#overexposion yk
boymoon72 · 5 months
need to get back into my man hating era bc I cant anymore
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placeinthisworld · 7 months
Throwback to when I was a swiftie and I sent an anon ask to a very well known swiftie acc (pretty sure yk who it is) saying how I was scared that Taylor is getting overexposed and I'm scared for her and all that and they accused me of cursing Taylor and wishing bad things on her.
That was when I lost my faith in the fandom and left it soon after
yeah if it’s who i believe you’re referring to then i can definitely see that happening 💀💀 i started to lose faith as soon as ylm was released 🤧
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radiohart · 1 year
it's kinda funny (not funny, yk) to me how one of the bigger ai fuckups so far has been the eating disorder hotline thing bc like. being overexposed to a certain input (your weight reflects your worth as a person, lower is always better etc etc) and overfitting your behavior to fit that (disordered eating etc) and being stuck in an echo chamber that reinforces it (constant thoughts abt weight/food, ed sosh meeds, fitbits mfp etc) to the extent that your idea of normal is severely warped (iykyk) is. well ok the real irony here is not being able to express this thought coherently bc i havent eaten since breakfast but theres a neat parallel in here somewhere
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unauthorizedmagicians · 10 months
Season 1 Episode 1 - Unauthorized Magic
this ended up being so long and they prob all will be tbf
Foreshadowing the time-loop from the very beginning huh? I see how it is.
Q’s mental illness being his first and last motif.
I forget how good the soundtrack is.
How exactly did he get institutionalized? Is he self-aware enough to submit himself or did his parents or what? Anyways moving on
Also, he takes a drug that's not even for depression its for OCD and phobias so maybe that's why it's not working huh…
I wish we had more of the books throughout the series. I think it's really interesting that he’s narrating it. Very much so mirrors his true belief in Fillory and in magic in season 4.
Ah yes, forgot Jane was a massive homeschool kid and was so blunt.
Julia makes me so upset in the early seasons. “You can’t run away hard enough, can you.” Firstly, shut up. Second, he admits this in the trials. Third, Quentin also does the thing where he just doesn’t tell the people in his life about his mental illness and therefore the coping mechanisms he uses look like childish escapism to everyone around him.
The contrast between Julia in the first episode telling Q to get real versus like 5 episodes later going batshit over not having magic so maybe just can it actually.
I feel the need to specify but I do not hate Julia as a character at all. She just pisses me off in the first like episode and a half or so. Like until she’s got her shit sorted w magic and the importance of restraint and all that she’s just judging everybody for everything like she’s better than so yea.
“Am I hallucinating?” “If you were, how would asking me help?” ICONIQUE
Penny being a “don’t cheat off me” person in his first scene is so out of character but yk had to introduce him ig
Apparently started new meds. Yea ok. They started him on OCD meds? Alright then. They tried everything ig
Ok so she hurts herself to change the circumstances around the memory spell. But we know that this was all on purpose and Jane made sure this was what happened, that she didn’t go to Brakebills but she knew about magic so she could become stronger. So did he just not do anything?
Oml the fucking score. I could talk for hours about the score. The silence before his anger starts building, the small wind as Fogg riles him up, the deep souring as we see the shadows looking like moths on the wall, the regal brass when he builds the card castle that looks suspiciously like the one in Fillory. just. all of it
The garden path…
“You haven't been depressed, you’ve been alone” LIES. BULLSHIT. LIAR. he just wants to capitalize on ur pain and if ur taking ur meds ur not in pain so u cant cast magic but ur telling him what he wants to hear so he’ll give them up
“Nerd boy dragon porn shit” hehe little does he know
The garden path…
The lighting in this show reflects how Q views the world. Overexposed: hope and all that shit. Underexposed: death and nihilism and all that shit
Hate that ship name but dont know a better one
“The answer is yes, til you pass out and  then again when you wake up.” “Did you just read my-” “nah, its just a guess” ICONIQUEEEEEEE
“The world is inherently unfair, act accordingly” one liners from day 1
Q being a little shit about Julia getting hte short end dsflkjdhgkds hate hate hate hate incel shithead hate hate hate hate sorry i was projecting from the book and only a little bit from the show
Why does he stand so close to Alice when he goes up to her
Penny and kady r so married from day 1 its so painful
How does Q not know what dubstep is???
