#paf talks
thepaffening · 4 months
Wait hold on i JUST found your blog, is your among us AU just basically a giant group of different aliens showing up to Mira and is like a conferemce or something
(i think there's something about making purple either the meanest person or an absolute bean)
Hii!! Welcome welcome, glad you found me!
My rendition of the Among Us situation is actually something I've put a lot of thought into, I mean I've been making this sort of expanded universe for around four years now!
SO I'm going to take this opportunity to explain a bit about my version of the Among Us universe, and if this response ends up way longer than intended I am so sorry, I tend to ramble about these things lol
The whole impostor situation started in the early golden days of MIRA. A distant solar system was discovered, named the JRSC System, and explored extensively for research and materials. One of the planets in the system, JRSC-5, was found to hold alien life.
Among the various flora and fauna of JRSC-5 was a very large species of strange beast. Capable of shapeshifting, not quite mammal yet not quite reptile, not quite anything humanity had ever seen.
Of course, MIRA jumped at the chance to research alien life. Field researchers observed natural behaviors, took samples, caught live specimens. Eventually there were even whole bases built on other planets dedicated to further research on this specific species.
They did not anticipate the intelligence they were capable of.
See, Impostors, as the scientists had taken to calling them for their habit of mimicking human appearances, aren't just mindless creatures. They're a fully sentient species, they just operated differently than humans, spoke in a way humans didn't recognize as language, lived among untouched nature as opposed to buildings or society.
So of course they didn't take too kindly to their friends and family being taken.
Impostors still on the planet began to infiltrate MIRA ships. Impostors in captivity began breaking out and assuming identities of crew members. Some did it just to escape capture, some for survival, some for revenge, some just cuz it was another source of food. Impostors gained their reputation.
This unofficial war was never publicized to those outside of MIRA.
AAAAND that's basically the deal! Pretty unfortunate for everyone involved, especially the innocent Imps just trying to survive and the crewmates just trying to make a living.
If there's anything else you'd like to know about my universe, because I can and will go even more in depth, feel free to shoot me another ask or two!
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cloverhighfive · 1 year
I don't understand how ppl go downstairs without looking at the steps.
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pafsplayground · 5 months
Kinda lowkey considering Rook for if I ever want to change my name,,,,,,,
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dr-reversebeartrap · 6 months
who in saw hates tequila shots the most
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janus-cadet · 6 months
This card is brighter than the one I usually do- might even be the most colorful of the whole deck, so far! Which- fitting. Today, let's welcome Charlie Morningstar and Vaggie, double figures for the Ten of Cups!
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(Now usually, the card also have one or two more people on it; I thought about adding Pentious, but our snake should have his card soon enough. Therefore, it's just the girls.)
Explanations under the cut, as well as a poll for the next card to draw, and the rest of the Hazbin tarot cards!
Upright, the Ten of Cups embodies happiness, joy, and emotional contentment. You have created an abundance of love and happiness in your life, and you now share this love with others, expanding your heart even more. This fits Charlie and what she created with her hotel, supported by Vaggie- together, they are the start of it all. You are now surronded by your loved ones (it's a fucking happy day in hell!), with whom you share a powerful and deep connection. You support one another, and you help other to reach their highest potential- on the path to redemption! Most of all, you do it because seeing others happy is the greatest joy you could have. It's the "happy family" card by excellence, as well as a positive card for romantic relationships- you're in a blissful one, if that's what you're looking for, to the point you may believe that you ar soulmates destined to be with one another (I do love them, mh, mh). When the card appears in your reading, it's time for you to take a step back, and appreciate everything you accomplished. You went through hard time, but look at that! You can do this, now we know it, and you actually did. Follow your heart, says the card, and follow your inner sens of Good.
