#pabs lore
pabs-art · 5 months
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Debuted these on stream yesterday so I figured I'd officially post these Ryzaman refs I've been working on. In order:
Ryzaman's forms
Ryzaboss, the alleged mech
The Resunator, the transformation device.
More details (with commentary) under the cut.
The Forms
The base form is the default.
Ryzarunt, the suppressed form, is a result of deliberately limiting the power received from the sun, thereby also weakening Ryzaman. Counter-intuitive though it may seem, it does provide the benefit of being significantly tougher than the base form, being able to survive physical warping and blunt damage that would tear the base form apart thanks to Ryzarunt's ability to store energy. This also means hot-swapping between the suppressed form and base form releases that energy, creating a snapping effect. Ryzarunt's low energy and color are based on the concept of the blue hour, the time period where the sun is below the horizon but can still provide light.
Leave it to you to figure out how to make the most of being a weakling. - T
I don't get it. You're weaker on purpose? How's that an accomplishment? - S
Ryzachief is the upgrade form. Realized by pushing the power received from the sun into redline, its key effect is a hefty increase in physical power. This is emphasized - or caused - by an accompanying shift in personality supercharged with energy and obsessed with partying, making Ryzachief an unrestrained force. Seems to enjoy dancing. Its yellow highlights and overall personality are based on the concept of the golden hour, the time period just before the sun sets or rises where there's a yellow-reddish hue in the sky.
That's more like it! - S
So that's the name of this ridiculous form. Is the name some kind of reference to an inside joke...?- T
SunRyza, the final form, cannot be accessed the same way as Ryzarunt and Ryzachief; rather than receiving power from the sun, it's closer to say that SunRyza is the power of the sun itself. Because of this, the form's abilities are completely different to those of previous forms, operating on fundamental forces and abstract concepts rather than superhuman feats. It is the unnatural outcome of one of the sun's creations having to supplant it's authority.
If you ever figure out how to achieve this form again, I also want a turn fighting it. I'll show you the moon isn't inferior to the Sun! - T.
... - S
The Mech
Ryzaboss is a mech that's approximately seven meters (7m/23 ft) tall. Much like Ryzaman, it's diminutive compared to most sentai mechs (which usually weigh in at the 50m-70m range) and therefore is not equipped to deal with large-scale threats like giant monsters. Nevertheless, Ryzaman greatly treasures it, having personally worked out an unspecified arrangement with Tul and the Industrial Union of Rice Beasts to construct it. It also has a flight module (not pictured) based on forward-swept wings which allow it to fly. Its engine is designed to be powered by Ryzaman's manipulation of the sun's energy, meaning he's also the only one who can pilot it. Well, him and the sun, but the latter can't fit in the cockpit.
Who says I can't? - S
Go to hell Ryzaman, I only accepted the role of foreman on the Ryzaboss project because I'm using the proprietary secrets to build my own mech. Although I must admit, I didn't expect your beasts to be so capable at industrial construction. - T
Meow. - RB
The Transformation Device
Called the Resunator, this detonator-like object is used to kickstart Pabs's resonance with the sun, triggering the transformation into Ryzaman. In theory, Pabs might be able to initiate transformation on his own, but it would require a large degree of concentration, which is why the Sun granted him this driver. Thanks to the Resunator's sturdy construction and ergonomic shape, Ryzaman uses is like a knuckleduster. It's really quite useful!
I made it that shape to fit your hand comfortably, you brute! Stop hitting people with it! - S
I knew it! It totally felt like you were punching me with something that isn't your fist when we fought! And it's a knuckleduster, too? Are you a gangster!? - T
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bearsnore · 2 months
writing down everything i have for my conlang Clanspeak down atm... this will be added onto as i work!
thank you @bonefall for inspiring me to make this with his amazing clanmew that i have admittedly taken a few words from
Pronouns and Important words
I = ro We = teem You = po Us = kka Am = sha A = no Is = mar Why = terra Do/did = wref Bring/brought = wagam To = soo Like = lyra What = bwar Even = pab That = yyway Ed = ga Ing = bra
Thunder = krka River = shwsh Wind = hooa Shadow = urrar Sky = yaar Blood = byya Clan = urryr Star = ssasim Hollow = hool
Miscellaneous words
Cat = rriu Nice = rippa Speak = emmyr Meeting = swole Lore = paoa Keeper = skeepa
Leader = ssasap Deputy = rerrgas Cleric = affree Druid = drrogo Lorekeeper = paoskeep Warriors = kachgrrol Scouts = lookap Crafters = koorroo Cook = fyngwoof Caretakers = arraa Perma–court = shi King/Queen/Court = ba/mi/nee Apprentices = pwyr Kits = mew Elders = heegya
Prefixes and Suffixes
Blue = lupar Frost = pssh Fire = kafyar Alder = aller Heart = babum Sweet = posle Birch = byach Tail = swash Thrush = urrarri Pelt = borrl Golden = tinkk Flower = ponma Tawny = brroo
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leedesfleurs · 2 years
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[Image Description: Reads: “Readers of BoN patiently waiting for updates like”, with a figure of someone sadly sitting in a chair by a window, each of four panes denoting a season. In the lower corner, reads: “Meanwhile, PaB readers”, with an image of a hand surfacing from water which has “lore” written many times through it, along with the hashtag still-not-ninjas written once. Additional note reading “sorry y’all”.]
