#p5 mechs au
jester-creates · 10 months
welllllllllllllll. Today i have been filled with a want for questions about my aus.
So please. send any questions any of you have about my aus to me. the askbox should be wide open!
the list of aus i have should be in the pinned post of this blog
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symphonic-scream · 1 year
Here's a bit more about the Persona 5 Mech au, where everyone is and what they're up to
More Mech au
(title to make it easier for me to search)
Alright let's go
Here's some world stuff again to start
Schooling goes like, elementary for young kids, until they're about 15. After that it's either Pilot school or high school, though since pilot school only takes new applicants every 3 years, some starting pilots are as young as 12
Body augmentations are common. For non pilots, "replacements" are things you can buy to improve your life, originally created as an option for disabled people. For pilots, there is never a choice. When they sign up for pilot school, they sign a waiver that allows the government automatic consent to replace any part of them to keep them alive
Pilots dont pay for their food, lodgings, or Replacements. Medical too. They pay with their service, since the mortality rate is over 80%. They get a small weekly allowance for amusement spending, and any other money comes from their families
When they retire, there are two payment options. If they work outside the government structure or swear off working with them, they receive just enough to live in their chosen area. Otherwise, they're employed by the government for as long as they are able, and have access to standard amenities with decent pay
Character info under the cut! It's a lot so I don't wanna clog the tags with a mile long post lmao
Otherwise, tell me if you're interested in this one. Like my hero au it's gonna stick around a while, I like this one a lot! So feel free to send me asks!!
Joker (I use the name Akira for him but I usually just say Joker)
So, he's not human. A test tube baby too! He's a mix of human DNA and DNA taken from the monsters they've managed to kill. The "spirit" of the monster he shares DNA with was placed into the mech he tends to pilot most, Arsene
When Wakaba and her team created Joker, they used the most human parts for him. The excess was used to create unit M0N-A, aka Morgana. He acts as a companion for the pilots, and is the mascot for Pilot team 3
Joker was raised by a mix of head researcher Wakaba, and security officers Sojiro and Zenkichi (in the words of Cap, Old Man Yaoi). He was raised as Futaba's older half-brother, and is unaware that he is not human
An orphan, he joined the Pilot academy to make something of his life, to prove that he was worth keeping. One day he hopes to face his father and show him what he missed out on
He didn't have good sync scores with any pilots in his grad year, his closest to passing mark being a 61.23 with Makoto's former partner Eiko. However, he and Joker broke the national sync record by hitting a 95.89 on their first attempt, making them partners
He did nearly die around that time. In order to save him they used Joker's blood for a transfusion, and now Akechi's body is, doing strange things
He shares a quad dorm with fellow class 192 graduates Makoto and Haru, and class 193 graduate Hifumi. He gets along very well with Security officer Zenkichi, and is fond of having debates with head office staff Sae Niijima
He joined the Pilot academy after his orphanage was visited by a few members of Team 2 (the Persona 4 crew). He really looks up to pilot Naoto Shirogane
Her parents were against her becoming a pilot. They wanted her to inherit their business, which makes the sync suits the pilots wear. However, she felt a rush when she tried one on for the first time, and she doesn't let anyone stop her from reaching her dreams
She and Ryuji were sync partners in the academy, best friends from kindergarten too. Shiho joined their group in elementary school, and all three joined the academy together. Shiho's sync scores with both of them were just below theirs, and their teachers joked that they'd be the perfect team for a three pilot mech
Ann and Shiho fell hard for each other, and started dating at the academy. They planned to try to pilot at the same base after, maybe even actually become a true trio with Ryuji- so they could be together forever
But of course, the final exam is known for cutting pilot numbers down fast. By killing most and injuring the rest, leaving only the bravest to continue forward. Ann and Ryuji passed, though their training mech went up in flames. Ann had to have her left arm replaced, only up to the elbow.
