#oya squad
kr-han · 10 months
HiGH&LOW Random Fun Facts That You May Not Know
Disclaimer: SWORD only and the list is so random, so bear with me.
Cobra loves cupcakes, he probably has sweet tooth.
Cobra styles his hair according to his mood (not like bad or good but more like he's fired up enough or not).
Cobra has A LOT of red clothing. His real name is Hino Junpei (緋野盾兵) and the first character which is 緋 can also be read as aka which means red or scarlet.
He loves Antonio Inoki (a pro-wrestler) so much and make it his whole personality (including his red scarf).
When Cobra is drunk, he would shout, "Inoki-san, genki desuka!?". In MUGEN era, he would do it with Kohaku for the rest of the night.
Cobra admires Kohaku so much because he thinks Kohaku resembles Antonio Inoki.
Cobra has small appetite not even 1/10 of Yamato's. But he eats cupcakes.
Cobra can't draw.
Cobra didn't use sticker on LINE (the messanger).
Cobra and Yamato can't speak English. They're probably the type who'd say, "We're Japanese we don't need English!"
Yamato is afraid of cats. The reason is cat can get long.
Yamato's insult never sounds like one.
Noboru favorite food is sea cucumber. He's sea cucumber maniac.
According to Cobra Noboru type is a girl with glasses.
Dan on the other hand, can draw well. But he can't draw woman.
Rocky is a little clumsy, he forgot small things like key.
Hyuga always sleeps whenever there's no fighting nor something exciting to do.
Murayama loves corndog.
Murayama dislikes sharing his food.
G-SWORD's leaders alcohol tolerance: Cobra is rather low, Rocky is rather high, Murayama prefer to eat than drink (but according to Nakazono, Murayama didn't make any different when he's drinking or not), Hyuga prefer to sleep than anything else, and Smoky can't.
According to Kizzy, Rocky becomes a foolish/idiotic old man when he's drunk. Kizzy also said, "When he's drunk, he got no dignity whatsoever."
Murayama's favorite alcohol beverage is ryokucha-hai (which a combination of green tea and shochu. Might be wrong though, you can search: 緑茶ハイ).
Hyuga's favorite alcohol beverage is shochu.
When Oya part timer go to karaoke, they sing girl idols' songs.
Masaki do all the house chores in Amamiya's households from cleaning up to cooking.
Hiroto's favorite food is curry.
When Hiroto cooks, he only cooks curry.
Takeru is forgetful. Masaki has to remind him all the time. Hiroto? He waits to be petted by his aniki.
Kaito and Kizzy have a couple ring and they use it as necklace.
In HiGH&LOW The Movie, Kaito and Kizzy joined the fight but there's no single footage of them fighting. But they appeared before the fight and after the fight with some bruises.
From End of Sky to Final Mission, Cobra didn't wear his red scarf anymore.
Despite using his red scarf as a personality, Cobra didn't use it to fight beside for his character introduction scene in episode 1.
Ichigo Milk has been inviting Naomi to join them, but Naomi refuses due to Itokan. She wants to take care what's left by her brother.
Naomi can actually beat dudes.
Murayama keeps the strawberry bag from Oshiage and he uses it as a pillow.
Ice gave Sarah a teddy bear (and a necklace).
Ice can cook and according to Mighty Warriors' member, Ice's curry tasted like seafood when he uses zero seafood ingredients. Apparently, it matched the actor's fun fact: Elly's curry always tasted like he put seafood in it even when he's not.
There was once, Seki dressed up in sailor uniform for karaoke. Of course, they sing girl idols' songs.
Toutetsu brothers cook for Hyuga, but he sleeps almost all day long, so Katou needs to wake him up just to eat.
Ukyou cooks better than Sakyou.
Ukyou needs to separate Daruma's income into envelopes and hide them because if not, Hyuga would splurge the income into zero. Hyuga can't manage money.
Lala reads books for the kids in Mumeigai, and they literally have reading time with Lala.
Furuya has truck driver's license.
Murayama durability is top notch and it resemble his given name which is Yoshiki. His full name written like this 村山良樹 and Yoshiki (良樹) is consist of characters that mean good or skilled, and trees or wood. He's a skilled trees or wood, or whatever but that clearly means that his durability is on another level. That's why he could bear the 100 punches challenge and still fight back after that.
Hiroto and Smoky loves cat.
Murayama talked to a cat. (He's cat, but also puppy; whatever he's cute).
Murayama introduced Todoroki to Cobra in person.
Murayama has 4 vans' shoes and a pair of converse. (Haven't count how many jackets he has though, might count it when I rewatch).
At least, Tsukumo has been hit by the car twice. He should avoid getting near cars. No cars near him, please.
White Rascals' outfit are all white and it's hard to keep it clean. The visual line (Shimura, Bito, Aizawa, and Enari) has a hard time because they spend so much money for laundry and cleaning. Little did they know, Rocky actually could paid 80% of their cleaning cost. But Rocky didn't say it to them because he knows that they would be worried about how to pay Rocky back. (Rocky is so sweet). Probably the only guys that use this privilege only Koo and Kaito.
Rocky paid 100% of the girls' laundry and cleaning cost (including Kizzy).
Rocky's surname, Mutsugi, is actually a word play. It's written as 六ツ木 in Japanese. Which the character 六 can be read as mutsu (mu for short) or roku (ro for short) and it means six; ツ is a katakana for tsu and in hiragana it's written like this つ. When tsu is written small in between characters (it's called sokuon) like っ/ッ it purposes is to geminate the next character; and 木 is ki and it means tree. If we put them together and make the tsu as sokuon, we'll get 六ッ木 which read as ろっき in hiragana and ロッキ in katakana (both are rokki) we got his name, Rocky (ロッキー).
Source: rewatching the series and the movies over and over again so I can get into the useful but also useless facts, and the g-sword manga by CLAMP. If you want to read HiGH&LOW g-sword manga by CLAMP you can read HERE for English translation or DI SINI untuk translasi Bahasa Indonesia. Note: Might add more if I find or remember more. Also, I'm sorry there's too much Cobra, can't help though, I love him a little bit too much.
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hyugaruma · 9 months
H&L: Sweet Things They Say To You
re: how they show you they love you with their words…
hmmm idk how happy i am with this one but it’s been sitting in my notes for a minute soooo OH WELL
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Cobra: “I will forever fight for you and with you.” His lip is busted and his face is bruised. You can feel the way your heart clenches at seeing him battered from the fight he just partook in, some goons having thought it a good idea to harass you outside of ITOKAN Diner. Luckily your boyfriend had arrived just in time. Despite his marred state, he holds your gaze so that you know that he’s true to his word, and all you can do is nod.
The Mugen way of devotion and loyalty easily translates to Cobra in a relationship. He would literally die for you. Your fights are his fights. However, he tries his hardest to keep you out of his, and Sannoh’s, fights. He can’t imagine how he could live with himself if something happened to you.
Rocky: “I’ve waited my whole life to meet you.” Rocky softly places a hand on the small of your back, pulling you in close so he can bury his face in your neck. You can feel the tension in his shoulders dissipate at finally having you in his arms after an arduous day at Club Heaven. You respond by wrapping your arms around him to pull him in even closer. No other words are needed; just having you at his side is all he could ever ask for.
Rocky wholeheartedly means the words he says. He isn’t one to so easily dedicate himself to one person; he has many women to protect, after all. But the moment he meets you, he can’t even begin to imagine the way it was before. He was so lonely without ever having realized it.
Murayama: “I can’t wait to see you again.” Murayama is reluctant to release the grasp his hand has on your own, wasting as much time as possible standing with you outside your house after your date together. You can’t help but giggle at the obvious ploy, leaning in to land a chaste kiss on his cheek that sends the tips of his ears pink. He’s quick to pull you back in once you try to pull away, this time to land a playful kiss of his own on your lips.
Murayama lives to spend time with you. Right after he drops you off at your house after hanging out all day, he’s already texting you how much he misses you and trying to make plans as soon as possible. If you’d allow it, he would see you every day if possible. He’d never grow tired of you.
Smoky: “Thank you for choosing me.” The two of you sit side-by-side at the ledge of a deconstructed factory building, looking out at Nameless City laid out beneath you. You look to him, and he’s giving you a gentle, almost sad, smile. You can’t even imagine a world where you wouldn’t choose him, but somewhere swimming in those brown eyes of his is a self-doubt that you hope someday can be remedied. You give him a smile back, one that says you feel the exact same way.
Smoky can’t even comprehend why someone like you, someone so amazing, would choose someone like him. He really doesn’t know what he did to deserve you. Surely there’s someone out there who could give you more than he ever could, at least so he thinks. But, you did choose him, and he is forever thankful to have you by his side.
Hyuga: “Thank you for putting up with me.” Hyuga is sprawled out on the futon that the two of you share, watching as you change into your pajamas to settle down for the night. His eyes show a softness that he reserves only for you. He holds out a hand to beckon you to him, and you oblige, crawling into the futon to situate yourself between his lazy arms. He can’t help but land a light kiss on your temple before pulling you close to drift off into a peaceful slumber.
Hyuga knows he’s not a perfect man. Far from it, even. He can’t imagine why you’re so willing to continue dealing with his ways, but he hopes you’ll continue to do so for a long, long while. If he could ask for one selfish wish, it would be to have you as his for the rest of his time on this earth.
