#ouuu it would be soo cool
shirubiaowo · 9 months
I cosplayed alot and I used to do some dsmp so it was really funny go from pink magical girls and cutesy anime characters to minecraft block men going though war
i still have the unfinished origins Nikki stuff and a lot of green fabric paint from Karl's hoodie,,, saying this on anon bc if any of my other Muts know I cosplahed from the block game I will die
Rahhhhh I miss origins smp so much 🥺😭
I would loved to see the dSMP cosplays rahhhhh
And don’t you dare be embarrassed, I mean you can, but like cosplaying is super fricking cool
I cosplayed as dream for Halloween as my friend was techno and I posted all of it over my personal instagram
There is also nothing wrong with cosplaying from the block game, the block game is amazing
You should watch hermit craft!!! They just ended season 9 and season 10 should be starting up in the new year. Best time to start!!!!
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itssliyahhxoxo · 5 months
𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Paige dose an interview were she gets asked about her celebrity crush’s and your name comes up
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You were out with some friends when you got the message from you agent she had sent you the video of Paige. You read the comments and saw all the fans going crazy for no reason at all.
You’ve heard of Paige but never really paid any attention to her. “Yo look at this” you’re friend yelled over the loud music she showed you a picture of you and one of Paige’s pictures together on some fan page “damn they fast” you mumbled.
You looked back to your friend “I’ll deal with it later” you walked away to get another drink.
It was now the next morning you were back stage getting your hair and makeup done before your interview with jimmy Fallon for your new movie that’s coming out next week.
“Soo what going on with you and Paige bueckers” you’re makeup artist smirked looking at you in the mirror “what” you looked up.
“Everyone’s talking about you too like you the next big thing” she giggled “no their not,it just happened yesterday” you shook your head “go on twitter and see for yourself” she told you before she left finished with your makeup.
You paused And thought for a minute before giving up and going on twitter. There were pictures of you and her everywhere you couldn’t help but laugh going through the comments.
User18: they would be so good together
User3649: y’all are crazy they don’t even know each other like that.
User65: so you never know 🤭
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You laughed to yourself before getting up and leaving your room to head on stage. You waited to be called out standing to the side as jimmy started talking about you and your appearance tonight.
After his speech you were brought out you waved to the crowd smiling. Before taking your seat you and jimmy hugged and and shook hands.
“So how do you feel about your movie coming out next week” he asked “nervous” you softly laughed “why” he laughed “well it being my first movie I’m kinda shitting my pants” you laughed everyone laughed with you “any spoilers, you can give us” he smirked.
“spoilers” you thought out loud “not really but there is a Sean where things get a little..” “spicy” he finished for you “yeah” you laughed blushing.
“I hate to get off topic buttt,you and Paige bueckers” he dragged out. The whole crowd went crazy making you roll your eyes with a soft smile.
“Anything you have to say about that” “unfortunately no I’ve never really had any conversation with her nor met her in person I would love to one day though” you answered.
The interview went on and on some questions about the movie and your music and some about you and Paige again.
A few weeks went by your movie was off the charts everyone was talking about it, you would have thought the Paige thing would have went down but no it got worse.
You were laying down on your phone when you’re friend cam in “guess whatttt” she sang “what” you looked up.
“I got us tickets to a basketball game” she smirked “cool what team” you got up and walked past her not paying attention “come and find out” she smirked .
You walked into the stadium looking around confused recognizing all the colors, you froze when you heard the crowd screaming the teams name..UConn.
“Why the hell would you bring me here” you softly shouted towards your friend “what don’t you wanna meet you future wife” she smirked pulling you to your seats which were in the front.
You grew nervous as you noticed some people in the crowd noticed you,they started talking pictures and videos you softly smiled and waved at them.
“I’m going to kill you” you mumble as the game started.
It was almost half time when Paige’s eyes caught yours you softly smiled at her,she looked away softly blushing “ouuu” your friend laughed “shut up” you laughed.
The game went on and on it wa the last round UConn winning with 113 points and the other team losing with 87. The ball was in Paige’s hands,with only 10 seconds left she threw the ball making it into the net
You smiled clapping happy they won.your were on your way out when some fans came over stopping you for some pictures,you sighed as they walked away.
