commetombeunarbre · 4 months
Hier heb ik mijn verveling herontdekt. ... Maar nu heb ik de verveling herontdekt, waar ik het 'wat nu?' kan bestrijden met niets.
Je kunt niet niets doen: beschuldigingen van verraad, geen artikelen of zendtijd om te vullen. Ik was zo stom om te willen dat mijn film mijn huis zou worden, dat het elke intimiteit zou bevatten.
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beatleswings · 1 year
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year
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guys, Guys, GUYS! i’ve another new whumplicious recommendation
tlou meets jurassic park meets aliens… i introduce you to the movie “65”. mills (sad-angsty-space-pilot) and koa are surrogate father-daughter who crash land in a vicious planet full of dinosaurs trying to kill them in every turn. my man mills goes through so much whump while protecting the child. did i mention it’s ADAM DRIVER? *screaming crying throwing up*
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earlymodernlesbian · 3 months
i just can't get over how surreal it is to be teaching the holocaust right now to my 4th grade classes who by and large are learning about this for the first time. (i have four jewish kids across three classes, they all have known for years.) for the non-jewish kids, even the ones who already knew a little bit did not know much until we started this unit. and just like every year i teach this, the question that comes up over and over again, the one that is SO triggering for me and so difficult to keep my teacher cool during, is "why didn't they just...?" and they are young, very privileged kids and they are asking it innocently and they ask it when we study slavery and they ask it when they study the trail of tears and they ask it when we study the dust bowl. why didn't the jews just take off their jackets that had the yellow stars on them. why didn't the dust bowl farmers just buy new houses in a different state and move. why didn't the enslaved people just say no. and worse is the kid i got today, the "well, if *I* were a jew during world war two, here's what *I* would have done."
and today i just got really serious with them and said, "i know that you do not mean it in a disrespectful way, but when you say that you could have done something differently that would have led to you surviving when so many others did not, it is offensive to the memory of the millions of people who were killed when they were doing everything they could to survive. i promise you that there is not a single strategy imaginable that was not tried by someone at some point. some of them worked and some people escaped, because they got lucky. other people did the exact same thing and were caught and killed. we also have the benefit today of knowing what was going to happen. they didn't have that. some people did not want to take actions that today we look back on as heroic because they did not want to break the law. they were law-abiding citizens, even when those laws discriminated against them. some people did take actions and escaped when it was still early enough to do so, and others at the time thought they were overreacting and that it wasn't that bad."
every single day i wonder if i'm the one is staying until it's too late to get out. every single day i look around and wonder if i'm only still here because i think others are overreacting. every single day i worry i'm not learning enough from the past.
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sansashton · 1 year
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“what do your tattoos mean” uhmmmmm
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blazeball · 5 months
can someone take over my body and make me good at ultrakill for a while. i just want to feel something. thanks
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death-dott · 5 months
Tbh I keep forgerring that tumblr is a thing that I have an account on. I've been here so long but it's only like... Lurking. Like the slυt I am.
Anyway here's drawings from last month.
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And as a treat for myself, transfem Yone with trans girl Kayn :3c
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krisis-krinein · 1 year
« Sur ce que nous pouvons ne pas faire »
"Il est arrivé à Deleuze de définir l’opération du pouvoir comme l’acte de séparer les hommes de ce qu’ils peuvent, c’est-à-dire de leur puissance. […] Il y a, cependant, une autre opération du pouvoir, plus insidieuse, qui n’agit pas immédiatement sur ce que les hommes peuvent faire — leur puissance — mais sur leur impuissance, sur ce qu’ils ne peuvent pas faire, ou, plus exactement, sur ce qu’ils peuvent ne pas faire. […] Séparé de son impuissance, privé de l’expérience de ce qu’il peut ne pas faire, l’homme contemporain se croit capable de tout et répète son jovial « pas de problème » et son irresponsable « ça peut se faire » au moment précis où il devrait plutôt se rendre compte qu’il a été assigné de manière inouïe à des forces et à des processus sur lesquels il a perdu tout contrôle. Il est devenu aveugle, non pas à ses capacités, mais à ses incapacités, non à ce qu’il peut faire, mais à ce qu’il ne peut pas ou peut ne pas faire"
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kissycat · 11 months
Guys what if I tried to become a science journalist for real not as a bit
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saint-mona · 2 years
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John & Paul
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aficklemuse · 3 months
The greatest album of 90s europop history. This one is for you, Playstation fans
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commetombeunarbre · 4 months
Hier heb ik mijn verveling herontdekt.
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Writer: Jason Latour
Penciller: Robbi Rodriguez
Spider-Gwen Vol. 2 #19
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bryan360 · 1 year
A magnificent secret art trade and the first of 2023 (this January)! It’s good to see 🦇Batty, 🦨Jazzy, and 🐱🦊🦝Cinnamon back; while hoping I can make their appearances throughout my upcoming art posts/comic shorts. For now though, I enjoyed what there’re doing as I thought. 😉👍
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BTW, not bad “On This Day” photo of the day post. Takes place at New York City with these racers neck and neck until reaching the finish line.
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lotr-calligraphy · 2 years
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On down the grey road they went beside the Snowbourn rushing on its stones; through the hamlets of Underharrow and Upbourn, where many sad faces of women looked out from dark doors; and so without horn or harp or music of men's voices the great ride into the East began with which the songs of Rohan were busy for many long lives of men thereafter.
Poems in the Lord of the Rings [65/82]
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moneyteamnosbam · 1 year
hit these links an complete all relevant information and you can receive your own 750 Amazon card!!!!!$$$$#
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