#out of the context what warrants these comments đŸ€”
felsicveins · 3 months
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Some of my favorite out of context comments/ asks/ replies for trolls posting
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birklurks · 4 years
Many big writers are unsatisfied with the amount of feedback they’re receiving, but I’ve noticed that these authors are also getting the highest amount of comments (usually in the top 10 out of hundreds of fics for their respective pairing) and I can’t help but wonder: how do we uplift smaller creators when they see prolific writers getting hundreds of comments per fic and they say it’s not enough? There’s a circle of influential writers who only share each other’s works, and it makes me sad tha
Hi there anon đŸ‘‹đŸ»,
I’m so sorry for the delay in my response.  
I know I’m not seeing a complete picture of your ask, but I still wanted to try and answer, because I think there are certain points you’ve raised in this first part of your question that can be addressed the way it is.
To me, the first half of your ask seems to focus on the following 3 points:
(1)  Why established authors are unsatisfied with their reader feedback, even if they are receiving the “highest amount of comments” for fics for their respective pairing(s);
(2)  Your dismay at “a circle of influential writers who only share each other’s works”; and
(3)  How do we uplift smaller creators?  
So, I’ll try my best to address these concerns below.
(1)  Why established authors are unsatisfied with their reader feedback, even if they are receiving the “highest amount of comments” for fics in their respective pairing
Some readers seem hyper fixated on the hard number of reviews a fic receives as their metric for whether or not a story warrants a comment.  
This past week, I’ve had one identified reader say: “[ _____fanfic] has hundreds of reviews, and [ ______ author] is saying it’s not enough? That’s just greedy. [He/she/they] should be happy with what they have.”
Yet another reader recently shared that he/she/they haven’t bothered leaving reviews for a well established author because they get “enough recognition”, and don’t need more.
But the thing is anon... I think deep down inside we all know that is not how appreciation works. 
Since when does any person, in any context - whether it’s fandom related or in real life - get to decide what the cap is on how much appreciation somebody should receive? đŸ€”
It is true that our fandom’s most well established authors tend to have the highest hard number of reviews for their stories.  
But this isn’t about hard numbers.  It never has been. 
It’s about writers wanting to know how their work product (something they sacrificed hours, weeks, months, and for some - even years to create) affected their audience. It’s about wanting to know that regardless of a story’s post date, it is still being appreciated and resonating with readers.  
I’ve seen some... colorful, arguments made against established authors seeking feedback over the past week and a half.  One user went so far as to claim that readers are “just a number” to these writers, and that they are only speaking out about this issue for more “clout”.
But that is absurd.  If all these writers cared about were numbers and popularity - what better metric to reflect that than straight hits?  Why would authors who only viewed their readers as numbers try so hard to find out what their audience thought about their work?  
The reality is this:  100, 200, 300, 400 reviews might seem like “enough” to some readers.  But if you are an author who has written a story with 100K hits, or are maybe receiving 1 comment for everyone 1,000 views - it is not unreasonable, “greedy” or otherwise problematic to wonder where the disconnect with your audience is, and to want to hear from readers who enjoyed the story.
(2)  Your dismay at “a circle of influential writers who only share each other’s works” 
Dear anon, I’m not sure what “circle” you are referring to here because frankly - I’ve seen many of them across a wide range of ships during my relatively short time on tumblr.
But I can say this much:  out of all the authors I’ve gotten to know over the past year and a half, only a handful of them regularly read because whatever time they can spare for fandom related activities is largely devoted to writing new content to try and keep up with constant demands for updates. 
And from what I can tell, if they can spare any time for something other than writing - they’re probably going to read something written by, or sent from, a friend. Someone whose writing style they are familiar with; a story they probably know they’ll enjoy and/or gain inspiration from.  And what is wrong with that? đŸ€”
Please know that I sincerely understand where you are coming from. I really do.
But the reality is, why anybody enjoys a work of fiction is purely subjective.  We are all attracted to (or repelled by) different things in a story.  And because everyone’s fanfic preferences are valid, we can’t expect folks to read entertainment content that doesn’t interest them, nor can we expect anyone to leave comments for, or promote, entertainment content they couldn’t finish or didn’t like.  
