#owg clip
koushirouizumi · 5 months
Digimon Adventure ~ Our War Game {"Bokura no War Game"} + Hebrew!Tentomon (greeting Koushiro {"Izzy"} from within Yagamis computer/Gennai's place)
{Clip'd by Me} (DO NOT RE-POST) (Please ASK to Use/Share!)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventures ~ Taichi Yagami & Koushiro[u] Izumi {A.M.V. Out-lining/Timeline} for Koushiro x Taichi A.M.V.: Tsuki no Uta [#Tri Spoilers, #Kizuna Spoilers, #Digimon Adventure: Spoilers]… This is the current initial ‘previewed’ look of a mostly-finished A.M.V., but with sections I can easily jump around and edit in if I ever go back to it in the future.
... And this is what a full version/outline of 100~ clips may look like!
With this one, starting from after the big Kizuna moment leading into an OWG clip of Taichi, the editor was starting to bug up and lag, and it was honestly amazing this one didn’t crash for some odd, unknown reason before I could finish & save it (when I’ve had many others crash by 40, even just 17~20 clips on a bad editing day)
So this one managed to work out in the end, but I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to fill in the ending with much, and thus I started using some longer sequences by the end, since using longer ones seems like it’ll crash less than if you use a ton of clips at once. I still managed to convey the feel of what I was going for at least (including within the original psuedo-plans), I think, though also the psuedo-outlines had the ending move a lot faster with many shots (that’s usually my wishful thinking though, so I made do with this instead.)
All clips with a series of squares in the corner has effects (sometimes multiple fade-in to fade-out sequences) on.
Also, sometimes the previews on clips will glitch oddly, and then fun things like this may happen:
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^ (BlackAgumon Appeared!)
{It Knows.}
(OK, but most of the time it just glitches the main charas in previews and you can barely see them, which means yeah, kinda hard to see on the timeline.)
This took almost 6~ hours of editing total, spread across two evenings. (I think I finished just under the 6 hour mark on this time, but these ‘totals’ also include a lot of boring loading of files, audio etc. & waiting. So it’s actually a bit less time than even that, but hard for me to keep track of.)
I didn’t even have a full-on psuedo-plan for this one, honestly? (Like, I had an initial overall 'concept’/idea in my mind, including for ending, but I always have trouble when it comes to fitting in the most scenes I’d love to use if possible. I couldn’t even add in 2020!Koushiro’s ep with Gerbemon + Chuumon [/Tyumon] here yet! Maybe in the ‘finished’ version, if I can attempt to go back in, fix those few things & add in subs, sometime hopefully...)
A.M.V.s take a lot of time to make, too! And as much as I’d love to produce them quickly like this, no, I can’t actually manage this kind of attempt every single time without being supremely wiped out mentally afterwards, but this one was a lot of fun to work on too, since it didn’t crash AS much for me this time around...
I’d like to be able to improve my focus to finish them slightly more quickly in time for when character or O.T.P focused events I’m interested in roll around, since it’s way harder to finish a series of A.M.V.s in this quality 7 days in a row, for example when it comes to weekly events, but we’ll see! (Also because I’m typically not the type to {personally} join in events much anymore either... well, I sometimes do try for any Favs though, we’ll see!)
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[Note: replying/Tags that are Positive/respectful are OK!] (If you re-blog this, please out of courtesy tag ‘Tri Spoilers’, ‘Kizuna Spoilers’, and ‘Digimon Adventure: Spoilers’ for your mutuals if you feel it’s necessary!)
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imaginedsoldier · 4 years
Comparing Our War Game and the American film, Digimon: The Movie, which combined nearly all of Our War Game with 2 other Digimon films I gotta say... Saban Entertainment knocked it out of the park. The musical numbers along the increased pace and the much more personality-infused Diaboromon make it way more entertaining and frankly like a more complete project.
The original Our War Game feels incomplete even comparing just the section of DTM which is an adapted OWG to the original. There are huge swaths of silence in OWG, and not the familiar silence of Japanese animation, but what feels like empty space- there are spots where it seems like audio is outright missing. Diaboromon in particular is devoid of his famous voice lines, instead using an asynchronous tittering noise which, while creepy, make the main villain feel like a big empty spot on screen.
