#ovation productions
aye-of-newt · 26 days
watching the bts for beat the buzzer and admiring how much the dropout production quality has grown in the time since they filmed season one of game changer on an ipod touch
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zerodramallama · 1 year
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coffeeshades · 9 months
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credits to the gif maker!
summary: the trials and tribulations of falling in love or two idiots who can't get their shit together.
pairing: pedro pascal x actress/singer!reader.
word count: 7.2k
warnings: 18+ (minors dni). mentions of sex. angst (heavy on this i'm sorry in advance) cussing, age gap, mentions of drugs and alcohol. no use of y/n, if i missed something please let me know!
a/n: hi everyone! yes yes i know i disappeared for like 5 months but let's pretend i didn't. i've seen all of your messages and comments and i'm overwhelmed with all the love you've shown to the previous parts. thank you so much to everyone who likes, reblogs and leaves a kind message, i see you and love u. here's a new lil chapter, i hope you enjoy it. happy reading!!
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February 28th, 2019 
Cort Theater, NY
The day was here. The day he had been eagerly waiting on for months. The anticipation had been building up, and now he was finally going to perform in front of a live audience for the first time in what felt like an eternity. The months of rehearsals and hard work had all led up to this moment, and he was ready to give it his all.
He was starring in the new Broadway production of “King Lear" as Edmond, one of the play's most complex and intriguing characters. The role had challenged him in ways he had never experienced before, pushing him to delve deep into the character's motivations and emotions. As he stepped onto the stage, the bright lights shining down on him, he felt a surge of adrenaline and a sense of purpose. 
And just like that, three hours and twenty-five minutes later, the final curtain fell on the play. The audience erupted into thunderous applause, their standing ovation a testament to their incredible performance. Exhausted but exhilarated, he knew he had given everything he had to the role and left it all on the stage. 
His mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The rush of adrenaline slowly subsided, and as much as he wanted to hear what everyone thought of his performance, there was only one person whose opinion mattered to him right now: yours. 
The last time he saw you was on your last day in Chile, almost two months ago. He vividly remembered the bittersweet farewell outside his family's house—you getting into the car and him closing the door. A door that seemed to separate their worlds. Since then, they had kept in touch through messages and occasional video calls, but it wasn't the same. Of course it wasn't. It will never be. 
The distance between them had only fueled his longing, making him yearn for your presence even more. Constantly trying to derail his one-track mind. 
He knows you're here. He had invited his siblings and closest friends. However, he was unsure of your attendance until an hour before the show, when he received a text from Oscar:
"She's coming with me. Stop pacing and good luck." 
He hadn't really discussed what happened back in Chile with Oscar or anyone, for that matter, but he could tell everyone knew something was off about how the two of you interacted. So when he got the message from Oscar, instead of freaking out about him potentially finding out about you two, he felt relieved. 
It gave him comfort to know that Oscar knew him so well that he was aware of the fact that you were the cause of his two-hour pacing in his dressing room. It was also fucking stupid and laughable. 
The energy backstage was electric as he walked through the bustling crowd of crew members and performers. He entered his dressing room, grabbing his phone and immediately seeing all the texts from friends and his siblings. He opened one from Javiera: "Felicidades, hermanito! Killed it. See you at The Terrace." 
They had planned on getting together afterwards to celebrate. He replied with a grateful smile, saying he'd be there in a few and to get there without him. He quickly changed into a more casual outfit: dark jeans and a comfortable white t-shirt. Wanting to unwind after the intense performance, he made his way to the restaurant. It was only a few blocks away from the theater, so he decided to enjoy the pleasant evening weather and take a leisurely stroll. 
Once he got there and stepped out of the elevator, Pedro watched you from across the room. A delicate hand rested on Oscar's shoulder as you chatted and laughed together. He felt a bubble of pride in himself swell; it warmed him to know that you were enjoying yourself and having a good time. 
He felt like an intruder in your intimate moment, but he couldn't tear his eyes away. At least I don't have to miss her anymore because she's right there, he thought. 
Pedro made his way across the room, trying to appear nonchalant as he approached the table. 
"There he is! the man of the hour," Oscar said, a wide smile spreading across his face. 
You turned. Eyes meeting, and it was like a car crash. A collision of emotions and memories flooding back all at once. The air between you crackled with unresolved tension, and Pedro's heart raced as he struggled to find the right words to say.  
"You came," he said, his voice stern. Not reflecting at all the turmoil inside him. "Thank you." 
"Well, you called," you replied, trying to sound nonchalant as well. Deep down, though, your heart was pounding just as fast as Pedro's. 
Everyone seemed to ignore the palpable tension in the room and how he was losing his mind over these unclear conversations between your glances, carrying on with their congratulatory words to Pedro as if nothing had happened. But for Pedro and you, time stood still. 
People settled into an easy conversation, enjoying each other's company as the night went on. As the night went on, Pedro and you exchanged occasional glances, silently acknowledging the shared secret that lingered. He wanted to scream it at the top of his lungs: We slept together! We slept together, and I loved it! He wanted every single person in New York to hear it. To feel the exhilaration and passion that consumed him. 
However, to say it was to make it real, and Pedro wasn't quite ready to face the consequences of that reality just yet. He knew his place in her life. He knew it was better this way. However, the ever-present question of 'Is it better to have something and lose it than never have it at all?' haunted his mind. 
The laughter and chatter around you provided a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions swirling within both of you. After a couple drinks, the atmosphere became more relaxed, and Pedro found himself engaging in lighthearted conversations with the people around him. 
"Ah, man. I need a cigarrette," he said to Oscar, reaching into his pocket for his pack of cigarettes. 
"Go, go. I'll keep everyone entertained," Oscar replied with a smile, gesturing towards the lively crowd. Pedro nodded gratefully and stepped outside, the cool night air providing a brief respite from the chaos of his thoughts. As he lit his cigarette and took a long drag, he couldn't help but wonder if the temporary escape it offered was worth the potential consequences. 
"I thought you quit," you remarked, slowly making your way to him, eyebrows raised in mild surprise. Pedro turned and exhaled a cloud of smoke, a wistful expression crossing his face. "I did, but you know me. I have a hard time letting go of old habits," he admitted, flicking the ash off his cigarette.
"Care to share?" you asked, gesturing towards the pack of cigarettes in his hand. Pedro hesitated for a moment. 
"No?" you repeated, raising an eyebrow. 
"I don't want to be the reason you get lung cancer." 
You chuckled. "Ok, so you can do it, but I can't. Got it." 
"I'm old; there's no use," he said with a shrug. "However, you have a whole life ahead of you."
"You make it sound like you're on a deathbed," you teased, taking a playful jab at Pedro's dramatic statement. He smirked and took a long drag from his cigarette before responding. "Maybe I am, in a way. But hey, we all gotta go someday, right?" 
"That's...dark," you sighed. "mind if we changed the subject?" 
"Sure, what do you want to talk about?" Pedro asked, flicking the ash from his cigarette. "Anything to distract me from my impending doom," he added with a smirk. 
A laugh escaped your lips as you thought of a lighter topic. "How about we discuss your play?"  Pedro's eyes lit up at the suggestion, momentarily forgetting about his earlier morbid thoughts. 
"How are you feeling about your performance?"
Pedro looked at you for a little too long before finally responding, "It's funny I'm thinking about death because I've never felt more alive than on that stage." 
"I could tell. I thought you were great, P." 
He shook his head modestly. "Thanks, but I still feel like there's room for improvement. I want to push myself even further in the next shows." 
"I get that." 
Pedro watched you stare at the ground. His thoughts began to conspire against him, and as he was about to speak, you also looked up and opened your mouth at the same time. Words rushed out in unison.
You both paused, realizing you had interrupted each other. Pedro chuckled tentatively and motioned for you to go ahead. "Sorry, you first," he said with a polite smile. 
You bit your lip, seemingly trying to gather your thoughts. "It's nothing. I just wanted to tell you I'll be in Europe for awhile. I got the Nolan movie."  
"Woah, another one?" 
"Yup. The role isn't as big as in interstellar, but I love working with him so much I couldn't pass up the opportunity."  Pedro nodded, a mix of excitement and disappointment flickering across his face. "That's amazing; congratulations. I'm sure you'll do great, as always," he said sincerely. "I'll definitely miss having you around, though." 
"Well, it's not like it'll be much different than now," you replied. "I haven't seen you since...since you know,"  your expression turned somber, cheeks flushed. 
