#abraham van helsing (hellsing)
the-batkin-colony · 21 days
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Abraham just had to do Seward dirty right in front of Lucy.
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cry-ptidd · 3 months
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The Hellsing family and its leaders
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see-arcane · 10 months
Checking the Hellsing wiki it says
In Volume 8 of the OVA and manga, Harker was not listed within the members of the Vampire Hunters Alucard had listed during his fight with Anderson. This could however, be a mistake made by Hirano.
So even in the manga and OVA they forgot him? Damn.
Funny you mention that! I've been looking up some blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo references for secret reasons. Here's Abraham van Hel(l)sing:
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This is the coat and cravat Alucard is seen wearing throughout most of the manga. Or at least he borrowed that style from Abe, opting for his signature red rather than Mystery Grayscale.
And then we see someone implied to be Mina Harker with...
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Who is also wearing a certain familiar hat. And do you recognize the coat?
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It's the first coat Alucard wore in the manga before he swapped to Van Hel(l)sing's!
I don't see the ba(t)stard adopting his vintage Victorian fashion and/or lookalikes from just any rando. He'd only copycat them if he had the same weird grudging respect he has for this version of Hel(l)sing. So for character and Mina-hugging reasons, I'm inclined to think the man in the panel with Mina is Jonathan and Hirano accidentally pulled a Stoker mistake--just like with Renfield's group interview, he just forgot he'd put Jonathan in the scene.
Plus, how would it even be explained away in the context here?
'Oh yeah, we're heading off to hunt Dracula to save Mina Harker. Who is married to Jonathan Harker. Who is vibrating with so much Archenemy Energy he's going to cause earthquakes if he doesn't do some vampire violence. So obviously we'll just have Jonathan sit out the entire climax of the original story centered entirely around rescuing his soulmate! Makes sense!!'
(Yeah this could only be a flub.)
As a side note, look what else I found:
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Even though she lost the Eucharist burn, Mina's skeleton shows she still had fangs. Very minor post-mortem Monster Mina rights!
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Entry Six: Date December 16th 1898
The more I discover, the more I wonder. Just what is he? Upon the horrid discovery a few days ago and the sheer differences I keep on finding, I wonder if perhaps I should call him a progenitor. He is the first of his kind that I am aware, the source of this disease, this plague upon the world. The original who spread it to others, both knowingly and unknowingly.
So far, I have been attempting see what makes this Progenitor as I have deemed to call him so different. He certainly more eldritchian than most vampires, even Lucy whose remains I have had exhumed in order to compare.
Fangs seem to be longer from what I can tell in comparing her body to his, and her nails too seemed to be shorter than his. It is possible this is a result of age, but hopefully Lucy can help us once more. Though she is unfortunately quite dead, perhaps I can find a live specimen to compare, because as fascinating as Dracula is, he is not the standard for his kind as I am very quickly realizing.
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Wondering if I should try doing a Hellsing Blog based entirely on Abraham Van Hellsing's experiments and research on Alucard. I would attempt to do drawings/sketches of what I imagine the images to be like in his research and to have entries of speculative biology surrounding Alucard. It would be made up of my own theories, but wondering if anyone would be interested in something like that
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my-mild-ginger · 1 year
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pebblezone · 2 years
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I have many thoughts in my head
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ajstudio · 2 years
Edit November 9th, 2023: I corrected the date of Dracula's defeat to November 6th like the book dates since I am currently finishing the audiobook a second time.
On September 6th, 2022, I shared this realization with my friends on Tumblr and I remember going bonkers over it:
I shared this with Maddie. I realized something while I was going through the novel, Dracula, again. So the events take place in the month and year the book was published in May 1897. But doesn't that seem off? Then it occurred to me that the seven-month-long events of the book happened before it was published.
Then I remembered that Jonathan and Mina have a son at the end of the book and it's mentioned that seven years had passed. So the events of Dracula took place in the year 1890 or as early as 1889 before the book was published.
So my idea is Abraham Van Hellsing had Bram Stoker publish the book with the year changed.
Also, while a sequel was written by one of Bram Stoker's descendants (which wasn't well received by the fandom) it did mention Abraham had Bram Stoker publish the book because he wanted to help other people that went through the same ordeal he and the others had with Dracula.
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So according to Jonathan he and Mina had Quincey on November 6, 1890. One year after Quincey died and Dracula was defeated.
So I am making this post because I not only made a mistake on the year the events of the book take place, but I have two possible years the book is set in.
