#ozy vc: guess we have to travel like 5 more miles
ardenssolis · 1 month
@caemthe said (inbox):
[ cú ] “You know, I thought they would look a little different since they’re also named ‘water horses’,” the Lancer said out loud, his gaze fixated on the small eyes of a hippo, only the top of its head above the water. The water horses the Ulsterman was used to were… well, water horses, no different from actual horses at a first glance. “Does their appearance also change once they catch their prey? I don’t sense any magical energy from them tho.” A few more gathered, forming a herd, waiting. The sight brought a smile to the Lancer’s face. He had seen this before, the apparent harmlessness, perfectly hiding the desire for carnage. “They won’t let us use our boat here at all, will they?” Even though these looked different from the ones he was used to, they were undoubtedly water horses.
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❝ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT those creatures known as Kelpies?❞ He had heard about them – about how they would lure people into a false sense of security as they pet their manes. That the steeds would bend down and let another ride them…just to lure them into the murky depths where that individual would be torn limb from limb. Fae were terrifying, he had long since come to learn. Even the most harmless were still those that one should be mindful of, for a Fae’s temper was one that had serious consequences. ❝No, no, the beasts you see before you stay the same…in a sense. One may be lured into a false sense of security too if they look upon those seemingly peaceful features.❞ But hippos were highly territorial, and just thinking to get anywhere near the water when they had taken to it was akin to walking into a lion’s den. Such was ten times worse during breeding season. Ozymandias wouldn’t even have recommended they stand this close.
     The beasts in question seemed to huddle closer, attention shifting from their usual feeding to now watching them – each of those eyes taking in these intruders within their territory and attempting to size them up. Even a child would know better to stay away. If anything, that was one of the first things that many were taught when it came to the Nile. ❝Unfortunately, no. As soon as we get so much as within ten feet of that river, one of them, probably the bull, will charge out very much seek carnage as retribution for our follow.❞ He gave a long sigh, glancing over his shoulder to where the Master was speaking to Mash and another Servant, probably attempting to figure out how they were supposed to travel faster if the place they could do so was well…occupied. ❝We will have to go further down the river and make sure we are in the clear.❞
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