However, Shiho was less lucky. Barely passing, she lost both legs below the knees. She decided to retire immediately, but vowed to stay by Ann's side even if she continued as a pilot.
And continue she did. Chosen for the elite Team 3, Ann got to stay in Central Base City, and married Shiho as soon as they were able to. She shares a room quad with Ryuji, Yusuke, and Joker
Her ultimate dream? To retire and live peacefully with Shiho, working on making better and better sync suits
Being a mech pilot was always his dream. His dad had been a deadbeat, and tried to hurt him and his mom. A pilot trainee had noticed and swept in and saved them, and ever since it was the only thing Ryuji wanted to do
He grew up besties with Ann, and eventually Shiho. He never minded third wheeling them, they never made him feel left out. His marks were always just barely good enough to pass, but his physical test results were always top of the class
During his final exam, his and Ann's mech caught fire. He lost his right leg, up to his hip. The replacement works well enough, but he always walks with a slight limp. Neither Researcher Wakaba nor Medic Tae Takemi know why, nothing shows up on his tests
He is the pilot that gets along the least with M0N-A, and goes off base once a month to stay with his mom for a week
He was the first student pilot to use a solo mech on the exam and pass. He also came out of the exam whole, since his Replacement eye came from a sneezing incident while he was sketching his precious mech
Yusuke's mom used to work at the Northern Reach base, which is where the infamous Pilot Team 1 was stationed. His art teacher was a corrupt man and tricked his ill mother out of money with the false promise of a new-gen Replacement for her liver
Orphaned once she died, Yusuke nearly killed Madarame in his rage, but two Team one members, Makoto Yuki and Kotone Shiomi, stopped him in time and took him in for a spell
He believes he owes the pilot program for his survival, and joined the academy the first chance he got. He was temporarily sync partners with Hifumi, but they could only reach a 65.20 sync rate. As such both were pushed into the test group for solo mech's due to their otherwise high test scores
Yusuke rarely pilots a dual mech because of this, but he has the most success with Joker (who is genetically designed to achieve high scores) and Haru. The highest sync score he's ever achieved was a 73.95, with Joker
He also is the one who sews on the patches to everyone's bomber jackets. Oh, cause they each have a Team 3 bomber jacket in their mech's colours. Yusuke made team 3 patches, as well as any other patches his teammates wished for and sewed them by hand
A second generation pilot! Her father and mother had met through the pilot program, him as a pilot and her as a researcher, and they had Sae as, an accident. They were both young, maybe too young. It did keep him out of combat for a few years though
When their first daughter was about, 12-15, you know, pilot age, they found out they were having a second child. Sae didn't want to be a pilot, but she wasn't pushed that hard because well, her father was going to have a second chance for a legacy now
However, the mother didn't make it. Makoto was born during the first monster attack on Central Base City, and the complications with the birth meant only daughter survived. It was devasting for her father, but he sat in the loud, flashing hospital hallway with his baby daughter, his oldest tucked into his side and shivering, and promised to dedicate his life for their futures
With her father focusing on piloting, Makoto was mostly raised by her older sister and said sister's girlfriend, Tae Takemi. Still, she looked up to her father almost too much, and knew she was going to be a pilot no matter what
Even when he died. Even when Sae tried to rip up her pilot school application. Even when she legally died for a few minutes during her final exam.