Some more attention is paid to the particulars of Izzie's networking ability and the gags the American adaptation is known for are sorely missed, the much more straight-arrow presentation lacking the punchy humor which filled a lot of sections of typing or bog-standard anime dialogue. What is from the adaptation isn't especially vital- some extra lingering on certain shots and extended sequences of people running around or children typing. Again, unlike the more paced, deliberate emptiness of a Miyazaki film these moments don't extend the tension or alleviate stress. They are pie crust trimmings, visually appealing and possessed of a certain charm, but you don't even know they're gone when you're presented with the final edit.
Our War Game attempts to be about reconnecting with old friends through the digital space and the difficulty of maintaining close friendships when space and time are against you- they are too far apart and they are running out of time. The incoming nuclear disaster and Diaboromon's countdown may be a stand-in for aging and the growing apart that comes with it. This is intercut with scenes of Joe in cram school and Mimi on vacation, creating alternate time scales and priorities between the Digidestined. The conflicts presented between the kids are somewhat representative of this- where the hair clip argument between Tai and Sora is blown up to comic scale in the adaptation, the original edges plays straight, making their argument feel inconsequential and like wasted time. This is largely the point- why waste this time arguing over a hair clip if the bomb is dropping, if we are growing up, if we may never see each other again?
OWG plays with these topics but, again, they feel underdeveloped and unfinished, and director Mamoru Hosoda would get a second chance at this narrative with his 2009 film Summer Wars. It's a more grown-up flick, and Hosoda seems to have the benefit of nearly 10 years experience in his second attempt at those themes.
Saban Entertainment cuts all the empty space, turns some of the more inconsequential dialogue beats into humor beats, backfills the more somber audio track with strong voice performances, foleying, and a very memorable soundtrack, turning a quiet meditation on aging and growing apart into the best section of a movie about monsters punching each other. The core themes are preserved, even improved- with an increased focus on levity, the kids coming together in the final moments of the conflict feels more directly in-line with the ideas of maintaining friendships through the digital space of the late 90s and early 2000s. Diaboromon is pushed to the fore and the theme of losing time benefits from it since the primary antagonist and the primary source of anxiety are more closely married. Combining this with the more brisk editing and the movie is far more kinetic, far better at delivering the core theming, and frankly far more interesting for it.
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ubercharge · 7 years
ow on the social medias
reddit: the only place useful to get info from if you filter out all the highlight clips
tumblr: this is where the arts and the gays and the gay arts are
twitter: same as tumblr but with fewer words
4chan: i don’t.. know... everyone in /owg/ is so fucking angry
facebook: look idk who you are or what you’re about, but if you’re keeping up with ow on facebook, i beg you to love yourself and look elsewhere.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Me, ...attempting to listen to DigiAdvs clips in h EBrEW...: ... Tentomon: *speaks* ME, POINTING: ( THE CUTEST TENTOMON )
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} (+Adv; OWG / 02 / tri. / Kizuna) ~ A.M.V. Preview - KIMIpedia [YouPedia] by: Junky (sung by: Kagamine Len & Rin) featuring DUO/O.T.P: - KouTai (Koushiro x Taichi)
Digimon Series © Toei Animation
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE.
- There is a single opening clip of Taichi from the Adv 2020 OP. - There are a few major “Kokuhaku” (Tri Part 3) mid-part spoilers. (All are Taishiro-focused scenes) As well as a few smaller ones of (scenes with) them + Chosen from “Soushitsu” (Tri Part 4) and “Kyousei” (Tri Part 5), no final Tri part spoilers.
{Lyrics Preview}
“I UNDERSTAND {YOU}, {more} or less...”
YOU and ME, we MAKE A Pretty GOOD
AND THAT’S WHY, even though You’re ALWAYS BY MY SIDE
This A.M.V. is currently semi- (mostly) / FINISHED. As of now, the preliminary version up until ending is completed. Hopefully you find some enjoyment so far though! - The intro and Koushiro’s section took about 1 hour 15 min alone. - Taichi’s section took another 25~30 min or so (I’m rounding Taichi’s out to about 25.) - The 2nd to last finishing touch took another 45 min of editing for an about 17 second section. - This last one took almost 1 hour more. - And finally, the final stretch was 2 hours 35 min; (Add that all together, and it’s about) almost 6~ hours in total. (this time, it crashed multiple times in-between! I managed to save it!!) As a result of crashings occuring, I tend to use longer clips towards the middle and end. However, this time I somehow managed to fit in a bit more than usual! This one may not be 100 percent polished ‘soon’, but I’m aiming to work on it more by Oct. [If I can’t finish it by then, it’ll be put on the list of things to finish ‘sometime’]
{Lyrics Preview} (Longer):
The {SPELL} broke, and {I found YOU}  All THIS, even though {You’re} truly KIND inside
All this time, I’ve been {BLUFFING} About my {HONEST} FEELINGS,
You’re truly a,
“Truth!” “LIES”  “Truth!” “LIES” “Truth!” “LIES”  “Truth!” “LIES” “TRUTH...!” “YOU...”