Reversed, the card brings more subtility. You can see the Upright reading as mostly Charlie's idealistic view on the hotel and on redemption; but with the reversed Ten of Cups come the struggles. You may feel disconnected and disengaged from your loved ones, like your estranged father and your missing mother. You try to connect, but each times, something goes wrong, and the distance between you grows. Why does he forgets everything you say? Can't he pay attention? Why is he not calling more often? Or maybe you're afraid to trust, and you're keeping some secrets close to your chest. You don't open up enough, and you create, without meaning to, a distance with others, with her. You're too rash and too impulsive, but you mean well- surely, they can see that? It may have an impact on your relationship; you need to realise that nothing is perfect, and every relationship has its ups and downs. The Ten of Cups invite you to seek out a common ground with your loved ones, and rebuild the relationship from there. Talk to your father about why, exactly, he's so reluctant to help; talk to your partner about who you are, and where you came from. Open the lines of communication and be ready to hold space for one another. Be compassionate, understanding, and respectful. The card can also mean that you're starting to doubt yourself, and what you are doing. Is it really worth it? Are you up to the task? Are you letting other people down? You have to rethink those questions. Think about what makes you happy, what you believe in, and bring back your focus to that.
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And that's it for today! I'm planning to do at least three more Hazbin cards- if the fixation does not die by then. Not that it shows any sign of slowing down, oh boy- they are all so fun to draw, too!
And with that, Hazbin Hotel verse is the most represented fandom in my whole deck of cards, right before Doctor Who. Ah!
If you have read this far- well done. So proud of you. You win a peach cider, if you're even able to drink this abomination. And paf, the rest of the cards!
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2hoothoots · 1 year
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new comic is done!! this one was a DOOZY and i changed my workflow like six times, but in the end i think it came together really nice! it's, uh, probably the last longer one i'm gonna do for a while, though :P
i'll probably add a little step-by-step in a reblog tomorrow. for now, catch the transcript under the cut!
Vanishing Act, over the intercom: So sorry I can't stay and watch you be devoured by pyro-sharks, but I've got my curtain call to make... and the audience are simply dying to see me. Ciao, agents! Or should I say... CHOW! AHAHAHAHAHA!
(Caught in one of Vanishing Act's villainous death traps, agents Zanotto and Aquato find themselves hanging by a thread in... "LOVE BITES!")
(sfx: Clink, clink)
Lili: Welp. At least now you've got an excuse to miss Franke and Kitty's wedding.
Raz: Oh, my GOD. I can't believe you're still going on about that.
Lili: I don't get why you're being so stubborn about it!
Raz: Because Kitty's a jerk and I hate her.
Lili: That's not true.
Raz: Yes it is! That cruise ship mission we went on, she left me to barf my guts out for like two hours!
Lili: Well maybe you shouldn't have eaten all that shrimp!
Raz: Well MAYBE I didn't know it was POISONED!
(sfx: clink, clink)
Lili: ...c'mon, Raz. That's not the only reason, is it?
Raz: I guess I just... I feel weird about it, y'know? It makes me think about us.
Lili: Wow. Way to make things all about you.
Raz: Oh, c'mon, you know that's not what I meant.
Lili: Well what do you mean?
Raz: It just... sometimes, I...
Raz: Relationships are - complicated, right? I'm happy for them, but it makes me think about our own relationship. And how there are... milestones, and - and certain expectations, and... and marriage is... well, it's...
(He sighs)
Raz: Ow.
(sfx: BONK)
Raz: There's give on my right wrist.
Lili: Can you pass it under?
Raz: One second...
Lili: Alright. Just gotta get my legs free...
Lili: Hey. D'you... want to get married?
Raz: ...no. No, and I feel - terrible about it.
Raz: Because I - because we don't have a traditional relationship. And I don't want to have that with you. I like how we are now. But then I see other people our age getting married, and it makes me worry that... that I'm letting you down, or not doing enough as your boyfriend, and that - that maybe you deserve someone who...
Lili: Raz?
Raz: Yeah?
Lili: I love you.
Raz: I love you too.
Lili: You're being stupid.
Raz: I know.