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Three months of streaming
Normally not a fan of big text posts like this, but I’ve been streaming for a little while now and I wanted to write a bit about it. Even though I’m still really small, I’m proud of what I’ve been able to do over the past few months. I’ve had to learn to manage a stream, alongside making all of my own art assets. Still, I wouldn’t have gotten very far without people on here. Everyone who reblogged my stream schedules, tuned in through the embed links or followed my channel, thank you so much! I especially want to thank @virtualherovranger​, @pabs-art​ and ponky over on twitter for continuously sharing stream announcements and schedules.
Some update stuff below
I also want to give a few updates on the channel. I recently changed my name on twitch to AndalaVT and redid my about section. You can check it out here. Mostly because I’ve kinda wanted Ann to be her own character, with a backstory + lore, for a while now. Streams are gonna stay the same for the most part, I’m not gonna suddenly change my personality or anything, but I do want to do some higher effort streams that go into her backstory.
I’ve been working on rigging my new model a bunch recently, and while I don’t have much that I can show right now, I do want to give some update videos on that in the next few weeks. Other than my new model, I do have some other art assets that I’ve been working on.
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Its still a WIP, but I started to work on an end screen. Its been on the back burner for awhile now, so I’m not sure when I can get it done.
That’s all I got for now, thank you all again for all the support you’ve given me!!!
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Frozen Ashes: Chapter 4 - Sanguine Standard IV
Book 3 of The Calendula Chronicles. (AO3)
Story synopsis: Albert Wesker molded his captive into the perfect, pliable bait for taking out Rockfort Island's paramilitary facility, and cracking open the Ashford family’s secrets. But who’s really in control, once chaos breaks out?
The stakes have never been higher for Marigold, but she may not be fast enough to save everyone.
Book 3 of the Calendula Chronicles series. Written as the other side of The Antarctica Incident.
Chapter summary: The 7th Earl Ashford sees a ghost.
If you haven't read Paper Tigers yet - especially 1981 - this is where some of the lore-building in there starts to matter.
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Wesker’s radio crackled to life once again. Segers’ voice came through his earpiece, sounding strained, but steady. “Sir? The uh…Tyrant. It’s gone.”
Wesker had been toying with the two prisoners when the call came through, and he disappeared from their view without a word. It would have next to no impact on the mission itself, but it had occurred to Wesker that it might be beneficial to throw Chris Redfield off the bioweapons trail for a while. The formation of the Private Anti-Biohazard Service, or PABS wasn’t a surprise, exactly…but they were oddly well-informed. HCF intel told him that they were already moving in on several European targets that they hadn’t even begun to organize a strike upon. In a somewhat ironic twist, those teams has often been headed by the best of his former STARS squad.
Redfield, and PABS, were moving fast, and Umbrella was reacting faster to the assaults than he would have liked. The information they seemed to be working from wasn’t current, but it went deep. PABS, led by his former team, seemed to be building upon that foundation with every strike.
Redfield’s younger sister would be acceptable bait, albeit bait to be handled with care, given her track record. He’d shown her and the Burnside boy just enough to pull Redfield off the trail, if they found a way to contact him. Wesker had been planning to go to ground between missions anyhow.
Thirty seconds after the call had come through, Wesker had put enough distance between himself and the baffled teens (Redfields, he thought with not a little venom. Their singular tenacity was a large part of why the soldiers he had brought along had failed to take the mission seriously enough). He leapt up, catching the edge of a low roof, and pulled himself up. From here, he could see the exit points from the palace grounds while remaining out of camera range. He tapped his earpiece. “Speak.”
“It’s gone, sir. Ten-foot-tall troll - sorry, Tyrant. That lady you brought - subject Delta? - said she’d get rid of it, and she did.” In the background was a muted chorus of ‘what the fuck just happened’ and ‘someone get the wall back up before it comes back.’
“Is the subject stable?” ‘Delta’ was the designation the soldiers had been given for Marigold, just in case their radio encryption was somehow compromised.
“Probably? She took off to lead it away.” Segers sounded sheepish.
Wesker sighed. Of course. “Tell me exactly what happened.”
