gldengod-a2 · 6 years
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      ❝  Shut up  ,   will you  !  ❞   Dennis huffs  ,   the veins in his painfully thin neck bulging underneath lucid flesh.  ❝   You agreed to this  ,   Charlie  !   You can’t back down now  !  ❞  He stands from the leather couch  ,   slowly rubbing the back of his thighs.   He appears to be dressed in little other than a dusty-pink silk robe.   What lurks beneath is yet to be seen.  ❝   Set up the damn camera  ,   will ya?  I need this to be perfect.  ❞
   STARTER CALL                 //     @dirtbagtm​
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gldngod-a · 6 years
      ❝     Hey    ,     asshole.    ❞         An iris of lights    ,     three abandoned bottles of champagne     &     silver tinsel hung overhead    ,     they end the spell of this age idolizing a tradition they’ve  espoused over their eternal friendship    ,     without fail.      Wine    -    stained lips press softly ‘gainst the other’s    ,     mirroring a soft osculation ‘fore retreating with coy.     ❝       Happy New Year.     ❞           /    /     @vicviinegar
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bardetail · 7 years
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❝  YOU’RE KIDDING, RIGHT  ?  ❞   inquired between sips of brockman, the question holds an air of doubt  —  familiarized with charlie, dennis recalls quickly there’s no room for jokes when it comes to cats.  ❝  no, don’t answer that  —  there’s no way i’m having a god damn stray cat be the bar’s mascot. we’re not gonna have a mascot, & if we did, it wouldn’t be a stray. it’d be a pure - bred bulldog, something strong, something classy.  ❞
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dwfwawfae · 3 years
I keep thinking what will happen if he’s found it
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is very close with his grandmother, who lives in Burlington and is battling health issues," Davis said. It shows just how perfectly you galeb spodnjice understand this subject. I wanted to put her in a muslin frock, the dirty slut! I bought her boots at the Gostiny Dvor, and decked her out like a peacock, a sight for a holiday! And would you believe it, good friends, two days later she’d torn up the dress, torn it into rags, and that’s how she goes about, that’s how she goes about! And what do you think, she tore it on purpose — I wouldn’t tell a lie, I saw it myself; as much as to say she would go in rags, she wouldn’t wear muslin! Well, I paid, her out! I did give her a drubbing! Then I called in the doctor afterwards and had to pay him, too. The Sword зимни обувки adidas 2016 of the Morning had been a Dayne, the queen recalled, but he was long dead. This account is all lies, lies, lies, insist the Lima police. The Hand, he knew, would not be pleased. On moonless nights it was as black as coal. Until time of service Friday at the funeral home.. Games two through four were pretty similar, with Hyman earning about 15 minutes of ice time a night and being defensively responsible even on the plus/minus scale.. The company creates a performance shoe for James before the start of every retros kabátokNBA season. So how did those jetstreams affect weather patterns?. The green sea opened. There was no one in the room. Jon came directly to the
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point. I THINK THE BIGGEST CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE BIGGEST THING, IF YOU TALKING ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING, THAT WE HAVE TO BE CARRIED TO TAKE CARE OF, IS NUCLEAR GLOWER GLOBAL WARMING. She’s an unprincipled woman, a regular termagant, they say! They say some people won’t receive her here; it’s very different from abroad. Bones, for example, absorb large amounts of X rays because of their high calcium content. Graffiti is my background as an art. But they believe he is conscientious, and they know that ‘oppression maketh even a wise man mad.’ We do not think, in obedience to Christ’s commands, he sufficiently counted the cost. The Supermax uses a 36mm lower stanchion that slides within a massive 46mm carbon upper leg. The boy from the Basilisk Isles, for a start. Bolton, not Snow. If those essentials of the gospel are a rock of offense, there's nothing we can do about that but we don't want anything else to be a rock of offense that stands in the way of the gospel and coming to receive the gospel.". This is solely about us, but they try to make it so it about them. The biggest absence in the passing attack will be current UMass tight end Cole Morrison, but Connor Matthews and Wyatt Schleicher will combine to replace him. Retirement winters were spent on Pine Island in Florida. I should make his head a wedding gift for Lady Alys and her Magnar, Jon thought, but dare not take the risk. He was bought last winter of Mr. That doesn't align with the image shown on the website, nor does it match what is listed by the ZenFone 3 Zoom's Bluetooth SIG listing, which indicates it will wield dual rear cameras. Her white hair was so thin that the pink of her scalp showed through. This is where we'll debate strategies to confront terrorism and the threats posed by al Qaida, ISIL and those radicalized by them.. At the bridge’s center span, the severed hands of thieves and cutpurses hung like strings of onions from iron stanchions along the roadway. The latest analog (comparative historical data) confirms that suspicion (see right).. A report released during the board Tuesday meeting will show a wide range in water use from 50 to 500 gallons per person, per day, said board scientist Max Gomberg. Could the front stall out long enough for a wave of energy to move through and spread an accumulating snow through the area? Some of the data is certainly holding tough with that idea. “If you want to dream, go back to sleep,” he told her. It is a family film and I wish people will like it. fehér női bőr csizma But test cricket is not easy, its not suppose to be. She responded with painful and feverish eagerness to the love with which she was surrounded in such contrast to all her past, which had developed mistrust, resentment, and obstinacy.
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theonceoverthinker · 5 years
OUAT and 001 for the ask thing? If you want to of course :)!
Hell yeah, I want to!!!