The end of this episode is absolutely brutal and nobody can react like at all
Also this last scene i cant tell if Fogg made the coin fall, if quentin did it, or if the beast did
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byunbaekhyunie · 1 year
Hey! May I ask, as a non-gif maker, what exactly is the problem with the coloring? What is good/bad lighting? How do you correct it?
I see a lot of creators mention coloring, so I’d like to learn more❣️
of course ! this can get quite convoluted so i’ll try to keep things as simple as i can but, it did get quite lenghty so i put it under the squiggle
coloring, which is just shorthand for color correcting/grading, is the process of altering the colors of whatever source material you’re working with in post ; I’d say it accounts for maybe.. 50 to 75% of the final visual impact of the gif so it’s quite an important step but it’s an art more than a science so every cc color corrects in their own way and because of that, there are no definitive answers to your questions because there is no right or wrong way to grade or even light a scene (unless you’re perpetrating racial discrimination lol), it just depends on what end result you’re trying to achieve ! but i will offer my personal perspective and hope it's helpful to you ^^
so what is good and bad lighting... yk i wish i could say smth simple like "i like natural lighting better than studio lights" but thing is, sometimes you have the potential for great lighting but because the camera settings weren't properly adjusted, you get mad overexposure or super high contrast or whatever it is, the two are codependent so really my answer would be that i like when the footage i'm using was shot in log with little to no alteration because no matter what the lighting was, i should have enough data to get me where i want to be. but that's hardly ever the case, and that's what makes color grading often a lot harder for gif makers, is that we have to work on top of however many layers of destructive alterations the footage went thru before getting to us
that being said, i hate a color cast they’re a pain to correct properly. which brings us to our current case in point, the cursed 230714 mubank stage. this is a raw screengrab from the file after encoding
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as you can see it's VERY pink, the color balance is all wrong, if you look at the robe you can tell the blacks are way too red and the highlights in his face are unnaturally pinkish, and yes that stems from the fact that they were using red and white overhead lights for this stage but also, i think i can safely say it probably got exasperated in post, on top of the skin smoothing filters they use but that's a whole other can of worms x_x it's also a lot of contrast to start with and it's slightly overexposed
btw i should say that i like well lit neutral tones, i don't like when things are too warm, too cool, too saturated, too contrasty or too dark, ideally i want my gifs to look as if you were watching the thing irl with your own two eyes, that's what i'm aiming for when coloring. again, to someone who doesn't mind smth a bit more stylized, this probably wouldn't be a big deal but to me, that's bad lighting and bad postprod
so how do you go abt fixing it? well, beats me ! i've tried a few different things and it's nearly impossible to readjust the balance to restore the flesh tones to smth more natural.. here's the first coloring i did, in split so you can compare better
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i don't like it because it's too bright still, colors are way too saturated, there's too much cyan to counteract the pinks and his skin looks too yellow to my liking
and there's coloring two
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i like the overall balance a lot more in this one but the highlights are still way too yellow but i can't neutralize them without having the whole thing turn blue i was working on a third attempt but ps crashed and i don't feel like troubleshooting anymore ><
i hope that was instructive in any way ! sometimes i feel like i'm a bit scattered and idk if i'm making much sense but don't hesitate if you need me to clarify anything !
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cld-n · 2 years
another white guy nabs first male solo cover on another vogue?
