#heavy on outertale too
archived-archivist · 6 months
do you ever just like something so much it actually just starts to annoy you. like "oh yeah i absolutely LOVE this thing!! but its the ONLY thing in my mind rn so i cant work on my other things i like"
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Pregnant person A (reader) spends an afternoon curled up with person B (Killer) while light rain hits the nearby window? -ICanEatEnergy
Hell yeah! Babybones!
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Killer normally didn’t have a chance to stay in bed too long. Being Nightmare’s second-hand man, he often had to help Nightmare do the paperwork and such. He wasn’t a good cook, so he couldn’t do breakfast, but he usually had to wake up the other Sanses.
It was pretty dang annoying, honestly.
Mostly Dusty. Axe was a heavy sleeper, but he never tried to bite him! Yes, Dusty has tried to bite him before.
So mean.
But sometimes, rarely, he had the day off. Today was one of those days, and damn if he wasn’t happy about it. 
He wanted to spend time with his datemate! You see, they were pregnant! They were expecting his babybones, and he was SO excited!
Killer was honestly pretty worried about having a babybones, you know? Not many people liked monsters and hybrids. How the hell were they supposed to accept that? There were more people that liked monsters than people that disliked them but, you know, it’s easier to see the bad stuff. 
Kinda like shadows? You see them all the time and then when it was dark you couldn’t, but it was like it was all around you. 
Like bugs in Texas. 
They had good food there… he liked that food. Outertale also had good food. They should go to Outertale Soon.
No no no.
Y/n didn’t want to go to different AUs, they said that they didn’t know how it would affect the baby, and honestly, yeah. Killer wasn’t sure either. 
Dang it. 
…he wanted ice cream.
Slowly today he woke up, yawning and blinking his eyesockets open. He looked around the room, reaching up and rubbing his socket with the palm of his hand.
He was in his datemate’s room… he looks down, seeing them asleep still and he smiles resting his head down against their shoulder, sorta studying them. They were so cute~ He loved being able to watch them, it was one of the things that he loved waking up to. 
Well… Really? Just seeing his datemate in his arms is what makes him happy. He’s done a lot of bad stuff in his life, stuff that nobody should have to do but, you know, he didn’t blame himself. 
He wanted people to go through what he did and NOT go a little crazy, or do the same thing he did. Now? He was just getting what the world owed to him!
His finally happy ending!
He had friends, he had Nightmare, he had a good job and a great Datemate and a babybones on the way.
It was damn near awesome. 
Slowly he started to rub his datemate’s stomach, feeling his magic sinking into it like water in a sponge, and speaking of water! He heard the sound of rain hitting the window. 
So far, today seemed perfect… he was really happy about it. 
“Hey, it’s time to wake up… I’m getting bored and I want cuddles” He says, nudging his skull against his datemate’s head, trying to wake them up. 
They let out a soft sound of disapproval, but open their eyes and look at him, “I hate you” they mumble, but they were smiling so he smiles back, “love you too~” He coos, and nuzzles his skull against their head, humming happily.
They press back against him more, and they look over at the window listening to the rain fall while Killer kept rubbing their tummy. He couldn’t wait for the babybones to get out so he could see them. 
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bloodmoonsrevenge · 10 months
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doodle of errink for a lil drabble below. would be coloured if i had my tablet, but i lost my pen </3 lore out of my god alternate multiverse, where many are considered gods or demigods (eg. cross is the demigod of chaos/vengeance). // Error; He who is called finally answers. In an act of pettiness and revenge against him, one of Nightmare's subordinates had touched him. Frankly, Error had been standing quietly, waiting for Nightmare to finish his short rant about Dream and his ilk. After eons of this fighting, it was old, but this took the cake for stirring shit that didn't need to be stirred. Thanks to Error's broken, fractured core-code, when Soul-bound beings touched him, it ruptured. The code sought to be complete, seeking each exit rabidly, and thus caused mass amount of pain when he was touched by them. The fact that he can't remember who touched him was startling. As he comes to consciousness from the rather violent reboot, staring into the abyssal galactic skies of Outertale, faint blobs and shapes were settled close to him. Long, nimble fingers stained with black ink gently passed over his brow line just before rounded glasses were settled back on his features. Only Souled beings caused him agony. Familiar, bright shapes greet him, a flash of relief somewhere in the faintly blue-yellow star and circle. "There he is." Ink smirks down at Error and the God of Destruction rolls his eye-lights. Ink's talons are slowly passing over his back, helping him to sit back up. His limbs were heavy, and he felt sick. Crashes had gotten so, so much worse over the past hundred and some years. "Are you okay? Seemed like a, ah... pretty bad crash." The comment is cool coming out of Ink, impersonal and distant, but Error knows better. He watches the shapes change in Ink's sockets, fluttering with brief bouts of concern and worry. For such a Soulless being, his capacity for intelligent emotion was wildly more than many gave him credit for. "f-fUckIn fIne, sqUid." Error shifts, letting one of his hands raise to look at the phalanges. Thick, coiling claws are covered in rupturing code, flickering with ERROR signals and thin white lines. "Th- hEy'rE gETtinG woRSe." He murmurs, feeling Ink's talons slowly wrap around his wrist. Impassive, Ink's gaze lingers on Error's features the most. Despite it all, Error is glad he came. As much as he hates (loves?) him, the squid had been with him through more than he cared to remember. Ink makes a soft humming, brushing his thumb across Error's ulna. The motion of comfort does wonders for his broken, sharded Soul. A tiny, scribbly heart makes up his eye-light before he blinks it away. One day he'd tell him. Not today. The stars glitter above them, uncaring and free, and in envy, he wishes he was too. Ink belongs to Comyet Error belongs to Crayon-Queen I ask that my work is not reposted/used without permission. re-blogging is fine, thank you.
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So, this is the fic I was talking about the other day. It can be x reader, or x oc, it doesn't matter. It also includes bad sans poly, so be warned.
"-----, Come on!" The young girl in the white dress laughed, her skirts billowing in the wind. He laughed as well, chasing after her, his lover.
He finally caught up to her, tackling her, and they rolled down the grassy hill, falling into the field of wildflowers. They lay there, giggling and smiling at each other. He took her hand into his own, grinning. "I love you."
She beamed at him, scooting closer. "I love you too, -----." They lay there together, watching the fluffy clouds in the summer haze. Suddenly, the sky grew dark, and she sat up.
"We need to go." He sat up too. "Yeah, looks like it's going to rain." The air was growing thick and heavy, like tar.
She appeared frightened as she looked into the distance, before looking back at him, gripping his hands. "No, you need to leave. You can't be here."
He looked confused. "What do you mean?" She squeezed his hands reassuringly. "Go. I'll be okay." His eyebrows furrowed. "Why can't you come with me?" She gave him a sad smile before leaning in and whispering in a much deeper voice.
"Nightmare. Wake up."
He sat up in his bed, gasping for air. Where...where was she? There was a gentle hand on his back, rubbing it soothingly. "Deep breaths, Mare....deep breaths...." His lover?
He finally regained his senses, taking in his surroundings. The familiar large bed, the dark silken sheets, the heavy tendrils on his back. This was home now. Had been for hundreds of years. He turned around to face his lover, who had come to wake him up.
"Are you alright, Nightmare?" It was Dust, worry shining in his eyelights. "Normally it's us having bad dreams, not you." Nightmare sighed softly. "Quite alright, thank you." He stood up. "Has Horror made our breakfast?"
Dust nodded. "Yeah. H sent me up to get you." Nightmare hummed and walked to his closet, pulling out his nicer suit, and Dust raised an eyebrow. "That time of year?" He let out a soft breath, changing into it. "Yes."
They went downstairs, joining the others at the dining table. Their other three lovers made note of Nightmare’s outfit, but didn't say anything. Nightmare quickly finished his meal, putting away his plate and kissing Horror's head.
"Breakfast was lovely. Thank you." Horror smiled warmly at him. " 'f course, Boss." Killer pouted. "What, no kiss for the rest of us?" Nightmare chuckled fondly, walking over and pressing his teeth to Killer's head as well. Killer grinned up at him. "Aw, now Crossy and Dustbin are missing out."
Nightmare sighed and quickly pecked the other two on the cheek. "Better?" Killer nodded, looking smug. He began to walk away, but Cross stopped him. "Tell her we say hi and to come visit?"
Nightmare smiled affectionately at him. "Of course." He opened a portal to Outertale.