“Well, lady got up and told us to stop fucking shooting and get to cover. Then she started yelling at it.”
“Damndest fucking thing. Started calling it a Ken doll looking fucker. I don’t think she actually knows how to swear - it was real cute - though yeah, Ken doll. Think she was trying to get its attention, ‘cause it don’t seem to give a shit til then. Smeared something on one ‘a the l’il knives on her belt. Did that till the thing turned around and fucking roared.” The man audibly shuddered. “Davies, the guy who carried her in, was getting the bigger ammo ready to blow the thing open, so if she wanted to buy a little time, then whatever. That’s what we figured until the lady whipped that teeny knife right into the back of its throat.”
Wesker made an amused sound. Marigold’s rather prim affect was clashing with that slightly feral baser nature of hers. The virus notoriously caused infertility in all T-Series subjects, and the effect of it was stark in the Tyrant program. “But it’s still alive.”
“Yeah. Davies took a couple of shots and made it step back a little, but then the lady hopped over the barrier and started yelling at it again, tryin’ to lead it off. Shimmied right up a drain pipe and started running across the roof of the nearest barracks, last we saw her. Fucking thing actually turned and followed. Totally forgot about the rest of us.” Segers paused. “She still seemed pretty out of it, sir.” Segers hesitated, then, “I got her hood up as soon as the mask came off. There’s a bunch of guys here who are real pissed at Ashford right now. We don’t need to know the play until we gotta, but kid don’t need to be target practice. Should we retrieve her?”
“Negative, do not engage the subject now that she is activated. The mission is going as planned. Continue to arm, and await orders soon to move out. Ashford will be drawn out soon enough.”
A slightly distant “Shit, Davies, you were fucking right-” came through before the signal cut out. Wesker smirked from his perch, watching the palace. He pulled the digital device with Marigold’s tracker encoded from his vest. She was moving slower now, through a heavily infested area. Given how fragile and paranoid Alfred’s state of mind seemed to be, his interest would be piqued. It was inconvenient that her hood had been pulled up - her identity would not be immediately obvious - but it wasn’t enough to hide her face from the cameras, for which there was no audio feed.
Alfred would break, and, even if Marigold knew where they were by now, there would be no warning.
Distantly, he heard her drugged and disoriented voice in his head. The roses are here. They shouldn’t be here. They promised to keep them away. With that, her ‘voice’ fell silent once again.
Alfred Ashford hovered over the command console, focused and manic. The blackouts - those blank spots - were getting worse, but he seemed to be getting things done, if the looks on the prisoners’ faces had been anything to go on.
The tremors in his hands were getting worse, though they had quieted for now. It was getting harder to hold his nerve. He coughed, and touched a bleeding cut on his head with an irritated hiss. Burnside had got a lucky hit in with the stock of a rifle while trying to escape. He’d pay for that, soon enough. All of these bastards would.
Those two had breached the palace, and gotten into the inner sanctum, the living area and old labs present beneath the palace, on the cliffs. They’d accused him of something. Impersonating Alexia? Ridiculous. She had returned just a little while ago, had she not?
Of course I have, dear brother, the ghost of Alexia’s voice agreed in his head. Alfred relaxed minutely, wiping away sweat from his brow while scanning the cameras.
He’d been steadily, quietly, building up defenses since Raccoon City had gone up. No, before that: since Arklay. A ghost had called the mansion, and had old Scott Harman not been the one to answer the phone, even that small warning might have passed into a subconscious fever dream.
But prepare, he had. And here the invaders were. Not three months after the fall of Raccoon City, and the vultures were arriving to feast upon the corpse. They’d had quite a rude awakening.
The prisoners themselves wouldn’t get far. He’d locked the coordinates for all planes belonging to the corporation to one location, and there would be no escape from there, even if they survived being pinpointed as the Tyrant’s secondary target. He could deal with them at his leisure.
The primary targets -the new wave of HCF soldiers - seemed to have repelled the Tyrant with barely a shot fired. Was there a new anti-BOW tool in place? They’d brought BOWs of their own, not to mention the T-Virus itself. The pit itself was in a blind spot, but a single solder single soldier seemed to make it past the Tyrant onto the roof of a barracks, running to draw the creature away.
He followed the slender figure on the cameras, to a heavily infested area on the edge of the training facility. The Tyrant seemed to lose either sight or interest in the interloper, and began to head for the airfield. The interloper jumped down into the zombie-infested path.
The zombies milled around the figure, flowing away like they were a stone within a river. A BOW? The figure drew their arms around their middle, looking wary of the infestation, though not moving entirely steadily now that momentum and, he assumed, adrenaline, had been lost. They had a hood pulled over their head, but long, pale hair poked out, and there was something familiar about the build, about how they moved.