“Hey” you turned around only to be met with the bluest eyes you’d ever seen “hi..Paige right” you nervously smiled “y-yeah” she answered “you were great out there” you pointed out “thanks,you to-I mean” she mumbled.
You smiled watching her blush “I’ll see you around bueckers” you slowly walked away as she watched mouth slightly open speechless.
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(𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐥🌚)
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Them Video Games pt2
A very special Non Fandom fic that i care deeply about. I wrote this a few years ago around E3 Time and ive since rewrote it and turned it into a fic with Suna. But this is the rewrite and the one i adore. Part 2 because its still too long . (Its 11k words) so maybe one more part? This part ends on a cliffanger oops
@squeaky-ducky @galagcica
W! Nsfw. Incest slightly. Body image issues.One slur
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Kiki was dressed in her Converse and blue thigh highs, her skirt was blue and she had on a ps4 shirt. She also had a little pink messenger bag with controller buttons all over it . Toshi did not live to far surprisingly. They actually have to pass his house to get to school. She also brought some money with her to pay for the controller. It was not much but.. it was a start to buying a new one. Was he really upset? He seemed it.. maybe she could show him the strategy videos she liked.
The house was coming into view and also the black Mazda. Kiki pulled her bag close going up to the door knocking lightly. She looked around while she waited. It was a small house nothing to fancy. She jumped when the door opened.
Toshi smiled leaning on the door looking down at her. Cute. Super cute.
He was wearing blue pj bottoms and a black tank top, his arm was bandaged along with his shoulder and chest.
“Ohayo” he said.
“Uh!!! Ko..ni..no wait that's afternoon ..” she rubbed her face and Toshi laughed pulling her in and closing the door.
“Adorable. Well cmon” he walked down the hall and Kiki hurried after him. “ uh .. Toshi!” She said.
He looked back and opened his door going in, Kiki followed opening her bag getting the money , she held her hand out to give him the money but she froze when she saw his room. Amazing.. was an understatement.
He had shelves on his walls. One was full of figures , another had certain video games in special protective cases and the last case had trophies on it. All gold trophies it looked like. Some said ‘Champion’ and some said ‘E3 finalist Winner’ , one said ’Nintendo E3 Winner’. His tv was huge.. it sat on a corner desk that fit right into the corner , it had a shiny Ps4 system tucked into it nicely and a pink Switch next to it. There was also some gaming posters scattered around the room. His bed was very big and mostly black with what looked like japanese symbols on it. He had multiple controllers docked , all different colors sitting on his desk. On the desk was also the controller in half ..a special edition blue one.
Toshi smirked when he saw her looking all around his room with the money in her hand. He tapped her head and she jumped looking at him. “Here! It's not enough to cover it but i can get the rest if i do chores soo..”
Toshi took the money and put it back in her bag startling her. “I don't need it, i'm not replacing it.”
“Wah? Why not ? It's the special edition?!?”
“Well i wanna have a reminder of when i got my ass handed to me in Overwatch” he chuckled ruffling her hair and grabbing a controller. “Show me these strategy videos Mishiko” he sat down on the floor , his back to his bed.
Kiki sat down next to him putting her bag next to her. The Ps4 turned on and Kiki’s heart jumped.
“You have the same theme as me!!!!” She pointed at the NieR theme, the music sending chills up her back. He smirked rubbing his bandages. “Well how about that.” He handed her the controller after opening YouTube. The videos that showed up were… mostly video game walkthroughs or Top 10 mixed in with music playlists. Kiki typed the video in and put the controller down after hitting play. She didn't skip the ad though.
“ you dont skip ads?” He leaned forward to skip it and Kiki jumped up grabbing his arm to stop him.
“No no! I dont skip if i like the guy!” She whined sitting on her knees holding. Toshi felt a smile come across his face when she grabbed onto him. He pulled her between his legs holding her in place. Kiki struggled whining and Toshi let go , the video started and she looked back , her cheeks flushed .
“Sorry Mishiko .” He held his arms up. She wiggled around, she could hear the video too. “Is it okay .. if I sit here? I dont know if you have a girlfriend i …”
He pulled her back wrapping his arms around her again. “Nope, so what do you like about this guy?” He gestured to the tv.
