#outback sleepers Australia
askgv · 7 months
When it comes to crafting sturdy and appealing retaining walls in Sydney, Outback Sleepers Australia is your proficient partner in Unanderra, NSW. With years of specialized experience, we deliver excellence in concrete sleepers and retaining wall supplies that are integral for any successful construction project. We understand the unique challenges presented by the terrain and
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blubushie · 10 months
pig story ?
Warning for: graphic description of exsanguination (bleeding out), what goes through your head while you're bleeding out, and descriptions of stabbing a living animal.
27 December, 2021. Two days after Christmas. I was in northern WA and made camp near Wunaamin after travelling the bush tracks for a while.
If you know me well enough, then you know I don't lose my temper except in very specific scenarios. I cop a lotta shit because the outback's Just Like That and it's worse if you've got some easily identifiable characteristic for people to hang shit on you. For example: I am short. I get called "shrimp" and "prawn" a lot. Short stack. Sawed-off. Nipper. Lad. This is a normal thing for me. I don't let it get to me. People commenting on my heights hurts--a lot--because it's due to my medical condition and it's not something I can change. I didn't ask to be born short. But here I am. I try not to let it get to me. But there's one term what does get to me.
Little fact about me: I am a staunch conservationist. I donate to WWF. I've done work with biologists up in Kakadu to help survey croc populations for conservation. I love nature and hunting and animals. (If you didn't know, the majority of hunters are also staunch conservationists.) I've wanted to trophy hunt Africa for the longest while because not only do you get a trophy, but the programs are run by local wildlife conversation, they only let you hunt certain animals, the meat feeds the local people, and the money you pay them goes directly back into conservation for the animals.
They give people like me a bad name. I have a job. I have licences I have to qualify for. Everything I do is legal. So the only word that instantly gets me into the mood for a fight is being called a fucking poacher. And sometimes that gets me in trouble, because I'll go to great lengths to stay within the law when it comes to hunting animals. Sometimes to my own detriment.
Which is how our story starts.
You can't hunt Crown Land in WA. Most other states you can. All other states you can, I reckon, with a licence. But not fucking WA. WA is like the California of Australia. Insane firearms laws. It's bollocks. You can only hunt feral animals on private property with the owner's permission.
I boondocked, as I usually do, and wandered off into the bush, as I usually do. And pigs are big up there. Everything's bigger further north you go. Something in the water maybe. I blame Ngalmudj. So I make camp. And it's late in the night and I've always been a light sleeper, and I hear this snort. The sound a buck makes. Almost a whistle. An exhale. Sharp.
When I sleep in the bush I don't move. That and trees are the only time I sleep completely still. I sleep on my back. And I sleep with my rifle in the bush. Butt tucked into my right armpit, right hand under the forestock, so if there's an emergency I can lift her up with that hand and shoulder her. And it keeps my left hand free for my knife.
I sat up, shouldered Winnie, and aimed her where I heard the sound.
Unless you've got infrared it's impossible to hunt pigs at night. Cuz pigs are like us--they don't have a tapetum and can't see in the dark. There's no eyeshine, like us. So you can't aim for eyeshine. That pig saw me bout as well as I saw it. Which wasn't much at all, in the dark. And I had maybe three seconds to make a decision. I saw it turn toward me.
My first few months in Australia were spent waiting for approval for my firearms licence. And you can't hunt pigs on Crown land. And I was on Crown land. Breaking that law wouldn't just get my hunting licence revoked, but my firearms licence too. They would confiscate Winnie, and by law since was used in a crime she would be destroyed after the case ended, whether I was found guilty or innocent.
I panicked.
I didn't shoot.
Next thing I know I'm on my back and the pig's on top of me, and I get this sharp pain in my side and I think he's just scraped me with a hoof or something. But I also know he's trying to kill me, because he's making that sound what pigs make when they charge dogs. Luckily for me he didn't aim well, probably cuz of the dark.
