#page 7218
pesterloglog · 5 months
John Egbert
Act 6, page 7211-7219
JOHN: whoa, it worked!
JOHN: ha ha, i remember this!
JOHN: oh man, this is great.
JOHN: hey guys!
JOHN: hey me!!
JOHN: you're looking almost as handsome as the other me i just saw.
JOHN: don't ask, it's a long story. all you need to know is we are both looking great, as usual.
JOHN: dang, this was such a cool moment!
JOHN: hard to believe it was only...
JOHN: hours ago?
JOHN: days ago?
JOHN: these zappy shenanigans are making me lose track of time.
JOHN: whatever, it was just a really nice surprise when you all randomly appeared on my birthday and fell on the grass!
JOHN: i would love to have this sweet reunion all over again with you guys...
JOHN: we had some great conversations here on this lonely stone henge planet. i really wouldn't mind listening to everything we said again word for word!
JOHN: but i can't.
JOHN: i don't know if this makes sense...
JOHN: but when we all came together like this out of the blue, and had our long awaited reunion...
JOHN: i'm not sure if we really earned it yet?
JOHN: we didn't realize it at the time, but there were still a bunch of problems waiting to happen.
JOHN: like, some lingering issues that were going to pull us all apart again, and make us fight to get back together once and for all.
JOHN: but don't worry, i'm working to overcome all those problems right now.
JOHN: that's why i'm here!
JOHN: it's also why i can't hang around all day babbling like a fool. i really need to quit yapping and hit the road.
JOHN: see you karkat!
JOHN: i hope your pals don't take it personally, but you were always my favorite troll.
JOHN: the shouty tirades you are going to have on this hilly planet are going to be epic and hilarious. i will never forget them.
JOHN: kanaya, take good care of him for me, ok? thanks.
JOHN: dave! see you in a different reality, buddy.
JOHN: be sure to take care of mr. mayor too.
JOHN: your beautiful friendship with a cute chess man is an inspiration to us all.
JOHN: i hope and firmly believe it will transcend the boundaries of even the most ludicrous retcon shenanigans.
JOHN: (heheheh.)
JOHN: goodbye, rose. it makes me happy to see you alive and well, even if only for a minute.
JOHN: i'm going to make sure i never have to watch you die again.
JOHN: sorry if that sounds morbid and confusing, but... yeah.
JOHN: and if you see her around, say hello to roxy for me!
JOHN: haha, oh yeah. hey terezi.
JOHN: i feel like this is some big joke you are in on too.
JOHN: but you probably don't have the slightest clue what's going on, do you?
JOHN: maybe it's better that way, heh.
JOHN: anyway, the plan is going perfectly so far. ;)
JOHN: (i just winked.)
JOHN: so yeah, time to go get that ring.
JOHN: i don't know what's going to happen to you all once i change stuff...
JOHN: maybe you'll stop existing? i don't have a damn clue, to be honest.
JOHN: but just so you know, you will always keep existing in my heart.
JOHN: bye!