“Well uh.. hes funny. Most strategy videos is just long lectures and he makes it fun” her eyes wandered to his bandaged arm . She saw something black it looked like under them. Could he feel her heartbeat? She was so surprised by him grabbing her like this. He smelled nice too.. a nice leather scent lingered around his neck , it was a mix of cherries to.. must be his shampoo.
Toshi could see she was nervous in his arms, she seemed a little shaky and her knees were up. He laid his chin on her shoulder watching the video and he felt her pulse pick up.
“Uh.. Toshi?”
“Hm?” He was watching the video.
“Are you angry about the controller . I feel really bad.”
“Nope. I already told you Mishiko, don't worry about it”
“Okay.. those trophies ? You've been to E3?”
“I go every year. Free ride”
“Really?!?” She peeled his arms off her turning around to look at him and Toshi sat up straight laying his arms on his knees. “Indeed. Little neko” he smiled.
Kiki felt her cheeks flush red. Neko?. She looked all around trying to hide her embarrassment and Toshi dipped his head chuckling at her.
“Wanna go with me this year?” He teased.
“Uh YES! But .. I don't know if Max would let me.. and you probably have someone else you wanna take “
“ i dont see anyone else here with me” he said rubbing his bandages growing irritated. Toshi pulled his shirt off getting up grab a container off his dresser and sitting back down. Kiki sat criss cross trying not to look..
he pulled his bandages off revealing a black japanese tribal tattoo. “Wanna help me put this on my ink? It itches.”
Kiki held her hands out without realizing it , the container dropped in her hands and Toshi dipped two fingers in and applied it to his arm. Kiki scooted a little closer watching him. He looked a little relieved when he applied the medicine. Slowly Kiki dipped her fingers in to the cold liquid and rubbed it on his upper chest. Toshi smiled at her applying more to his arm , he watched her shaking hand travel all around his chest all over his tattoo. She was tiny to him , never really saw her around school either.
“Hey” he said.
Kiki finished with the medicine looking up.
“ I never saw you around school , where do you hang out ? “
“Oh.. “ she pulled her bag close hugging it “nowhere.. I just rush to the next class.. I dont . .. besides Max and Adam i have no friends. Everyone in my class calls me a hermit”
Toshi furrowed his brow listening to her . What the fuck. “Well thats a fucking awful thing to say to someone.” He petted her head .
“I just want one friend heh.. I guess maybe next year.”
Toshi pulled her to him squeezing her for a long while. Kiki whined struggling in his grip , eventually she gave in and hugged him back.
“Your pretty cool, here, show me what you can do” he grabbed his controller giving her it. She did not take it, instead she just looked down at his chest. Toshi rubbed her back. “Oh cmon, yosh yosh..” he rubbed more and tipped her chin up. “ little neko.” He kissed her forehead making Kiki get very red in the face.
“Uh!!” She panicked pushing back and he let go of her.
“Mishiko you are awesome. Your into cool things. Don't let those losers get to you. I dont” he switched to a game looking at the tv. “You know how many people still call me a Jap?”
“No..” she sat down between his legs picking up another controller turning it on joining his game.
“Sucks, but who cares.” He laid his chin on her shoulder.
“Do you.. wanna make bets?” She asked playing.
“Ouuu yosh.”
They laughed . “ if i win i get to keep your thigh highs”. He said . Kiki looked back at him for a second then back at the tv.
“Okayy..” she giggled . “If i win .. I want another kiss.. please.”
He nuzzled into her neck smiling.
The gaming got very heated between the two. Kiki got out from Toshi’s grip standing up on her knees to play and Toshi stood up to sit on his bed leaning forward. They yelled at each other and the screen, it was Street Fighter. They both had one loss and this match would decide who won.
“COME ON!!!” She yelled button mashing.
“GIVE UP KIKI” he grinned watching his special bar inch closer till it shined . He grinned activating it and it was all over in a matter of seconds. Toshi won and Kiki gently placed the controller down watching the screen. Her character was on the ground , she lost.