(3)  How do we uplift smaller creators?
Thank you so much for asking this question.  I think we uplift smaller creators by trying to shift the current mindset that seems to be so prevalent among too many able consumers today, which is:  
“I consume a fic or work of art, and then my first instinct is to say nothing and close the tab.”
For whatever reason, over the years - not commenting and not reblogging content became normalized.  
And I think that is the core of our problem.
In a fandom as large as ours, I sincerely believe that every creator is bound to find their audience because as I mentioned above: we are all drawn to different things.  
But the thing is, these audiences need to do their part.
If more of our able consumers took a minute to comment on + share the content they enjoyed, more of our creators would enjoy greater exposure and feel increased appreciation and motivation to keep creating and sharing their work with us. 
You know what anon, I’ve had the chance to chat with several mutuals over the past year who’ve told me they “loved” a certain fic, or how “fun” it was.  But when I asked them why they didn’t blog about it (or reblog the author’s fic post), they’d almost always say things along the lines of: 
“Oh, I’m embarrassed. What if other people don’t like it, and think I have bad taste.”  
“I want to see if it gets more notes before I reblog it.”
There appears to be an intense... hive mind in certain corners of our fandom; to the point where some readers are disinclined to reblog because they think they’ll be judged for the fanfics they enjoy. 😳  And it boggles the mind why some adults are so beholden to the entertainment preferences of others.
How are any of our “smaller creators” supposed to get anywhere when people who enjoy their work aren’t willing to comment or help spread awareness about their fics and art?
That’s why I think it is imperative that we work to dispel these notions and try to galvanize every able consumer to do their part... to try and shift this mindset of “consume + automatically close and move on.”
If every able person in the consumer community works together to normalize commenting and the sharing of content for the fics and art we enjoy - it will help all creators across the board feel more seen and appreciated... don’t you think?
I really appreciate you stopping by anon, and for framing your ask in such a courteous way.  I hope this helps address at least some of the concerns you raised, and clarifies why I think the way I do. 
And if you are so inclined, I hope to see the 2nd half of your inquiry soon.
I wish you a wonderful rest of the day,
- Birk âœŒđŸ»đŸ’•
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lxmelle · 5 years
Long rambles
Never written here before. Not sure what to do, so I’m gonna treat this like a blog đŸ€“
I feel so blessed to have a continuation of last year’s hot springs chapter 💕 OX doesn’t disappoint! It has also been interesting to read other people’s comments and thoughts on it, especially feeling their enthusiasm for the couples 😊
I have had some of my own thoughts over “progression” of Zhanyi... I guess it’s relatively harmless to voice them here đŸ€” being new to tumblr and all đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž I figured why not?
Like many, I also came to a similar conclusion that the Zhanyi coupling was a little “premature”/young/innocent still, but upon thinking a little deeper about it, I have arrived at a different conclusion.
Now it’s time for a disclaimer: I am not saying I’m right; I am hypothesising like everyone else. Every person is entitled to their opinion(s) e.g. on whether they switch, who is top/bottom, whether they agree with me or disagree, or are even offended. It’s cool. We can also agree to disagree 😆
Anyway, that’s said, I am also keen to understand OX, how she portrays them, and their elusive ways are very intriguing.
I questioned my initial conclusion that they were somehow stuck in their relationship - unable to progress beyond being “just close friends”. At first glance, I felt they were innocent and virgin-like in their relationship due to ZZX’s reactions as depicted. This was also pointed out by some people on here and on insta that they were so easily embarrassed đŸ€”
But... Is their bashful reaction necessarily associated with having crossed the boundary into intimacy (from friendship)? Could it not rather be that they were rudely interrupted by a loud series of knocks all of a sudden? (From the “silent.... silent.....” atmosphere noted in the panels). Also worth noting is the context: they are in a country where homosexuality is frowned upon (and illegal)? “Cops” as noted originally were akin to “undercover cops” - often arriving with a different pretence - in the original text, it said water inspectors (?). In some countries, such raids occur to “catch” those who are committing adultery or homosexuality.
