#p 3044
TT: And in case it wasn't clear, TT: I won't be coming back.
TG: whoa fuck TG: a suicide mission are you serious TG: no bullshit thats not happening TG: hey look suddenly everything we just talked about was useless because its time to make a plan that doesnt fucking suck
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deadlygronkle · 8 months
Ancestors Legacy Chapter 16
The Desert Chapter 6
Word count: 3044
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“Captain?!” Twilight’s voice came out raspy and distorted enough to make all three of them wince. 
Warriors and Time were across from him. They came for Twilight, and help him with Zone, despite him wanting them to stay back. He warned them not to come here, and to just let him handle it.
Twilight let out a small growl as anger and indignation soared through his body. Did they think he was not able to do this? Why did they come here after making it known to both of them clearly that he didn’t want them to experience this?
Then, just as violently the rage came, it evaporated. Anger has never served him well in the end. It has always either gotten himself or others around him hurt when he allowed it control him. 
Twilight looked at the other two to see their reactions. Warriors was crouched down slightly, ready to flee or attack at a moment's notice. The lion’s tail wasn’t even moving as he watched to see what Twilight could do, not that he could blame the captain in the slightest.
He felt awful about how he pinned down and nearly harmed Warriors mere minutes ago. Hell he can’t even remember how that came to be, everything after seeing the Shard was just a blur. It only came back into focus after he realized that Time and Warriors were actually here.
“Why are you here?” Twilight growled out, voice shaking slightly.
Twilight had lowered his voice to a near uncomfortable level. That paired with his voice being just as distorted and echoey as the Midna’s was, they shouldn’t be able to tell who he was just by his voice. 
“P- Wolfie?” Time asked, his blue eye gaze confused.
Twilight nodded, not directing his gaze as the golden wolf but rather Warriors. Looking at Time for too long in this form just reminded him of Shade. All that Time was missing was a red eye rather than a blue one at this point.
“What happened to you? Why were you attacking that human?!” Warriors demanded, his fur and hackles raised.
“They caused this,” Twilight responded, raising his own hackles in return. 
Warriors lowered his hackles, “Caused what? The Zone or you just suddenly being far bigger than last we saw you?”
“Both. Now why are you here?” Twilight demanded, trying and failing to rein in his irritation.
Warriors opened his mouth, before closing it, tilting his head at the large wolf. Twilight could see the confusion written on the lion’s face but didn’t know what for. He didn’t give any response that should have been suspect, but yet Warriors is acting like he did. 
“We came to help you and Twilight,” Time skillfully chimed in, “Do you know where he is?”
There was a fake concern about ‘Twilight’s’ location, andTime paired that with a pointed look. It was definitely not needed, and if anything only brought more suspicion to Twilight. Warriors was looking in between the two, a question clearly about to be asked. 
Twilight nodded, “Yes. Are you the only ones who came?”
“No….” Time spoke slowly as Twilight growled, “No one gets left behind, nor will they deal with problems on their own,”
Twilight and Time stared at each other. One with anger, and the other with a calm reserved look. Twilight snarled, breaking eye contact as he paced back and forth in front of the two.
“So….” Warriors started walking over to get Twilight’s attention, “We need to go tell the others we’re fine. You joining us?”
Twilight nodded, “Lead the way,”
As angry as Twilight was at the others for coming to the Zone, his want to protect them was stronger. They were in his territory now, and he was going to do his best to protect them here. 
As they walked, Time fell behind walking next to Twilight as Warriors led the way. Twilight once again did his best to ignore the now fully real concerned look that he was getting. It was still unnerving to look at Time and see a corporeal golden wolf.
“Are you alright Pup?” Time whispered once Warriors was far enough ahead to not overhear.
“Just peachy,” Twilight grunted, “It’s not like you all came here after I specifically told you not to,”
“We were worried,” Time tried to reason as Warriors passed over the top of the dune, “It's been nearly a week and there has been no sign that you were alright, hurt, anything,”
Twilight paused walking for a second, “It’s been a week?!”
Twilight’s head was swirling with thoughts. Just how long was he passed out for before he was woken up? Did time pass slower in this Zone? None of the Zones he had been in before did this.
Time let out a concerned whine, “Did you not know?”