You were right. He was so busy with the play and his new role in the second installment of Wonder Woman that he barely had any time. He even had to cut back on his time on set for The Mandalorian reshoots this month and a few scenes for a second season that haven't even been announced. 
"Yeah, I know." 
"Should we talk about it?" 
"I mean, there's nothing to talk about, really," Pedro said with a shrug, not daring to look you in the eye. "We slept together, and we both agreed that was it. No need to complicate things further." he tried to maintain a casual tone, but his voice wavered slightly. 
Pedro wanted to scream. The nicotine clouding his lungs was the only thing keeping him from losing control. It seemed like all he was left with was a painful reminder of what could have been. He looked at you as he took another puff of smoke. Your eyes clearly searching for a trace of emotion in his face, but finding none. 
A droplet of rain landed on Pedro's cheek as he inhaled deeply, feeling the coolness against his skin. It was as if the universe was reflecting his inner turmoil, adding to the weight of his unspoken words. He watched as you looked up at the darkening sky, the raindrops falling steadily on your hair. 
The sound of thunder echoed in the distance, mirroring the storm brewing within him. He dropped the cigarrette from his hand, its ember extinguished by the rain.
"Isn't that the point of love, though?" you finally responded, your voice raspy and drunk with bitterness and resignation. "To complicate things, to make us question everything, to drive us to the brink of madness. Maybe it's not meant to be simple, Pedro." 
His body tensed up, and your words clearly struck a nerve. The weight of your statement hung heavy in the air, leaving an uncomfortable silence between you both. It was no secret that his perspective on love had been tainted by past experiences, leaving him guarded and unwilling to let go of his pain. 
"You're right. Which is why I would rather stay away from it. I've seen firsthand the havoc it can wreak on people's lives," Pedro admitted, his voice laced with a hint of frustration. He knows he's hurting you; he can see it by the way your eyes glisten with unshed tears. 
"So that's it, then?" you asked, your voice trembling. "Is this how it is always going to be?"
But he can't risk it. "I thought we were on the same page with this." 
He sees how your jaw tightens at his statement. He knows he's hurting you. He's twisting the knife even deeper. He can't seem to stop just because he believes it's for the better. 
Please know it's for the better. 
"Yeah, I guess it's better this way," you spat back, your voice filled with anger. Of course, you could tell exactly how he was feeling. 
"Guys! What the fuck are you doing outside? It's fucking pouring!" A friend shouts from the doorway. "Get inside!" 
You both stood there staring at each other, momentarily forgetting the rain pouring down around you. 
“Yeah. What the fuck are we doing?" you say, not even trying to mask the anger in your voice. 
He wants to reach out and kiss you. Kiss you so hard that his lips would bruise. Kiss you so hard that your pain will fade away. But that action would go against everything he had just said. 
So he just watches you turn around and leave. 
What the fuck is he doing?
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3 months later
After weeks of shooting in the United Kingdom and the Amalfi Coast, you and the crew finally had a couple of days off. Aaron, John, and Rob had the brilliant idea to take a quick trip to Monaco. 
“It’s a Grand Prix weekend,” Aaron said excitedly. “Maybe if we make a few calls, we could still snag some passes.” 
“Doesn’t that start this week?” Rob inquired, taking a sip of his drink. Ever since your arrival in Italy, the four of you finally got the chance to eat dinner together at a nice restaurant. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Aaron waved his hands in the air, “but if we leave tomorrow, there’s plenty of time to get there and enjoy ourselves.” 
You were so focused on your meal that you missed the sound of your name coming from Aaron’s mouth. “Hellooo?” he continued, and you looked up at him, eyebrows raised. “Aren’t you friends with Lewis Hamilton?” 
“Yeah. Well, I mean, we see each other sometimes at events and stuff. He’s really nice,” you tell him, still feeling a bit distracted. 
“Could you maybe give him a call and get us those passes?” he asks, pouting like a puppy. John laughs at him, hitting him lightly on the arm. 
“Sure, I can try,” you reply, feeling a bit hesitant. You rarely ask for special favors and don't want to come across as entitled, even more so when you haven't spoken to Lewis in so long. 
“Yes!” Aaron celebrates by raising his fists. "Um, one more thing,"
“Mate, you’re pushing it now,” Rob remarks with a playful tone. You can tell he's enjoying the banter between you and Aaron. 
“Go on,” you gesture at him to continue, a smile on your face. 
“Could we also use your PP?” 
“Use her what now?” John exclaims. Laughter erupts from Rob's mouth, making you and John join in. 
“Her private plane, mate!” Aaron says, embarrassed. 
“Yes, Aaron,” you get out, still laughing. “I’ll let you use my PP.”
"Thank you!" 
The flight to Monaco was smooth and quick. You spent most of it trying to focus on a script for a project after this one while the boys all slept. After your dinner last night, you made two calls: one to Lewis to ask about the passes and one to your publicist to let her know about your last-minute adventure. 
Lewis was very nice as usual and said that, of course, he can get you the passes, while your agent said attending an F1 weekend would be good publicity and good fun. A win-win situation, she called it. She also said that since you were going to attend the race, you might as well attend all the events that come with it, which meant she had to fly in to assist you.
By the time the plane finally landed and you made it to the hotel, you were worn out. You spent the rest of the afternoon and night sleeping, without a care in the world. The next day, soft knocks on the door woke you up. 
"It's me,"  Taylor's voice called out. 
You groggily got out of bed and opened the door to find her standing there with her laptop, a cup of coffee, and a huge smile on her face. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." 
Although you hadn't passed a mirror on your way to answer the door, you had the feeling that you didn't look visually appealing at the moment. Your body ached, like you wrestled with a wild animal all night and lost. 
"Did you just get here?" you ask her, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. She smiles and shakes her head. "I got here late last night, but you weren't answering the phone, so I called Renata instead, and she said you were sleeping. And like the great person I am, I let you rest." Renata is your PA/publicist, a great friend, and one of the two constants in your life, along with Taylor. 
"Wow, so kind of you," you say sarcastically, but can't help the small smile that tugs at the corners of your mouth. "Come in." 
As Taylor enters, you shut the door behind her. She scans the space in fascination. There are floor-to-ceiling windows on the wall that run the length of the room and the wall to your left, which is behind the dining room table. A broad view of the harbor can be seen between the sheer, white, fluttering lengths of the floating curtains. 
"Gorgeous suite," she says, sitting on the plush sofa across the room. 
"Ren always chooses the best rooms, so yes," you tell her, sinking once again into your warm bed. 
"You're still tired? You've slept for like 16 hours already," she chuckles, pouring herself a glass of water from the crystal pitcher on the side table. "I know, but I guess the jetlag is hitting me harder than I thought," you reply with a yawn, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath of the fragrant flowers on the nightstand. 
"You didn't come to Monaco to sleep, did you?" Taylor chuckles, sitting down on the edge of the bed. 
"No! We have a full itinerary planned for today, starting with breakfast at Café de Paris across the street with the boys. And then we're off to the Hotel de Paris for a F1 brunch event. There will be lots of food, drinks, and hot guys. Specifically, hot F1 drivers," you groan-laugh inwardly at the thought of dragging yourself out of bed so early for the sake of hot guys. "You know that's the last thing on my mind, right?" 
"Well, not on mine!" she replies with a wink. "But seriously, it's not just about the eye candy. The event is also for a good cause, raising funds for a local charity. And it's also a great place to network and meet new people—you know the drill." You nod in agreement, feeling more motivated to attend, knowing that it's for a meaningful purpose. 
With a determined sigh, you sit up and swing your legs over the edge of the bed. "Okay, I'll shower."
"Let me call Renata and tell her to prep the car and get the glam team in here." 
"Thank you," you tell her, disappearing into the bathroom. 
Two hours later, you find yourself entering the venue of a charity event with your very impatient and rather enthusiastic co-star and best friend, Aaron. The venue is buzzing with excitement as you take in the elegant decorations and the well-dressed attendees. Since it's Monaco in May, you're sporting a light blue strapless top and white linen pants that complement the warm weather and the sophisticated atmosphere of the event.
"I can't believe Rob and John sat this one out because they were 'too tired', Aaron remarks, shaking his head in disbelief. 
"Well, they don't have the energy of a 5-year-old, unlike you," you tease, playfully nudging him. "But hey, more champagne for us," you add with a mischievous grin as you grab two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter. "Cheers."
The bubbles tickle your nose as you take a sip, savoring the crisp and refreshing taste. 
Camera flashes illuminate the room as people mingle and engage in lively conversations. You're stopped every 5 minutes by someone wanting to take a picture with you. You oblige every time with a smile, posing for each photo and exchanging pleasantries. After all, that's why you're here for. 
