dbwords · 8 years
Who is Creation?
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What vastness is this? What majesty is this? Go to the edge and look around you. Take it in. Make your way into the midst of it and look up. Infinity. Infinitely grander than you, and yet. Despite your convictions, despite the truth of your very nature, there is a Truth, another Nature that reminds us of the unthinkable. That we are here as part of something beyond ourselves, that we are another piece. Fear not though, for it doesn’t end there. For as much as you were created, just like the mountains you cannot scale, the ocean you cannot harness, the trees you cannot climb, the animals you cannot run, fly, and swim with, you were never made to. We marvel at the indescribable beauty of that which came and stands before us. We either ignore the True Painter behind the brush, or we praise Him. Should we do the former, the very mountains, the very oceans, this very dirt, grass, and rock you trample cannot. They cannot ignore their Creator, due to the purpose for which they exist: To display the eternal genius, power, and authority of Elohim, Yahweh, God. There is joy in this; should we do the latter, we are putting ourselves into our rightful place. We seek after Nature because it reflects our Creator, when deep down inside we know that it also reflects us. For '"They will be made in Our Likeness."' So this Truth that Nature reminds us of is that, though to the human eye we lack appeal compared to the rest of Creation, to the Eternal Heavenly eyes we are the most desirable. The Truth is that we were made with something more. We were made with a spirit and soul inside this body. The very breath of God. We were made for one purpose that is greater than all the vastness before you: To be one with God. To be united, in relationship with the One who made you. The rocks do not have this privilege, but they also know full well how worthy He is of praise. Should we be silent that the rocks cry out? Should we ignore our calling of praise, forcing the mountains to bow down and melt like the wax of a burning candle? Should our devotion cease thus inflicting more expectation on the sea, already in an endless lap upon the shore, proclaiming His authority? To revere Nature is to acknowledge Christ, to acknowledge Christ is why we live, and our lives long to be connected to this Grand Painter. The One with many names, each one equal and greater than the last. But the one used to identify Him to Pharaoh, to someone who didn't know Him, is the most appropriate name to use. That is, 'I AM'. 'I AM' is in everything, with everything, is EVERYTHING.  
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