#our teacher in 6th grade did this joke thing where she paired us up romantically(?) and when my name came up
viovio · 2 years
i swear i had some weird fucking childhood crushes but i can't remember em
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dearskz · 6 years
look at me pt.1
Genre: slight angst, fluff, school au, unrequited love au
Pairing: reader x jeongin (i.n) ft. hyunjin
Length: 1,622 words 
Description: Will you ever look at Jeongin as anything else besides a best friend? (third-person narrative)
Author’s side note: This song inspired this scenario :) ALSO DON’T FORGET TO STREAM I AM YOU!
Part 2 (masterlist) 
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Some people spend their entire lives searching for ‘the one’. Jeongin was lucky enough to have known his ‘one’ his entire life. She was the one who defended him from bullies. She was the one who understood him more than he understood himself. The one who has always been by his side no matter the circumstances. Sounds perfect right? There’s just one slight problem: she doesn’t know that she’s the one. Not yet at least. Jeongin plans on telling her today, Valentine’s Day.
For them, Valentine’s Day has always been the total opposite of romantic. It was the day where they would go to each other’s houses in their PJ’s and watch horror movies while eating chicken feet until completely knocking out due to food coma. It was a tradition that they swore to never break, but Jeongin is going to have to break his promise today.
There were several instances where Jeongin was very close to confessing to y/n, but the thought of risking a 13-year friendship just wasn’t worth it. Jeongin and y/n have known each other since kindergarten when Jeongin was 4 and y/n was 5. One day y/n noticed a small, chubby Jeongin being teased for his size on the playground and decided to stand up for him. Although having a 1-year age difference, they managed to stick together like glue, always waiting for each other after class, walking home together, doing the typical things that best friends do. Sure they had a couple of friends in their grade, but no one understood them better than each other. Seeing that most of the people they knew were superficial and materialistic, it only made sense that they gravitated towards each other since that was one of the few things they hated in life.
The relationship y/n and Jeongin shared was special and irreplaceable. They did everything and anything together. They also kept no secrets from one another, which is why Jeongin ultimately chose to risk it all. His love and admiration for y/n was the only secret he has been hiding from her since they met. It was hard not to fall in love with y/n. From her kind heart and intelligence to her captivating eyes and breathtaking smile, she gave Jeongin a reason to look forward to school. His little secret has been killing him for years and he couldn’t bear it any longer, he needed to know if y/n could look at him as something more than a best friend and more importantly, a little brother.
It was the dreaded bro-zone that many of the less-fortunate fall into. Jeongin was desperately hoping he wasn’t one of them. He knew that it was something that was out of his control though. He would still love and respect y/n regardless, yet he had the slightest amount of hope that she felt the same way.
“Good morning sunshine! Can you believe the number of chocolate wrappers scattered all over school? I wish I had a broom to clean it up.”  Y/n appeared beside Jeongin’s locker, shaking his thoughts and bringing him back to reality.
“Ah glad to see you realizing your dream of being a janitor early.” Jeongin poked teasingly at y/n. Although she was older and often very motherly towards him, he still loved to joke around because he loved seeing her reactions.
“Bold of you to assume that I’m starting now, I’ve been training since day one. Janitors don’t get enough appreciation, they’re hard-working motherfuckers.” Y/n snapped back while shaking her head.  
Jeongin chuckled, “Yo, straight up facts. I’ll buy you your first uniform.”
“How sweet of you,” y/n laughed and lightly punched Jeongin’s shoulder, “So, what do you have planned for us today on the most romantic day of the year?” Y/n said as they made their way down the hallway towards their classes.
Jeongin pulled out his imaginary list and adjusted his invisible glasses, “Let’s see, after school, we are going straight to the convenience store to get some garlic parmesan chips with garlic dip, because who are we kissing amirite? Then we get to my house, order some chicken feet, sundae (Korean blood sausage), and coca-cola. A side of kimchi and pa muchim (Korean scallion salad) to go with it of course.”
“dELicIOUS. I love it when I have to brush my teeth and tongue to the depths of hell to get rid of stinky breath.” Y/n joked. “What movies do we have lined up today?”
“We got The Shining, The Babadook, and Carrie. Some cult favourites, as usual.”