Tbh Timmy is another male celeb who I’m sick of. He’s everywhere and I feel like he’s praised more than he should. His performance in CMBYN and TBB were really good I get it tho for sake he’s the same in every next role, he isn’t even half as good as Leo in terms of acting despite being compare to him by media all the time. He was completely eaten up by Rebecca in Dune. Also his outfits are usually so ugly 😫 I chose being a hater today but I’m sick of the same male celeb being exposed to me over and over again. Women aren’t usually that overexposed (with an exception of Taylor Swift).
yeah i sorta agree like I don't think anyone deserves media oversaturation, esp when we have social media these days, so idk if I think he's a great actor or not (cos I didn't mind him in Dune, that being said, I've only seen him in Dune) but I defs think he's not at the level where he deserves the oversaturated levels of celeb presence like you said
my thing was just like there are black/brown men whose style they've kept up with and written about longer than Timothee and they didn't wanna like... offer the cover to them or anything? like Lewis Hamilton comes to mind, I personally thought ASAP Rocky should've gotten US Vogue's too but yk whatever, ofc they'd pick the people they picked
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
Do you have any advice for taking good concert photos? There’s a couple artists I’m seeing with my sister where I’m going multiple times but she’s only going once and she’s always been the one to get good concert pics. I wanna get the pics for her so she can just enjoy the shows cuz she’s only going once :)
Eh I'm just fucking around so I don't feel like I'm in a position where I can give people advice lol, but I can tell you what I do? Assuming you got a compact camera (but I think most phones have these manual "pro" settings where you can do this stuff too) I'd say just play around as much as you can during the opener or other gigs you might go to where you're not necessarily a fan and don't mind being focused on your camera over the performance, and just get a feel for how it works. Like play around with the settings and modes till you find something that looks good to you (this is still pretty hard because every artists has different lighting and moves different etc so what works for one doesnt for the other, but you get an idea of what you need to adjust it to when the light changes and stuff).
As for preventing some rookie mistakes I would not crank the ISO to deepfried mode (like beyond 1600) adsdf, at my first Louis concert (and first time using the camera) I for some reason was playing around with the settings and it was still on 6400??? when he came on and i did not realise at all I shot him in grainmode the whole show and it really wasn't necessary not one bit lol. Also when they get close don't just snap one pic and leave it at that to try and convince yourself you're sane yk, like my first like 2-3 shots are blurry af even if I think I focused and then it gets it right for the next so just keep clicking like your life depends on it. Shoot in RAW if can (I didn't last show because the zoom is limited in RAW on this camera, maybe I should've, I guess we'll never know). Also I prefer underexposed pics over overexposed, because if they're overexposed there's nothing you can do about the bits that are just pure white blobs (although I think it's salvageable when shooting in RAW but don't quote me on that), but the other way around you can crank up the brightness and such and get something nice out of it still. What I did last show was on manual mode with adjusting exposure time on the scroll thingy so i could quickly adjust when the lights changed and that kinda worked. But yeah the whole thing was just pure chaos because I did not want to miss a thing both with my own eyes AND capture it and again I really don't have any skills in this department and doubt I'm using this camera to the best of its abilities here and it was all very overwhelming but I'm happy with the result :")
If there's anyone who does know shit about camera's reading this thinking this is the worst advice, please feel free to hijack, I'd like to learn to.
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pop-punklouis · 3 years
I do think this album was successful, and WS in particular, because they did the big lean into sex. Sex sex sex. As cliche as that is for pop success, it’s a stereotype for a reason. And the pandemic cleared a bit of the landscape as I think others were reluctant to release stuff so he had a lot of attention. And I’m not sure if they basically will say, well , we got a Grammy, mission accomplished (as it was wholly a 5 year full court press mission) and now we can go do other stuff, or will they go, more of this and keep the sound and game plan fairly similar, especially because I don’t think this was ultimately the Grammy they wanted. I kind of think he’ll stay the same. I think Sony will want the same. Maybe not spot on, but mostly Brit/Cali Rock Pop. Maybe some lean into a bit of soul or country on some things but mostly same. I don’t think true experimentation will come until album 4-5.
well, to be fair regarding the pandemic comment, the WS video was recorded in february before the pandemic really hit— so, there wasn’t any reason for them not to release it yk? it was already created.
like i said, i can see him marrying the two soundscapes of his two records together to, ultimately, bring about the most cohesive HS3 that feels like the most authentic him sound-wise. and, tbh that is still in the foregrounds of what Sony would be chasing sound-wise for radio play and mainstream success. at this point, i think harry is at that tipping point of being overexposed that they need to really watch how they conduct him and his image— especially after these movie runs next year. it’ll be interesting to see how everything unfolds for sure.