Before the exam though, she was top of her class in all categories, competing for top spot with Goro. She was dating her sync partner Eiko, was good friends with another pilot named Haru, life was good
But you know. Her partner died during the exam, and Makoto nearly did too. Their mech shorted, sending electricity right through them, and lots of it. Makoto's heart was, well, fried. But Tae and the medical team got her in and successfully implemented the 22nd functioning organ replacement
She didn't retire though, and was paired with Haru and placed in Team 3. She always feels, less than human, and fears she'll lose her humanity without her heart
Daughter of the lead researcher, Futaba was around mech's her whole life. Her mom is still alive! And she's doing great. She didn't want Futaba to be a pilot, but she also knew she couldn't tell Futaba no and expect her to listen
In her exam her copilot died, and her spine had to be replaced. They were, crushed. Literally. Futaba won't let that stop her though, and wants to keep pace with her big brother Joker
She is unaware that she shares more blood with her brother's partner than her brother
Both she and Makoto's Replacements require monthly check ups, whereas everyone else only has to go in every 3 months
Futaba has. Something, with Sumire. They were made sync partners when they were assigned Team 3, but there's. More. Neither will admit there are feelings involved though, so it's. A work in progress
Daughter of the owner of one of the big companies that fund the pilot program, Haru entered as a secret. Her father only found out when she was accepted, and by then it was too late to turn back
She was fond of her first sync partner, but from day one she was in love with Makoto. She was fine with the way things were, and kept trudging on. She was going to be a pilot, she was going to help
In fact, she was pretty damn good. Haru was one of few that survived the final exam without needing a replacement, yet her partner still retired. She was paired with Makoto when they were placed in Team 3, and it was like a dream come true. Only, her partner is as dense as a concrete wall
Oh well. She's already waited ten years, what's a few more?
One half of the former Yoshizawa strike team. She and her twin sister Kasumi had record high sync scores, and were on track to be the best pilots of their generation.
You can probably guess what happened.
The final exam. Their mech was sliced in half, the core exploding from the stress. The left side was completely destroyed, Kasumi along with it. Sumire survived, barely
Her left arm, leg, part of her shoulder, some ribs and a chunk of hip were all replaced. She also feels like half her soul was ripped out. She did t retire though, vowing to be the best, for her sisters sake
Paired with Futaba on Team 3, there's. Something there. Along the lines of, friends with benefits? Maybe. Kind of. They're being, selective with the whole thing
And finally Hifumi! She payed for a brain augmentation, a processing chip, to be placed in her brain. So she can think and plan a lot faster, but she's still getting used to the whole thing
I don't have much for her compared to the others, she's otherwise full human and tends to be sent out the least of the Team 3 pilots
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dredshirtroberts · 4 years
A, G, J, O!
From the this: https://dredshirtroberts.tumblr.com/post/637496420059021312/fandom-meme-come-at-me-friend A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s) Oooh okay starting out hard. We’ll break this down by fandom: The Witcher: Jaskier/Witchers, Eskel/Geralt, Yen/Vesemir, Lambert/Aiden. Literally any polyship involving any of these combinations or all of the above. Dragon Age: Dorian/The Iron Bull (can have additional /Cullen added to the mix depending on my mood), Dagna/Sera, Josephine/a night off, Solas/Lavellan Inquisitor (any, all, yes. just. the drama. I live for the drama).  The Princess Bride: Wesley/Buttercup
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it I...am *pretty* sure it was Hiei/Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho. It very quickly became Hiei/Kuwabara and Kurama/Yusuke and Keiko ended up with either Botan or Kuwabara’s sister whose name i have literally just forgotten but now that i have Age and Wisdom on my side clearly it was Keiko/Botan/and whatever her name was. OH my god what was it I don’t wanna go google it because I hate navigating away from Tumblr when I’m mid post but ugh. Whatever y’all know who I’m talking about. And if you don’t that’s okay too. just know it is lesbeens for the three of them and always kinda was for me lol.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr Supernatural. I got into the what is apparently now in the year of our lord 2,020 being called the metafandom way back in the SuperWhoLock days (I was a WhoLockian but mostly I liked Merlin and *mostly* I liked british actors who were kind of odd looking because I know I have questionable taste in facial structures and men). I wish I understood less about Homestuck. I don’t know what it is nor do I really understand the references but I know too much about it even with that. I was also made aware of the Undertale fandom back when that happened, I only heard about Steven Universe and Gravity Falls through Tumblr, as well as oh *fuck* what was that other show where the kids are color coded and have cool mechs oh my god...it was apparently racist or homophobic towards the end? idk. I think one of the characters was supposedly canonically NB though so that was interesting. The fic is really excellent for it but I cannot for the life of me recall what the name of the damn show is nor did I consume any of the source material - the stuff that was made recently or the *actual* source mat-ULTRON? IS IT ULTRON??? I think it’s Ultron. VOLTRON. IT’S VOLTRON. I KNEW I’D GET THERE. Watch it be neither of those. Uh...Oh Miraculous Ladybug I got into because my best friend watches it and posts about it on Tumblr always (I have been Very Bad at being involved in source material for fandoms for a very long time and this one is no exception). There’s probably hundreds of others but those are the ones I am currently aware of. oH FUCK PERSONA. I BECAME AWARE OF PERSONA BECAUSE OF PEOPLE ON TUMBLR. admittedly I was more aware of it when my ex played P5 but like. I already kind of knew what it was when he got it *because* of tumblz. so. yeah.
