he1ian · 5 months
guys i think i got the wrong launcher
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know2knows · 2 months
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arceoptryx · 8 months
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speedrunner profiles
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couripacepals · 1 year
World Record!
Long-time speedrunner Oxidiot has been quietly grinding 1.16.1 All Advancements Set Seed Glitchless for weeks, and they just broke the world record of 1 hour 51 minutes set by none other than Feinberg several months ago..  Oxidiot’s new record time is 1:46:35.
AASSG is less popular than the more well known AA Random Seed Glitchless but much faster, with a lot of optimizations and quirks specific to set seed runs, such as a 12-eye portal.  It also has a very low chance of thunder happening within the time of the run, making it especially painful to grind for.
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Oxidiot’s twitch channel is here:https://www.twitch.tv/oxidiot and youtube is here: https://www.youtube.com/@oxidiot.  The world record run was streamed on alt.
Congratulations to Oxidiot!
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bioluminescentfrog · 5 months
i love women
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soul-skate · 3 months
hi Pico. what do u think of oxidiot h8 existiential crisis
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I like her a lot but you are aware you asked me to draw a runner who covers their eyes with an expression that places heavy emphasis on the eyes. right.
They kind of look like a white tiger with the pattern on their shirt, which was an accident but it looks pretty cool
Ask Game
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cat-26 · 3 years
I love speedrunning tourneys. Some crazy situations happen every time, it’s amazing.
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inoutoftherain · 3 years
fyi the MSL is having its week 1 right now.  Disappointingly I don’t see any of my favorite speedrunners among the participants, unless somebody’s on an alt I don’t know about.  But lots of other people are including cube, oxidiot and 7rowl.  it’s on twitch.tv/mcsrleague
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venmotif · 3 years
I can't fucking believe this good for oxidiot though they kept their chin up the legend
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barralrider · 6 years
If we get rid of pennies, eventually they will be worth a lot.
If we get rid of pennies, eventually they will be worth a lot. (self.Showerthoughts) submitted by Oxidiot to /r/Showerthoughts 18 comments original
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he1ian · 5 months
season 3 players and champions of the people
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know2knows · 1 month
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for which ranked player do you have the most channel points for, and why? got any recommendations for people to watch?
NONNIEEEE thank you for this ask i love you forever. OK so the ranked guys! As for most points, its kinda hard since some people are on and off ranked, but for people i would generally consider ranked players, I 100% have the most for rowl, simply bc 1- hes good background noise 2- ive been watching him the longest 3- he doesnt have any points redemptions. I'm at 94.9k for him, then next is hax with 74k and two meow purchases, then mongey with 48.7k and. i have redeemed so many bigbigmongeys. And finally doog with 32k points. ish. I have the most from hax bc he streams at great times for me usually and i have a sub, so extra points :')
BUT YEAH RECS honestly just those 4 that i mentioned, i love them very much. If you want a yapper, I would say hax all the way- he's very energetic usually, a great player (although inconsistent), and even though he's working on the 100 hardcore challenge at the moment, he still does ranked occasionally. He listens to mostly piano, which i really like. most streamers have mid music and its tolerable at best, but imo but hax music goes hard ^-^
Second, i think bigbigmongey is awesome. He doesnt play music, so you can do your own music, he's a good player, and honestly, he's the most expressive nomic streamer. Very chaotic, but very funny, so i always have a good time in his chat. You will also see many tumblrinas there :^ in general, good player, hilarious guy, and very silly all around
Third is Rowl, i mostly watch him when im very sleepy as his music isnt very chaotic, and i have fallen asleep to his streams many times. Rowl is a fun player to watch if you want a good player, but be careful, his chat is scary and he can get tilted easily. It terrifies me. I think ive sent maybe 10 messages ^-^
Last but not least is doog. I love how he plays minecraft (?) Like yes, he is cracked, i think we're all aware of that, but he has a way of scouting terrain and reacting in-game when something gets messed up that feels very. him. Again, mostly a streamer i watch as background noise at night or when i wake up, but i do still enjoy his streams
Additionally, Ive started watching retropog recently and even though his stream times suck for me and he doesnt stream often, he's a mic aussie streamer and honestly. just seems very chill. yk. Beefsalad also has very pleasant streams, also i get to see carlos (the dog) every time he uses tiktok :] dolqin is another good runner and fun streamer but he doesnt stream much. oxidiot too!!! there are just too many fantastic runners to fit into one post. but yeah! those are my frogs. my guys. blorbos from my ranked. i hope you like them :D
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couripacepals · 9 months
Ranked Season 2 Tournament starts today!
MCSR Ranked is a mod that allows for 1v1 competitive speedrunning on identical seeds with a lot of RNG and other factors controlled for. There is an ELO system for ranking players and a tournament at the end of every season. The season 2 tournament is starting now with the top 8 finishes from the season who are not named Feinberg and 8 qualifiers from a tournament open to the top 100.
The mainstream is here starting now https://www.twitch.tv/feinberg
Matches start in half an hour and will go all day.
Big BIg Mongey vs Draconix at 15:00 UTC
7rowl vs kw1st at 16:00
Silverr vs Emil at 17:00
Ancoboy vs Ranik at 18:00
Oxidiot vs Automatt at 19:00
Lowkey vs CroPro at 20:00
Priffin vs Dwoh at 21:00
Dandannyboy vs Doogile at 22:00
See you there!
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couripacepals · 8 months
Specnr's Top Runner Tournament returns this week for the fourth or fifth or something time, let's go Specnr, good job.
128 1.16 any% runners are participating. The tournament will narrow down the field by eliminating the slowest runners every round until only one remains. Lots of top runners are playing including Oxidiot, Doogile and 7rowl and they are all streaming.
Here's the main stream! https://www.twitch.tv/specnrd
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couripacepals · 1 year
Ranked Tournament Finale
The playoffs for MCSR Ranked season 1 continue right now with the semifinals, followed by the third place and grand finals matches.   Ranked is a competitive 1v1 elo system for 1.16.1 any% speedrunning.   Feinberg and Silverr tied for first place in the first full season and this is the end of season tournament!
Today’s semifinals are:
Oxidiot vs Silverr at 16:00 UTC
Dandannyboy vs Doogile at 17:30 UTC  
The third place match is scheduled for 19:00 and the grand finals are at 20:30!  Everything is best of 5 except for the grand finals, which are best of 7.
Main stream is https://www.twitch.tv/feinberg!  You can also watch on the individual runners channels.
See you there!
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