The clue I am going by is the conversation Mina has with Abraham Van Hellsing when she recounts to him Jonathan's shocking although justified reaction to Dracula showing up in London. She mentioned it happened on a Thursday, and earlier in the book she wrote and dated the episode happening September 22nd.
With this information, I went to Time and Dates to look at 17 calendar years for a September 22nd landing on a Thursday and found three: 1881, 1887, and 1892.
I want to believe the events happened in 1887 since not only would Quincey Harker have already been born and seven by the time his family and their friends return from visiting Dracula's Castle in Romania but following these events Abraham Van Hellsing gathers the handwritten and audio accounts of their time dealing with Dracula.
He writes the manuscript that would become the Dracula novel or he meets Bram Stoker who writes the novel after meeting Abraham because Mr. Van Hellsing wanted to help other people that would likely deal with vampires like he and his group did.
After having a difficult time getting the novel published Dracula finally hits the shelves on May 26, 1897, which is ironically Dracula's Day.
I needed to dig a little more before settling on which year Dracula took place in, and boy I hit something and find another clue I overlooked: the Demeter.
After reading up on Bram Stoker and an interesting article about his time studying for the elements pertaining to his novel on Time's website, apparently, the book was centered around real-life events and real-life people.
Jonathan Harker, his wife, and Dr. Seward were real people. The Demeter Incident was real, but the ship was called Dmitri. The sailors said the incident happened a few years ago. Bram Stoker started working on Dracula in the summer of 1890. So I can without a doubt say it was set in 1887. Which gladdens me.
When he tried to hand over the manuscript to be published as a non-fiction book his editor refused it since it pertained to events centering around a mass murder and then before it was finally published in 1897 101 pages were cut out, the epilogue was shortened, and other alterations were made to avoid a mass public panic since the madman was believed to still be around.
I never expected to learn this much about the book and its events to this magnitude but I was certain I would need to change some of the dates on my previous post about vampires and ghouls.
Dracula by Bram Stoker
@merumely @thirstyforlulu @alucardownsmyass @doodleferp @diamond-star @sundove88 @michi-tala @amikartest @trashbaby92 @goblins-riddles-or-frocks @blood-and-cigars @the-hellsing-organisation @icecry @thecrimsonwingsfckerabridged @elixirvitae @therejectkat @alucrd @autumnaaltonen ​ @valentine-bites @theloveandthedead
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Hey, I have questions...
Since the whole Dracula hunting squad has a thing where they know shorthand with the Harkers starting first (cause I think they learned that the Count Dracula can't read shorthand), do you think that later on Alucard, who is Count Dracula, would learn shorthand?
Also do you think young Quincey Harker also was taught how to make shorthand? To continue the tradition...
There also is the fact I was wondering if Alucard would go back and read all the journals that the group made? To learn about the viewpoint of the other people and learn from his mistakes. Or maybe he does not....not wanting to relive everything that happened. But there is also would he have the opportunity to read the journals or one of the Hellsing group (like Abraham, Arthur or Integra) would try to stop him?
There also the question of if the group was okay with the fact that Abraham van Hellsing brought Count Dracula to England? Like maybe he could try and escape from the prison.
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thebibi · 2 years
At least Dracula being mad at God for helping his country's enemies makes a bit more sense than Dracula being mad at God because his wife chose to kill herself
Yeah it makes way more sense tbh. This Dracula basically goes through a redemption arc, he was at his worst when he became a vampire.
Hellsing's Dracula lore is whack because I can't imagine Van Helsing letting him live, let alone creating an entire organization using him as an experiment (maybe a bodypart though). Even though Dracula takes away the "blood baptism" from Mina, later on you find out she died young, probably from the vampire blood anyway! And the bad guys use her cells to create more vampires...its just so bizarre.
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 23 days
is the name hellsing based off the name of Abraham Van Helsing from dracula or does hell sing in your media
its based on the guy from dracula (nobody that worked on it has like said anything about that but i assume it was since the novel canonically happened in the hellsing universe) ^_^ also they throw this pun in in volume 8 which i thought was cool . okay bye
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the-batkin-colony · 1 month
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cry-ptidd · 2 months
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I don't know why I drew this but yeah
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see-arcane · 10 months
Yes Hirano's super weird with the "vampirism happens only with virgins" rule when it's decidedly not a thing in Dracula's vampirism lore. (Though not as weird as what he did to Mina, who deserves to crawl back to life and murder everyone in the whole manga for it)
True on both points.
Unfortunately, you've activated a mental trap card and now I'm about to explode into a barely-related tangent. Please stand by for hazy Hellsing spoilers to anyone who wants to look away.