Everything was going smoothly until someone bumped into you, causing you to spill champagne all over your clothes. The cold liquid seeps mostly through the fabric of your top, leaving a sticky sensation against your skin. 
"Oh, my bad," you hear a thick Australian accent apologize. You turn to see a rather tall, tan-skinned, handsome man with a sheepish grin on his face. Did you say how handsome he was? And what the fuck was he smiling for? 
Once he realizes who you are, his eyes widen in surprise and anguish. People start noticing the commotion and turn their attention towards the two of you. The man quickly grabs your arm and pulls you away from the crowd, his grip firm but gentle. 
"Hey! Where are you taking me!" you protest, trying to free your arm from his grasp. His grip tightens slightly, but he maintains a calm demeanor as he leads you towards a quieter corner. As you reach a bathroom, he finally releases his hold on you and takes a step back, his expression filled with concern. 
"Relax, I'm not kidnapping you." 
The chaos around you fades into the background as he shuts the door and starts grabbing paper towels. "Shit, here," he says, handing you one. "Sorry for ruining your clothes."  
You start wiping the spilled drink off your clothes, a little annoyed at the inconvenience. You can feel his gaze burning into you without looking. 
"Do ya want me to give you mine?" he offers, gesturing towards his own shirt. "It might be a bit big on you, but at least it's dry." he pauses, waiting for your response. 
You stare at him. "And what? you're going to walk around shirtless?" you ask, raising an eyebrow. He chuckles. "Yeah, I have a banging body, so I'll just be doing everybody here a favor here, really," he replies with a smirk. 
You roll your eyes at his cocky remark. "I think I'll manage without your shirt, thanks," you say sarcastically. "But I appreciate the offer." 
He laughs as he observes you. "Okay, then let me find another way to make it up to you." 
"There's no need."
"Do you have plans tonight?"
"I'm fine."
"Does 7 p.m. sound good to you?"
"Where are you staying?" 
"I don't even know you."
"It's Daniel."
"Okay, Daniel. I don't know you, so no."
"But you could," he says with a playful glint in his eyes. "And who knows, it could be the start of something new." 
"Are you quoting High School Musical to me?" 
"Hey, it's a classic. And it was right there." 
You chuckle, unable to resist his charm. Something lights up in his eyes. 
"Listen, I won't push you anymore. It's up to you. Can't blame me for trying, though." you raise an eyebrow, considering his words. 
"I'm going to go now," you tell him, pointing at the door. 
He nods understandingly. "See ya later."
After about 30 more minutes of indulging everyone in conversation and enjoying the party, Lewis Hamilton finds you. "Hi sweetie, there you are," he greets you, ever so polite. "I heard chatter that you were here. I thought I wouldn't see you until tomorrow's practice sessions." 
"Oh yeah, but you know duty calls," you say with a smile as you lean in to hug him. "It's so nice to see you. Thanks again for the passes." 
"Oh, it's nothing. You would've gotten them without me, but I'm glad you called me instead. How have you been enjoying Monaco so far?" 
"Good, good—" you begin, but before you can finish your sentence, a burst of laughter you recognize from earlier erupts from across the room. "Actually, do you happen to know him?" you ask Lewis, gesturing with your head towards the source of laughter. Daniel is joyfully engaged in conversation with a group of people. Lewis follows your gaze and chuckles, "Ah, that's Daniel Ricciardo. He's a fellow Formula 1 driver and quite the character, to be honest. He's a cool dude." 
"Huh," is all you manage to say as you watch Daniel animatedly tell a story, his infectious laughter filling the room. 
"What are we looking at?" Renata and Aaron find you and join the conversation; their curiosity is piqued. 
"Nothing," you quickly respond. Renata immediately caught on to your evasive response and followed your gaze. "Oh, Daniel?" she exclaims, voice hushed and her eyes glinting with excitement. 
"Wait, you know who he is?"
"I did my homework on the plane. He drives for Renault, and he looks great doing it."
Lewis and Aaron chuckle at Renata's enthusiasm, sharing in her excitement. "I think Renata will be watching a few races from now on," Lewis remarks, causing everyone to laugh. Renata shrugs, a proud smile on her face. "Trust me, I will, but not for him. Have you heard of Charles Leclerc?" 
You're still staring at Daniel, dumbfounded. Wheels are turning in your mind. 
Aaron's voice interrupts your thoughts. "So...why are we still staring at him?" 
"I'm going on a date with him tonight." 
Your own declaration surprises you. 
"Wait, you are?" both of your friends say in unison, their eyes widening with curiosity. 
"Yes," you say, setting down your drink. "You guys ready to go now?" 
They nodded, not wanting to press further but clearly intrigued by this, and you said your goodbyes to Lewis, promising to see him on Friday at the track. As you made your way to the exit, you grabbed Daniel by the arm and pulled him aside. 
"Hotel Hermitage, 7 p.m., Room 303. Don't be late," you whispered, voice calm and steady. Daniel's mouth curled into a smile, but he maintained his composure and nodded, a feeling of excitement in his gaze. With a final pat on his shoulder, you rejoined your friends and headed out of the venue, eager for the evening ahead. 
You don't know what the hell you were thinking when you said yes. You could feel your anxiety building as the time approached—face flushed, stomach twisting in knots. James and Liz, your hair and makeup team, paused, laying out brushes and curling wands. "Everything okay, love?" James asked. "You want us out?" 
"No, keep going. You're almost done, anyway. I'm just internally freaking out a little." 
"You're great and look beautiful," Liz replied. "There's nothing to worry about."
You give her a tight smile and try to believe her words, but the nagging doubts continue to linger in the back of your mind. As the final touches are applied, you take a deep breath and say your goodbyes to them. 
"Good luck and have fun!" James says as Liz winks at you and closes the door. You chuckle at their enthusiasm. You walk back into the bedroom and pick up the black cocktail dress hanging on the closet door. The soft fabric feels comforting against your fingertips as you slip it on. The dress hugs your curves perfectly, accentuating your best features. You grab your clutch and check yourself in the mirror one last time. 
A knock on the door startles you. "Coming!" 
Breathe, you remind yourself. 
"Wow," Daniel says with a warm smile. "You look absolutely stunning. Are you ready to go?"  
You're sure your face must look like a tomato as you thank Daniel for the compliment. 
"Yes, let's." 
As you reach the entrance of the hotel, Daniel hands the valet a ticket, and he opens the door of his car for you. "My lady," he says with a playful bow. You can't help but feel a rush of excitement as you step into the very flashy luxury car. For an F1 driver, you didn't expect anything less. The soft leather seats hug your body as you settle in, and the sleek interior design adds to the overall opulence of the vehicle. Daniel starts the engine, and the car glides smoothly onto the road. 
"Where are you taking me?" 
He looks at you with a mischevious grin plastered on his face. "My friend Max is throwing a yatch party tonight, and I thought it would be the perfect way to spend the night," he says, revving the engine slightly. "But I intend to dine and wine you before we head there." 
"Oh," you reply nonchalantly, "Nice."
"Still playing hard to get?"
You shrug and give him a grin. 
"That's alright. I enjoy a good challenge," he replies, his eyes sparkling. "But I have a feeling that by the end of the week, you won't be able to resist my charm." He winks at you. 
"You're quite confident, aren't you?" you say, raising an eyebrow. "But don't underestimate my ability to resist." You smirk back at him, ready to prove him wrong. 
The car pulls up to the entrance of the restaurant, and you both step out onto the bustling street. You make your way inside. "Oh, I've been here before," you say lowly, feeling a little satisfied that it is something you've experienced already, so it's harder for him to impress you. 
You couldn't have been more wrong, though. 
The hostess greets you with a warm smile and leads you to the main dining area. As you follow her, you can't help but notice it's....empty. Not a single table is occupied. The dimly lit room feels intimate and cozy, with soft music playing in the background and red roses adorning each table.  
The hostess gestures towards a table in the middle of the room. "The waiter will be with you shortly," she says before leaving you alone. 
You turn around, facing Daniel. "Did you rent out the entire restaurant for us?" you ask, slightly surprised. Daniel chuckles and shakes his head. "No, I just made a reservation for a quiet evening," he replies. 
"You're an awful liar."
"I just saw how hectic everything was for you this morning, with all the pictures and people clamoring for your attention. I wanted to give you a break from that and create a peaceful vibe for us to enjoy tonight," Daniel explains, his eyes filled with sincerity. 
You smile. "That's very thoughtful. Thank you."