Twilight answered frantically, “No I- Barely any time has passed for me,”
“Shit, is time diluted here?” Time asked, eye widening.
“I… don’t know,” Twilight was honest as they came over the dune and to the group.
Twilight allowed his senses to take over as he looked at the group in front of him. Their scents hadn’t changed in their new forms so it was easy for him to tell who was who. The swirling on all the different scents was undoubtedly going to give him a headache but he can manage this much. 
“Din’s Balls, you weren’t joking,” A pink rabbit- Legend spoke, “Wolfie really did have a growth spurt!”
“Yeah and he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,” Warriors retorted.
“Wolfie!” A small otter- Wind skittered out in front of him, “Do you recognize me?”
Twilight made a show of bending down to take a long sniff at the otter. Due to his bigger size Wind was actually pulled forward a bit with a squeak.
Twilight rose back up, “Sailor,”
Wind giggled, “Yup! Do you know what everyone else is?”
Twilight looked at everyone, one by one. Then he nodded looking back down at the 
otter. Sky was a bird, Hyrule a deer, Wild a maned wolf, and Four was a small mouse on top of Hyrule’s head.
“Does that mean you can lead us to Twilight?” Hyrule asked, shifting from one hoof to another.
Twilight thought for a moment on how best to answer this. On one hand he can easily say that he could lead them to… himself but not yet, but that would only create more questions. 
After a moment longer Twilight spoke, “I can lead you to the Great Fairy,”
He watched everyone’s reactions to his change of voice. Wild and Four, if they thought anything of it, didn’t show anything but mild curiosity. The rest were none the wiser, except for maybe Warriors but that could be debated.
“Has Twilight been to the Great Fairy recently?” Sky asked, his feathers poof out from the cold wind. 
“I think he would be one of those Ordon Goats!” Wind added.
Twilight couldn’t help but let a small grin show, “Yes, he has been there. Come, before THEY show up,”
His dark tone left no room for argument, leaving for the smaller critters of the group to catch a ride on the larger ones. What he was not expecting was for Sky to hop his way over to him.
“Hey uh Wolfie? Could I catch a ride with you?” Sky started to ramble nervously, “It’s just that, while Time says I don’t bother him with my talons I can tell that I’m tugging. With you having thicker fur I thought it would be better for all involved,”
Twilight did not answer verbally, rather he knelt laid down with an amused huff. Sky gladly took the invitation and nestled into the fur around his neck, where it was easily the thickest. Twilight could barely feel the weight of the large bird as he turned to see if everyone else was ready.
Once everyone was indeed ready he set out- not missing the content coo from behind his head as Sky buried himself deeper in his fur- following the smell of light that was extremely faint.
“So Wolfie,” Wind started from Warrior’s mane, “Do you have an actual name? Or can we just continue to call you Wolfie?” 
Twilight snorted out sand from his nose, “You may refer to me in anyway you see fit,”
While he hated the name Wolfie, he could never think of a better one. Yet he had grown used to it over the time he traveled with the others. It may be a cop out, but it was better than nothing.
“So can I call you Mr. Floofs then?” Wild asked cheekily.
Twilight turned around and growled, showing off his teeth. 
“What you said we ‘can refer to you how we see fit!’ “ Wild spoke, a replication of a grin on his fox-like face.
“How about we don’t irritate our guide?” Four asked, despite his small size his voice was quite loud.
“Oh you're no fun Smithy,” Wild overdramatically pouted.
“I’m just being realistic,” Four replied.
Twilight proceeded to start tuning them out and focus on leading them to the only safe place in the Zone. He was using his heightened senses to continue making his way back to the cave while also being aware of any dangers lurking in the sand.
Once the chain arrived at the Cave of Ordeals Twilight took a look around. There was no sign that the three had been there recently, and the fading scents confirmed that. Twilight allowed himself to loosen up as they walked into the Cave.
“So the Great Fairy is down here?” Sky asked from behind him, having awoken from sleeping on the way there.
“Yes, The Cave of Ordeals,”  Twilight confirmed as they entered the cool cavern.
“So… where is the Great Fairy?” Wild asked, “Shouldn't there be like a large flower with her in it?” 
“She is 9 more floors down, and she lives in a spring,” Twilight replied, skipping stairs as he went down.