He walked into Waterfall's caverns, picking the more beautiful echo flowers. He knew she would like them, and their star adorned petals. Only the best for her. He opened the next portal, unstable and glitchy as it was.
He stepped in, inhaling the familiar scent of tress long gone and slightly burnt apple pie. He wandered to the hill he'd spent most of his childhood on, and sat down in front of the stump of his mother.
He lay the flowers at the girl's feet, her beauty timeless, encased in stone.
"I thought you'd like these. You always loved the stars, the nighttime. Saw beauty in the darker things, in me." He laughed, sounding sad.
"The others can't wait to meet you. I'm sure you'll adore them..." He hung his head. "I cannot wait for you to be by my side, my queen. I...I miss you." He sighed shakily.
"Does Dream still visit? I hope he does, you two were great friends. Perhaps he'll come after I leave. I had a dream about you, love. Was that you? Perhaps... I do apologize for not visiting last year. I was incapacitated." He chuckled.
"Can I stay here with you, darling? Just...for a while?" He shut his eyes, leaning against the tree stump. "Thank you...
You were always too kind to me."
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ivyprism · 1 year
My Outer Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Warnings: Mentions of scars, violence, etc.
Rigel - Outertale Sans
Personality: He's easygoing, pleasant, and laid-back. He is a trickster with a floating personality. He's both calm and nice. He enjoys making puns and playing practical jokes. He's a laid-back, good-natured person. He is adept at assessing and adapting to changing circumstances. He also enjoys cheering others up. He knows everything there is to know about the stars and planets. He excels at emotional analysis and enjoys making puns. He is a lovely soul with the potential to make people feel better. He's also pretty knowledgeable.
Appearance: He is a skeleton with bright blue eye lights. He has glowing freckles.
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(With more ombre!)
Astrophel - Outertale Papyrus
Personality: He is a man of remarkable courage and gentleness. He keeps an eye on others and takes extra measures. He only has half a soul due to a horrible event in his life. When it comes to love, he's a jerk who tries his hardest to impress his crushes. He's a romantic, although a hopeless one. He's quite attractive and flirtatious. He is really bright and quick. He's a good guy who will never back down from a battle. He believes that anyone can be a decent person if they try hard enough. He is courageous and never gives up. He is exceedingly forgiving and believes that some of his opponents are acting for legitimate reasons.
Appearance: He is a skeleton with bright sun-orange eye lights. He has freckles all over his body.
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(with more orange ombre with white star-like speckles!)
Canis - Outerfell Sans
Personality: He's a terrifying, strong, but sluggish skeleton. He is firm and does not back down. He appears prickly at first, but he will ultimately soften around you. He is attractive and flirtatious. He is exceedingly aggressive and powerful, and he is competent with a variety of weapons. He may be quite nice and adores animals. He has outstanding perception and the ability to read a room. He cares about the group and is an excellent character judge. He takes care of others as much as he can and is not scared to defend them. He is quite knowledgeable about heavy weapons and firearms in general. Once you get to know him, he is a very compassionate person.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with bright red eye lights. He has three golden teeth (two on the left of his mouth and the other is on the right.) He has five large scars on his left eye, two reaching where the two golden teeth are. He has freckles all over his bones.
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(with red ombre with white star speckles!)
Hesperos - Outerfell Papyrus
Personality: He is a brave and severe individual. He is highly severe and has a prickly personality. He is a very flirty person that works really hard. He is intensely focused on his task and may appear rude at first. He is quick, muscular, and extremely intelligent. He enjoys learning about planets and stars and is an expert in fighting techniques. When someone tries to harm his friends and loved ones, he attacks them via the throat. He is incredibly observant and intelligent, and he is not easily duped. You'll see that he's gentle and compassionate as you get to know him. He has a keen sense of people and the environment. He is also a gentleman once you get to know him.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with three large scars on his right eye. He has very sharp teeth. He has freckles all over his bones.
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(With red ombres with white star speckles.)
Pyxis - Outerswap Sans
Personality: He is a courageous and joyful individual who bears a great deal of heroism and power on his shoulders. He's both nice and strong, like really so. He is typically regarded as fearless and strong. He, too, never quits up. He is clever, intelligent, and wise. He'll put you in touch with folks and cook for you! He is kind and careful, but he gets tired and frustrated and wants to rest. He's the hero who is always by your side. He is always quiet and peaceful while working unless he is trying to inspire the people he is helping to be strong and powerful. He works tirelessly to shield and defend others. He believes that everybody can be a decent person.
Appearance: He is a skeleton with bright blue eye lights (he has stars in them.) He has light blue freckles.
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(With blue ombre with white speckles!)
Umbriel - Outerswap Papyrus
Personality: He has a laid-back but frigid personality. He is lazy and easygoing, but he can be really strict. He enjoys practical jokes, poor puns, and puzzles. He's the epitome of a gentleman. He's a lovely person who doesn't like greasy cuisine but adores sweets. Because he is often quite lazy, he balances off his younger brother's vigor, but he does things when prompted. He enjoys teasing his buddies and is a bit of a flirt. He's a hopeless romantic who falls head over heels for folks. He's a good man who experiences stress but knows how to deal with it. He is both calm and wary. When it comes to safeguarding people, he overcomes adversity and never backs down.
Appearance: He is a skeleton with bright orange eye lights. He has freckles all over his bones. He has two large jagged scars on his left eye that are diagonal.
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(But more orange!)
Outertale was made by 2mi127.
Outerfell + Outerswap was made by unknown
@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @monomori3 @hearty-dose-of-ranch @rainbowut @miscneilleaneous / @neillesart @fruitsnackart @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @underfell-crystal @buff-borf-bork
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thicc-asriel-dreemurr · 10 months
Outertale Asgore is literally the kingdom his son rules over.
Meanwhile Asriel is very tall and top heavy which is true for Toriel as well.
While Chara, Frisk, and Kris are astronauts that the king keeps around.
Yep, the whole kingdom rest on Asgore's belly and the royal palace is located on his pecs. Asriel is extremely tall and is slowly preparing for his "ascension" where he will outgrow his father. He has top heavy build with a toned gut. The three human astronauts are also his closest friends too, always welcoming them with open arms!
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
a stranger tries to kidnap skeleman's kid master list 7
fellswap gold, mafia-tale/fell/swap, outertale, swapfell red
Here’s the original prompt
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And the first post
By the way the character limit is 10 so I’m booting the mafiafell bros
Lord: he’s full in shrieking threats at the stranger as lord sprints to his kid. The stranger drops the kid and tries running, but lord manages to snap a few blurry photos before he hugs his baby. He doesn’t take this to the police. No, he knows someone who can find them much much faster. Aka it takes wine and coffee less than an hour to track the would be kidnapper down, and lord has mutt “drop them off” at the station. A little sketchy? Sure, but he did tell mutt not to cause any permanent damage
Mutt: he runs up to his kid and stranger as quietly as he can. His kid is smart and keeps their mouth shut when they see dad approaching. One second the stranger is dragging the kid to their van, the next moment they wake up duck taped to a police car with a broken wrist and a few jacked up fingers. Mutt figured shredding the hand dragging his kid was punishment enough. The stranger has no idea what hit them
Wine: he yells at them to stop, making a big ruckus which draws a crowd. That’s the goal of course. All these people see is some crazy criminal trying to steal the child of the kind business owner who sometimes tutors their teenagers. Even if police don’t get involved, wine will make sure the kidnappers reputation is destroyed. It doesn’t take them long to get out of town
Coffee: he uses a burst of magic to trip the stranger, and while their face is getting acquainted with the concrete, coffee is hugging his kid and blubbering away. All the witnesses see is this poor monster dad in tears with worry over his baby almost getting kidnapped. And of course his kid is backing dad up and using their best scared baby eyes. The ending for the stranger is the same as wines.