She looked back to see Toshi putting his controller down and leaning back on his arms smirking. He saw her sad face and gestured his fingers for her to come over. “ awwww c'mon , now i feel bad. C'mere little neko”
Kiki got up coming over looking all around, she held her shirt once she got between his legs. Tohi was a tall boy , maybe an even 6’ . His hair was black and long , hanging just above his eyes. “How.. uh. Should i just take em off?” She asked a little lost.
“Mm nope. Can i take them off you?” He asked leaning forward looking up at her smiling.
“I .. I guess so . Why do you want them though?” She asked curious.
Toshi smiled extending his hand to her left thigh, gently he wrapped his hand around the back of it squeezing gently. Kiki shuffled her knees around and covered her face. She was all tingly between her thighs and her heart fluttered around.
“Well i'm into it. What are you into hmm?” He asked gently moving his hand down her thigh to her leg. Taking her thigh high with him.
She thought it over for a minute. What was she into? She never really thought about it too much. She lifted her foot and Toshi slid her thigh high off, he squeezed it and then gripped her other thigh repeating the process.
“I never.. really thought about it i guess. “ she finally answered. Toshi frowned as he slid her thigh high down. She stepped out of it and he placed it with the other.
“Never had a boyfriend to figure it out with?” He asked poking her stomach. Kiki wiggled feeling a little embarrassed.
I guess this is a little too much for her, he thought.
“Mishiko you want that kiss?”
“But i didn't win?”
“ ah well.. I want to kiss as well, so ill let it slide, after that we can do whatever you want. “
“You do? Why?”
“Well you were yelling at me during Street Fighter. You should see these guys i beat at tourneys. They get so angry but just walk away. Maybe it's a turn on for me. Maybe i wanna be your first kiss. Maybe i think your cute and i like you. One things for sure though Mishiko, you're the coolest gamer girl i've ever met”
Kiki hid behind her hands whining loud.
“stoppp .. it's embarrassing. Im sure theres lots of hot juniors at school”
Toshi reached up moving her hands from her face and grabbed her hips pulling her close to him and sat her down on his right thigh.
“Trust me. There's not.” He kissed her gently and lovingly. Kiki jumped stumbling and Toshi held her hips firmly . Her heart jumped when his lips touched her, she had no idea what to do with her hands so she just held his face trying her best to kiss him back.
Toshi broke away after a minute while squeezing her hips smiling at her red face. Kiki’s hands slowly fell from his face to her chest holding it. “Uhm.. it was nice.. “ she spoke softly.
“Yes it was, what would you like to do now? My plan was to keep you till Max started blowing up my phone.”
Kiki wiggled and leaned on Toshi closing her eyes and Toshi smirked wrapping an arm around her laying back, his other hand behind his head .
“Ill convince Max to let me go with you.”
He pet her head . “Sounds good little neko”
The two were still laying in bed , Kiki was on top of Toshi , she was pretty sure he could hear her heartbeat. This was all new to her. .. it all happened so fast too. There's no way Max would approve of any of this though. Its crazy how.. she never noticed him at school before, to busy keeping her head down avoiding everything. Toshi had asked her what she was into to. What did he mean though?
She peaked up to see Toshi holding his phone up above his face browsing. He looked down smiling at her.
“Yes ?”
“ what did you mean.. when you asked what im into? Do you have an example?”
Toshi smirked turning his phone to her and Kiki shyly sat up on Toshi’s lap . She rubbed her eye with one hand and took the phone with the other looking at the screen. She jumped and Toshi enjoyed the little hump she did on him.
.”its a .. very lewd catgirl” she said, her face red.
“Yep” smirked the happy man. “What's she got on?”
“Uhm.. fake paws.. ears..tail.. thigh highs and a t shirt” she looked over at her thigh highs that were laying on the bed then at Toshi.
“So it like.. makes you happy?”
“More ways then one. Swipe left”
Kiki swiped and saw a drawing of the same cat girl but she did not have the shirt on, instead she had a collar attached to a leash, she was sitting next to a man but she was on the floor.
“So.. the Master stuff?” She asked looking closer and Toshi shot up wrapping his arms around her back laughing, he took his phone back swiping a few times and showing her a photo of the last picture but it was a cosplay.
