#p: 003
koffeebean · 4 months
mannequins are the most functional enemies
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narcoestadosunidos · 24 days
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#pinchefraudenaranja https://www.tumblr.com/redreziztencia #JALISCOvsELFRAUDE @MovCiudadanoJal @EnriqueAlfaroR @PabloLemusN @JuanJoseFrangie @noticias_gab ALMOMENTO ‼️⭕️pic.twitter.com/vlEKFecQW9 ¡Alerta electoral en Jalisco! ⭕️‼️https://javtvenxxx.blogspot.com/2024/08/vencio-la-voluntad-del-pueblo-nuestro.html @OLIMPIAZEUZ #GDL
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goddessrisen · 3 months
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@blackhardtt   invoked the goddess,
"What if they kissed?" W/ roderickkkkk
     possessive,   all-consuming   flesh   crashed   'pon   petal-soft   lips   as   large   hands   encircled   supple   waist.   a   calloused   thumb   brushed   over   exposed   flesh,   caressing   silken   skin.   the   witch   sighed   into   the   kiss,   equally   as   eager   as   the   pirate.   slender   hands   grasped   broad   shoulders   as   she   clutched   him   impossibly   closer.   the   expanse   of   muscles   that   flexed   beneath   her   touch   sent   molten   desire   down   her   spine   as   a   hand   slid   further   down,   cupping   her   ass   before   suddenly   she   was   lifted.   shapely   legs   automatically   wrapped   around   large   waist   as   pure,   sinful   desire   thrummed   through   her.
     hyeon   pulled   away   from   the   kiss   with   a   sharp   inhale,   brilliant   amber   wide   as   she   stared   up   into   molten   gold.   something   particularly   feral   lurked   beneath   the   surface   as   her   back   met   the   cold   stone   of   the   alley   he'd   cornered   her   in.   pink   colored   porcelain   flesh   as   she   panted,   tongue   wetting   bruised   lips.   the   arrogant   twitch   to   his   lips   made   her   equally   frustratingly   aroused     &&       frustrated.   liquid   amber   gave   way   to   the   black   of   her   pupil,   desire   painted   across   her   ethereal   visage   even   as   she   scowled   up   at   him.
     he'd   met   her   bluff,   prowling   after   her   with   all   the   grace   of   a   panther   as   she   disappeared   into   the   crowd.   though   she   knew   the   streets     &&       alleyways   well,   the   man   was   not   to   be   deterred,   stalking   her   from   a   distance   until   he'd   found   an   opening.   hyeon   would   never   forget   the   thrum   of   her   heart   in   her   throat   as   she'd   realized   he'd   cornered   her.   the   purely   predatory   glint   within   his   gaze   as   he   slowly   approached,   content   in   the   knowledge   that   he'd   won.   yet,   all   the   same,   his   first   touch   had   been   gentle,   questioning   if   she   had   truly   wanted   it.   the   heated   gaze,   the   prideful   jut   of   her   chin   did   not   abate,   even   as   she   dipped   her   head   in   response.
     a   sharp,   warning   bite   to   tender   throat   forced   hyeon   back   to   the   present.   the   witch   blinked,   her   gaze   sharpening   for   a   moment   as   she   met   glimmering   gold.   lips   quirked   into   a   soft   smile   as   a   hand   slid   from   broad   shoulder   to   thick   hair,   tangling   within   the   dark   locks   as   manicured   nails   raked   along   his   scalp.
     ❝   nnn,   if   you   plan   on   staking   a   claim,   darling .   .   .   do   not   do   it   so   teasingly.   i   promise   that   i   can   take   whatever   you   have   to   offer.   ❞     the   witch's   eyes   danced   with   amusement   as   she   poked   &&   prodded,   unable   to   quell   her   desire   to   shatter   the   man's   inhibitions.     ❝   unless   you   are   incapable.   i   suppose   i   shan't   mourn   the   loss   of   crying   out   your   name   too   harshly.   ❞     though   she   teased,   hyeon's   legs   tightened   around   the   man's   waist,   unwilling   to   release   their   possessive   grip.
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kissing, in my christian minecraft server ( yes ) || accepting
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noiranamnesis · 9 months
[ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 ] : sender warns the receiver to not antagonize them.