(sfx: paf)
Lili: ...listen. We should talk about this. But, uh, maybe not in the pyro shark death trap.
Raz: ...huh. Y'know, these are great whites. You can't keep them in a tank. They need the space of open water.
Raz: Which means I'll bet anything that this... leads to the ocean.
Lili: Then let's get a move on. We've got a party to crash.
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ilearhmajeste · 7 months
w Always ka chrain bLow? Nibli
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I kno u what that's a pic up above , THAT is their thrus it's an other there. It exists, so it gets anchored pretty hard NOWSHRB They're shooting up next to it like that's giving them powefs
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Ununbegrudgingly but in Nother Corada Center Sentatris Otta わAnd that's weird right her fingers (a thread could have been the thrd) u kno why you makr NayaL I seee flashBEAM
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Ç !is wow ah cool draft tung
Regularity Building aspersions Paf in two places by a known illiterate neighbor of author bibb
č tz
Either a roast for to have more space and no one of those with debts actually needs ^The space because they aren't taking any up because they are and on' unplugged Sortofs angela meets the globe your 30DISK catch up with jiggly puff if tge drill cave nvm we re at the only place I've ever bothered to get to For Fishing but that's just not wat its about un that world they keep crabs a way aways from pieces tge concept a lot of affirmation ordered Paired Humblar Bulbus chair Knob knanas plex
We don't have a dog dp you know whatever isn't moving on the lawns' gonna be your leaves all jerry1^にく
Bushwakers ghe s.oki signaling to
Arriave courier pour (huille)^ like yAcflum a fu une beauceup Der jh und an ichi(the sound) with no look at all an a k stainfrisbeArcher RaisabPj as per Your predeT(j*^);one is nor either
And also what's past is west to everyone except me,I'm what has tar paste and tunes of plastic bagged iti fr bread sticks pasta. Bu...t ..a.asmal.L' and look at how a Carbo is spelt they make a point that it's Scalra Ave of the Powee plant(translator) That's,not Versailles, but... there's always room for a forbidden palaus でどと ca nue have k "chers just smarter is all.
More senior ModelfuvSanké I can say that I've been pickt by a Roc but a gildydbulnbdisk on live tv no one see good nope just don't look for it cuz you know whereswasTghat 'Thangole Luck bra gon jingling off too
Mumsol dol,
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Br o under rs ITs already a lye there can't be a both that your not privy bus sized computer chips stepping the USA,SvevnqUil(ylanz)'ll do it
And then shows it right with the speaker vents
Sometimes business is bad for minors Licenses available
tzuy Aparentlt the XcartXrdfg os brown
Or is my forebrpwdDid she tell you she yelled the shot out...You should not be able to reach that from the side walk
And so I had to assuafe she told the hallway
Cud u pull some onions wilted unclothed
Splendid landing numbness there's A g for just gpatial trust me itsdome magnetism and a secret "about" it. Yuh a sheet digimon bytheway The chemical symbol for over your head バカ ーヤマ
Also gravity but a E ^ y, A r foreH her lost GaD I'd call it glade but treat it as a spelling error.
We use all our H together to BE but can talk our ohn , T an actual there The Place BEST!
Otherwise the people of Maycomb speak normally. Knowledge lessons,providing requirements dir dyrk rebel base under attav
Imperial Starfleet to Luke's headset
I didn't see you
( `Å´)(#゚Д゚)never l'fywhymnot playing Now I'm watching
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that's family guy You have to at least sniff or they'll make fun of you for laughing from another room BLUMANgrouphome
Someone said it was eviden dI have a drenched friend in a fencing outfit
And someone called it mashed potatoes who you gonna belive MARSHMALLO
I can't fit a napkin of jail bird javelin pixi u?
Ah that's a na nger
Ya kno drugs were hammer Ed or nuts fruit Zedra of The Universe dot DoT
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abidethetempest · 5 months
Hi, I've been offline a bit recently so please feel free to ignore this because idk what week it is but I don't think it's question answering week yet
What would the Eliksni word for a bakery, and its associated products, be? Such as bread, cakes, pastries, etc etc (or whatever the closest equivalent would be for them)
Thank you in advance ::3
This post is part of my ongoing project to create a language for the Eliksni! For more information check out my masterpost linked here.