“Little neko how do you know what a Master is hm?” He teased her. Kiki wiggled around trying to hide her blushing face in her hands. “Ii.. if im really bored i look up fan fics of game characters and i came across Master stuff…”
“Oh yeah? Did you read it?” He asked rubbing her thigh. Kiki nodded once hiding behind her hands.
“Adorable, look at you.” He teased moving her hands, she was very red and her lip was pouty. Kiki whined looking around fast.
“Can i read it too?” He asked smirking.
“I.. i guess yeah…my phone is in my bag ..”
Toshi leaned down grabbing the bag and Kiki fished out her phone and opened up Safari, she typed and handed Toshi the phone.
While he was reading his phone went off and Toshi glanced over to see the screen. “Max is calling why dont you take it , ill be here”
Kiki agreed taking the phone and quickly getting off of the mans lap going to the hallway. Toshi laid his head back on his pillow reading the fan fic, so shes into the same things as him… interesting.
Kiki was on the phone with her brother.
“Kiki are you ok?”
“Yes why? I.. “
“How long do you plan on staying?”
“I..i dont know. “
“Just make sure its before dinner ok?”
“Okay Max..”
She hung up looking at the phone screen, he had Akali as his background. He also had a ton of text message notifications. Kiki hurried back holding the phone out.
“ hey you've got some texts. And I can only stay for another half hour..”
“Little..neko. Come here” he sounded different to her, more serious ..
Kiki flinched going over and setting the phone on the dresser. Toshi placed her phone next to it and pointed to the floor. “Sit” he ordered.
Kiki immediately felt her cheeks flush red once she heard his words.. it sent tingles all the way to her thighs . Carefully Kiki sat down on her knees by the bed trying to figure out which one she actually let him read. She heard the bed shift behind her , Toshi’s legs were on both sides of her. He gently lowered his left hand to cup her cheek.
Which was it,!! Which one?!? They were all kind of the same but.. they all had this one unique tag. It couldn't have been… the most erotic one was it?!
“This fanfic is quite dirty for such a little neko like you ” He spoke slowly, rubbing his thumb on her cheek. “As a Master im not sure how I should react to it” he gently tipped her chin up so she could see him looking down at her.
“What do you think?” He asked smirking.
Kiki was wet, so very wet. Her thighs were starting to ache and she got slightly dizzy listening to Toshi.
“.. i cant.. be you're Neko without a.. collar”
She knew which one it was now… Toshi had the same attitude as the character in the fanfic. Her favorite one.
“Ill have to get one for my little neko then” he tapped her forehead and stretched groaning.
“Ahh.. been way too long since I last did that.” He teased.
Kiki shot up grabbing her bag and Toshi grabbed her hand. “Woah wheres the fire?” He asked.
“Just hurry up and make fun of me so i can leave..”
She was shaking, she was embarrassed and hot all over. Toshi pulled her over and sat her on his thigh again, he instantly felt her wetness on him. He ignored it for now and hugged her.
“I'm not making fun of you Mishiko, i showed you what i like didnt i? We like the same things.”
“Please.. dont tell Max.” She looked up at him peaking through her hands.
“I won't cutie. But if you're serious about the collar, we can work towards that, id be on board for that”
Kiki shifted around thinking it over, she tried not to look at Toshi since she was embarrassed. Would Max be okay with her dating his friend-wait. He just said the collar stuff.. not that he wanted to date.. he wouldn't want to date her anyway. I mean who would..
Toshi tapped her forehead making her look at his smiling face. She nodded in agreement and Toshi rubbed her thigh. “Well yosh. So you are okay with it then? “
“Yes i am “
He smirked nuzzling his cheek into her neck hugging her tightly. Kiki squeezed him tightly trying to push her feelings aside. This is enough.. it's basically the same thing. She leaned on him just enjoying his embrace, his clean scent, his arms around her. Until her phone buzzed making her groan. Toshi chuckled grabbing it and handing her it. “Boyfriend?” He teased.
She didn't even look at him when she answered him.
“Its Max, my only contacts are Max and Adam so.. no.. hello?” She answered her phone.