Hiroto: “I’m always here for you.” Hiroto stands awkwardly in the doorway of your apartment as he eyes you closely. He can tell that something has been bothering you, but that you were reluctant to confide in him about your problems. You raise your eyes to meet his gaze and find nothing but complete honesty and truth within them. Feeling your own eyes begin to mist over, you opt to dropping your head to his chest to hide your show of emotions. A hand comes up to gently rest against the back of your neck, and to attempt to soothe your worries away.
Hiroto isn’t a man of many overtly affectionate words or gestures. He tends to show his love through action. But, he does want you to know that he would do anything for you. If you ever have a problem, he hopes that he’ll be the first person you come to, even if it’s just you needing a listening ear.
Ice: “I love every little thing about you.” Ice’s fingertips ghost delicately across your cheek and down your jaw, touch so soft it’s as if he’s afraid you might disappear right before his very eyes. He wears his signature shades, but you can still see the way his eyes admire you, flitting between your eyes to your nose to your lips, an affectionate reverence for each and every part of you. His hand rests on your neck as his thumb softly caresses your chin, and he can’t help the smile of complete adoration that overtakes him.
When Ice says he loves every little thing, he isn’t exaggerating. All your flaws and quirks, he wouldn’t give a single one of them up. He’s a man who accepts you completely and wholly. And he would spend the rest of his life ensuring that you see yourself in the light that he sees you in.
Jesse: “I love when you smile.” Jesse flops down on top of you lying down on the bed, resting his chin against your abdomen as he looks up at you with a cheeky, yet genuine, smile. In turn, you move your hand to brush through his blonde locks, and he leans fervently into your touch. You can feel the deep exhale he lets out. Jesse pushes himself up, hoisting himself to be positioned above you so that he’s now looking down at you. His own hand finds itself entangling with your hair, his eyes glued to that sweet, sweet smile on your lips.
Jesse isn’t someone who shows his affections through words, but nothing in the world makes his heart swell more than seeing your genuine smile. Especially if he was the cause of it. Your smile can instantly turn even his sourest of moods around. He spends his days chasing after the high of basking in your joy and happiness.
Ryu: “You’re my forever.” Ryu stands behind you, watching you from the mirror as you get ready to go out to dinner together. His hands find themselves snaking down to your hips, and his chin resting dutifully on your shoulder. He watches your shy reactions through the reflection, and the tiny smile that you can’t seem to hold back. His arms tighten as he pulls your back against his chest. You can feel his steady heartbeat. You lean your head against his and bask in the moment of utter tranquility with your lover.
Ryu doesn’t open himself up and give himself to others so willingly. You have to be a very special person to open up that side of him. So when he says ‘forever,’ he actually means ‘forever.’ He just hopes that you feel the same level of devotion, because he can’t imagine finding anyone like you again.
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enhashoutout · 10 months
Dating Hanaoka Fujio
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This is purely self-indulgent because finals are stressing me out and I needed something fluffy to keep me from taking a nap on the highway
Bf!Fujio who is the golden retriever in the relationship.
Bf!Fujio who doesn't care much about his studies but knows that you do so he offers to keep you company while you study (he's probably distracting you though low key).
Bf!Fujio who notices final exams are absolutely killing you so he takes it upon himself to force you to take breaks, otherwise, you sit in front of your work and forget you're a human who needs water, food, and sleep.
Bf!Fujio who is almost never late because leaves his meetings a few minutes early (if they aren't super important) to come and see you.
"Oi! Fujio! Where are you going?! We're not done yet!" (Probably Yasushi) "Sorry! I have to leave early to be on time to pick up ___ from school and take them home!" All of his friends: 👁️👄👁️ Fujio: *proceeds to pedal his bike so fast he almost smacks into your school's gate but at least he's there and ready to take you home*
Bf!Fujio who thinks of you when he doesn't have a fight to worry about
Bf!Fujio who never shuts up about you + playfully annoyed bestie Tsukasa who knows everything about you because Fujio never shuts up about you but at least his best friend is happy
Bf!Fujio who tells you all about Oya's factions, dynamics, and fights even if you don't quite understand.
Bf!Fujio who tells you about his negative feelings. Example: when he doesn't feel good enough to be Oya's leader, when he's sad remembering his grandpa and Grandma Sada, etc. (This boy deserves all the love in the world make sure he knows that)
Bf!Fujio who hugs you a little longer and a little tighter on the days he isn't feeling all that well
Bf!Fujio who thinks it is the funniest thing to kiss you, catching you off guard, and then running away leaving you confused.
bf!Fujio who loves how you also bond with his friends and help them when you can
Bf!Fujio who gives you a heart attack when he shows up at your doorstep late at night all bruised and needs his injuries tended to before he goes home so he doesn't also give his mom a heart attack.
Bonus points if you're a SWORD leader's younger sibling with that last point. Like imagine being Cobra's younger sibling who is dating Fujio but the kicker is that Cobra doesn't actually know you're dating because you tell him you go to Oya to see your friends, not your boyfriend and his friends who are now your friends.
Fujio shows up late at night after a fight needing his injuries bandaged, and you guys whisper as he tells you what happened and how he won. You guys are whispering thinking that if you're quiet no one will wake up, but you don't realize your older brothers actually went out for a late-night drive because none of them were able to sleep. So as you guys are like giggling and whispering, Cobra, Yamato, and Noberu walk in through the front door and you all just freeze and stare at each other because none of you know what to say. And of course, Fujio being Fujio will probably get excited and ask Cobra if he wants to be friends.
You: shit... how do I explain to my brothers why they just walked in through the door and there is a boy here uninvited? How do I explain that I'm actually dating this boy and I've been lying about why I go hang out at Oya all the time?! Cobra: Eye twitching. Why is there a boy in the house with my younger sibling? Who is this boy? Why is he busted? ___ you have a lot of explaining to do or I'm grounding your ass. Yamato: Ready to follow Cobra whatever he does because you aren't just Cobra's younger sibling you are THEIR younger sibling. If Cobra decides to ground you? Yamato is going to agree and give reasons why you should be grounded even longer. If Cobra lunges at the boy who's sitting in front of you? Shit so is Yamato because who is this bruised up kid giggling with his younger sibling at midnight? Noberu: The only sensible one who will listen to your explanation before taking any action. Will probably have to hold back the other two from attacking your boyfriend or rush their asses to the emergency room because they both fainted after finding out this kid sitting in the kitchen with you is your boyfriend. Fujio: "OH! HELLO! My name's Hanaoka Fujio, I'm ___'s boyfriend. They talk about you all the time and Murayama talked about you all the time too. I think you're so cool! Do you want to be friends?!" Cue Cobra fainting because wdym his younger sibling has a boyfriend?! AREN'T YOU LIKE 3 YEARS OLD?!
Probably gonna expand on boyfriend Fujio and Boyfriend Fujio + Cobra's younger sibling reader when I'm not drowning in final assignments.
Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
Please don't repost or take my work. Writers work hard on their posts no matter how big or small don't be a shitty human and steal their work thanks.
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star2fishmeg · 1 year
Hi, how are you? How is your day? I hope you are having a good day.I read “Overseas” and I was wondering if you could do that for SWORD leaders and mighty warriors. If you have the time.
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Pairing: SWORD leaders x gn!reader (separate), Ice x gn!reader
Summary: SWORD leaders and having a foreign s/o they kept secret until they didn’t
Warnings: swearing
Authors note: Thank you for requesting! I’m glad you enjoyed ‘Overseas’!! I only included Ice for Mighty Warriors as he is the leader, I hope this is okay! This is my first time writing for him and Hyuga too, apologies for any ooc. In future I plan to include MW once I’ve grasped their characters more!
Request: above!
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ʜɪɴᴏ 'ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ' ᴊᴜɴᴘᴇɪ
Most of this man’s life is a mystery, Yamato and Nobaru probably got a board of red strings and photos for him
 How he met his s/o is a secret he’ll never tell, but knowing him, it was probably after a fight, probably casually grabbing a drink with dried blood painting his nose and upper lip
 s/o likely cleaned him up on the spot, and he didn’t shoo them away bc a) he has manners believe it or not and b) he thought they were cute and why the hell would he say no?
 He did smile though! Barely but from up close it was clear as day
From then on, he met up with them until they left, but s/o flies over to visit him whenever they can and the rendezvous continue
This guy is a texter, a rare caller. He’s texting them whenever he can, which is suspicious to the others bc he never answers their texts that quick
One time Yamato was in deep shit and Cobra aired him, but the moment they text? Mans like lightning
He leaked his s/o by pure accident and with the help of his friends snooping. His s/o sent him a package once a month of goodies from their country, with a letter and photos included and Sannoh just happened to get their hands on this before he did
Eyeing up the box, Yamato, Dan and Tettsu sheepishly gave each other looks. It wasn’t usual for Cobra to receive any sort of mail, let alone turn up at the diner. But the way the box was coated in cute stickers and little drawings of snakes piqued dire interest among the others. Their cold, mysterious leader, having an admirer?
“Think we should open it?” Tettsu asked, gently shaking the box to hear the rustling coming from inside.
“You’re fucking stupid, are you asking for a death wish?” Yamato hissed, snatching it off him and gently placing back on the back table where the man in question usually sat, “This is Cobra’s business, and we should stay out of it.”