“Carrie? We watched that 3 Valentine Days ago, and we watched The Babadook when it came out.” Y/n squinted at Jeongin in disbelief. It wasn’t like him to forget things like this. “What’s up Jeongin?” Y/n stopped in her tracks, stepping in front of Jeongin to prevent him from avoiding her question.
Jeongin fiddled with his backpack straps. He knew he should’ve chosen different movies but he was so focused on his confession that their movie marathon completely slipped his mind.
“Nothing, nothing! I just thought we could watch them again, I know how much you loved Carrie.” He looked y/n in the eyes and gave her a small smile in an attempt to hide his small lie.
Y/n raised her brow and sighed, “Alright, well I guess I can’t argue with that.” She spun around and began walking again.
Jeongin let out a breath of relief and followed, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow in the process.
“You know Jeongin, I always wondered what would happen to our tradition if we found someone we liked. I realized throughout our 13-year friendship that you never told me about your crushes.”
Jeongin was slightly taken aback by your statement. ‘That was because I was always crushing on you,’ Jeongin thought to himself. His cheeks flushed but thankfully, y/n was still staring down the hall ahead of her. “Well... I guess we’re just going to have to find out.”
Y/n whipped her head towards Jeongin so fast that she could’ve broken it, “What do you mean by that? Don’t tell me, YOU LIKE SOMEONE?” Y/n’s face lit up and her eyes began to sparkle. “OHOHOHO WHO IS IT? SPILL THE TEA.”
“You’ll find out by the end of the day.” He kept his gaze on the students at the end of the hall, he knew that if he looked at her, he would’ve given in to those beautiful deep eyes of hers.
“You’re confessing today?!.” To be honest, Y/n was kind of hurt by the fact that she didn’t know about his supposed crush until today, the day he was going to confess. How could he not tell his best friend? “Lucky bastard, they better be special because not just anyone deserves to be crushed on by my best friend!”
“Yeah, special..” He smiled softly at y/n before they reached her classroom. They stopped in front of the door and y/n turned to Jeongin.
“Well, see you at lunch! Good luck with your bio test. REMEMBER, THE MITOCHONDRIA IS THE-”
Jeongin rolled his eyes, “POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL! YES THANK YOU, as if we haven’t learned that every year since 6th grade.”
Y/n giggled, putting her hand on Jeongin's shoulder making his heart flutter a little, “I was just testing your knowledge, you’re gonna ace it, I know it!” She flashed him a warm smile, her eyes turning into little crescent moons and the apples of her cheeks becoming pink and round.
*Ring ding dong*
The bell rang as y/n sat down at her desk, pulling out her textbook and pencil case when she heard the chair next to her creak. She turned her head to see what made the noise and was met with a familiar face.
“Already pulling out the homework? You know that if the teacher isn’t here 15 minutes after class starts, we can leave right?” He playfully nudged.
“Hyunjin you know that’s a myth, and I’m on student council, I have to set a good example our fellow classmates.”
“You didn’t do last night’s homework did you?”
“No sir, I did not.” y/n admitted, lowering her head in shame.
“Here,” Hyunjin put his notebook on y/n’s desk, “just copy mine. Hurry before Mr. Park comes.”
Y/n gasped, “Oh my gosh you are a lifesaver, bless your soul. I owe you one.” She beamed as she furiously copied last night’s math equations.
“Okay, then how about going on a date with me this Friday night?”
Y/n choked on her spit, “A date?!” She felt her heart race at 100 miles per second while she was trying to process what just happened.
“Sorry, is that too much to ask? You don’t have to say yes, there’s really no pressure.” Y/n looked up and noticed a rose tint appear on those squishable cheeks of his, “I just have a lot of fun hanging out with you at school and kind of want to spend more time getting to know you better outside of school.”
“Hyunjin I…” Y/n’s mind went blank. ‘How do I respond??? What if I mess up?’ she thought to herself.
“I know its sudden… how about this, give me your answer at the end of the day. I won’t be offended if you say no so don’t worry about it too much!” He smiled, putting his hand on top of hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze before taking his notebook back.
“Wait Hyunji-” Y/n was cut off by a loud slam, almost jolting her out of her seat.
“Good morning class! Sorry, I’m late!” Mr. Park came in winded and visibly exhausted. “My morning jog was longer than I expected. Please open up your textbooks to page 325.”
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