#p: rosy oconnor
magdaoconnor · 5 years
Surprising Information || 2 Kennedys & a Berry
Who: Magda Kennedy & Rosy Kennedy (@rosykennedy) & Colleen Berry (@chaoticdrcolleen)
When: Tuesday 30/07/2019 - Early Afternoon-ish
Where: Rosy’s New House
What: Magda decides to pop by to see Rosy, learns a lot of things she didn’t know.
Triggers: pregnancy
Notes: oh my god Colleen wasn’t supposed to be in this, this much
Magda was excited to see the new house, even if she wasn't exactly thrilled that Rosy had been working on it alone. The Kennedy women were stubborn so she supposed she wasn't all that surprised. The pick up truck with PA plates sitting outside her sister's place was a bit odd but she didn't think too much of it. Knocking on the front door she found it was unlocked. However, before she managed to call out that she was there, a figure appeared. A figure that was definitely not her sister.
"You're too white to be my sister." Right, yes, state the obvious, this solves everything. The figure before her goes bright red under Magda's gaze. And there is a lot to go visibly red, as the woman is wearing nothing more than a sports bra and a pair of sleep shorts, holding a paintbrush and, were those hickies?
"Rosy! Your sister's here!" And like that the woman was off and up the stairs, leaving Magda standing in the front hall entirely confused. Except she was pretty sure that was Breeze's older sister. Well, no, that actually just made it worse.
Rosy let out a laugh, “Very funny, Colly.” She hadn’t heard anyone at the door but the sound of footsteps rushing up the stairs had her walking out in the hallway. Sure enough, there stood her baby sister looking thoroughly confused. “If I’d know you were coming I might’ve gotten dressed,” she chuckled. In fairness, it wasn’t the first time Magda had seen her in just underwear and t-shirt. “How was France? Did you bore Cassie to death with all the museums?”
Magda blinked a bit, rolling her eyes with a shake of her head. "So that was Breeze's older sister... Good to know, I think." She muttered to herself. Not that it explained anything but she figured there were some answers she didn't want the details to. "It was wonderful and no we didn't. She enjoyed herself just as Conall and I did. And it wasn't all museums all the time. We did things she liked as well."
“I didn’t realise you’d met Colly,” Rosy commented, slightly surprised. “I can’t wait to hear all about it,” she smiled before moving to hug her sister, “I missed you guys.”
"If watching a half naked woman go bright red before running off can be considered meeting..." Magda shrugged, hugging Rosy back with a laugh. "We've missed you too. Though I'm starting to think you've had a more interesting time."
“You said I should have help with getting this place ready, you never mentioned a uniform,” Rosy replied with amusement. “If by interesting you’re referring to one of the peas now abusing my insides when the mood strikes them, then it’s being very interesting indeed.”
Magda eyed Rosy for a few moments, wondering if she truly wants to question the fact she'd seen hickies on Colleen's skin. "I was referring more to the hickey covered woman upstairs, because I didn't know about the fact they're kicking. When did that happen?!" Magda is little upset she missed it, but can't be more excited about the news.
Colleen appears at the top of the stairs. "Do you want me to get that can of paint ready you refused to let me near or? Also, do you know where I left my candy canes? They're not in my bag."
Rosy shrugged at the mention of comments, this wasn’t a conversation she was going to be having when the woman in question was in the same building. “One of them is kicking,” she gently corrected, “decided to make their presence felt on Saturday while I was at lunch,” she smiled her hands instinctively going to her bump. She was going to continue with how she thought it was her stubborn little pea that wouldn’t show their face at the 19 week scan but Colleen’s voice echoed down the stairs.
“It’s ok, Colly, I’m gonna bring Mags up to the peas room now,” she called back, nodding toward the stairs for her sister to follow her up. “Last time I saw them was when we were painting the bedroom but if not there’s a bag in the kitchen behind the lemons.” As she began to climb the stairs she threw over her shoulder to Magda, “The peas are crazy obsessed with lemons and pickles, you missed that while you were away.”
"That's awesome. Were you alone, or?" Her eyes wandered up to the stairs as Colleen called down. Magda still couldn't figure out when the pair met, much less how they'd ended up where they were now. She made a mental note to see about getting the information out of her sister later.
"Okay!" Colleen called back, retreating away from the stairs and towards the bedroom. "Thanks!"
