#ovad au
dusts-coffin · 1 month
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dusts-coffin · 1 month
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VladBat at anyone he likes 💀
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dusts-coffin · 1 month
VladBat/SerasBat (OVAD Au)
some art of Vlad and Seras in the same post so it's easier to find.
Our Vampires Are Different Au
What is OVAD? OVAD is a speculative project on what if vampires were different for the canon of Hellsing. It's currently a WIP, so more ideas to come!
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dusts-coffin · 5 months
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Master Post Part 0: Summary (You are here) Part 1: General Traits True Vampires: The Head True Vampires: The Body
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A general summary of what the basic idea of this au is, and describing the concept of what I have in mind.
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Idk, just throwing this out there, lol.
Well, I had an idea for an AU where we have different vampires from Cannon! Basically, this time...they're more like animals, but the same "vampires are undead/reanimated corpses" and the usual immortality thing still applies-- The usual stuff.
In my AU idea they are more anatomically/biologically structured to do be predatory rather than just having the ability because "magic." Pretty much just taking a more biological re-imagining of vampiric anatomy. Though, they are supernatural in nature and have inhuman abilities that actually use magic. The focus of this is more on physical base form. I might make a post on this later, I already have a doc outlined! I just have to edit it into a more readable/literary format. I was sitting on this for a while and I think the first thing imma post about it is the new anatomy. A lot of stuff would be changed in storyline, too. I mean, personally, Alucard is gonna stay in his Vladcard form because I love it.
Also, Vladcard is his best form and I will fight people on this. (PLEASE CREDIT IF THIS AU IS USED)
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dusts-coffin · 22 days
VladBat gets headpats
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dusts-coffin · 1 month
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Master Post Part 0: Summary Part 1: General Traits True Vampires: The Head True Vampires: The Body (You are here)
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𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲
The highly sensitive senses of a True vampire make hunting exceptionally easy, but these enhanced senses also leave them vulnerable to attacks from loud noise and bright light. If you want to stun a vampire, stay on your guard and strike when the moment is right-- and always, always bring an electric torch, it may just save your life.
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A key thing about True Vampires is that they have highly defined musculature with more prominent muscles in the back and shoulders to aid in the usage of wings.
Along with this, they are comprised primarily of Fast-twitch muscle fibers, suited for intense bursts of movement and strength over short periods of time--meant to compliment their particular style of hunting, ambushing. Their bodies store very little fat as those extra calories are repurposed to grow the additional limbs and features when a True Vampire is first turned. These stores are also put towards supplying their muscles with adequate fuel to support their style of hunting. (Much like big cats in this sense, where they often spend a majority of time at leisure to preserve energy for hunting). Though they are more geared towards bursts of strength, they are also capable of great feats of power when well fed and have been known to throw grown men across rooms. They are capable of lifting up to 1000 pounds if glutted on fresh, human blood. Because of this muscularity, they also have inhuman speed, and are quite swift to prevent the escape of potential prey.
NOTE: If they are starving, their strength is significantly reduced and they lose muscularity rapidly. After feeding, they become visibly stronger.
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𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 & 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥
True Vampires have wings and a tail, these particular structures are based of those of bats with the one thing being that these creatures still have arms. These vampires have extra shoulder blades, arm bones and the addition of an extra set of back muscles-- However, where as bat's wings connect to their ankles, a True Vampire's wings only extend to the hip. (Ex right) Along with these wings, they also have long, whip-like tails, similar to a mix of rat and bat, extending from where the coccyx would usually end on a normal man or woman. This tail extends around 3.5 feet from the coccyx and is fully prehensile and strong enough to grip and grab things. (Ex left)
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Another thing with this particular vampire, is that they are covered in fur around their neck with manes that are not unlike that of a lion's. This "mane" also tapers down their fronts into a line that trails down to connect to fur covering the groin. A similar line of fur goes down the back and connects to the base of the tail. The extent of this fur extends to their arms and legs with their biceps to wrists and mid-thighs to tops of feet being covered. This fur may have come to be with the consideration of Vlad's home climate, leaving them more suited towards colder climates. They also have thick undercoats that keep them warm in winter months, insulating them in temperatures below zero. In the summer and spring, they often drop this thick undercoat to regulate their temperature in hot weather. This is often shed in great amounts and the left over fur is usually used to line nests
Examples of fur pattern on left, mane in middle, and of shedding on the right
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Their feet are longer than the average human’s with long toes tipped with claws, these feet are highly flexible and meant to grip. This indicates that they are use to hang upside down, often to drop down from above and ambush (Ex of feet below. yes, I know this is from Monster Musume, but it's the closest to what i pictured lol).