“9 more floors? Was this a dungeon at some point?” Legend asking, haven gotten off of Wild’s back to hop down the stairs on his own.
“A trial dungeon ran by The Great Fairy,” Twilight explained, “At the end of it, she gave a bottle of her tears, before sending the person to one of the Light Spirit springs,”
“You sure do know a lot about this place. Did you happen to travel here with Twilight?” Warriors asked, sounding curious but also clearly prodding for information.
“Yes, she knows both of us,” Twilight answered somewhat briskly.
“Wait, if this is a dungeon, why aren't there remnants of Twilight like the other dungeons?”  Hyrule asked as they entered the second floor.
“Twilight did mention that when we first met about that Forest Dungeon,” Four agreed from atop of Hyrule’s head.
“This place never held a Shard of the Twilight Mirror, nor a piece of the Fused Shadow. Right now this place is the purest place in Gerudo Desert,” Twilight explained somewhat irritatedly, “Now quiet, I need to listen for monsters.”
While Twilight did need to listen, just in case some monsters came back, it was also for another reason. The more questions he answered about this place the more likely he is to let slip something only Twilight would know. 
Hell he was pretty sure Warriors was putting things together as they talked more and more. Throughout the entire walk over to the Cave of Ordeals Warriors seemed to be analyzing everything he was saying. 
Whether that be from wariness directed towards Twilight or bits and pieces of a hypothesis the Captain had Twilight didn’t know. Either way it set him on edge to be extra careful to not slip up.
The rest of the trip down was uneventful. Though Twilight noticed the others getting more and more tired as they went. They weren’t used to their new forms, and didn’t have the stamina Twilight had.
Twilight made sure they took frequent breaks on the way over, but it was obviously not enough. Though it could have been worse as the Zone cooled down what could have been an extremely hot day. 
“Hero you’ve returned! And with guests,” The Great Fairy’s voice boomed out when he led the group in, “What news do you bring of the interlopers?”
“interlopers?” Time asked, quietly.
Twilight lowered himself to the ground, “Sky get off. I need to inform the Great Fairy of what I know, stay here,”
“Shouldn’t we also know that stuff?” Warriors asked, watching Sky hop out of Twilight’s fur.
“Yes, but I have less to catch her up on than y’all. Now stay here, and I’ll tell you what you want to know later,” Twilight answered with a small growl.
Before Warriors could continue, Time got physically in between the two, “Got it, we will wait for your signal,”
“Time,” Warriors growled, tail smacking side to side wildly.
“Captain,” Time started a staring contest.
It was several long seconds before Warriors broke eye contact, groaned loudly as he sat down, “Fine, but don’t think you are getting out of this Wolfie,”
“I would never dream of it,” Twilight responded, easily going down the stairs three at a time.
“So? Did you find a vase or deal with one of the interlopers?” The Great Fairy asked, when Twilight arrived at the edge of her spring.
“Sadly no, there was some…. Complications,” Twilight replied, his ears twitching back towards the Chain.
The Great Fairy briefly glanced up, “I see, well what news do you have?”
“The Zone was caused by a shard of the Mirror of Twilight. The three are testing what the Zone does to the monsters. I nearly managed to recover and take care of the taller one- Ebo- but due to the complications I was unsuccessful,” 
“And who are these complications exactly? They all have the same Triforce as you do.” The Great Fairy finished the sentence in a whisper only Twilight could hear.
“Yes, they are heroes from different eras. We were joined together by Hylia to deal with some sort of looming threat,” Twilight whispered, “They only issue is that most don’t know that I am the hero they know from this era,”
“How?” The Great Fairy asked.
“They know my wolf form and my usual form as two different people,” Twilight took a breath in, “I would appreciate if you didn’t let them know who I am,”
“Very well,” The Great Fairy made her voice echo, “Heroes of the Eras, you may come down now!”
The others filed in, tiredness clearly in their body language. Still though, they bowed (or as best as some could) to the Great Fairy as a sign of respect. She stared at Time in particular, giving Twilight a sideways glance after a moment.
“Heroes welcome to my spring,” The Great Fairy greeted warmly, “You may stay here, rest, and drink from my spring. I cannot feed you though I suspect that your ally here will help in that endeavor,” 
Twilight nodded, “I’ll head out to gather some food once we all rest,”
By gathering food, he meant hunting some camels or other large animals. The others would be too loud and startle whatever animal he finds. Though he would try to steer clear of rabbits and deers for the two herbivores' sake.