And if Magda hadn't known any better she would have sworn she'd heard the word 'babe' follow, but pushed it out of her head. Instead she followed Rosy up the stairs. "Of all the things they could have you wanting. " She chuckled. "So, what is this about a paint can you wouldn't let her near?"
Rosy winced internally at the question, she felt so much guilt that her sister hadn’t been the first one to feel her peas kick but she’d been so excited that she got caught up in the moment. “I was at lunch with Colly,” she admitted a little sheepishly.
A soft chuckle left her lips as she uttered to herself, “I swear she’s gonna turn into a candy cane.”
Walking into the what would be the nursery, “I know. I fucking hate pickles,” She griped. “You might’ve missed one of the peas deciding to kick my insides,” she grabbed the pot with a flat head screw driver, “but I wanted your opinion on the colour for the peas room.” She offered the pot of paint and screwdriver to her sister, “Your opinion matters most, you are their aunt after all.”
"Oh?" Well that was interesting. "I'm glad you weren't alone, at the very least. And she seems to be treating you well." Magda grinned, following her sister into the nursery. Magda is surprised when she's handed a can of paint that has had the labels removed. But she takes it and the screwdriver and kneels on the floor. "Matters most, huh?" She knew it would be around this time that Rosy was given the option to know what sex the twins were and it made her curious if that's what this was. She worked to pop the lid  and opened it. Flipping the lid over she was met with a lovely shade of blue paint. Grinning, Magda looked up at Rosy. "Does this mean what I think it does?"
Rosy rolled her eyes at her sisters comment about Colleen, "I'm ignoring you." She watched as Magda knelt on the floor, "I'm genuinely offended that you've questioned that." She watched on nervously as the shade of blue was revealed until her sister looked up with a huge smile on her face. "Yep," she grinned, "you're getting a couple of nephews!"
Magda chuckles when Rosy says she's ignoring her. Just proved some point. Not that Magda was entirely sure what that point was, of course. "Just don't tell mammy that or she'll have a fit." Magda retorted as she set the lid back on the can and got to her feet, pulling her sister into a hug. "Congrats, you really are going to be outnumbered." She wipes a spot of paint off her hand onto Rosy's arm, catching sight of Colleen in the doorway. The woman had a shirt on and a candy cane in her mouth, far less red than she had been before. "You know, you didn't have to get dressed on my behalf, Rosy didn't." Colleen just seemed to blush at that. "Does she always end up that color? Are you sure she's not already a candy cane?"Magda couldn't help but ask Rosy, as it seemed she wasn't likely to get an answer from the red figure slowly aiming to back out of the doorway.
"Mammy knows I love her," she laughed, "besides, I'm gonna Skype with her later." Rosy nodded, "I really, really am." Magda's words had her turning to the doorway, a small frown marring her features at the now clothed woman that stood there. "Colly, is your little sis as mean to guests as mine is?" she smirked, teasing her sister before shrugging, "red's a good colour on her." Her face turned down to her stomach, "Seriously, boy?" she beamed, she'd been waiting until she'd told Magda before referring to her sons as anything other than her little peas.
Magda chuckled a bit. And then she was rolling her eyes and sticking out her tongue, though she did feel sort of bad, as it seemed all Colleen did was turn even more red and vacate the doorway, heading down the stairs. "I'll agree, but is she okay? I don't think I've ever seen someone go that red and stay that way." There was a hint of concern in Magda's voice but she was pulled away by Rosy speaking again. "Active is he?"
Rosy shook her head with an eye roll at her sister before a worried look crossed her face. She knew that what she was about to do was just going to make her proper catch up with her sister a pain in the arse but she couldn't not make sure Colleen was ok. "I'm gonna go make sure she's ok," she replied before leaving the room.
Rosy peaked her head in the bedroom before she heard a sound in the kitchen. "Hey," she greeted softly as she entered the kitchen. She walked over to where Colleen was at the counter and gently wrapped her arms around her from behind, "You ok?"
Magda just nodded as Rosy said she was going to check on Colleen, a knot forming in the pit of her stomach. She felt bad, like really bad. It hadn't been on purpose and now she worried she'd gone too far. So, she does what any interested little sister would do, she follows Rosy, hiding just out of sight with a clear view of the pair through the doorway.