They seemed disoriented and uncomfortable - self-aware - though not entirely lost. Where were they headed…?
Alfred glanced at the console. Somewhere along the line, the rose he had worn on his label had dried out. He’d set it down here, where his time had been more and more occupied. Scattered remnants of other roses, from other trips back to Antarctica, could be found in his office, in his chambers, in the foyer. Somewhere along to line, he’d decided that they were a necessity.
He wasn’t so far gone to bring them up into the mansion, not in Antarctica. Grayson’s ‘allergy’ to them was so bad that he’d nearly died from touching one when they’d been young - mere months before Arklay’s maw had opened and snatched up the first family member to fall that decade. The fresh ones originated from there, of course, but only in a secure, ventilated lab that Grayson - any of them, really - could not access.
The figure on the camera shook their head, like they were trying to clear it. One zombie came too close and brushed into the figure, causing them to startle, and swat the creature into the nearest wall. They stared at the pathetic creature, going still.
The zombies milling around the figure very slowly began to shuffle away. Alfred began to break into a cold sweat. The Tyrants could be given targets, but they were programmed. This was something different altogether. T-virus victims did not have the capacity to take commands.
The figure seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and pushed their hood back. Reaching under their collar, the figure peeled some sort of patch away and moved to toss it away, then paused and placed it in their pocket. Was it some sort of medication? Was that the source of the disorientation-
The figure looked around and his heart seemed to stop for several seconds. Their eyes - suddenly familiar - settled on the camera on a nearby post, at close range.
He watches for a moment, gobsmacked. Not you too, a small voice inside him pleaded. The figure - the woman, one he’d known since he was a very small child - blinked, then made a very familiar sign, ending it as a question with slow, unsteady hands. Name signs, after all, were deeply personal. She’d given Alfred his when he was three years old, and had taught the twins that silent language in the years that followed.
In the control room, Alfred’s hands began to shake once again.
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youngshiney · 1 year
how i would run sm: Red Velvet edition
back to the series with the next logical group, Red Velvet. sm's first group after Exo and my ult girl group, similarly under a cut as per last post
triple debut (2014-2015): so to start, i actually dont mind Happiness as RV's debut and that its ot4. Yeri was really young, so i wouldnt really change those first two eras (Be Natural is my beloved but its a single and a remake so it doesnt count as their first cb in my eyes). what i would change is the schedules and some promo.
firstly, like Exo i think RV would have benefited from some sort of webtoon or lore comic starting at the second debut for ICC bc thats when we start to get hints that something in Cake Land isnt right. i have a lot of thoughts on RV lore/storyline which we will cover in the upcoming kwangya post (after nct and aespa posts bc they are integral to my version of kwangya).
second, Seulgi should have solo debuted in 2015 between Dumb Dumb and the lesbian christmas song (Wish Tree was iconic and we love Lee Jooyoung). shes been RV's ace since pre-debut, everyone knew and loved her and acknowledged her talents, and she was in multiple mvs of her sunbaes (Henry's Fantastic was the best). Seulgi being the first solo RV member feels right in every way, and while it would be very different than what we got for 28 Reasons, i think that might be partially a good thing.
the start of the success era (2016-2017): Russian Roulette was perfect and i have nothing to say about it. The only thing I would have done differently for them in 2016 was pushed for more solo/unit content, like station songs, vlogs, arts and crafts vids? like just stuff where theyre having fun and hanging out with no pressure. the main 2017 change tho is Joy solo debut. sm is so fucking stupid for NOT capitalizing on the attention Joy got from The Liar and His Lover, a show all about how perfect and amazing she is as a singer! like have her prepare and record between Red Flavor and Peek a Boo and have Peek a Boo pushed back a week or two. the concerts were a good idea, but they really should have capitalized on Joy's performance more. im still annoyed she hasnt properly debuted especially bc clips of her singing from TLAHL was what made me look into RV in the first place and why Joy is my girl ult of ults
Bad Boy (2018): id push Bad Boy back a little bc the time between PaB and BB feels too short, especially going by my plan. other than that, no major notes since the eras were pretty good and the concerts were a good idea. maybe a bit more of a rest after RBB bc of the short turn around time between that and the Japan cb + NA tour
ReVe Fest pt.1 (2019): the Ellie Goulding collab was amazing. ReVe Fest day 1 was a mess, and i say that as a Zimzalabim supporter. the styling was horrific and it all needs to go, the mv should have been more circusy and less performance vid imo, and the song is fine but maybe a less chanty chorus? ReVe Fest day 2 was good and idk why people hate Umpah Umpah bc it was cute and summery like it should have been. and then the Finale, Psycho was one of the best eras taken from us too quickly. i mean the only thing to change is to stop wendy from falling bc that killed the whole momentum and their careers for a hot minute.