Pluto: the stranger is almost to their van when Pluto shortcuts in front of them and yanks his kid out of their grip. In panic at seeing a little skeleton teleport, the stranger decks Pluto in the face stunning him. By that time a few witnesses have seen the whole thing and are threatening to call the police. Scared, the kidnapper gets in their van and speeds off. Poor Pluto goes home with a nasty black eye but hey, his kid is safe. No regrets
Jupiter: the stranger freezes in place, suddenly finding themselves too heavy to move. The kid takes this moment to wriggle out of their grasp and run behind Jupiter who is slowly walking towards the kidnapper. He has to stop himself from getting too close unless he tries to hit them. Still seething, Jupiter calls the police and waits on the curb comforting his kid until they arrive. And he doesn’t let the stranger out of his sights for one second
Snipe: the stranger keeps dragging the kid who seems to have given up. They willingly get in the van, and when the stranger gets in the drivers seat, they face snipe chilling in the passenger. Snipe uses their shock to land a swift punch to the nose, knocking them out. Then he throws the stranger in the back, lets his kid ride shotgun, and they drive the van back to the base. Boss is going to have a great time interrogating this one
Bruiser: yea, he straight up tackles that idiot and just starts going ham on their *ss. And his kid is screaming and yelling at bruiser and the stranger to egg them on. “HIT THEM HARDER DAD!!” “AIM FOR THE KIDNEYS!!” “MAKE THEM CRRYYYYYY”. Bruiser leaves the bloodied unconscious heap of a stranger right there in the lot and will go get his kid ice cream. There’s this one McDonalds he knows that won’t call the police if he walks in looking like he came out of a murder scene
Ace: the stranger has successfully gotten the kid in the back and is driving to their house. But they feel tired. No… not tired, dizzy. Black spots appear in their vision and they start loosing control of the vehicle. Later in the news, people are talking about a man driving under the influence who jumped a ramp into the river ebott. The man was carted off in critical condition. No other passengers were found in the car. So what actually happened is that ace saw the stranger dragging off his kid, signaled the kid to stop struggling, left a smoky little present in the car (drugs) then shortcutted his kid out while they drove off.
Slim: well considering the general public doesn’t know he’s mafia, slim isn’t about to straight up murder someone in full view of the school. He goes with the frantic yelling route like the others and will act shaken and concerned to any witnesses. Luckily after some investigation, they find his kid was randomly targeted by a serial killer. Their cover isn’t blown. Also butchs LV went up.
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I love your blog-?? Just how can you write so much? Uh I have a request if it's open? Hopefully! Ah, your favorable skeletons (any 3 or 4 that you like), how would they react if they were walking with their S/O alongside of the road on a very nice peaceful day but during the walk, the skeletons didn't notice there was a car speeding ahead but their S/O managed to pull them to the side but getting scratched because they fell down together after the pull.
Hope this is not too much!
It’s not too much at all! Tysm for the request :-D
I’m gonna assume you meant something like this? (I apologise for how crude this drawing is lmao) also I'm realising now you probably meant the car was coming from behind but whatever it's close enough
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“woah- holy shit, you okay?”
Lowkey freaks out. Not only did he nearly get hit by a car, but on top of that, you saved him and got hurt in the process.
He calms down pretty quickly though, once you show him you didn’t get too hurt. But you did get a few scratches and Vanilla isn’t too fond of that.
Brings you home through a shortcut pretty much right away to clean out whatever wounds you may have because the last thing he wants is an infection, plus he feels way too bad to just get you to walk the entire rest of the walk.
Mutters about you being irresponsible about your own safety. Vanilla, honey, you’re the one who nearly got run over by a car.
Extremely startled. He’s usually way on top of things and it’s very unusual he gets so caught off guard.
Immediately checking you over, concerned you got hurt.
When he sees you got a few scratches he winces like it’s hurting him too.
He profusely apologises like it was his fault.
Just like Vanilla, he shortcuts you home to get you cleaned up.
He’s a bit upset with you honestly. He understands why you did that. but you shouldn’t be so careless about your own health! (When you point out you can handle a few scratches and he certainly can’t handle being ran over by a car with his 2 hp he just huffs stubbornly.)
Dude are you okay? Like he knows he’s not heavy like at all but like he’s pretty tall so like--
Pretty anxious about it. He can’t shortcut like his brother can, so he insists on carrying you home. He may be lazy, but he’s willing to be less lazy for you. Especially after you may have saved his life.
He’s probably the least panicked one about your scratches, and is willing to go on the rest of the walk instead of straight home if you want to, but he does want to carry you. Let’s call it a thanks for saving his coccyx yet again.
Full-blown panic. Oh no you got hurt oh no it’s because of him oh stars what if you die--
You’ll be the one reassuring him after the fact. He’s more shaken up over you getting hurt than him nearly dying.
Forgets for a moment that he can teleport, before remembering and shortcutting you both home. You land haphazardly on the couch, nearly fall off it and now Cosmic feels even worse oh no
You’ll literally have to calm him down. He’s acting like you have horrible, life-threatening wounds with how frantic he’s being.
Dear lord please save him
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Undertale Ask Blog
Hello ! I’m Myfanwi, 26 years old, and I decided to open an Undertale Ask Blog. I follow several ones like @ratsoh-writes or @whyiswingdingsafont, and I so badly wanted to do the same thing.
I’m a french writer (she/they, i don’t care), so my English might be weird sometimes, but I’ll do my best. I’m currently studying children litterature in France. I also writes Undertale french fanfiction here and here.
Rules :
- You can ask whatever you want, except heavy gore or heavy sexual things. The description of the available characters (for now) is under the cut, with a small description of each.
Available characters :
- Undertale : Sans, Papyrus, Toriel, Asgore, Undyne, Alphys, Frisk (Adult), Chara (Adult), Mettaton, Gaster, Grillby, Muffet, Burgerpants, Asriel, Flowey, Gerson.
- Underfell : Sans (Red), Papyrus (Edge), Undyne, Alphys, Grillby (Ash)
- Underswap : Sans (Blue), Papyrus (Honey), Undyne, Alphys
- Horrortale : Sans (Oak), Papyrus (Willow), Toriel
- Horrorswap : Sans (Nugget), Papyrus (Pumpkin)
- Horrorfell : Sans (Copper), Papyrus (Chief) 
- Swapfell : Sans (Nox), Papyrus (Rus) - Fellswap Gold : Sans (Wine), Papyrus (Coffee)
- Outertale : Sans (Moon), Papyrus (Sun)
- Dancetale : Sans (Rambo), Papyrus (Salsa)
- Dancefell : Sans (Rumba), Papyrus (Tango)
- Farmtale : Sans (Sam), Papyrus (Ben)
- Mafiatale : Sans (Demon), Papyrus (Creeper)
- Mafiafell : Sans (Fang), Papyrus (Torpedo)
- Babybones (Young characters version) : Sans (UT), Papyrus (UT), Blue (US!Sans), Honey (US!Papyrus), Red (UF!Sans), Edge (UF!Papyrus), Oak (HT!Sans), Willow (HT!Papyrus), Nox (SF!Sans), Rus (SF!Papyrus), Moon (OT!Sans), Sun (OT!Papyrus), Copper (HF!Sans), Chief (HF!Papyrus)
- Other skeletons : Ink, Error, Disbelief!Papyrus (Delta), Dustale!Sans (Dune) - Killer!Sans (Killer)
- I’m ok with angst and touchy subjects. I’m also very very LGBT+ friendly (I’m aro and ace btw). I’m not an easily triggered person, but if it happened, I might not answering a question, sorry. I don’t do match ups. 
- Please, select maximum 10 characters. By default, I’ll go with the main Undertale characters. My main AUs are Undertale, Underfell, Underswap, Horrortale & Swapfell for now.
- Interactions asks between all the characters are also available. You can learn more about this right here. It can be relationships asks or fun thing they can do together ! Angst is ok too !
- I will probably add characters in the future, but I prefer to appropriate them before, so it might take a little while.
- I’m ok with personnal questions too
I am not a RP blog. All RP asks will be erased, sorry.
- I might close my askbox if I think I have too many asks !
MASTERPOSTS - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34
FANFICTIONS - Completed - The Doppelganger [Underfell & Horrortale] | Out of the closet [Undertale] | 7 a.m. in the neighborhood [Undertale] In progress - Horrortale : Rotten Apple [Horrortale] | What is best for humankind [Undertale prequel] | No weakness [Underfell] | Remember the good days [Undertale] | A heart in a cage [Undertale]
Let’s go for the boys and girls, under the cut :
Undertale Undyne
- Not a morning person
- Randomly scream at people for no reason in particular
- Flex with heavy things just because she can
- Don’t threat her friends or you’re dead
- Animes and cosplay lover
Undertale Toriel
- Put post-it on everything to help you
- Love trying cake recipes
- Have a snail farm and sometimes eat them. Raw.
- Call you five times a day to see if you’re ok
- Hate violence of any kind
Undertale Asgore
- Better not be allergic to pollen
- Know all differents sorts of flowers
- Often talk of his past, but does not like talk about the fallen children
- Randomly pop out in your day to hug you
- Don’t know anything about computers and phones
Undertale Alphys
- Need space sometimes
- Scared of loosing you
- Anime and cosplay lover
- Love to chill at home
- Test her tech on you
Undertale Gaster
- … How the hell did he come to your house ?