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hunrising · 4 years
I agree his lack of presence on SM is very sad, it bothers me that he may have stopped interacting or posting because “fans” bombard him & sometimes know where his location is because of a pic or tweet. And from the behind the album he‘s said that he now feels like he has a private life, & people don’t know everything about him. whilst 1D was touring everything was very public because there were 5-4 of them & its hard to control what the boys do + they’re the biggest band in the world 🤷🏽‍♀️
I fully understand where he’s coming from, the band was overexposed and we don’t even realise how bad it was for them, so it makes sense wanting to gain back some control. But it doesn’t have to be all or nothing yk? I just miss the false sense of ~connection that came with him posting stuff :/ So Something would be nice
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redfield5x5 · 5 years
(1/3) Hey! So, the Legends episode was the best one because it had the least amount of Lex! And we got to see the Legends again, it's been way too long. Loved that they threw shade at the crossover as usual! Sara being the leader was absolutely perfect! I really enjoyed the Sara and Barry scene on the steps, it was so good. Barry and Kara being excited puppies was fun! Beebo making an appearance was wild. Ray taking a selfie and Sara protecting Beebo was so on brand for Legends though!
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hey there, ma anon! sorry it took me a couple of days - i wanted some time to digest.
so yeah, like you correctly said, the less lex luthor the better. that’s why SG is the only show which comeback i’m dreading post crisis. i liked practically nothing there this season so far, not counting the crossover.
legends were the best episode! surprising to no one at all! boy, i missed them.sara the team leader is such a natural development it was so satisfying to see! glad no one questioned that.
sara and barry scene was SO good :“’) so sweet and well done - of course it was on the legends episode!
lol idk about you but i’m still not over beebo! SUCH a legends scene! a selfie killed me i swear :D i love crossovers when they kidnap some legendsit was really a better most fun scene for kara than she’s gotten this season on her own show so far. most of crossover was tbh. i want a scene where she just, reflects of having more common magic there now lol, to feel how oliver felt about aliens at first.
sara’s mom’s status is unknown so far tho right? but they barely even seen each other i guess. i don’t think she even came to star city when sara got resurrected, but sara went to her? maybe,,, i don’t remember well it’s been years.
i really didn’t mind her mourning ollie this much, i was kind of thinnking a similar thing when thinking about the losses she went through. it felt in character. except for trying to resurrect him, maybe. but she was desperate, it’s okay to try making a mistake i guess.
i’m willing to headcanon that sara and barry did check in with ava and iris first but yk, cut for time lol. it doesn’t make sense at all otherwise! as didn’t kara not running to hug alex when she woke up.
but like fiiiiine i’ll let this one go, cut for time for storytelling purposes lol i convincem myself okaaaaay, since we’re getting more avalance and westallen soon enough :) maybe even the danvers sisters screentime but i won’t expect anything from sg.
i do agree that sara seemed sadder about ollie than quentin. fingers crossed legends ppl have written more reflecting on everything plots for for for this coming season.
ava crying aboput oliver was WEIRD lmao but maybe she heard about him in this new rebirth timeline? let’s pretend lol BUT OMG WEIRD calm down Ava, no one will know if you’ll be like Jefferson lol
RIGHT? i was asking about surviving the vanishing point too! explain explain! who did the haircuts too (and why didn’t they get rid of sg bangs lol)! where did they find the amount of calories that kara, and i’ll assume j'onn, need? LOL! a couple of days would’ve been less dramatic but worked better. did time lords,,,, i mean masters,,,,, leave a buffet? some waverider like tech? HOW LOL
don’t let me think about e-1 laurel :( i know she wasn’t real but,,,, even invasion let sara hug her sister. and sara really is a hugger these days. i,,, sad.
ezra cameo had me yelling lol! SO cool of him to do this omg. also does this mean the cw justice league canonically saved the dcu justice league from crisis? LOL sue me i’m gonna headcanon that
once again i’m sorry for the delay. i really need to focus to type so much in english and i was trying to digest everything.