On a side note, I daresay even Mo would kick HT across the room if it was their room being knocked on (laughs). Especially after having his peachy-bum exposed!! 😂
Anyhow, back onto Zhanyi. I also cannot disregard that JY is also a man. I am merely speculating on his thoughts here; but let’s say they have “defined roles” within their intimate relationship. ZZX as top and JY as bottom. Let’s also just interpret their open conversation about prostate massages as intimacy. (JY’s very convinced attitude about it is also highly suspicious 😆 I mean, how would he know its good?)
Also: holidaying together, bathing together, sleeping in the same room, sprawling across the same bed nearly naked, talking about picking a massage service together, always being SO CLOSE to each other, the overall exclusivity “bubble” they have around them, noting the conversation over the police (you need to be worried about something [like being caught] to warrant worrying about the police!)... etc. - are also signs of closeness and intimacy to me. They’re not conversations you’d have, or things you’d just do with anyone, or even a best friend. There is a “bubble” surrounding them. It’s an exclusive club to ZZX and JY.
Very likely, this kind of intimacy is borne through the longevity of a friendship/relationship or possibly having been intimate together for a significant amount of time. I didn’t note any signs of either being awkward, bashful, or shy. Reticence, yes, on ZZX’s part, but I’ll get to that in a minute. Awkwardness appeared only once they were interrupted.
Intimacy when alone (or together with someone in the “bubble”) is different to intimacy when others (outside the “bubble”) are present. I imagine ZZX to be particularly sensitive to this, as part of his nature, and JY may be more mindful due to that (and other factors included, like the element of surprise, the guilt from his naughty thoughts of ZZX’s bottom, likelihood of the “cops”, etc.).
Anyway, I digress. Back to my original point.
So let me summarise again: JY is also male. He is healthy and has always been depicted to be quite forward and “sexually-awakened” (I am reminded of pics with his tongue sticking out lewdly 😬). He also seems exclusively attracted to ZZX. Presuming they have defined roles and are/have been sexually-intimate with one another in some form, I suspect it has always been ZZX as the “top” and JY as the “bottom” regardless of who initiates it. I feel this makes sense to me, as they are comfortable with physical intimacy bordering on the sexual kind, which touches on the various points of closeness I noted above.
It is possible to me that JY may also be keen to experience making ZZX what he experiences when they have sex or pleasure one another (or if he pleasures himself while they do it?). It is also possible that between them in this timeline, conversations may have taken place where ZZX is aware of JY’s interest in switching.
Again, as a healthy young man, he may have fantasies about making the stoic, normally strong ZZX appear vulnerable and writhing in pleasure beneath him (ahem, my alter ego is certainly grinning devilishly - hahaha!).
Anyway, I’m just saying it’s possible. Things seem to line up well in my head anyway.
I see JY as boundary-pushing and ZZX often conceding (such as comparing leg hair or saying no when he does go ahead with what JY wants anyway), but there may be some whims he is just really less eager about. Like a prostate massage by JY. Hence, his reticence when JY is so eager to administer his massage. Who could blame him? (laughs)
It may not be that JY wants to penetrate ZZX (to “top”), but perhaps he is curious? Or just being mischievous... or he may have a fetish for ZZX’s behind 😏 and from ZZX’s response, he isn’t that keen for his behind to be the object of JY’s fascination 😂
Perhaps it is my wishful thinking that their relationship is far deeper and further ahead than what we are given access to know. Zhanyi seem like such a private pair compared to Tianshan. I still interpret their embarrassment as partly being private, and partly due to “guilt” - we know what JY has on his mind, but what did ZZX also have lingering on his mind? (Laughs).
And to be personal and candid... as a married person, my partner and I would likely jump and react somewhat bashfully to that kind of interruption.
Not for fear of being “found out” or guilt or anything like that. It is simply that our guards would be down and not everyone is privy to that sacred time together. It’d be a rude interruption that could actually feel somewhat embarrassing.
And we certainly aren’t virgins (laughs).
So I guess my point is that I find Zhanyi in this chapter to have been in a very relatable scenario. I don’t feel it necessarily indicates whether they have been intimate before or if they have progressed further in their relationship by this point in the timeline. I just a very long way of making my point (laughs).
Thanks for reading if you made it this far. You get a lucky star award 🌟 thoughts welcome 😊
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