- … Why are you keeping him ?
- … Is this goop on your pillow ?
- … You don’t understand anything he said but it seems funny. Or not.
- … Randomly appears while you’re in the shower
Undertale Frisk (adult version)
- ACT - Flirt
- Always hurt, somehow. Can you stop ?
- Love to showing off but never succeed to
- Drag you into troubles all the time
- Dog lover
Undertale Chara (adult version)
- Please, don’t touch them. They hates that.
- Scare people randomly
- Collection of knives
- You think they are trying to kill Sans ? Like, they’re always after him.
- Have a baby goat pet.
Undertale Mettaton
- He can’t decide whether you should live or die
- Your house is invading with MTT merch
- Drag you on scene even if you don’t want to
- Weird bed fonctionnalities
- You’re kinda his life-coach, manager, dancer, second singer, second actor… but never get paid.
Undertale Grillby 
- A gentleman in everything he is doing.
- Best cook of the year, far better than Muffet. Well, it’s what he says at least.
- He hates rain and collect umbrellas.
- He’s not very expensive, but he will always leave gifts for his S/O here and there.
- Cry while watching Disney movies and can’t hide it because water is vaporized on his face and you can just hear “TCHHH TCHHHH”
Undertale Muffet
- Money, money, money. She loves expensive and shiny things.
- Well, you better like spiders since she is moving at your place with her two billions baby spiders.
- Put spider dust in everything : laundry, food, dishwasher. How the hell does it work ???
- One day, she said to you that she ate her previous girl/boyfriend because she got too excited. But she was only joking. Right ? RIGHT ?
Undertale Burgerpants
- Is crying every night on your laps because his life is shit.
- Is bitching a lot about everyone. He is your perfect gossip buddy.
- Mettatonphobic. When he sees Mettaton face, he becomes so angry he can rip off everything on its way.
- Want to be an actor, but you don’t have the heart to tell him his acting is very horrible.
- Sing like an old croak.
Undertale Asriel (Adult version) :
- He's a Disney Princess. He loves the Disney Multiverse and he has a big collection of plushies and princess' dresses.
- Always gets in trouble, somehow. You don't look at him for two minutes and he's stuck in a tree.
- He has a high sensibility for beautiful things. So much it makes him cry.
- He is terrified of becoming Flowey again and have really bad nightmares about this.
- Can't eat chocolate without putting it everywhere on his fur.
Undertale Flowey (no romance at all) :
- The chaotic buddy you didn't ask to have, but he's here anyway. When something bad can happen, Flowey will make it happen.
- He lives in a pot in front of your living room window. He's like a talkative dog. Whatever is happening outside, he's telling you. He's also insulting your Karen's neighbour.
- Terrible love confident. His advices are shit. He can also be jealous if you're spending more time with your girl/boyfriend than him. And you don't want to know what he can do when he's jealous.
- Plays The Sims all day to kill people. It's his way to avoid killing people in real life. It's fun. He's enjoying it too much.
- He's hunting rats at night. He's only eating rats. Don't lock him inside during the night or he's going to hunt something bigger and more fleshy.
Underfell Undyne
- Love spears, swords and very big axes. Have an entire collection in her cave.
- Want to be a werewolf since she saw Twilight
- Passion for gore things and apocalypses
- Secretly organize bets during Sans and Papyrus fights
- Love pink and girly things
Underfell Alphys
- Just like her classic conterpart, she is a scientist. But she is more of a mad scientist. What she loved most is to create chaos with whatever she is doing. It’s better if you’re not touching her stuff. You might regret drinking one of her things.
- She is such a troublemaker. It will take time to convince her not to use humans in her experimentations. And if it’s happening anyway, she’ll totally let you find a solution. Not her business.
- She is very possessive. Don’t you dare go to see someone else or she dusts you both.
- She is a very bad and angrier looser. Do not beat her in anything or you’ll might regret it very hard.
- She is loving hardcore animes and cosplays. Maybe never show her 50 Shades of Grey or she might have bad ideas.
Underswap Undyne
- Afraid to talk to you. Sometimes, she’s watching you for hours waiting for you to notice she wants to talk.
- Keep talking about complex sciency stuff she’s the only one to understand.
- Do not let her play with chemical experiments in your kitchen.
- Cry at the end of Disney movies.
- Write fanfictions you don’t want to read
Underswap Alphys
- Not interested in love stories, she wants a rival, like in Pokemon.
- Fight her. Seriously. Fight her !
- Jumpscare you in the middle of the night
- Do not be mean to Blue or you’ll regret it.
- Love to hang out with friends and party hard !
Horrortale Toriel
- She needs to know you won’t leave her to trust you
- Overprotective behavior.
- Just want her people to be happy. She thinks she does not matter.
- Have a collection of hoodies because of Sans. Actually love to wear them.
- You like cake, but five cakes at once is a bit too much, even for you.
Horrorswap Sans (Nugget) 
- Nugget misses the right arm and the left leg, that have been replaced with robotics ones on the Surface. He's still adapting to them, so he is far less energetic than his Swap version.
- He's still very excited over small things, but he is a bit more calm and moderate and can actually shut up sometimes.
- Alphys was beating him during her reign when she had bad days, so Nugget is extremely fearful and doesn't like being touch, even just for a hug. Though, once he trust his S/O, he will shyly show he is interested.
- He still has troubles regulating his food needs and will vacuum everything edible, trash and abandoned things on the ground included.
- He hates feeling vulnerable and prefers to do things by himself. For exemple, if he is injured, he will rather attack the people who try to help him instead of letting them get close. He promised he will never need anyone again.
Horrorswap Papyrus (Pumpkin) 
- Like Willow, he grows a lot during the famine. He's missing his inferior jaw and can't talk anymore, so he learned sign language on the Surface.
- He got very traumatised after the Underground. Alphys locked him up almost the entire time to keep Blue next to her and under control, and beat him up in front of his brother everytime he disobeyed or refused to kill a human. The two brother are closer than ever and just like the Horrortale and Horrorfell brothers, have decided to live together, even if one of them has a S/O.
- Pumpkin is always shut down. He got used to do nothing all day except stare the wall and he has difficulties to adjust his new life. He doesn't trust anyone and he is thinking he will just wake up in hell again if he sleeps. Though, he is still a very nice and gentle guy and if a S/O gains his trust, he will slowly accept to heal and open up again to the world.
- He has bad separation anxiety and will have a panic attack if he is left alone more than one hour. He's scared of the dark, of loud noises, of violence too, it will be a long, long way to heal of all what Alphys did to him.
- He still loves children, they're the only one who are not scared of him.
Outertale Sans (Moon) 
- Love to play with gravity. Please, don’t let him play with gravity. If you let him, in two days, everything is flying in your house.
- Fly in his sleep, and doesn’t care if you are holding to him.
- One day, he tried a cigarette. And by that I mean he ate it and spend two weeks at the hospital afterwards for “food” poisoning.
- Cheat on every ball sport you play with him.
- Kleptomaniac. He always has something in his hands that doesn’t belong to him.
Outertale Papyrus (Sun) 
- Captain safety. The house is full baby proof even if you don’t have a baby.
- He loves kids and is working to become a professional nanny.
- Don’t let him watch disaster or horror movies or he won’t sleep of the night.
- When he was little, he had an imaginary friend : a scary clown he named Bob. Sometimes, he’s still looking at the emptiness for several minutes. He’ll never tell you Bob is still here though. But it’s still creepy.
Dancetale Sans (Rambo) 
- Invite himself in stranger’s party to have fun (and F O O D).
- Break a bone every two months because he is not training enough.
- LOVE dresses and colorful clothes.
- Randomly speak in french because he thinks it’s cool
- Passionate by parkour, but can’t climb a tree without crying for help like a kitten.
- Often visit abandoned buildings and is arrest by the police one time out of two.
Dancetale Papyrus (Salsa)
- Is a bit too excited when he dances and almost rips your arms off most of the time. Calm down, jeez.
- Dramaqueen. One thorn in the finger and he is dying.
- Suits, dresses and artistic make up lover.
- OH MY GOD IT’S A PUPPY. He doesn’t care if he is doing something important, if there is a puppy, he follows the puppy. Your neighbors with a dog are scared of him. But, well, at least, you know what to get him.