"I have my moments." 
The night continues with the two of you enjoying the delicious food and engaging in fun and light conversation. The peaceful atmosphere allows you both to relax and truly connect with each other. 
Just what you needed but didn't realize until now. 
"You're literally always smiling," you tell him. In the very short time you've known Daniel, there's something constant about him: his distinctive smile. Daniel chuckles and replies, "It's amazing what surgery can do. Formula 1 pays really well, and I was able to put a lot of that money into permanent smile surgery."
You burst out laughing. "Well, they did a great job," you say, still chuckling.
You glided arm in arm onto the yatch, dry martinis in hand and a revolving stream of waitstaff to refill your drinks as soon as they emptied. You feel more relaxed and comfortable now. Maybe it was the three glasses of wine you had at dinner and the drink that's currently in your hand, or maybe it was the contagious laughter and carefree attitude of your date. 
Cote d'Azur was a smooth wash of precious stones at this time of year. The ocean's deep, smoky blue stretched out like a shiny carpet. Loud music blasted from the speakers, and the upper deck was transformed into a vibrant dance floor with people spinning and swaying to the beat. 
You wished you could rest your head on Daniel's shoulder without looking like you were already drunk. 
He excitedly introduced you to his friends, who instantly made you feel like part of their tight-knit circle. As the night progressed, you found yourself effortlessly blending in. 
"So how did this insufferable clown manage to take you out on a date?" Max asked, his voice loud over the booming music. 
You shared a brief glance with Daniel. "He spilled champagne all over me."
"And then she couldn't help but fall for my charming personality and good looks," Daniel interjected with a playful grin. 
"Yes, that's exactly what happened." 
Daniel puts a hand on your lower back, and you mindlessly lean into his touch. "You wanna go outside for a bit?" 
The need for some fresh air and a break from the crowded room causes you to hum in agreement. You leaned over and observed the white waves as they cut through the water as you came across a section of railing near the stern of the yatch. 
The sound of the waves crashing against the yacht provided a soothing soundtrack to your conversation. As you leaned against the railing, Daniel's playful banter continued. 
"Are you having fun?" 
"Very much so," you replied, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. 
"So I'm winning sooner than I thought I would."
"Winning what exactly, Daniel?" you asked, raising an eyebrow playfully. "The game of enjoying this beautiful yacht ride? Then yes, I suppose you are." 
He laughed, but it wasn't his usual boisterous laugh. It was a softer, more genuine sound that made your heart flutter. 
He came closer. "Would you like me to whisper it in your ear?" 
As he leaned in, you could feel the warmth of his presence enveloping you. His eyes were locked with yours. 
"You're falling for me," he whispered, his voice husky. The words sent a shiver down your spine, confirming what you had been trying to deny for the past hour or so. Not because you didn't find him charming or attractive, but because you felt like you were betraying the person who broke your heart months ago. 
How can someone break your heart if it wasn't theirs to begin with? 
You push back those thoughts. 
The playful banter that played out all night faded into the background as a new energy filled the air, sparking a connection between the two of you that was impossible to ignore. 
You give in. 
"You think?" 
He nods, his eyes dark. Your hands were encircling his neck, one at the nape of his neck and the other against the side, where you could feel his heart pounding beneath the pads of your fingers. Your fingers scraped at bristled hairs as you held onto his curls, and you enjoyed the feel of them rubbing against the pads of your fingers. You were tightly gripping him in your hands, not allowing even a millimeter to pass.
Daniel couldn’t decide where to touch you. You huffed a breath against his mouth as the lightest of touches - the barest featherweight of fingertips, like your skin was made of silk, traced along the curve of your jawline. The sensation sent shivers down your spine, making you crave more of his touch. His fingers continued their exploration, trailing down the nape of your neck, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. 
He had pressed you against the railing at your back with no warning, and you felt the firm pressure of it. And now you arose from it, attempting to cling to every bone-hard surface of Daniel's body. His lips found yours in a passionate kiss, igniting a fire within you that consumed all rational thought.
"People are watching," you whispered breathlessly, breaking the kiss reluctantly. Daniel's eyes met yours, filled with a mix of desire and mischief. He smirked, his hand sliding down your waist possessively. 
"Let them."
You were so fucked. 
You’d barely been able to breathe these past couple of days with events and rendezvous with Daniel consuming your every waking moments. It was fast paced and you found yourself completely swept up in the whirlwind of emotions. He was showing you his world and you were willingly diving headfirst into it. 
It was Saturday morning, which meant is qualifying day and despite all of the media commitments and preparation that Daniel had to do, he’d promised breakfast as a way to make up for it. So here you were at a cafe only a short walk from the circuit, chewing your way through a delicious stack of pancakes while Daniel sipped on his coffee. 
It felt oddly comforting to be sitting there with him. He was a stranger to you just a few days ago, but now he feels like a familiar presence. The conversations flowed effortlessly between you; he was funny, attentive, and attentive, but most importantly, he wasn't afraid of showing you off and telling you how much he liked you. 
From the moment you crossed paths, he showed interest in you and made an effort. You haven't questioned whether he genuinely liked you or not. It was nice to be with someone who didn't play games or hide their feelings. 
Your mind has also found a new way to torture you: whenever you felt happy with Daniel, a nagging voice in the back of your head would remind you of him. 
Him. Him. Him. 
You couldn't even say or think of his name. It was too much.  
And yes, you were content, but you couldn't help but think about it. 
The first time you tasted Daniel's lips, you were let down it wasn't the same. That feeling of disappointment lingered, but as days passed, it dissipated more and more. Maybe one day it'll be gone completely, you thought. 
"So let me get this straight," you say, putting your fork and knife down on the plate. "You were on your way to winning in 2016, but a pit stop error cost you the race?" 
Daniel nods. "It haunted me for so long. I couldn't shake off the frustration."
You grab your coffee and lean back on the chair, listening intently. "It was very dark. I should've been happy because I was on the podium in Monaco, and that's huge, but I was miserable. The whole time, all I wanted to do was smash everything to pieces and scream, which is something you do not want to do in front of Monaco royalty, by the way." 
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued by Daniel's emotional upheaval. This was clearly a pivotal moment for him. "So, what finally helped you move past that?" you ask, curious to hear his response. 
"Well," Daniel begins, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I won last year." 
"Yeah, that'll do it." 
You both laugh, and he places a hand on your knee beneath the table. "But honestly," he continues, his voice softening. "It wasn't just about winning. It was about proving to myself that I could overcome my own limitations and achieve greatness." 
"So...winning basically," you respond, teasingly. 
"See, I wanted to be humble about it, but let's be real, winning felt pretty damn good," Daniel admits with a sheepish grin. "I love winning."  
You snort in amusement, "Well, I guess a little bit of bragging rights never hurt anyone." 
You two carry on with your meals. His left hand still on your knee, and the air filled with contentment. 
While Daniel returned from the qualifying weigh-in, you waited at the back of the garage. You had gradually gotten to know the Renault team over the previous two days. Everyone, from the mechanics to the media team, has been friendly and welcoming to you. You're still trying to decide whether it's because of Daniel, your status, or that they were just nice. Pretty sure it was all three. 
You were aware that it would be best for you to stay out of the way as the team worked and the broadcasting teams were filming in and around the pit lane, but you were unable to hide in Daniel's prep room. At the back of the garage, you found a calm area where you could watch the busy activity without being a nuisance. 
You were aware that, although you might have been in the VIP sections, you couldn't be that far away from him. You were able to feel more connected to Daniel and the team's spirit by spending time in the garage.
The phone had been ringing nonstop all day in the back pocket of your pants; the screen frequently flashed with new notifications from your social media accounts or texts or calls from friends and family. You were aware that the countless pictures of Daniel and you parading through Monaco were the root of the problem. 
It was truly a sight to behold to be watching him race around the track and walk around the paddock. 
He was in his element. 
"You look cute, baby," he says, referring to the oversized headseat on your head. His face flushed from the heat, and yours from the compliment. His hair was messy and a little damp from sweat, evidence of the intense racing. He looked perfect. 
He leaned in for a kiss, his lips brushing against yours, electricity rushing through you. 
"I think you're winning," you say, your eyes fixed on him. 
"Aw, that's sweet of you, baby, but I didn't qualify that great," he chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusement. 
"That's not what I meant."
His face is puzzled for a moment before realization dawns on him. He smirks, his signature smile spreading across his face. "Oh," he says, his voice filled with warmth and affection. 
"Yeah," you say, barely above a whisper, your eyes never leaving his. 