The saddest thing about Hellsing is that it's one of the least headache-inducing Dracula-adjacent pieces of media I can think of.
Even with how Hirano draws Seras Victoria and That Scene with Rip Van Winkle. Even with his ~creative~ take on Vlad the Impaler. Even with what he retroactively does to Mina's remains. Even with Abraham van Helsing once again getting shoved through the No Really Honest for Real He was a Super Cool Occult Magic Man who was Definitely Solely Responsible for Taking Dracula Down!!1! filter (with Jonathan and Mina getting a whole single panel together, ooh, aah). Even with the nitpick of turning Helsing into Hellsing just because of the Edgy+ factor.
Even with all of that, I can still genuinely say I enjoy it.
First, because Alucard and company are there to kill Nazis and generally monstrous people who signed up to get superpowers to be even bigger monsters. I love seeing them get supernaturally woodchipper'd. Never disappoints.
Second, because Alucard/Dracula is--and this is vital--still a bastard. One who, via the lens of how the Hel(l)sing family did their murky magical experiments on him, got juiced up into the Mega Shounen Horror Ultrabadass version of himself...and promptly got put on a magic leash so that he could only bare his teeth at the command of his human Hel(l)sing master. And for decades, pre-Integra, he was left to wither and rot in a windowless cell. Waiting to be dusted off.
It's a unique psychological place to force the asshole into. It doesn't make him a good guy, but I'd say it makes him a better character. One who pushes the limits of how much of a monster he can be without breaking the tethers on him and his power. Even when the inevitable Count Fuckula ooh~ sexy sexypire~ glaze gets applied with his interactions with Integra, it's still shown how fucking aggravating and uninvited he is with it. How much he uses it as just another nettle. Just as he once used an admittedly classier/classic gothic predatory menace on Jonathan, Lucy, and Mina in the novel.
When the big climax comes and he gets to flex all of his bloated powers, he's reached an internal growth point where he, at the very least, takes a moment to acknowledge Integra and Seras as worthy of respect rather than just irritating or deriding them respectively.
As an aside, despite her obvious Fanservice Girl position, I do have to grudgingly give Hirano points for how he portrays Seras Victoria's position with Alucard. This is the first (and I think only!) time I've ever seen a Dracula turn some voluptuous babe and then...not make advances on her. Before or after. He turned her to save her life after shooting through her to kill the vampire at her back. If anything, this is the first time we see any form of Dracula take a non-sexual, strangely paternal approach to the assumed vampire bride of a story.
And then there's the matter of Alexander Anderson. He and the Iscariot organization are absolutely bristling with what-the-fuckery and religion-aesthetic weirdness I don't have the skill to untangle. But the set up between Anderson and Alucard at the climax by itself is an interesting thing for how it shows a kind of logical (by manga standards) extreme of Dracula looking peaceful in the novel's climax; how he died and turned to dust with serenity. He welcomed it.
Alucard/Dracula, for all his glee at being a sadistic overpowered monster, welcomes Anderson's attempt to kill him while the man is still human. He's eager to be slain by a righteous mortal hand--perhaps he always had been since that Transylvanian sunset when he was left paralyzed, but not put down. Just turned into an experiment and an attack dog for the century and change to come. And when Anderson resorts to inhumanity, to becoming a horror like him rather than remaining the human hero who rightfully slays the monster, it makes him livid. Heartbroken.
There's just a lot to pick apart with this version of Dracula that I find worth sitting through the nonsense for. He isn't watered down into a cartoon. He isn't turned into a wink-at-the-camera Casanova. He isn't ~doing it all for love~. He's still fucking Dracula. But a Dracula who's been dragged by the hair through an intriguing rock tumbler of a history and forced to play with a cast of characters that makes me want to see what happens next rather than roll my eyes at yet another cookie cutter DRACULA WAS SO AWESOME-COOL AND THE REAL ANTIHERO ALL ALONG AND ALL THE GIRLS WANTED HIM AND THE HUMAN HEROES WERE ACTUALLY ALL LAME OR SECRETLY EVIL narrative.
It's a bloodstained bullet-riddled eldritch undead fever dream.
All that and it has a Dracula who eats Nazis.
I'll take that shit and Crispin Freeman's velvet voice acting in a heartbeat over 90% of Dracula media that's been squatted out over the past 126 years.
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Entry Five: Date December 14th 1898
I have come to a most disturbing realization.
Dracula appears to have both sex organs native in both male and female humans. I am not certain if they are functional, but the discovery that this creature is in possession of a uterus and ovaries is quite possibly the most destressing thing I have found about the creature aside from when I first learned of his mere existence.
