#overwatch2 kiriko
cryptcoop · 1 year
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SO cute bestie 
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nudziarino · 1 month
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v-o-l-k-a · 8 months
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I don't really listen to k-pop, but this video was really cute. Their relationship looked so adorable, especially the fact that they were trying to be friends with Sombra in Kpop stuff. this is cute <3 I love seeing Sombra with her geeky introverted side xd
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Hey! Do you think you could write some NSFW headcanons for Widow, Mercy, Kiriko, Lifeweaver and Genji (gender neutral afab reader) please? Feel free to ignore if that's too many characters or if you just don't want to do it. Have a great day, and don't forget to drink water dear author!
Sure! I did my best, sorry they’re all so short. I just didn’t want a super long post 😅
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Widowmaker NSFW
She can quite literally take you out in ‘one shot’— you’re not certain how exactly she does it, but she touches you in all the right places in quick succession and finds exactly where you need her most in just an instant. You’ve lasted about thirteen seconds at most with this technique of hers, and it was quickly banned from the bedroom unless you asked for it
She’s a very hard biter, like she doesn’t realize she needs to be a bit more gentle. You often wonder if she thinks she’s actually going to inject venom into your bloodstream this way
Eerily quiet responses toward any pleasure, even if you’re doing everything right she makes it hard to tell if you’re doing anything at all. So she tends to be the one in charge, that way you don’t end up questioning your capabilities or doubting her reactions
A slowed heartbeat seems to increase her stamina, though. It’s only somewhat annoying, especially in addition to her lack of emotion toward intimate times. But you refuse to believe she’s not feeling anything at all, either— otherwise she wouldn’t be stepping on you ‘for fun’ unprompted, or initiating half of these encounters
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Mercy NSFW
An unpredictable switch— everything that happens in the bedroom is a flip on a coin based on what she’s feeling and when. You never know if you’re about to give or receive, but either way it’s extremely rewarding and it’s hard to discern any complaints out of a night with Angela
She is pretty vocal, makes the nicest noises and lewd sounds you’ve probably ever heard. She definitely sounds like an angel, and it’s worth every touch to hear her sound off while completely red in the face
Maybe a bit too in love with pegging you. As a doctor and being very knowledgeable about the body, she’s rather enthusiastic toward loosening you up and talking about safety before giving you the ramming of a lifetime. Certain recommended positions even relieved your back pains somewhat, to your astonishment
She highly prefers to schedule these exchanges, rather than doing them on a whim. She refuses the ideas of quickies or anything with risk— especially in communal/public areas. You’d need to absolutely guarantee no one will be walking in or she might not ever forgive you for the embarrassment
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Kiriko NSFW
Absolutely a brat, and we all know this. You’re not getting anything done without force or a trade, and she clearly relishes in those methods— always a “no” or a “why”, and then the “what will I get in return?”
Hugely into degrading and she’ll meet you halfway, criticizing your every move as if it doesn’t have her writhing in euphoria. She’s mostly in control of the sounds she makes, but when you get enough of a rise out of her the high-pitched noises are totally worth the struggle to get them in the first place. But she tries really hard to pretend like you don’t have an effect on her
She totally abuses her abilities to make you both finish faster, and especially against your will if you intended to take your time. Everything she does in bed is completely in spite of you— you’re fighting to earn the outcome you want, so hopefully you’re up for that kind of challenge
Her attitude is to make up for her low libido, and especially in her inability to last very long. She’s super sensitive, but she’ll never admit it. You’ll figure this out sooner than later though, and she’ll put up even more of a fight with a smirk on her face before you get anywhere near the brink of relief
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Lifeweaver NSFW
Undoubtedly has a preference for being on bottom, but absolutely more than capable of being a top if he’s in the mood for it.