Colleen had gone down to the kitchen in attempts to calm down. She'd all but chewed through the candy cane in her mouth and was getting herself a drink, yet another candy cane in her mouth, when she felt Rosy come up behind her. For a few moments she just leaned back against Rosy. "Yeah, just feeling a little out of place. I wasn't expecting her to say what she did and on top of what she'd already seen..." Colleen sighed. "Just feeling a little exposed." Removing the candy cane from her mouth, Colleen turns, wrapping her arms around Rosy's neck and kissing her.
"You don't need to feel out of place, ok?" Rosy soothed, "I'm sorry that she caught you on the hop, but you've nothing to be embarrassed about, sweet girl. She smiled into the kiss, pulling back slightly to mumble against Colleen's lips, "Now you do taste like candy canes." She brought a hand up to Colleen's face, her thumb gently stroking a still warm cheek, "My very own candy girl."
"Okay." She says with a small nod before giggling as Rosy says she tasted like candy canes. "Eating like one in a half in a short amount of time will do that." She mumbles, leaning into the hand on her cheek. And then she's blushing again, doing her best not to duck and hide.
Magda feels entirely like she has seen something she shouldn't. Rosy isn't usually soft. Not like this. And she finds herself quietly as possible retreating back upstairs.
"That, or you really are beginning to turn into a candy cane," Rosy teased lightly. She saw the way Colleen's head dipped slightly as though she was ready to hide and Rosy pressed a sweet kiss to candy caned lips. "So I think we should get out of here for a little bit," she continued softly, "I'm going to go make arrangements to catch up with Mags properly another day and then I'm taking you out, ok?"
Colleen giggled. "Maybe she's right? Maybe I already am one." She sighs into the kiss, tilting her head a bit as Rosy speaks. "Why?" It's not that she's against it, she's not. But Magda is Rosy's sister and it's obvious they want to catch up. That Colleen is the obvious third in this. She doesn't understand why Rosy would put off catching up with Magda, for her.
"Then you're cutest candy cane there's ever been," Rosy smiled. "Because we both need to get out of this house for a bit?" She replied with fake confusion before laughing lightly, "I can catch up with Mags another time. You're only here for a few more days." She gave a little shrug, "Besides, once the Irish get to talking, there's no shutting us up. We'd start now and still be talking when it's time for you to leave."
Colleen isn't sure what to say as Rosy speaks. It makes sense but still feels weird to her. That Rosy would choose her over her sister. Sure, they had limited time, but from what she'd gathered, Rosy hadn't seen Magda in at least a month. "Are you sure? I mean, I can go check on Capaldi or even just keep working, You don't need to put off catching up with her just for me.
Rosy pressed another kiss to Colleen's lips, "I'm absolutely positive." Her mind was made up, besides she loved her sister but she knew an intense grilling was headed her way and she'd rather keep to it one grilling that a grilling now and another once Colleen had left. "Can't have people thinking I'm a slave driver that never feeds you now, can I?" she joked.
She nods a bit, laughing as she pulls away. Mostly just enough to pop her candy cane back in her mouth, carefully licking her slightly sticky fingers. "I'm a big girl, volunteering her time, aren't I?"
Rosy diverted her gaze as Colleen licked her fingers, those thoughts would not be helpful right now. "Still, it'd be rude of me not to show you how appreciative I am of you volunteering your time."
Colleen chuckles a bit. "And here I thought you were already doing that." She exposed her neck briefly for emphasis before kissing Rosy again. "I'm gonna go freshen up while you figure out the sister situation." And like that she was wiggling free of Rosy's grasp and bounding up the stairs, ignoring the blush that crept up the back of her neck when she spotted an apologetic looking Magda leaning in the doorway to the nursery.
"And I plan to keep doing that," Rosy chuckled back. The kiss was all too brief and before she knew it, Colleen had left her arms and was on her way up the stairs. 'I hate for you to go, but I love to watch you leave' Rosy thought to herself as she unabashedly eyed Colleen's ass before it completely vanished from her sight. She headed back upstairs to the nursery, spotting Magda in the doorway, "You make an excellent door."
Magda chuckles as Rosy returned. "Well I got bored, decided I'd try being something else. The door worked." She smiled. "She's alright, I take it?" Magda angled toward the door to the bedroom with her head.
"As good a door you make, I think I prefer you as Maid Marian," Rosy smiled back, silently letting her sister know that she wasn't mad at her. "Yeah, she's good. She's getting freshened up before we go get some grub," she continued, "she's been working her arse off around here so I figured the least I could do is take her for a proper meal. I was thinking maybe I could come over at the weekend?" she suggested. "We could have a proper catch up then and you can tell me all about your travels and I'll get to see Conall, I missed the boy."