Twilight was quick to add on after a moment, “And I’ll help you learn how to fight in these new forms,”
“You can do all of that once everyone gets a good long rest,” The Great Fairy motioned around them, “You may sleep wherever you want to, I will wake you if I sense anything,”
Warriors, the first of the others to speak, looked to Twilight, “And you’ll answer our questions in the morning?”
“Of course,”
“Great, ;let's get some shut eye everyone!” Warriors ordered, everyone spreading out to try and get comfortable on the ground.
Time lingered for a moment, like he wanted to say something, but he too went to lay down.
Once all of them were fast asleep, the Great Fairy whispered to Twilight, “The Golden Wolf over there… He is related to that poe that has been lingering, yes?”
“Yes, he couldn’t pass on without regrets, still can’t apparently,” Twilight murmured back.
The Great Fairy narrowed her eyes, “One of your allies is having a nightmare,”
Twilight ears twitched, and scanned the scattered heroes. Wind and Warriors were still together sleeping soundly. Time, Four, Hyrule and Legend were all near each other sleeping in relative peace. Wild however was kicking and letting out low whines.
Twilight got up from where he was sitting and made his way over to Wild quickly. Just like Twilight did when they were traveling he nosed at Wild’s face until the other woke up.
Wild shot up, hyperventilating and looking around frantically. His ears were down, and his tail was fully tucked in between his legs.
“Cub, it was just a nightmare,” Twilight said softly and calmly, still trying to offer a comforting presence.
Wild buried his head in the other's fur, still whining softly. If Wild was human, there was no doubt in Twilight’s mind that Wild would be hugging onto him like he was Wild’s only life line.
As Wild continued to cry into Twilight’s fur, Twilight slowly lowered himself to a lying position, Wild unconsciously following in suit. Sooner than later, Wild fell back asleep, head resting in Twilight’s fur.
He didn’t need to know what caused Wild’s nightmare, nor would pressure Wild to tell him when he awoke. All that mattered to the Orodonian was that Wild continued to sleep peacefully. 
The maned wolf buried himself further into Twilight’s fur as he slept. There were no more signs of nightmares that night from the other links. Everyone slept peacefully, just as tired as he was from the events of the day. 
Twilight stayed up for a bit longer before he too fell asleep. The stress of the day washed off of him, as he slowly lowered his head to the ground. 
He didn’t even realize he fell asleep until the next morning. But for the first time in the Zone, he fell asleep on his own terms. 
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tradedmiami · 6 months
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SALE IMAGE: Mateo Romero DATE: 03/28/2024 ADDRESS: 3044 Southwest 28th Lane MARKET: Miami ASSET TYPE: Industrial BUYER: Phillip & Jonathan Freidin SELLER: Melanie Shapiro & Jorge Colon BUYER'S REP: Mateo Romero (@M.Rome.Ro) - Gridline Properties (@GridlineProperties) SALE PRICE: $2,600,000 SF: 4,535 ~ PPSF: $573 #Miami #RealEstate #tradedmia #MIA #TradedPartner #Industrial #MateoRomero #GridlineProperties #MelanieShapiro #JorgeColon #PhillipFreidin #JonathanFreidin
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phpcodedls · 4 months
نمونه قالب تم پاورپوینت در موضوع اسلایدهای ارائه بازاریابی
نمونه قالب تم پاورپوینت در موضوع اسلایدهای ارائه بازاریابی
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برای دانلود به لینک زیر بروید
برای دانلود اینجا کلیک فرمایید ( نمونه قالب تم پاورپوینت در موضوع اسلایدهای ارائه بازاریابی )
لینک کوتاه : https://magicfile.ir/?p=3044
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aimalevich · 1 year
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cdbrainrecords · 2 years
Various - 4 Top Hits (7", EP)
Various – 4 Top Hits (7″, EP)