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Week 26!! 1/2 year of reading homestuck!!!! We are reading to page 7448, which is 322 pages overall, 46 pages every day 5 March (Sunday)- 7126-7171 6 March (Monday)- 7172-7217 7 March (Tuesday)- 7218-7263 8 March (Wednesday)- 7264-7309 9 March (Thursday)- 7310-7355 10 March (Friday)- 7356-7401 11 March (Saturday)- 7402-7448
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zirhlikuzgun · 4 months
January's crew - Page 23
[18001] {7201} ♂ I'Sedney Kollo
[18002] {7202} ❤️ ♀ YRena Kollo
[18003] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18004] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18005] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18006] {7203} ♂ Isidore Kollo
[18007] {7204} ❤️ ♀ Y'Ellie Kollo
[18008] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18009] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18010] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18011] {7205} ♂ Isaac Kollo
[18012] {7206} ❤️ ♀ Yenny Kollo
[18013] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18014] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18015] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18016] {7207} ♂ Iain Kollo
[18017] {7208} ❤️ ♀ Ybi Kollo
[18018] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18019] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18020] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18021] {7209} ♂ Citroen Kirsten
[18022] {7210} ❤️ ♀ O'Rimpia Kirsten
[18023] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18024] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18025] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18026] {7211} ♂ Cidney Kirsten
[18027] {7212} ❤️ ♀ ORyvia Kirsten
[18028] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18029] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18030] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18031] {7213} ♂ Claude Kirsten
[18032] {7214} ❤️ ♀ Onyx Kirsten
[18033] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18034] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18035] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18036] {7215} ♂ Circ Kirsten
[18037] {7216} ❤️ ♀ Oakley Kirsten
[18038] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18039] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18040] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18041] {7217} ♀ Citrine Monti
[18042] {7218} ❤️ ♂ Oak Monti
[18043] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18044] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18045] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18046] {7219} ♀ Cadelyn Monti
[18047] {7220} ❤️ ♂ Orlando Monti
[18048] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18049] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18050] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18051] {7221} ♀ Cindy Monti
[18052] {7222} ❤️ ♂ Orly Monti
[18053] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18054] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18055] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18056] {7223} ♀ Carly Monti
[18057] {7224} ❤️ ♂ Ocxo Monti
[18058] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18059] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18060] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18061] {7225} ♀ Phyllis Gualdi
[18062] {7226} ❤️ ♂ Ilya Gualdi
[18063] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18064] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18065] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18066] {7227} ♀ Pearl Gualdi
[18067] {7228} ❤️ ♂ Isaac Gualdi
[18068] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18069] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18070] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18071] {7229} ♀ Peggy Gualdi
[18072] {7230} ❤️ ♂ Ispeo Gualdi
[18073] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18074] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18075] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18076] {7231} ♀ Penny Gualdi