I fumble for my knife, get it out, and I stab it down into his neck. He goes from roaring to squealing, that sound domestic piglets make when you pick them up. I do it again. I don't know how many times I stabbed him but he wouldn't fucking die. I pull the knife out and adjust it. Slam it as close to his spine as I can get it. He pulls off me and topples me over. Bolts. With my fucking knife still in him.
I grab my rifle. I'm leading him by the sound of his squeals. Miss. Miss. Then I hit him. He's still squealing but he's not getting any farther. I run up to him and put another bullet in the side of his head and that time he stops squealing. I get my knife back. And I catch my breath. And I realise I'm wet. Thought it was him, but I look down and there's a hole in my shirt, and I kinda poke at it because I'm still high on the adrenaline and not feeling much else, and I realise the hole goes through my shirt. And my undershirt. And my skin.
And that's not good.
And then the panic starts to set in. Rest in peace Blu, 2001-2021, killed by a fucking pig.
I read books and shit growing up, right? Murder novels and shit. But nobody ever discusses what hypovolemia actually feels like. Or how much abdominal trauma bleeds. And I'm making a two and a half hour drive in 2 hours, I'm pushing Matilda as fast as she can go, I'm talking 125kmh down a bush track, I've got blood all over the inside of the cabin and I'm trying to keep pressure and you can't put a tourniquet on a fucking torso.
And I'm just... covered in blood.
Tiller's all sticky, because people never mention how sticky blood gets in that quantity. My fingertips are going blue. They're numb. My lips go numb the same way pineapple makes them go numb. And I recognise it, because my dad was a Marine, and he's told me stories of what people look like when they're bleeding out, and I have an epiphany of the very real fact that I am actively dying.
And you hear the obvious things, right? Obvious symptoms of shock. Got a copy of Grey's Anatomy, got a trauma kit with directions. Cold skin. Clammy. Weakness. Pallor. Increased respiration. Sweating. Tachycardia. Confusion. Don't have that yet. What road sign was that? My vision's fuzzy. Delirium. Heh, what're the chances I pass an ambo with O blood out here?
I'm tired. Maybe if I pull over and have a kip I'll wake up fine. Maybe it's just a bad dream. Just a bad dream. Just a bad dream. Why aren't you waking up?
And I used to think it was cheesy in movies. When someone's shot and dying and they say they're cold. You're in the middle of Texas, partner, what're you cold for?
I felt very cold.
Start of summer, it's the middle of the night, steady 25c, I'm sweating like a whore in church, and I felt very fucking cold.
They don't tell you about the trembling. Or how dry your mouth gets. Or the pins and needles that start in your fingers and then your toes and move up until everything in your body's numb except whatever you're bleeding out of. And the one symptom no one ever talks about is that dread. Hypovolemic shock's tell-tale symptoms is a sense of impending doom. I think that's one helluva understatement to whatever I felt.
But when the dread passes there's this weird sense of calmness. It's an acceptance. Last boost of adrenaline in a dying heart or something. Just calm. Like the eye of a cyclone. I don't remember pulling into the carpark. One minute I was on the road trying to ring my mum and the next I'm waking up in a hospital bed with three stitches and feeling like I was hit by a truck.
I ended up fine. They gave me O- blood. I was out of hospital in 3 days, much to their displeasure. On the plus side I was complimented on my quick thinking because I shoved a tampon into the hole before I made the drive, which stemmed some of the bleeding. That and keeping pressure. So here's your reminder to keep tampons in case of penetrating trauma, and to always donate blood because you never know what dumb bastard you might be saving by doing it.
Also uh, don't give a shit about what people say about you. Shoot a pig that attacks you, don't freeze up about it because of your own convictions about morality and the law. Your life's more important. Better judged by twelve than carried by six, or whatever the saying is.
