gleesongtournament · 1 year
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theoversky · 1 year
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leylahcrdings · 3 years
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fabrevans-rps · 5 years
When you're rewatching S2 of Glee and you realize it was 10 years ago...
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christofurrwood · 4 years
woops overgron is back hahaha
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agron-rps · 3 years
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it’s like they’re trying to hurt me.
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how-to-fall-rp · 8 years
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Quinn Fabray | Age: 23 | Job: Wedding Planner | Endgame: Fabrevans | TAKEN
The Princess: “When I’m with him I feel like one person and when I’m with you I feel like someone totally different.”
Went to University of Miami with Finn and Sam. Dated Sam briefly while there.
Best friends with Sam Evans and Santana Lopez (they went to the same high school). Dating Finn Hudson.
Starting to come into the public eye more since she’s dating a new Ram.
Misses Sam and can’t wait to see him again when she moves to L.A with Finn.
Closer with Sam than anyone else and wonders what would’ve happened if they never broke up, though she’s happy with Finn.
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
How can you not love overgron. They are so cute and the way chord has such a soft spot for Dianna is so cute i wanna cry. Everytime someone asked him who he still keeps in touch with from the cast he always mentions Dianna 🥺🥺
i do love overgron!
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bestofgleecast · 6 years
Could you please post some Overgron? Cheers :3
Of course! 😄👍
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theoversky · 2 months
Fabrevans at Yale AI arts (no, I couldn’t figure out red in Quinn’s uniform)
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fabrevans-rps · 5 years
Mental health check!
How are you all feeling? Good or bad, your feelings are valid! Stay safe and try to keep smiling. Sending you all lots of love!
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PS: I'm on discord, so if you want to rp over there, shoot me a message and we'll chat!
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christofurrwood · 6 years
my overgron heart went jumping when I saw chord comment on dianna's picture hahahaha
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agron-rps · 8 years
a day at the zoo || overgron
TAGGING: Dianna Agron and Chord Overstreet @chordyover 
LOCATION: Los Angeles Zoo, CA.
TIMEFRAME: January 2nd 2017.
NOTES: Dianna and Chord make plans to take their daughter, Rae, to the zoo, Unbeknownst to Dianna, Chord (with the help of their daughter) has a cute little surprise planned that could take their relationship status to the next level.
Chord was holding Rae, walking next to Dianna as they made their way over to see the monkeys which were always one of Chord's personal favorites. "Are you excited to see the monkeys, princess?" he asked Rae, a huge grin on his face. The grin that was always only ever used when it came to his daughter, one that radiated pure joy. Though it did tend to be used on Dianna as well, and he instantly looked over at the woman walking with him and gave her the same grin. "I'm glad we decided to do this today. She's having a blast," he spoke softly, reaching with his free hand to lace his fingers through Dianna's. It was crazy to him just how everything in his life seemed to click into place the second he had decided to try for another chance with her, something that he had always wanted since the moment they had decided to divorce. And now he was getting that chance, causing a happiness to spread through him like wildfire. "You know, I think she is definitely happier whenever all three of us are together, and I'd have to agree. It's my favorite way to spend any day," he grinned once more, "It even beats being in the studio."
Dianna smiled happily as she watched both Rae and Chord bond over the monkey exhibit. This had to be one of the best ideas she had come up with in a while. Not only was this probably their little girl's favorite place on Earth, but now she got to experience it with both of her parents; together. Happily together, at that. "Me too" the blonde agreed softly, smiling even wider at Chord. "And she's not the only one." She inched closer to the man and gently held his hand in hers. Them being back together, as whatever they were at the moment, felt right. She leaned upwards to give the blond a quick kiss on the cheek, then looked back at their little girl. "She is. You can tell. I know she always smiles, but this is different. It's pure joy and excitement." With her free hand, she picked up Rae's much smaller one and kissed the top of it sweetly. "And that makes me happy." Looking back at Chord, she raised an eyebrow at his last comment and smirked. "It better beat being in the studio" she teased, nudging him in his side playfully. "Or else you'd be in such trouble."