[18077] {7232} ❤️ ♂ Istor Gualdi
[18078] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18079] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18080] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18081] {7233} ♂ Rufus Gualdi
[18082] {7234} ❤️ ♀ Doris Gualdi
[18083] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18084] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18085] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18086] {7235} ♂ Randy Gualdi
[18087] {7236} ❤️ ♀ Denise Gualdi
[18088] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18089] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18090] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18091] {7237} ♂ Rourke Gualdi
[18092] {7238} ❤️ ♀ Destiny Gualdi
[18093] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18094] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18095] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18096] {7239} ♂ Ruffle Gualdi
[18097] {7240} ❤️ ♀ Diamond Gualdi
[18098] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18099] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18100] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18101] {7241} ♂ Nevoz Monti
[18102] {7242} ❤️ ♀ Deborah Monti
[18103] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18104] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18105] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18106] {7243} ♂ Nathan Monti
[18107] {7244} ❤️ ♀ Daphne Monti
[18108] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18109] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18110] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18111] {7245} ♂ Norton Monti
[18112] {7246} ❤️ ♀ Debbie Monti
[18113] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18114] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18115] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18116] {7247} ♂ Newton Monti
[18117] {7248} ❤️ ♀ Danni Monti
[18118] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18119] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18120] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
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xf-2 · 6 years
https://www.sankei.com/west/news/181009/wst1810090016-n1.html 関西生コン支部幹部を再逮捕 別の出荷妨害容疑 大阪府警 2018.10.9 19:14更新、産経新聞 七牟禮時夫容疑者(中央)=9月18日、大阪府守口市(小松大騎撮影)  セメント、生コン業界の労働者らでつくる「全日本建設運輸連帯労働組合関西地区生コン支部」(関生支部)の幹部や組合員計16人が、運送業者のセメント出荷業務を妨害したとして逮捕された事件で、大阪府警警備部と西成署は9日、別の業者に対する威力業務妨害容疑などで、関生支部副執行委員長、七牟禮時夫(ななむれときお)容疑者(52)ら5人を再逮捕し、新たに組合員3人を逮捕した。  府警は8人の認否を明らかにしていない。8人の逮捕容疑は昨年12月12日午前7時~同9時ごろまでの間、大阪市西成区の生コン製造会社で、出荷業務を委託された業者のミキサー車の前に立ちふさがるなどして、業務を妨害したなどとしている。  大阪地検は9日、9月に16人を逮捕した出荷妨害事件について、威力業務妨害罪で七牟禮容疑者ら7人を起訴し、9人を処分保留とした。
七牟禮時夫 威力業務妨害
中尾正登  威力業務妨害
弘田孝明  威力業務妨害
西島大輔  威力業務妨害
尾白一善  威力業務妨害
松本進   威力業務妨害
石脇美津雄 威力業務妨害・暴行
池浦茂登継 威力業務妨害
上記の平成29年12月12日に行った業務妨害の際、連帯ユニオン関西生コン支部の極悪人どもは、相手に暴行を加えたにもかかわらず、自ら倒れこむなどして被害者を装う様子などもYou Tubeにも掲載されている。
連帯ユニオン 威力業務妨害行為
連帯ユニオン関生支部による嫌がらせ~企業恐喝の実態 Vol.3
https://www.osaka-kouiki.or.jp/news/single.php?page=41 大阪広域生コンクリート協同組合 ■連帯の恫喝動画をYouTubeで公開しました 2017年12月12日より、連帯関西地区生コン支部主導のもと連日に渡り妨害行為が行われました。 労使関係のないSSや、当協同組合加盟工場に対しての嫌がらせ、ミキサー車、バラ車等トラックの運行を妨げた行為は完全なる威力業務妨害です。 この度、連帯関西地区生コン支部の威力業務妨害、労働争議と称した恐喝・恫喝行為をYouTubeにアップしました。 大阪広域生コンクリート協同組合は、このような不当な行為を許しません。 ↓チャンネル視聴はこちら https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9X3Zw_0qOlhaxX1lQA-Rg
http://kyoto-seikei.com/ http://kyoto-seikei.com/18-1010-n1.htm 別の出荷妨害容疑 大阪府警! 京都政経調査会、2018.10.10. 連帯ユニオンは、トップの武建一容疑者はじめ、20人以上の逮捕者が出ている。 工場に入ろうとする車の前に男たちが立ちはだかり、生コンクリートの出荷を妨害した。 七牟礼容疑者らは2017年12月12日、労働組合のストライキと称して、大阪市西成区の工場で生コンクリートを積んだ車の前に立ちはだかるなどして、出荷を妨害した疑いが持たれている。 その際、暴行を加えたにも関わらず、自ら倒れこむような組合員の姿もユーチューブで流れた。 警察によると、生コンクリート会社には、連帯ユニオンの組合員はおらず、労使関係にはなかった。連帯ユニオンは、トップの武建一容疑者が恐喝未遂の疑いで逮捕・起訴されている。
関西生コン、新たに3人逮捕 →大事件なのにほとんどのマスコミはスルー
https://twitter.com/burgshishou/status/1034347672830803969 バーグ師匠 ‏ @burgshishou 関西生コンのトップ ⇐ トレンド 立民の辻元清美とズブズブのハゲが恐喝で逮捕されたけど、NHKはまた隠していくの?? 国民のみなさまから受信料徴収してて、大事なニュース隠蔽してちゃダメでしょwww トレンド入りしてるしwww 野田聖子は仕事しろよコラwww @MIC_JAPAN #NHK #シブ5時 16:51 - 2018年8月28日