Asking Dracula about it does not ease my confusion for the creature seemed to panic upon being questioned as to why he possessed female sex organs. It appears not even the vampire, himself, realized it which makes me wonder what other sort of strange things I will find as I continue my dissection.
Though this now begs several questions, will I have to worry about female based ailments as I continue my study of the creature. Could he perhaps be susceptible to female hysteria? I do not know and dare I say, I hope not. That would be simply too strange, especially on the discovery that in the past the vampire has taken on the form of a woman before. Apparently he also does not seem to care when it happens, stating that his form means little to him.
I cannot see how that could possibly be the case, and I imagine there's something sinister or even perverse going on when he transforms into that of the fairer sex. I shall keep an eye on this creature, for I cannot fathom as to why he appears to be a hermaphrodite or why he would not care about the shape he takes on. It seems suspicious to me.
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thewritersplace · 7 months
Writeblr Intro
Hello, all!
My name is Kendra, and this is my writeblr introduction. It's a bit simple stylistically, but that's how I am. Now, onto the intro!
I'm currently twenty-seven, use she/her pronouns, and am an asexual, demiromantic, biromantic cisgender woman (may as well cover all the bases, right?). I was born and raised in Northern California, spent my undergraduate years in Oregon, and then returned to NorCal, where I still reside.
I have an MA in History, a BA in Religious Studies, and a double minor in History and Psychology.
I've been on this website for over a decade (via my main blog), and have been writing in general for almost fifteen years. I started out with original works, then discovered fanfiction, and worked solely on that for over a decade, before slowly venturing back into original works again. Nowadays, I write both concurrently, though I admittedly do still find fanfiction easier, and my original works often take a backseat to my fics. Yet, somehow, I've ended up with a (current) total of six WIPs — all of which I will introduce you to today.
It's been a long time since I've shared my original works with such a large audience, so I have some natural apprehension, but ultimately I'm looking forward to doing it again.
Now, without further ado, I present my WIPs!
The Road To Eternity Is Paved With Blood (drafting)
Dracula's Daughter (outlining) (prequel/sequel to Road To Eternity)
The Wrath Of The Vampire Queen (outlining + drafting)
For The Love Of A Goddess (outlining)
The Other Side Of Paradise (outlining)
Red Thread Of Fate: Love In The Modern World (outlining + drafting)
The Road To Eternity Is Paved With Blood is a Dracula retelling of sorts that was inspired largely by Hellsing, with other snippets of inspiration taken from Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) and Dracula Untold (2014). The story begins in the 1880s, and extends at the very least to the early 1900s. It follows the life and times of Rose Rowan, a beautiful noblewoman, and her relationship with her husband, Vlad Draculea (former Voivode of Wallachia, and member of the House of Drăculești), as they navigate eternity and a life of vampirism together. Her twin brother, Judas, is also featured prominently — as are his experiences with vampirism, which contrasts some with his sister's. Of course, as with every good Gothic novel, there is darkness to be found within this tale. Abraham Van Helsing and his ilk have made it their mission to bring about the end of Vlad Draculea, and anyone connected to him. The challenge in this quest, however, lies in said connections that Vlad has — namely Rose, who will stop at nothing to protect him from the infamous vampire hunter. She will have her fairytale ending, even if it has to be achieved through darker means. For while the road to hell may be paved with good intentions, the road to eternity is paved with blood.
Dracula's Daughter is a sequel/prequel to the above story, and focuses on Beáta, the daughter of Vlad from one of his late wives. She is also a vampire, and has been living for centuries, though largely on her own. She has lived many lives, and is a worldly young woman, though at the beginning of our story she has come home to Wallachia to see her father again after his most recent remarriage, and to meet his new wife. While she ultimately becomes fond of her new step-mother, she also has to contend with the sinister plotting of some of her father's immortal brides — namely The Queen — who would like nothing more than to rid Vlad of his new wife. Thinking herself as perhaps the only one who can bring peace and stability to the family, Beáta wrestles with who she should side with, or if she should side with anyone at all. There is more to her new step-mother than meets the eye, however, and Beáta soon finds that perhaps she is not as alone in this fight as she thought. In fact, for the first time in centuries, she has someone on her side who will fight with sharp claws and bloodied teeth to make sure such a conflict will never come to pass again.