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True Vampires are distinctly hypermobile with very supple ligaments and tendons, enabling them to contort their bodies into positions that most may find impossible. This particular trait makes fitting into small spaces to either ambush or hide exceptionally easy. They also have additional cushioning between the vertebrae which allows for an exceptional range of motion in their spines and neck.
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True Vampires have retractable claws that are about 2 cm long, and are exceptionally hard. Unfortunately, because of this hardness, they are unable to be cut through normal means. Their razor edged talons can tear and shred through flesh like a knife through hot butter, often used to slit throats or make cuts to drink the blood from the fresh wound.
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𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬
True vampires have scent glands located in located in the wrists, cheeks, sides of neck, groin and inner calf just above the ankles. (Ex below showing location).
These glands produce semi-viscous secretions or oils which contain pheromones and other sociochemical compounds. These secretions indicate information such as status, territorial marking, mood, and sexual behavior.
Often times they are used to mark areas a vampire has claimed, or even people/other vampires that a True vampire wants to indicate belong to them.
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dusts-coffin · 1 month
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Master Post Part 0: Summary Part 1: General Traits True Vampires: The Head (You are here) True Vampires: The Body
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𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝
A True Vampire is a vampire that was turned by way of divine curse. Vlad the Impaler/Dracula is the only True Vampire with higher vampires being those he turned, or corpses that were raised from the dead by the spray of blood during his human death in 1476. The traits of these monsters follow as such:
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They have highly specialized eyes, suited for the blackest of nights and have visual capabilities on par with an eagle’s, meaning that they can see prey from two miles (3.22 km) away and have a field of vision of 340°. They can also see in near pitch black. Their pupils are slitted in nature which allow for a more dramatic expansion and contraction of the pupils, giving increased ability to see during night and in dim lighting along with protecting the eyes from bright light during the day. Think of them as similar to eyes of a cat. Their eyes contain an Apetum lucidum: A layer of tissue in the eye of many vertebrates and some other animals. Lying immediately behind the retina, it reflects visible light back through the retina, increasing the light available to the photoreceptors. This is what causes the eyes to produce a glow and enhances visual sensitivity at low levels of light. (Ex image left)
Along with this, they possess a nictitating membrane, this is also known as a third eyelid, it is a transparent or translucent third eyelid present in some animals that can be drawn across the eye to protect and moisten it while maintaining vision. Allows them to keep their eyes moist and protected while they are open. (Ex image right)
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NOTE: The only disadvantage a vampire has visually, is poorer vision during the day, due to being adapted to night hunting and being nocturnal. Along with this, they are highly photosensitive with great amounts of light causing pain, blindness and overstimulation.
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A True Vampires ears are highly developed and can detect sounds between 1 and 200 kHz. Can hear a human heart beat from about a mile (1.61 km) away, and can even hear the blood in someone’s veins if close enough. They are controlled by around 30 muscles and are hyper mobile. They can move to a forward facing position, droop, perk up and move individually to each other. They are about 4.75 inches (12.065 cm) long with tips that taper into a point. Can be described as “elf-ish” or “elf-like” in appearance. On the flat inner portion of the ear, they have bat-like ridges which allow for sounds to be amplified. Also allows them to sense vibration at a greater sensitivity and distance. (Example of such ridges below)
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A vampire's ears have many nerve endings that also aid in sensing vibration, and can function as an erogenous zone as a side effect of these nerve endings.