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of you...want me to be honest and actually pick a song at random and not specifically curate the answer to this question to evoke the most feels? alright gimme a second. Brain is only allowing me to hear Sheep Go To Heaven by Cake. Which is unhelpful because I have only assigned that one to an OC for an AU so far. I tried to pick other ones but alas. I guess if I think about it I could give this one to the show Buffy. IDK if it’s specifically a Buffy song (like the character). It could be an Angel-era Spike song I suppose. Idk. I don’t have a strong enough connection to Buffy to really do much on this one but it was the only *fandom* I could connect it to specifically. Don’t ask me why, it might have been in an episode and I forgot about it but it’s definitely a Buffy or Angel song for the shows not for those two characters specifically. (If you would like me to ramble about my boy Mieczyk, I’m more than happy to but this was a fandom ask game and I figured OCs might be a little off topic lol).
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jester-creates · 3 months
I have new ideas for p5 Mechanisms au.
I could put the album characters as the extra confidants. Lyf as Sae would be interesting, though their dynamic with the Mechs would also fit for a Zenkichi equivalent.
other obvious ones would be: one of the Pendragon trio as Iwai and snow white as Yoshida. Bertie as shiho . Oedipus as Takemi (both are doctors)
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symphonic-scream · 1 year
Okay here's
Persona 5 Mech au
Okay so let me start off with some world building I guess.
The 2020's have been real shitty so far, but you know what would make it a lot worse? If giant monsters came from somewhere (space or something I guess) and rampaged all over. It's Kaiju time babee
Anyways to fight them humanity made big robots using the souls of the defeated creatures. Only certain people could pilot them, and the first models were so big they needed 2 pilots
However they found that the pilots kept dying. Most would have nearly half their bodies replaced with machine parts by the time they reached 25, and none had made it to age 30. A different plan was needed
Synthetic humans! They started off with two, born from, again, the souls of the defeated creatures. They were compatible with every robot, and could work well with any teammate. They recruited the best pilots to work alongside them, and turned the tide of the fight
Then they did it again, but with one synthetic pilot. This group were sent to the remote Antarctica, along with a the failed synthetic double, unit T3DD-13, a "companion" for the team
So, once monsters started getting too close to the main city, they did it again. Another synthetic human, another team of young pilots. However, not everything worked out this time around. The first chosen pilot was horribly injured in the rest fight with the Special Pilot. To save the pilot, Chief of Operations Wakaba gave him a blood transfusion, using the blood of the synthetic
Wiping the memory of the whole team, they say back and hoped this wouldn't spell the end of humanity
Anyways. Joker is a synthetic pilot who doesn't know he's not human, and Akechi now has synthetic blood in his system and it's, doing things to him. Things that aren't so great
Oh and there are solo pilot mechs. They're smaller and personalized, but they still have a few dual pilot ones for the third team
Everyone else are pilots! Through the time they've served they've had, parts replaced. I'll go over each of em under the read more, don't wanna make this too long
Real quick; replacement parts are like, super high-tech substitutes for missing or destroyed body parts. Like prosthetics but. Made to look real. Some parts work better than others
Joker! He's all synthetic. But, he does have a biological twin that looks like a cat because. Science. That's M0N-A, team 3's companion
Ryuji! During his final exam mission he and his copilot were nearly burned alive in their mech. Ryuji lost his right leg right up to the hip bone, so now he's got a replacement part
Ann! She was Ryuji's copilot, and her left arm to the elbow has been replaced. She is married to Shiho! Shiho retired after the final exam mission, where she lost both legs below the knees
Yusuke! He was the first to pilot a solo pilot mech, and he's pretty much still complete. Oh, but he did have his left eye replaced. This wasn't a mech injury he just sneezed and a paintbrush went. Into his eye.
