archived-archivist · 6 months
do you ever just like something so much it actually just starts to annoy you. like "oh yeah i absolutely LOVE this thing!! but its the ONLY thing in my mind rn so i cant work on my other things i like"
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shadesden · 1 year
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Outertale Cory!
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cowtale-utau · 4 years
So one of the major things that sets the canon breaker cast(s) apart is that they don’t follow canon soul rules/traits. Here is the tentative list of traits I’ve given them and built them around. There are a couple I’m not 100% on, but had trouble finding terms I preferred or that fit what I was going for.
Undertale Sans/Magister & Madame Righteousness
Undertale Papyrus/Hero & Dame Heroism
Underfell Sans/Blossom & Cherry Fragility/Contention
Underfell Papyrus/Boss & Empress Regality.
Underswap Sans/Marauder & Bandit Spite
Underswap Papyrus/Smoke & Mirrors Volatility
Swapfell(Red) Sans/Chain & Switch Tyranny
Swapfell(Red) Papyrus/Jackal & Hyena Apathy
Horrortale Sans/Han & Borden Sadism
Horrortale Papyrus/Lector & Bathory Voracity
Swapfell(Purple) Sans/Hyde & Cori Codependency
Swapfell(Purple) Papyrus/Addict & Pin Greed
Fellswap Gold Sans/Vincere & Overseer Control
Fellswap Gold Papyrus/Servire & Mutiny Obedience/Rebellion
Underlust Sans/Nox & Dusk Hedonism
Underlust Papyrus/Lux & Dawn Indulgence
Dancetale Sans/Locke & Step Ennui
Dancetale Papyrus/Twist & Swing Insecurity
Outertale Sans/Atlas & Theia Bitterness
Outertale Papyrus/Sisyphus & Rhea Absence
Farmtale Sans/Dust & Grime Desperation
Farmtale Papyrus/Rot & Blight Resentment.
G!Sans/Beller & Caria Unstable
G!Papyrus/Ophon & Lycia Variable
Bermudatale Sans/Shoal & Key Passivity
Bermudatale Papyrus/Reef & Skerry Ardency.
FF : UF!Sans and FSG!Papyrus are the only ones what the male and female vers have diff traits.
Feel free to ask me whatever. c:
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cowtale-utau · 4 years
So I did the cast. I did the ladies. I did the canon breakers. Only natural we would also get canon breaker ladies, no?
Undertale Sans/Madame : She comes off quite caring and almost motherly in a lot of ways. That perfect blend of soft comfort and firm guidance. She can get people to do damn near anything for her all while thinking it was her idea. Any thing to please her.
Undertale Papyrus/Dame : The perfect heroic noble woman of course! She’ll swoop in, save the day, look amazing, and everyone will love her for it. Of course they will, what other option is there?
Underfell Sans/Cherry : A spiteful punk of a skele. She’s crass, she’s harsh, and she’s always down to have fun. The rougher the better. A back alley hook up or a bar brawl, she doesn’t care either way.
Underfell Papyrus/Empress : The picture of cruel nobility. While she can be kind, it is rare and exclusive to a small number. She expects to always be number one, and will accept nothing less from anyone.
Underswap Sans/Bandit : She balks at being “cute” and lashes out at the idea that she needs babied or helped. She digs in her heels and demands she does things for herself. She doesn’t want or need help, she wants independence.
Underswap Papyrus/Mirrors : At a glance, she’s friendly, sociable, and easy to get along with. But her temper is sharp and she’s quick to cut down anyone who crosses her. The biggest issue being, what will upset her changes from day to day, making it next to impossible to keep up.
Swapfell(Red) Sans/Switch : She’s bossy and demanding, and can get mean when she doesn’t get her way, but isn’t inherently cruel. She can be cruel at times, but it’s not her default. She’s pretty easy to deal with if you nod, smile, and humor her, but try to make sure she never finds out that’s what you’re doing.
Swapfell(Red) Papyrus/Hyena : It’s not so much that she’s confident, as she doesn’t care. She doesn’t care what people think, or say, or do. She does what she wants, humors her sister, and regards the world with casual disregard.