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rosesloveletters · 3 years
Hi dear 💌 just wanted to pop in here real' quick. I saw your post about feeling down and hoping that you'd be anyone but you. I just wanted to say that I hope that you know I appreciate you immensely for just being who you are and always being so so good to me. 🥺 You're one of the kindest souls I've ever encountered and I feel so so grateful that our paths have crossed like this 🥺🥺 your blog feels like a safe place where anyone can freely be who they are without judgement 💗
I hope it's okay if I drop some questions here, I love it when you gush about your F/Os: what's a song that reminds you of them? and what's something that people wouldn't guess about them when they first meet them/that only you know? 🥺
excuse me for dropping for Casanova gushing here 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 something people wouldn't guess about him - given he's always on the move and going places - is that Casanova sleeps like the dead. I can't count the times I've woken up at night and haven't fallen back asleep and then I've just had to lay there alone in silence because the man will not budge. He wakes up on his own just fine but I've yet to meet someone else that can wake him up 🥴
a song that reminds me of him: everybody talks by neon trees 🥺
this is also your reminder that you deserve all the good things the world gives you and your F/Os love you very much 💌😌 -Magda xx (sorry this ask turned out so long lol)
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This was such a sweet message to find here in my inbox, waiting for me🥺 This week has been a thoroughly rough one and I have felt like retreating in on myself and hoping I might cease to exist. This message made things seem a little brighter and I cannot thank you enough for the little bit of kindness which you have extended to me over the past week or so that we’ve been interacting. I try to keep my blog fairly light-hearted and happy (why would I want to come online if it wasn’t happy?) I feel as though I owe it to myself and to others to put on a smile, even and especially when I am anything but jovial. It is an honor to me to know I have achieved that; I value your opinion, darling. I am so happy to know you and you are always, always welcome here on my blog 💗 This is always a judgement-free zone! 
Oh darling, thank you for asking about my F/Os🥺 I haven’t felt quite right with them all week, so that is why I have held off on answering this ask for a bit. Thank you for extending this bit of kindness to me; it means everything that you enjoy hearing about the relationship I have with them and letting me gush.
what's a song that reminds you of them?
There are lots and lots of songs that remind me of my loves. I’ll list a few here, though I will not go into detail as to why they’re special and/or important to our relationship since I can tend to be a little...emotional😅
Faithfully - Journey
Daylight - Taylor Swift
Lover - Taylor Swift
Your Song - Elton John
what's something that people wouldn't guess about them when they first meet them/that only you know?
This is an extremely good question and I absolutely love that you asked it! I might end up listing several that I haven’t spoken about before, since this question made me ponder a bit deeply on my loves’ personalities.
The only thing about J that is messy or dirty is his hygiene; he is actually extremely clean within his living habits. He does not like his belongings touched/moved/etc. by anyone. He has specific places where he stores things and where he’ll hang his trench coat and those items will not vary from those spots. He likes to know where his belongings are at all times and it bothers him immensely if they’re removed from his assigned locations. 
J loves fruit. He will try any kind of fruit that you’ll put in front of him; he once came home with something called a jackfruit (yes, the name is why he “bought” it.) If you have not ever seen a jackfruit, I suggest a quick Google Search; it is quite the interesting choice, if mainly for the size of it alone. J’s favorite fruit is pineapple (Pat and I have witnessed him eat an entire pineapple at once), but he is not picky and will devour any kind of fruit that he can get his hands on.
J is ambidextrous; he trained himself to be so after leaving the military. He learned that body parts are expendable and how easy it is to lose limbs. He switches from performing tasks with his right hand versus his left quite often so that no one is really aware which was his original dominant hand. Patrick often jokes that J doesn’t even remember which is his dominant hand. 
Patrick has an innate fascination with astronomy/space/etc. When he lived in Australia with his mom, he remembered nights when the two of them would go out into their backyard and look at the stars together. (I haven’t ever shared my headcanons for Patrick’s background/early life, so the next few bits might be nonsensical since I haven’t ever shared my thoughts on this.) Before his grandfather left for America, he would take Pat out to the outback and they would climb into the back of his truck and count the constellations and look at the planets through a telescope his grandfather bought. 