- Won’t miss a MTT show on TV, day or night, even if he had seen the show 100 times.
- Sing under the shower, but it’s actually very good. But he won’t admit it even if you say so.
Dancefell Sans (Rumba) 
- His nickname is Rumba because he loves both the dance and the Roomba vacuum. It’s obsessive. He can stay two hours watching the Roomba clean the house with these big delated cat eyes.
- He’s a pretty exclusive dancer. He is only dancing for his S/O, and only in big occasions.
- He is such a rude car driver. He can’t drive two miles without insulting someone.
- He doesn’t know that nuggets are made out of chickens. It would break his heart since he loves chickens. But he also love nuggets.
Dancefell Papyrus (Tango)
- He has a bad luck touch with electronic things. Phones, computers, bank machines… If he touches it, it broke. This is pissing him off so badly.
- He’s a professional dancer and one of the best of his generation. He’s very famous, but… He hates that. He hates being harassed by fans all days, he just want to be free.
- Answers your question with songs when he is sarcastic. Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.
- His scream is so high-pitched it can sometimes break glass. When he is angry, he is talking with a high-pitched voice too. It’s so funny. Except for the glass, I guess.
- He has two rabbits, Carrot and Princess, and they are his babies. Do not dare to behave poorly around them or you’re in for a bad time.
Farmtale Sans (Sam)
- The brothers are taking care of an educational farm. Sam is taking care of the animals more. His favorite animals are the rabbits, and the rabbits love him. He is always walking with twenty of them all around him.
- He doesn't like when people are abusing animals, and even more his animals. He can go full angry mode very easily and kick butts. He's not a coward.
- He's really kind, but stubborn as hell. If he says he can do something, he will do it, even if he hurts himself. He's also very resentful, so be careful. You might forget a bad prank you did to him, but he didn't.
- He loves children, but he is scared to mess up if he has ones, so he's acting like he doesn't like them, but this is pretty obvious he is a liar.
- That guy who knows where wild animals are just by eating their poop. It can be very embarrassing in public.
Farmtale Papyrus (Ben)
- He's taking care mostly of cultivation and flowers. He got a lot of variety of cereals, vegetables, fruits and flowers, and he loves sharing his experience. This is actually one way to make him talk for hours.
- Despite this, he is one of the shyer Papyruses. He's a bit scared of strangers and prefers his fields to talking with people. He is very anxious all the time and when something is not going as plan, he is panicking badly. His brother is overprotective too, hurt him and you're gonna hear the most angry metal remix of Megalovania in the distance.
- A bit like Willow, he is very emotionnal and sensitive. He cries when he is happy, angry, sad, upset, excited... This is hard to guess what he is feeling.
- Gaining his trust is HARD, because it will take several months or years, but he is one of the most loyal guy you can find, and he will never betray you. But god, betray him once and it's over (+ his brother might dust you if it was really mean).
- His favorite thing ever is to lay in a flower field and watch the clouds. That means you can sometimes accidentally walk on him if you are not cautious enough.
Mafiatale Sans (Demon) :
- He's an assassin. He's quick, he's fast, and yes, sometimes he thinks he is Batman because, damn, he's good. His favourite weapon is the dagger, but he's good with guns too.
- He loves to use S/O as a live bait. He doesn't care if they are not ok with that. Take a snooby snack or something and shut up.
- King of "not-going-so-well" plans. Nothing is working like he wants to. Maybe if he had an actual plan to begin with, you wouldn't be in this situation.
- He thinks he's good with magic tricks. He is really not, but since he's really grumpy when you notice it, everyone acts like it's working. When someone don't, he gets dunked on.
- Really bad loser. He's not taking failing really well and can't go full agressive mode if he lose a bait or something.
Mafiatale Papyrus (Creeper) :
- He's more or less a negociator. When someone is holding someone in hostage or want to trade something, he goes, he asks nicely to have the person/the thing, the guy says no, he takes a huge bone and knocks them out at full force. Very effective.
- He looks nice, he plays nice, but it's a viper. He loves gossips and he obviously can't keep them for himself. He talks about everyone in their back, so yeah, he's not exactly reliable.
- When he's bored, he likes to sneak behind people very silently and scares the crap out of them. He is really good at that, and he knows perferctly how to make a creepy face.
- He's good with money, but also very miserly. If you buy something behind his back, he'll know it. He'll know also if someone tries to rob him. He's the one buying weapons and jewelry too.
- His dating manual is from the XIXth century and he's following it at the letter. It leads to very funny moments when he asks for your horse so he can lead it to the stable.
Mafiafell Sans (Fang) :
- He's a dog trainer. He trained dogs to guard the base, attack and steal things without being notice. He loves dogs. He has one huge german mastiff girl named Hawk, she's her absolute baby and she loves you more than anyone, even his S/O.
- He plays tough and all, but he is quite an emotive guy. He gets really pissed off is someone is hurting a pet.
- If he can, he will try to avoid S/O to know about what he's doing. His S/O safety is what most matters to him. He can gets overprotective if someone threats you.
- He's drooling. A lot. More than her dog. Not only while sleeping. If he gets too excited, it happens.
- His brother thinks he is not scary enough so he's practising his evil laughter in the shower. He can't do this properly, it's pretty hilarious.
Mafiafell Papyrus (Torpedo) :
- He's one of the most influent members of the mafia and one of the most deadly. He's a good sniper, but he loves to fight hand-to-hand and break necks with his hands. He's a killing machine, and he absolutely loves that.
- He has a one-eyed cat, Stormbringer, who's always coming with him during missions. Legends say that if you see that cat, you are doomed to die before the next sunset. Every dealer and robber knows about that. His cat terrifies them.
- Surprisingly enough, he is very sweet at home with his S/O, like really really sweet. He's a nice guy, very lovely and clingy, who can spend hours cuddling on the sofa and purring to hell. However, like his brother, he prefers S/O far away from what is doing, because he doesn't want them to see how bad he is in reality.
- He has post-traumatic stress when he hears very loud sounds. He got trapped in an exploded building for fifteen days once, his leg crushed by a wall, and he's very afraid to live this again. He's also limped from the right leg.
- If he has a choice between sacrificing himself or his family, he will always sacrificing. Family is more important than anything, and he would rather die than see his brother or his S/O getting hurt because of him.
These characters are not available for romantic asks (except if S/O is also a child and that’s not serious), but everything else is alright. You can even adopt them. Well, I mean, at your peril. Chaos chaos. Children are around 5 to 8 years old.
Tiny Undertale Sans (Tiny Sans) :
- Has definitely a problem with authority and is doing everything you say him not to
- Sleep eighteen hours a day like a cat
- Won’t eat your damn vegetables, give him a B U R G E R.
- You can’t yell at him if he teleports while you’re yelling at him.
- He thinks your dog is a horse.
Tiny Undertale Papyrus (Tiny Papyrus) :
- “Mama, [someone who behave badly] did/says [the bad thing they did/says].”
- He is so clingy. You can’t get rid of him. Where you go, he’s going with you.
- He’s scared of every animals bigger than a fly. That’s a lot of animals.
- He is brave. Very brave ! So brave his first night of camping in the garden, he got home again after only thirty seconds outside.
- Why are you killing the pastas in the water ? They’re crying ! And he might cry too if you don’t stop hurting them !
Tiny Underswap Sans (Tiny Blue) :
- King of hyperactivity. Day, night, he doesn’t care. He’s always running everywhere and won’t stop before he gets so tired he’s passing out.
- One day, he saw his cat fight an other cat. Now, when he sees a cat, he goes fight it. He hurts himself everytime.
- He’s terrified of clowns and storms.
- That damn kid that won’t listen to you when you asked him to stay close in shops.
- He’s so cute you can’t really reprimand him. He KNOWS it.
Tiny Underswap Papyrus (Tiny Honey) :
- He’s living with stuffed animals. He got so much of them you can’t walk in his room.
- He’s stealing candies so he can eat them during night time when you are not watching him.
- Actually very naive and impressionable, he will trust everything everyone says.
- Tantrums in shops if you say no to buy some honey. You can’t say no to honey.
- He doesn’t have sense of direction. You are going to search after him very often.
Tiny Underfell Sans (Tiny Red) :
- Will cry until you say yes to watch TV and/or play video games.
- He loves Willy, it’s his best friend. He is always talking with him and drawing him… Except Willy doesn’t exist.
- That annoying kid who says “NO !” to everything you propose him.