Vinyl(VG+) Sleeve(VG+)/ コンディション 盤 : Very Good Plus (VG+) コンディション ジャケット : Very Good Plus (VG+) コンディションの表記について   [ M > M- > VG+ > VG > G+ > G > F > P ] レーベル : Philips – SFL-3044 フォーマット : Vinyl, 7″, EP 生産国 : Japan 発売年 :  ジャンル : Pop スタイル :    収録曲 :  A1. Paul & Paula – First Day Back At School A2. Maya Casabianca – La Novia B1. The Sunbeams (5) – Washington Square B2. Teresa Brewer – I Left My Heart…
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jergle-oopz · 2 years
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Drawing of the day 3044. #drawing #doodle #cartoon #sketch #art #illustration #ink #loxiloxus #bugsbunny #wb #looneytunes #merriemelodies #rabbit https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1sTgWPL3C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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legit-news247 · 2 years
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They’re Dying of Laughter at Mike Birbiglia’s Show The girl within the target audience may... https://legitnews247.com/?p=21350&feed_id=3044
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yfukuoka · 3 years
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【3044日目】2021-05-18 あんなにアンジャリのチキンカレーが好きだったのに、最近サンバルばかり頼んでしまいます。 ‪.‬ ‪ANJALI アンジャリ@下北沢‬ ‪____________________________________ ◎サンバル フルーティな甘酸っぱさは、もうインド料理の枠を超えて、アンジャリだけのサンバルに昇華されています。 . 美味しい。 これまで、「パイナップルのようだ」とか「蜂蜜のようだ」とか書いてきましたが、我慢できず、その秘密を聞いてしまいました。秘密は明かせませんが、なるほど納得。料理には人間性が表れますね。 . クタっとした柔らかい茄子のアチャール、固めの火通しのムングダールのポリヤル、冷製の豆のカレー、副菜はいつも安定の美味しさ。パーフェクトランチプレートです。 2ヶ月に1度くらいしか訪れていませんが、心は毎日食べたい気持ち。 . むむぅ。。。今日も美味しかった。大満足。 . ‪____________________________________ 🇮🇳 #lunch #anjali #india #indianfood‪ ‬#asianfood #asia #foodpic #foodstagram #tasty #curry #spice #アンジャリ #インド #下北沢 #スパイス #カレー #毎日カレー ‪ ‬#カレー好きな人と繋がりたい #‬フクドローン #ふくすたぐらむ ‪↓アンジャリ‬ @anjali.curry.spicefoods ‬ (Anjali Curry Spice Foods) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPE20ULgtDi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jilltravennersblog · 3 years
Camotes Island is located east of Cebu City.Its consist of four towns, San franciscio,Poro,Tudela and Esperanza. All towns has a lot to offers in terms of tourists spots. The four towns can be toured in one day trip but if you want to stay longer just to feel more the camotes Island vibes is preferrable. What I like in Camotes lsands is where I can fine the peace and serenity.
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Santiago Bay is 8.6 km away from Consuelo and its about a 15 min drives going to Poblacon San Francisco Camotes main centre.
2. Lake Danao
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– “The Lovers’ Lake”
Kayaking: ₱50
Horseback riding: ₱50
Pedal boating: ₱150 (30 mins)
Sakanaw/Lake Cruise: ₱500 (15 pax)
Zipline: 200 pesos one way and it has a 470 meters long.
3. Tulang Diot Island-An islet secluded in the northern part of Camotes Island
The white sand, sandbar and azul blue waters looks like a paradise for your own.
Environmental/Entrance fee: ₱10 per head
ride a boat to Tulang Diot – ₱10 per head only, 5-10 minutes to the island.
4. Buho Rock Resort
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-Entrance fee: ₱20 per head (₱10 for kids)
Note: No corkage. You can bring food and snacks.
It is located in Poro, Camotes Islands. Approximately 27 mins from the
Consuelo Wharf. You can ride a motorcycle, tricycle or just rent a ride for transportation.
5.Timubo Cave
-Entrance fee: ₱50 per head
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Timubo Cave is located inside the Lake Danao Park
Danao Park for about 30 mins and then towards the entrance of the cave.
Its located in Esperanza Camotes Island
6. Busay Falls- Entrance fee: ₱10 per head
The place can be reach after a 10-minute hike. You can also
dive as it is 8-10 feet deep. Like your own pocket-sized falls,
it allows the guests more privacy and a peaceful
Far from Consuelo, it would take 30-50 mins to the falls depending on the ride
Located in Barangay General, Tudela, Camotes Islands.