NOTE: No touchy touchy, otherwise you get a very aroused and angry vampire (Ear touching is a social taboo with vampires, it is seen as a very forward sexual advance, and an unwanted one if touched without consent). NOTE: Vampire's ears are highly sensitive, leaving them weak to loud noise and high pitch frequencies. They are also sensitive to things like vibration.
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300 times better than a human’s, and they have more than 100 million sensory receptor sites in the nasal cavity. They can track a blood trail over 50 hours old and can track something over 130 miles (209.215 km). They can smell fresh wounds about a mile (1.61 km) off. Sense of smell is equivalent to a bloodhound’s.
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Teeth: As per usual, vampires have fangs– except with my vampires they have two sets of fangs for top and bottom jaw with both serving different functions. They can also unhinge their jaws like a snake.
The first set, where the canines would be, are long and more needle-like to aid in making wounds for feeding. They are about 19 mm in length and have a hollow channel which is used to inject venom from glands located above the hard palate. These fangs are also retractable when not in use.
The second set, where a human’s first premolars would be, are shorter. These fangs are about 14 mm in length and possess serrated edges to aid in shredding flesh and causing damage– unlike the puncture fangs, these do not retract.
NOTE: In vampiric culture, a baring of the fangs is seen as a threat or sign of agitation. This “baring” can also be involuntary, caused by muscles flexing in the face. However, smiling is not considered “baring” as the mouth and lip posture is distinctly different.  EX:  Lip corners upturned when smiling, lips curl back and corners turned down when baring.
Venom: Vampire venom is a toxin produced by a vampire’s venom glands (Located above hard palate). The effects of the venom consist of a feeling of extreme euphoria, lightheadedness, weakness of the muscles and a heaviness of the limbs, and being more open to suggestion. The potency of the venom is dependent on the individual and how old the vampire is, as venom becomes more potent as a vampire ages
If enough venom is injected when a human is on the verge of death, they become a vampire.
The saliva of a vampire could also be classified as an anticoagulant, allowing the blood to flow continually instead of clotting, preventing the scabbing and healing of wounds inflicted by their fangs.
Tongue: A vampire’s tongue is usually around 3 inches (7.62 cm) in length with a very pointed tip for easy access to cuts and wounds caused by fangs or claws. Allows for easier feeding. The tongue is also covered in back facing spines that abrade wounds, causing more bleeding because of the rough surface. Seems to have a mixture of cat and vampire bat (Ex pictured below).
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dusts-coffin · 1 month
Seras Bat (OVAD Au)
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dusts-coffin · 1 month
Vlad bat (OVAD AU)
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Just a rough sketch of Vlad from my OVAD au! not that great, but I love it!
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dusts-coffin · 24 days
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soo...uh, I made a thing lmao. I have been eating this ship up like my life depends on it. I feel as though I have no brains left. Also, that feel when your ship is less of a ship and more like a rickety old raft you made from sticks and shredded clothes to escape a deserted island.
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Check out Helmie-Art on DeviantArt for the og, clean sheet!
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dusts-coffin · 29 days
More OVAD Au no context memes
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dusts-coffin · 1 month
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Dropping this one with no context, have fun! LONG LIVE ABEVLAD!
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dusts-coffin · 1 month
You know...I just thought about it, I realized how hard it is to dress Vlad Bat and I feel, terrible, horrible regret. Send help, bc I have no idea to dress the monster I created. Nothing he wears can have backs or arms because of the wings and I have trouble with the pants because of the tail and feet. If Y'all have any ideas, don't be afraid to share because I screwed myself, and I need aid in un screwing myself. So far, the only thought is this. It has room for arms and wings, plus it's low enough for his tail, but the neck gets in the way of the neck floof and it's not historically accurate😭 The struggle of dressing a fluffy monstrosity that eats humans and can't wear normal clothes
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dusts-coffin · 4 months
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Master Post Part 0: Summary Part 1: General Traits (You are here) True Vampires: The Head True Vampires: The Body
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬
These are the commonalities that all vampires share, regardless or age, rank, or bloodline purity. A summary of things that are what make a vampire, a vampire.