Patrick has a pocket watch he carries with him at all times that was gifted to him by his grandfather. His grandpa told Patrick that his grandfather had given it to him when he was a boy and had carried a piece of him around all these years; now, Pat was to carry his own grandfather within that reminder of the pocket watch and so Pat has never let go of it all these years. It brings Pat great comfort to have this physical reminder of his grandpa with him all of the time. 
Patrick is terrified of the dentist and I mean absolutely petrified. It stems from an extremely bad experience that he had whenever he was very young (I won’t go into detail for those who are also afraid; I don’t want to trigger anyone!)
Thank you endlessly for letting me gush like this and share some more personal things from our relationship! I find it extremely fulfilling to delve into these characters more. Oh my goodness, I had no idea Casanova would be such a sound sleeper! It makes sense, given his tendency to a more active lifestyle. It must tire him out to be so adventurous all the time😂 Your relationship with him sounds so wholesome and lovely💗 Thank you for sharing these headcanons with me and that song seems to fit him perfectly! You both are so very sweet and I love hearing about the relationship you share with each other💗💗💗
I hope you are taking care and staying safe! Enjoy the weekend, darling; you deserve nothing but good things💗 (It’s completely fine! Long asks are so much fun to answer!)
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kangaracharacha · 7 years
Talk about 2 & 14 x
2. It was like, October or November, and I was in year 11 at boarding school and dating another boarder and tbh the only reason no one told us off for kissing was because it was 1am after my boyfriend's year 12 formal (which he totally asked me to over minecraft by the way, like an absolute fucking nerd). Our boarding house had a big building full of inside rooms, a bunch of little units outside, and then a courtyard of actual fully contained houses out the back, and I happened to be living in one of the houses at the time (we were moved to a different room every term because apparently if you live with someone you hate for ten weeks you'll hate them less. or something), so we said goodnight to the Responsible Adult assigned to us for the night, he walked me to my door (because his door was like ten metres further and through a gate lmao dat boarding school lyf), I think we talked for like five minutes, and then we kissed and then he left. I gotta tell you, I'm not super into kissing. just kind of eh. anyway.14. Okay so most of the vacations in my life have been with family going all over the Australian outback, because my dad is a 'drive for three weeks on a tiny track through the scrub' kind of guy rather than 'hotel in the city next to the beach with lots of tourist attractions nearby' kind of guy. And it's pretty great you know, Australia is amazing and being out camping with like 7 people nearby and no one else for miles, always fun. One I liked the most was our trip caving on the Nullarbor; like 10 kids, 8 adults, 5 cars. One night we rolled up to this abandoned station that's been turned into a sort of museum/camping spot and I can still remember all us kids setting up camp in the bedroom of the old farmhouse, amidst empty bed frames and sagging ceilings and the slight post-apocalypse vibe of the whole place, though it wasn't as creepy as it should have beem with ten of us in there (the bathroom was a bit creepy I'll admit, and the kitchen, I avoided those rooms mostly). It was a good place though, lots to explore - shearing shed, shearers quarters, a gas pump and shed, and a whole graveyard of broken down cars. And our parents knew the whole story of the place  the only part of which I remember is that the house was built almost entirely out of old sleepers stolen from the railway line that runs across australia, when they went through and replaced all the sleepers and just left piles of the old ones everywhere.
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overgosh · 8 years
Overgosh’s Overwatch Timeline Source Links Post!
This is a catalogue of my timeline’s source links for ease of access and greater transparency. It also serves as a text-based timeline for those who prefer to read the information without the infographics! Hope you enjoy. For information on my personal estimations and other FAQs, check out my Info Breakdown post! 
Here is a key for the information in this timeline:
"firm” year given
timeframe given; approximate year
no timeframe given; personal estimation
Note that this timeline has specific years marked for my approximations, which I decided to nix in my visual timeline for less rigidity. I’m keeping it here for a bit more clarity considering the format.