the hiatus (2020): now to be clear, i am not blaming wendy for her injury or suggesting she should have come back early. its good she rested and healed properly and came back slowly to make sure everything was okay. every idol should do that. that being said, we should have gotten an ot4 album even if it was just a mini. the girls basically did nothing for a whole year waiting for her and it really did hurt them/their momentum. they should have had more solo content through the year alongside the like two group things, then Seulrene debut in june like originally planned, and then and ot4 album in fall or winter.
back on track? (2021): ot5 being at smtown was great and got everyone hyped to see the group after a full year of hiatus and they teased a cb at the performance. and then wendy killed the hype by doing her solo debut 4 months later with a ballady slow song. and she had the audacity to be like "omg i feel so bad for making everyone wait and then doing a solo" like girl wtf?? anyway gripes about her aside. Queendom was cute, but it felt lackluster after the long wait and felt more like a b-side than a title. also the mv/concepts teased all this magic and powers and a whole universe only to give us literally nothing after the first minute. why were they in a post office when the teasers were about the antique shop?? i would have changed the mv a lot to either expand on the magic or fit the teasers better.
ReVe Fest pt.2 (2022): sm cancelled the concert (rightly) bc the girls got covid but then never rescheduled bc there were "no venues open" even tho the same thing happened to dream and they got rescheduled in like two weeks so what the fuck is that about? um anyway they should have done a concert after Feel My Rhythm but also not named it ReVe Fest bc theres no point and they arent connected. ALSO FMR was beautiful and all but what happened to the ballet concept which wasnt in the mv and why did they not expand on the weird half story with Dark Queen Seulgi and the garden etc? also also FMR felt like a b-side too which was disappointing especially after queendom. and im skipping ahead to birthday bc that was actually the biggest let down of the year. the concept/teaser photos had literally nothing to do with the mv or song, the song itself was easily their worst title and did not sound good in any way, the mv styling wasnt great for pretty much everyone, the cake ver selling out before preorders even ended and before they showed us what it was/what was in it was super annoying. birthday is the biggest let down era imo and ESPECIALLY after the beauty of Wildside. Wildside was the only release in 2022 for RV that i actually 100% enjoyed from the style to the mv to the song to the plot in the mv. like it was perfect and exactly what we should have gotten as a Korean title and era. i would have absolutely done something similar for birthday, especially with the grunge outfits/concept
future plans/ideas: Yeri and Irene solo debuts, Seulrene cb, Joy actual debut this time, more solo schedules especially for the actresses, more Yeri vlogs, Seulgi cb with a better song, my highly indulgent KaiJoyYuta trio, an even more indulgent trio of Seulgi/BoA/Yunho, i think thats all i have off the top of my head.
next week nct u and the way nct overall would function before we get into the actual units
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xolborsaysstuff · 2 years
1 Mephone4 II
2 Chris McLean TD
3 LifeRing II
4 Pluto/PAB
5 Silver Spoon II
6 Marker BFB
7 Test Tube II
9 Kazumi Mishima YTTD
10 Folder ONE
11 Four BFB
12 Roboty BFB
13 Sylvester Ashling
14 Trigger Happy Skylanders
15 Xara MCSM
16 Teardrop BFB
17 Gaty TPOT
18 Yuri Kagarin SDA2
19 Fanon Airy HFJ
Also I just realized how offline I’ve been on that server like I disappeared off the face of the earth-
TYSM mate now I can plan motives off the computer cause In terrible at remembering all the characters(also I literally forgot to check my inbox till now whoops)
DW about it, if you do wanna start it's friday so I can likely get on later and we can RP with others if you wanna (what you need to ken if you do wanna continue is everyone is in the GYM BTW everyone was transported by MonoXol and it's chaos and questions all around you didn't miss much) it's fine to not be active and you don't have to force yourself if you don't want to or dont have the time! We're just on the prologue so there's not much lore going to be dropped that isn't in the MonoXol chat and announcements
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golden-x-mage · 6 months
the lore (that exists in my head) is that v-ranger season 1 is the one thats an adaptation of vee the real vtuber, so that ones only her and a couple of other heroes (pabs and jupiter cause they're two people really in vees circle who both have tokusonas) and is mostly about fighting crypto miners. and then season 2 is where all the dimension invading animal people come in
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macgyvertape · 3 years
So how’s Trials of Osiris now?
I’ve been wanting to do a follow up to on my essay “Trials of Osiris has been corrupting Guardians with Darkness“, and I figured no better time than when Bungie made a lot of changes to Trials gameplay.