Dark brows knit together, blue hues snapping to him. “Pardon?” Initial confusion subsided leaving a mix of understanding a resignation in its wake. He was by far the most difficult man she has ever crossed paths with- in many ways mirroring the very enemies he sought to destroy: exploitative, manipulative, untrusting, and self-serving. If any distinction were drawn it would only be his all consuming sense of self and untethered brutality. As such, to allow herself to believe she understood the depths or source of his warning was to live in a delusion void of security. Security. A concept she had long grown unfamiliar with.
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“I have done nothing aside from loyally standing behind you. Never once expressing discontent where others may hear. Never denying you a single aspect of myself and yet I constantly find myself fielding unfinished threats.” The longer she studied his expression, she remained unable to discern whether anger, paranoia, or something else entirely led him. “To please is to welcome suspicion while displeasure earns nothing more and nothing less.” Fingers twitched at her side, a desire to leave slowly rising within her, begging her to reconsider her words and instead offer repentance. “If I am to remain a voiceless accessory roaming your halls I would love, at least once, to know what it is you desire from me.” 
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
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❝  rock  n'  roll  ?  heat  ?  damn,  ain't  it  finally  a  lady  who  knows  her  stuff  so  well  and  has  a  great  music  taste  ?  ❞
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nickitxrres · 1 year
closed starter for @isaacapatow
location: Nicki's Place
"Maldición jodido hijo te puta!" Nicki hissed, pulling the alcohol soaked rag from her side to see just how bad the laceration was. The motherfucker had cut her pretty good from her ribs in towards her belly button. Not deep enough to warrant stitches, according to Renee, but it still stung like a son of a bitch. Especially when she was cleaning it, like the good doc had told her to. She ground her teeth and applied the rag once again, biting down to muffle the groan as she waited until she was sure the area had been cleansed so she could apply to butterfly bandages to help seal it.
It took her a bit but she did it and now she was tired. The burn turned into a dull ache once she put her tank top back on and she was determined to relax on her couch, drink her rum and work on sharpening her machete and knife while some old movie played in the background that she had seen enough times to remember what happened. More for background noise than anything else. It would allow her to pass the time as she rested before her next big outing. Whenever the hell that was.
She was midway through cleaning her machete when she heard a knock at the door. Not many people came to see her. She could count one one hand the people that would be stopping by - Ike, Mayra, Ares. Maybe Zack but she wouldn't really count him. He was lobo for a reason. She pushed herself to her feet and opened the door, leaning against it and smirking as she recognized Ike's handsome face. "Well, if I had known you were going to stop by I would have cleaned up a bit," she said, stepping away and moving back into her place. Ike was very capable to close the door behind him. "Any word when you'll be able to get back out there, Papi? Gotta say Ares and Orion are great and all, but raiding with you is much more fun."
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reneebrxndxn · 1 year
closed starter for @jakehawk
location: playground
It had been a crazy week for Renee. Honestly, Renee thought the craziest thing that could happen would have been the whole Council position, and given the meeting regarding Cole and the hole had exhausted her enough. But then Andy arrived in town and everything changed. It was a miracle - a god damn miracle. She would never forget seeing him in the precinct for the first time in four years. How she couldn't believe her eyes until she cleaned the blood away from his face and she saw his eyes and heard him speak her name. The whirlwind of emotions that coursed through her had been overwhelming and honestly, they still did.
For the most part, Renee had stuck to the clinic. She had managed to convince Ermano to let her move him there instead of keeping him in the precinct so long as she kept an eye on him. Not that she wanted to leave because if she left he might disappear and this would be a whole, cruel joke. But she had her boys that she still had to take care of. Angie had been a godsend and promised to watch them when they couldn't be at the daycare and she still needed to be at the clinic. After all, she had told Ermano she could keep an eye on him.
Right now, though, Andy was asleep and Val was doing one of her shifts at the clinic so Renee was taking this opportunity to take her boys to the playground. She felt bad for not being around a lot right now but, amazingly enough, her boys were understanding. She hadn't quite told them why she was away for long periods of time just yet - she wanted Andy to be more awake and coherent before she brought the boys by. As they ran around on the jungle gym Renee heard the familiar echo of the Hawks running towards the playground and when she turned, she spotted Jake following behind them. Her face flushed at the sight of him and she found herself tucking her hair behind her ear before waving.