Man, this one stretched my creative muscles! I had nothing related to this topic, and it wasn't one I had ever considered before, truthfully.
I had to do a lot of research into etymologies of the various words you requested in several different languages to get inspiration. I'll be a little more detailed in my thought process here since I had to make so much from scratch and want to talk about it in depth.
First, I made the verb "to bake", ordris. From there, I decided to create a noun ending that denotes "a place where an action happens". I derived this from the word for place, priist, and settled on pri. So "bakery" is ordrispri.
The words for baked goods were a little harder.
I made the word for a dessert, paf, and then decided that the word for any kind of sweet thing made in an oven is orrhapaf, lit. "fire-cake". The word for fire is orrha (fun fact: both the verbs for "to bake" and "to melt" come from this word). So both cake and pastry are covered by this one word. I suppose if you wanted to get particular about the difference between them (which I don't know off the top of my head lol, I can barely cook an egg), you could talk about shape or fillings or size, but for the purposes of this ask, I'll be leaving it there.
Bread gets its own word: chei. (second fun fact: did you know the etymology for bread is complicated and disputed??? i am confounded as to the linguistic origins of fucking bread. I think my word will be related to the verb for "to rise" in the sense of bread rising as it bakes.)
That was a lot! To recap:
To bake: ordris
Bakery: ordrispri
Bread: chei
Dessert: paf
Cake/Pastry/Any baked sweet: orrhapaf
Thanks for the ask and for indulging my rambling as always!
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roosterarts · 1 year
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Philippine Air Force F-5A ready to get in the air!
With all the talk about the Philippines either getting the JAS-39 C/D or the F-16 Block 70, I think its time to look back at the Philippine Air Force's first supersonic fighter jet, the F-5 Freedom Fighter.
First acquired in 1965, the F-5A/Bs would be the main fighter aircraft of the PAF for decades to come. Alongside the USAF based at Clark Air Base, PAF F-5s would intercept Russian and Chinese aircraft that violated Philippine airspace.
The PAF's F-5A/Bs would also serve as close air support for Philippine ground forces engaging various insurgents groups in the country.
The F-5A/Bs would eventually be retired from service in 2005 without a proper replacement. Some of its parts, mainly its combat systems, would be transfered to S-211 trainers in order to convert them to the AS-211 "Warrior" variants, which would serve as the country's main fighter aircraft until the arrival of the FA-50 in 2015.
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nani-nonny · 7 months
Question; how would other peepaws react to PAF begin drunk and think a mango or coconut (or any fruit of your choice) is his daughter? Like he's talking to them and say " please don't speak loudly or my daughter will wake up " as he point at the freaking fruit he's carrying lol
They would be so embarrassed that that’s one of their alternates! And a little funny, they’re laughing on the inside. Apaf is literally so hilariously embarrassing!!!
Except for Reunion. He finds is extremely funny. Even humors apaf’s drunk mistake by giving a blanket to wrap the baby in or give some food lol
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thepaffening · 4 months
This post goes out to the Instagram refugees
Hi, you found me
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the-takosader · 2 months
So, What Next?
Yeah, the title says everything: what's next in my adventures with guitar? Well, there's a few ideas on the table.
And by "a few", I mean "I've got 5 total ideas and they're all fighting for dominance." I wish that were false, but here we are.
So, let's list each one, front to back.
Fender Marauder build
Attempting to recreate John Lennon's modded Les Paul Jr. from a kit
Gretsch Country Gentleman build
Telecaster Bass VI build
Getting (and subsequently modding) an Epiphone Casino.
To fuck with logic and sensibility, let's go from the bottom and work our way up. Also, warning to everyone: this is going to be a VERY long post.