Toshi watched her while she talked , oh shit .. so she really is just all alone. Does Max not try to get her to socialize? A sophomore with no friends? Not one goddamn friend?
He pulled her hips closer to him and Kiki almost fumbled her words . She mouthed “what are you doing?!?” To him and he just winked at her.
Kiki blushed a bright red as she talked.
“Okay.. okay.. yes Max.. ok im on my wa-“
He lifted her up and sat her down again with both legs on the side of him , Kiki put her free hand between her thighs holding her skirt down and Toshi nuzzled her cheek chuckling ,he rubbed her thighs while he listened to the conversation.
“Im on my way home..”
Toshi spread his legs a bit and Kiki was losing balance, she couldn't hold onto her skirt and Toshi with one hand…
“Okay well if you don't hurry ill hide all the HDMI cords Kiki” Max said.
“WHAT NO. MAX!” She was falling , Kiki whined grabbing onto Toshi digging her nails into his shirt. Toshi looked down to see her skirt bunched up over her thighs and her panties nearly visible.
“MAX PLEASE DON'T I NEED -“ she felt rubbing on her inner thigh. Kiki’s head shot down to look to see Toshi’s bony hand slipping under her skirt, the sensation she was feeling was unlike any other. She felt her head get foggy and her midsection ached, if she stretched it would have felt euphoric .
“Well then hurry up.” Max said hanging up, Kiki dropped her phone on the bed and Toshi laid back moving her forward to his chest.
“Can you spare five minutes little neko?”
“ just WHAT did you think you were doing?!? What if he caught on? If he heard you?!? He would have killed me! Toshi are you listening?”
Toshi lifted Kiki up with ease bringing her closer to his face, he clicked his teeth when he remembered she still had her panties on, oh well.
“I'm listening Mishiko i promise. but its fun to be a little dangerous. “ his thumbs grabbed her skirt till he had a good grip and carefully he yanked the skirt up revealing her panties , doing his best not to drop her in the process.
Her panties were … D.VA panties. He looked up at her and Kiki had her hands covering her face.
“Dont laugh!!!!” She whined .
“Why would i laugh? I've got Junkrat boxers on”
He rubbed the little wet spot on her panties with his thumb, Toshi watched her wiggle from it and dug his thumb into the side of her panties moving them to the side. Kiki felt a slight chill , she moved her hands away to see Toshi lowering her down.
“Wait Toshi!!!”
“Itedakimas!” He sat her on his face and started licking at her folds . Kiki could not hold in her laugh , she leaned on the wall laughing , she held his head with one hand, her other on the wall. Toshi was laughing aswell , trying his best to lick in a steady pace.
“You… i cant.. belieeeve…” she moaned with each lick. She felt his other hand part her folds so he could dig his tongue in deeper , Kiki was panting into the wall feeling very flustered and hot. Her whole body was crying for more, her thighs were shaking and her juices were dripping down them.
Toshi felt her clench around his tongue and pulled away to lick at her clit sending Kiki over the edge, she let out a loud moan and Toshi smiled gently nipping her thigh. “Cum for me little neko” he whispered.
Kiki came hard falling forward twitching. Toshi licked her clean and pulled her skirt back down sitting her next to him. Kiki laid there coming down from her high, Toshi snuggled her close petting her head.
“You .. really said..”
“I did”
“ it was hilarious.” She managed a weak laugh. Toshi laughed and the two cuddled, ignoring her buzzing phone.
The two were in Toshi’s car sitting outside Kiki’s home, Max was leaning on the door looking .. angry was not the right word. Kiki figured her playstation was unplugged and locked up somewhere . She undid her seatbelt and Toshi grabbed her phone putting his number in it . “There, you can text me whenever Mishiko, don't matter what time it is.” He plopped her phone on her lap.
Kiki put the phone in her bag then looked at Toshi.
“ but you had a lot of messages on your phone..”
“Yeah its just Gina and Kera , no one important. But , Mishiko?”
“Huh? Yes?”
“Have i done anything today that bothered you? I want to make sure you consent to everything. Im probably going to ask you about the collar stuff again too”
She gripped her skirt thinking it over, her knees rubbing together. Her body felt tired from the orgasm , like she was really heavy and shaky.