No leak info or spoilers beyond week 1 of s15, this season’s Trials weapon is available in game from turning in last seasons bounty. I’ll cite like (this) the name of the lore, it can all be found on ishtar-collective since I’m having issues with links.
 to recap: before Stasis and before Savathun!Osiris, Trials was a corrupting influence related to the Darkness, affecting both Ghost and Guardian, and driving them try to perma-kill each other.
What I find fun about this storyline, is that it has shifted from being about creepy unknowable Darkness into a story about the clash between Guardian’s use of darkness powers vs faith in the Light, that’s clearly meant to continue the themes from Seasons of the Drifter and Opulence. Bungie isn’t going to put this plotline ingame, so IMO it’s fine all the lore implications are obscure.
thesis: in universe characters directly list the obvious parallels for Shayura “"You're no better than the Dredgen ," he says ... "…or Malphur ."” (SW, Shayura's Wrath) but also Shayura is set up as a foil to Aunor Mahal.
Since Season of the Chosen where the Trials Armor lore detailed Shayura’s descent into some degree of madness from 3 points of view; the lore has mentioned that while Savathun!Osiris is interested by guardians being corrupted by Darkness they aren’t the cause of it, and didn’t know of it till Saint-14 brought it up (In Memoriam Shell) (IH, Igneous Hammer).
Basically Shayura’s belief that the Traveler wants her to do this, and her willingness to kill Guardian is her own (PAB, Pyrrhic Ascent Bond) (Shayura's Wrath). Although there is confirmed final death for a Hunter in Shayura’s Wrath lore, it is implied that she has killed an unknown amount of Stasis users “Fragments of Ghost shells are scattered atop the console” (PAB)
There is an additional trophy “the Human skull sitting in the middle of her command console. Its hollow eye sockets stare back at her” (SW) following Shayura’s attempted murder patterns, I’m guessing that skull was her fireteam member Aisha who is one of the few humans mentioned in the context of Shayura’s breakdown, and who “betrayed” her by using stasis. Further evidence would be that Shayura’s story was told from the 3 points of view of her fireteam: the only point of view since the Shayura Wrath lore has been from that of Reed-7(Reeds Regret).
side note: it doesn’t seem like Shayura is treating her Ghost well either. “A Ghost reduced to little more than a bare sphere of metal, deprived of a shell” (SW)
Dredgen Yor:
It’s hard to make direct comparisons with Dredgen Yor, most of his lore is from D1, and contradicts in points where it seems like it was handled by different writers. The other point of similarity besides being infamous and reviled for murder of other Guardians is the lore being clear that they suffer from the emotional toll of endless war.
"Can Guardians be unfit for duty?" Shayura wonders aloud, her voice muffled by the tabletop.
"I mean…" Aisha replies. Her hesitation has a palpable sting. (PAG, Pyrric Ascent Gloves)
To Rezyl, the Captain was already an afterthought. ... Rezyl’s attention had shifted to the unknown, but inevitable, battles to follow.... Rezyl was growing tired of small wins, however meaningful. (Rezyl Azzir - War Without End)
It’s not the same emotion, but it’s not often Guardians doubts in their role in such a way. You could say Shayura is the Light version of what Dredgen Yor was, but while the Darkness encouraged Yor (Ghost Fragment: Darkness 4), I HIGHLY doubt the traveler is encouraging Shayura the way she thinks it is. (Pyrrhic Ascent Boots)
Taking the the ending words of "I killed an agent of the Darkness," Shayura says, ... .Bile rises in the back of Shayura's throat."They come in many forms." (SR). I don’t think its much of a stretch to think the lines refer to her as an agent of darkness as well.
Shin Malphur:
Shin Malphur and Dredgen Yor, have a fair amount of parallels, especially considering Shin Malphur = Dredgen Vale twist, but it’s unclear how widely known that twist is in universe and if that is what the dead hunter was referring to.
Shayura’s Wrath item text “"But here you are. This is truly a beginning…" —Shin Malphur” (SW) parallels Dredgen Yor’s last words “But here you are. This is truly an end” (Ghost Fragment: The Last Word 4)
it’s heavily implied Shin is speaking to Shayura, but do I think Shin Malphur would be helping Shayura? Not unless Bungie is planning on changing his characterization yet again. There are obvious surface parallels: two solar wielding vigilantes who hunt Guardians who wield Darkness and love extra-judicial murder (Source: too many pages to count where Shin talks about culling those who have gone too far into the darkness). But Shayura’s zealot belief in the Traveler and her crusade against darkness wielders are the opposite of Shin’s beliefs of using both Light and Dark:
“the building of a new world, one where absolutes cower to the might of compromise, where Light tempers dark and the dark opens new insight into the Light's many undiscovered gifts.” (Nothing Ends: The Long Goodbye)
“the shadows of dark power that tempt us are not inherently evil. In fact, they are simply another tool to be used if we hope to bend the unknown to our will, an impossible feat we must learn to master if we wish to push back the ever-aggressive tide of extinction.“ (Nothing Ends: The Liar's Trap)
I think in the end Shin Malphur is more of a contrast than a comparison to Shayura, I’d also be suprised if Bungie brings him back as they’ve had him give his retirement twice now (Letters from a Renegade, Nothing Ends)
Aunor Mahal:
both are/were members of the Praxic Order, both strongly oppose Guardians using power of darkess.