Epiphone Casino mod
You might recognise the Epiphone Casino from when I talked about my first project on here: the Fretless Stratocaster (which I'm hoping to refinish at some point).
The Casino is what I wanted to work with originally as a kit, instead of the Strat that I ended up using. However, I discovered something: you can't actually get a thinline hollow-body guitar as a kit because it's likely (not 100% on this) too niche of an interest for a first - or second-time builder.
This, as you could probably guess, was a massive disappointment to 16-year-old me, but now, 2 years later, I've kinda stopped with the whole "kitbash" thing. I know I listed the LPJr. kit build above, but that's gonna be a hell of a thing to do. More on that later.
Anyway, why would I buy instead of build in this case? To answer that, we need to talk about parallel universes the feasibility of making a fully hollow guitar, from scratch. Also capitalism.
So, what does building a hollow-body guitar actually entail? Well, I'm glad you asked, dear reader, because, as it turns out, quite a hell of a lot goes into building one. First, you have to have a veneer press. Yes, seriously. Why? Because you'll never get a solid top on a guitar that looks like this:
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Now, this isn't to say that there aren't solid-top electric semi/fully hollow guitars out there. I'd venture to guess that Höfner do a bunch, just because they do both violins and guitars & basses. In fact, I know the Violin Bass (500/1 my beloved) has a solid spruce top, just because I've spent way too much time checking Thomann to see what they have in stock. But that's neither here nor there.
The Casino has a 5-ply maple body. Yes, five. That's 5 sheets of wood for the top, sides and back, which are pressed into formation to make the Casino. If I remember correctly, the top is made of a veneer sandwich of maple and poplar. I could be wrong, or I could be thinking of what Gibson have done. Either one is possible.
Anyway, where does capitalism come into this? It comes in when you ask "How much would all of this cost?" The short answer is "more than it'd be worth to do it." Not only do you have to find how to press veneers together in such a way that you can make the arched (yes, the top is pressed into its arch, it's not carved out) top, but you also have to source the equipment required to do so, and the veneers themselves. It's way too much hassle, money, and general effort for what would generally be a one-off build.
So that's why I'm not approaching the Casino from the angle of building it. Now, onto what I'd actually do to the thing.
Y'ever wonder why Gibson/Epiphone never stuck a PAF in the ES-330/Casino? I have! There's no definite answer to the question, sadly. In my personal opinion, I think it's because they were too scared to try it. It could, just as easily, be that they tried that, and came to the conclusion that it just didn't work, but I personally prefer the idea that it's the former, because Gibson haven't done shit in terms of new stuff. And before you reply with "What about the Theodore," may I remind you that that was stuffed in McCarty's desk for a reason (that being that it's fucking ugly jfc Gibson).
But yeah, this is the main plan: get a Casino, take out the old P90s, and put something like these things in there. Best part, the dogear covers are curved for such use!
Okay, Moving On.
The Telecaster Bass VI
This one is slightly more unique than the Casino build.
So, you remember the Cherry Telecaster XII build? Yeah, the one that required the use of a separate guitar body. I haven't got rid of that original body. It's still sat, waiting to be used. So, what's the plan?
I have some spare parts that I was so graciously given, including a set of tuning machines, a set of Telecaster pickups, ash-tray and saddles. These will all get used in the process of building the TB6. But you might be wondering - what about the neck?
Y'see, the interesting thing about this is that I want to gain experience in building guitars, not just cobbling together kits and calling it a day. I want to learn how to make a guitar from scratch. Part of that, in turn, means learning how to cut and shape a neck, and how to actually do frets.
This is where the kitbashing was supposed to end. However, I got kinda invested in the whole Lennon Les Paul Jr. thing, and that's my hard cutoff point in this case. I hope.
But enough about that, what does this actually entail?
The build entails constructing a neck from scratch, mainly, and modding the remaining pieces in order to smoothly fit the spare parts. That's it.