Chord couldn't help but to grin like an idiot whenever Dianna smiled at him, feeling that same spark that he had the first day he had met on her set. A spark that had never gone away, no matter what was going on between them. "It's completely different, I've never really seen her like this until we started doing things together more often. And watching her Nashville, that was pretty amazing," he grinned, kissing the top of Rae's head as they continued to look out at the monkeys, "Hey now! No getting me in trouble. I said it was way better. I'd choose spending time with you two over the studio any day." Chord laughed and nudged Dianna right back, looking down at his watch to see that he only had a few minutes left until the shirt he had sneakily ordered while the girls has been in the bathroom was ready. "Hey, you wanna save that bench in the shade right there? Rae and I are gonna go grab us some ice cream," he nodded in the direction of the ice cream shop a little further back, the place with the t-shirts right next to it, "She probably could use a little break, and a definite sugar pick me up otherwise she's going to be asleep throughout the rest of the zoo here soon." It was a carefully timed white lie, that Chord had been working on following through for most of the day until time for the shirt to be ready. "We'll be right back, okay?" he grinned, leaning down to give Dianna a quick kiss and letting Rae do the same before they walked off.
Dianna nodded and rubbed his shoulder. "I'm just playing. I know you would. I always have, but that doesn't mean we want you to leave the studio behind ever. When you're not with us or home, that's where you belong." It was the truth. Chord had such a talent, and he deserved to be able to show it off by doing what he loved most. The blonde turned her attention back to the monkeys and laughed. "Rae, look! That one's smiling at you." She kissed the top of her daughter's head as the little girl let out a loud laugh, which was always music to her ears, and then looked back at Chord. "Yeah, of course. Just get her a small one, okay? We don't need the opposite happening and her running all around the zoo. We might never catch her" she joked. She kissed Chord back gently and smiled. "Okay. Get me pistachio." She watched the pair walk off before taking a seat on the nearby bench. While she waited for them to return, she took out the zoo map from her back pocket and started mapping out the next exhibits to visit.
Chord nodded his head, letting out a laugh as imagined the two of them chasing Rae around the zoo. "Definitely a small one. Plus, we don't need her passing out from a sugar rush," he laughed as he and Rae were making their way through the zoo. As soon as they were out of sight from Dianna, Chord took the turn towards the t-shirt stand and let out a grin. "Are you ready to be daddy's little model and helper?" he asked her with a bounce in his arms. Chord paid for the shirt and made sure it was perfect before taking Rae into the restrooms to change her into it, grinning when he looked at the words on it. "Now, let's go get mommy her ice cream and us one to share, okay princess?" he grinned, making their way over to the ice cream shop. With a pistachio cone in one hand, Rae holding their vanilla and chocolate swirl in hers while Chord carried her, they began their walk back to Dianna. The grin was already on his face as they reached the blonde woman, setting Rae down on the ground and taking the ice cream from her so the shirt was in full view for Dianna to see the words, 'Mommy, will you be Daddy's girlfriend? (again.)' printed on it.
Dianna noticed that Chord and Rae were gone for a little longer than she expected. Maybe there was just a long line at the ice cream stand. She shrugged it off, and went back to her handy dandy map. Rae's favorite zoo animal seemed to be the giraffes and that enclosure was close by so that was their next destination. Just as she was putting her map in her back pocket, she saw Chord and Rae finally approaching her. "There you guys are. I was thinking you two took off to have an adventure without me." She smiled down at her daughter who was happily holding her ice cream and was about to ask her what she got when Chord took the ice cream from her. It took her a second to notice that she was wearing a different shirt, and one that had words on them meant for her; but as soon as she did the widest smile appeared across her lips. "What's this?" she giggled, leaning down from the bench to get on eye level with the little girl. After reading the question not once, but twice, Dianna stood up and locked eyes with Chord. This just might have been the absolute cutest thing anyone had ever done for her. "You are unbelievable." Her green eyes looked deep into his and quickly nodded. She then quickly took a couple steps forward to close the distance between them and smiled. "Of course I will be." Placing both hands on either sides of his face, Dianna leaned in for a kiss. "God do I" she mumbled against his lips.