Overwatch... The Timeline! Updated 2/29/19
2015: Reinhardt born
2016: Ana born
2018:  Reaper born & [x] & [x]
2019: Torbjorn born
2019: Soldier: 76 born & [x]
2028: Roadhog born
2028: Moira born
2031: Doomfist born
2032: Reinhardt joins military
2036: Reyes joins military          
2036: Mei born & [x]
2037: Morrison joins military   
2037: Ashe born
2038: Hanzo born           
2039: Torbjorn gains notoriety for creations & works with Ironclad Guild
2039: Mercy born
2039: McCree born
2040: Reyes & Morrison join soldier enhancement program      
2040: Baptiste born
Sometime between 2041 and 2046: Omnic Crisis Starts & [x] & [x] & [x] & [x]
2041: Genji born
2043: Widowmaker born
2044: Pharah born
2046: Mercy loses her parents to war
Sometime between 2046 and 2051: Overwatch Founded & [x] & [x] & [x] & [x]
2046: Sombra born
2046: Bastion born
2047: Balderich von Adler falls after the Battle for Eichenwalde, Reinhardt joins Overwatch & [x] & [x]
2047: Winston born
2048: Symmetra born
2048: Zarya born
2049: Sombra loses her parents to the Crisis
2050: Tracer born
2050: Lucio born
2051: Junkrat born
2051: Omnic Crisis Ends & [x]
2052: Australia gifts native omnics an omnium as a gesture of peace
2052: Akande Ogudimu loses his arm in the aftermath of the Omnic Crisis
2052: Left in disrepair, Bastion becomes dormant
2053: Torbjörn gravely injured during “Operation White Dome”, a mission to handle omnic resistance in Istanbul. Reinhardt receives commendations for saving his life.
2053: Brigitte born
2053: Reyes becomes a part of Blackwatch after being passed over in favor of Morrison
2053: Australian Liberation Front forms (Mako Rutledge among membership)
2054: Destruction of the Australian omnium by the ALF irradiates the Outback
2054: Deadlock gang formed; McCree and Ashe among leadership
2055: Sombra taken in by Los Muertos gang
2056: Zenyatta born
2056: Ogundimu accepts work as a mercenary under the second Doomfist, Adeyemi
2056: Deadlock Gang busted; McCree joins Blackwatch to avoid imprisonment & [x]
2056: South Korea attacked by omnic monstrosity
2056: Baptiste joins the Caribbean Coalition paramilitary organization
2057: D.Va born
2059: Torbjorn intervenes when Sven attempts to attack Kurjikstan
2060: Ogundimo brought into Talon by Adeyemi
2061: Zenyatta leaves Shambali Monastery
2062: Hammond born
2062: Symmetra plucked from poverty to join the Architect Academy
2062: Pharah enlists in the military
2063: Mercy rises to become the head of her field at a Swiss hospital
2064: Bastion awakens
2064: After his service with the Caribbean Coalition, Baptiste joins Talon
2064: Mercy joins Overwatch & [x]
2065: Winston and Hammond escape the Lunar Base uprising & [x]
2066: Lucio brings his performances to legendary underground shows
2066: Genji joins Overwatch & [x]
2066: Hanzo confronts Genji and leaves him for dead – leaves Shimada clan
2066: Genji rescued, rebuilt
2066: Sombra’s security compromised, erases identity and goes into hiding
2066: Moira publishes controversial paper, condemned by Overwatch
2066: Efi born
2067: Mei enters cryostasis
2067: Reyes invites Moira to join Blackwatch
2067: Sombra reinvents herself with her new moniker and re-ignites her exploits
2068: Tracer volunteers to test the Slipstream, suffers chronal dissociation & [x]
2069: Winston invents chronal accelerator to stabilize Tracer & [x] & [x]
2065: Ogundimo kills Adeyemi to become Doomfist, rises to top of Talon’s ranks & [x]
2069: Symmetra contributes to Vishkar redevelopment of Rio de Janeiro, resulting in exploitation of the populace
2070: Amelie Lecroix kidnapped by Talon & turned into sleeper agent, Widowmaker & [x] & [x]