There's also the deal about finishes, personal touches and all that funk, jazz, and funky jazz, but the main thing to keep in mind is that this is kinda a one-off, and I'll most likely make shit up as I go. That's why this section is so much shorter than the previous one.
Next on the list...
Gretsch Country Gentleman build
This one is a shelved build, but still on the list.
The Gretsch Country Gentleman (numbered as the G6122 by Gretsch) is the signature model of guitar for the late Chet Atkins, one of the most famous American country guitarists of the mid-to-late 1950s.
It also costs, brand new, US$3,499. As much as I like the sound of the guitar, I don't want to even touch that price point, because JESUS CHRIST that's expensive. So what's the next best thing? Why, building it, of course?
Here, we run into the same issue as with the Casino: materials and methods being really expensive. But where the Casino costs less than a grand, this costs US$3,499. In this case, it's worth it.
The Country Gentleman has more documentation, as well as features, so let's run through those:
Bigsby B6 vibrato tailpiece
2 Filter'Trons (TV Jones Classics, in this case)
Pickup selector
Standby switch
Flip-up foam mutes
Roller bridge for added tuning stability
ElectroTone body (thinline chambered hollow body)
Zero fret
Grover Imperial tuners
For a non-guitar nerd, that might sound weird. Let me break it further down.
The mudswitch has 3 options: no tone circuit factored in (bright as can be), ~9 on a tone knob, and ~5 on a tone knob; the standby switch cuts the signal from the guitar when you don't want your guitar making noise (like in between songs on a live set); the flip-up mutes allow the simulation of palm muting while not needing your hand to constantly rest on the bridge.
As for the rest of the features, they're not exactly important, and also, did I mention that this was a shelved project? The whole reason is that there's a little too much required work for right now.
Attempting to Recreate John Lennon's Les Paul Junior from a kit
This one is far easier, because most of the leg-work is already done for me.
Firstly, there was a recreation of his Junior back in 2007, done by Gibson themselves, so I can at least take from that to recreate it to my tastes. Secondly, I've a kit to bash this out of, so I can do most of the work without worrying about the rest of the guitar.
One small issue, however - this is the real thing:
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Image source: https://www.mattsguitar.shop/en/vendues/gibson-custom-les-paul-junior-john-lennon
Now, you may be wondering, "Hey, um, what the fuck's that pickup in the neck?" That, my friend, is a recreation of the first electric pickup Gibson ever made: the Charlie Christian pickup.
It's technically the ES-150 pickup, designed in 1936, and gaining its common name through the wholesale adoption by famous jazz and bebop guitarist Charlie Christian. Sit back, folks, this one's a doozy.
The original pickups were built using 2 cobalt steel bar magnets, as AlNiCo magnets weren't widespread knowledge at the time, and were used to not only hold the pickup together, but also keep it attached to the top of the guitar. Remember, this was Gibson's first electric pickup, the P90 wouldn't be invented for another 10 years.
They were also wound with an incredibly thick gauge of wire: 38awg. In comparison, modern pickups are wound with either 42 or 43awg. It's not like extreme wire gauges weren't common at the time - Rickenbacker were using 53awg for their pickups for a long while. The only reason they stopped is because they hand-wound their pickups, and 53awg is such an incredibly thin wire, it's prone to breaking with incredible ease.
Anyway, because the pickup uses such large magnets and large wire coils, it's actually rather inefficient. Due to this, it only averaged out a DC resistance of 2.5-4k Ohms, with examples of 1.1-1.5k Ohms being very common.
Now, that's all fine, nor is it my issue. My issue is with the pickup that was used, because he somehow found a lefty pickup??? and he put it in the neck position upside down?????
Okay that needs explaining. How do I know it's a lefty pickup? Because it has this little notch where it'd pass under the B string. You'll find the same sorta thing on a Strat pickup, the pole under the B string is much lower than the others. But the thing about this is that the gap just... goes under the A string instead??? Either John got real lucky, or he asked Gibson to make him one. And either way, I cannot find one that could replicate that, which is why this build is an attempt at a replica.