Magda grinned with a chuckle. "I prefer me as myself as well."She nodded a bit as Rosy spoke. The idea Rosy was choosing to care for Colleen over a catch up was telling but exactly of what, well, Magda would find out in time, she was sure. "That'd be wonderful, I'm sure Conall has loads to tell you, just as I do. Sunday? I mean, just come over early, say after breakfast but before lunch and then just stay through dinner? Should give us enough time, yeah?"
"Sunday it is," Rosy nodded. Oh she knew she was going to get the Spanish inquisition when her sister mentioned staying through dinner but that didn't stop her from poking fun, "What'd you  travel the world and not tell me about it?"
"The way Conall talks about it we might as well have. Besides it's not just what has gone on with me that we have to catch up." She stands up and moves from the doorway. Figuring it was about time she actually took her leave. "Well, I'll see you on Sunday. Yeah?"
Rosy shook her head, "You're impossible sometimes, you know that?" She wrapped her arms around her sister, "Sunday. I'll bring the lemons and pickles," she laughed.
"Only sometimes?" She laughed,  hugging Rosy tight.  "Good,  I'll see you then. Tell Colleen I'm sorry, will you? I didn't mean to upset her or anything." She'd normally say it herself but she had a feeling it might just be better coming from Rosy.
"I was trying to be nice," Rosy shot back playfully. "I will. Don't worry, ok? You just caught her on the hop, I'll make sure she knows you were just being you and not being a bitch," she promised.
"Oh? Since when?" She teased with a laugh.  "Thank you. I'll see you Sunday." And like that she was headed down the stairs, unaware that Colleen had been listening through the door.
"Maybe you were right about me and sarcasm after all." Colleen's voice was quiet as she made her presence in the hallway known. "She seems really nice, though."
Rosy was slightly relieved that her sister was more than happy to see herself out. The constant upping and downing of the stairs were beginning to take their toll.
"Just another lesson for me to teach," Rosy replied as she made her way out into the hall. "Mags is honestly amazing. I'm lucky to have her as my sister," she admitted. She made her way to Colleen and wrapped her arms her, "She wants you to know she's sorry for upsetting you. I'm sorry that she caught you off guard like that. If I'd known she was coming I would've let you know, but I guess she's used to me just being me and didn't think anyone else would be here," she offered as explanation. "For the record though," she pressed a sweet kiss to Colleen's lips, "I'm glad that you are here."
"I guess so." Colleen didn't usually have too much issue with understanding sarcasm, or so she thought. But there was definitely something difficult to track in how Rosy and Magda used it. Colleen met Rosy halfway, happily wrapping her arms around Rosy to pull her just that little bit closer. "I know, I heard. It's okay, it happens, right?" Colleen kisses her back, resting her forehead on Rosy's for a bit. "You are?"
"You're at unfair advantage," Rosy smiled softly, "British sarcasm is very different from American." It was true, she had had her fair share of misunderstandings because someone hadn't understood that she was being sarcastic and every time it'd happened it had been with an American. "It does but I'm sorry it." A soft, genuine smile graced Rosy's features at the way Colleen rest her forehead against  her own, "I am."
Colleen nodded a bit. "It's a dry wit." She mumbled, pressing another kiss to Rosy's lips. "No need to be sorry." Colleen can't help but return the smile. "I should let you go put on pants if we're leaving the house, huh?"
Rosy's eyes darted downwards and she chuckled, "I suppose that would be  an idea, don't want to frighten anyone."
"It's New York I can easily say they've seen worse." She chuckles.  "But yes, go get dressed so we can go eat." Colleen gives Rosy's ass a squeeze before stepping away.
"I'd hope so," Rosy replied with a soft chuckle. "You know, Dr. Pep," she laughed, "I'm beginning to think you have a thing for my arse," and with that she walked to the bedroom to find the pair of pants she'd arrived with.
