#our whole universe was in a hot dense state and nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started - wait!
grezzaler · 7 months
spinning hanazawa teruki plush
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our whole universe was in a hot dense state then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started WAIT the earth began to cool the autotrophs began to drool neanderthals developed tools we built the wall we built the pyramids maths science history unraveling the mystery that all started with the big bang BANG
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nationmckinleyscorset · 2 months
Our whole universe was in a hot dense state then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started- wait!
The earth began to cool
The autotrophs began to drool
Neanderthals invented tools
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thirstyratsnake · 8 months
our whole universe was in a hot dense state then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion stared wait
the earth began to cool the autotrophs began to drool Neanderthals developed tools we build the wall
math scince history unravleing the mystery that all started with the big bang BANG
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freak-freedom · 1 year
typing the big bang theory theme song lyrics from memory
our whole universe was in a hot dense state then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started wait the earth began to cool the autotropes began to drool Neanderthals developed tools we built a wall we built the pyramids MATH SCIENCE HISTORY UNRAVELING THE MYSTERY THAT ALL STARTED WITH A BIG BANG
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himejoshireagan · 8 months
hai ryan grabs you squeezes you (its me sodasprites im just the Nervouser rn so im on anonymous..)
Our whole universe was in a hot dense state
Then nearly 14 billion years ago, expansion started (wait)
The Earth began to cool
The autotrophs began to drool
Neanderthals developed tools
We built a wall (we built the pyramids)
Math, science, history, unraveling the mystery
That all started with the big bangs
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cronico-pesimista · 1 year
Our whole universe was in a hot dense state
Then nearly 14 billion years ago, expansion started (wait)
The Earth began to cool
The autotrophs began to drool
Neanderthals developed tools
We built a wall (we built the pyramids)
Math, science, history, unraveling the mystery
That all started with the big bang (Bang!)
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p00-toilet-xx2000xx · 4 years
our whole universe was in a hot dense state then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started (wait) the earth began to cool the autotrophs began to drool neanderthals developed tools we built a wall we built the pyramids math science history unraveling the mystery that all started with a big bang (bang)
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graham-crak · 2 years
our whole universe was in a hot dense state then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion start wait the earth began to cool the autotrophs began to drool neanderthals developed tools, we built a wall, we built the pyramids math science history unraveling the mysteries it all started with the big bang bang since the dawn of man is really not that long ago as every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song a fraction of a second and the elements were made the bipeds stood up straight the dinosaurs all met their fate they tried to leap but they were late and they all died they froze their asses off the oceans and pangea see yah wouldnt wanna be yah set in motion by the same big bang it all started with the big bang its expanding ever outward but one day it will pause and start to go the other way collapsing ever inward we won't be here it won't be heard our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang australopithecus would really have been sick of us debating how were here theyre catching deer we're catching viruses religion or astronomy descartes or deuteronomy it all started with the big bang music and mythology einstein and astrology it all started with the big bang it all started with the big bang
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snarky-bee · 7 years
Me: okay brain, time to focus, let's get some studying done
My Brain: Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started, wait!
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rocketgalblog · 7 years
#2 The beginning of everything
“Our whole universe was in a hot dense state nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started wait,The earth began to cool,autotrophs began to droll,Neanderthals developed tools,we built walls and we built the pyramids,Math science history unraveling the mystery and it all started with a BIG BANG.”
Note:There are many theories for the Big Bang,this is one of the valid theories.
The tale of our universe’s existence-BIG BANG. Upto middle of 20th century most scientists thought of universe to be infinite and endless until Einstien’s theory of relativity gave a better understanding and Edwin Hubble diiscovered that the galaxies are falling apart hence the universe is accelerating such that it fits previous predictions.In 1964 by accident cosmic background radiations were discovered which with other observations made the idea of big bang.Since the improved technology hubble has given us a pretty good picture of the cosmos.But how did the big bang worked?How can something come from nothing?