Okay, last, but CERTAINLY not least.
Fender Marauder build
This one is much less of a doozy than the pickup and the Les Paul Junior. Let's dive in.
First, I need to explain one concept - the offset guitar body. Leo Fender, by all measures, was Fucking Insane by guitar standards. In a good way, that is. He designed the Fender company's biggest guitars just on the concept of improving through feedback. Take the Stratocaster for example: that was designed based on the feedback of wanting:
a vibrato system that could do what the Bigsby could, then return to tuning with ease.
individually adjustable saddles.
a more comfortable body than the slab of the Telecaster.
That's where the Strat came from, but where'd Leo get the idea for this thing, then?
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In short, it was Leo getting further into the whole "improvements" thing. Larger pickups for a more defined response, a lead/rhythm circuit that emphasised an individual pickup in the switching, with which the volume and tone became pickup-specific, and a vibrato that was, in theory, easier to use and produce, meaning no need for back routing.
And y'know, he didn't get rid of everything from the Strat. He kept the body contours, the individually adjustible saddles, but he made one interesting change: the body wasn't aligned anymore. Notice the parts where the body curves inwards, around the waist of the guitar. That's the offset.
And, to his credit, the Jazzmaster was the first example of the offset guitar, with the biggest competitor (Gibson) not making a response until 5 years later, in 1963. Their response, being the Thunderbird bass and Firebird guitar, were the first example of a reverse offset, where the lower half of the guitar is more prominent than the upper half.
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It was also designed by Ray Dietrich if you're wondering why it looks so off for a guitar. It's barely even offset!
So anyway, the Jazzmaster was the first of many offsets that Fender produced. There was also the:
Jazz Bass
Bass VI
Electric XII
Now, most of these have become mainstays of the Fender/Squier line-up over the years, except for that last one - the Marauder. Why? Because the Marauder never saw full production, and all the prototypes ended up going into the personal collection of Quilla "Porky" Freeman. A few have appeared here and there since then, but the model never got its time in the limelight.
Oh, sure there was the Modern Player Marauder back in 2010, but good golly gosh, wouldn't you believe it, that got none of the unique features!
Let's compare what it could have been to what it ended up as.
The Type II (2 different images because of the different headstocks)...
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And the Modern Player.
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Yeah, it's not exactly a competition between them in terms of features. It got done dirty with the reisue.
In case you're confused:
The Marauder was to have individual 3-mode pickup switching, but got shafted with this 5-way blade switch
Planned to have a Mustang vibrato, but got a 6-screw Strat-style trem. I know the Type 1 prototype had the Strat-style trem, but come on, you could stand to at least give it something more unique.
Was to have a lead/rhythm circuit and a standby/kill switch, and got neither one.
Yeah, the Modern Player Marauder holds nary a candle to the prototypes.
So what's my plans for this build? There's many things in my head related to this, from finish and colour to what I'm going to make it with to whether or not I want to make this kinda Red Special-ish with a zero fret and a floating tremolo, or just use a Mustang vibrato.
I do, however, know what I want to do with the pickups! I have a third pickup from the person who gave me the pair of Telecaster pickups, a hot-rodded Broadcaster bridge pickup, which you can probably guess where that's going. However, what about the other 2 pickups?
As the middle pickup, I was thinking a Burns Tri-Sonic (the same pickup as the Red Special), but I'm not sure on the neck pickup. Maybe a Wide-Range Humbucker? Or maybe a PAF copy? It's a series of long and hard thoughts in this case.
So yeah, that's everything! Keep in mind that this is always subject to change. You'd be surprised what goes on in my head to do stuff like this.
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stanislawkowalski · 2 months
Can we talk about Nastka holding weekly meetings with his men, where he makes them taste his baked goods?
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If someone doesn't like strawberries? they get a bullet in the head. *PIF PAF*
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outsiders-owen · 3 months
What if he was hurt? What if he was dying at this very moment and you could do nothing to stop it? What if he's already dead Owen, what would you do then?