Makoto! In the fight that cost her copilot Eiko her life, Makoto lost her heart. She's one of 22 people to have a replacement organ and live, but she's not sure if it's a good thing or not. Sometimes she feels, hollow
Futaba! For her it's the spine. It's reinforced too, but that doesn't stop her from slouching like no ones business. Hers was an accident when trying out a new method to sync pilot and mech
Haru! She's complete. Yup, she's a-okay. Her copilot quit when they passed the exam, though. She's a long distance bomber type, where injuries aren't as common
Goro! His blood is, changed. It's messing with him. Other than that, he's all clear
Sumire! Her right side. It's completely replaced, from her leg to her arm plus a few ribs and a chunk of hip. That accident was the one that took her sister too
Oh and Hifumi is also a pilot. She volunteered for a mind alteration, and has a chip in her brain that. Improves her strategy abilities. Also her left foot was replaced
Some more things I can say are the ages? Recruitment classes run every 3 years so the ages are a little more spread out
Makoto, Akechi - 25
Haru - 24
Yusuke, Shiho - 23
Joker, Ann, Ryuji - 22
Hifumi - 21
Futaba - 19
Sumire - 18
Planned ships for this are my beloved Haru and Makoto, Ann and Shiho as I said above, Joker and Akechi for the drama, with Futaba and Sumire for fun
Got some more info but I'll leave it at this for now
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jester-creates · 2 years
This is where I am putting my posts for my creative writing stuff like aus or original works.
My main account is @jester-writing
aus i have here:
Pokemon legends: Arceus/persona 5 crossover au
a persona 5 retelling au with rei as the protagonist
PLA frequency au
Ingo gets yeeted with a radio that is magically connected to the future and more specifically to Johanna (dawn/Akari's mom). they have to work together to make sure Dawn/ Akari doesn't die. timey wimey bs happens
PLA pirate au (somehow this got mixed with dnd)
heavily inspired by JRWI: riptide. Pearl clan are pirates (but don't exactly know what pirates are). Diamond clan is Navy. Galaxy Clan is neutral. Rei is the protag and got isekai'd to the world of hisui and turned into a seal (selkie) by a crab (Arceus)
pokemon/Magnus archives crossover au
post mag-200 au where as the Fears are being spread out into the multiverse, they accidentally get snagged on Akari getting taken to hisui. Arceus notices and tries shaking them off, but that only results in separating Jon and Martin, with jon landing in hisui alongside Akari and Martin landing in Gear Station in modern day.