“LIKE” “Dislike” “LIKE” “Dislike” “{LOVE}--”
“I UNDERSTAND {YOU}, {more} or less What with all those mean {KIND} things you say,”
As you overtake the {ENNUI} Of my {DAILY LIFE}, With that MISCHIEVOUS SMILE,
“SO, what should {we} do, Mr. Nothing-FAZES-Me?”
“HEY, you’re so QUICK TO tease, you SPOILED brat”
YOU and ME, we MAKE A Pretty GOOD
“ Pairing ”
AND THAT’S WHY, even though You’re ALWAYS BY MY SIDE
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{Full lyrics to follow!}
IMGs all by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi {DO NOT re-post} {PLEASE ASK TO USE} {DO NOT remove caption} {DO NOT COMMENT / TAG WITH CHARACTER BASHING} {OTHERWISE YOU WILL BE BLOCKED} {THIS ALSO APPLIES TO TAGGING/TAGS ON THIS POST.} {usage of gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections.}
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS [SPECIFIC] SHIP/O.T.P (KouTai/Taishiro). please remember + respect this when interacting please tag only while including ship name and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you! } (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship name!!)
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
{Full Lyrics}
[Koushiro]: 1. I need to be doted on 2. I won’t be happy without tasty food 3. LISTEN to me, even if I’m being selfish 4. Have eyes only for me
* And yet you’re so blunt and short with me again, + Even though deep inside, I want to keep you close
<But won’t it be dull if you keep acting like THAT?>
[Taichi]: 1. Sometimes I just wanna be alone 2. Don’t expect me to be all touchy-feely 3. All this “anniversary” stuff (Taichi: “It’s {your parents’} anniversary??”) is a bother too 4. Don’t talk to me when there are people around
* And yet you make that scowl + Acting so evasive, trying to bluff your way through <You’ll just get tired if you KEEP THAT Up>
When I’m with {YOU}:
We sing
We laugh
We c r y
We have fights;
And I feel like the feelings I share with you are (Going numb…)
– but was there a TWINKLE of beauty (somewhere) (beneath) IT ALL?…
“I UNDERSTAND {YOU}, {more} or less What with all those mean things you say,”
“Hey, you’re being so boring, pay attention!”
“COME ON, you’re so QUICK to say SELFISH(?) Things-”
Putting your heart and MINE {Together}, This {“pairing”} is [falling through?], even though
You’re ALWAYS {By my SIDE…}
The {SPELL} broke, and {I found YOU} All THIS, even though {You’re} truly KIND inside
All this time, I’ve been {BLUFFING} About my {HONEST} FEELINGS,
You’re truly a,
“Truth!” “LIES”  “Truth!” “LIES” “Truth!” “LIES”  “Truth!” “LIES” “TRUTH...!” “YOU...”
“LIKE” “Dislike” “LIKE” “Dislike” “{LOVE}--”
“I UNDERSTAND {YOU}, {more} or less What with all those mean {KIND} things you say,”
As you overtake the {ENNUI} Of my {DAILY LIFE}, With that MISCHIEVOUS SMILE,
“SO, what should {we} do, Mr. Nothing-FAZES-Me?”