This was another complication that Renee was currently dealing with - her feelings for Jake now that her husband was here. She had already made things even more complicated by going to see Jake. Did she feel guilty about it? Yeah, but she didn't regret it. But she honestly had no idea what she was going to do. She knew that Jake said he would be patient as she figured out everything but she didn't know how long that was going to take and she felt bad. It wasn't fair to string him along if she was just going to go back to Andy, but on the other hand, she knew that she had feelings for Jake....what a mess this was. When Jake got closer she moved over on the bench to make room for him. "Hey...I guess great minds think alike, huh?" she said with a soft sort of laugh.
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ofmagiick · 6 months
I'm the president of the Lily fan club. Your graphics are stunning and so is your formatting. Your portrayal is exactly how Merrin is portrayed in canon. I see your Merrin and I go, "That's canon Merrin." I also adore how you write Merrin ic, and you are so fun to talk to ooc. Cal anc Merrin have amazing chemistry and it's so entertaining to see how it unfolds. Ik I have said this already but I'm so grateful to have written Cal with you. I'm planning to be here for the long run and look forward to continuing writing with you ♡
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ this is gonna be short and sweet bc i have a migraine brewing and need to catch some sleep but i have been BLESSED to meet you, and i adore how you write cal. i read it, and im like "yep that is the ginger i have spent hours cooing over and dropping off cliffs. its so wild respawn stole yukis character like that" ilu, and thank you for giving me an excuse to write merrin. i cant write in a vacuum (well, i can, but thats no fun) and im glad youre so patient with me even though i take so long to respond some times
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ MAY WE CONSIDER OURSELVES FORTUNATE the shelter we have stands strong against the coming storms. ❞
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the-parentheticals · 1 year
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It’s time for our internet boy! Wait, this isn’t Fuuta…oh well? He’s still pretty fun though! Just a silly little high schooler...
Fun fact, I changed his crime a little bit from the original, but most of the general beats are the same!
Name - Chui Tamaki (注唯 環) (kanji in last name means “note” and the second part is only an emphasis, kanji in first name means “ring”)
Age - 17
Gender – Male
Birthday – Jun. 11
Height – 171 cm
Blood Type – B
Image Colour - #82EEFD
Occupation – High school student (second year)
Personality – He’s very loud. He’s always saying some rather odd and though-provoking statements to get attention from the other prisoners, including flirting and teasing them a bit. He claims to have been one of the most popular students in his school, and it certainly seems to have been plausible.
He can be rather spacey sometimes, more out of being caught up in his own thoughts than anything else. He’s quick to catch up, however.
Whenever he’s asked about his crime, he just laughs and brushes it off. He doesn’t seem to see it as a big deal at all, and he especially doesn’t appreciate people seeing him as guilty because of it.
Canon Cover – This Is How To Be In Love With You (because the aesthetic fits his crime)
DECO*27 Cover – Chimera (“don’t be so selfish for the same old”)
Vocaloid Cover – Beat Eater (Police Piccadilly) (full disclaimer, I love Project Sekai, and I like the BGM of this. I was originally going to do Showtime Ruler, but I don’t think the lyrics are quite right)
“Welcome to MILGRAM! Well, you’re new here too, right? My name is Chui Tamaki, and while I didn’t do anything…I guess that’s gonna be up to you to decide.”
“What did you… why did you…this has to be a stunt, right? It’s just a joke, it’s just a joke…”
 MV – Superstar
His song would sound like your classic idol content, and the lyrics would all be about indulging and enjoying life, directed to the listener. The aesthetic itself would be somewhere between neon and pastel.
The MV would start with our regular Tamaki winking to the camera and saying “You only live once!” in English.
A version of Tamaki with entirely orange hair and star-shaped sunglasses sits at a table in a high school cafeteria, talking with some other faceless people in a lively way.
Another version of Tamaki with square red glasses and black hair throws a set of tabletop dice, then looks to someone just offscreen.
A version of Tamaki with blue hair with black streaks and no glasses talks with a girl with long flowing pink hair, again faceless.
Our regular Tamaki sits at a computer with a lot of decorations on it, filming something. Suddenly, the pink-haired girl runs up to him and pulls him away, and the screen fades in a flash of light.
The video comes back, but it’s notably tinted pink from now on and mostly features the Tamaki without glasses. He sits in class, not paying attention to anything the teacher is saying and instead making little doodles of hearts in his exercise book.
He walks through the hallways, where a lot of people are gathered around him, notably much larger than the number of people at his table.
The regular Tamaki is talking with his friends at lunch, a bit more annoyed. At this point, the background music becomes louder and the voices get quieter.