http://netgeek.biz/archives/126000 【炎上】NHKが関西生コンをやらずに呑気に辻元清美のカレーを密着取材。公共放送とは一体… 2018年9月2日 NHKは8月31日、立憲民主党の辻元清美議員に密着取材した記事「辻元清美さんのお母さん特製愛情カレー」を公開した。 どうでもいいカレーの話。 議員会館でカレーを食べる辻元清美。大阪にいる80歳の母親が1週間分をつくってくれ、冷凍庫に保管しているのだという。 記者も味見して記事の最後に「お母さんの特製愛情カレーごちそうさまでした!」と一言。いやそうではなく、日本国民から受信料を徴収している公共放送として関西生コンのことを聞いてほしいのだ。 ここまで密着取材できる機会は稀なのだからどうでもいいカレーのことなど質問している場合ではない。 NHKの記事には多くの人が怒りを露わにし、TwitterやFacebookで「こんな記事はいらない!」「宣伝かよ」「思いっきり提灯記事」「政治家と癒着している」「ジャーナリスト失格」などと辛辣な言葉が飛び交った。 よりによってこの記事が公開されたのは「NHK政治マガジン」。グルメ情報を扱うサイトならまだしも、政治専門のサイトで最も重要な��ュースを無視してどうする。 今こそ関西地区生コン支部・執行委員長の武建一(76)について詳しく聞くべきだろう。きっと詳しく知っているはずなのだから。 辻元清美は以前、こんなことを言っていた。見事なブーメランだ。 なお、辻元清美事務所は他のマスコミからの問い合わせに対し「見解はありません。献金を受け取った事実はありません」と回答した。寄付を受け取ったのは大阪兵庫生コン経営者会からだから無関係ということにしたい…というわけか。 答え方が卑怯であり、間違いなく誠実な対応ではないだろう。 辻元清美と北朝鮮は間接的に繋がりがあるとされる。 北朝鮮のナンバー2と同席したこともあった。 ネット上では続々と風刺画が作られ始めている。 過去の経歴を調べても辻元清美が黒であることは間違いないが、腹立たしいのはNHKだ。 NHKは以前も日本未発売のサムスン製スマホ「Galaxy(最新機種)」を不自然に紹介(宣伝?)するなど、その報道姿勢が疑問視されてきた。 (動画) 今や辻元清美は疑惑の総合商社。NHKはカレーを特集している暇があったらきちんと公共放送としての仕事を果たしてほしい。
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total-k · 5 years
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labinnak · 7 years
I saw on your IG page that you make cosplays by buying pre-existing patterns, then altering them to match the character's outfit. If you don't mind my asking, would you be able to tell me which patterns you used/would recommend for making a volume 4 Ruby? I've been wanting to make her outfit for ages, but I don't even know where to begin. :c
Sorry for the delay.
Yes I used pre-existing patterns and made modifications to them in order to build my Ruby cosplay.  Below is a list of the patterns I used.
White Shirt:  Burda Young 7218
*modified the front neck piece and added length to the sleeves
Corset:  Simplicity 1095
*removed Tardis details and put two flaps on the front instead
Hooded Cloak:  Simplicity 1771
*modified it to have more of a scarf-like look to it
Skirt:  Simplicity 3618
Bag:  McCall’s Fashion Accessories M6410
*major modifications.  Made smaller, completely changed flap for front.  Added various straps.
Hope that helps!  If you have more questions then let me know :)
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giveawayplan · 4 years
93.9 LITE FM Relaxing Rewards Florida Vacation Contest - Win Vacation
93.9 LITE FM Relaxing Rewards Florida Vacation Contest – Win Vacation
93.9 LITE FM Relaxing Rewards Florida vacation Contest is open to legal residents of the United States. All active participants should enter fast before the end date which is August 28th, 2020. Just submit your entry and get chance to win vacation with ARV of all prizes is $3,224.90.
Contest Entry Page Contest Rules
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No purchase essential to enter or win.
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netmyname-blog · 6 years
Shelley Langner WA
New Post has been published on https://nerret.com/netmyname/shelley-langner/shelley-langner-wa/
Shelley Langner WA
Shelley Langner WA Top Web Results.
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Small Bathroom Ideas Uk
Small Bathroom Ideas Uk
100 Very Small Bathroom Ideas Uk from small bathroom ideas uk
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rockandblognet · 7 years
Yardbrids 68: lecciones para recordar
Vamos a hacer hoy un repaso a un trabajo que verá la lus en noviebre. Yardbirds 68, Una remasterización hecha por Jimmy Page de temas de los Yardbirds
Tras un exhaustivo ejercicio de revisión y remasterización de la casi completa discografía de Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Page no cede y anuncia para el próximo mes de noviembre la aparición de una revisión de la obra de Yardbirds, una de las bandas precursoras y pioneras en la implantación del blues en Gran Bretaña, parte de la llamada Invasión británica y vivero de extraordinarios músicos, no en vano de sus filas salió gente como, nada menos, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck… o el propio Page, que formó parte de ella dos años antes de montar Led Zeppelin que, para recalcar y reivindicar sus orígenes, se llamó previamente New Yardbirds.