First thing that the big bang was not an explosion,it was our space stretching everywhere.Our universe started very tiny and expanded to the size of a basketball.All back then was just the expanding.Universe can not expand into something else because by definition it has no boundaries.In this hot dense environment,energy manifested itself in a particle that existed only if the tiniest glimpses of time.Formation of quarks started.Pair of quarks destroyed one another and also new quarks generated simultaneously.Matter and energy were not just theoretically equivalent but it was so hot and dense that they might be the same stuff.Somewhere around this time matter won over anti matter and so we live with matter today.Instead of massive force there were refined versions of it acting under different rules.By this time the universe stretched a billion kilometers in diameter.Which led to the decrease in temperature.The cycle of quarks and energy suddenly stops and from then on starts our natural laws.These quarks made up the hadrons .And a moment of appreciation because by now only one second has passed.Now universe was  a bit cold enough to forms the atoms.Imagine the universe to be extremely hot 10 billion degree Celsius,filled with countless parts of energy.Over next few minutes things cool down a bit.The atoms started making electrically neutral environment. This was the dark age by now.Then the hydrogen gas clumped together and gravity put it under great pressure as a result of which stars and galaxies were formed.And finally there was light.And then sun came and earth and so on...
But what we know is the process the start of all of it is still unknown.At that point our equations and tools break down and the natural laws stop making sense,time itself becomes wibbly-wobbly.To understand what happened here we need a theory which unifies relativity and quantum mechanics.This is something scientists are still working on.But it leaves with lots of questions- Is it the only universe?And What started Big bang?This is something we don’t know but what we know is that the universe we see started here.We are stardust and a vital part of universe.In other words we are universe’s way of experiencing itself.So all we can do is to keep on exploring until we have no more questions to ask.
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raymondmccullers · 5 years
Nobel Awards Begin With Quotation Of ‘Big Bang Theory’ Theme Song
“Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state, then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started,” academy member Ulf Danielsson said, quoting “The Big Bang” theme at the presentation in Stockholm. Nobel Awards Begin With Quotation Of ‘Big Bang Theory’ Theme Song syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.blogspot.com/
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The World for C’s
               Our whole universe was in a hot dense state that nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started. From a simple yet an amazing space, the world grew and started to show its complexities. As time pass, we discovered all these 118 chemicals then later on we develop and understood that when we put them together we can create a thing that could make our lives easier and we named it technology. These things that we created pave a way for a lot of improvements and it is the only thing that could support all the media we keep on producing to store the endless information we keep on decoding. Like some other people say, the world is in our hands now and we turn it to a world for C’s.
               Every day of these God given life I use media to acquire information around to somewhat make an impact in this world. Through the use of social networking sites I share random thoughts of my brain to change someone’s perspective. To gain scientific knowledge, I still use the classic way. Smelling a book while reading it makes learning fun. It gives my body a driving force to never stop acquiring new knowledge and never quit in understanding the complexity of life. Television shows helps me to end my day with a smile because of the fun reenactment of one’s life. Like the series The Big Bang Theory it shows how amazing the world of science and it gives me ideas on how scientific methods are all applicable in our life. I couldn’t imagine my existence without all the media around because I was born in the generation X and it’s been 17 years of my life depending on these things. It helps me manage and deal with the circumstances of life. For me it is a never ending process of learning things that’s why I still consider myself as a beginner consumer of media and information. Absolute truth is still unknown so all the information that we know are replaceable by new discoveries. All media that we have are still evolving that’s why for me no one has enough knowledge about things around because by just a couple of clicks in our computers or phone, we can change how systems work. Due to all of the advancements that we have, we tend to perceive things in a complicated way that leads to the entire disadvantage. We depend too much in the use of media and forget the essential of the basic. Also, we expose ourselves with information that are not always proven and tested. We disturb the balance of human variation because of the careless way of stating our own opinions. We are not recognizing the small details of our actions with regards to the abuse of media and information use because we are not affected by it but for real, the future generations are the one who will suffer with the pay it forward process of life.
               Media and Information use gave us a new perspective of life. It helps us to turn our world for changes, complexity and creation that we could use to achieve our own success. Sometimes we depend too much on things that could make our life easier. Yes it is for our own good but in the absence of our knowledge, we are turning these things into monsters that in future years they are the one who can destroy humanities.
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diaaaaaaa-blog · 7 years
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“ Opening theme song ”
our whole universe was in a hot , dense state . then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started …wait . the earth began to cool . the autotrophs began to drool , neanderthals developed tools. we built the wall we built the pyramids. math , science , history , unravelling the mystery. that all started with a big bang .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm2B5R6kKb4
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