#p1e1 spells
caoscompanion · 4 years
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Witch Laws: The Path of Night or the Path of Light but not Both. It is ‘Sacred Witch Law’ for a witch/warlock not to marry a mortal.
Dark Baptism: The powers of a witch fade if they do not have their Dark Baptism. Initiates must be virginal at their baptism. Sabrina’s Dark Baptism is taking place on her 16th birthday which is also an eclipsing blood moon, which only happens ever 66 years. A Dark Baptism is the ritual/ceremony is leaving girlhood/boyhood behind and requires the initiate to renounce any and all meaningful connections to mortals. Before a witch can be baptised, the temple of their body needs to be purified, cleansed of its toxins. Witches choose a baptismal name at their baptism much like Catholics do
Hilda’s Cleansing Potion: Milk, eggs, rosemary, acrimony, a capful of vanilla, a pinch of John the Conqueror Root, other herbs from Hilda’s garden. Cinnamon is added to the second batch
Displays of Power:
Sabrina turns on the music with a point of her finger.
Lilith uses telekinesis to throw scissors through the air.
Weird Sisters arrive by teleportation/witch flight.
Body changing spell. Lilith draws sigils in Mary’s blood, while chanting ‘Dominos parta respica ad mea creo faciem’ which roughly translated, means, ‘dominate this look to create a face of my own’. Lilith then looks entirely like Mary from head to foot (though as she is still in the same grey night gown, it confirms she has not possessed the body of the woman, but created her own version of the body). 
Familiar summoning spell. Sabrina rings a bell, then says ‘spirits of the forest I pronounce my intentions to thee. Come forth and seek me and equal we’ll be’. She rings the bell a second time. “Not master and servant but familiar to familiar. To share our knowledge, our spirit and our traits” She rngs the bell a third time. Meanwhile, through the spell, she draws a circle in the earth with a line running through it. 
Weird Sisters Blood Curse. Though the spell is hard to hear over Sabrina talking,what can be heard appears to be ‘Vos omnis minis niota et destruciones et servis e discor et queme tempera facetis et tractarus corde nocimus mer ad mes, Sabrina’. Which, roughly translated, means ‘With all shaking threats, the hour of destruction at whom he and his servants meet, bringing harm to the heart of Sabrina. My Latin is not the best, so this is a very rough guess translation. 
Hex Removal Spell: While showering under running water, Sabrina chants in repeat ‘if truly I am cursed today, let water wash the hex away’
Sabrina’s Forgetting Spell: She chants ‘bless your mind, bless your heart, let these painful thoughts depart’ and then kisses him to seal the spell. 
Blood Curse Removal: Saltwater baths and reversing candles for a couple of weeks. 
Hawthorne Scare Spell: Requires a graven image. This image is then placed in a box of spiders (the thing he fears), while Ambrose and Sabrina chant ‘Spider o spider pray why do you spin your pretty white web so fine and thing? To catch flies and make them into pies. Spider o spider, pray do you not see? Here comes a big, buzzing, blundering bee. He’ll spoil your fine net while you fume and you fret, but no mercy you’ll grant and no mercy you’ll get’
Scarecrow Monster: Lilith creates a puppet from scratch, attached to strings, which exists as a scarecrow in reality. She controls its movements with the puppet strings and uses it to attack and chase Sabrina with the intent of keeping her away from the apple tree. When it is attacked by Salem, the puppet is also destroyed. 
Minor Direction Spell:  Cast like a children’s rhyme. Sabrina chants ‘Hickory pickory hickory pickory where shall this girl go? She’ll go east she’ll go west she’ll go to the crow’s nest. Hickory pickory hickory pickory’
Egg Breaking: Hilda has Sabrina break an egg to see if she is truly cursed. When the egg cracks and reveals a blood fetus, it confirms Sabrina is under a blood curse. 
Blood curse: A curse which slowly eats away at your healthy will and your sanity. 
Malum Malis: An apple. If a man bites it, it’s the apple of evil, but for a woman it’s the fruit of knowledge. It whispers secrets, grants knowledge, offers glimpses of the future. You must go to an orchard, find the oldest tree, the older the tree the more it has seen, the more it knows, the more accurate its reading will be. 
Curse Shoes: There are at least twenty single shoes on shelves lining a wall in the Spellman house. These represent each person Zelda has cursed.
Bath in the woods: While in the bath, Sabrina has a vision which takes her to the woods where she was born. There she sees Diana and Edward in the grove in the forest, Diana is holding a crying baby we presume to be Sabrina. The parents walk off towards the altar, where they place the baby alongside another. When Sabrina lifts back the blankets off the babies’ feet, one has human feet, the other has cloven.
Malum Malis: Sabrina asks the apple if she should be baptised and when she bites it the apple, the fruit turns entirely to maggots. The vision it shows her is in red and shows ash in the air, burning, and thirteen witches hanging from the tree. The tree trunk then begins to break open and out steps the Dark Lord in his full goat-like form. While Sabrina watches in horror, there is a light behind her that looks like the fires of Hell she summons as Sabrina Morningstar in the Part 3 finale.
Witch Hunters are mentioned as a legitimate and current threat, and witches without covens are considered ‘easy pickings’. 
Zelda laments not having had ‘long pig’ for dinner in ages, confirming the coven indulges in cannibalism. 
Their coven is called the Church of Night. 
The Book of the Beast is the name of the Dark Lord’s Book
‘Dark Lord’ is the church’s name for Lucifer. 
Witches have a Witches’ Mark, a spot on their body that does not bleed. 
There is a council of witches, simply called the Witches’ Council or The Council for short. Among being a clear source of government within the covens, they also have a registry of familiars. The Familiar Registry is a catalogue for choosing one of the familiars that have been purposefully bred for service to witchkind. 
Familiars are goblins who have taken on the shape of animals in order to better serve their witch masters.
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