i was kind of confused with oliver explaining to barry once again that he sacrificed himself for kara and barry, too. but yeah i’m glad they’ll know someone thought they were this important to the world and loved them this much :’) those older siblings be like that :’)
they didn’t really explain the spectre powers huh. i did like it enough tho. they still managed not at all to overexpose, so it worked for me. i read a bit about it on wiki and was ok with that. needing a person to exist, a lot of powers but still mortal, blah blah all that jazz. it was a good send off to amell, letting ollie create a new universe like his show did. it was sweet imo. felt nice, because after 6(7?)-something years watching, i did care about ollie too. especially since the show ending when being really likeable again :’)
as for no one else dying, i wouldn’t be so sure yet. we’ll see. there are a few characters whose status is unknown and it gives me anxiety.
but baby sara tho! how hilarious? i didn’t really understand if the other kid was still JJ or already connor. wonder is cisco’s bro is alive now lol
gods hope i didn’t forget to comment on anything lol, sorry if i double tap some letters my fingers are acting weird in some keyboard positions lol or if i make weird mistakes - still not a native english speaker! loved hearing from you!
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diycinema · 5 years
Committing these common filmmaking sins might mean asking for your audience's forgiveness later.
Firehosing: Thou shalt not shoot everything
Snap shooting: Thou shalt record all the action
Headhunting: Thou shalt have proper headroom
Backlighting: Thou shalt not under or overexpose
Motor zooming: Thou shalt not zoom so damn much
Upstanding: Thou shalt not shoot from the same angle all the time
Jogging: Thou shalt stabilize your footage 
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whisperedlouis · 7 years
I completely understand Harry stepping back a lot, aftr everything he has been through these years. But tbh I think they are ways to do that without kinda shutting out the fans, which is what many feel rn. He can still have a lot of privacy and still do a few things for the fans. Yeah, it's fan service. And he doesnt owe us any of that! But tbh it exists for a reason, and as the anon said, some comments or pics on ig wouldnt put his privacy into question. At the end of the day I just (2)
(2) it’s a very smart business decision tbh. In a time like today, a artist not engaging with the fans is too weird. I’m not even talking 1D standards, but just any artist this day does. But they went for this public persona, kinda unreachable, which allows him to separate his work from private life. And I’m really glad he gets that!! But the separation is way too hard, and people notice it yk? And dont feel as connected with him, which is a shame :(
I think maybe I missed a part babe? idk maybe the ask just cut off weird
I think with Harry… like you think about how his career started. He was exposed in almost a violent way from a very young age. Not only was he thrown to the wolves where the press was concerned, but he was consistently thrown to the wolves literally where fans were concerned, he was frequently mobbed, he never had adequate security, people knew, so so so much of his life, most of it not through his own choice. People knew where he was, who he was with, what he was doing. 
Fans (us included) got very used to knowing too much about him. On top of that, every single thing he did, every like on instagram, every comment every post, every tweet, got analyzed to the extreme. On all sides it was interpreted and sometimes twisted to mean something to that particular group of fans and even if he had wanted a say, he didn’t get one. And i do believe that for a while he used his social media as a way to express himself, but the cost of that was actually kind of high I think. But also, the context of that time was entirely different. A lot of his social media interactions subtly contradicted what the media told you about him.
Currently I don’t think he needs to use it the way he might have one time felt he did. 
I also think that because he was so overexposed to the fandom, and we grew accustomed to knowing so much about him, his whereabouts etc, he got out of that situation and went “I want everything that I didn’t have before, I want to be able to be private, I want people not to know, I don’t want to feel obligated to interact a certain way at a certain time”. I think maybe he took that too the extreme. He went from arguably too much interaction and too much involvement to virtually none. Fans are still not used to not having as much of him as we did. 
I think eventually it will balance out, I think he’ll reach a point where he can find a happy medium where he doesn’t feel like he’s losing part of himself by sharing? I think he will figure out how he wants to engage, in a way that doesn’t exhaust him. I think right now his team is floundering a little bit in that regard, in that they aren’t 100% sure how to deal with keeping his existing fans happy and welcoming new fans, while still giving harry what he wants and/or needs. 
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