squishxsquonk-blog · 5 years
//i’m very sick sorry i’m gonna need a small hiatus
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squishsquonk · 5 years
//may or may not be making another change to the blog for the sake of my restlessness and anxiety over a certain issue
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squishxsquonkxxx · 5 years
//i think i’m gonna put the rules page from the main blog on here at some point because people keep reblogging memes from me without sending me any and no offense but i’m getting pretty tired of it
//i’m not a meme source thank you
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orenjininja · 3 years
What kind of touch do you possess?
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creative touch
you are a gem. you pride yourself on creating and sometimes you feel it defining your personality. sometimes you can be a bit scattered and messy, but it just helps your brain think that way. you have your own aesthetic and you know its incredibly cool. you are most in your element when you are doing what you love. sometimes the process is SO frustrating but the proudness of a finished product is what keeps you going. you often compare yourself to others and are the harshest critic of your own work. you are immensely talented and you are inspire others. keep doing what you are doing, love.
Tagged by: @lxkexbxss
Tagging: Whoever wants to do it!
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puckhead · 7 years
orenjininja reblogged your post:*whispers* We need more IDW comicverse RP blogs
[tbh i think we just need more TMNT RP blogs in general. They’re all goooooone]
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squishxsquonk-blog · 5 years
//i had my mental breakdown and now i’m gonna try to sleep because i occasionally behave like a toddler
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squishxsquonk-blog · 5 years
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//take a quiz about Iori because why not
//your only hint is that every question on that list has been answered on the blog at some point or another
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squishxsquonk-blog · 5 years
//apparently i legitimately injured myself when i said i threw my back out
//it’s only a minor sprain but it still really hurts so uhh yeah leave it to me to sprain my goddamn back from tripping over a fuckin cat toy
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squishxsquonk-blog · 5 years
//for real tho when are you guys gonna realize that i’m a shitty person lmao
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squishxsquonk-blog · 5 years
//me on tumblr; roleplays as a little bean of a girl who just wants cuddles and good sex
//me on discord; roleplays as that same bean but also Sonic the hedgehog who will heavily pressure you to pinch his nipples
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squishxsquonk-blog · 5 years
//not feeling well so i’m gonna try to get some sleep and come back later
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squishxsquonk-blog · 5 years
//me; what if we made iori be mean for a day
//also me; but would she even be capable of it
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squishxsquonk-blog · 5 years
//me; *barely ever rps as the boys bc i almost never have muse for them*
//also me; hm i need more icons of abs for the boys
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squishxsquonk-blog · 5 years
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squishxsquonk-blog · 5 years
//I hate rping on mobile because I tend to not notice autocorrect typos until after i’ve sent out my reply
//because if i type a word with one whole letter wrong, autocorrect sometimes corrects it to a completely different word and i won’t notice because the word isn’t flagged as a typo
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squishxsquonk-blog · 5 years
//the more i rp with iori’s princess verse the more i realize that i haven’t actually decided what sort of powers she has; i thought about combining it with the mermaid verse but i’m just not sure; and i mean sure she doesn’t need magical powers but come on we all know magic stuff is hella rad
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