“Or we can watch from afar, he’s here, act natural.” Dan grinned, him and Tettsu scurrying to the table in the centre of the diner, under the bottle chandelier and giggling like schoolgirls. Yamato rolled his eyes and sat at the bar. Cobra strolled in, eyes darting to the box in an almost panicked state. The boys pretended to not notice, but Cobra noticed Yamato taking a not-so-subtle glance his way as he ran his key through the tape.
Opening the cardboard shyly, he was met with a letter addressed to him, his real name, not his alias. Dan, Tettsu and Yamato snuck up behind him, looming over his shoulders for a peak. At that point his secret was out, Junpei gave up on trying to hide it as he rummaged through the tissue paper for the contents of the gift. Photos of s/o’s day trips and travels, one of those amusingly shitty tourist keyrings you find in the cities, handmade items they’d passionately told him about, a polaroid of the two of them they’d taken on their last visit to Japan and more. His favourite this time was the small Cobra figurine, with a note attached saying ‘punched a man for this like you taught me <3’. A smile graced his lips upon reading the letter, the other bewildered, practically hearing Cobra’s heart thump in his chest.
“Damn, not even we get Junpei privileges.” Yamato whistled; eyebrows raised in shock.
“And you never will.” Junpei scoffed, placing all the items back in the box and taking off.
Definitely met his s/o in his club
They were at the bar, probably fending off some creep when he came over, getting the guy removed and permanently banned
Rocky introduced himself and apologised and their story continued from there
Gives the vibes that s/o just moved to Japan and was getting to know the area when they found Club Heaven
 Teaches Rocky new one-liners in their native language for sure, also telling him about their country in general and all the culture shocks
And he listens to all of it happily, fully intrigued with the way they carry themselves and speak
 Oh this man always lends them his coats, and they playfully wear his glasses bc it makes him smile every single time. He finds when they impersonate him the cutest
White Rascals actually had no idea about them until they burst through the doors one evening, panicking about being late to open the club
“So uh…this a thing now or a new member? Companion?” Koo asked for the group, giving y/n a hesitant look. Rocky only pulled them into his lap, coat still wrapped around their shoulders.
“S’my angel. She’s gonna be stickin’ around now.” He threw their legs over his lap, thumb rubbing their thigh. Koo and the others only nodded, focusing on opening the club and worrying about asking the details later.
Despite running late, the club still held its lively state with flashing lights, crisp sound blaring through the speakers, bar busy, dancefloor packed and Rascals serving the people when needed. At the top of the balcony, the VIP area, Rocky leant back on the red sofa, cigar smoke floating from his lips as his s/o melted into his side, legs over his knee and hand on his chest. Kizzy and Kaito side-eyed each other, still unsure of how the situation came to be and where this person came from to start with. Sure, they’d seen them at the bar, how could they not? But what were their intentions with their leader? They agreed, silently, with a nod to each other that Koo would be the one to ask since he’d already opened that can of worms.
ᴍᴜʀᴀʏᴀᴍᴀ ʏᴏsʜɪᴋɪ
OH BOY this interaction did not go smoothly
In fact, Yoshiki most likely either made the most awkward meeting or the most embarrassing one
He’s still cute tho, and his s/o thought so from the start
His shower packed up and the plumber wouldn’t come until the morning, but he really stank and so what does this kid do?
Go next door to his new and incredibly gorgeous neighbour who just moved from overseas
Man is fumbling when they let him in, he can’t believe he’s folding so fast
And somehow, in broken English (because it’s the only other language he knows from middle school), this awkward encounter gets him their digits
And dates, and a label. And amongst all this time passing, not once did he remember to tell his friends at Oya
His stomach dropped at the knocking on his door, eyes frantically looking for Seki and Furuya’s. Both men, looking back at him like deer in headlights, motioning him to answer. Murayama stood up nodding, making his way to the front door, mind screaming at him for forgetting to say something sooner, they were going to freak out like usual.
Opening the door slowly, he peered back before looking at y/n’s bright smile.
“Hey ‘Shiki! You busy?” they chirped, Seki and Furuya’s heads snapping around towards the entrance way.
“Uh, yeah. My friends are over right now, but I’m free tonight.” Was all he could muster up with such a dry throat. Saying goodbye he closed the door again, shaking his head as he took his walk of doom back to the living room and flopping back onto the couch. The silence killed him, so he kept his head thrown back and eyes closed, counting down from five. Four. Three. Two. One.
Furuya and Seki yelled, confusion and banterous hurt in their tones.
Pure accidental meeting but he was so sweet
 s/o probably took a wrong turn and ended up lost in Nameless City, devastated by what they were seeing
Until they bumped into Smokey, expressing their sympathy as well as the situation
Smokey did help them tho, showing them the way to where they were actually intending to go but s/o claimed they’d remember the route to see him again
They sent letters back and forth since that day, and s/o would fly over to help out the people when they could
Definitely wanted to tell Rude Boys but was hesitant about their reaction and never got around to it
Until s/o visits the base asking for Smokey and the boys stand there, guard up asking why someone looking so out of place wants their Smokey
Drawing back one of the ragged fabrics used as a curtain, y/n poked their head through first before shuffling into the base completely. They kept their footsteps quiet, not wanting to disturb the boys who were gathered in the middle. Yet Smokey was nowhere to be seen. Nerves bundled in their stomach, they’d never properly met the boys before, only seen them on patrol.
“Excuse me,” they called, all their heads snapping around to face them, “Christ- is Smokey around?”
Takeshi stood up and approached her slowly, the rest watching ready for any kind or cue, “He’s not here right now, can I help you though?” Their shoulders relaxed, letting out a breath as they gave him a small smile. Takeshi lowered his guard in return, glancing behind him for the others to do the same.
“Ah, I’m y/n, Smokey told me to come visit him here. That’s all he said.”
“Sounds like Smokey, vague but to the point.” Takeshi chuckled. As if on cue, Smokey’s figure trudged in, a smile gracing his lips upon seeing y/n. He pulled them into his side and placed a kiss to their head, watching the boys’ faces scrunch up or eyebrows raise.
“Boys, meet y/n, my s/o. Y/n, mee the Rude Boys.” Was all he mumbled out before slipping his hand into y/n’s and leading her to their meeting circle.
P scratched his neck, “Okay, why didn’t you say anything before, Smokey?”
ʜʏᴜɢᴀ ɴᴏʀɪʜɪsᴀ
This man fully lost to them in Poker at a Daruma festival
But was he mad about it? Not really, he was more impressed at their wits over anything else. No one dared gamble against Hyuga
So when s/o placed their winning cards down, smirking at his face, mans had to know them better
Probably made them his companion for the night, asking them if they’d come back to see him and of course they said yes
They kept this little thing between them for a while actually, until Hyuga wanted them around often, feeling a lack of excitement without them
And that’s how his s/o met Daruma properly: beating them at Poker
“Hyuga, I dunno where you found this person, but this is just embarrassing for Daruma.” Ukyo groaned, accepting his defeat and dropping his cards.
“You guys are just really bad at this, I thought you had experience?” y/n mocked, watching another member stare at their cards intensely. Hyuga’s arm remained wrapped around y/n’s waist, firmly keeping them on his lap while they played.
“No, you’re cheating!” Sakyo hissed, pointing a finger at them. Y/n shrugged, taking their turn and hearing another guy wail.
“Bold statement to make about Norihisa’s s/o, don’t you think?”
“You’re a monster!” Sakyo watched another Daruma lackey lose, y/n taking the chips for themselves.
This guy is a festival attendee and a chronic one at that
So, he met his s/o at one of those when chasing them around the world
Gives me the vibes that his personality with music and destroying SWORD are complete opposites so when s/o bumped into him in the crowd, he happily vibed with them
Ended up eating together and finding out they were also festival chasing and decided that they’d attend as many as they could together, talking in between until eventually calling themselves a couple
Ice didn’t tell y/n about Might Warriors until later, he wanted to surprise them with a club they could properly find refuge in
 He also didn’t tell MW about s/o, bc it never came up mainly
Ice I’ll come find you y/n How will you do that? Ice Baby I can spot you in any crowd
With strobe lights flashing, bodies dancing in all directions and music so loud the floor vibrated, y/n’s head was in no other place but bliss. Ice’s pride and joy surged through their veins as they relished in his dream.
Their thoughts were pulled back to earth as the familiar sound of a beat Ice had shown them months prior blared through the speakers, swaying their hips shamelessly to the rhythm. Large hands caressed their hips, pulling them into a firm chest and hot breath making the hairs on their neck stand on end.
“Told you I could spot you in any crowd.” Ice mumbled and they felt his smirk through his words. Spinning around to face him, y/n’s arms wrapped around his neck.
“Never doubted that,” they smiled, eyes flickering between his and his lips, “I’m gonna be expecting VIP access.”
“You had it by default, baby.” He laughed, capturing them into a sweet kiss.
“Hate to ruin the moment, but who the fuck is this?” A voice yelled over the music, breaking the two apart.
“Jesse! This is my s/o, y/n! They're kinda one of us but also not.” Ice replied. Y/n didn’t care whether they were a Mighty Warrior or not, they were Ice’s and that’s all they needed. Jesse’s glare softened and morphed into a nod of approval before slipping through the crowd to the VIP lounge.