Favorite character:
I’m gonna cheat and make it a tie between Rumple and Emma.Rumple has some of the best dynamics in the entire show. The interesting writing that surrounds him complemented by Robert Carlyle’s acting makes even the most minor of interactions take on such life! He is the center of every scene he’s in and for damn good reason! Additionally, there’s a lot of nuance to his character! He can be sympathetic, cowardly, or in love in one moment and then be tying up and beating a florist in the next! That’s cool!
I love Emma. I love her story. I love how she has what likely would’ve been a villain’s backstory, but chose at nearly every opportunity to be a hero. I love the slow development from someone so afraid and distanced into someone who had the strength to love so much that even a memory wipe couldn’t stop her from getting a happy ending! I love how every season has a new aspect of her walls to tackle and a different degree to which they factor into her life.
Least Favorite character:
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Captain SwanCurious ArcherGolden HookShadow QueenDragon Queen
Character I find most attractive:
I love how you’re celebrating Pride Week by torturing my bisexual ass with this difficult question! Seriously, everyone in the cast is so attractive! How the frick frack paddy wack can I choose a favorite?! But, if you’re gonna twist my arm, I’m gonna give it to Hook, but only during Seasons 3, 4, and 6. I know a lot of people like the bangs, but I’m a fan of shorter hair.
Character I would marry:
Robin Mills. She’s got a strong and fierce personality, but can be so soft and understanding! And I’d love to go on adventures with her and she’d help me let go of (or maybe give in to) my bad side. ;)
Character I would be best friends with:
Smee! We’re both often overestimated, but for the most part, pretty likable. We’re both big and would bond over all of Storybrooke’s great food! We’d gossip about all of the town’s going ons! I’d steal his hat from time to time and commit the occasional mutiny! He’d teach me how to use a sword! It would be great!
a random thought:
I don’t get why people complain that we never learned what happened to Prince Thomas when Ella trapped Rumple. It never mattered where he stuck Thomas, what only mattered was that no matter what, Ella 1.0 wasn’t getting him back without trading her kid. So many people complain about this and I’m just at a loss as to why.
An unpopular opinion:
The one-shot characters like Hercules, Megara, and Rapunzel 1.0 don’t get the credit they’re deserved. They act as support characters and in a show with such a bloated cast but such a high demand for character appearances, sometimes, a smaller role is necessary. Additionally, they provide our mains with some of their strongest stories (Like REALLY watch “The Tower” again! It’s thematically really strong!).
My Canon OTP:
To keep things interesting, I’m gonna choose a pairing that’s NOT in the five I listed above. You KNOW I love those pairings, and I know you know I love those pairings, so let’s do something fun instead. And so, as an honorary OTP, I’m gonna say Glass Believer. Are they the strongest couple in the series? I don’t know if I can honestly say that, but what I Can say is they they are freakin’ cute! I watch their first dance so much -- it’s just filled to the brim with chemistry, tension, and sweet sweet understanding. I love how Ella challenges Henry and vice versa, creating a very level headed couple. Plus, the two of them and Lucy make such an adorable family!
My Non-canon OTP:
Grumpy Beauty. I have an on-again, off-again relationship with Rumbelle, but when I’m in the off state, Grumpy Beauty is my salvation! I love how every conversation they’ve ever shared has involved them emotionally supporting one another. I love how Belle had a nightmare about him being tortured. I love how when Rumple was in the Underworld, they had lunch together! I was honestly rooting for them. 
Most Badass Character:
Alice Jones! This girl was stuck in a tower for most of her life, forcibly separated from the one person who loved her the most, was cursed to be a homeless thief, and was forced to nearly cause the apocalypse, and STILL had the strength to love everyone she ever met! She is such a badass and I love her!
Most Epic Villain:
Pan! I wrote a whole essay about him if you’re interested, but to make it short and simple, he’s a straight up irredeemable yet still nuanced villain with thematic and/or emotional connections to basically the entire main cast of the show who was so evil that he brought the main heroes and villains together to defeat him and whose death inescapably left such a big and emotional impact on the series that we basically needed a reset button to keep going!
Pairing I am not a fan of:
G*thel X Anyone, Gremma, Outlaw Queen, Stable Queen, Pan X Anyone
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Dr. Facilier. There was so much potential given his moral ambiguity and relatively not terribly dirty slate for either a great redemption arc or a really tragic romance with Regina. He was such a cool and dynamic character. 
Favourite Friendship:
It’s a tossup between Captain Beauty and Captain Charming, but I’m gonna give Captain Charming the advantage for the steady and solid development they had. I love how they grew to care for each other so much and on their own merits!
Character I most identify with:
Alice. I am so freakin’ bad in social situations, but I have a really loving support system who I would do anything for!
Character I wish I could be:
Ariel! I could swim in the ocean, walk on two legs, make portals, and find a sense of adventure and curiosity in everything! How cool would that be?!
Ask game!
Send me stuff!
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ericbrandonrp · 6 years
100 Days of Headcanons - Day 001: Childhood
Eric’s childhood differed from year to year. Literally. When he was born, he was the greatest love of both his parents. They cooed over him 24/7 and always kept a close eye on the toddler, until he was approximately seven. It was then that things started to slightly change and his father showed more interest in his antique shop and old books than his own son. Eric could roam Dachau’s (Bavaria, Germany) streets on his own with all the freedom he could wish for - but didn’t want. Eric only had a couple of friends that he played with because it was hard for him to connect to others, and once his family moved away from Germany and to Ireland when he was nearly nine, he had no friends at all and was chased, beaten up, and made fun of by his new classmates. He started to play on his own, mostly outside and away from any possible harm; in the fields or woods, or also the ruins around New Inn. He loved to pretend that he was fighting against Captain Hook and often jumped around swinging a wooden sword he had made by himself.