2070: Omnic Extremist Group Null Sector stages an uprising in King’s Row
2070: Ana shot by Widowmaker & [x]
2070: McCree leaves Blackwatch
2070: Doomfist defeated, captured by Overwatch Agents
2070: Genji abandons Overwatch 
2070: Overwatch HQ Explosion
2070: Sombra joins the ranks of Talon
2071: Reinhardt forced to retire
2071: Overwatch forced to disband
2071: Brigitte becomes Reinhardt’s squire
2071: Junkrat discovers a valuable secret in the outback omnium
2071: Lucio stages an uprising against Vishkar using stolen technology
2071: Hammond becomes Junkertown’s Scrapyard Champion as “Wrecking Ball”
2072: Second Omnic Crisis begins, Zarya takes up arms to defend her country
2072: Moira invited to become Minister of Genetics in Oasis
2072: Pharah offered employment at Helix Security
2073: Junkrat hires Roadhog as a bodyguard
2073: McCree resurfaces to thwart Talon’s assault on a hypertrain
2073: D.Va becomes #1 Starcraft Player
2074: Lucio starts working on his new album
2074: Pharah becomes Captain after her valiant efforts against “Anubis”
2074: After failing to “go legit”, Junkrat and Roadhog initiate an international crime spree & [x]
2075: Reinhardt and Brigitte fend off a gang terrorizing local towns
2075: Genji becomes Zenyatta’s student
2076: D.Va joins MEKA, streams combat operations
2076: Mei rescued from cryostasis
2076: Baptiste abandons Talon, determined to forge a new path for himself
2076: Talon attacks Gibraltar base; Winston recalls Overwatch members
2076: Soldier: 76 assaults Overwatch points, spotted in Mexico
2076: Talon attempts to retrieve Doomfist’s Gauntlet at Overwatch Museum
2076: New nuclear power plant revealed in Dorado
2076: Assassination of Tekhartha Mondatta
2076: Hanzo infiltrates Hanamura and encounters Genji
2076: Sombra’s efforts result in a revolution in Mexico against Lumerico
2076: Soldier: 76 encounters Ana and Reaper while on a mission in Egypt:
& Ana (now under the moniker Bastet) and Soldier: 76 join forces to dismantle Abdul Hakim’s criminal network, and set out together 
2076: Sombra breaches the security of Volskaya Industries and blackmails Katya Volskaya
2077: Orisa born
2077: Bastion alarms civilization, saved upon intervention by Torbjorn
2077: Numbani airport attacked by newly freed Doomfist, recovers his gauntlet
2077: Zarya is sent with the omnic Lynx Seventeen to track down Sombra, who plants doubt in the soldier as to Katya’s loyalties
2077: McCree’s clash with the Deadlock Gang over cargo on Route 66 results in the retrieval of the omnic Echo
2077: Baptiste eliminates a Talon strike team (his former comrades) sent to retrieve him in Tortuga
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Outback Sleepers Australia produces only concrete Retaining Wall Sleepers and concrete UFPs (Under Fence Plinths). All of our retaining wall sleepers are now lighter and stronger using 40MPa concrete as a standard.
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askgv · 7 months
Outback Sleepers Australia is a trusted name when it comes to sourcing high-quality materials for Retaining Walls in Sydney. Located in Unanderra, NSW, we supply an extensive range of concrete sleepers that combine strength with style to suit any landscape design. In addition to providing durable steel posts and fence brackets specially designed for easy
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Retaining Walls
Outback Sleepers Australia produces only concrete Retaining Wall Sleepers and concrete UFPs (Under Fence Plinths). All of our retaining wall sleepers are now lighter and stronger using 40MPa concrete as a standard.