A key difference is Aunor still has faith in the Vanguard while Shayura does not (Pyrrhic Ascent Hood). Shayura is what the fandom who only listened to Drifter’s side of the story thought Aunor was, someone more than ready to kill Guardians and Ghosts.
While Shayura only consideres execution, Aunor has faith in rehabilitation
“You're costing us Ghosts—means to fight enemies of humanity. These Guardians represent more than potential Dredgens” (The Warlock Aunor: The Salt Mines).
Following the Trend of other corrupted Guardians like Sola or Trestin, whom Aunor confrots; I’m expecting to see Aunor eventually confront Shayura, it seemed implied in the Igneous Hammer lore.
Side note:
Even before Guardians used stasis, its clear there was a ramp up from when Gambit appeared with Guardian’s going too far with the darkeness to the Guardian and ghost corruption seen in Trials
 “will face Praxic justice. Perhaps exile. We haven't had to lock anyone up in decade“(Message from Aunor VIII)
"It's affecting Ghosts now too. We should bring them back to the City. This makes five." (Temptation's Hook). “ You think she'll be lucky number…  how many are we up to now? At this point, the only chance I'm giving them is the chance to kill me first” (The Messenger)
Shayura mentions she was locked up and escaped (SW), and it’s clear that the Praxic Order is stretched thin
“Aunor scowled. She was perhaps the most diligent of the Hidden ...Each time they met, she seemed a little gaunter than before. A little testier" (IH)
Aunor’s morals and loyalty to the Vanguard are some of her defininging characteristics and I don’t see that changing. But if this storyline continues in Witch Queen then I see things hitting a breaking point.
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
Why are people making such a big deal on the time gap between films? For the GA or even the casual fan who doesn’t really delve into the lore or books too much, the time gap doesn’t matter when you watch the film themselves. When I first watched the OT, I didn’t paid attention or even thought of the time gap. For PT, it was different because you saw that Anakin grew up. In TROS, the GA wouldn’t even think of care that it’s been a year since TLJ, for them it’s probably been months or a week even.
Hey Nonnie,
Are people still making a big deal about it? I know some people were concerned when the rumors said the gap was like years, but I never thought it would be much more than a few months to a year (and I was right, yayayayayaya). I know there was a discussion on twitter recently from Uncle Pabs where he asked people what the time period for RotS was (man, I could not make that sentence make sense in my head. English is hard lol). Apparently, George was quite specific and the move takes place over literal days (which means Ani only knew Padme was pregnant for like hardly any time and that they’d been separated for months WHICH HURTS MY HEART), but the choices were between months and days and it was split almost 50/50 (which basically means it doesn’t matter whether it was month of days because it doesn’t seem to have had an impact on people’s perception of the story).
So, honestly, I agree. People don’t even notice the time jumps once the movie gets going and it’s just something that people worry about during the lead up (and never again). Pablo also said that, from a timeline standpoint, the shit that goes down in ESB is the most fairytale-like of the bunch (as in, it doesn’t really make sense outside of a fairytale construct because the only thing that matters is what happens to the charaters and not like how long it took them to get from one planet to the next).
It gives DLF some time to play with, so they can sell some books/merch/etc for the time period between movies, but other than that, I don’t really think it’s going to be that much of an issue for the characters in the movie (as in, even if Rey and Kylo haven’t connected until the movie starts, it’ll be basically like they’re picking up from where they ended off–and considering the Batuu stuff is considered canon, that means they’ve had some almost run-ins throughtout the galaxy–fanfic writers, have fun!)
At any rate, I haven’t seen much about it lately, but I’m mostly following artists and people who are into meta/lore for this, so I don’t see a ton of the discourse otherwise.
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pabs-art · 2 years
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Made a shadow the hedgehog type evil counterpart of myself after I realized buckets of waters are my nemesis in Viscera Cleanup Detail.
This is Tul.
Full name is Situla Selene. He was animated by the tides of the moon, and seeks to kick Pabs' ass to establish lunar superiority. However, these fights often end in a draw--Pabs can't take much punishment but easily gets back up, while Tul can only make a few attacks before he's exhausted.
Besides defeating pabs, Tul takes interest in firearms (his favored weapons are dual wield super soakers that he accelerates into a water beam) and making music.