It wasn’t easy for him, being the outsider and ‘weird kit’ from Germany, so Eric just decided to sink into his own imaginary world - until one day he realized that it was all just in his head and would never lead to anything. Basically, Eric was growing up quickly, as he had to take care of himself from that very young age, and couldn’t expect much help from his parents. The only light he had and that was there for him and spent more time with Eric rather than his own brother, was Eric’s uncle Paddy. Whenever Paddy was in town, he went on fishing trips with his nephew, or just indulged in any other games the child wanted to play, e.g. pirates or cowboys. Those were the few genuinely happy times in Eric’s childhood, which he still treasures.
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bamboop · 3 years
rice paddies
article directory
x. article 001 “___”
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jerryrhett · 4 years
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Cory Archangel
An artist that I found interesting was Cory Archangel. He is a multimedia artist best known for his video art combining contemporary culture and Digital schema. He explores nostalgia and the shifting boundaries of online space in his work. One of his most celebrated works is probably his modified Nintendo cartridges which result in aesthetically shifted visual presentations of the video games, which can be seen in his work Super Mario Clouds (2002). (first image shown above) In A Brief History of Animated GIF Art, Part One by Paddy Johnson she says, “Like many GIFs, this one is best viewed when tiled; a seamless page full of clouds is far more visually appealing than an isolated cube. Either way, the simple beauty of this sky paired with a now-dim nostalgic memory makes this GIF extremely effective.” which is a really good super-short summary of what this work is trying to provoke. I also have to agree that this gif is super cool to look at when it’s tiled.
Sources: http://www.artnet.com/artists/cory-arcangel/2
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marinasquer · 4 years
SOS: Save Our Spider - Sprueger
Who: Marina Squerciati and Patrick Flueger ( @pjfluegerx​) When: March 1st - Evening What: Patrick saves the day when there’s a giant spider; they bite the bullet and kiss (as themselves!) for the first time.  Notes: Because I’m a noob and forgot how Chatzy doesn’t save the whole thing, we lost the beginning of the paras! I made a ‘what you missed on Glee’ update in case anyone’s curious.
Between a whole lot of teasing, Patrick successfully tracked down the spider, captured it, and then released it outside. For payment, Marina offered him a beer and leftover pizza. They then were chilling on the couch while he ate/drank. Because he’s a dweeb (a cute dweeb), Patrick sat on Marina at first and then after moving, he tickled her side. It ended up in a lot of tickling and her trying to get away. Being strong af, he pulled her back and she fell on top of him. So many fanfic cute clichés. 
Marina: looked at him with wide eyes. "They make me do them, too! So they can use my pretty face," she joked. "You want me to get in trouble? You're so nice to me. Always look out." When he figured he wasn't going to loosen his grip, she simply relaxed back against him. "You know, you're kinda comfortable."
PJ: he laughed "Nah they can edit a lot so they dont even need your pretty face" he smiled. She did do a lot of her own and he did too. till they limit if them getting hurt when they would use one of their stunt devils. "I know right I like you so much I want you to get sent home to have a day off" he laughed. He did his best not to smile at what she said. He liked having her in his arms too. "you're not to bad too.." he said brushing some hair from her face.
Marina: "Oh, so you think I'm pretty?" Her tone was teasing as she questioned how he seemed to agree she had a pretty face. Since they'd been with the same group of cast and crew since 2014, they had a lot more freedom when it came to doing what they thought they could. "Or, you know, fired for physically assaulting a coworker." Marina looked up at him when he said she wasn't bad. The feeling of his fingers against her face made her take a little breath in. "Then I guess I'm not moving."
PJ: he made a face " I said you had a pretty face dont mean I think you do" he was trying to joke. "but yeah you do" she was cute she had always been of the cast that had the better looks. But all of them were very close since the show had been going on so long now. "Like you hurt me that badly" he laughed. "I wouldn't mind that" he smiled at her.
Marina: smiled as she shook her head at him. "You can't try to go back on what you said now. I caught you." It was impossible not to laugh along with him. "It doesn't matter how badly. It just matters if I end up hurting you or not." She wouldn't, of course. Marina settled back against his chest as she got herself comfortable. "Now you're stuck."
PJ: he couldn't help it, "Well i am not mean like you so i cant lie" he chuckled that was his excuse. "But I'd love to tell the story when you were trying to get away you tripped and elbowed me in the eye '" he chuckled. "Oh no i am gonna be stuck for life" he said adjusting them a little so they were laying better on the couch. "But i am nice and warm"
Marina: "How the hell would I have elbowed you in the eye when you're taller than me? Did I fall but end up getting higher?" She chuckled at the way he said he was stuck for life. As they moved, she easily got herself comfortable. "You are super warm! You're at the very least stuck until the show ends," she said with a laugh. "Which I hope isn't for a while."
PJ: he laughed. "you were trying to escape from me and it happened or you were just being mean and dropped an elbow on me" he smirked. "I think we are both so hot we are both warm" he joked smiling at her. "I sure hope it last for a while more" he knew no show lasted forever but he had hope his would last a while longer.
Marina: chuckled. "I don't like the just being mean option," she told him. "Oh, first I was pretty and now I'm hot. Okay, Paddy. I see you." Thinking about the show, she smiled. Hopefully they wouldn't have to say goodbye to these people and characters for a very long time."