- Hate bath time. Will run in the entire house, yelling, to avoid it. Everyday is a challenge.
- He bites. Everyone. No exception. Everytime he is unhappy. I don’t know if you notice, but his teeth are SHARP.
Tiny Underfell Papyrus (Tiny Edge) :
- Heard an adult yell “FUCK” in the street and now it’s his favorite word.
- He can’t make the difference between right and left.
- That King-Child that will test your limits everyday just to prove he is stronger. You want to go in the sofa ? No, that’s his sofa now. You want to feed the dog ? No, he’s eating the dog food.
- He knows everything on everything. Of course you can grow chocolate eggs on the trees, duh.
- He’s scared of Santa Claus because he is too nice with him.
Tiny Horrortale Sans (Tiny Oak) :
- He’s so calm and silent you can sometimes forget he is here.
- Loves animals. You can let him in front of a dog and still find him hours later playing with it.
- He wants to be outside all the time and will play dead when you ask him to get inside the house
- He is chewing everything that fall into his hands.
- He doesn’t like other children and won’t hesitate to growl or fight them if they get too close. He is a lonely wolf.
Tiny Horrortale Papyrus (Tiny Willow) :
- Since he’s bigger than most children, everyone is looking for his protection.
- He is actually very insecure about himself and has a lot of anxiety. He’s a bit more slow than most children too, and it’s hard for him to follow.
- Loves encyclopedic books. He can stay for hours reading it.
- “Mama, why the sky is blue ? How do you make babies ? Why some dogs have pink noses but others are black ?’
- That kid who wants to cook all by himself why you’re not home and almost burn the house down.
Tiny Swapfell Sans (Tiny Nox) :
- Kleptomaniac. He can’t stop stealing other children toys. Especially the one of people he doesn’t like.
- King of the playground. He has a Court and followers. No one can access the covered playground without his authorisation and a cake offering.
- He doesn’t believe in Santa Claus, so he pulled his beard in front of all the school’s children.
- Sell lemonade on the pavement. The price was so high he got arrested by a policemen once for fraud. At 5 years old.
- That sneaky bastard who put chocolate biscuits in your basket last second at the store so you can’t not buy it.
Tiny Swapfell Papyrus (Tiny Rus) :
- Won’t clean his room. You want it clean, then do it yourself then.
- Throw toys at people head when he’s not happy.
- That one kid who challenged everyone at school to do stupid and dangerous things but somehow never got caught and act like an angel in front of the teachers.
- Eat mud and grass.
- Loves staying outside when it’s raining so he can be ill after and not go to school.
Tiny Outertale Sans (Tiny Moon)
- He can't control his magic and basically fly all the time. It can be dangerous because some times, he goes very high and doesn't know how to get down.
- He's a natural cheater in everything he's doing. If there's an easy way to do something, he'll take it.
- He's a kleptomaniac. He's stealing everyone, and mainly at school. You are tired of parents complaining about this.
- He has a phobia of insects. If he sees one, he stops and screams for how long the creature is on sight.
- That kid that play ball on the road and always putting himself in danger outside.
Tiny Outertale Papyrus (Tiny Sun)
- He has an imaginary friend : a scary clown he named Bob. He can have entire conversations with him. It's creeping you out.
- He's scared of most Disney villains and will cry when they appear on screen.
- Everytime Moon is doing something bad, he's telling the parents. To avoid this, Moon sometimes tie him to trees or lock him in the sky with his gravity magic.
- He can't make the difference between chocolate and poop, and will eat both.
- He thinks lockers are puzzles and will break all of them.
Tiny Horrorfell Sans (Tiny Copper)
- If you leave the room, he's immediately crying.
- He might have only one arm, but that don't stop him from climbing the oven to steal in the cupboards.
- He loves to help in the garden. He loves very colourful flowers and big, big vegetables.
- If you do a nasty remark about his missing arm or his little brother being in a wheelchair, he's coming to fight you. He doesn't care if he's small, he has literally a bear trap in his mouth.
- He's confused with hours. How is he supposed to guess when it is midnight or midday if the clock is pointing at 12 in both cases???
Tiny Horrorfell Papyrus (Tiny Chief)
- He is born on a plane, so he has free tickets to Japan for all his life, and he is very proud to say it to everyone.
- He feels insecure because of his wheelchair, but thankfully his big brother is here to boost his confidence. They're both insulting bullies with the worst words they can find. It's a hobby now.
- He loves cats, and stray cats love him back. There's a high chance a cat come to cuddle whenever he is, even at school.
- He's a little gremlin : very gently and nice with adults, but when they turn their back, he's doing bad things. Like putting frogs in Sans bed, or bath his parents TV.
Disbelief!Papyrus (Delta) :
He’s the only survivor of his timeline. His brother, Undyne and many others are dead, killed by the human. He killed Frisk and was able to go to the Surface by absorbing his soul. He’s actually the only monster on the Surface, and it’s very scary.
He can’t get rid of the idea he is a murderer and thought that he would die when people saw him, just like Asriel. Except humanity actually accept him very well. He’s even some sort of celebrity in town.
His S/O will have to go very, very slowly with him. He’s still traumatised, and even if he keeps getting better and better, he’s still very fragile mentally.
He HATES violence, that’s very very triggering him. He’s not scared of fighting anymore though. If you attack him, you ask for whatever will happen to you.
He just wants some affection. Please don’t leave him.
Ink :
This is the type of random guy that pop up in your appartment while you’re brushing your teeth. You don’t know who he is or what he wants, he just kinda decides that’s his home now ?
He’s capable of the best just as the worst. Everyday is a brand new surprise. You’ll better watch closely your valuable things. He doen’t understand propriety nor privacy.
You’ll have to accept he is not constantly here. He’s very attached to his freedom and might disappear for a few weeks sometimes just because he needs to.
He has a weird relationship with his brush. It’s uncomfortable.
Be careful about his vials. If he loose them, he can become very, very mean and angry because he doesn’t feel anything. Fortunately, it doesn’t happen very often.
Error :
He’s a lonely wolf. He does what he wants, when he wants and where he wants. He’s not the romantic type too, nor friendly actually. He’s always grumpy, but with a lot of patience, he will eventually warm a bit.
He dislikes physical contact. That’s triggering him a lot and it’s an immediate dealbreaker if you can’t respect that.
He’s loud, and he whines a lot too. Actually, he’s using you as a confident because being the destroyer of the worlds is not an easy job. Don’t you dare break his trust though. It takes a long time for him to talk to people. If you betrayed him, you’ll never see him again.
He loves relaxing places. That’s the only places he’s accepting to take a nap.
He’s usually pretty chill and it looks like he doesn’t care, but if something happen to you, he will beat the hell of whatever hurts you. But you’ll never know about it. That’s the only thing he keeps secret from you.
Dustale!Sans (Dune) :
- He is only available for friendship asks. He's not trusty enough to get himself in a relationship. He prefers monsters to humans, even if he starts to act more or less nice with them.
- He manages to escape what he called his personal hell, but without the ghost of Papyrus. He is still hunted by all the people he killed, but he's learning to accept what he had done has consequences. He's more calm and reflexive.
- He is really jumpy and easily triggered. He hates when people are getting close from behind, when they are looking for too long at him or when they are touching him without his consent. To gain his trust, you have to be patient, kind, and not judge him. All he wants now is to get over the past and start something new.
- He is still a little sadistic. You'll have to teach him where the limits are sometimes. He can be very creepy and scary, overprotective and gets angry very easily when he is frustrating. He won't hurt, but sometimes, he doesn't know how scary he can be, so he needs someone honest with him, even if it can hurts sometimes.
- The only way he knows to solve his problems is murder. So yeah, you are going to teach him to SPARE again. He's a good student, but maybe don't let him alone for too long in the streets.
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ivyloveheart · 2 years
WAIT. ERROR FOR THE SLEEPING HEADCAnon i think it's 10??? im so curious bc i LOVE imagining error just. not being able 2 sleep. so he goes 2 outertale and it helps him ..............
“10. Sleep headcanon”
Error, 85 - 90% of the time, does not sleep. He never feels the need to, and it’s not like not getting any sleep messes with his energy or strength at all. If he can still perform his duties just fine without sleeping, then what’s the point? It’s just a plain waste of time he could be spending doing better things. It does explain part of the reason he’s so grumpy and grouchy all the time, though.
However, there are times where he completely passes out, and when that happens, he sleeps very heavy and for quite a long time. He also snores loud when that happens, too. That usually happens when he’s in the Anti-void, though, where he can be (mostly) completely by himself and (mostly) out of any possibly danger.