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H&L harem (if you wanna be tagged/removed in future H&L content, comment or lemme know via ‘chat to me bbygorl’ :D);
@straysugzhpe @airbendertendou @strxwberrychocolate @rouzuchan @yuken-gf @rinwhore @simpforchuchu @thatpoindexterpixy @rainisawriter @cheshirecatuniverse @certainbananacollectionblr @tiredlittlewriter
[Requests CLOSED]
2023 © STAR2FISHMEG All rights reserved - do not plagiarise, translate, repost, copy any of my works. If you notice that any of these have been done to my work, please let me know.
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
POV : You are dating Murayama and you are from Sannoh
Your Insta 🌟
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Liked by murayama,yamato and 128 others
Y/n broo can we just go and eat ??? plzzz @/murayama
|| murayama Bro ? I AM YOUR BOYFRIEND
--》yamato unfortunately...
--》y/n Do not even start again!
|| furuya Please just take him before he sleeps 6373. time...
--》y/n yeah yeah we going 🤗
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Liked by cobra,chiharu and 121 others
|| murayama You didnt wait that long babe
--》y/n shut up
|| chiharu You look so pretty y/n-san
--》y/n thanks chi-chi 💕💕
--》tetsu Cobra-san is waiting for you y/n-san... And he doesnt look so happy...
--》y/n coming 😔
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Liked by cobra,dan and 112 others
Y/n He is pouting since i came...
|| murayama why ?
--》y/n He said "it is still not too late" and i said please dont :(
--》murayama too late for what ?
--》y/n to break up
--》murayama oh...
|| cobra i was being serious
--》y/n you always serious 😭
--》yamato he just wants to protect you...
--》y/n its been 1.5 years...
|| noboru dont worry it was just a joke
--》yamato no it was not
--》y/n 😔😭
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Liked by todoroki,fujio and 134 others
Y/n He asked me to wait a bit... after beating his kids I guess we finally can go 🤗
|| murayama they are not my kids
--》y/n yeah they are still babies 🥺
--》murayama 😒😒
|| todoroki we are not kids
--》y/n then stop acting like a kid 😌
--》todoroki sometimes i hate you more than him
--》y/n kids are so rude these days...
|| fujio When are you gonna come again y/n-san ? 😍
--》murayama stay away from my girlfriend
--》y/n hey i love this one
--》murayama babe please...
--》fujio i love you too y/n-nee 💕
--》y/n 🥺💕
--》murayama Oi !!!
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Liked by murayama,noboru and 126 others
Y/n He looks tired 🥺💕
|| murayama never of you ❤
--》y/n 😭❤
--》yamato 🤢🤢
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Liked by dan,tetsu and 129 others
Y/n He texted me "You wanna see snowducks ??" And here he is...
|| murayama heyy they are cute
--》y/n they are not even made of snow 😒
--》murayama 😔
|| tetsu where did you even find them
--》y/n it is a secret 🤫
|| chiharu Did he buy you one ??
--》y/n yess ASGWHXKSKKX
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Liked by hyuga,kizzy and 132 others
Y/n damn daruma looks so cool 🤩
|| murayama oh no
--》y/n YESS
|| cobra pick UP YOUR PHONE
--》y/n 🤩🤩🤩
--》yamato you really are gonna be his early death...
|| chiharu can we go together againn ???
--》y/n sure ;)
--》tetsu No you idiots...
|| hyuga it was nice to see you, y/n-chan. Come again 🥳
--》y/n 🥳🥳
--》murayama cobra will kill me
--》cobra damn i will
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Liked by yamato,noboru and 123 others
Y/n oh no he looks scary :((((
|| murayama Was he too angry ?
--》y/n he was worried 😔
|| cobra ....
--》y/n im sorry and love you Cobra-nii :(
--》cobra i love you too y/n but please dont get me worried like this again 💕
--》y/n 💕💕
|| tetsu y/n is the only one that cobra-san can not get angry 😒
--》y/n 😛😛
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Liked by murayama,seki and 131 others
Y/n we are cute 🥺💕
|| murayama you are cute and pretty and beautiful and everything nice....
--》y/n stoop 😭💕
|| tetsu actually they are really cute
--》cobra no.
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Liked by tetsu,fujio and 125 others
Y/n so fucking lucky to have you 💕
|| murayama I love you angel ❤
--》y/n ❤
266 notes · View notes
prodbyblush · 1 year
SWORD leaders responding to your ex messaging you
now loading …
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100%
・❥・not requested
→ gn!reader
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insideliascrazyhead · 9 months
High&Low as weird photos
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change-or-d1e · 1 year
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banananuttrash · 1 year
I just read hyuga's kind sister headcanon and she was super sweet, you said she would be a really good brother and at the end you said that the sword leaders wouldn't know her, what would it be like if the other sword leaders came out with hyuga's sister without knowing that he was hyuga's sister and finally your writings are so sweet and beautiful while always reading I'm smiling
SWORD Leaders Unknowingly Dating Hyuga's Sister & Them Finding Out
Notes: Omg... I feel like this would be so chaotic lol. I guess this can kind of be like a part 2 to Hyuga w/ a Gentle Sister. I really enjoyed writing this one! Hope you enjoy!
⋈ *. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚ * . : 。 ✿ * ⋈
You guys met on the street when a thief runs by you and steals your bag. Cobra was headed the opposite way so he was able to catch the thief as he was trying to run away. To pay him back, you decide to treat him to dinner.
For dates, you two like to go out to different places. Ex. amusement parks, zoos, etc. He definitely shows you a sweet and caring side that not many others get to see.
You hang out a lot at Itokan and his home. He finds it weird that he has never been over to your place but does not question it. You tell him that your family is a bit too overprotective.
To not let him know who you are, you let him drop you off a couple of blocks away from your home. You always try to get him to leave even though he wants to walk you in. You end up convincing him with kisses.
One night when he is dropping you off, you get off his motorcycle and lean over to kiss him goodnight. Before the kiss gets any more heated, you hear your name being called and it's your brother. That's how they find out about each other.
You guys meet at Heaven. Your friends invited you and you decided to go to get out of your comfort zone (Hyuga obviously did not know). When a guy keeps harassing you, Rocky is the one to save you. You leave with him saying he hopes that small issue won't stop you from coming back.
When he takes you on dates, they are super romantic. Like candle lit dinners and at night walks at the beach.
You guys spend a lot of time together at the club but just the two of you. He likes to hear you talk about your day and your plans for the future. You usually lay your head on his lap and he loves to just look at you.
The gentleman that he is, he always wants to drop you right in front of your house, so you make him belive that you live in one of your friend's house that lives near you. Once you wait to see he's gone, then you walk to your home.
He finds out that Hyuga is your brother when you're going out for dinner one night and then somehow you bump into Ukyo and Sakyo. Trying to get them to keep walking, they reveal who you really are.
You two met at a food stand. You were out with a friend and you saw him for the first time and thought he was cute. After seeing him a couple more times, your friend pushed you to ask him out on a date, which much to your surprise, he accepted.
For dates, Murayama is like a teen to a certain extent. Yall do crazy and fun things like arcade, karaoke, go bowling.
Yall know this man is CRAZY for you. I genuinely see you spending a lot of your free time with him on the roof of Oya High. He probably loves to place his head on your lap and sleep there.
Murayama is not one to talk much about his family so he does not find it suspicious when you decide to do the same. He knows that we all have our own issues.
Murayama finds out your Hyuga's sister by accident. He knows you had an older brother, but when your phone rings and a picture of your brother shows up, Murayama is shocked to say the least.
Something about Nameless City always fascinated you, so one day you decide to go check it out. As you wander in you get caught by some Rude Boys and they take you to Smoky. Due to your gentle and caring personality, you share how you want to help the citizens.
Honestly, I dont think there would be much going out on dates, but just going around Nameless City and seeing what people need help and tending to them.
You really admire Smoky for taking the step up and fighting for the Nameless City and it's citizens. It always makes you fall in love with him even more when you see how passionate he is about his family.
Smoky sees how much you've helped and grown to care for the citizens of Nameless City, and how they have started to see you as one of their own. He can't help but care for you even more.
He finds out your related to Hyuga because you tell him. One night you realize that you didnt want to lie to him anymore and you just burst it out to him.
Let's be honest... I don't think Hyuga would have MAJOR issues with you dating the other SWORD leaders. Well... maybe one, *cough* Murayama *cough*.
l feel like secretly, Hyuga really respects Cobra and knows that he won't do anything to purposely hurt you. I don't think he would push much into your relationship, but Hyuga has definitely given the big brother speech to him, "You know I don't like you much, so if you ever hurt her, prepare yourself."
Besides himself, I think that Hyuga knows you'll be the safest with Rocky. Hyuga definitely does not want you in the club scene, but respects your wished when you do go. If there's one thing Hyuga is worried about, is Rocky corrupting you in other ways *wink wink*. He will probably tell Rocky, "Be good to her. She deserves the world."
Oh the trouble maker Murayama. Yeah, Hyuga may have slight issues with this one. He does not want Murayama to corrupt you since Hyuga knows how crazy he can be. He probably tries so hard to convince you to break up with him. He probably says to Murayama, "I don't know what she sees in you. If she ever comes crying, be ready to die."