PJ: smiled at her "Because you don't want your secret out that you're a meanie"" he teased her. "You are because you are around me and i am hot so it makes you hot" he winked. He was kidding out of the two of them it would be her that won the hot battle. He smiled about the show as he was playing with her hand a little with his own. "Its a great show all of them are really" he liked the group of shows they had it was like a very big family.
Marina: "You're the only one that thinks I'm a meanie," she told him. "So it sounds a lot like a you problem." When he argued that being with him made her hot, she rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say." He was hot. Marina easily let him play with her hand, curling her fingers lightly every so often. "They are. Hopefully we all go on for a while." It was an amazing experience getting to be on a show that had two family shows.
PJ: he shook his head "Nah no one else will tell you to your face that you're mean" he smirked at her. "You didn't say no so it's true" he gave her a fake smug face. Why was her hands so soft? he was just wondering that as he moved his hand to hold onto hers. "I sure hope so, or Adam gets his own spin off" he chuckled.
Marina: playfully pushed at his shoulder with her free hand. "You're the only meanie who tells me I'm mean." When he called her out on not denying he was hot, she rolled her eyes. "You know you're hot so shut up." She intertwined their fingers as he moved to hold her hand. While a lot of people would think this was crossing a line, she felt completely comfortable. He meant a lot to her. "Adam can only have a spin off if Kim gets to be in it!"
PJ: smiled when she pushed him. "Everyone else thinks it, but they wont say it" he made face acting like he was coving something up. He nodded "i knew it" he winked at her then smiled. He shouldn't hold her hand and keep her close, but he couldn't help it. "If things didn't go how they did I think a two cops and a baby show would be fun" he smiled at her softly.
Marina: "I can't be too mean since you're still here," she pointed out. "Just don't let it get to your head!" She knew she probably shouldn't, but she carefully turned herself around in his arms so that they were facing each other. Her head moved to rest against his chest. It felt nice to cuddle with someone again. Friends cuddled all the time, right? "Hey, she could always get pregnant again. Though she'll need some time first."
PJ: "well you are smashing me so I cant got any place" he nodded with a small smirk. "Already there, you think i am hot and I'm gonna tell everyone" he joked. It was nice having her there and her being so close. It felt so nice and everything. "In time yeah I think they could try again" even know it be hard after what happened to them. He wanted their characters to be as close again just so he could work closely with her more.
Marina: chuckled a bit. "You don't want to leave. It's okay. You can admit it." As they joked around, she laughed some more. "I feel like that's not really news. Everyone thinks you're hot." While Marina liked that they were showing such important plots on the show, she had wished things turned out differently. Just so that her scenes with Patrick weren't so stressful now that they had gone through the trauma. "That's how you know I have good acting skills. Having to pretend Kim liked being friends with benefits with your annoying self."
PJ: he smirked "I think it's you don't /me/ to leave" he winked . He didnt really want to leave. This was nice over going back home and being alone. "ha" he laughed. "I wish but I think it's more you are" he smiled. He wasn't that well known outside of the show and he felt like everyone knew her. It was hard the show was going well for the couple and then had to change. He got why, the drama the story it was good for views. "I was gonna say the same thing suck a good actor for having to kiss you all the time" he teased
Marina: It was both of them. She could tell he didn't really want to leave and she didn't want him to. "Don't even try that. I've seen so many of the fans thirsting over you! And any female guest star we get is automatically praying she gets scenes with you." He was definitely a fan favorite. "Hey, I'm a great kisser. You're welcome!"
PJ: It felt very right being here with her. Just laying here cuddling and talking. Something that friends should't be so good with. But he really couldn't help it he liked this feeling. He laughed outloud. "Please you ask someone who's not a fan of the show who I am they would never know" he chuckled. "but they know you" he looked at her in the eyes and smiled. "Eh i don't know about that I think it's me who's the good kisser here"
Marina: "They don't know me either! I'm literally known as Burgess. People call me that on the street. Or they half remember me from Gossip Girl. That's it." She really liked this moment. Getting to just relax with him, talk a bit, joke around. It felt right. "You're okay. You're a little sloppy sometimes," she joked.
PJ: "please they know you, no one knows of my old show" he chuckled "people know of gossip girl easy" he smiled a moment "I get called Adam a lot it's weird" he shook his head. "Ohh really" he rolled his eyes. "i think you wanna kiss me so you mess up so you have to kiss me again"
Marina: had a little smirk on her face as she spoke again. "You know what people think when they think of you? The Princess Diaries." She chuckled at him admitting he often got called Adam. "They always ask me how Adam is. As if I know or care," she joked. Marina rolled her eyes at him. "Never! I always try to do any kind of kiss scene with you in one take. That's all I can deal with."
PJ: he made a face almost getting up when she said it. "No no no no one needs to remember that" he laughed. He wasn't in it much but it was a movie he rather forget about since he was embarrassed about it. "You are mean see,that's so mean" he rolled his eyes only kidding. "I don't know I think we always have to do a few takes and the director says Marina come on!"
Marina: Since she didn't want him to get up, she wrapped an arm around his waist to pull him down. "I'm sure a lot of people don't connect the dots. Don't worry. You only have to deal with me reminding you of that crazy colored hair." She rested her head back against his chest for a second. "The director is always congratulating me on a job well done. I'm the girl taking one for the team and having to deal with you."
PJ: he laughed when she held onto him so he couldn't get up . "the only good part of the hair is people have no idea it was me" thank god was young and dumb and did what he was told .So that was dying his hair a wild color and playing a nerd. "no way he says the same thing to me, I get all the props for having to kiss you"
Marina: "That movie is still so iconic though. I don't think it'd be a bad thing for people to know about it. You were acting!" Marina shook her head at him. "Yet they still keep writing kissing scenes for us. Blame the fans. They make it so that you have to deal with me and my super soft lips."