(also annabelle cane and oliver banks also came along landing in Cogita's house and Modern galar respectively)
the fears are anchored in this world by the Red Sky Incident
au where i put a bunch of funky podcast people in a p5 au
self explanatory read the post to see more details
Mechanism Ingo au
Ingo becomes a mechanism after a zoroark attack thanks to Dr. Carmilla being nearby at the time. he goes on adventures with the mechanisms. plays the cello
(also Gunpowder Tim may or may not be AZ)
Mechanisms/p5 crossover au(s)
not too detailed ideas
Experiment au (pokemon)
easily my most self indulgent au yet
mad science, main ones to blame being Colress, sada, and turo (i love those two but they're evil here) , happens resulting in some people becoming hybrids of pokemon.
trauma abound for everyone
people affected in order: Oliver(Ditto)(he's an oc), Atticus (ditto), Arven(ditto), Akari (eevee), Rei(Honchkrow), Hop(Corviknight), (time passed to next group), Hilda (serperior), Nate(Braviary), and Emmet(eelektross/ a bit of galvantula), (skip to different group), Juliana(Miraidon)(i made enough personality changes that she's now an oc), nemona (slither wing), and Penny (iron moth)
surprising amount of ships (don't ask me when it happened, I don't know)
ghost hand au (totk)
when Link gets his arm cut off and replaced with raruu's, it's a bit ghostly
aka only he and the sages can see it and he can't physically touch things with it
he can still use the abilities though
Origins au (pla)
pla characters suddenly got Origins from the origins mod for minecraft. except for kamado. he's normal
Au where joker (p5) is a Mechanism. (P5 Mechanisms crossover au)
He's an immortal alien, and has never aged past 16 since he was mechanized.
persona and remedyverse crossover au
Dark place is a thing like Metaverse or tv world. Mr. Scratch is a corrupted version of Alan's Shadow. The Treasures are Objects of Power. Christmas eve was a AWE.
Welcome to Inaba au
au where Inaba from persona 4 is basically Night Vale
feel free to ask questions about these. The inbox is always open for questions
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symphonic-scream · 5 months
We're getting close to the finish line again for this fic and I can't decide which one to write next so it's a new poll!
Below this will be descriptions of the AU's
P5 Mech Au - Kaijus have turned their eyes to a Future Japan's acting Capital, Base City, thus requiring them to start a team of mech pilots to keep the city safe while they try to find a way to end the crisis. Unknown to all the members of the selected Pilots team, one among them is a Synthetic Human, made partially from Kaiju DNA
P5 Inaba Au - Akira is moving to Yaso-Inaba while his parents are overseas, and since he's only freshly free from Parole, he has been placed in the care of Prosecutor Sae Niijima. However, as soon as he arrives, a series of odd murders begins. What is the secret behind the fog? (P4 but with the P5 characters)
P5 Ageswap Au - Sojiro has been sent to live in Tokyo after being sued for assault, wrongfully mind you. He plans to listen to the advice of his new guardian, Ryuji Sakamoto, and live a normal life for the year. However, the universe has other plans. (Teens confidants are in the adult roles, adult confidants are in the teen roles)
P5 Pirate Au - the seas around Shibuya Harbour are riddled with crime and injustice, and one young boy (MORGANA) pulls together a crew of the wronged to run the Phantom Pirates crew, sailing aboard the Velvet Room
Niijima Twins Au - what would change if Goro had a support system in his life? This au, apparently. Makoto and Goro are twins, and this covers all the ways that alters the Persona 5 universe
P5 Magic Au - Akira is a witch, a fact he's only learned recently. From a talking cat. Said cat claims he's a grand sorcerer, looking to reclaim his lost magic from greedy humans. Along the way, he befriends many, many other magical beings and monsters
P5 as P3 Au - I'm not waxing poetry about this one. It's the plot of Persona 3 with the Persona 5 characters in their places. WITH A TWIST. YOU WILL ONLY FIND OUT THE TWIST IF THIS ONE WINS
P4 Apocalypse Au - shadows crawl out from the darkness and fog, and the remaining living townsfolk of Inaba have taken up shelter in Yasogami High. Yu and his friends happen upon a being that can actually kill the shadows, giving them the upper hand the Town has needed this whole time
P4 Magic Au - Yu is a witch. When he goes to live with his human uncle, he notices a pattern in the recent murders; the dead were all monsters. He befriends other magical students and tries to solve the secret of the magical murders
P4 Tokyo Au - Yu got expelled and goes to Tokyo and it's the plot of P5 with the P4 characters in their places. I'm tired at this point. Place your vote
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symphonic-scream · 3 months
🏃‍♂️something ryuji related?