Once he’s woken up, if woken naturally on his own, and things are quiet, and he didn’t have any nightmares, he’s in a very good mood, and is not nearly as grouchy. …For a little while. His mood won’t be so good if he’s bombarded by his voices or there’s an unwanted guest when he awakes, though.
It’s a bit of a different story when it comes to being in Outertale, however. Being there, in his secret little hideaway from the inhabitants of that AU, gazing up at and admiring the beauty and vastness of the stars, he often finds himself dozing off. The peacefulness of that gorgeous, serene universe helps him to relax a great deal. So long as nothing bothers him, he’s able to rest easy.
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multiversehc · 4 years
Nightmare’s Gang Headcanon
In fights, the group works like a well-oiled machine.  Nightmare choreographs their actions and positions them where they’re most likely to succeed, and provides backup himself if something goes awry.  However, outside of fights, the group butts heads like snakes and mongooses.
Dust and Killer seem like they would get along well, considering their similar pasts of living through innumerable Genocide runs.  However, Dust can’t even comprehend the idea of giving into the human child who tortured him, killed Papyrus, and emptied the underground just because they could.  Killer, on the other hand, was disgusted that Dust could kill his friends and brother, under his own free will, for some sanctimonious delusion that it would be better for them to become EXP for him than the human who destroyed their lives over and over again.
Killer and Dust don’t care much for Horror.  Despite the many human lives he’s taken, Horror’s LV isn’t on par with either of their’s, but he had enough to not be easy EXP, which discourages them from trying.  (And Nightmare’s threats towards dusting each other might’ve had something to do with it as well.)  They thought him soft, despite the Hell his world was currently going through, because his timeline was a Neutral one, but his bite was worse than his bark, and they were reminded of that whenever they push him too hard. Horror, in return, despises the two Genocidal skeletons.  The idea of dusting another monster (besides Undyne) was unfathomable; the monsters of his world fought tooth and nail for survival beside one another.  While he held bitter feelings towards Frisk, and a dark pit of regret sat heavy in his soul for not stopping them in the Judgement Hall and saving his world from a perilous future, he didn’t enjoy having to kill humans to survive.  But he would do what it took to preserve what remained of his world, even work with psycho- and sociopaths in return for scraps to bring home to his people.
Cross is a difficult case.  He isn’t a murderer like the so-called “Murder Trio,” and had a whole slew of issues on a different scale from them, due to experiencing OVERWRITES instead of RESETS, and, recently, remembering the past “lifetimes” that’d gotten overwritten.  But he’s also been betrayed by Ink, who was supposed to be his friend and a good person, so while he doesn’t hold any ill-will towards Dream, he wants others to hurt just like he is.  And because Nightmare doesn’t expect any of them to kill for him (not if they can help it, which Killer and Dust sometimes can’t), and Cross can meet his expectations of sowing chaos just fine, he’s an official member of the group.  He avoids Dust, not so much out of dislike for the other skeleton - the few times they’ve interacted, the other proved to be more mellow towards him than he expected -, but because he likes to talk to himself sometimes, and that reminds Cross too much of having Chara in his head.  He feels neutral towards Killer, and vice versa.  They don’t interact much outside of fights, though Killer extends the offer to teach Cross about fighting with knives, seeing as somehow, even without Chara absorbed into his soul, he can somehow summon the knife-blade still.  Cross and Horror get along best out of the group, often paired up in fights because neither of them have their other teammates’ high LV, and with Cross’ standard HP and Horror’s dismal DEF, they have to have each others’ backs, which leads to more camaraderie outside of fights than they have with the others.
Because Nightmare can’t trust his group to be alone together outside of fights, Dust and Horror are sent back to their timelines once they’ve recovered from any injuries they might’ve received stirring up negative emotions in universes or scrapping with Ink and his posse.  Error, while not an official part of the group, uses the abandoned universe Nightmare claimed as his territory to get out of the Anti-Void when Outertale is being patrolled by the Star Sanses or their brainwashed “allies,” and in return, he snared the souls of Killer and Dust’s Charas and turns a blind eye to the existence of the anomalies that NIghtmare’s decided to collect.
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zirkkun-uthcs · 4 years
How about Outer Sans, US! Sans and Paps, and UF! Sans Paps with a centaur monster friend or potential S/O that doesn't mind being given a heavy workload and is a great cuddle-buddy b/c they're so fluffly and warm? (Hope this is a good request lol <3 <3)
Any request is a good request no worries uwu✨
Outertale!Sans - Outer is absolutely enthralled. He adores this so much. A big fluffy, cuddly friend who's cozy, loves him, AND does work for him? Stars, this an absolute blessing. He doesn't even have to walk anymore -- you can even do that for him while he falls asleep on your back! He couldn't ask for someone better in life and most certainly won't take you for granted... weeeellll sort of. Don't start doing everything for him, or he might use this to his advantage and get in the habit of doing absolutely nothing ever. Or, at the very least, try to encourage him to do something he's wanted to do for a while with the spare time you're giving him. But then again, if you just wanna let the guy sleep eternally, then who am I to stop you?
Underswap!Sans - Wait, no, don't do all the work. That's what he does. No, seriously, he's actually getting a bit stressed by this. He appreciates the help and everything, but at the same time, Blue sort of uses doing work as a distraction and destresser... so, if you end up doing too much, not only is he going to be a bit overwhelmed by the lack of things he has to do, but also because he feels terrible by you doing work. He will work much better if you sit back and relax while he works. Though, he definitely won't mind being taught how to actually take proper breaks, especially if they involve cuddling. Even if... he's a little intimidated by the fact he's much tinier than you are.
Underswap!Papyrus - Go ahead. Do all the work you want. He's perfectly fine with lounging. Bonus points if you can manage to do all the work while he's just hugging your human half -- Swapap is an absolute sucker for cuddles, with no exceptions. But he is going to encourage some breaks from time to time, because it's pretty unhealthy to work yourself too much. Not to mention, mutual cuddling is a lot more fun than just hugging -- and that's obviously going to be his go-to break activity for the two of you. Swapap will pretty much be your local self-care-checking friend to make sure you're keeping good care of yourself even though you like doing a lot of work. He will never get sick of this between the two of you.
Underfell!Sans - Hell yeah, let the laziness commence. He's gonna be excited about this to a similar extent that Outer is -- however, unlike Outer, he most certainly will take this for granted. If you don't get annoyed by Red using you for literally every mini task he needs done just so he can lock himself away for hours on end with nothing in return, well, you might as well be a saint. But more than likely you're probably going to be a bit peeved after a while, and will have to snap some sense into him that you're his friend, not his housekeeper or whatever else. He'll probably be a bit guilty once this is pointed out, and probably do his best to try and do something here and there. Edge will probably be in shock -- HOW DID YOU GET SANS TO TAKE HIS SOCK BACK TO HIS ROOM??
Underfell!Papyrus - Finally someone else in his life who's willing to do work. Edge isn't really much for cuddling, but he would love to be able to do work by your side day by day, no matter how regular the task. Spending a lot of quality time together just by talking and doing various chores would mean the absolute world to him, especially he knows so few people who like doing more than absolutely nothing (notably, his lazybones brother.) If you're definitely on the side of "cuddles are necessary," you'll have to get Edge warmed up to the idea. He might be a bit more comfortable about in this situation for two reasons -- one being, well, you're not a human, so tsundere-ness is reduced drastically; and two being that he grows close to someone who likes to spend time with him much more quickly than anyone else. Edge is far more willing to make compromises under these circumstances, and might actually start to enjoy cuddling... mostly because of how fluffy and warm you are.
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comyet · 4 years
Hello Comyet! I was wondering if you would be willing to give me some advise for a new Au and how to get it recognized. I don’t know how to get people to notice the work for my Au, and I don’t want to mess it up. I know I’m likely not going to be as popular as Ink Sans is, or even some of the other Au Sanses like Reaper or Cross or even Sugar for that matter, but I’d still like to know the best way to get started I guess. So how did you do it? How were you able to get Ink so popular? I’m sorry!
Hi love! First of all thank you so much for your compliments! Ink Sans kind of became known rather organically because at this time, Sans AUs were just starting to pop around so I definitely believe this participated in helping his visual and character get spread around!