Horrortale Sans/Borden : Terrifying in that one day she can seem perfectly normal, if a bit scatter brained, and the next you find her down an alley hacking some poor bystander to bits. And speaking to her, you could never tell the difference. Her tone and mannerisms are exactly the same.
Horrortale Papyrus/Bathory : The need to consume, shifted a bit. While she does eat any food you present to her, the true prize is raw soul energy. She’ll devour any soul she can get away with, basking in the influx of power and energy it provides.
Swapfell(Purple) Sans/Cori : So desperate for the love of her sister, she’ll allow anything. Any hurt, and cruelty, it doesn’t matter, so long as she isn’t cast aside.
Swapfell(Purple) Papyrus/Pin : Cares for nothing but her own indulgence. She wants to have fun, and doesn’t care if anyone else gets hurt in the process. The only thing she cares for more, is wealth. She hoards things of value, items, information, even people, and keeps a tight guard over all of it.
Fellswap Gold Sans/Overseer : A harsh, strict, but almost motherly sort. She takes “mother-knows-best” to extremes and expects perfect behavior and obedience from everyone. Anyone who dares to act out is met with “fair” punishment.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus/Mutiny : A stark contrast to the other variants, this skele, quite literally, has a rebel’s soul. Fanatical in her need to fight injustice, she sometimes must be reined in, as while her cause is good, her methods can get innocent people hurt. With someone to help keep her from going completely off the rails, she is an excellent and caring leader and revolutionary.
Underlust Sans/Dusk : Abandoned her dreams to seek pleasure in any raw yet superficial form. She wants to be loved but never for who she is, only for what she can do. She wants to be touched, but never truly felt or known.
Underlust Papyrus/Dawn : Basks in the attention. She knows everything of the world, and everyone in it. Of course she should be revered, she’s the greatest being you’ll ever meet. She’s cloying and alluring, and easily ensnares everyone.
Dancetale Sans/Step : She struggles with the weight of an unshakable sorrow, She aches with a pain she can’t identify and withdraws because she doesn’t know how to cope. She wants to matter, but how can she, when nothing does.
Dancetale Papyrus/Swing : Is she the best thing since sliced bread? She sure thinks so. Or at least, she likes to act like she does. She smothers insecurity in false arrogance, and demands the love and adoration of everyone around her. If she feels she isn’t getting the attention she deserves, she’ll spiral terribly.
Outertale Sans/Theia : Determined to see the world be what she wants. Or at least her piece of it. She carved out her place, and shaped it the way she wanted, then cut herself off from this backwards world.
Outertale Papyrus/Rhea : Where as Sisyphus is incapable of feeling negative emotion, Rhea is only able to feel positive emotions. While at a glance these might seem the same, in truth the impact and effects vary greatly. Even if the face of horrible pain and trauma, Rhea can only feel good. This has led her to be a bit of a recluse, trying to be uplifting and supportive, while also avoiding anything that might lead to a pain she can’t even feel.
Farmtale Sans/Grime : Tired, but determined. She did terrible things, and while she might be the only one who got out of her world, at least in any tangible way, she wants to try to make the most of it. See the world, live life, she wants to live for those who were lost.
Farmtale Papyrus/Blight : Angry. So very angry. How dare her sister think that she gets to live the life Blight never will? She oscillates wildly between wanting Grime to be happy and live for them both, and being enraged at the supposed gall.
G!Sans/Caria : At a glance, she is very similar to her counterparts. Impulsive, fun loving, wild. But then you see under the surface. Calculating, careless, she pushes those around her to their limits. How far can she goad someone into going? She’s gonna find out.
G!Papyrus/Lycia : Would never let something like silly supposed morality stop her from testing something. She has a question, it will be answered, no matter what it takes or costs.
Bermudatale Sans/Key : An eerie kind of passive. She doesn’t want involved, and she won’t be. Doesn’t matter who might get hurt or who could be saved. She wants no part of it. The only exception is her beloved sister, and even that is rare, given how well Skerry can handle herself.
Bermudtale Papyrus/Skerry : The “perfect” hostess. It doesn’t matter what you actually want or need, she does things by the book, and you damn well better be happy with it.
And that is the last batch, the final set of variants. Lemme know if you have questions!
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