"I told you so," he replies, his voice filled with confidence and pride. 
"Shut up," you say playfully before kissing him again.
You were falling for him. 
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a/n: oh oh pedro...someone's stealing your girl. are you guys team pedro or team daniel?
Reblog or like if you enjoyed it! thank you for reading :)
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moonyinpisces · 6 months
just relapsed on standing ovation photo of december 15th 2023 michael sheen attending the donmar warehouse production of david tennant’s macbeth
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tinacalder · 1 year
The Ocean At The End Of The Lane Review
The Ocean At The End Of The Lane review by Robin Elliott @gohbelfast @OceanOnStage #OceanOnStage
It’s always good to see The National Theatre in Belfast and once again they didn’t disappoint. It was well deserved standing ovations all round at the opening night of the thrilling, magical, fantasy, adventure – The Ocean At The Lane Of The Lane. Running at Belfast’s Grand Opera House all week this spectacular show from the imagination of Neil Gaiman has to be this year’s must see production. I…
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thealogie · 3 months
Motive and the cue was truly fantastic by the way. They got a matinee standing ovation. I cried more than I’ve cried at anything this whole theatre trip. The acting was superb but this is the only play I’ve seen this round where the play was actually good and not just a case of “wow the acting is so good it’s elevating the production”
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dwreader · 10 months
A Meal to Remember by @iwtvfanevents
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Part 2: I am suddenly Megan Ellison, a wealthy lesbian, my father is a billionaire who has allowed me to start my own production company to make films I want to see. Money is no object. Here are the fics I would adapt and who I would hire (bully into) directing.
1. Reformation by verseau - first of all, I would pay $1 billion to acquire the rights outcompeting Amazon, Netflix and Apple and I would make Betsy adapt the screenplay. I maintain this must be cinematic because Ldpdl’s hole needs to be experienced in 70mm imax AND I would not allow any countries to censor like they did to Florence’s boobs. This would be like an Eternal Sunshine/Blue Valentine/Two for the Road type romantic dramedy that jumps back and forth in time to show the couple’s struggles and progression, and the non-linear storytelling means it automatically becomes an Oscar frontrunner. I would try to hire Barry Jenkins first but he is occupied with The Lion King 2 at Disney so then I would go to Mia Hansen-Love to direct. Beyoncé does the soundtrack. I didn’t even have to ask her she just wanted to.
2. Part of Your World by weathermood - I will imprison Mr. Monsterfucker himself Guillermo Del Toro until he agrees to direct this film like I am Kathy Bates in Misery. He will read it and then be like okay I agree you don’t need to kidnap me I will make this movie. We are going full Avatar 2 level budget to make sure underwater scenes are believable cause I won’t tolerate bad Aquaman CGI. The budget balloons to $400m but that’s okay cause it makes $2.7b worldwide and there’s 2 sequels greenlit immediately cause the world wants to see Louis get pregnant.
3. A Potentiality for Corruption by vampdf - Guillermo is occupied with Part of Your World and its sequels now so I turn to Robert Eggers to help bring to life this gothic horror romance. It’s 3 hours long. Parts of it are in black and white and there’s aspect ratio changes that confuse and unsettle the audience. We debut at Cannes. We get a 47 minute standing ovation but also some walkouts and fainting in the crowd because some vanilla viewers couldn’t handle the ending, which is controversial but has everyone talking.
4. Cord of Communion by themasterletters- this has now become a #1 nyt best selling novel so we have a built in audience and they want it to be a tv show cause of its length and we can’t skip out on any important points. Every streamer wants it but I choose HBO cause of the prestige factor and I’m an Emmy whore. It becomes Sunday night essential viewing replacing Succession it’s like if The Idol was actually good. I hire many talented directors such as Raine Allen Miller (Rye Lane), Francis Lee (God’s Own Country), Gina Prince Bythewood (Beyond the Lights) and I make Rolin Jones be my showrunner. We sweep the Emmys. The episode where Lestat fires Louis becomes the new Red Wedding traumatizing millions.
5. Pieta by baberainbow - When iwtv the amc show ends, I hire Paul Verhoeven to direct a standalone sequel film based on this fic. It’s as insane as you could ever imagine. The Catholic Church is mad at us. It’s condemned by the Vatican and the anti-feminization police. They’re protesting outside our premiere like they did to Benedetta. It doesn’t matter cause it just makes the film an even bigger hit.
6. Hand to God by boltcutters - first I pay Ziska $1 billion to finish writing this. Then I go back in time to 1933 first to make Hollywood not adopt the Hays Code so we can have gay and interracial stuff in movies and then to 1946 so Howard Hawks can direct this Danlou version of The Big Sleep.
PSA: some of my links aren’t working cause I’m on my phone (on vaca) so please forgive me but y’all know where these fics are don’t lie!!!
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singingkestrel · 15 days
So I just played through the Nil route in FOTH (my productivity at work this week is gonna be terrible) and. Well. My goodness. What a ride (reference intended). I'm gonna need about an hour to recover, I think.
Nil has always been a fantastically intriguing character that I've been simultaneously drawn to (those eyes, that voice, his murderous tendencies) and repelled by (those eyes, that voice, his murderous tendencies) - though certainly more the former than the latter! I LOVED how he was explored here. @mythicaitt and @chloefraazers deserve a standing ovation, seriously. And those battle scenes! Wow.
Also, @kittleskittle's art - holy crap, you guys. I don't have enough words to tell you how good it is. I think photo album pic #4 genuinely shut off my brain for a bit there. I've gone back to stare at it again at least three times now.
So much love went into this game and it shows. Thank you, everyone who made it.
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Ok, watching iwtv s2e2 again and taking notes because everything happening too much:
(Spoilers under read more)
Louis and Armand arguing about who should have made contact first sounds a bit like Louis and his mum arguing about who should have kept in touch, but less angry.
Also Daniel absolutely not buying their domestic bliss charade is hilarious. "Keep selling it"
Ok, on Louis and his photography: How are all your pictures turning out so well? You're taking them at night, free hand, no flash light. I guess for less hurried ones he can, because he's a vampire, just stand very very still, but we see him and Claudia move the camera while taking pictures (or use a way too short exposure time), he's taking pictures on a moving bike. They should all be underexposed or blurry as hell xD
Louis getting nasty when Daniel's questions go places he doesn't like is so good. Three grumpy old men in a penthouse, trying to one up each other.
Love how Claudia is all indecisive about going into Madeleine's shop until someone tells her not to do it, then she immediately goes in. Lestat's daughter, absolutely. They both hear someone say "Lestat/Claudia, no!" and immediately go "Lestat/Claudia yes!" xD
Aaaand now Daniel's hand is shaking again. Guess it's time for another visit from Fareed (give me my mad scientist husbands)
Love Daniel gleefully correcting Rashid (and indirectly Armand) that you're not supposed to be using gloves with old books and documents. Have the writers stolen this from tumblr posts after s1? ;)
Armand, give poor Real Rashid ('it's just Rashid') a raise already xD
Armand, you dramatic shit, making the lights flicker like that when meeting Louis
The whole Theatre part is just so good. Ben Daniels gave his all and he's stealing the show. Standing ovations for this man. (and also wishing him so much strength after the loss of his husband, so sad for him)
The whole Annika scene was so intense, the actress is fantastic.
KP (the MVP of production crumbs) and his little knitted hat ^.^
The whole theatre troop looks so good. And the set is great.
Celeste's "Do American vampiresses all wear pastels?" is giving Morticia Addams xD
Daniel calling it all a telenovela, and making sure to have the fitting background music, is hilarious xD he's right and he should say it
Delainey is so pretty when she smiles. And also once again doing so well.
Roget, what do you know? Also I wanna know what else was in that box, apart from the letter (looks like some kind of deeds or other official documents? maybe money?).
And there Louis goes lashing out again. Vicious.
Hm, not sure where this whole scenes puts the Armand-is-Alice-theory (which I don't subscribe to). Because Louis clearly thinks Alice as an actual person and that he could find her in present day.
Personally I think Daniel remembering 70s Armand here has less to do with Alice and more with Louis now and Armand then using his memories as weapons against him.
I bet Daniel will make them pay for this in the future, he's not just gonna take that. I mean, he sees nothing wrong with slapping a vampire so collecting himself and then striking back even harder would definitely be something he'd do.
the preview for next episode is confusing me. 1576??? But yay for past-Lestat and Nicki ^^
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
Wherever You Go (I'll Follow)
pairing: austin butler x reader
summary: the cannes film festival is your first big press event and when your nerves get the best of you you're worried that austin will want someone who can keep up with his lifestyle. hurt/comfort with a lil' fluff.
a/n: i've written fic for years but this is my first time ever writing *insert person* x reader. still getting the hang of it, but i hope y'all enjoy it! and pls feel free to send me prompts!