The advice I can give you is to come up with a concept you think would lead to an interesting link to the Undertale game (whether it is a physical change or an aesthetic change of the characters like Outertale, or a twist of one of the game mechanics or the story like Underswap), but most importantly a concept you really like so you don’t get exhausted quickly by it. Your mental health regarding your work is important for obvious reasons, but also the more you love your concept the more likely you are to draw it easily, and more content gathers an audience. Don’t be afraid to make your AU interact with other characters too, not necessarily Sanses either if you want your AU lore to have a little something different!
(A little side note: if you don’t want to be defined solely for your Undertale content, be sure to draw other things at the same time. I have been branded as a (insert fandom) artist by many and still get begged to this day to draw things from a fandom I left years ago, and although I am very grateful for the attention and it is a way to take off and get your work known, it can be kind of heavy to digest when you want to start making your own projects or other fandom content sometimes. (I don’t feel that way anymore but I remember feeling so when I was a teenager) Keep your art varied and people who will like your work for what it is and not only the content will stay long term <3)
Know that it’s also a lot of luck, sometimes it’s really about the right reblog or fanart of your AU at the right time, it can take a while. Do it because you enjoy it first. Hope that helps! <3 :-D
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blackevermore · 3 years
x Undertale | Zirius in Different AUs
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Mafiatale 👥🧤
x Zirius wouldn’t be Mettaton’s official lady but rather his right hand lady that deals with his “night” work. She still owns her club and conducts her own sperate business work, but when Mettaton calls for her she’s there. She’s more on the aggressive side and calls the player “sweetheart” out of spite. Her style changes form 70s disco to 1920′s old Hollywood. She always carries a mace with her. Secretly Mtt and her are together and have nearly been caught being a little too snuggly.
Underswap 🌟💿
x Zirius switches with Mettaton (And he switches with her, my friend told me he step in and swap with Nap just to keep things neat). She’s become so arrogant  and only sees her dreams as the her main priority. Her personality is more so all the negative aspects of normal Mtt. She is a giant simp for Mtt though and every time she has a show she finds a way to bring him out even if it means him just waving at her and leaving. She’s not a megastar like Mtt is but shes a up and coming.
OuterTale 🌌🌠
x Zirius never left space and is a lost nova trying to find home. She creates music and plays out loud in hopes of getting a response from anyone to help guide her. She met Mtt due to his shows by accidently picking up his signal, they talk almost every night and Zirius gets to live broadcast her music with his fans. Mtt wants to explore the farther depths of space to find Zirius and bring her to where he is. They never meet.
UnderFell /MafiaFell 👿👥🧤
x Zirius is Mtt lucky lady but they fight over the smallest things. Zirius accent is changed to a heavy southern one and she wears more business casual clothing. She isn’t a DJ but a music producer who cons young artist into selling their SOULS to her to keep her alive. She wants to take over the kingdom but Mtt tells her its pointless because the monsters will never accept her like they would accept him. But they do love each other and if you pick a fight with one you pick a fight with both. No one lands a hand on Mtt’s lady.
InkTale 🎨🖌️
x Alphas created Zirius when she hears of the love between Zirius and Mtt in another world and thinks it be fun to play match maker (with two ocs). When Zirius is fully brought to life she’s actually self aware and she has broken memories of other worlds. She wasn’t just a constant nova for one world, her memories were scattered through every timeline. She is Mtt muse. 
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cowtale-utau · 4 years
Some Lana Del Rey lyrics.
Undertale Sans/Ace - “Don't break me down. I've been travelin' too long, I've been trying too hard” (Ride – Born to Die : Paradise Collection)
Undertale Papyrus/Lief - “You lose your way, just take my hand, You're lost at sea, then I'll command your boat to me again” (Mariners Apartment Complex – Norman Fucking Rockwell)
Underfell Sans/Chisel - “We were two kids, just tryin' to get out” (Without You – Born to Die)
Underfell Papyrus/Spur - “You're not mean, you're just born to be seen” (Art Deco – Honeymoon)
Underswap Sans/Scout - “Put your white tennis shoes on and follow me, Why work so hard when you could just be free?” (Swan Song - Honeymoon)
Underswap Papyrus/Piper - “There's only 24 hours, And that's not enough, To lie like you lie or, Love like you love” (24 - Honeymoon)
Swapfell(Red) Sans/Whip - “Fear fun, fear love, Fresh out of fucks, forever” (Venice Bitch – Norman Fucking Rockwell)
Swapfell(Red) Papyrus/Coyote - “Cuts on his face 'cause he fought too hard, I know he's in over his head” (How to Disappear – Norman Fucking Rockwell)
Horrortale Sans/Tender -“And there's no remedy, For memory” (Dark Paradise – Born to Die)
Horrortale Papyrus/Cook - “But I can't help him, can't make him better, And I can't do nothing about his strange weather” (Shades of Cool - Ultraviolence)
Swapfell(Purple) Sans/Doc - “When you're standing in the face of danger, 'Cause you just want it so much” (Cherry – Lust for Life)
Swapfell(Purple) Papyrus/Flint - “Take another drag turn me to ashes, Ready for another lie?” (Diet Mountain Dew – Born to Die)
Fellswap Gold Sans/Haze - “You got the world but baby at what price?, Something so strange, hard to define” (Million Dollar Man – Born to Die)
Fellswap Gold Papyrus/Cirrus - “It's not easy for me to talk about, I have heavy heart-strings” (The Blackest Day - Honeymoon)
Underlust Sans/Shine -“God I'm so crazy, baby, I'm sorry that I'm misbehaving, I'm your little harlot, starlet” (Off to the Races – Born to Die)
Underlust Papyrus/Calico -“Cause we're the masters of our own fate, We're the captains of our own souls” (Lust for Life – Lust for Life)
Dancetale Sans/Shuffle – “Dance around like I'm insane, I feel free when I see no one, And nobody knows my name” (God Knows I Tried - Honeymoon)
Dancetale Papyrus/Foxtrot - “I don't matter to anyone, But Hollywood legends will never grow old” (Terrence Loves You - Honeymoon)
Outertale Sans/Saturn – “I don't belong in the world, That's what it is” (Thirteen Beaches – Lust for Life)
Outertale Papyrus/Mercury – “It's never too late, To be who you wanna be, To say what you wanna say” (Summer Bummer – Lust for Life)
Farmtale Sans/Sage – “Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough, I don't know why” (Born to Die – Born to Die)
Farmtale Papyrus/Thyme – “Now you're just another one of my problems, Because you got out of hand” (High by the Beach - Honeymoon)
G!Sans/Aurum - “Cause I was filled with poison, But blessed with beauty and rage” (Ultraviolence - Ultraviolence)
G!Papyrus/Viridis – “And honey, you don't ever have to act cooler than you think you should, You're brighter than the brightest stars “ (California – Norman Fucking Rockwell)
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ask-appoline-sansby · 4 years
Appoline in different AU stuff!
*Very forgetful
*Most responsible Appoline out there
*People at the bar know that she exists, she just never really shows herself 
Helps at the bar, sometimes
Usually just sits at one of the tables and draws
*Very obedient, listens to all commands
*Is allowed outside at night without any adults
*Get’s lost too often, so Grillby made her a collar 
she treasures it 
It glows in the dark :3
Never takes it off
*Spends more time w/ Grillby than Sans
*Oldest Poli (10-11)
*Fancy af
*Terrified of mall dog with cat and bunny hears (Temmie)
*Cries at basically anything sad *Emotional
Once cried because she got a paper cut
*Loves to play in Hotland
*Sometimes hums to herself 
*Loves Mr. Plant
*Always very cold
*Makes the worst best puns
*Wishes to be a royal guard
Just so she can work w/ her dad
*Watches too much 80′s-90′s anime
Her favourites are Sailor Moon, My Melody, Kiki’s delivery service, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, My neighbour Totoro, naruto, Pokemon and many MANY more
*90% Glitter, 5% skeleton, 5% galaxy fire
* ”What is ‘sad’?”
*Hyper active most of the time
*Super friendly to everyone
*Very reckless
*Speaks her mind
*Youngest out of all AU’s (my bb’s only 4)
*Can’t play with anyone because of heavy asthma
*Doesn’t talk to anyone
Barley knows any words
Only every speaks to Pele
Knows more sign language than words
*Got a crack/scar on her eye because HT!River is a jerk and pushed her out of a tree
*Lost clothes somewhere
Has bandages under her blanket as some clothes/padding
*Pele = best friend
Accidentally calls her ‘sister’ sometimes
*Cries alot
* 5HP
Ik i have other au’s but im lazy-
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