He’s sort of a pillow princess, likes having all the work be done for him. Much more of a receiver than he is a giver, but only in intimate moments— he’s much more giving outside of private moments that heavily lack clothing
But he is extraordinarily talented with his mouth, and he knows this. Yet he won’t offer such services without being asked politely, which must include a ‘please’ or he may remind you of your manners. It’s all in good fun though, he likely wouldn’t have refused either way (please ride his face)
He makes a lot of sounds, though they’re always muffled by his hand or pillow— or you. He also super loves using rope for things, like being restrained, and shibari. He gets more excited when he’s trapped and vulnerable in front of someone he likes
And while he’s a gentle top, he makes sure to return every favor you’ve given him on the occasions he does take over. These sessions last significantly longer than when he’s on the receiving end— edging turns out to be a specialty of his. And along the way, he’s more than happy to remind you of your previously indulgent behaviors
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More Genji NSFW
Genji is still Genji, and even under all that metal he’s still pretty full of himself. So he totally, secretly, has a mask kink, and goes a bit feral when you wear his helm along with a lingerie or something else enticing (maybe even his hoodie lol). There’s just something about seeing his own visor on you that makes him want to pounce
I don’t imagine he’s super into wireplay/anything that has to do with his mechanics, but he’s not against it. He’s fine with it enough and appreciates you’d find these parts of him just as attractive, it just doesn’t get him going as much as other things do. He will happily indulge you though.
He’s dangerously easy to arouse. Drop one hint, playful or not (but only after the first few intimate exchanges) and he will find someplace to make it quick. Of course, he’s fluent in consent, so he’ll back off if you really were only joking. But otherwise you may often find yourself getting that super-enhanced-ninja special in the strangest secluded areas
And he makes it his job to make sure you cum before he does. On occasion he slips up, and if you’re competitive like that then it can be pretty 50/50. But he praises himself as a gentleman who treats his lover with the utmost care, and will deliver to you everything he has before taking you for his own pleasure
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ashmini · 10 months
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D.Va in the persona artstyle!
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raihyeon · 1 year
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I wanna be more than friends
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buckeera · 5 months
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hey sunshine <3
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velinkthorn · 8 months
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hinnajpaidy · 7 months
I really like the new Dva skins, mekamechanic, tokkitsune and mekamechanicfox but unfortunately I don't have much time at the moment to try to do more drawing 😭
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cryptcoop · 2 years
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mirrorwatch headcanons
since ow doesn't like making stories anymore I'm making my own (bliz pls hire me for story stuff) (actually dont i know what goes on there-)
lowkey inspired by @/vhstropics on tiktok
just headcanons not canon and based of my personal bias. don't like em make ur own :D
D.VA: Failed MEKA training and was replaced by D.MON. South Korea is half destroyed due to the Gwishin and MEKA failed and most pilots have passed. D.VA/Hana is currently in a shelter with her family, trying to stream for money but never gets any views due to the amount of people doing the same.
Doomfist: Formed Overwatch to combat the Omnic Crisis after his master was killed by said omnic's (Mirrorwatch Orisa).
Junker Queen: Lives with her family in Junkertown. Participates in the Scrapyard most of her time.
Orisa: Part of Null Sector and led the massacre in Numbani.
Ramattra: Took Mondatta's place and ended up assassinated by Tracer via pulse bomb while Widowmaker/Amelie tried to save him.
Reinhardt: After everything that happened in Eichenwalde he gave up his oath as a knight and wanted revenge for the comrades he lost in battle due to the Omnic's. After killing both Omnic's and people, he was taken in by Mercy/Vengeance and became a top member in Mirror Talon.
Roadhog: Living with his daughter in Junkertown. Sometimes they go to New Zeland to visit other families but mostly stay and talk with friends and other family. He never meets Junkrat but does see him every once and a while with his mother.
Sigma: Siebren was able to harness gravity, and with the help of Moira, keeps his mind under control. Has won several awards due to his discovery and currently works with Mirror Overwatch.
Wrecking Ball: Escaped the Moon after the massacre by himself and ended up working with Mirror Overwatch as an engineer.