PJ: "I did enjoy both of them, but was a bit glad I wasn't around for the second one" he was glad he had a first role. But really he didn't do a lot with it. "I know it's all on the fans loving our .. i mean our characters ship" he smirked a moment at her. "oh you have soft lips ? I had no idea"
Marina: gently rubbed up and down his arm in a comforting way. She knew he wasn't really the biggest fan of the character. "We should watch them. Have a movie night. And I promise to fast forward through any scene you're in." When he started saying their ship, she tried not to think too much about it. "They love us too. I've seen people saying things. I just ignore it since it seems to come with any kind of cute on screen relationship." Marina looked at him with the little smirk. It was cute. "Oh, shut up."
PJ: he looked at her for a moment, he didn't want too but he couldn't say no to her. "I cant say no to you...so as long as we skip what I'm in...its okay" he smiled. He had not seen the first one in a long time. "People dont see anything but the characters they dont know we are not them..." he got why had shows and movies he thought the actors really had something going on. "No, unless you want show me your lips got better since we last had that on screen kiss" he was only kidding so he laughed
Marina: Hearing that he couldn't say no to her meant more than she thought it would. "We'll do an embarrass Marina movie night too. I promise," she said with a chuckle. Since she was going to have him watch something he was in, she'd watch something with herself in it. "Exactly. Which I like to take as them saying we're just really good actors." Hearing him joking about showing how her lips had gotten better, she blushed slightly and buried her face against his chest. "You're the wooorst."
PJ: he laughed "we better i'm gonna need something good to make up for my hair" he said messing with his own hair now. "That is true people think we really have a thing for each other" he looked at her smiling softly. "you love it" he said rubbing her back.
Marina: "At least you have the comfort of looking in the mirror and seeing your hair is completely normal now. It was just a phase," she joked. As they started about people thinking they were really into each other, she let that conversation fizzle out. While she wasn't sure if she did, or if it was just admiration and care for someone she'd worked so closely with for this long, she didn't want to risk it getting out. "I do," she admitted. "As much as I like to tell you you're the worst, you know I think you're the best. Well, maybe not the best, but pretty high up there."
PJ: he sighed "I don't know what I was thinking then, I thought I'd like acting so I took a chance" even if they had to make him have a wild hair color. But he did care about her a lot really. He cared about everyone in his cast that was there now or that has left over the years. But she was one he really did care the most about. "i knew it" he whispered with a smirk of a smile. "You're not as annoying as I say you are...you're pretty cool too"
Marina: continued to comfort him. Without really thinking about it, her fingers went up to gently run through his hair. "You were thinking that you wanted to break into this insane world of acting and that a character like the one you played would be a fun challenge." While she loved everyone they worked with, he was different. They'd had chemistry since day one. Everyone could see it. Their co-workers sometimes teased them about how close they were, but it was just one of those fate friendships. When you just click. "See, I knew you had a heart somewhere in there," she teased.
PJ: he knew that she understood. That he didn't like the role, mostly since he was teased about it a lot. Most just laughed at how goofy he was and she supported him still. "I have no idea why I did why I thought this was a good idea" he joked with a smile. Her touching his hair was nice it made him smile. He knew there was a spark with her but he just knew it wasn't something they should do as much as he like it. "Little bit of one" he said tracing his finger along hers just wanting to keep her close
Marina: "It was a good idea. It gave you something to put on your resume so you could continue getting jobs. Now look at where you are! On the seventh season of a show." She wanted to encourage him as much as she could. Marina could feel her heartbeat slightly picking up. She knew it probably wasn't the smartest idea for her to be like this with him, but she didn't really want to stop it. "I like it," she admitted. "You're a good guy under all of that asshole personality." Joking was safer than being serious.
PJ: smiled at her "it was, I never had been so nervous before I mean Anna wasn't a big name yet but she was cool but Julie Andrews I couldn't talk to her" thank god he had no real-time he had act with her. He didn't think he could have done it. He too knew it should stop that it was late and he should get back to his place. But it fel so well here laying and cuddling with her. "Only for you..."
Marina: laughed a little as he mentioned Julie Andrews. "I think I would've shit myself if I was in a movie with her. I don't know how you stayed calm on set." There seemed to be a million things running through her head. Should she mention how they both had an early day tomorrow? Or should she just be selfish and stay in his arms? Was it a problem that she liked it so much? Her head lifted up slowly at his words so that she could look into his eyes, smile on her face. "Saying it like that makes me sound special or something."
PJ: he laughed with her "I almost did I was very glad I didn't really work with her but I did get to meet her" but he had not seen her really since. They really acted in different groups. Julie was a movie star and broadway sometimes and Paddy mostly stuck to his tv acting. He too knew they had be on set in only a few hours. That they should be sleeping...in their own beds. But this was to good to end for him. "You are a little bit to me" just looking into her eyes
Marina: "I wish you worked with her now. You could've introduced me! Would've made you good for something," she joked. Her eyes were practically attached to his as her hand went up to run through his hair again. He seemed to like it when she'd done it before. She did too. "You're a little special to me too. Guess that's what happens when you go through an on screen emotional rollercoaster with someone."