“Everything was nice Toshi. I'm just sorry im so .. inexperienced..”
“Nani? Oh Mishiko. That's okay , i like to teach. “
“I.. I wanna hang out again. But Max looks like hes putting me under house arrest.”
Toshi looked out his window to see Max still leaning on the door. He looked back at the girl.
“Ill convince him Mishiko. Bring your favorite movie and snacks okay? We can have a nice soft night.”
She blushed nodding and getting out.
She wanted to ask something but…
Gently she closed the door and waved once she got to Max. Toshi waved driving away and Max stared down at her.
Kiki put her bag on the couch turning to Max, he sighed hugging her tightly. Ah.. so he was not mad. Just worried.. Kiki whined when he hugged her to tight.
“You're okay?” He leaned down cupping her face.
“Yes Max” she wiggled around
“Why didn't you answer?”
“I was in the bathroom.. and Toshi was playing Tomb Raider..”
He squeezed her for a long time .
”uhm.. im hungry Max”
He let go and the two went to go eat dinner.
Toshi was home lying on his bed with one hand in his sweatpants and the other holding the thigh highs.
Max had not unplugged anything thankfully… everything was where it should be . Kiki sat down on her bed turning on her Ps4 and saw a friend request from Toshi. She accepted and looked through all his trophies, pretty much the same as hers .. maybe a few more than her. Lots of different games, he also had a lot of followers.
She laid down opening Youtube putting on her playlist, she rolled to her stomach just listening.
“Uhhn.. hes so popular it seems like.” Kiki rolled to her side looking at her wall. “Today was… i dont even know”
Kiki woke up the next day around 9 am . She whined feeling her phone buzz next to her , pulling her phone over, flipping it over to see a picture of Catwoman and a text from Toshi.
‘Morning Little Neko. Leave Max to me. And I'll pick you up around 3 okay?”
Kiki rubbed her eyes before replying. “Why do i feel so.. upset..”. She sat up looking at the message . “I want to be .. his girlfriend..” she got off her bed dragging herself to her mirror looking at herself. Kiki was 5’2, c cups, a tiny chub stomach and plump thighs. Her hair was long and brown, down to the middle of her back . She lifted her shirt to look at her stomach and turned to the side to see her back . “He would have said he wanted to be my boyfriend right? “ her shirt fell from her hands. “The.. Master stuff does not mean that ..” she went back to her bed rubbing her eye , grabbing her phone .
‘I don't feel good , can we reschedule?”
Toshi tapped his screen pausing the video he was watching to open Kikis message, he blinked , furrowing his brows and sitting up in bed.
“Mishiko? Are you alright?”
“Have i done something? Did I make you uncomfortable?”
“Dammit what's wrong ..”he asked himself, running his hand through his hair.
“Im fine , I think i need a day to myself. I'll see you monday.”
“Mishiko….” Toshi put his phone down looking at the soft blanket he dug out of his closet , it had D.VA on it .
Kiki only really left her room to eat a single piece of toast and to shower. She said good morning to Max too. “Hey kiki, doing anything today?” He asked, reaching over her to get the cereal.
“No, I'm kinda tired. “
Oh no. He looked down at his sister . “Oh yeah? Late night gaming?”
“No, just tired.” She took her toast up to her room , Max heard the door close and he ripped his phone out dialing Toshi.
“ oha-“
“What the fuck did you do.”
“...? Excuse me?”
“Mishiko is being quiet , she's letting me tease her and she's not gushing about games.”
Toshi’s heart was racing. Oh fuck. Fuck. He went too far. God dammit…. fuck….. “i didn't do anything. Max, I never did anything to your sister. “
“You fucking swear Toshi”
“Yes, Max. Fucking hell.”
Max leaned on the counter groaning, pinching the space between his eyes. “Alright.”
The relief Toshi felt was like a weight off his damn shoulders. “Is that all she said.”
“Yes, then went back up to her room.”
Toshi grabbed his controller, turning his PS 4 on and checking his friends. She wasn't on.
“Max i, -“
“Ill let you know if she leaves her room.”