The Tamaki with square glasses uploads a video to his channel, with a thumbnail of the pink-haired girl, and it instantly gets a lot of dislikes. He scrolls through the comments, just looking annoyed.
The scene cuts back to the Tamaki with star glasses in the filming location, visibly uneasy. He looks at something off in the distance and gasps. The camera shakes, and the screen fills with ads, ending in an error message that reads “The channel you were trying to watch has been deleted.”
He’s kind of like Fuuta in that they’re both chronically online and they didn’t directly commit murder.
He’s my only non-Danganronpa OC to be in here! Yes, this includes Akemi. I won’t say what he was originally for since I feel like that spoils a lot of his crime, plus it has a reputation that is not very great for understandable reasons.
He’s really nervous about the word “love” for some reason.
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sethlozano · 2 years
          a gift for @aylacassia​,
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          “Aren’t you supposed to be brainstorming with your fellow leaders to stop this?” It was a baseless question for this was the exact type of chaos in which Seth thrived on, grinning wildly. He had planned, since his return to Rome, to stay out of the limelight when it came to the Senators, for he had nothing to prove to them when it came to following their petulant rules. Despite this, over the years, it was natural to have come to know them in passing, flinging the question at Ayla as she transformed from a cloud of mist into the physical form he could recognize.
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handsbloodiedmoved · 2 years
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cut down too soon, questions unanswered, desires unfulfilled... what a tragedy you are.
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eievuimultimuse · 11 months
     “ Y’KNOW, IT TAKES a LOT t’ get me t’ come down here, “ the ‘man’ informs the other from inside of the car. His windows are tinted, so it’s impossible to see who’s in there; he’s got it down only a crack — enough to be heard, but not enough to be seen. True to his word, he's not one to make PUBLIC APPEARANCES; he AVOIDS them when he can. “ But clearly, you WANTED my attention; now you’ve GOT IT. “ He sounds less than impressed about this fact; he’s not concealing the fact that he views this as an INCONVENIENCE to him. Obviously SOMETHING must have happened that pissed him off enough that this couldn't be settled over a phone call.
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     “ Well ? Go on then — SPEAK UP. “ He hasn't got all night.
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spellboundstarlet · 1 month
your camera roll as paige’s girlfriend — p. bueckers x fem!reader.
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001. posted to your friends only story, showing just how many sanrio plushies your girlfriend had bought you.
002. showing paige all the trufru's you picked up for her + kk.
003. you found this on pinterest, saved it, then sent it to paige simply because it described your relationship so well. paige was no doubt a “yapper” while you were more of a listener. that’s why you worked so well.
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004. you were jokingly taking pictures of paige as she posed with her ipad, which might be her most prized possession. most nights kk would walk into the living room just to see you two doing stuff like this, or playing roblox. ever since you got with paige, you started healing your inner child.
005. driving in the car with her, it was an often occurrence that at some point throughout the ride, her hand would end up on your thigh.
006. date night at top golf.
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007. this one was taken, then posted to instagram.. just to capture one of the silly things you’d find paige doing often.
008. after practice, there was nothing your girlfriend loved more than to cuddle in bed after a shower. she put on the matching hello kitty pajama pants you’d left out for her, and hopped into bed to cuddle. after a few minutes of watching tiktok’s on your phone with her, she turned on the playstation and played twd as you watched.
009. while waiting for a cab in the city, you snapped another quick silly photo of the girl. this photo has since become her contact photo just because it makes you laugh whenever you look at it.
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010. the two of you had gone to the gym, paige always did, and you'd decided to start going aswell. in all honesty, you were going just to stare at her.. not that she minded.
011. you sat next to the blonde, as she got her hair and makeup done. it wasn't what she usually spent her days doing, but she'd been going on side quests lately and had many photoshoots. watching as the makeup artist's enhanced your girlfriends features, you snapped a pic.
012. late night walks were common among you, kk, and paige. kk, who seemed like your child, moped and walked slowly behind you and your girlfriend. pulling out her phone to take a snap for streaks, kk sent the picture to you, figuring you'd like it.