The Wrath Of The Vampire Queen is a story somewhat inspired by Dracula Untold (2014), as well as the life and times of Vlad the Impaler. The tale begins in the mid-1400s, where Vlad Draculea and his wife, Senka Slavkov (born Deirdre Delacroix) are navigating the wars and politics of his reign. It then extends well into several of the following centuries, where Senka is still searching for her husband centuries after his disappearance (which occurs some years after his historically recorded death). Her brother, Didier Delacroix (who adopted the name 'Renatus' upon arriving in Wallachia), a dhampir, accompanies her in her search, as they are the only family each has left, and his connections with the Church and various religious organizations consistently prove vital to their search. Senka believes she knows exactly who took her husband — Hungarian and Turkish enemies from his mortal life, now vampires themselves. Didier, however, is not so certain, as some things don't add up. Still, they both believe that Vlad is out there somewhere, and will continue their search until they find him — be it alive or truly dead. If it is the latter, then there will be no saving his former captors from the wrath of Senka Slavkov, the vicious and vindictive Vampire Queen.
For The Love Of A Goddess is a story set in the present day, and follows two young women — Megara and Zarina — as they navigate their lives as best they can. These two women are the best of friends, and share in many things — including being chosen by two goddesses to be their mortal partners in this iteration of their immortal lives. Megara, a historian and religious studies scholar, caught the eye of Athena, who admired her intellect just as much as her beauty. Zarina, a librarian with a previous background in psychology, attracts the attention of Aphrodite, who finds her beauty to be dazzling, and the depth of her kindness and compassion to be a rare thing in such an egocentric world. While very happy with their respective partners, Megara and Zarina find that being with immortals comes with a variety of challenges — and not just the more obvious ones. Athena and Aphrodite are just two of an endless list of deities who are trying to survive in a growing atheist world, and if they lose this fight, they may very well disappear for good. Not wanting such a thing to occur, all four women come together to try and create a plan to prevent this disappearance from happening — though they face difficulties in the form of other various deities not wanting to band together to save each other from extinction. After all, immortals are just as egocentric as the mortals they so often think of themselves as better than, and much more difficult to persuade. Thus, the four women must not only enact a plan to prevent the extinction of various deities, but also contend with the fact that they may be the only ones in this fight. With time very much not on their side, this group of mortals and immortals must figure out a way to ensure that they do not lose this existential battle, and keep the existence of so many deities alive.
The Other Side Of Paradise is a retelling of Genesis in some ways, with the focus being on Lilith and Eve, rather than Adam and Eve. It begins in the Garden of Eden, with Eve pondering the idea of a world outside of the garden, and curiosity about her husband's alleged first wife, who had fled Eden long before Eve's creation. Eventually, Eve dared to venture to the edge of the garden, and it was there she saw Lilith. The two spoke over the wall, and met every day thereafter, eventually becoming friends. Lilith tried to get Eve to leave both Eden and Adam, but Eve was just the slightest bit apprehensive. Eventually, after tasting the forbidden fruit from the tree, Eve was expelled from the garden, and Lilith was there to greet her upon her exit. Eve, who was excited by the prospect of seeing the world, happily took Lilith's offered arm, and went off with her. The two spent many eons together, though not always in the same physical forms, as souls eventually begin to outlast bodies. In the present day, their souls have come to reside in the bodies of two young women who have never met, but are destined to find each other — as that is what souls do.
Red Thread Of Fate: Love In The Modern World is a story about two young women, Shu Nazhi and Zhou Xue Li, who live in similar yet vastly different worlds. Shu Nazhi is a businesswoman who runs her family's company with the help of her older brother, Hou Zhu Zhi, and younger sister, Shu Nuan. Zhou Xue Li is a model, actress, and singer, who is down on her luck when it comes to love. The two are introduced by a mutual friend (Nazhi's foster sister of sorts, and Xue Li's close friend) under the guise of Nazhi being Xue Li's new bodyguard, and become close over the course of Nazhi's assignment. After Nazhi finds herself falling for Xue Li, she turns in her letter of resignation, and then promptly asks Xue Li out upon the latter's acceptance of said letter. Xue Li, already secretly head-over-heels in love, happily accepts, and the two spend the day doing various activities throughout the city. The relationship, blissful as it is, also comes with the complications of things like paparazzi, work commitments, as well as their differing personalities and lifestyles. As the two women navigate these challenges, they begin to wonder about what it would have been like to love each other in a different time, and if they ever did — for they know that the red thread of fate works in mysterious ways, and that some souls are always destined to find each other.
(Disclaimer: Zhou Xue Li was created by/belongs to @bwaldorf, who was kind enough to allow me to use her in my story)
Tagging @bwaldorf, @veneritia, @helioselene,
@moariin, @socialmediasocrates, @lasbrumas
(Please ask to be added or removed from the taglist)
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