You loved Austin, more than just about anything. You’d follow him to the ends of the earth if he asked you to, and more or less had been since Elvis production began just a few weeks after you got together. Having only met through him coming into a restaurant you worked at you’d expected to feel like an outsider among the Hollywood hullabaloo, and it was a nice surprise to find the opposite to be true. The cast and crew had become family over the past few years, and having a front row seat to your boyfriend’s performance of a lifetime was something you’d never forget.
Promotion season kicking into gear, however, had been making your head hurt. And the Cannes premiere rounded the corner while you were still struggling to find your footing in it all.
Austin could sense your nerves from the moment you got to the hotel in France, and had arranged for his driver, Mikey, to drop you at a side entrance to avoid the press going in. But you’d stopped him from making the same arrangement for after the screening.
“This screening is the first night of the rest of your life Aus,” You’d said in bed the night before, Austin carding a hand through your hair as you looked up from where you were resting on his chest. “There’s nothing I want more than to walk out of the theater with you celebrating that.”
Nerves and all, you meant every word.
It turned out to be easy enough to forget about what was coming after when the film started to roll, Austin squeezing your hand and chewing nervously on his bottom lip as the Suspicious Mind vocals filled the auditorium. You alternated between watching the movie and watching him, the look in his eyes all you’d wanted for him throughout this whole process. This was it. He’d “made it” in every sense of the phrase.
The twelve minute standing ovation was a nice touch too, you thought, Austin grabbing you around the waist with one arm and swiping at his teary eyes with his free hand.
“I’m so proud of you,” You whispered in his direction and he pulled you closer, pressing a kiss to the top of your head with a soft “Thank you baby,” 
As things started to quiet down and people began trickling out, he looked between you and the door, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Are you sure you’re okay to walk with us? I can call Mikey and have him bring the car around the back for you, we shouldn’t be that long,”
You shook your head, taking his hand in yours and intertwining your fingers. “I’m okay,”
He didn’t look like he completely believed that, but before he could question it you were being shuffled out the door behind Baz, everyone else falling behind the three of you.
You’d known that you’d be stepping out of the building into a decent amount of chaos, but the instantaneous flashing and yelling still made you flinch in surprise, Austin squeezing your hand three times as you crossed the threshold.
One of his managers, Kayla, weaved her way through the crowd behind you to his opposite side, doing a one over of both sides of the barricades. “We’re just going to take some photos, greet some fans and we’ll be out- no interviews and if someone tries just thank them for their time and walk,” She whispered, and gave you both a shoulder squeeze before disappearing again.
The two of you kept walking, and you tried to focus on your boyfriend as opposed to the hoards of strangers.
“Austin, is that your girlfriend?” Someone yelled and when you turned your head to see who you were damn near blinded by flashing cameras, your heart started to race in your chest. Your relationship hadn’t been a secret, but it wasn’t exactly huge public knowledge either, this event marking the first time that it would be.
“Sure is, beautiful right?” Austin shouted back and you managed a smile even with the anxiety that had started coursing through you, hoping that the photos being captured didn’t capture the tears you felt stinging behind your eyes. 
You loved Austin to death. But this had quickly become overwhelming.
You felt his hand slip out of yours and blinked in confusion, quickly realizing Baz had tugged him over for a photo op, which would’ve been fine. If you weren’t suddenly standing alone in what felt like the eye of a hurricane.
Trying to reassure yourself under your breath, you wrung your hands together waiting for Austin to come back. 
Starting to zone out, you didn’t realize he had come back until you felt both of his hands grabbing at your hips and heard him turning to the side to shout something you didn’t quite catch before turning back to you, lowering his voice.
“Y/N, our driver is right down there,” He said and pointed down the street at the familiar black car, one hand still massaging your side. “Kayla is gonna take you and I’ll be right there,” He continued and you felt even more nauseous now because you’d promised up and down you’d be fine only to ruin the biggest night of his career so far.
But before you could protest, Kayla swept you away, a protective hand on your back she hustled you down the street to the car. She grabbed a water bottle from the front seat to pass back to you, wearing a sympathetic smile.
Unable to stop the tears building from spilling out now that you were away from the crowd, you held the plastic with shaky hands.
“I feel,” You started, chest rising and falling faster than it normally did. “I feel horrible, this was such a big night for him and now all they’re going to be asking about is his girlfriend acting like a three year old over a little press,”
“You were not acting like a three year old and that was not a little press,” She responded, a hand on your knee. “You got overwhelmed- it happens, and I know for a fact that Austin doesn’t think you ruined anything. I barely convinced him to stay for a few more minutes because he wanted to just leave with us,”
You gave a little nod to that, taking a sip of water and a deep breath. 
Sure everyone got overwhelmed but this was only the beginning. Austin’s career was speeding up, not slowing down, and you couldn’t keep the thought that he probably wanted a partner that could keep up from creeping into your mind. Looking at the floor of the car, you picked at your nail beds. All good things eventually came to an end. This was bound to be no different.
You recognized the sound of his running before you saw Austin appear outside of the passenger side door out of the corner of your eye, breathing almost as heavy as yours was.
“Hey baby,” He rushed out, slamming the door shut behind him. You turned your gaze up just enough to meet his eyes, and see his face fall when he realized you’d been crying. 
That look alone was enough to get the waterworks going all over again, Austin scooting closer and pulling you into his arms, pressing his face into the side of your head. 
“I’m right here, God- I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have let Kayla tell me to hang back,” He rambled out and you shook your head against his shoulder, pulling back and sniffling.
“She was just doing her job, you were doing your job and I couldn't handle it and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to so if you want someone who can then I understand, we can break-”
“Y/N,” He cut you off before you could finish that thought, grabbing one of your hands from where you were wiping your eyes, the pad of his thumb circling your wrist. “I need you to listen to me, okay?” 
Starting to feel a smidgen calmer, mostly from his touch, you managed to give a little nod.
“You’re not wrong that things are going to be like that, and maybe a little worse from here on out, you’re not. If you wanna take baby steps to get used to it we can meet with Kayla and figure out how to do that,” He started, speaking softly. “But if you never get used to it or like it then we’ll make that work too, because I love you. I love you so much, and that’ll never change.”
You managed to look up then, overwhelmed for different reasons now, chief among them not fully understanding what you did to deserve the man who was near in tears reassuring you.  You cracked a tiny half smile and his face perked up at that, a hand coming up to cup your cheek.
“There’s my pretty girl,”
“Your best girl?” You quipped back, dropping your voice into the best Elvis accent you could do through the lump that was still in your throat. 
He laughed softly and pulled back enough to click his seatbelt as the car started to move, pushing the body strap behind his shoulder so he could lean in to kiss you, hands falling back to your face and upper neck.
You let your hands wander to the lapels of his suit jacket as you kissed him back, being as close to each other as physically possible within the backseat of a car pushing every other worry from your mind.
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lettingtimepass · 1 year
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Here is my spoiler-free recounting!
After over a decade of being a Starkid fan, I traveled 3,000 miles to see Nerdy Prudes!! (The date just happened to align with a trip I was planning.) It was so surreal being in the theater! I saw Producer!Dylan and Corey L. running around with their headsets. Then right before the show started I saw Joe Moses and Tessa walk in. Also two rows ahead of me was someone in a Spiderman hat... I was like... Is that Nick Lang? No... why would he be in the middle of the audience? Later I found out I was right 😂
For context, it was raining really hard in LA and the streets were flooding. LA is not used to rain so they're not well equipped to deal with it.
Act 1 went great and then shortly after Act 2 started, BAM, the lights went off. Everyone froze. The person in the light booth said "We've just lost power." Then, Nick Lang stood up and said, "It's going to be okay everyone, we'll figure this out." And he left to help the staff. But for a good minute or so the entire audience thought it was a bit and couldn't tell if this was part of the show or not! But after a few minutes we were like holy shit this is actually happening. It took maybe half an hour or so but we were back up and running and everyone was so hype cheering on the actors when they came back on stage.