Hyuga knows that Smoky is harmless when it comes to romance, so he probably would not mind you dating him. However, he will probably just be upset that you decided to keep it a secret from him. Probably all begrudgingly he said to Smoky, "Take care of her. If not, you'll regret it."
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airbendertendou · 11 months
synopsis : you work at one of bonten's clubs, but recently, have been acting suspicious. a member is sent to watch you and is met with something completely different.
cw : bonten boys being sneaky , brief violence , mentions of guns , an abundance of pet-names
song inspo ; love foolish by twice
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
someone is following you. the club isn't far from your home — far from your boys. footsteps fall behind yours quietly and you gulp. shaky hands drag your phone from your pocket, pressing on the one until he answers.
"on your way home?" he doesn't say hello. he knows your routine — knows it's time for you to be near him. "[name]?"
"hey! yeah, a pepperoni is fine," you pause before letting out a breathy laugh. "you know how i feel about my pizza."
"someone following you?" his voice turns stern and serious. you let out a quiet mhm as you attempt to locate your stalker from the corner of your eye. it's what you'd rehearsed ; your panic words incase you were in trouble. "how close are you? i'll meet you halfway."
you turn your head with a nonchalant hum before rattling off the street-name you're near. a flash of a tattoo catches your eye before it's out of view — it makes you even more nervous.
you let out another staged giggle, "yeah, just don't watch another episode without me. promise?"
"already on my way, sweetheart."
— SANNOH HOODLUM SQUAD! ♡ ft. ran haitani
the sound of a motorcycle disturbs the quiet neighborhood around you. a breath is let out of your lungs at the sight of headlights coming towards you. echoed footsteps have long since fallen quiet, but that only heightened your fears.
cobra steps off of his bike, face stern and serious as he makes his way towards you. noboru sends a grin your way, yamato towering behind him as they scope out the area around you. cobra frowns at you, "you okay?"
"physically." crunching of glass hits your ears and you spin around. streetlights hit purple hair and you stiffen once more. "ran?"
he looks you up and down, his tongue in his cheek before he grins. "heya, doll."
your chest is pressed to a back before you realize it. cobra is looming in front of you, shoulders and chest widened threateningly. noboru is to your left ; yamato on your right, matching scowls on their faces.
the blond's voice is a growl as he speaks, "and who are you?"
"just the boss," ran raises his hands in surrender. he's too casual ; too relaxed to be outnumbered. sleepy eyes meet yours. "of sorts."
your breath catches in your throat. "he sent you... after me?" ran hums, tilting his head tauntingly. your eyebrows furrow, "why?"
"thinks you're up to somethin'." ran shrugs, stuffing his hands in his pockets. a flash of silver catches your eyes — he's carrying his gun, of course. "in enemy territory. telling secrets."
the words oddly make you relax a little. a misunderstanding, that's all it is. but, before you can speak, cobra does. "just who is your boss?"
ran grins, "you don't want to know."
"i live in... opposing territory," you speak up. brushing past cobra — you smile over your shoulder reassuringly at him — you stand between the men. "that's all. i travel back and forth between other claimed areas."
humming once more, ran thinks over what you said. he eyes the three men with you — sees how guarded you are. his eyes scrape over your figure once more before he nods. "okay. i'll believe you."
turning without another word, ran leaves you standing there. he looks over his shoulder at you, eyes gleaming dangerously. "get home safely, doll."
waiting until ran is long out of sight, cobra wanders up to you, placing his hands on your shoulders. you turn, letting out a breath of relief and grin. cobra frowns further, "don't get in front of me like that again, okay?"
your smiles fades at his words. cobra sighs, hands dropping to your hips as he squeezes. "he had a gun, angel. would much rather i got shot than you."
"whatever you say, mister sannoh, sir." you kiss his cheek delicately before walking to his best friends. "and thank you both for coming with him. i appreciate it."
"whatever you say," noboru grins down at you, "mx sannoh."
— WHITE RASCALS! ♡ ft. kakucho
a white bike pulls up in front of you as rocky steps off. he's got a lollipop in his mouth — blueberry, from the scent — and a nonchalant demeanor as he stands in front of you.
"you're here," you breath. you relax, your forehead resting on his shoulder as you control your breathing. "you got here really fast."
a clink! hits your ears as the lollipop is taken from his mouth. "you were in trouble."
sunglasses sit on the edge of his nose as he scours your surroundings. one hand holds the back of your head, hugging you close to his body. you savor his warmth and the comfort he brings ; the safety he makes you feel. rocky stiffens, his mouth near your ear as he speaks, "found 'em."
"[name]." rocky pulls you closer as your name is called. you turn your face, still hiding in your boyfriend's chest. you see a familiar suit, eyes crawling up until you see an even more familiar man. "may we talk?"
your eyes widen, "mister kakucho! ...were you following me?"
"my apologies," the man sends a half bow your way, "i didn't mean to frighten you."
rocky's chest vibrates with a hum. both of his arms are around your waist, a little more relaxed. still poised to attack if he needed to, though. "so, why are you following my flower?"
kakucho eyes the way you're standing — practically melted into rocky's chest. a small, distant smile curls on his lips before it falls away, back to his neutral expression. "the boss asked me to... check on you."
you face him fully now, your back to rocky's chest. "me? why?"
with a shrug, kakucho looks away nonchalantly. "just as a precaution." he meets rocky's eyes over you, seeing the silent threat in his eyes. he nods rocky's way, "we can talk more at work. get home safe, you two."
it stays silent as kakucho leaves your sight. rocky squeezes your hips, placing a kiss on your temple before backing off. "don't like that boss of yours. seems like a prick."
you snort, "you have no idea."
— OYA KOU! ♡ ft haruchiyo sanzu
it isn't long until murayama is stomping his way towards you. seki and furuya have to almost run to keep up with his hasty pace, failing to keep their serious faces on. you're bombarded with questions almost immediately.
"who is it? where are they? are you being threatened? did they touch you? if so much as a fingernail is broken, i am going to—"
both of your hands clutch onto one of his. a simple, pretty smile is on your face as you look at him. "hi, yoshiki."
"hey, sweet baby," he melts. the duo behind him share a glance as murayama shakes his head, getting focused once more. "i'm being serious. you've never panic-worded before."
pink hair pops up before you know it, a fist swinging murayama's way. in the time that it takes for you to widen your eyes, two bodies are on the ground. seki and furuya stand with you, blocking your body with theirs.
heaving breaths are all you hear until almost identical manic laughs spill from their lips. as the new figure sits up, you blanch. what could you have done for the guard dog himself to be after you? sanzu grins, "you're pretty good."
murayama lets out his own breathy laugh, "haven't had a fight like that in too long."
"boss?" the friendly, sparkling atmosphere is broken by your meek voice. your legs are trembling together, eyes wide and teary. why was bonten after you? "is... is there a problem?"
when sanzu's icy eyes slide to yours, you can't help but wish you never spoke at all. he huffs as he stands, wiping blood from his crooked nose. sanzu clicks his tongue in disappoinment as he stands before you. he says your name three times, "just what have you gotten yourself into?"
"you work for this guy?" murayama is beside you within the next second. his knuckles are worn and bleeding as he clutches your hand in his. "small world."
"boss said to keep an eye on you," sanzu sweeps his striped suit. a diamond encrusted grin is thrown your way — it makes chills run up your spine. "i'll be watching you, [full name]."
sanzu leaves, but your chest still feels crowded, like you can't breathe. you stare with a dead gaze at where he once stood. an arm is slung around your shoulders, heavy breathing echoing into your ear. "that sounded like a threat."
your eyes meet murayama's, "it was."
— RUDE BOYS! ♡ ft. rindou haitani
you're already talking to someone by the time he arrives. sneakily, smoky watches from the rooftop he's perched on as you exchange conversation with the man across from you. lilac hair wasn't something he was used to seeing — the color stood out in nameless.
"yeah," you shrug your work bag further up your shoulder. "that's it, i think."
rindou nods, looking to the ground as he kicks a rock. he goes to speak again but stops at the new figured that has joined you. looming behind you is a man with shaggy hair and a dead look to his eyes.
you tilt your head at rin's silence. you see a flash of green in the corner of your eye. jumping, you step away from the shadowed figure before sighing. "smoky. hi. what did i say about the sneaking thing?"
"sorry," a small flash of a smile greets you. he slides closer, his left pinkie linking into your own. smoky stares at rindou, "who's this?"
"friend from work," you answer before rindou can. a minute shake of your head distracts the purple-haired man. he smirks lightly — you were worried about him beating this frail guy up, right? you eye smoky, "is it jus' you or...?"
he smiles again, "only me. for now."
rindou sighs, scratching the back of his head. he looks at smoky once more before meeting your gaze. "and with that, i'll be off. thanks for the chat, [name]."
as rindou walks off, you lace your fingers through smoky's, leaning onto his shoulder. you let out a yawn, "ready to head home?"
he nods, leading you away. looking back, smoky watches the shadowed figures that follow an unsuspecting rindou. he gives a small nod — they follow their leader's command.