Okay lemme pick one hmmmmm
I can do the avatar au? I'm not sure if it was ever tumblr posted... But I have a P5 Avatar au!
It's sorta not fully a The Last Airbender au cause Joker is a Fire Nation avatar and. It's modern times. And idk if I want it to be like. Connected to actual canon avatar so. Only thing I have is Igor as a past avatar
I don't have much plot. But. I have everyone's roles!!
Other than our avatar, we've got a lot of different benders and non benders
Ann is a fire bender, but she bends more like a water bender almost, more smooth
Ryuji!! He's a lightning bender! He works with other lightning benders, he rarely uses just fire honestly, since his dad was a fire bender, and his leg is all burned from the night his dad left
Our Airbender is Futaba! She's had her tattoos for a while, but she's not actually, interested in bending? She loves technology, and wants to work with that. But as a Master she's expected to stay and teach but she's so BORED
Yusuke is the water bender, he talks in poems, and is the most spiritual of the group. He grew up with the spirits, and wants to use his art to help humans be less scared of spirits. He's, odd, because he's not used to people that much?? But he's there
Haru is the earth bender! Daughter of one of the big political figures trying to make his way to the top, she's supposed to be rather sheltered. But, and I admit that this is just Toph's story, she moonlights as a wrestler. It's a non-bending tournament, and she herself is primarily a metal bender! She can make some real delicate metal shapes, like flowers
And, our non benders
Sumire, who was an acrobat with her twin sister, until she died. She needed an escape, to find herself, and ended up adventuring with the Avatar's group
Goro, who has special mech gloves that let him summon the elements, or something? He's secretly trying to kill the avatar or something and thinks they don't know but they do and are working against him
And Makoto, Haru's wrestling Trainor. She used to wrestle and fight, until she was arrested and had to stop. She's law council for Okumura, and that's how she got an in to work with Haru secretly
Anyways. I'm sorry if this wasn't enough Ryuji for ya,,
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symphonic-scream · 7 months
Scream's Persona 5 Au Masterlist
Each au will have a title and a mini blurb
Age Swap Au
The adult confidants are now teens, and the teens are now the adult confidants. Follows Sojiro Sakura as he gets arrested, and the outcomes that follow
Akira Sakura Au (Canon Version)
What if one of Sojiro's lines had worked on Wakaba? What if they had met before she had Futaba? What if they had a son first? Basically Akira is Sojiro and Wakaba's son, sent to Inaba as a baby to avoid risk, and when Futaba is born the next year, she joins him. Akira gets arrested and Sojiro is overtaken by the urge to take him in, leaving Futaba in Inaba until the summer. Also, has Sojiro palace and Phantom Thief Sojiro
Akira Sakura Au (Non Canon Version)
Same opening as above, but Sojiro raises both of Wakaba's kids, and meets a few other bizarre families along the journey of being a single dad. So, the gang meet as kids and are childhood friends
Avatar: the Last Airbender Au
Not actually the plot of the last Airbender, just wanted to make it clear this isn't about the blue ones. Akira is the newest Avatar, and has to figure out his place in a modern world
Breath of the Wild Au (Okujima focused)
Swordsman Makoto awakes 100 years after the beginning of the end of Hyrule, without any memories. But, a voice calls out to her from the castle. Princess Haru is waiting, waiting for the Hero of Hyrule to slay the beast of Calamity
Chaos Arcana Swap Au
An Arcana swap based on the idea of "what would be the craziest combo?"