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𝐓𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞?
A vampire is a human that has been infected with vampirism. This disease turns the victim into a functionally immortal form of undead that can live forever unless killed through external causes. They can be any sex or gender and possess pale, bloodless skin, a more bestial form with claws, fangs, and increased musculature. In addition to these traits, their ears are longer, and their eyes have a luminous quality–not unlike cinders. They are cold to the touch and have no heartbeat, being living corpses.
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𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐲, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦?
Vampirism is classified as a blood infection that is transferred from sire to spawn through the injection of venom into a human close to death. For one to be turned into a vampire, they have to be a virgin of the opposite sex to their sire. The reason behind the virgin rule is unknown, but if the victim is not a virgin, they are turned into a ghoul (A zombie-like undead under the command of the vampire that turned them). The origin of this disease is Dracula by way of a divine curse.
In encounters with these elusive monsters, they have been described as having animalistic instincts and a ‘cat-like’ nature with tendencies geared towards territoriality, aggression, and being prone to incredible arrogance. They possess a solitary disposition and are attracted to small moving objects and cold/dark spaces where they are tend to nest. These traits are consistent across the board for most vampires with the exception to the solitary nature being established colonies, in such cases vampires actually appear to be hyper-social rather than isolationist. In terms of diet, vampires are primarily Sanguinivorous with few exceptions. They are a species that can be classified as hyper-carnivorous predators (A hypercarnivore is an animal with a diet of more than 70% meat via active predation or scavenging. The remaining non-meat diet may contain non-animal foods such as fungi, fruits, or other plant material). Though the consumption of anything other than blood is rare, there have been instances of vampires consuming raw meats, seminal fluids, and human milk. If a vampire is starved, they will go dormant or into a state of stasis to preserve nutrients. To hurt or stop a vampire, holy water, garlic blossoms, silver, or religious iconography/crosses must be used. They cannot enter consecrated grounds such as churches; along with this, they need to sleep in a coffin with the soil of their homeland. The only surefire way to truly kill a vampire is to stake them through the heart, cut off their head, and torch the body in sunlight.
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dusts-coffin · 1 month
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭?
Our Vampires Are Different (OVAD) is a speculative project on what if vampires were different for the canon of Hellsing. It's currently a WIP, so more ideas to come!
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𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
Rule 1: Please give proper credit if using this Au and do not claim you are a part of it's creation, or claim you are the original creator.
Rule 2: Please do not claim that any original character or concept is canon to this Au. There is an established canon, and universe rules.
Rule 3: Please be respectful of my world and it's concepts, I put a lot of love and passion into this project. This is basically my child.
Rule 4: If you do something with this Au, please tag me and tag the post as OVAD Au, I wanna see! I love when people enjoy my stuff enough to create for it!
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PART 0: Summery: Introducing the general idea. PART 1: General Traits: What Are the base traits of vampires in this au.
PART 2: The Biology/Anatomy of True Vampires The Head: An explanation of the eyes, ears, nose and mouth of a True Vampire The Body : An explanation of the body, wings, tail, feet, etc. of a True Vampire. Biological Processes: An explanation of heat cycles (biological & social), hibernation and dormancy in True Vampires
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𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
#OVAD Index: Tag for the actual informative OVAD Au posts. This contains all Indexed information, minus things like art or discussion.
#OVAD Au: The General Tag for the Au that can be used by people tagging their posts.
#Our Vampires Are Different Au: Full Name Au Tag, I use this for my posts and it is meant for my own blog.
#OVAD Art: Tag for OVAD Au Art, used when I post character art, anatomy art, index art, etc. It may also be used if you also want to post your own.
OVAD Meme: The tag for OVAD Au based memes, used for...well...memes.
#VladBat: Tag for OVAD Au Vladcard/Vlad.
#SerasBat: Tag for OVAD Au Seras.
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