— DARUMA IKKA! ♡ ft. hajime kokonoi
a vibrant, purple car pulls in front of you, music booming from the speakers. hyuga slides off of the hood, standing in front of you meanacingly. he scowls, "problem here, [name]?"
you grin, "no, not now that you're here."
silence and then a snort. hyuga reaches out to pinch the top of your arm before he pulls you close. smoke travels from the pipe he uses, enveloping you in the smell and fog. you narrow your eyes, "that's so unnecessary, norihisa."
his arm wraps around the back of your neck, bringing you close. his mouth brushes against your ear, "whatever you say, baby."
a newer, white car pulls in to your right. the conversation and music pauses, eyes on the figure leaving the vehicle. you straighten up with a widened mouth. "kokonoi? um, is there something you need, sir?"
kokonoi smooths his suit out and tucks his hair back into the low bun it sits in. he greets you with a smile before his eyes fall on hyuga. "i didn't know you knew a hyuga, [name]."
"and how do you know my hyuga?" koko looks at you before tilting his head and smiling tantalizingly. you purse your lips, "right. your gambling problem."
"careful, [name]," kokonoi sticks his tongue out, "i'm still your boss."
you wrap your arms around hyuga's waist, bringing yourself closer to him. half of your face is hidden in his red jacket, barely visible pout on your lips. "we're not in work now, though..."
hyuga kisses the top of your head. "need somethin' from us?"
"just had a little question." koko looks at where you're attaching yourself to hyuga before nodding to himself. "things are starting to make sense now, though."
humming, you frown at your boss-of-sorts. "you're acting shady."
koko grins, closing his eyes with a small laugh. "aren't i always? see you tomorrow, [name]."
hyuga pats your bottom in a pattern as you both watch the white-haired man leave. he honks, flashing his headlights before he leaves. hyuga sucks in air through his teeth, "what a weird guy."
"are you allowed to say that?" a pinch to your butt causes you to squeak. "okay, alright! i take it back."
——♡—— ive decided i love pairing them together <3 but that was a lil obvious beforehand do we like the pairings though?? could’ve changed them but….. if youd like to b tagged / untagged in any tokyorev OR hnl content, let me know! ♡
🍓FOREVER TAGS : @star2fishmeg ♥︎
🍓 H&L TAGLIST : @rouzuchan @yuken-gf @strxwberrychocolate @simpforchuchu @thatpoindexterpixy @cheshirecatuniverse
🍓 TOKYOREV TAGLIST : @night-shadowblood-writes2 @muichirouswifeandhusband
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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kr-han · 10 months
Cobra, Murayama, and Bike
I was originally wanting to prove that Cobra never going to high school. But I ended up finding something more intriguing about the whole situation. Remember this credit scene from Final Mission?
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Why would Murayama go to meet Cobra in person like that, in front of the whole Sannoh Rengokai's members? I feel like there is an underlying issue in this scene. Which come to my assumption that Murayama actually doesn't want to talk about bike, it was something else.
But upon the presence of other members that might be Murayama didn't expect to be there (but hello, it's Sannoh! They're always in a group anyway), he holds it up. Instead, he asked about bike. Cobra, in the other hand might seem like stoic and has a personality like 'I don't give a fuck', but he's not. He knew all along that bike was never Murayama's concern that's why he asked, "Can you get a license?"
Cobra knew it and he played dumb (such a snake—well, he is). With that question, it'll postponed their talk because they want it to be private. Just both of them. But when it comes, it wouldn't just about bike. It might something else, about life for example.
I might get it wrong, but almost everyone in fandom portrays them as oblivious. But no, I don't think so. They might be oblivious, sometimes. But not every time. Presumably, they're just awkward around each other. Because, no doubt, they just known each other as a person not as a leader of some gangs.
Back to driver's license. I don't think Cobra would be that cruel to Murayama. Because I have an assumption about him, and his bike and it linked to MUGEN era. Let's take a look on this scene from Road to HiGH&LOW.
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Three of them are childhood friends, but let's dive into the details. Noboru wore a high school uniform which means he went to high school. No wonder, because he went to university as well (dropped out, though). Then, by this scene, you may ask, do Cobra and Yamato went to school? My answer would be no.
Why? They're in MUGEN. They did road trip, perhaps, from morning to another morning. With that, when they have time for school? No. Because they don't go to school. They just ride.
Why is Cobra MUGEN and whether or not he went to high school linked to the question: "Can you get a license?"? Let me elaborate. According to this cart:
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MUGEN's members' bike are in heavy motorcycle category which requires to be 18 years old to get a license. If Cobra and Yamato joined MUGEN in their high school era at that time, they were about 16 years old. That's breaking the law but who cares anyway they ride bike without helmet.
There are two possibilities about Cobra and Yamato's driver license:
They have driver's license but they but not the right one.
They don't have.
And why don't they go to school? It simply because they already have job. In present timeline, Yamato already taking over Asahina Garage and Cobra would take over Hino Gas Station (I assume his parents are still alive by the timeline and yes, he's not jobless. I thought he was jobless LMAO). Whereas Noboru's parents seem didn't have any business in Sannoh that's why Noboru need to be educated in order to get a job (which is realistic).
Also, in my opinion, with his personality, Cobra would never didn't want to talk about bike with Murayama just because he didn't get a license yet. It was because both of them know that it's not the real thing they wanted to talk about.
They did talk, anyway. Remember this scene from HiGH&LOW The Worst?
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Was he really busy? May be not. But Cobra is a chronically offline person in my opinion, he prefers direct conversation. But hey, he picked it up, at least. Even teased about the bike. They finally get a chance to talk.
He teased because he wanted to make sure whether or not Murayama was ready to talk about the real thing. I might overthink it, but in my assumption, they talk about life, and it was adulting to be exact. In my opinion, more like my head canon, this particular talk with Cobra led Murayama to graduate from Oya High and somehow Furuya and Seki found out about it.
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But hey, I Murayama did get a bike at the end, right?
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From now on, it'll be just my head canons and my interpretation of their characters. They complement each other. Murayama has a childish persona and Cobra has a mature persona. But deep inside, they are the opposite of their persona. It seems like as the time goes on, as they have a lot more talk, Cobra would talk more, and Murayama would listen more.
Platonically or romantically (I'm their shipper anyway), they're comfortable with each other's existence and company. You know sometimes, no matter how much you trust in your best friend, no matter how much you love them, and you know they would never judge you, there will always things you can't talk about with them. That's how Cobra and Murayama connected.
They're both leaders, and they became leaders just because they're stronger than anyone else. They were clueless and don't know if they did the right thing with their current role. Murayama was a lone wolf, whereas Cobra was a follower. He has been tagging along with Tatsuya and Kohaku for a long time. They completed each other.
With their responsibility as leaders, there's always something they couldn't talk to their closest friends. For Cobra, he couldn't talk about it to Sannoh's member even though they're Yamato and Noboru. For Murayama, he couldn't talk about it to Furuya and Seki. That's why they talk to each other, leaning on each other's back, joining hands in the same burden. They could understand each other and glad that they find each other. That's how Cobra and Murayama connected. That's how their dynamic work.
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While fighting with my mom he called me a bitch in public and my mood is low so sword leaders what would their reaction be if their girlfriends had experienced something like this can you write something about it (:
Nooo I’m so sorry to hear this babes! I know this was requested a while ago, but i wish there was more that I could do to help.
Regardless, I hope this helps a little and I hope you enjoy!