Max hung up and Toshi squeezed his controller, he grabbed the thigh highs that were still on his bed staring at them. “How could you let this happen. The one nice girl you meet and you take it too far.” He dropped everything on the floor running his hands through his hair. Meanwhile, kiki was curled up in her bed, sniffling.
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neptunekiid · 7 years
hey, i really love your blog!! and i'm really curious about you so could you answer all of the questions.. i understand if you can't, thank you if you do!!!
awww thank you so much :) since i'm really bored sure but sorry to everyone that doesn't care because this will probs be long af0. height: 4 ft 10in, i know i'm really short but i kinda love being short 1. age: 17 2. show size: 5 in womens and i can't fit into men's shoes3. do you smoke?: no4. do you drink?: no 5. do you take drugs?: no6. age you get mistaken for: like 13 7. have tattoos?: yes, i have three! i have a message from my papa on my right arm in his handwriting, a yellow rose on my thigh and underneath i have "in bloom" in kurt cobain's handwriting8. want any tattoos?: yesssss i have so many more tattoos planned and i'm so excited for them 9. got any piercings?: i only have my ears and their stretched to a 4g and my septum. i actually have clear plugs in my ears rn and i think they're really cool 10. want any piercings?: i'm getting my medusa before my prom, i really love the look of constellation ears so i think i wanna start something like that and i want my nips done when i'm 1811. best friend?: dekotah (follow her, her blog is sea-ofsound and we have really similar blogs so if you like mine you'll like hers!) 12. relationhip status: it's really fuckin complicated 13. biggest turn ons: in general- humour, beards (man you have no fucking idea how much i love beards dude), women in suits (if i women is wearing a suit i will nut), tattoos and getting tattoos, kindness especially to children (if i see you being nice to a kid or like playing with a kid i will prolly fall in love), tall peoplesexually- HAIR PULLING, literally anything else that involves getting dominated *oops*14. biggest turn offs: if you're mean i fucking hate you15. favourite movie: ouuu let's right a list because i have soo many (probs missing a lot) rocky horror picture show, donnie darko, it, scream, the shining, get out, monsters inc, pulp fiction, corpse bride, my neighbour totoro, saw, mean girls, lilo and stitch, now and them, hot chick, edward sissorhands, probably a bunch more but these were the first that came to mind 16. i'll love you if...: you're funny, nice to kids, call me cute pet names 17. someone i miss: my papa 18. most traumatic experience: losing papa 19. a fact about your personality: i'm very easy to make laugh 20. what i hate most about myself: physically- acne personality- i make myself vulnerable a lot even if i know it's prolly a bad idea and i'm way too anxious and shy 21. what i love most about myself: physically- my tattoos, eyes and tits personality- i think i'm very kind and look out for those i care for 22. what i want to be when i get older: i don't really know yet (even though i'm in grade 12) i think i wanna be an elementary school teacher and go to university for a bachelor of arts in english 23. my relationship with my siblings: i have one sibling and were so close! he's like one of my best friends and i love him so much 24. my relationship with my parents: we have a good relationship now but a couple years ago we still had a pretty good relationship but there was a lot more problems 25. my idea of a perfect date: literally doing anything chill with a person i care about 26. my biggest pet peeves: rude people 27. a description of the girl/boy i like: funny and tall 28. a description of the person i dislike the most: idk if i have someone that i dislike the most i mean there are people i don't like... i mean actually trump nvm29. a reason you lied to a friend: i only lie to friends if it's not to hurt there feelings 30. what i hate most about work/school: my store closed so i don't have work rn and school just annoying people and math 31. what my last text message says: thank you 32. what words upset me the most: just slurs \33. what words make me feel best about myself: baby girl, babe, princess, names like that 34. what i find most attractive about women: literally everything!!!!!!! girls! are! beautiful!35. what i find attractive in men: literally everything!!!! boys! are! beautiful!36. where would i like to live: probs like vancover 37. one of my insecurities: that no one actually likes me 38. my childhood carer choice: kindergarten teacher 39. my favourite ice cream flavour: chocolate 40. who i wish i could be: i honestly don't know 41. where i want to be right now: my house (and i am) 42. the last thing i ate: a croissant43. sexiest person that comes to my mind: posty 44. a random fact about anything: the oldest guinea pig was 15
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