PJ: he laughed "so you only use me for Julie?" he chuckled. He had talked to Anna a couple times but mostly would just follow each other online. "If i ever had the chance to talk to her again I would" he hoped he would have the guts to talk to her. Damn it, she just had this thing about her. He couldn't stop looking at her and she was touching his hair and he was melting even more. "We did have to deal with something big acting-wise..." did show how good they were with such a hard subject. He moved his hand to touch her face softly he couldnt' help himself.
Marina: laughed along with him. "Oh, definitely. And I appreciate that you would potentially make a fool out of yourself for me." Her heart was practically pounding in her chest at this point, but she didn't dare move away from him. She didn't want it to end and she knew that they'd both shy away from each other as soon as the spell was broken. "Oh, yeah. From flirty to together to engaged, to not engaged to flirty to sleeping together. We've gotten those two through it all." She absentmindedly leaned into his hand.
PJ: "I would but I think anyone would be a fool around her" she was just like a queen like in real life. he was nervous, scared and wanted more. Even know he felt like he was sort of dying he couldn't let this feeling god. "they have had to deal with a lot over the years..but no matter what i think they love each other" he smiled at her. He wanted to do something but he was nervous it was just his mind playing tricks on him. But he had to take the chance if anything he just go home after. "I..." he couldn't speak he just used his hand to cup her face softly and kissed her.
Marina: “I think so too. She’s so regal,” she said with a bit of laugh. As they stayed there in each other’s arms, she had to keep reminding herself to calm down. This was nothing. It was her hanging out with her good friend. Anything extra was simply in her head. Emotions were all over the place when they filmed. It was fine. “They do. I still think they’ll end up together in the end. It’s impossible for them not to at this point.” When he started to speak, and then quickly stopped, she was confused. That was until he was leaning in for a kiss. Even though sirens were going off in her head, she placed a hand on the back of his neck and easily kissed him back. It made sense.
PJ: he nodded "Like she really is amazing" the movie was a long time ago. but he still could not forget how it was to even be in the same room with her. It was wild how much they had done with their characters over the years. "i think so too, and once the can get better after their loss they will be stronger" he sure hoped so. It just would take time. He took a chance, he knew he was crazy to do the kiss. But he felt like he had too and the kiss felt so right. He just went on kissing her, oh it felt good not like their acting kisses too
Marina: could only imagine how awesome it was to work with someone who had such an astounding career. That woman was in a league of her own. “Kim just needs some time to figure things out. To forgive herself.” Which was understandable. The two characters had gone through a lot. Marina leaned up on her elbow a bit so that she could deepen the kiss. It was a lot different than kissing him on set. This felt more real. It felt like something she should’ve done a while ago. After taking some time to kiss him, she gently pulled her head back as she took a deep breath. A small smile was on her lips.
PJ: he nodded about Kim "They both need time, and space to get past it but I know they will" he smiled at her. The kiss, the kisses god he had wanted to do it for so long. But he kept himself since they were friends and co-stars. He didn't want to mess anything up by having feelings. That he thought she didn't have too. He smiled as he pulled back from the kiss laying his head back down. "you are good kisser" he just had too.
Marina: was trying not to think about what the kisses meant. It was something she’d wanted to do for a while, but she was always afraid of messing something up. Of going for it to only get turned down. Of making their friendship awkward. “I told you,” she replied playfully, fingers playing with his hair. “Though you already knew that. You just refused to admit until I got to prove it again.”
PJ: he did hope she wanted the kiss for the same reason he did. That years of being friends and having to be a couple on screen did lead to something. He knew a lot of on screen couples it happens too. But he really felt something strong about her. "this is when you say Patty you kiss soo goood too" he teased as laced his fingers wit her and kissed her hand
Marina: As their characters continued with their romance stories, Marina couldn’t help falling for the guy behind the character. They spent a lot of time together, in super emotional and close scenes. It was almost inevitable. It happened to a countless amount of other people in the business. She just never thought her feelings would be reciprocated. Marina laughed at his response. “You really need an ego check,” she teased. “You’re not too bad though. You could’ve done better.” Marina smirked as she looked over his face.
PJ: the years on the show it just happened. He knew he had always cared for her but over the past year it grew. She was someone he thought and cared about deeply. "Well you did kiss me back soo... cant be that back" he winked at her having to kiss her once more
Marina: She chuckled a bit before easily leaning in to meet his lips again. Her fingers curled into the hair on the back of his head, almost as if she were trying to keep him as close as she could. When their kisses died down again, she pretended to be unbothered. “Okay, I guess you’re a pretty decent kisser. Someone I’d definitely kiss again.”
PJ: he smiled into their kiss enjoying it. Glad that she was here and wanted it. that she didnt push him away or slap him for it. "Yeah...you are pretty good..." he winked as he has kiss her once more putting his hand on her to pull her close that set off his watch, it was very late and into the next day. "shit " he looked at his watch. "I dont want to say this...but it's late and we need to be on set in like a couple hours" he laughed kissing her once quickly.
Marina: let him pull her close, arm wrapping around him to stay where she was. Hearing the watch, she furrowed her eyebrows and waited as he looked at it. “Shit,” she echoed. Marina kissed him quickly before burying her face against his chest. “I hate early call times,” she playfully whined. With a little sigh, she pulled away from him and moved to stand up. Her hand went through her hair as she looked down at him with a smile. “You know, I think you’re gonna have to come back tomorrow night. There’s probably gonna be another spider to save. Just a guess.”
PJ: he hated to see the time, but they had to get going to bed. Because they couldn't look like they didn't sleep. "me too, damn sucks being there a dawns ass" he sighed. He didn't want to let her go but he did slowly. "dang I'll make sure to get her sooner so keep them away from you" he slowly got himself up. He bit his lip for a second before he gave her another last kiss. "You need walk away or I'm never gonna get back to my place" he hugged her now just having too.