Much love ~ ember
SWORD Leaders Reaction to Their GF Being Upset
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You just got into an argument with someone who you are close with, and it really upset you. Being that the argument was in public, there wasn’t much you could do about it, attempting to seem fine so that there is no more attention drawn to you. Later after leaving the person that you got into the argument with, you meet up with your boyfriend
As soon as you meet up with cobra, he can tell that something is off with you
He lets you get settled first before asking any questions
When he does ask, he makes sure to let you know that you don't have to say anything if you don't want to
But also, he wants to know if its a situation where you need comforting, or if he needs to kick someone’s ass
Cobra always creates a comfortable environment for you, so if anyone else is around, he will take you somewhere to talk just the two of you
He won't press too hard to get information, but you tell him anyways, knowing that he's deciding what his next move will be
When you tell him about the argument, he listens carefully, taking in everything that you say
When you finish talking, he throws his arm around your shoulders, and wipes away your tears of frustration so so so gently
He starts telling you all of the things that he loves about you, though he doesnt tell you what he's doing at first
When you finally ask why he's bringing up all of these different things about you, he calmly replies “I’m telling you all of the reasons I love you”
He says it so calmly, it catches you off guard, but still brings a smile to your lips, and a flutter to your heart
He pulls you in for a gentle, yet passionate kiss, taking your breath away, per usual
For the rest of the night, he is doing whatever you want
You want to walk around the city? Done. You want to get dinner? Yes. Take out and a movie? He’s already got your favorite ordered and on the way
Spends time playing with your hair, or doing whatever calms you down, because he knows it eases your mind
Continues to tell you things that he loves about you throughout the day, he just can’t help himself
Overall, he is your comfort person, and shows it most in times like this
The second that Rocky sees that you are upset, hes interrogating the other members of White Rascals trying to figure out who had the audacity to hurt you
Being the woman protector that he is, he doesn't even ask at first, he's just ready to fight anyone and everyone
He hates seeing you upset more than anything
Yes he protects all women, but you are HIS woman, and he takes that very seriously
You will probably have to step in to calm him down and tell him what happened
When he finds out it was someone that you are close with, he knows that there isn’t much that he can do
Shuts down the club for the night cause he doesn't want to risk anyone hurting you further
Treats you like royalty for the rest of the night, honestly for the rest of the week
Gets all of your favorite things without asking, plus some extra little presents to cheer you up
Let’s you talk his ear off and let out all of your frustrations
Even offers to let you punch him thinking that could possibly make you feel better
Poor baby just wants to help, but he doesn't always know how to
He’s used to taking care of women from trouble, not from someone close to you upsetting you
It’s a new situation for him, yet he does his best to make you happy again
Another guy who will do anything and everything that you want to do
There are no limits when it comes to you, and he will do everything in his power to bring the beautiful smile back to your face
Overall, he's the one who will go out of his way to make you happy again, no matter what it is, and will do everything he can to protect you from this in the future, knowing that things like this happen anyways
Murayama at first is a little nervous, when you walk in upset
He’s not the best at comforting, being that he would rather just fight the other person and let go of whatever it was
But when it comes to you, he's such a teddy bear
Immediately dismisses anyone that is around, he loves you, but he can’t let others see him being soft with you (something that you understand)
His soft side is for you and only you, and he told you early on in the relationship that he would show this, so of course you understood why he sent everyone else away
The second that the two of you are alone, he goes into a slight panic mode
“Who hurt you? Who am I fighting? Where are they?” Like Rocky, he does not ask what happened, just asks who he's fighting
When you tell him it was someone you are close with, he instantly pulls you into a hug, still not asking about the situation
He knows that you feel better simply from his hugs (i just know this man gives the best hugs), so before he asks he embraces you tightly
Freaks out again when he hears your sniffles, “no no baby I’m sorry I didn't mean to make you cry!” Hugs you tighter
His mind is so all over the place, you might have to comfort him a little too lol
The rest of the night he is spending quality time with you
Takes you for a stroll around town, cooks dinner for you, has your favorite movie ready to go, and a soft blanket for the two of you to share
Plays with your hair, draws little circles on your skin, tells you jokes, literally anything to comfort you
Probably sends someone to tell the person who hurt you that if they do it again, they’re gonna be dealing with him personally
He wants to go beat up the person right then and there, but he knows that he needs to stay with you, you are his top priority with everything he does
Overall, such a softie, and tries to keep calm, but he hates seeing you upset, and honestly it makes him upset too, but as much as he wants to go fight, he takes care of you first
When you meet up to see Smoky, he takes one look at you and knows that something is up
Before you even get to him, he is up moving to meet you
No words, he just instantly pulls you into a hug. (Best hugs pt.2)
As soon as the others see this, they leave, not wanting to provoke either of you
The two of you stand there for a while, just embracing each other, while the tears fall from your eyes
He doesn't care about the tears on his shirt, he is only concerned about you
After some time, he pulls away and looks you deep in the eyes, and again without words, you know that he's asking you what happened
After you tell him about the incident, he comforts you some more, telling you that whatever the other person said is wrong, and that you are the most amazing person he has ever met
Acts of service for the rest of the night, you won't even have to lift a finger
He’s making you tea, food, dessert, he's got all of the most comfortable blankets reserved for you, he would even give you a foot massage if you asked him to
He just wants to take care of his girl, you’re everything to him
Seeing you upset absolutely breaks his heart, there is nothing that hurts him more than this
He would take you to the top of one of the towers of Nameless City, just so the two of you could see the city lights and the stars
And he would continue to tell you how amazing you are and how in love he is with you
Comfort king 100%
He would refuse to stop pampering you, even if you tell him you’re feeling better, honestly will probably pamper you for weeks upon weeks
Overall, best boy Smoky is the acts of service kind of guy, he wouldn’t even think of leaving your side unless you asked him too, he knew that if he needed to take care of the other person he would have plenty of time to do it later, so you are his top priority
Honestly I don't think Hyuga will pick up on anything until he sees you actually crying
He doesn't notice until someone asks how your day was, and you’re on the verge of a breakdown right then and there
That’s when he kicks everyone out of the room, shuts the doors, and walks back over to you
He’s rather calm about the entire situation, and honestly seems uninterested, but since you know him, you know that he is listening to everything you are saying, even through the sobs
After he hears the whole story, he calmly gets up and walks out the door leaving you alone for a few minutes
When he returns, he has freshly made tea, snacks, and tissues for you
He takes one of the cars, and takes you for a long drive with no destination, blasting your favorite songs and just letting you take in everything as he simply admires you
He knows all of the things that calm you down, but he also knows the fastest way to cheer you up is a long drive with good music
When the two of you return, he takes you to the roof of the Daruma house and watches the stars with you (well, you’re watching the stars, he's watching you)
He knows that he isn’t the best with words, but he still gives you compliments here and there, he would just rather show his love for you, and doing all of your favorite things to cheer you up is one of those ways that he shows his love
Throughout the night he simply holds you, knowing you feel the most protected in his arms
He talks to you about simple things that are on his mind to distract you from thinking about earlier events
Things like the stars, to random conspiracy theories, anything to keep your mind away from being hurt
He will talk to the person the next day without a doubt, giving them a rather concerning yet brief warning not to hurt you again
But for now, he just wants to take your mind away from everything, and to make you feel safe and loved
Again, he might not be the best with words, and he might seem like he doesn't care a lot of the time, but his actions tell you everything you need to know
Overall, another comfort king, he struggles to tell you how me loves you with words, but will do anything he can to show it to you, and will always be there to protect you
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enhashoutout · 1 month
Please Only Look At Me (Fujio x reader)
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Have I written a Fujio x childhood friend reader post before? Yes
Am I gonna do it again and again because Fujio + this trope is my favorite thing? Absolutely
Genre: Fluff
___ is used in place of y/n to address the reader
Reader is written with female attributes, please feel free to change these while you read if you do not identify as such
Warnings: none other than like a few kisses
I listened to "From The Start" by Laufey while writing if you want to listen to it while you read.
Inspired by my bestie @high-and-low-all-the-way 's post High and Low reactions Them as Love tropes
The one where Fujio isn't gonna lose the girl he's been in love with his whole life to some rando who doesn't know you like he does.
___ and Fujio have been friends since they were kids. The two lived in the same housing estate at Hope Hill and were over at each other's places all the time so that they weren't home alone.
Both kids were very outgoing growing up but ___ started to retreat into a shell as puberty hit because growing up as a girl with people telling you how to act and be took a toll on her. Fujio stayed the same, extroverted and excited to make friends. The only people who get to see ___ extroverted were Fujio, Madoka, Seiji, Arata, Shinya, and Masaya. Yui too once they became friends through Madoka.
Fujio never treated ___ any differently. He saw the changes in her personality but didn't mind because he still got to see your extroverted personality when you were together. Not going separate ways once you grew older was already more than Fujio could ask for because he was scared you would grow up and realize you didn't want to be friends anymore, wanting to hang out with different people.
Fujio staying the same even through puberty, made ___ question her feelings for him. It’s not like he treated her any differently from everyone else, so why does she like him more than a friend? Because he's nice? Well, he's nice to everyone so it doesn't mean he feels the same way. Being nice is the bare minimum, so why is it different when Fujio is nice to her?
Fujio on the other hand thought his feelings were obvious. He waits for ___ to pick her up from school, even on late nights where she stays after for after school club events. He shares his food, and won't let anyone else help him patch up his injuries because "only ___ knows how to do it correctly". Fujio is brave in all situations... except for his feelings for ___; so he thought he would let his actions speak for him instead of saying it directly. She would surely pick up on the signs... right? Wrong. ___ is convinced he's just being nice because he is a nice person.
The only people that know for sure ___ likes Fujio are Madoka and Yui. She chose not to tell the boys because she was scared one of them would accidentally slip and tell Fujio, scared that he might not feel the same. More people know Fujio likes ___. Seiji, Arata, Shinya, Masaya, Tsukasa, Jamuo, and the rest of the boys who follow him. They always hear him talking about you and how much he likes you but doesn't know if you feel the same because you don't show any signs of feeling the same way. You don't blush at his words or actions, and you never seem nervous to be around him. (The truth is that you've been hiding your crush on him for so long you've gotten good at pretending he doesn't affect you in any way when he really does.)
Madoka, Seiji, Arata, Shinya, and Masaya are sure you both like each other but don't know what to do with you guys. The friend group was sworn to secrecy by the respective friend, so they weren't allowed to give the other person a little push in the right direction. It seemed you were both doomed to not know how the other felt until a certain group date was crashed.
Madoka, Shinya, Yui, Sawamura, and a few other girls from the band club and their boyfriends were all going on a group date. Madoka, Yui, and the girls got you to tag along because they said that the boys would bring a few friends who are single also.
"I don't know guys, I don't have someone to go with. It'll be boring if I just sit there while you're all talking to your boyfriends. I don't want to be a third wheel to four different couples."
"We took care of that! The other girls told us that their boyfriends have friends who are also single and a few of the other band girls who are also single are coming too. So, you guys can all do blind-dates or even speed-dating!" (Yui)
"I don't know about this guys...."
"Come on ___, it'll be fun! Maybe you'll like one of them and stop liking Fujio," said Yui.
"Pleaseee, she's liked him since we were 6. I don't know if she'll ever stop," said Madoka.
"No need to call me out like that Madoka."
"It's true! You've liked him since we were kids. But take what Yui is saying into consideration. Maybe you'll like one of the guys that comes on the date."