“HEY, you’re so QUICK TO tease, you SPOILED brat”
YOU and ME, we MAKE A Pretty Good
“ Pairing ”
AND THAT’S WHY, even though You’re ALWAYS BY MY SIDE
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izzyizumi · 5 years
DIGIMON ADVENTURE(S) (+02/Tri) x Kage-Pro AMV ~ RED (*SEMI-COMPLETE PREVIEW #1) featuring pair/ship: Taichi Yagami [“Tai Kamiya”] x Koushiro(u) Izumi [“Izzy Izumi”] [Taishiro(u)] a story that changes eye color / a story about a change of eye color There’s [an] image of two friends - ONE who likes PLAYING and ONE who PREFERS TO STUDY. The song about AWARENESS that THE OTHER ONE has BECAME AN ADULT, as if COLOR of his/her EYES has CHANGED: “ with those eyes of yours, dyed in a color I’ve never seen before ” ( " you simply…—— " )       [ from here ] “ NO MATTER WHAT , DON’T FORGET WHAT YOU SAW HERE TODAY . ” “ convey your thoughts while you’re STILL ALIVE . ”
- part of my Taishiro [Taichi x Koushiro] Repeat ficverse (please note any and all notes/trigger warnings for said ficverse!!) [seriously, please note the warnings, the plot is kinda heavy] (please note any and all warnings for Kage-pro’s plot too if you look into that!!) - no, it’s not a direct parody (but v. inspired) (if you can’t tell) - Digimon Tri + “Our Future” (”Bokura no Mirai”) spoilers - “ RED “ song translation credit from here - note: the amv at the direct youtube link has better quality if you change the definition to 1080p !!! - there are some other vaguely implied side pairings in the overall story besides Taishiro but Taishiro is the main focus so please note that !!! - in other words, THIS AMV PARTICULARLY IS TAISHIRO-FOCUSED. - PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT if you don’t ship them. I don’t care to hear that. - PLEASE DO NOT TAG AS SIMPLY “BROTP” (ROMANCE IS INTENDED) unless you also tag as ship, please. - basically, to make a long story short,           T I M E L O O P S - with something like a not-quite-soulmates AU     BUT VERY CLOSE - Tri is here because … ah … … - let’s just say it’s probably AT LEAST ONE part of the “start” of it all ah - Koushiro voice: ( ‘ W H Y ’ ) - DO THEY MAKE IT TO THE END - @ TAICHI & KOUSHIRO, ARE YOU SURE YOU /WANT/ TO ------- - … there’s blood before the final chorus (thanks Tri) (… it gets better ?) - ok tbh a happy ending is VERY intended with this please TAKE NOTE - *Important Note - I am still working on this - I need to fix timings I know s-sobs … - Windows Movie Maker is evil but it’s like the easiest thing to use when it’s not being … evil and crashing every time you try and do a lot of effects … - I need to re-time more of the quick flashes still I’m sorry (cry) - I need to hide watermarks/OWG subs too (I’LL DO THAT EVENTUALLY) - some “Our War Game” dialogue subs I may leave just for fun though (THEY FIT THEMES OF THE STORY OK) - the 1st verse contains sped-up reused scenes from my original parody amv - right after the end, these scenes were actually from the movie “The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya” aha ;;;; (RIP that movie's director ..... ;;;;) - please imagine either older!Taichi or Koushiro is looking at ’ it ‘ !! - I threw in a fake Taishiro dialogue using random sound clips (I'LL FIND A BETTER “TAICHI-SAN” CLIP WITH NO MUSIC LATER) - ^ this was really dumb I know leave me alone and mainly done for fun pfft ;; - ( -- THE ENDING SCENE FOR FEELINGS ) ( THE GATE ) - I do not care if you dislike/hate Digimon, Adventure/s, 02, Tri, or 02′s epilogue, etc., or, again, if you don’t ship this pair. Please keep it off this post.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
D I G I M O N Adventure{s} (+OWG / 02 / tri. / Kizuna) ~ A.M.V. Preview {Unfinished} / [In-Progress] / W.I.P: - KIMIpedia [YouPedia] by: Junky (sung by: K a g a m i n e . L E N & R i n) featuring DUO/O.T.P: - KouTai (Koushiro x Taichi)
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
This A.M.V. is currently UN-FINISHED. As of now, only the 1st chorus is (now fully!) completed. Hopefully you find some enjoyment so far though! The intro and Koushiro’s section took about 1 hour 15 min alone. Taichi’s section took another 25~30 min or so (I’m rounding Taichi’s out to about 25.) The past finishing touch took another 45 min of editing for an about 17 second section. This current one took almost 1 hour more. This one may not be finished ‘soon’, but I’m aiming to work on it more by Oct. [If I can’t finish it by then, it’ll be put on the list of things to finish ‘sometime’] - There is also a single opening clip of Taichi from the Adv 2020 OP. - There is a major “Kokuhaku” (Tri Part 3) mid-part spoiler that flashes quick.