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rhee-haneul-blog · 7 years
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Autumn by cilita-d featuring high heel booties ❤ liked on Polyvore
STELLA McCARTNEY faux suede dress, 1615 PAB / Aquazzura high heel booties, 1090 PAB / Aquazzura high heel booties, 1090 PAB / Valentino white leather purse, 3095 PAB / Loree Rodkin gold tear drop earrings, 10915 PAB / Palette eyeshadow, 12 PAB
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pabs-art · 2 years
Sorry to be so incredibly one-track minded, but does Tul get to be part of the whole Ryzaman situation as well?
This is a pretty exciting question, since I actually tied Tul's origins to the Ryzaman lore shortly after conceptualizing him. Details under the read more.
So Tul's origins need a bit of a preamble on the antagonists in the Ryzaman storyline. Ryzaman, being a hero empowered to defeat threats to the Sun's ability to shine on earth. As such, I made the antagonist organization a scientific research organization researching global dimming through stratospheric aerosol injection. To summarize the wikipedia articles I linked, the end goal is to suppress rising temperatures on earth by literally dimming the amount of light coming in. This occurs naturally sometimes; volcanic eruptions, for example, send massive quantities of sulfur into the stratosphere and achieve the same effect. Unfortunately, since Ryzaman's life force is literally tied to the sun, extensive global dimming would actually kill him, which is why he's motivated to fight.
The organization is called White Dusk. It's secret organization sponsored by the UN to produce a global dimming solution that would combat climate change in the short term, led by the mad doctor Rayhawk Bastille. Dr Rayhawk eventually created "smart" concentrations of various chemicals which would be sent to the stratosphere to dim the sun's light, eventually turning the evening sky white, hence the name of the organization. Ryzaman is unaware of their existence, at least initially.
Dr Bastille's research lead him to develop entities called Aerosats, creatures made from refractive substances that would spread themselves out naturally. However, the poor quality of the rockets used to deliver them into the stratosphere and the imperfect development of the Aerosats meant they never properly reached their targets and had limited effects on global dimming. Instead, they began to spread in urban areas, wreaking havoc. This is where Ryzaman comes in, and would defeat them. From the perspective of White Dusk, however, they simply understood their experiment had failed and had limited results, and thus tried again with more drastic materials.
Eventually, White Dusk learned of Ryzaman's existence, as well as why their research attempts were failing. After this, Dr Bastille wanted to capture Ryzaman, hoping to use Ryzaman's ability to manipulate the sun's power for the benefit of humanity. To this end, he made the Aerosats more sophisticated. Tul was developed when Dr Bastille reverse-engineered the process which animated Pabs, and gave Tul the ability to control water to reduce moisture in the stratosphere, also achieving Global Dimming. Ryzaman managed to defeat Tul after a difficult fight.
Now, Tul just hangs around and tries to find his own way in life. Tul's more sociable than his origins would suggest, although he still tries to antagonize and fight Pabs whenever they meet.
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pabs-art · 2 months
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We see you, we hear you, we're listening. Based on overwhelming feedback and results from rigorous focus group testing, we are proud to present Pabs V.4.0.1, the latest and greatest iteration of my model. Now 500% more marketable! In fact, we felt so strongly about this change in aesthetics, we decided to implement it across all the characters in the Pabs Lore Universe! You're welcome, folks! Remember, somebody probably wants this!
...Meanwhile, in a jail cell not too far off from Saturday's auction site:
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pabs-art · 17 days
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Pabs Lore fact!
The sun is afraid of something.
It won't tell me what of.
Well, even if that's the case, I doubt I could do much to help.
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pabs-art · 2 years
Thank you @golden-x-mage for motivating me to design a toku suit design for my vtuber sona. Sketches + details on the lore in the read more!
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Ryzaman, the Free Lance Hero
An office worker and live streamer by day, Pablo "Pabs" Oryza moonlights as the transforming hero Ryzaman to eliminate villains and monsters who wish to suppress the sun's light.
Unfortunately, it turns out that people beefing with the sun on a supervillain scale are in short supply. As such, Ryzaman decided to become a freelance hero, spotting other heroes as a temporary substitute if they need a day off or have an emergency in their personal lives. Bringing his day job ethos into the battle, Ryzaman fights on.
The Sundown Reverse Punch is based on the Gyaku-Zuki from karate. It's an ordinary punch magnified to the force of a typical finishing move by the power of the sun.
Power Level
Ryzaman is strongest when fighting anti-Sun enemies. Outside of that specialization, however, he's relatively weak compared to most heroes, which is why he can only really act as a substitute. This has resulted in having good relations with certain villains, since they can borrow him to act like a jobber to make themselves look stronger or have a fulfilling but harmless victory now and again. For his part, Ryzaman doesn't really mind, since he has plenty on his plate already.
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