"Okay fine." The other girls hugged you, squealing with excitement; happy that you agreed to come along.
The next day after school, you guys walked to a café nearby, meeting the boys there. Your friends ran to give their boyfriends a hug, you following behind.
"Hey ___." (Shinya)
"Hey Shinya."
"Hey ___! What are you doing here?" (Sawamura)
"Madoka and Yui convinced me to come and join the blind dating. Told me it would be fun. I figured it wouldn't hurt to just mingle."
"Guys, let's go inside!" (Yui)
The group began to file into the cafe, but not before Sawamura looked at Shinya and mouthed "Text Fujio" before they all went in. Shinya didn't need to be told twice, he was already thinking about it, Sawamura just helped double confirm his thoughts. All the boys who were friends with Fujio knew he liked you, everyone was surprised none of them have spilled the secret to you. I guess that comes with being loyal to Fujio. Both guys knew that Fujio would flip if he knew you were here on a blind date.
As everyone was waiting to be seated, Shinya pulled out his phone to text Fujio.
Hey Did you know that ___ is also here?
Fujio was hanging out on the rooftop with the others when his phone buzzed. He picked it up and read the notification from Shinya, almost spitting out his drink after reading the messages.
F: What do you mean ___ is there?! Aren't you on a group date?! S: Yeah. I guess some of the other guys here brought their single friends and the girls and guys who are single are blind dating while the rest of us are on a group date. Sawamura and I just wanted to let you know she's here. F: Where are you guys? S: The café near Seiho Girl High School.
"Guys I have to go!" shouted Fujio as he ran out of Oya. The others looked at him, a bit baffled because he ran out before any of them could answer. Fujio began running towards the café. He ran and ran and didn't stop until he had arrived outside of the café. Fujio quickly entered and looked for you, seeing you talking to some random boy from another school.
"Fujio! What are you doing here?" Shinya asked out loud, pretending like he wasn't the one who notified Fujio of your whereabouts.
Fujio walked over to your table and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the café with him without a word.
"Fujio? Fuijo, where are we going? Fujio I left my date back there by himself because you pulled me out of the café!"
Fujio turned around to look at you, not letting go of your wrist. "Don't look at anyone else."
"Don't look at anyone else. Don't look at other boys. Please only look at me."
"Fujio what are you talking about?"
"I like you ___. I've liked you for a long time ___, since we were 6 years old. I've liked you every day since we met and I've been trying to show you I like you since we were 10. I haven't been able to tell you because I was scared you didn't feel the same, but I'm telling you now. All the boys know I like you, I told all of them. When Shinya and Sawamura saw you here they texted me and I came as fast as I could. I can't lose you to someone else when I've loved you my whole life ___. I love you ___! So please don't look at anyone else."
A moment of silence passed between the two as they continued to stare at each other. "Well at least accept or reject me ___. Don't leave me hanging," said Fujio.
___ grabbed a hold of Fujio's other hand, getting up on her tip toes, and kissed the boy. Fujio let go of ___'s hands to wrap his arms around her waist as he melted into the kiss. ___'s hands going up to grab his shoulders. The two finally pulled away when they needed air.
"You should've just told me that from the beginning Fujio."
"I know. I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you. Be my girlfriend?"
"Yes, I would love to finally be your girlfriend."
Fujio hugged ___ and spun them in a circle. "I've been waiting my whole life to hear you say that."
"In my defense, you took a whole lifetime to ask."
He let go of the hug to look at her. "But I've been showing you that I liked you since forever!"
"Showing me how?!"
"By being extra nice to you!"
"That's not valid! You're nice to everyone!"
The two held hands and walked off, continuing to bicker back and forth about whether or not Fujio's actions spoke loud enough to convey his feelings or if he should've just verbally confessed sooner. Behind a bush, Tsukasa, Jamuo, Todoroki, Yuken, Tsuji, and Shibaman hid to look at the two.
"Well, now they're dating, but they still bicker the same way they did when we were all 6." (Jamuo)
"I don't think that'll ever change about them." (Tsukasa)
"Finally! Now we won't have to hear him mope about how ___ doesn't return his feelings anymore!" (Tsuji)
"Yeah but now it's gonna turn into him talking about how much he loves her instead." (Shibaman)
Yuken was taking a picture of the two walking hand in hand.
"Uhhh what are you doing?" (Todoroki)
"Sending it to the Housen-Suzuran group chat obviously." (Yuken)
"You guys have a group chat?" (Todoroki)
"Yeah. It's new. Made it since Rao and Sachio are friends now." (Yuken)
"Are you updating Rao on Fujio's love life?" (Tsukasa)
"Yes. And making Binzo jealous." (Yuken)
TA-DAH! You made it to the end! This was just something small and fun I wrote today when I got a break from class and training at my new job. I miss writing😭 I need to get back into writing more, I didn't get to post anything in the Summer. This blog is gonna see an insane amount of self-indulgent fluff fics being posted because I'm gonna need those to get through my Master's program this year (help I'm dreading it already and this is only my second day)😭😂
© This work is copyrighted by enhashoutout. I only post my work on this Tumblr account. I do not allow people to repost or translate my work without my permission. If you do see anyone doing so, please let me know. Writers work hard on their stories, please don't be a crappy human and take our work. ♡
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star2fishmeg · 1 year
Yuken, Tsukasa n Cobra one hundred percent tie or handcuff you to the bed. I mean, have you seen the way they fight? Dudes know what to do, the right positions, tightness- damn. They be tying you up n telling you how much of a good girl you are in your ear while rutting their hips into you like they haven't got long to live. Driving back and forth, in and out of your pussy, hands on your hips in a grip tight enough to leave bruises and coming over your tits and tummy. And he'd be so cocky about it.
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tiredlittlewriter · 1 year
Murayama: We’re going to defeat you with the power of friendship.
Cobra: We’re not friends.
Murayama, holding an axe: We’re going to defeat you with the power of incredible violence.
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prodbyblush · 2 years
How do you think sword leaders treat their wives and propose marriage?
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・❥・ requested
→ fem!reader
Mugen!Cobra would propose to you anytime and anywhere but Sannoh!Cobra would propose to you as a result of something that happened to you. See the difference?
There are times wherein he's conflicted on what to do and who to listen to. And sometimes, when he listens to what his own mind and judgement tells him to, it often leads him to pushing you away; spending more time riding down the road and missing you terribly halfway through. Wondering if you'd still love and forgive him when he comes back to you on his knees.
COBRA would definitely begin with a speech of how thankful he is to have someone like you in his life and how understanding you are followed by an apology for the times he made you feel neglected and alone. In which afterwards, he'd take out the small velvet box from his pocket, the gleaming ring shining under the light to you.
"Will you make me the happiest man by marrying me?"
The moment ROCKY realized that he can't live a life without you is also the moment he caught sight of a beautiful wedding ring beckoning to him through the window of the shop. At that very moment, it was clear to him what he needed to do.
He'd bring you to a place that is both romantic and comfortable for you. Preferably where it's just the two of you alone. And while in the middle of the conversation did he so casually bring up about asking you to marry him. He doesn't forget to mention that it's okay if you say no to him, he won't be mad at you. He's actually prepared to hear you say no.
But when he heard your sweet yes, he'll look at you with hearts in his eyes, heart racing incredibly fast that he nearly cries out of pure joy.
It doesn't take MURAYAMA long for him to propose to you. Presumably after a year or a year and a half after dating, he's already down on one knee, asking you to spend the rest of your life with him.
So nervous and excited that instead of saying "will you marry me?" he'd tell you "you will marry me!". His nervousness and adrenaline are basically rushing in him simultaneously.
And as soon as he sees you nod your head yes in response to his proposal, he'd get up pepper kisses all over your face and hold your hand for the rest of the day. Murayama's super excited that he cannot stop smiling and jumping around. Throughout the rest of the day, he basically just wants to have fun with you.
SMOKEY is the opposite of Murayama. He'd take a bit longer to propose to you. He just wants to become really close to you, get to know you a little more deeper and join you in every aspect of his life as you would with him.
The timing has to be correct as he thinks. His cue would be wherein you're both ready to commit more and settle a new life together.
Although he wasn't planning on it, ironically it had began to snow when he thought of proposing to you. The first day of snow has always been significant to him. He's coming home, coming home to you, the velvet box tucked safely inside the pocket of his jacket.
While in the middle of the watching a movie in the living room, he'd take the box out and show you a small but unique designed ring, popping you the question with so much love in his eyes and with the softest voice.
And when you say yes, he'll put the ring on your finger, tackling you into a cuddle, the movie being forgotten.
Though it takes him time to fall and let someone in his life, HYUGA is the type that once he falls, he falls hard.
The way he'd do it, he'd do something sweet but not over the top sweet. A dinner followed by a walk in the park, he'd then take you to the place you love before beginning to say lines of how everyday he'll prove to you how he is worthy of you and how he'll always choose you everyday.
And just like Rocky, he's also prepared himself to hear you say no, rapid heartbeat pounding in his ears as he begins to romantically confess to you and how he wants you to always be by his side.
You truly did change his life for the better. Hearing you say yes to his question made him breathe out a breath of relief, giving you the biggest hug, one that feels like how many minutes have passed.
That is the second best thing he's heard in his life. The first one when you agreed to date him.
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