7. Paraiso Cave- Entrance fee: ₱50 per head
This is very near the Consuelo Wharf. Only 9 minutes away if you have a ride but you can also take the motorcycle which is a lot faster.
8. Bukilat Cave
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-Entrance fee: ₱20 per head
It’s quite far.30-45 mins for traveling from
from Consuelo Wharf to the municipality of Tudela or Tudela proper.
9.Holy Crystal Cave -Entrance fee: Free
holy Crystal is very near Consuelo Wharf and Lake Danao.
It is located in Brgy. Union, San Francisco. By taking a
motorcycle, you will arrive at the cave in less than 20 minutes.
10. Mangodlong Rock-Entrance fee: ₱20 per head
Water activities: Snorkel, kayak, wind sail, diving
Mangodlong Rock Resort is a few minutes from the town and ports of
San Francisco and Poro.
Located in Northern Poblacion, Camotes Islands, Cebu, 6050
Contact info: 0977 271 3044
Read my reviews through Google local guide to know more how nice it was.
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How to go to Camotes Islands?
OPTION 1: OCEANJET FAST CRAFT. – Travel Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes. – Cebu Port: Pier 1, Cebu City. ...
OPTION 2: JOMALIA RORO/EXPRESS. – Travel Time: 2 hours. – Cebu Port: Danao City Port. ...
OPTION 3: JOMALIA FAST CRAFT. – Travel Time: 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Only Option 1 and option 2 are already resumed their trips and also its limted boats for our new normal.
And if you take your vehicles you can hop on the Ferry in Danao City port and ride a Jomalia Shipping lines.
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+63 0917 631 5931
+63 0921 555 9289
+63 0917  631 5951
+63 929 658 4445
You can book via online and kindly visit this page:
PS: No any documents needed just only observe proper protocols and you may bring any valid ids and everything is went well.
 PS: Please observed our new normal protocol all the times.
Be a responsible traveler.
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compneuropapers · 4 years
Interesting Papers for Week 46, 2020
Mechanisms of Feature Selectivity and Invariance in Primary Visual Cortex. Almasi, A., Meffin, H., Cloherty, S. L., Wong, Y., Yunzab, M., & Ibbotson, M. R. (2020). Cerebral Cortex, 30(9), 5067–5087.
Prefrontal Multielectrode Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Modulates Performance and Neural Activity Serving Visuospatial Processing. Arif, Y., Spooner, R. K., Wiesman, A. I., Proskovec, A. L., Rezich, M. T., Heinrichs-Graham, E., & Wilson, T. W. (2020). Cerebral Cortex, 30(9), 4847–4857.
Consolidation of Reward Memory during Sleep Does Not Require Dopaminergic Activation. Asfestani, M. A., Brechtmann, V., Santiago, J., Peter, A., Born, J., & Feld, G. B. (2020). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 32(9), 1688–1703.
A sub-Riemannian model of the visual cortex with frequency and phase. Baspinar, E., Sarti, A., & Citti, G. (2020). Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 10(1), 11.
Integration of Eye-Centered and Landmark-Centered Codes in Frontal Eye Field Gaze Responses. Bharmauria, V., Sajad, A., Li, J., Yan, X., Wang, H., & Crawford, J. D. (2020). Cerebral Cortex, 30(9), 4995–5013.
Stable and dynamic representations of value in the prefrontal cortex. Enel, P., Wallis, J. D., & Rich, E. L. (2020). eLife, 9, e54313.
Layer 4 Gates Plasticity in Visual Cortex Independent of a Canonical Microcircuit. Frantz, M. G., Crouse, E. C., Sokhadze, G., Ikrar, T., Stephany, C.-É., Nguyen, C., … McGee, A. W. (2020). Current Biology, 30(15), 2962-2973.e5.
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Spontaneous Entry into an “Offline” State during Wakefulness: A Mechanism of Memory Consolidation? Wamsley, E. J., & Summer, T. (2020). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 32(9), 1714–1734.
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Zebrafish Retinal Ganglion Cells Asymmetrically Encode Spectral and Temporal Information across Visual Space. Zhou, M., Bear, J., Roberts, P. A., Janiak, F. K., Semmelhack, J., Yoshimatsu, T., & Baden, T. (2020). Current Biology, 30(15), 2927-2942.e7.
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