Chord was standing their, feeling nerves and excitement tearing through his body. Almost causing him to bounce on his feet as he pushed some of his hair behind his ears, watching as Dianna knelt down to read the shirt better. "Just a surprise.." Chord replied, chewing on his bottom lip out of habit. Something he always seemed to do whenever he was nervous at all. As soon as they locked eyes, Chord felt his heart leap in his chest as he waited for the answer, scared that he had asked too soon and that she wasn't at the same place as him. But then she finally replied, a huge breath left his mouth and a grin took over his entire face. "Thank god, when you called me unbelievable I wasn't sure where this was going," he rambled but was cut off the moment Dianna kissed him. Chord had no hands to pull her closer, but he stepped his body closer as they kissed continued for a moment. "My girlfriend. I like the sound of that," he grinned against her lips as he pulled away.
Dianna pouted and moved a strand of hair out of Chord's face. "You're always unbelievable in the absolute best ways. Like, you still know how to surprise me after all this time... and no one's ever made me feel the way you do." Of course Dianna had other boyfriends before Chord and even one after and she had loved some of them, but not like how she loved Chord. Their relationship was different than anything she had ever experienced before and that's part of the reason it was so special. "Again" she chuckled, scrunching up her nose as she did so. "It's kind of weird to call you my boyfriend while you're also my ex husband, but weird in somehow the best way. I love you. I always have. This just feels so right. They say if two people love each other enough they'll find their way back to one another. That's us."
Chord felt the happiness pour through his entire body the more Dianna kept speaking, the smile on his face growing more genuine and adoring with each word she spoke. "No one has ever made me feel that way you do either, Di. Honestly. That's why I've never had a stable relationship of any kind since we ended things. Nothing ever measured up," he shrugged. Thinking of the few times he had tried, more recently with Hailee and remembering how much of an absolute fail they had all been. None lasting longer than a few days or weeks before he ended them, because it didn't feel right when it wasn't Dianna that he was with. "I mean, I could have asked you to marry me again. But I figured that might have been jumping the gun a little bit," he laughed with a shake of his head, "I love you too. More than anything or anyone. You and Rae, you're my world. I'm not me without you." Chord reached down, pulling their daughter up into his arms and wrapping his other arm around Dianna with a happy sigh. "This is all I could ever need in my life," he told her truthfully, placing a kiss on both of their foreheads, "Now, let's let our girl eat her ice cream and keep showing her the animals."
Dianna rubbed her hands up and down Chord's upper arms, gently rubbing them as he talked about no one measuring up to her or their relationship. He was her soulmate, and she was his. If that wasn't already obvious to Dianna, it was now. Not many people were lucky enough to say they got a second chance with the love of their life, but now Dianna and Chord were and she was going to be dammed if she let this opportunity go to waste. She was going to make sure things were done right this time. That /she/ was going to do things right this time. "As fun as explaining an elopement to our families would have been, I think you made the right call." She leaned in for another kiss, then smiled as he pulled away to pick up Rae who desperately wanted to get in on the love fest that was going down. "Good, because you two are all I need too." She softly rubbed her nose against his, then closed her eyes as he kissed her forehead. These past couple days were everything Dianna had been hoping for practically since Thanksgiving and if the rest of 2017 was anything like how it started, things were looking pretty fucking good for her little family. "Sounds like a plan to me."
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lea1x1s · 6 years
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as of JUNE 4th
as a rper
Starter for Crissgron (valentineklein)*
Reply to Faberry (rachelsonbroadway)
Reply to Blainchel (primadonnaberrie)*
Reply to Overgron (vickieharris)*
Reply to Achele (leilaconnelly)
Starter for Troian/Chris (nickyivanovic)
Reply to Lea/Daveed (chefannalisa)
Reply to Tessa/James (kiabarnes)*
* means I have the most muse to do them ~
as a lazy potato
Finish writing Aloha movie inspired plot
Nails (orange pink or blue/purple glitter?)
Hairstylist appointment wednesday at 12:30
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
There was a fan asking him who did sam ended up with and he literally answered with how amazing Dianna is and kept gushing over her. I love their friendship so much
tagging @thatskepticalbitchcara so she can get the ball rolling on some overgron hettie soulmate truthering!
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