Winston: He was part of the massacre on the Moon and was pissed when Hammond left him by himself. Built his own way back to Earth and landed in Junkertown where he became champion and seeks revenge on Hammond for leaving him.
Zarya: Discovered that Russia was actually helping the Omnic's and destroyed what she could while also stealing a bunch of stuff that was important to her boss. She soon joined Talon and was given her gravity gun and enhancements to her body to make her even stronger thanks to Mercy/Vengence.
Mauga: (okay two of them cuz angst raaahh) 1, Mauga joined Overwatch after the Deep Sea Raiders disbanded due to Talon. He joined around when Baptiste did and was sad to learn he left due to wanting to be a merc. He let Baptiste go and promised they would see each other again, whether that be friend or foe. 2, Mauga was high up in Overwatch along with Baptiste. Bap was kidnapped by Talon and tortured for months. When they got him back, he killed Mauga and ended up as Scorpion.
Ashe: Akande/Doomfist made something similar to Blackwatch and got Ashe after finding her abandoned by family. She distances herself from Mirror Overwatch after it disbanded but still cares for it and will become active again if they need her to.
Bastion: After he woke up, so did his programming. He caused panic and a mass murder once reaching the city and went into hiding after he was damaged by police and others. Was soon found by Null Sector and is now a member.
Cassidy: Created Deadlock after Ashe and the rest of his family left him in the desert. Neither have heard from the other.
Echo: When she woke up, her programming malfunctioned and she was unable to learn new things and only knew that she was a weapon. Liao tried to deactivate her but Echo killed her out of fear. She soon joined Null Sector and became Zenyatta's right hand.
Genji: After attempting to murder his brother, he fled to Junkcity where he now lives his life in hiding from the Hashimoto and Shimada.
Hanzo: Genji tried to kill Hanzo and almost succeded. The Hashimoto took him in and fixed him with robotic parts and made him a killing machine for their own benefit.
Junkrat: Living with his mother in Junkertown, while taking care of her and building her little trinkets. Mei: Passed due to the cryo-sleep malfunctioning. None of them made it and ended up being forgotten by most of the world.
Phara: Joined Talon to follow her mother's footsteps, currently in training after being kicked out from Helix.
Reaper: Moira fixed him up in a good way this time. No longer has Wraith form nor can teleport, but he no longer feels too much pain and uses his abilities for good.
Sojourn: Dies the OW explosion.
Soldier76: (straight/j) Joined Talon after the OW explosion and was experimented on by Mercy/Vengence. Now faster and stronger but decaying a lot faster than normal. He only has about a year of life left and is living it with murder through Talon and weapon trading with Los Muertos.
Sombra: Still a very good hacker but her parents never passed and improved of her hobbies as long as she used them for good. After they died at the hands of Los Muertos, she turned most of them in using her hacking abilities and was scouted out by Akande for her good deeds. She now turns in criminals and sends money to the poor when she can using the money the criminals possibly stole. Best friends with Widow and thinking of asking her out.
Symettra: Dropped out of Vishkar and left to Junkertown to expand more on her creations. Is quiet popular and owns a popular shop.
Torbjorn: Left OW after the explosion. Due to complications, his wife passed, leaving him with only Brigette. He needed money to keep them afloat and joined Talon to use his engineering abilities to build multiple weapons and armor.
Tracer: Part of OW as a pilot and was presumed dead when they couldn't find her plane and left her as such. She joined Talon to get revenge on the people who wronged her.
Widowmaker: Top Sniper in OW and followed Ana closely until she shot Widow in the eye for Talon reasons. Eye got replaced by Moira and ended up being an even better shot. Bestie friends with Sombra, knows of Sombra's crush. (edit: forgot about her husband but fuck it lesbians raaahhh)
Venture: (Works for the British museum/j) They joined Talon to search for artifacts to pawn off for money. They're one of the richest people in Talon due to this and does flaunt their wealth while underpaying the people actually digging for the artifacts.