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taglist: @bveckers @kmoneymartini @cosmopretty @charlottehughess @aubreygriffin @favreader23 @miaroman @alyrasturnz , divs by @/anitalenia
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
He twirls around the ship aimlessly, laughing at his own little jokes in his head, and there are definite heart eyes instead of blue irises when he spots Ace's seated figure. Unsure steps take him to his destination, which was the other man's lap, respectively. He hops down, one arm holding the remainder of the sake, and the other shortly caressing Ace's cheek before fingers lift his chin so he can get a better look at him. "You amazing, ethereal beauty, you. You have my heart in the palm of your hands. Your kindness makes me want to write poems. Is that okay if I write you poems?" Though his words might be romantic, the free hand now definitely wanders to grab ahold of his chest, gaze flickers down for a second, a sharp inhale and he's back to his swooning. "I want to make you food until the day we die. That sound good, love?"
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It  was  a  nice  evening.  When  everyone  was  laughing  and  enjoying  themselves  while  drinking  and  celebrating  together.  He  didn't  drink  that  much,  only  the  booze  made  him  slightly  tipsy  at  best.  Leaving  his  thoughts  clouded  by  what  it  was  like  enjoying  the  party  along  with  his  little  brother's  crew.  The  more  he  observed  the  cook  however,  the  more  laughs  caught  themselves  slipping  last  Ace's  lips.  
Sanji  was  practically  crashing  all  over  the  ship  trying  to  walk,  grabbing  for  anything  he  could  to  keep  his  balance,  and  his  entire  expression  was  downright  blissed  by  the  amount  of  alcohol  he  managed  to  drink  down.  Ace  had  his  back  leaned  agaisnt  the  wooden  railing,  relaxed  and  there  was  a  curious,  laughing  glance  threw  at  the  cook  who  approached  him.  Spilling  nonsense  like  there  was  no  tomorrow  which  immediately  made  a  small  snicker  leave  Ace  at  the  sight, hearing his compliments about the fire fist being an eternal beauty.  In  truth,  it  was  hard  with  him,  eh  ?  
❝  Poems  ?  I'm  hardly  a  good  subject  for  some  romantic  tales,  Sanji.  ❞  Ace  wanted  to  simply  treat  it  as  a  joke,  drunken  words  coming  from  a  person  enjoying  their  time  and  he  was  too,  of  course  having  a  great  laugh  and  much  pleasure  shared  along  with  others.  A  small  gasp  however  interrupted  his  thoughts  when  the  cook's  hands  grabbed  his  pecs,  close  to  the  pierced  nipples.  A  connection  that  let  a  shiver  bolt  down  the  thick  spine  when  Sanji  inadvertently  stimulated  his  chest  with  that  hold.
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Ace  blinked,  now  more  surprised  when  the  cook  even  forced  himself  into  the  personal  space  of  the  Fire  Fist.  And  his  words  died  completely  somewhere  deep  in  his  throat  when  he  heard  the  last  question  in  his  direction.  ❝  I  ...  love  ?  ❞  Ace  asked,  absolutely  thrown  off  expectations.  He  didn't  think  he'd  ever  hear  something  like  that,  even  if  it  was  just  drunken  jargon.  He  felt  lost  and  quite  confused,  though  he  would  bring  a  hand  towards  the  blonde  and  brush  his  hair  back  with  an  awkward  grin  spreading  across  the  freckled  features.  ❝  Yer'  pretty  knocked  Sanji,  lemme  help  ya  lead  you  back  to  your  sleepin'  place.  Aight  ?  ❞
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nickitxrres · 7 months
closed starter for @f4tef4ll
location: outside of clinic
Nicki bounced her foot in a fast rhythm as she sat on the steps of the clinic. She was currently waiting for Alden to swing by so they could get to work on the project she had asked him to help her on. See, Nicki wanted something made specifically for Ares. Namely a knife - a Tahoma Field Knife. And yeah, maybe it would be EXACTLY like the one that she had learned was his dream knife but she thought it might be something nice to do for him to show how much he meant for her. Screw flowers or cookies or whatever else people gave other people - she wanted him to have a knife that she had specially made for him. That’s where Alden came in.
Nicki pulled her jacket a bit tighter around her as the wind picked up and she looked every which way to see where Alden was. He had said he would swing by today to come nab her for the project, right? She was a tad impatient, mostly because she was excited to get this done and give it to Ares. In fact, her impatience was about to pull her to stand up and start floating around the town to see where Alden might be hiding when she finally spotted him heading towards her.
Nicki breathed out and pushed herself to her feet to meet him halfway. “There you are. I was starting to worry you weren’t coming and go searching for you. So….you ready to do this? Because I have a few ideas and I think it would be kick ass if you were able to do this. You’re still gonna do this, right?”
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