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caymannewsservice · 6 years
Cayman attends regional integrity conference
Cayman attends regional integrity conference
Rosie Whittaker-Myles and Pastor Shian O’Connor at the conference
(CNS Local Life): Cayman Islands representatives joined country leaders from across the Caribbean at a Commonwealth integrity and anti-corruption conference that opened this week in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The fourth annual conference of the Commonwealth Caribbean Association of Integrity Commissions and Anti-Corruption…
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
Finding The Collection || Rose & Pep
Who: Colleen Wayne & Rosy O’Connor
When:  - Evening
Where: Colleen’s house
What: Rosy finds Colleen’s erotica collection and their relationship takes its next step
Triggers: pregnancy 
Notes: this isn’t finished but it’s been sitting dead for a while 
Colleen was in the kitchen, working on fixing something that could resemble a proper meal, while she left Rosy to make herself comfortable, get acquainted to the house. Not that she perhaps needed to, but Colleen knew Rosy's home, the least she could do was allow the same courtesy. Or that's what she was telling herself, anyway. It did occur to her that no one had been in her house and left to their own devices before, and that it was possible Rosy might find herself looking over her bookshelves, which she had a lot of. However, there was one in particular that contained what seemed to be an entire collection of erotica, written by the same author. They were author copies of the books written under her pen name, Elise Alder. It was a play on her middle and original last name, in a sense. She didn't see a point in throwing them out, nor did she want to leave them in a box, so she just put them out on a shelf like all the other books she owned. She tried not to think about what might happen in Rosy saw them.
Left to her own devices, Rosy was more than happy to explore Colleen's home. Part of it was curiosity about the woman she was sleeping with, part of it was the detective in her left over from her police days. It didn't surprise her to find shelves lined with books, "quite the bookworm, aren't you Peppy?" she muttered in amusement to herself before coming across a shelf of books that was unlike the others. She briefly wondered if she would be crossing a line by removing a book from it's place on the shelf but she was too intrigued by the titles on the spines and soon found herself with a book in her hands, reading the blurb on the back. "Kinky little bookworm," she mused before placing it back on the shelf amongst the others and choosing another. It seemed Colleen had quite the collection of erotica novels but what was really intriguing was that they were all by the same author.
Colleen finished up their meal, hoping it was worth eating. She wasn't the best cook and often found eating out or ordering in was easier. It was more a habit left over from her days as a grad student, when she'd been teaching all day and then had night classes and just didn't have the time or the energy needed to cook. However, she was trying to get better, to cook more often and make more complex things. Though that didn't always mean it ended up being worth eating.
Moving out of the kitchen she found Rosy in front of the book shelf with her work on it and if she was right, Rosy had one of her books in hand. "Find anything interesting?"
"I suppose that depends on your definition of interesting," Rosy teased as she turned to face Colleen, book still in her hand. She couldn't help but have a little fun, something about Colleen brought out the more relaxed side of her, the side that would tease and have it mean no harm as opposed to her usual snark and sarcasm aimed at throwing people off. "Now, you're gonna have to help me out here," she lifted the book, "because I can't for the life of my quite figure out where these fit in your curriculum."
Colleen rolled her eyes with a laugh, moving over to Rosy. Plucking the book from Rosy's hands she looked it over. It was one of the older titles she'd written. "Bold of you to assume I only read for work. Though, I don't read these." She returned the book to it's place on the shelf.
"If you think I really believe you only read for work, then I think you're not as smart as I originally thought you to be."  She watched as Colleen returned the book to its place, "You don't read them?" Now this was interesting. "You keep them as awkward conversation pieces?"
Colleen laughed, shaking her head. "I didn't read for pleasure for years while I was actually in college. I think it took until I was actually a professor to start it up again, so..." She shrugged. "I get paid for them and don't like keeping boxes packed."
"That's fair enough," Rosy nodded, "I only just started reading something other than the newspaper myself." It was true, excluding the paperwork involved with work, she literally only ever had time to read the newspaper whilst sat in a car or on a plane. "So you write erotica?" Rosy mused out loud already knowing the answer, "I see you have a pen name, which is understandable, an upstanding professor such as yourself shouldn't be associated with such filth," she chuckled softly. "Which was your first?"
Colleen nodded as Rosy spoke. "Oh? Anything particular you've been reading?" Colleen loved knowing  what people liked reading, even if it was just the paper or magazines. "I don't mind it, as a professor, but when I was writing it to help get through grad school, I really didn't want to be associated with it. Particularly because I was teaching middle school." She shrugged. It had started as a way to bolster her paycheck, as being a teacher really didn't pay well, but she'd loved doing it. "They should be in order of release, so..." She grabbed the first one on the shelf and nodded. "This one. I was like 22 and should not have been writing erotica."