Then, during the final song, on what sounded like the final NOTE, the lights went off again. You could hear a reaction from the actors-- I can't imagine how upset they must have been in that moment! But the entire audience erupted in cheers and instantly gave a standing ovation. After the crowd calmed down a bit Nick came back out and was like "Yeah...... That actually wasn't the ending. There are two minutes left." And we freaked out 😂 They had us wait for a few minutes, but then they decided to call it. In the words of Nick, "You're the lucky audience who gets to see this show with a happy ending!" 😳😳 So yeah - I still don't know the ending. I'm going to have to buy the digital ticket so I can see the ending and also get the full experience uninterrupted. I can't wait for the YouTube version!
I think everyone's favorite part was the LORDS IN FREAKING BLACK!!! AHHHHH!!! JON AS HUMAN!WIGGLY was perfect! Also was he giving Onceler/TumblrSexyMan energy? 🤔 Can't wait to see how it looks on the YouTube version!
I loved Jon's anime nerd character. It was so damn good. The collective "Nooooooo" when the audience realized his death was imminent 😭😂
The parallels between Abstinace Camp and NPMD are very fun to me. "IT WAS GIRL JERI THAT DIRTY GIRL!"
Max's pronunciation of "skel-a-in" 😭 I need the story of how he decided on that or if it was written into the script?!
The Barbeque Monologues?! And that song? Jeff Blim pls. Lauren is a master through.
Someone pointed out that all the Hatchetfield shows have in-world productions: Working Boys, Santa Clause is Going to High School, and The Barbeque Monologues. Idk what this means, but it is a nice touch for worldbuilding.
The little musical reference to Nightmare time!!
I keep thinking about how Rob M fumbled the Starkid bag 😬 But Joey did such a great job as Pete! For some reason it feels like a full-circle moment between MAMD and "Joey Richter" with him playing the nerdy character 😊
Anglea was freaking fantastic as Grace. I just love her voice and how she makes it go so high it cracks! And Curt and Kim playing her parents was so good.
There's something so funny about Angela's characters being so different - Lex vs Grace - and the fact that they would hate each other 😂 Can Angela please play both of them interacting?!
Kim freaking Whalen!!!! I love her so much.
I LOVE seeing Corey and Mariah playing father and daughter again (but it's a very different dynamic than TGWDLM).
LOVE LOVE LOVE evil/slimly dirtbag Corey. HE'S SO FINE!!
I missed seeing Jeff and James on stage - I wonder if Jeff's chaotic energy would have been too much with the horny teenagers hahaha. But James would have fit right in! Oh well, we can't have them all in every show, unfortunately.
Gotta say I didn't expect them to say "Nerdy Prudes Must Die" so many times in the show 😂
The last song having pop-punk vibes?!
Anddd...... the last scene...... (yes I finally got to see it!) GRACE KEPT THE BOOK!!! Did she say "every perv must die"? Yeah, that's gonna be a lot of people on her list... Also very similar to the end of Abstinence Camp! This isn't going to go well.......
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i-magines · 1 year
Wildest Dreams: Chapter 10
Pedro Pascal x fem!Reader
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synopsis: You’re an assistant director in an indie movie set and fate makes sure you keep crossing paths with a certain Chilean actor.  
disclaimer: This is my first Pedro Pascal’s fictional work + the first fanfic I write in English, as it isn’t my first language. Unfortunately, I do not own Pedro and this is all a product of my imagination.
rating: M (keep scrolling if your under 18 please)
warnings: age gap, mature content, eventual drinking and drugs, fem!reader, smut every once in a while, a little angst, sex (piv), male!oralsex.
n/a: i just wanna say thank you if you’ve read my fic until here. this is the final chapter and, once again, i hope you liked it. have a good one!
word count: 1,705
The first and most important prèmiere of the film was scheduled to happen in London, so you were very much excited to get on the plane to attend it. You did your best to focus your energy on the event itself and not be worrying about a certain Chilean actor who may or may not even say hi to you. You didn’t reply to his text about it and neither did he send you another one. You didn’t feel bad, you were doing what you could to protect your feelings. Of course, they didn’t overbook the crew again so you had a couple hours alone in your room to get ready for it and you made sure you had a killer outfit on, just in case.
You made your way to the entrance, avoiding even going close to the red carpet. But, still, you saw him there. Being his gentle, funny, amazing self. Your heart skipped a beat just by seeing his smiley face. He looked so handsome, as usual. Fuck, he caught you staring at him. He winked at you, opening a bigger smile. You looked in another direction, blushing and walking inside the building already. 
There was a big room with some round tables to accommodate the guests and, later in the evening, catering and drinking. You didn’t stop there, going straight inside the theater room and finding a seat for yourself, way in the back. You said hi to some people, but mostly scrolled through your phone for what felt like forever. The room was getting busier and louder. Donna, the producer, and your friend Flo approached you with a gentle handshake, asking you to join the crew on the front row, which you did. Of course, there he was. So. fucking. attractive.
He came closer to you, with a huge smile on his face, and hugged you so tight. Your legs almost gave in, but you put yourself back together. It was a shame the way those months had passed and pretty much wiped out any chance you had to try to make it work. But you didn’t blame anyone, it was just life.
“You look gorgeous”, he whispered in your ear.
“Thanks”, you said as you moved away from him.
“Saved you a seat, sweetheart”, he showed you with his hand.
Just next to his, with a piece of paper printed with your name and a picture Pedro took from you back in one of your dates in Berlin. You had to control the smile forming on your face, you didn’t want to look like this silly, kind of in love girl. At the same time, you hated him a little bit, for growing apart but still making these cute little things.
“You don’t have to”, he told you, a bit uncertain.
You sat down, there’s no point of being mean or pretending you weren’t dying to sit next to him. Pedro and all the audience sat down as well, the movie started on the big scream. It was hard for you to pay proper attention to it, once Pedro was grabbing and rubbing your upper tights with his hand. Why did he have to add torture to it? He was amazing at the movie as well, your memories of the movie set taking over for a little bit during every scene you saw him perform. At the end, a long standing ovation. Pedro was shining, clapping hard to it as well.
Everybody went to the other room and sat around the tables. Pedro held your hand all the way there and that made you nervous, because the press was also at the event — the whole point was to promote it, after all. He made sure you were sitting at his table, before going to the improvised stage for the Q&A. Nobody seemed to care much about you, which was good, the room was loud and messy. Finally, the interview started. A couple of questions to Pedro, others to Donna and her partner. You were minding your own business (drinking alcohol) when a question got your attention:
“Even though your character didn’t have any love interest in the movie, you still looked very much in love, Pedro. Are you in love with your job or is there a different sparkle going on for you?”
“There was definitely a different sparkle going on for me during the shooting”, Pedro answered, looking at you out of the corner of his eyes. “But yeah, wasn’t in love with the job, actually, it was very challenging for me.”
They started going in another direction and you breathed out strongly. Why did he have to be so… Himself?
“I thought they were going to keep me there all night long”, Pedro said as he sat down by your side, a glass of whisky in his hand.
“You did great”, you complimented him with a smile.
“Nah, tough crowd today”, he replied. “You didn’t even look at me that much.”
You didn’t know what to say. You were a nervous trainwreck, that’s all.
“But I’m glad you came”, Pedro smiled. “I’m sorry the distance thing wasn’t working.”
“Yeah, it’s fine”, you really meant that. You didn’t consider him guilty of all.
“You seeing anybody?” He started deeply into your eyes, a pinch of jealousy inside his own.
“A lady never tells”, you told him. Not a single soul, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Well, I’m not loving it”, he laughed softly. “I meant to call you—”
“I’m sure you had your reasons not to, P.”
“Should we say our official goodbyes tonight?” He proposed and you nodded. “Good, text me your hotel room number.”
The evening went on, everybody wanted a piece of Pedro. A couple hours later, you felt tired. The flight, all the human interactions, it was just enough for you. You got yourself a taxi and went back to the hotel, feeling accomplished after the premiere. It was the closing this project, and yourself, needed. You took a long, relaxing shower and went to bed. Pedro had your number and information, so he could’ve reached out if he wanted to. Being who he was wasn’t easy, so you couldn’t really be bad at him for anything. You had your feelings, he had his — and the real, grown-up world didn’t give a fuck about any of them.
It was 4am when you heard sounds around your room. You didn’t have to move or open your eyes, because soon Pedro talked to you:
“Hey, sweetheart. It’s me.”
He crawled into your bed, got under the blanket and hugged you. The heat of your body contrasting with his chilly, outside temperature. Even after 6 months, he still felt very inviting.
“I tried to leave early”, he promised close to your neck.
“Yeah, it’s okay”, you said quietly. “You’re the star, everybody wants a piece of you.”
“Lucky me I already had plans”, Pedro kissed you cheek. You crossed your arm though his neck. “But, still… I’m sorry it took me so long.”