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Yardbirds 68 remasterización de Jimmy Page
El disco, que sale a la calle el día 5 de noviembre, Yardbirds 68, es una recopilación de temas de la banda, alguna grabadas en vivo en el neoyorquino Anderson Theatre en marzo de 1968 y que ahora ha restaurado el propio Page, así como otras que fueron registradas en estudio. Se trata de un disco doble, con 18 cortes, en el que se dedica una parte al directo, recuperando aquel concierto, y otra al estudio y en su track list aparecen piezas como Train kept a rollin, Heart full of soul, Over under sideways down, Drinkin Muddy Water, Shapes of things o una versión del Dazed and confused que inlcuirían los Zep en su primer trabajo. Esto en cuanto a la parte en vivo. En el lado del estudio aparecen grabaciones como Avron knows, Knowing that i’m losing you (Tangerine), Taking a hold on me, My baby o Spanish blood, tanto en su versión con voz como instrumental.
Temas todos ellos imprescindibles para conocer lo que se hacía en el United Kingdom al principio de la década prodigiosa y, desde luego, un tesoro para los seguidores del combo londinense. – Creía que eran cosas perdidas para siempre, pero las redescubrimos y mezclamos. Tiene una gran importancia histórica- ha manifestado Jimmy Page, que ha contado con la colaboración de Jim McCarty y Chris Dreja y que ha incluído también en los créditos al difunto Keith Relf.
Producido por Page, ha sido remasterizado por John Davis y en el set se incluye un librito con notas e imágenes de los artistas.
¿Quienes eran estos Yarbirds?
Yardbirds se formó a finales de mayo de 1963 con el nombre inicial de Blue Sounds, y después de un par de conciertos, en septiembre de aquel mismo año, tomaron ya el nombre definitivo: Yardbirds, en homenaje al saxofonista de jazz Charlie «Yardbird» Parker, quien, a su vez, tomó su alias del nombre que se daba en los USA a los vagabundos que merodeaban por las estaciones a la espera de subir clandestinamente a un tren.
El cantante Keith Relf y el bajista Paul Samwell-Smith fueron sus dos primeros componentes, uniéndose a ellos poco después los guitarristas Chris Dreja y Anthony «Top» Topham y el baterista Jim McCarty. Su repertorio estaba compuesto por versiones de clásicos del blues y enseguida Giorgio Gomelsky les echó el ojo y se convirtió en su mánager y productor, llevándoles a Columbia-EMI. Su primer álbum, ya con Eric Clapton en lugar de Topham, fue Five live Yardbirds, un directo grabado en 1964 en el mítico Marquee Club de Londres y les sirvió, además, para que Sonny Boy Williamson II les llevase en su gira por Gran Bretaña y Alemania, lo que se traduciría en un nuevo disco en vivo.
Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Jim McCarty …
Cuando Clapton deja el grupo para emprender nuevas y grandes aventuras, fue reemplazado por Jeff Beck, con el que grabarían entre 1965 y 1966 Having a rave up y Yardbirds. También por entonces el bajista Samwell-Smith causa baja, siendo sustituido provisionalmente por Jimmy Page, músico de sesión en aquel entonces, por lo que Page y Beck convivieron en las filas de los Yardbirds durante un breve período, viéndoseles actuar juntos en la fugaz aparición de la banda en la película Blow-Up de Michelangelo Antonioni, interpretando el tema Stroll on.
Tampoco Beck, que tenía ideas y proyectos propios, aguantó mucho en el grupo, pasando Jimmy Page a la primera guitarra y Chris Dreja al bajo. Con esa formación -Page, Dreja, Relf y McCarty- grabarían el álbum Little games, en 1967, un disco de rock psicodélico que significaría la disolución del grupo.
En 1992, Chris Dreja y Jim McCarty volvieron a ponerlo en circulación, reclutando al bajista John Idan y al guitarrista Gypie Mayo. Con esta formación apareció, en 2003 el primer álbum de estudio del grupo en 36 años: Birdland, en el cual reversionan viejos éxitos junto a canciones nuevas y dedicado a la memoria de Keith Relf, fallecido en 1976. En el año 2013 Chris Dreja tuvo que dejar la banda por razones de salud, siendo reemplazado por Anthony «Top» Topham, que volvía de nuevo a formar parte de estos Yardbirds que ahora se recuperan para disfrute de jóvenes y ancianos.