Rosy suddenly felt a little shy, Colleen was a tenured professor at college asking her what she was reading and what she reading was not exactly intellectual property, "You're gonna laugh..." Why did she care so much what Colleen thought about what she was currently reading? "That makes more sense, really wouldn't look so good as a middle school teacher. A tenured college professor can get away with mature content." She watched as the first book left the shelf, "22, huh?" She reached for the book, "I look forward to reading it."
Seeing Rosy shy was a surprise to Colleen. "I read fanfiction on a regular basis, I have no room to talk." It was true. "But I wouldn't laugh anyway. I'd rather hear someone is reading magazines or fanfic or kids books, even. Than hear they're not reading at all. When I taught middle school, and even now I tell my students that as long as you're reading something consistently, I'm happy." Colleen smiled. "Exactly." And then it was her time to get shy. "You- what?"
"Ok," Rosy nodded, "but you're gonna think I'm that crazy mama but right now I'm reading George's Marvellous Medicine." Seriously? Why was she so shy about doing something that most people would associate as a cute motherly gesture? "I've been reading Roald Dahl stories to the boys." She almost laughed at Colleen's question, "I want to read your stories."
Colleen just listened to Rosy talk, a soft smile on her face. "Nothing wrong with a little Roald Dahl. I don't even have kids and I break out Roald Dahl every once in a while. It's about liking what you read more than anything. Some of my favorite books are young adult novels." She grinned. "Besides, I think it's sweet, that you read to them." Colleen felt herself blush and she couldn't look Rosy in the face. "Why? They're just cheap erotica novels, I write to make a quick buck. They're not..." Colleen was proud of her books, but she'd never come face to face with anyone who had read them or wanted to. It was better writing than her fanfics, as a general rule but it still wasn't her best writing.
"Roald Dahl was my favourite as a kid," Rosy admitted before laughing a little, "and we might live in America but my boys are gonna know more than Doctor fecking Seuss." She reached out her free hand and gently lifted Colleens face, "Cheap erotica novels or not, you're a published author so yeah, I want to read them."
Colleen laughed. "I didn't get introduced to Roald Dahl or any other children's authors until I was ten or eleven and there was something about being the oldest kid in that part of the library that was weird for me.  But the librarians were really cool about it, helped me find stuff both I'd missed out on when I was younger and that was more age appropriate. It's where I picked up the notion that it was okay to just read, as long as I was." Colleen shrugged. The hand lifting her face had she biting her bottom lip. "Why?"
"Yeah but look at you now. You went from not knowing about authors until ten or eleven to teaching about authors," sure, she hadn't known Colleen that long but there was pride in her voice, she was proud of this woman who'd had a pretty shitty start. "Because you wrote them," she smiled softly, her thumb swiping gently across Colleen's cheek.
"I used to swear at people who made fun of me, but I'd swear in Italian so they couldn't understand me." She had learned so much more in the circus than most children did, but in a way that led to her not knowing a lot of regular things. Sure, she could speak three languages, throw knives, do aerial stunts, and even some levels of advanced math. But she didn't know books or written work. She'd learned to read with newspapers and flyers and written word that had been oral stories. "What's so special about that?"
"Those people were idiots and you proved that by swearing at them in another language," she smiled. Her head tilted to the side, a look of disbelief in her eyes, "You are."
"It was Ohio, what do you expect?" Colleen laughed a bit. "I think it's why I'm such a nerd. I dove into everything I could. I wanted to know everything I'd missed and my parents, especially, they were amazing. They rolled with every new interest, every new thing I wanted to try. They answered questions most people shrugged off. And when voice lessons and field hockey stuck, they paid for me to pursue those things. I got lucky." She wasn't sure why she felt the need to tell Rosy these things. They were simple things but things that normally didn't get talked about. "Me?"
"I don't think it would've mattered where it was, the world is full of idiots. Your parents sound pretty amazing and you're still a cute nerd," she chuckled. "I got a plane to come see you, so yeah...you."
"I guess, but Ohio, Lima in particular, is very backwards, especially back then." Colleen shrugged. "They are, they really are. I mean, I think we're all adopted, or most of us, at the very least. I never asked about Leroy and Leon, but all us girls are adopted." She blushed, tilting her head at Rosy's words. "Why me?"