Our friendly staff who pride themselves on the quality of our concrete Retaining Wall Sleepers, and knowledge of retaining wall products and service to our valued customers.
We have range of coloured and patterned concrete Retaining Wall Sleepers with something to suit every home and style.
Precast concrete steps to match our Retaining Wall Sleepers, steel posts and concrete plinths are among the products we proudly make at our manufacturing plant located in Lonsdale, South Australia.
If you need ideas for your garden or retaining wall we can refer you to experienced tradespeople, who can assist with your garden architecture, retaining wall design and construction. Or you can watch our video to show you How to build a Retaining Wall.
We also have available for purchase the always useful sleeper lifter, which can be used with a bobcat or dingo, to assist in the installation of your Retaining Wall Sleepers.
Outback Sleepers Australia retaining wall manufacturing plant employs over twenty five people, we are a well-established and reliable company, offering customer satisfaction for over 23 years and along with a wide range of stock on hand can ensure a fast and reliable delivery throughout South Australia and interstate if necessary.
For advice on retaining wall sleepers, costs, quotes or general information on installing a retaining wall contact Outback Sleepers Australia today for friendly and helpful advice.
Retaining Walls Sydney
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Concrete Sleepers Sydney
Get Your High Quality Concrete Sleepers Sydney Today
When building residential and commercial construction projects, make sure you use only the sturdiest materials available for your retaining walls. Outback Sleepers Australia offers you a variety of concrete sleepers Sydney designs for your walls and steps. We have catered to Australia’s landscaping needs since the year 2000 and has served regions in South Australia and Victoria, and soon we'll have concrete sleepers Sydney services. Starting the production from a humble backyard home workshop and a lot of manual work, our managing director has successfully developed the product into what it is now, a reliable and stylish landscaping material that is compliant to Australian construction standards. Still fully owning our manufacturing plant, we take pride in servicing both individual customers and to the trade. Get in touch with us today and get friendly, expert advice for your landscaping needs. Calls us on 08 8387 9227 or send us an email at [email protected].
Quality Meets Style with Concrete Sleepers Sydney
Outback Sleepers Australia offers you a variety of concrete sleepers Sydney designs for your landscaping projects in Adelaide, Melbourne, and soon to be Sydney. Along with our sleepers, we provide reinforcing materials such as brackets and steel posts for your wall, steps, and under fence plinth assembly. As a result of our years of experience and research, we have recently made available our lightest and strongest sleepers yet. Rated at a strength of 40mPa, our new set of sleepers have become the most efficient ever. This lightweight series allows us to increase wall heights to up to 4 meters. Note that walls that exceed 1 meter height need engineering as mandated by Australian construction standards. Benefit from our products by using our online search tool at http://www.outbacksleepers.com.au/find-your-nearest-store or you may also call us 08 8387 9227 to inquire about concrete sleepers Sydney product availability and order options or locating the nearest distributor in your area.
Retaining Walls Sydney
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Retaining Walls
Outback Sleepers Australia produces only concrete Retaining Wall Sleepers and concrete UFPs (Under Fence Plinths). All of our retaining wall sleepers are now lighter and stronger using 40MPa concrete as a standard.
Our friendly staff who pride themselves on the quality of our concrete Retaining Wall Sleepers, and knowledge of retaining wall products and service to our valued customers.
We have range of coloured and patterned concrete Retaining Wall Sleepers with something to suit every home and style.
Precast concrete steps to match our Retaining Wall Sleepers, steel posts and concrete plinths are among the products we proudly make at our manufacturing plant located in Lonsdale, South Australia.
If you need ideas for your garden or retaining wall we can refer you to experienced tradespeople, who can assist with your garden architecture, retaining wall design and construction. Or you can watch our video to show you How to build a Retaining Wall.