Ana: A plant in OW until she was tasked with killing Widow. She failed and went back to Talon before they caught up with her. Uses Mirror Mercy's healing tech to hurt others and (sorta) help her team. She teases Rein for not being able to save his comrades, making their relationship nonexistent.
Baptiste: (two again cuz lore n angst) 1, Left OW because they refused to let him show his full potential on the battlefield and was paired with Ashe n the little team Akande made (Mirror Blackwatch). Was stopped by Mauga before he was let go. Now a merc under the name Scorpion doing business with Talon. 2, He was in OW before he was kidnapped and tortured for months until OW found him again. He killed Mauga and went off back to Talon, only to run away again and become a merc.
Brigette: Following in her father's footsteps and joined Talon. Talon realized her full potential and allowed her on the battlefield after she showed how aggressive and strong she was. Torb was basically an absent father due to working so much but she respected him for it. She knew how hard it was on him and joined Talon to help. Mizti is a gift from Torb and is the office cat roaming around that bites and claws at everyone but Brig and Torb.
Kiriko: (not annoying, actually contributes to society, doesn't have a bike/jj). Followed Hanzo's footsteps and joined the Hashimoto, dying her hair to get rid of her routes as a Kamori. She works in Hanzo's squad and is constantly trying to find Genji and get revenge for him. Oath siblings in Kiriko's eyes while Hanzo hates the fact she followed him to the Hashimoto.
Lucio: Works at Vishkar alongside his father. Was close friends with Symettra until she left and now despises her.
Mercy: Founder of Talon after she realized OW wasn't changing the world and decided to change it herself after discovering her medical tech.
Moira: Head Medic at OW due to her discoveries with decay and bringing things back to life. Fixed Sigma's mind, Widow's eye, and countless other things. Has won multiple awards and is well-known in the medical community. Knew Mercy before she started Talon and was inspired by her.
Zenyatta: After witnessing the death of Ramattra, he began Null Sector and led the Omnic Crisis while Mondatta frowned upon him. He didn't care and wanted justice for his people.
Lifeweaver: Working with Vishkar and is a top researcher with hard light. Tolerated Symettra and was glad she left.
Illari: Once the ceremony came, turns out there was nothing special about her. She know feels burdened and like a disappointment for not being able to live up to expectations. She still tries to help but only ends up getting burnt. (Icarus situation)
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mahou2d · 2 years
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Kiriko Kamori
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overwatchfics · 2 years
can you do Shimadas + saving their s/o when their vigilante activities go wrong? 🥺
Shimada's Saving Their Vigilante S/O
A/N: I have a feeling I know who this is...
Content Warning: Contains violence and minor character death
Being chased by what was left of his clan, Hanzo knew they'd come after you eventually.
He just didn't know when
Especially since you two worked together to take out the last of the corrupted Shimada clan
One mission you and Hanzo decided to split up and take a fortess from both sides
Unfortunately for you, an alarm was sounded when you were spotted by a guard
You tried to find cover when a couple bullets grazed your side, knocking you down.
In minutes you were surrounded by Shimada cronies all with katanas and guns raised and aimed at you
The main guard was approaching you with a gun in hand when an arrow struck him in the head.
The other guards looked to Hanzo's direction only to get stuck with even more arrows
With the few remaining turning their attention to you, he jumps down from his perch, a look of cold rage set on his face.
One guard charged at him with his sword raised, Hanzo caught him by the throat and slammed him into the ground, effectively knocking him out.
Without thinking, Hanzo picked up the blade and went on a frenzy slicing through the remaining guards one by one.
After all guards were slain, Hanzo stood, his chest heaving, He looks to you and down to the sword his hands shaking as he drops the blade and runs to your side.
He slides to his knees and collects you into his arms tightly
Thank god you're alive, I had feared the worst
Hanzo hadn't picked up a blade since he's killed his own brother, but he knew he had to protect you. At this point he's enveloping your body with his as he releases choked sobs into your shoulder.