Marina: “You definitely should. Might as well just come back here after work. It makes the most sense.” She had a huge smile on her face as they joked. As he approached her again, she quickly placed a hand on his cheek as she kissed him back. Her arms easily wrapped around him as their kissing turned into a hug. “I don’t want you to,” she admitted. “But, okay. I’ll see you in a few hours. I’ll be the girl looking like I only slept for two hours,” she joked. Her arms slowly loosened as she pulled back from him.
PJ: he smiled "I think i like that Idea i do need to keep you safe" he smiled softly at her. he had get the last kisses and hugs he could get in before he was going to have to leave for the night. "I don't want to..but if i dont we are not going to sleep" he knew it. So he slowly let her go and walked towards the door. "same just like a girl who got two hours of sleep"
Marina: couldn’t help the huge smile that was on her face. “My hero,” she joked. As they pulled away from each other, she grabbed his hand as if she wasn’t actually going to let go. “I know,” she said with a sigh as she dropped his hand. She wouldn’t be getting much sleep anyway. Her heart was still racing. “Hey, at least we’ll get to spend some extra time in the makeup trailer while they make us look like we slept enough.” Watching him at the door, she quickly went over to kiss him again. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
PJ: he smiled back at her glad that this all worked out. "I try" he smirked. He smiled at her hand and chuckled when she let it go. "that is true i know i am gonna need a good hour so i am gonna make us all late" he laughed lightly. He smiled and kissed her back "stop i am never gonna go" he put his hand on her face joking before he just kissed her forehead "good night....." he was making himself go as much as he didnt want too
Marina: “Eh, it’ll be for a good cause,” she teased. “One only I’ll know about, but still.” She chuckled at herself. It felt like she was a giddy teenager with a crush. Something she hadn’t felt in a while. “Goodnight,” she replied as she stepped back so that he could actually go. Marina watched him head down the hallway before stepping back into her apartment and closing the door. The night had been perfect.
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gldengod-a2 · 6 years
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     ❝   So  ...   ❞  Dennis places his palms flat against the redwood desk  ,   now face-level with the man across from him.  ❝  Nice set-up ya’ got here.   I can always appreciate a man who understands the intricate discipline behind interior decor.  ❞   He chuckles to himself  ,   gloating from the profound narcissism of his statement.  ❝   You see  ,   for quite some time now  ...  well no  ...  I’m lying.   Ever since I re-discovered my profound love for the literary prodigy that is The Picture of Dorian Gray  ,   I thought to myself  :   Hell  !   Why hasn’t anyone painted me yet  ?   I’m practically a modern day Dorain  !   ❞   Reynolds sinks his perfect teeth into the tender pink of his bottom lip  ,   bursting at the seams with fervor.   What fool would be daft enough to reject the opportunity to paint Dennis Reynolds  ?   The most finely-bred of the male class. 
     ❝  What do you say  ,   Signore Romano  ?   Will you paint me  ?   Can you capture this godly essence with a paint brush alone    ❞  He sneers  ,  propping a thin leg up onto the table  ,   only to send nondescript papers flying.  ❝  Sono stupendo  ?   ❞  Dennis states  ,   the words rolling off of his sharp tongue with a dramatic Italian accent. 
     ❝  But most importantly.   I’d like for you to paint me in the   NUDE.  ❞
//    @artdirects
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gldngod-a · 6 years
♡  * `  &        ╯   @aencient     . 
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    ❝      Perfect      !       A nice      HUNKY      blonde.       What’d’ya say     ,      pal     ?      Wanna come back to my place with me for the      BEST      time of your presumably pathetic life      ?      Allow me to clarify though     :      this isn’t a gay thing.      Not gay at all.     ❞  
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cfgallery-sba-blog · 5 years
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Title: "Into the Rice Paddy" Verde Series 001 .. Something green to freshen up your mind..😉 . More printable artworks at Artpal..Link in bio. . #landscape #digital #art #artist #artistoninstagram #artpal #grahics #green #verde #field #rice #paddy #greenfield #palette #plant #grass #grassyplains https://www.instagram.com/p/B3tsMAEDNX9/?igshid=rcmlz51vicyx
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Toe Poke Daily: Zlatan Ibrahimovic is master of most things except bowling
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Craig Burley says Zlatan Ibrahimovic reminds him of Ruud Gullit late in his career and lays out how Zlatan would fare if he returned to Europe.
The Toe Poke Daily is here every day to bring you all the weirdest stories, quirkiest viral content and top trolling that the internet has to offer, all in one place.
Jump to: Ronaldo’s new boots | Honda pleads for a new team
Several recognisable names from the footballing sphere feature on the high score list at the All Star Lanes bowling alley in Manchester.
As revealed by ESPN journalist Rob Dawson, the all-time list includes a variety of notable players, with ex-Man City defender Micah Richards right up there in second place having almost breached the 200-point mark.
– Guardiola does matchday stress like no one else – Ibrahimovic tags Pogba in new Matrix challenge – Balotelli’s daughter a mascot for rival team
Quite a few former and current United and City players make up the top 20, with Ederson, Ashley Young, Aymeric Laporte, Marcus Rashford, Kevin de Bruyne and Wayne Rooney all posting respectable three-figure scores.
However, it would appear that we’ve finally discovered Zlatan Ibrahimovic‘s Achilles’ heel, with the former United man barely beating the likes of television presenter Paddy McGuinness and Lady Gaga with his paltry high score of 108.