"Then Lima, Ohio and it's ass backwards ways can go fuck itself because you're smarter than any of those idiots that made fun of you," she meant what she said. "Sometimes family just chooses you, mine chose me." A smile tugged at Rosy's lips, the way Colleen blushed would be her undoing at this rate. "Because I don't do feelings," she stated before she diverted her gaze, not because she was lying but because she was afraid of the reaction she would see, "but I have them for you."
"Shh, you're in it right now, it can hear you." Colleen teased. "That it does and we are all the luckier for it." She doesn't know what she's expecting to hear when Rosy starts speaking, much less when she pauses, looking away  from her, but she can't help but smile. She uses a hand to make sure Rosy is looking at her. "I take thee at thy word. Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptized." She was quoting Romeo's line, the one after the line that had led Colleen to think Rosy was asking her out. It was the best response she had in the moment.
"Let them hear me, I'll kick their all their asses," Rosy laughed. She looks at Colleen with timid eyes, she had no knowing of how to deal with feelings or expressing them, not in the romantic sense but it seemed the Colleen knew how to steer them and she smiled as she leaned into the woman's touch. "I am no pilot, yet, wert thou as far As that vast shore wash’d with the farthest sea, I should adventure for such merchandise." It seemed such a fitting response because she really had no clue what she was doing but she had hopped on a plane just to be with Colleen at the first chance that was presented to her.
Colleen blushes heavily as Rosy quotes lines back at her, the meaning behind those words making her smile. She slips the hand on Rosy's face to the back of her neck, pulling her into a kiss. "We'll sail the sea together, my dear." She whispered against Rosy's lips. Colleen hadn't been in a relationship in so long but she was so ready and willing with Rosy. Sure, long distance was going to suck, but what was a half day drive one way? It was a drive she'd made for Rachel, would likely make for Rachel again. Making it for Rosy was nothing.
Rosy smiled into the kiss. They were actually going to do this. Different states, babies on the way and she hadn’t been in a relationship in almost twenty years but she’d never had feelings for someone the way she did with Colleen. “I have no idea how to do this,” she admitted quietly, “will you teach me?”
Colleen rested her forehead against Rosy's, smiling softly at her admission. "I might be a little rusty, but I can certainly try. And what we both don't know we'll figure out. Together." She kissed her again, wrapping her arms around Rosy's neck. "You think the boys will be okay with that?"
Rosy suddenly remembered that she still had the book in her hand and reached around Colleen to place it safely on a shelf so that she could wrap her arms around the woman. "Together," she nodded with a smile.  The next question made her chuckle softly, "I'm gonna go with yes," she pressed a sweet kiss to the lips in front of her, "after all, Ciaran did kick for the first time when we met for lunch."
Colleen smiled, laughing a bit. "Is he the one that wanted peppermint, too?" She questioned, a hand tangling gently in Rosy's hair. "Or is his mom just using him to excuse her own wants?"
"Hey!" Rosy tried to look offended but the smile on her face was impossible to hide. "Peppermint has been a legit thing and it's your fault. After a couple of days the smell of peppermint had started to fade and Ciaran started to kick up a stink, I'm almost certain that boy thinks my kidney is his personal punching bag," she laughed.
Colleen chuckled. "Maybe you'll just have to take something with you that smells like me." Just about everything Colleen owned smelled like peppermint, hell even her home smelled like peppermint. "He's quite the trouble maker, isn't he?"
"I think your students would miss their professor if I did," Rosy teased. "He really is," she nodded, "but he's calmed down a lot since we got here so I think I might have to keep you around." Rosy ran her hand through Colleen's hair and just smiled, was she supposed to be this happy just standing with Colleen's arms around her? This was going to take some getting used to but she didn't mean one bit.
"I doubt that, but I would miss the pay check." Colleen smiled. "Has he really? Maybe he's like me, peppermint keeps him calm." She loved this, just being with Rosy. Her fingers worked through Rosy's hair, kissing her gently every so often.
"I imagine you'd miss teaching too," she smiled back. "Peppermint makes him happy," she admitted, "but I think it's you that makes him calm." Rosy kissed Colleen sweetly, before letting out a contented sigh, "I think I could let you do that forever," she chuckled softly, the fingers in her hair had soothed what was left of her anxieties, "I think I'm like Ciaran, you keep me calm."