“Just fucking kiss me already.”
He did as you asked. His strong grip on your waist, his tongue invading your mouth without second-guessing. It wasn’t just lazy sex, it was very… familiar. There was already this intimacy between you and it felt like not a day had passed since the end of the shooting. You were still laying down when Pedro came closer to your head with his hips and you began to suck his cock. You couldn’t take him all in, so you used your hand to help. You could see he was losing his mind over this, moving deeper and deeper. You controlled your breathing, doing your best to keep going longer for him and for yourself, because that was making your insides pulse.
“I’m so close”, he moaned as he took it out of your mouth. “But I’m not done yet.”
Pedro fingered you for a couple of minutes, really just to feel your wetness for him. He had pure lust in his eyes, but still, he was sweet and careful with you. You opened your legs wider for him and he positioned his cock at your entrance. He looked at you for a moment, making sure it was okay and you nodded. So he started thrusting, slowly but strong at the end. With one hand, he was supporting his body, and with the other one, he was rubbing your clit. You felt this warm feeling taking over your body.
“Fuck, so wet and warm”, he moaned with pleasure. “And so fucking tight.”
“Please, keep going”, you begged, his fingers doing wonders for you. The feeling starting on your under belly slowly growing.
“Wrappin’ around me so good, baby girl”, Pedro whispered, as he felt you squeezing him with your pulsing core. “Wanna feel you cumming while taking me all in.”
That was it for you, the climax just spreading all over your body, making you collapse. Pedro kept his thrusts, going a bit faster now. It didn’t take him much time.
“Imma fill you up.”
His whisper was followed by his loud moans. You loved to hear him expressing his feelings during sex, it was a complete turn on for you. So you kissed him deeply once he let his body fall next to yours. You were both tired and sweaty.
“Amazing”, he told you, petting your face with his hand.
“Yeah”, you agreed. “My legs are still shaking.” 
You both laughed a little bit. Then, Pedro stared at your eyes.
“Should I stay until the morning?” He asked. You bit the inside of your mouth.
“I guess it’s better for you to go, P.” 
It killed you, but you’ve come to terms with it. It is what it is and it will pass.
“Yeah, you’re right”, he said quietly. “You know, I really wished…”
“I know”, you stopped him. “Me too.”
Pedro gave you a final kiss on the lips and got dressed again. He opened the door to leave your room, but he stopped before exiting.
“I hope I’ll see you around then, princesa.”
The room was dark, except from the crack of the open door.
“Not if I see you first.”
TAGLIST: @kyuupidwrites @omg-its-typical-aesthetics-fan @vivibabiez @ivyohmy @sebastianstansimp @tubble-wubble @28cnn @3zae-zae3 @technicallysassyfox @bellatrixyoass @mandolover86 @eliffluisa @one-sweet-gubler @anaxmcu @untitledarea @shesa-riott @chloelmao67 @majesticjellyfishzombie @adriennemichelle98 @januarycolor  @lxdyred @nabiiturner @brilliantopposite187 @acciojamesbarnes @sweetpea99 @whore-of-the-pumpkin-patch @zeyzeys-stuff @sagggy ​
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starsstardust · 9 months
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The acting in this scene is absolutely mind blowing. The slow realisation that maybe the world isn't black and white like he's seeing. Maybe morality doesn't play much of a role. I think this is the point where he'll actually start seeing the story from Yo Han's POV. I haven't continued further but the production, the lightning, the music, the whole damn cinematography needs a standing ovation. I'm in absolute awe of this whole scene. The word Morality written behind Ga On because till that scene, he was the whole representation of morality but now his believes are slowly breaking. Let me go and shout about it some more djdjdkdn
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neocatharsis · 11 months
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230706 Ovation Productions Twitter Update with DOJAEJUNG
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aralisj · 6 months
So I went to see the Mexican production of Anastasia and I have a lot of feelings and thoughts:
Like the tour and international productions, there's a cut from Learn to Do It, and Crossing a Bridge is replaced with Paris Holds the Key (Reprise)- which is a damn shame because if there ever was an Anya that could do justice to Crossing a Bridge that's Mariana Dávila (apparently, she has an almost three octave range? The fuck?!)
Javier Manente (Dmitry) is 1.86m (6'2'') and Mariana Dávila (Anya) is 1.56m (5'2'') which is just insane.
And so Javi honors the ancient Dima tradition of being more of a mover than a dancer, way too tall, handsome and with the voice of an angel 🥰
Mariana is a powerhouse - her voice is stunning and her rendition of In My Dreams will haunt me for months.
Christy and Derek's dynamic was very confrontational for Act 1, very movie Dimya, while Mariana and Javi are more of a hopeful/cynic vibe which also works very well.
Manuel Corta's Vlad is more of a tenor than a baritone so that makes some of the harmonies sound a little hollow but that's me nitpicking because his voice is lovely.
He is short, taller than Anya but shorter than Lily - which makes for a few comedic beats to hit harder, mainly choreography and the line "from the first moment I saw you, I knew I was beneath you".
Carlos Quezada's Gleb is probably the slimiest I've seen yet (Ramin, Max and Constantine). In the scene in his office, instead of grabbing Anya by the arm to stop her from leaving, he grabs her by the waist and talks into her hair?!?! It doesn't help that the translation of Still emphasizes how childlike and innocent Anya is (yikes 😬). The vibes are fatal attraction and the last confrontation feels very much like Anya would rather die than be Gleb's which is a different take for sure.
Even if I didn't love his take on the character, his voice was incredible, he played up the growl at the end of Still into an almost metal/rock thing that I loved
(I just found out that he previously played Scar in The Lion King and Javert in Les Mis which makes so much sense in retrospect)
All song translations are the same as the Madrid production, except for Journey to the Past where they use the translation from the movie (God I wish they had done that for Once Upon a December too)
In the almost kiss for In a Crowd of Thousands they got so close 👀 Christy and Derek left a little room for Jesus between them and usually grabbed each other by the forearms. My boy Javi went straight to cup Mariana's face and touch her hair while she touched his hands and tugged at his shirt!!! Real romantic stuff
Their voices sound so nice together (if you haven't heard their cover of Hadestown you should)
Lily was fucking incredible. The dance scenes! I always thought it was crazy that she had two consecutive dance heavy numbers and she delivered!!! Her singing was superb at all times.
The ballet number was so good!!! All the dancers got a big ovation
Experiencing Stay I Pray You live? I felt it inside my chest, I was so close to tears! (I missed Constantine's voice though 😩)
Irasema Terrazas as The Dowager was amazing, she has that old timey, 1940s starlet quality to her voice that is just mesmerizing.
The costumes are very pretty, lovely quality, and almost the same as Broadway's. If I remember correctly, the ones that were markedly different in terms of fabric were Lily's Neva dress and press dress, and Gleb's coat. The silhouettes are pretty much the same (though The Paris Holds the Key dress was very much a maxi skirt on Mariana 🤭)
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thealogie · 22 days
Q&A anon here, my apologies for the delay in reporting, still a bit overwhelmed. Regarding the play, I still can‘t believe what I witnessed from the front row. Holy butt-wiggle. Standing ovations, tears, the whole shebang. But this is not what the children are here for, so:
The Q&A audience was really civilized and polite, the talk itself extensive with Wales, arts, politics and MS (acting approaches and all) being the main topics. Longest part was an interview by a journalist, and then 4 or 5 audience questions.
MS cannot and will not give a short or simple answer where a long detailed explanation answering 4 more questions would do just as nicely. I loved every second of it. No mentions of other collegues or friends (or whatever that ~pointing vaguely in shennant direction~ is). It went way longer than they planned and I have to say to witness his brain work is sth else really.
He said London and Cardiff audiences weren‘t that different (though Welsh could often relate more esp to the miners’ history) which he considers a good thing bc it speaks for the integrity of the play itself. Due to some technical difference at the WMC there is now a pause that allows for applause and sometimes there is and at others not. That seemed to excite him a bit. Audience is an important part of a production and completes it and together the experience is created.
Also his passion for political issues, ability to articulate and explain and honest interest in the good of the people - I hope he will never quit acting but boy would he be a good politician.
He was terribly sick during the Nye taping (we knew, but like really really sick). Barefoot and pyjamas on stage make for vulnerability.
Overall he was quite serious but effortlessly charming and still funny and very, very Welsh.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming back and providing a detailed report. I’m twirling my hair and kicking my feet at the part where there’s an extra pause so he gets an additional round of mid-play applause. It’s like vitamins for him.
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