You know who I'm talking about.
-Root Voice
Then I would be sad. But he wouldn't, because- because he's here. In my house again.
Not for long. I'm leaving soon, but-
Yeah, yeah-
-but I've invited Owen to join me-
-which I won't be doing-
I told you.
Well, it didn't make sense.
Hey!! Punching isn't nice!
You aren't nice.
I hate you.
You love me.
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knightofhylia · 1 year
Your conlang seems very interesting! Care to infodump a bit, if you want? (I'm genuine) (I'm a language nerd)
It is still in it's infancy so it's a hot mess right now, but I'd love tell y'all about it! It's a mix of all my random amateur language studies and just straight up 'the ghosts told me this word' lol
It's called Akelkiahn, as it is the language of the people of Akelkiah (basically my religions avalon, eden, etc). It's shorthand is AKL. I do have a baby blog @akelkiah where I plan to post in the language and about the culture and shit! I mostly use it as a tag system and when I write spells!
I generated it using vulgarlang.com and have been working at nitpicking the words and shit for a few years. I use IPA reader for pronounciations.I chose Hebrew as the base phonetics because when I have HEARD the language in my dreams and from the spirits it sounded similar, and I figured it was a good start as I would be adding on a LOT of dialects.,the only word I really remember hearing in my dreams was 'kipahnu' which meant 'little rebel', and they also said 'shamat' meant baby. Each of dialect is separated by colour (this diagram is old and messy I made it in like 5 min. names at the bottom are the deities)
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I don't have a script yet and idk anything about lingustics terms or anything so I'll give a little demo of some phrases and break it down.I was a DINGUS and did not save the grammar rules.... so if it's wrong.... let me live.
To cut down on using pronouns over and over, you can mark things by using the last few letters added on to the word. For plurals you just repeat the last letter or syllable. to NEGATE a word, you write or say it backwards. Examples:
petz ge ta'shatohkh (you are sunshine, KH added here makes it MY sunshine, using the pronoun for me- BOKH) bokh ho ta'shatohkh (Me only sunshine with possessive KH) petz gish mefu'avkh (you make happyME. the other way to say this would be petz gish bokh mefu'av) av tmimm ge zmuv (when skies are grey. The word for sky is tmim, extra M makes it skies)
An example using you pronouns petz:
You have snake scales covering your eyes is a phrase to mean 'you are getting in the way of yourself' boftz malmosh ture' eden meyy (haveYOU snake scales cover up eyes)
Another example is basically the YOLO of the AKL world 'Everything is Nothing' can be translated as two ways:
Zif la paf (literal, everything is nothing) = Zif la fiz (everything is not everything)
also something funny that they told me was being called a chicken (shagufos) in AKL culture is NOT meaning you are scared or skittish, it means you talk too much about yourself, (me me me translation to bokh bokh bokh, sounding like a chicken).
I think the best translation is still the name for the 7 Sisters, the main deities..... is 'dad boy' which is honestly a great gender to have and very fitting for them.
I'm always down to talk about Aklekiahn stuff I'm just nervous about talking about the aliens in my head. lol! If you like any words or ideas feel free to use them, this is a language that is meant to be adapted!
((((((((someday I hope to do this with Hylian, so keep an eye out for that lolol)))))))
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deebeeus · 2 years
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Sorry, I just couldn't wait until #GoldTopTuesday... 😉
I spent a fun day yesterday photographing and noodling on this 1957 #LesPaul#goldtop, from my friend's collection. #PAFs direct into dimed tuxedo Fender Princeton. A dream rig!
PS: Yes...I realize how lucky I am to have friends that own a guitar like this...and let me experience it. 🙂
PPS: This wasn't the only great guitar from yesterday though...stay tuned throughout the week for more greatness! 😃
PPPS: remember last week when I was moaning about my R7's finish needing "something" to improve it? THIS is what I was talking about! 😂
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