Firefighter Au
The Thieves all work in a Firehouse, dousing blazes and saving the day
Homoerotic Skating Au
The cast are figure skaters, and follows each individual's and pair's struggles as they try to avoid backlash and injuries, all trying for the gold medals
Inaba Au
It's a P4 au with the P5 characters. Simple as that
Jazz Band Au
The Thieves are all in a High School Jazz Band, trying to play their way to win Nationals
Joker's Eleven Au
Akira gathers a team of varied talents to pull the ultimate heist; robbing the newest of the Shido company's casinos, run by Sae Niijima. It's a tough task, but the team he gathers will not go down without a fight
Magic Au
Regular humans have gained some of Morgan's magic, which he claims he lost when a rival sorcerer caught him off guard, turning him into a cat. He finds a young witch named Akira, and they gather allies as they try to reclaim all of Morgana's magic and find out the truth about how things wound up this way
Makoto Kujikawa Au (Persona 4 Fusion)
Rise was dating a male idol for her agency, but he cheats and she leaves, fights with her agency, and quits. A month later, she discovers she's pregnant, and goes to an old friend for help. Naoto is a trans man, and his teenage crush on Rise never went away, so he ends up offering to help her safe face by getting married, all so she won't have to deal with public opinion about being a single mother. The kid is Makoto they raise Makoto
Makoto Shirogane Au (Persona 4 Fusion)
Ages differ here, cause Sae's just barely out of high school when she's left orphaned with her baby sister in her care. She can't handle that and a law degree, but luckily, one of her father's old companions from a case long ago just moved to Tokyo with their wife and are willing to raise Makoto and support her through school (it's Naoto and Rise). Follows the events of P5 but with a more settled Makoto
Mecha Au
Follows the third Attack Team of Mech pilots, as they try to keep back the waves of Kaiju attacking Base City, which was once Tokyo
Niijima Twins Au
What would change if Makoto and Goro were twins? A decent amount
Noble Au
The cast are varying roles in the Kingdom under King Shido, who ascended the throne under false means. The true Prince, Akira, gains allies as he plots to reclaim what's rightfully his
Persona 3 Au
It's the plot of Persona 3 but with the P5 characters. Simple as that
Phantom Queers Au
Hifumi, newly out Trans Woman, searches for understanding and a place to belong. Her journey as she meets Akira through Crossroads, and the things she learns as she gets to know his very queer friends
Phantom Racer Au
Akira is wronged by Shido, who sponsors one of the best up and coming racers in history. So, Akira dons the helmet of the Phantom Racer, building a team of top notch crew members, all to beat the man's prized racer. Anonymously, of course
Pirate Au
The Thieves are all pirates on the Velvet Room, the most feared vessel in all the seas
Rock Band Au
College aged band, the Phantom Thieves, make a record deal and are on their first tour. Follows them as they get their first taste of Stardom, and all the shit that comes with it
Soul Eater Au
It's. It's a Soul Eater au. Not much else to say
Underground Fighting Au
A large underground fighting ring has been overtaken by greed, and is no longer what it once was. A young boy (Morgana), raised in the various shady places the fights occur, decides to form a crew of masked fighters, to return the fight back to the people
University Friend Group Au
They're all in Uni, and met in a larger study group, and shenanigans happen
This isn't all of them but I'm giving up here. Will add more as I remember them. Ask about any of them.
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symphonic-scream · 7 months
Hm with Phantom Queers done I'm gonna start thinking up stuff for the next fic I'm gonna write
Despite the poll, it's gonna be either the Mech AU for P5, or the Pirate AU for P5
I won't start writing whichever I decide on until like. Late December I need a rest after this
But yeah. Can't wait for y'all to get to see the later chapters of Queers!
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symphonic-scream · 8 months
Damn really would have liked the P5 Inabu au or the Age Swap but Phantom Queers is fun.
I was personally rooting for the Pirate au (since Mech didn't make it to the poll) but hey
I still love the Queers, it'll be a nice, homey dash back into fic writing for me
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