Once home Hanzo wraps his arms around you in bed and pulls you close, refusing to let you go
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Talon was a common enemy for overwatch and while Genji recently convinced you to come to Overwatch's side, he knew Talon would be after you as well (Like Hanzo's situation)
One mission went terribly wrong when your group was ambushed and taken to the science division of a Talon base.
Genji felt his temperature turn to ice and ignoring the calls of his allies, tracked you down right away.
He'd melted through Talon forces swiftly and quietly, with the exception of making his hand burning hot and pressing it to a guard's neck to gather information on where you were being held
When he'd found out it was the science division, his stomach dropped Moira
Without hesitation he breaks through the vent and drops to the floor.
What Genji saw broke his heart.
You were strapped to the table with your half naked body littered with bruises showing signs of struggle. A couple IVs were poked into your arm
You looked so pale, so weak.
Genji felt a rage he hadn't felt in a long time bubble up in him, but he could handle it later, right now he had to get you out of here.
He Takes out the IVs, untie the straps, and gathers you in his arms, he hears heels boots click against the floor and he knew he needed to make his escape, so he puts you over his shoulder and crawls out of the window and makes a mad dash.
As he gains distances, he can hear the frustrated frantic yelling of the mad geneticist
Once he gets home with you, he bathes and dresses you comfortably and prepares food for you
Once you wake up, he cracks and tries his best not to break down in front of you.
Genji grabs your hand and presses it to face and confesses he was terrified to lose you
His tears slide onto your hand and he presses a tearful shaky kiss to your lips, proceeding to bury his head in the space between your shoulder and neck, breathing you in.
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Listen, we all know it's gonna be the Hashimoto
You and Kiriko were partners in crime against the Hashimoto
both knew the risks and most of the time had a clear view of each other's backs
Most of the time
You had a bad habit of going out on solo missions to deal with the Hashimoto, and one of the few times Kiriko decides to tail you in secret you get ambushed
You were walking through an alleyway, weapons ready and investigating the markings of the Hashimoto on a wall when you're heard the unsheathing of swords and the clicking of loading guns
They were fast in jumping down from the roofs and you weren't quite fast enough.
You'd felt a stabbing pain in your shoulder and in your abdomen and looking down you'd been ran through by a couple blades.
Kiriko you had just caught up to you immediately calls out to her fox spirit and throws her Kunai
This time, aims she does not aim to spare, she aims to kill
She gets her wish when the sickening crack of kunai against skulls rang throughout the alleyway
The Hashimoto guards, who's blades had been right through you, pull out as they fall to the ground.
The world for you is shifting around and spinning as you feel yourself falling
Kiriko's glowing eyes are vibrant as they lock on to you and she teleports, catching you before you hit the ground. She uncorks her healing Suzu, and brings it to your lips, she tilts your head back and forces you to drink it
Your wounds seal up and Kiriko hears growing and shuffling and she sees a bleeding Hashimoto trying to crawl away.
She throws a kunai, and she hears her shot connect and his breathing stop.
Kiriko identifies that the life-threatening wounds are healed, but she lays ofuda on you to keep you stable as she carries you home.
Once through the front door, you see the glowing stops and her strength is waning, she makes it to her bed and lays you gently on top of it before crawling on top of you and cradling your face in her hands. She peppers your face in kisses before slowly leaning in and capturing your lips in hers.
Kiriko flops over next to you on her back and pulls you to her side, allowing your head to settle under her chin and she strokes your hair
don't ever do that again, not alone, we fight together.
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phoenixlegendsprops · 2 years
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Who are you today?
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raihyeon · 11 months
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I crave snoozy weather 💤🐰🦊
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hitomitqx · 2 years
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Overwatch Japanese kids in their school uniforms. Just having fun doing some Overwatch fan art, imagine them during their student days. :) I’m opening commissions! If you’re interested, please head to my ko-fi for more information! https://ko-fi.com/7xyuan/commissions
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