We also have available for purchase the always useful sleeper lifter, which can be used with a bobcat or dingo, to assist in the installation of your Retaining Wall Sleepers.
Outback Sleepers Australia retaining wall manufacturing plant employs over twenty five people, we are a well-established and reliable company, offering customer satisfaction for over 23 years and along with a wide range of stock on hand can ensure a fast and reliable delivery throughout South Australia and interstate if necessary.
For advice on retaining wall sleepers, costs, quotes or general information on installing a retaining wall contact Outback Sleepers Australia today for friendly and helpful advice.
Concrete Sleepers Sydney
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Outback Sleepers Australia can recommend a skilled team of professionals who can install your retaining wall and help with engineering if required .  Whether it be residential or commercial landscapes, our recommended installers  will provide a quality service working quickly and efficiently to complete your project.
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Find An Installer
Outback Sleepers Australia can recommend a skilled team of professionals who can install your retaining wall and help with engineering if required .  Whether it be residential or commercial landscapes, our recommended installers  will provide a quality service working quickly and efficiently to complete your project.
We can help transform your area and provide you with a complete solution including delivery and recommended installers.
Please visit our photo Gallery to see some of our customer projects.
Professional Concrete Sleeper Installation
We are your local one stop shop for any retaining wall project.
Call us on 08 8387 9227, email our friendly team or simply select the products you are interested in under Products in the main menu and complete the online quote.
Concrete Sleepers Sydney
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Concrete Sleepers Sydney
Outback Sleepers Australia was established in January of 2000 and is based in Adelaide with operations having recently expanded to Melbourne.
Michael Ineson, the Managing Director and founder of Outback Sleepers has first hand experience working with concrete sleepers and concrete wall panels due to his early working years being spent primarily as a retaining wall contractor. Working closely with precast concrete retaining walls and other precast concrete products during the 1990's gave Michael the inspiration to develop and manufacture the coloured and patterned concrete sleepers that are now the heart and soul of the company. The humble beginnings took place in a backyard home producing ten sleepers per week using a household concrete mixer, adding colours and vibrating the sleepers by hand. Patterned concrete merchandise from Outback Sleepers now come in a range of products including precast concrete steps to precast concrete wall panels (panels only available in Victoria). There is also a wide range of supporting building materials available for purchase such as under fence plinths and steel support posts.  Also available for purchase is the always useful and very safe "sleeper lifter".
Outback Sleepers' manufacturing plant employs over twenty people and is a well established and reliable company offering customer satisfaction along with fast distribution and delivery throughout South Australia and Victoria. For advice on landscaping costs or backyard landscaping ideas contact Outback Sleepers today for friendly and helpful advice.
Call Outback Sleepers Adelaide on 08 8387 9227 or email them today.
Concrete Sleepers Sydney
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The Kensington sleeper by Outback Sleepers Australia was first introduced in 2002 and it’s never looked back since.You’ll find the Kensington sleeper in many modern and sophisticated gardens around Australia due its modern and appealing look.
Retaining Walls Sydney
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Find An Installer
Outback Sleepers Australia can recommend a skilled team of professionals who can install your retaining wall and help with engineering if required .  Whether it be residential or commercial landscapes, our recommended installers  will provide a quality service working quickly and efficiently to complete your project.
We can help transform your area and provide you with a complete solution including delivery and recommended installers.
Please visit our photo Gallery to see some of our customer projects.
 Professional Concrete Sleeper Installation 
We are your local one stop shop for any retaining wall project.
Call us on 08 8387 9227, email our friendly team or simply select the products you are interested in under Products in the main menu and complete the online quote.
 Concrete Sleepers Sydney
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Outback Sleepers Australia was established in January of 2000 and is based in Adelaide with operations having recently expanded to Melbourne.
Michael Ineson, the Managing Director and founder of Outback Sleepers has first hand experience working with concrete sleepers and concrete wall panels due to his early working years being spent primarily as a retaining wall contractor.
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