{Lyrics Preview} [Part 1~2 Here!]
“I UNDERSTAND {YOU}, {more} or less What with all those mean things you say,”
“Hey, you’re being so boring, pay attention!”
“COME ON, you’re so QUICK to say SELFISH(?) Things-”
Putting your heart and MINE {Together}, This {“pairing”} is [falling through?], even though
You’re ALWAYS {By my SIDE...}
(To be Continued!) {It’s Not Quite The End TM!!1!}
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
D I G I M O N Adventure{s} (+OWG / 02 / tri. / Kizuna) ~ A.M.V. Preview {Unfinished} / [In-Progress] / W.I.P: - KIMIpedia [YouPedia] by: Junky (sung by: K a g a m i n e . L E N & R i n) featuring DUO/O.T.P: - KouTai (Koushiro x Taichi)
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
This A.M.V. is currently UN-FINISHED. As of now, only the 1st verse is (now fully!) completed. Hopefully you find some enjoyment so far though! The intro and Koushiro’s section took about 1 hour 15 min alone. Taichi’s section took another 25~30 min or so (I’m rounding Taichi’s out to about 25.) The current finishing touch took another 45 min of editing for an about 17 second section. This one may not be finished ‘soon’, but I’m aiming to work on it more by Oct. [If I can’t finish it by then, it’ll be put on the list of things to finish ‘sometime’] - There is also a single opening clip of Taichi from the Adv 2020 OP. - There is a major “Kokuhaku” (Tri Part 3) spoiler that flashes quick in this new part.
{Lyrics Preview}
[Koushiro]: 1. I need to be doted on 2. I won’t be happy without tasty food 3. LISTEN to me, even if I’m being selfish 4. Have eyes only for me
* And yet you’re so blunt and short with me again, + Even though deep inside, I want to keep you close
<But won’t it be dull if you keep acting like THAT?>
[Taichi]: 1. Sometimes I just wanna be alone 2. Don’t expect me to be all touchy-feely 3. All this “anniversary” stuff (Taichi: “It’s {your parents’} anniversary??”) is a bother too 4. Don’t talk to me when there are people around
* And yet you make that scowl + Acting so evasive, trying to bluff your way through <You’ll just get tired if you KEEP THAT Up>
When I’m with {YOU}:
We sing
We laugh
We c r y
We have fights;
And I feel like the feelings I share with you are (Going numb...)
-- but was there a TWINKLE of beauty (somewhere) (beneath) IT ALL?...
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
D I G I M O N Adventure{s} (+OWG / 02 / tri. / Kizuna) ~ A.M.V. Preview {Unfinished} / [In-Progress] / W.I.P: - KIMIpedia [YouPedia] by: Junky (sung by: K a g a m i n e . L E N & R i n) featuring DUO/O.T.P: - KouTai (Koushiro x Taichi)
DigiAdvs Series (C) T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
This A.M.V. is currently UN-FINISHED. As of now, only the 1st verse is completed. Hopefully you find some enjoyment so far though! The intro and Koushiro’s section took about 1 hour 15 min alone. Taichi’s section took another 25~30 min or so (I’m rounding Taichi’s out to about 25.) This one may not be finished ‘soon’, but I’m aiming to work on it more by Oct. [If I can’t finish it by then, it’ll be put on the list of things to finish ‘sometime’] - There is also a single opening clip of Taichi from the Adv 2020 OP.
{Lyrics Preview}
[Koushiro]: 1. I need to be doted on 2. I won’t be happy without tasty food 3. LISTEN to me, even if I’m being selfish 4. Have eyes only for me
* And yet you’re so blunt and short with me again, + Even though deep inside, I want to keep you close
<But won’t it be dull if you keep acting like THAT?>
[Taichi]: 1. Sometimes I just wanna be alone 2. Don’t expect me to be all touchy-feely 3. All this “anniversary” stuff (Taichi: “It’s {your parents’} anniversary??”) is a bother too 4. Don’t talk to me when there are people around
* And yet you make that scowl + Acting so evasive, trying to bluff your way through <You’ll just get tired if you KEEP THAT Up>
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!] (PLEASE regard my rules if you choose to Interact)
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