite exactly the reason we are so dangerous,” Elijah adds to her statement, “we will do anything to protect whomever we love.”
Hearing the word from their lips makes your body shiver. A thought passes through your head wondering if you’d ever be someone that they’d protect that much. Something deep in your soul tells you that you already are. 
After the childhood topic, conversation moves onto lighter subjects. Everyone’s favorite foods, shows, and pastimes are shared. You learn the birth order of the four siblings in front of you, and discover that there’s three others not present. One of them, alive, but so disgusted that they’re vampires that he refuses to associate with them. This, in turn, gets a truth out of you, 
“Well you don’t have to worry about me, I think vampires are sexy,” you say before covering your mouth. Too much wine, you suppose. “I mean, I just think they’re cool. There’s a reason the gang tries to keep me in the dark about everything that goes on in the town.”
Eyes go wide, but maybe for the sake of your embarrassed gesture, the topic moves onto the so-called perfect group of miscreants. After, it shifts to your alibi that will be used to explain your disappearance. 
“You were bored and went to a restaurant to study. Lost track of time,” Kol tries his best.
“Ran to the store for a much needed grocery trip,” Klaus provides after his brother’s failed idea.
“Or,” Rebekah rolls her eyes, “you just fell asleep.”
“Watching a movie and falling asleep,” Elijah finishes, “so that you have about an hour to be engrossed in the movie, but then you nod off into a deep sleep.”
“I think Caroline would buy that. She always does get after me for not answering immediately.”
“Perfect,” Klaus concedes, “now I would like to know more about what you think makes vampires so sexy,” he says, smirking at you. 
You blush for a second, but then can’t help spilling the truths stacked on your tongue. 
After that night, you stay in contact with the Mikaelsons, and even visit their mansion for several more dinners. In time, you find yourself getting close with each one. Most nights, Rebekah walks you home, and always kisses your cheek before leaving. Sometimes, too, she’s in your kitchen, making coffee or tea when you wake up. Kol visits you everytime Caroline puts you on “house arrest”, and tries to help you study to the best of his ability. That, or he distracts you completely, begging you to watch a movie with him instead. You almost always give into him. Elijah keeps up his charms of kind words and gentle touches. The moment he learns what your favorite flower is, he brings you one every time he sees you. 
Between the siblings, Klaus is the least trusting and the last to give into his desire to know you. Though the more he sees you with the others, the more jealous he becomes, and eventually, he cracks. His first gesture towards you is a painting of you standing in the Mikaelsons’ ballroom. He says he could picture you dancing in it, someday, in a beautiful dress made tailored just for you. After that, he’s now just as smitten as his siblings. 
You love being with all of them, separately and together. One thing though - you find your heart being torn in four different ways, and it scares you. You can’t break one of their hearts, nor do you want to, but there’s no way you could be with all of them. Look how that went for Elena and the Salvatores.
Oh, and speaking of Elena… you still haven’t even told your friends that you’re even hanging out with the Mikaelsons, much less that you’re in love with them. You feel bad keeping secrets from them, but you know how they’ll react if they find out. Even if you can prove the family has been nothing but kind, they’ll be overprotective and most likely try to ban you from seeing them entirely.
“Maybe I can just tell one of them,” you wonder out loud one night. Tonight was easy to get out of your house; everyone went to the grill to drink and you played the ‘too tired’ card. Little did they know what you were actually going back to the family’s mansion.
“Who would you start with?” Rebekah asks from behind as she plays with your hair. 
“Caroline, maybe? I’m closest to her. But with Elena, I could use the excuse that she’s dating a vampire who’s almost just as dangerous.”
Klaus scoffs playfully, “almost as? Love, he doesn’t come close.”
“Well I know that, but some people think he’s pretty dangerous.”
“Oh he certainly is. But when it comes down to it, my family will always come out on top.” 
You remember the conversation from your first night meeting them. How you wondered if you’d ever be one they’d fight to the death to protect. Klaus answers this for you now. “Like we said before, we protect those we love. That includes you, little one.”
Your eyes snap up to him. “Me?”
“Isn’t it obvious? We open our home to you; share our deepest and darkest secrets. We don’t do that with just anyone. There’s something different about you.”
“He’s right,” Kol comes beside you on the couch to sit down, “you’re one of us now.”
Elijah clears his throat, a little worried the two will scare you away, “if you’re comfortable with that, of course. Do not feel pressured in any way. We will not be upset.”
As he’s talking, you reach your hands out for Kol to lean against you. The youngest boy does, putting his head on your shoulder, while you wrap your arms around his neck. “Pressure? No, I don’t feel pressured. I love hanging out with you guys. I love-” you pause, blinking. You’re not sure what to say. 