"I would, yeah." Colleen loved her job, it was the one thing that had kept her from actually settling down with a family of her own yet. "Yeah, you think so?" She smiled at Rosy's words. "You don't get taken care of near enough. I'll have to fix that." And she had all intentions of doing so. Colleen had learned that Rosy rarely gave up control, let other people do things for her, and Colleen wanted to change that. She wanted to take care of her, do things for her, just because. "I'm glad I can do that for the both of you, just means he gets it from you."
"I know so," she replied feeling rather foolish about her wording, "they're both still doing their thing in there, Colman's mostly just chilling non-stop but whenever you're around, Cairan takes a page out of his brothers book." Rosy rest her forehead against Colleen's, "My family take of me," she knew it wasn't what Colleen meant but it was more of a preface to what followed, "I'm used to taking care of myself, no one has really wanted to take care of me like that." It was true, but Rosy had also never had a reason to let someone close enough to take care of her. "Next time I get told off for doing too much, I'm just gonna come see you," she chuckled softly, "looks like he gets something good from after all."
"I'm glad I can help, even if it's only a little." Colleen smiles. "I know they do and I figured as much. That's why I want to. You deserve someone who wants to take care of you." One of her hands moved to Rosy's belly. "And not because they think you can't but because they know you can but want to anyway." Colleen kissed her nose. "I can get behind that, though I think I'm biased." She giggled. "He will get that and so much more from you."
"I think you help more than anyone has in a long time," Rosy admitted softly. "I..." she pressed her lips to Colleen's, it made much more sense than saying thank you. This woman wanted to take care of her because she wanted to and that was something Rosy was going to spend a long time trying to wrap her head around but it was something she was willing to try. "What makes you think that?" Rosy asked with a chuckle. "God help us all!"
"I do?" Colleen wasn't sure how to take that but she kissed Rosy back. She smiles a little, laughing as Rosy speaks. "Because I get to see you and anything that means time with you is something I can get behind." Colleen giggled. "What's so wrong with him being like you, huh? You're pretty spectacular."
Rosy nodded a little shyly as she admitted, "I've not wanted anyone close to me like this." She smiled and shook her head, "How can you not see how cute you are?" She studied Colleen's face, taking in the woman's features, there was so much to her and Rosy couldn't wait to discover it all. "Spectacularly stubborn," she countered.
Colleen moved the hand from Rosy's stomach to wrap around her waist,  pulling her just a little closer. "Like what?" There were so many things that could mean and Colleen wanted to know.  "What did I do this time?" All of Colleen's self confidence resided in her intelligence. She was smart and passionate and a number of other things.  Maybe she refused to see herself in certain lights because of people who tried to tear her down. But she also didn't take compliments well on a whole, far too skeptical for her own good she supposed. "Stubborn can be a good thing,  y'know."
"Like they have the ability to hurt me but I'm trusting them not to," Rosy admitted, "like they terrify me but I want to know everything, like being scared shitless but feeling safe with their arms around me." There were so many feelings that Rosy was trying to comprehend and being able to voice them was difficult because they were things she hadn't felt and she just didn't know what to make of them herself. "I have to have a reason every time I find you cute?" Rosy teased before pressing a kiss to the tip of Colleen's nose. "I know it's going to take some getting used to, but I look at you and I see this cute little nerd with a beautiful soul who has no idea how sexy she is," she reached up an ran a hand through Colleen's hair, "but that's ok because I'll help you see it, over time." Rosy shrugged, "It depends on the situation. Stubborn can be a really good thing but it can also be a persons downfall."
Colleen didn't know how to respond, mouth agape at the admission. It was so honest and sweet and a lot to take in. Rosy was the kind of person who kept her heart under lock and key, whereas Colleen wasn't nearly as guarded. In a lot of ways she wore her heart on her sleeve. It was why she reacted poorly to people lying to her. She held Rosy closer, blushing at the kiss to her nose and the way   Rosy spoke. "You're extraordinarily sweet, you know that?" She smiles at Rosy, chuckling a bit. "So you just have to teach him when it's okay to be stubborn and when he should let go, maybe let someone else take the lead."
"No," Rosy dipped her head and was thankfully that her skin tone made it difficult to see when she was blushing, which was exactly what she was doing right then. "I have a feeling that Colman will help with that," she chuckled back, "I don't know why but I just see Cairán being this little firecracker and Colman as more of an old soul, I mean they probably won't be anything like I think they might be but it's just a feeling I have. Whatever they're like, I can't wait to watch them take on the world together."
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