All the bragging, all that bluster and it turns out Zlatan can’t even out-bowl Michael Buble.
Cristiano Ronaldo’s new boots
Cristiano Ronaldo has a brand new pair of custom boots which pay tribute to the blinding pace at which he plays.
The boots are designed to illustrate the “DNA of speed” and feature a variety of technical details that have allowed the Nike Mercurial to bolster the acceleration of their wearers over the years.
“I’ve achieved so much wearing Mercurial boots,” Ronaldo wrote on Instagram. “Now, I am excited to see you all follow your dreams in my new Dream Speed.”
The large “001” decal on the flank signifies the boots being the first iteration of this new series while the “44.7 km/h” decal seen on the instep represents the “dream speed” for any footballer.
Given that the fastest player clocked in the 2018-19 Premier League is Timothy Fosu-Mensah at 35.32 km/h, and Gareth Bale/Kylian Mbappe have been timed at over 36 km/h, it looks like Ronaldo (who ran 34 km/h at the age of 34 this season) still has some way to go.
The Juventus superstar will take to the pitch in his new electric blue boots for the first time following their worldwide release on Oct. 3.
Honda pleads for a new team
While obviously not struggling for cash, Keisuke Honda is getting increasingly desperate to play top-level football again having been out of the game for the last year.
So much so, in fact, that the former Japan international has offered his services to both Manchester United and AC Milan in the space of 24 hours.
After seeing United struggle in recent weeks, Honda contacted the club on Twitter to inform them that he’d be willing to play for free should they wish to take him on.
Give me an offer. I don’t need money but I need to play with great team and great team mate! @ManUtd @ManUtd_JP
— KeisukeHonda(本田圭佑) (@kskgroup2017) September 27, 2019
Then, after watching Milan slump to a 3-1 home defeat against Fiorentina on Sunday and sink down to 16th in the Serie A table, the 33-year-old forward offered to return to the Rossoneri to aid them in their plight.
I have always wanted to help you. Call me when you need me! @acmilan
— KeisukeHonda(本田圭佑) (@kskgroup2017) September 30, 2019
Most recently, Honda took charge of the Cambodia national team on a part-time basis while also setting up a youth soccer school in partnership with Soltilo Angkor FC. He last played at pro level with Melbourne Victory in the Australian top flight, finishing the 2018-19 season with seven goals in 20 appearances.
Who knows, maybe he could still do a job at one of European football’s twin faded giants?
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ronnictherat · 5 years
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airmanisr · 7 years
Class 40 Preservation Society loco move along the Hope Valley - 1780 by Dr. Paddy Oates Via Flickr: * Earles Sidings Just two minutes to four, the points have gone over and the signal arm was raised to the off position, the drives revved up and off they went quick as you might. I am not sure if a class 40 has been along the Hope VAlley line or in fact through Sheffield, since the 1970s at any rate, as it did this morning, taking a slightly circuitous route to get to Butterley on the 'Old Road' rather than go directly south from here at Dore along the Midland Main line. For whatever reason, pathing difficulties with busy passenger services maybe on the main line, the locos movements here produced a stir of interest and again Gavin Bland has an excellent shot of the loco in Sheffield Midland Station, along with some informative background information see- www.flickr.com/photos/49068127@N06/33356149300/ Some general information about the class 40 locomotives from Wikipedia- Power type:Diesel-electric Builder: English Electric at Vulcan Foundry and Robert Stephenson and Hawthorns Build date:1958–1962 Total produced:200 Specifications Configuration: 1Co-Co1 UIC class: (1Co)'(Co1)' Gauge: 4ft 8 1/2in (1,435mm) standard gauge Wheel diameter:Driving: 3ft 9in (1.143 m) Idling: 3ft 0in (0.914 m) Minimum curve: 4.5 chains (91m) Wheelbase: 61ft 3in (18.67m) Length:69ft 6in (21.18m) Width: 9ft 0in (2.74m) Height: 12ft 10in (3.91m) Loco weight: 133 long tons (135 t; 149 short tons) Fuel capacity: 710Imp gal (3,200L; 850US gal) Prime mover: English Electric 16SVT MkII Generator: DC generator Traction motors: DC traction motors Transmission: Diesel-electric transmission MU working: * Blue Star Train heating: Steam Train brakes: Vacuum; later Dual (Air & Vacuum) Performance figures Maximum speed: 90mph (140km/h) Power output: Engine: 2,000bhp (1,490kW) At rail: 1,550hp (1,160kW) Tractive effort: Maximum: 52,000lbf (23kN) Loco brake-force: 51 long tons-force (508kN) Career Operators: British Railways Numbers: D200–D399, later 40 001–40 199 Nicknames: 'Whistler' Axle load class: Route availability 6 Withdrawn: 1976-1985 Disposition: seven preserved, remainder scrapped Class 40, 40345 is on the Butterely-M.R.C. to Bury-East Lancs Railway ECS working, 5Z43 with LMS Coach 6320, the 'General Managers Saloon' in tow, this carriage is ex-395707/M5033M and the loco carries the 'Class 40 Preservation Society' headboard as it runs back to Castleton Hopwood near Bury.
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philipjorourke · 3 years
William Nevile and Paddy Maloney-001
William Nevile and Paddy Maloney-001 by Philip J O´Rourke Via Flickr: A couple of old friends enjoying the sunshine and the banter in The People's Park, Limerick. #streetphotography #socialhistory #blackandwhitephotography #city #citylife #parks #limerick #ireland #cannon
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