“Y/N?” Elijah starts. 
“I’m… I don’t know… I’m confused, and I feel awful for it, but I… I don’t even know what to say.”
“What’s wrong, girlie?” Rebekah kisses the top of your head gently. The boys focus their attention on you fully. “I promise, whatever you say, you don’t have to feel awful.”
“Bekah’s right, you can tell us anything.”
“I just… I love you guys. I love being with you all as a family, but then, I don’t know, I love you all separately, too.” They say nothing, so you continue. “And it’s not just a friendly thing, either. It’s like blushing, butterflies in the stomach, wanting to be with you kind of love. Which would be okay if I fell for only one of you - well, actually, it wouldn’t, because then I’d hurt the rest of you - but it’s not just one. I love all of you like that.”
Elijah’s first to speak. “Why do you think that would be wrong?”
“Why is that a bad thing to you?”
You stare at him, “I can’t have a thing with four different siblings. That’s crazy, right?”
You can’t see her face, but Rebekah’s smiling wide. “Are there any rules when it comes to love?”
And before you can answer her, Klaus follows up, “crazy pretty much defines this family, I don’t know what you’re worried about.”
“Hold on,” you put up a finger, even more confused, but now for a different reason. “You are all okay with this?”
“We may have had a talk,” Elijah says, sitting down, “the night after you first came here. You see, we’ve all shared lovers before, so this is nothing new to us. However, usually they rotate. Start with Klaus, move onto Kol, have a fling with Bekah, start something with me, and then they go. But, as you’ve heard us say plenty a time, you’re much different.”
You nod, “so what was the talk?”
“Well, dear Y/N, none of us can quite keep our feelings about you to ourselves. Nor do we ever think we could tire of loving you.” Elijah’s slow and cryptic talk is making you antsy. Apparently, it’s frustrating Kol, too.
“Do you believe in soulmates, darling?”
“Soulmates? Um, ish? I mean, Caroline and I used to entertain the idea as kids.”
“Would it be absolutely crazy to entertain the possibility that you’ve met yours? And perhaps it to be in the form of four siblings to whom you’ve just admitted your love?”
“I-” slowly, it hits you. His words sink into your head and your heart at the same time. A fire burns, heating your palms, reddening your cheeks. 
“Because polyamory was a thing with the Ancient Greeks, though it’s not too common anymore. But then again, here you have four siblings who love you just as dearly. In that same ‘butterflies and a warm feeling’ that you described.”
“I, um…”
“If you had let me explain it, you wouldn’t have scared her,” Elijah chides his brother. 
“You were taking too long. I’ve been waiting a thousand years to tell this girl I love her.”
Hearing the three words finally broke the dam. Whatever fear you did have melts away instantly. “It’s okay,” you mutter. “It’s clear to me now. I do love you. All of you. As crazy as it sounds, I can’t deny my feelings; I don’t want to. I love you.”
Immediately, Kol spins around so he can kiss you properly. You kiss him back, relaxing into his hands which hold onto your face. As soon as he breaks it off, Rebekah mutters that he needs to move, and then she kisses you, too. 
“I just have one question,” you pant, out of breath from the excitement. 
“And what is that?”
“How do I know this isn’t going to end terribly, like how Stefan and Elena’s relationship did ever since she fell in love with his brother?”
“Because,” Klaus zips across the room to put less distance between you two, “we all love you and are quite capable of sharing. We’ve lived thousands of years together, and have been looking for you for thousands more.”
“Besides, there’s this cool thing called communication that we do that the Salvatores like to ignore. Take it from someone who’s slept with both,” Rebekah adds. 
You crinkle your nose at the information, “no more sleeping with Salvatores.” You pull her back in for another kiss, “you’re mine now.”
When you let go of Bex, Klaus steals his turn, and then Elijah. It’s a little overwhelming, but your worries are overpowered by how much love you feel from them, and by how much you want to give them in return.
After you all settle down, you let out a giggle. “I had nearly given up on the idea of finding my soulmate. Little did I know I’d be so lucky to have four.”
“Not as lucky as us,” Elijah claims the last word, “to have found our girl after thousands of years of searching.”
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jamjjamm · 3 months
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Life is Strange
67 notes · View notes
greyangelpain · 4 months
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My fav ace nerds!
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militaryshelf62 · 29 days
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Found my stylus! So, here's Stanley and Frills :]
Stanley is very proud of his work! (Frills is also proud of him)
Working on the fic still! Should I separate it into chapters dedicated to specific parts of his life, or as a one-shot? Please let me know!
(Sorry about quality :( I don't know how to fix that)
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