  Yardbrids 68: lecciones para recordar was originally published on Rock and Blog
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Stella Carrier Script Stories Law of Attraction Edition Script 20
Stella Carrier Script Stories Law of Attraction Edition Script 20
Wednesday July 19, 2017
Start Time Writing Freestyle Story Started After assembling resources and outline points in story as well as main title and greeting
Start time by sometime after 1259 am
End time 117 am
 The time period is now November 2021. I Stella Carrier am celebrating over three years of success maintaining a 110 pound body. I Stella Carrier finally achieved my 125 pound body weight loss goal by December 2017. I had to stick with eating some of the same things for my diet but my plan paid off. It feels great to have the same body that I did when I was 23 years old. I have to admit that my body weight first changed around 7 months after I underwent a successful tubal ligation surgery operation in April 2004. However, as the timeframe is now November 2021, it now feels good to have this 110 pound body that I manifested by mid 2018. I Stella Carrier now have over 70,000 dollars after taxes saved in my Bank of America and Sun Trust banking accounts. I now consistently make at least 3000 dollars a month after taxes and I feel blessed to say that I am now able to send my husband at least 200 dollars after taxes or more each month in money. My prosperity manifestation efforts started to spiritually, celestially,and magically skyrocket after I saved over 2000 dollars after taxes by December 1, 2017 and I followed my intuition and logic on sticking to a daily, weekly, and monthly schedule that was best for me regardless of what other people thought. Additionally, the career coach and therapy that I voluntarily sought out for myself by September 2017 helped me see the light on what I need to do to improve things for myself on the money and career front. Deep down, I knew that I was the one  in charge of my career destiny and that I intuitively and logically need to follow what is best for me yet also watch how I act andor what I say about my current coworkers when it comes to the golden rule because my celestial spirit ally team downloaded important guidance to my intuition that suggests that some of my current coworkers might follow me to the area that I am to relocate and reside by the year 2020 or sooner.
                I Stella Carrier have been having more mystical and psychic dreams that have given me story ideas and important intuitive information on how to transform even my challenges into greater spiritual evolution opportunities. I Stella Carrier also feel blessed to have a paid for mazda 3 car and I consistently make at least 800 dollars a month after taxes or more for my fiction story telling and other successful side gigs that I stay secret about for some reason. I Stella Carrier also feel blessed to be able to travel to different places with my amazing husband Rusty Ridler. Some of the following places that we have visited so far as of November 2012; Disneyland in Anaheim California, Vancouver Canada, New Zealand, various parts of the Washington D.C. area and the Hampton Roads Virginia area including Busch Gardens Williamsburg Virginia, Austria, Australia, Japan, Switzerland. Additionally, Rusty Ridler and I Stella Carrier are enjoy massive career success and give great service and work that make many of our fellow coworkers and customers happy. Fortunately, my sweet husband Rusty Ridler and I have successfully juggled a long distance marriage even when other people judged and questioned what we were doing.  I stayed supportive about Rusty staying at his job/career in College Park, Maryland while as of January 2021, I have been successfully visiting Rusty Ridler in the Washington D.C. area from the Norfolk Virginia area for at least 3 times a month. I am able to even pick him up from work in a rental car as my current job has discount agreements with many car companies across the Washington D.C. area and Hampton Roads Virginia area.
Read Bruce Lee's Inspiring Letter to Himself
bruce lee letter template
by Blog Author on Mon, Mar 18, 2013
 My psychic abilities expand each day.
I am creating heaven on earth.
I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future
I interpret my dreams accurately and receive guidance from them.
I call upon angelic assistance today.
I am a success. I allow myself to feel successful.
I see and acknowledge the goodness in others.
I accept abundance, and it is coming to me now.
  I acknowledge that I may have unintentionally came across as being a rhymes with witch and starts with the letter b when sharing this a related post in regards to this Betsy Davos controversy on my facebook yesterday. However, I have good intentions and am keeping this student loan story and others like it as a reminder to myself on why I must stay career obsessed even when some of my well-meaning family members andor friends think that I may be dreaming too big in believing that I can repay my student loans by the year 2035 or sooner. I do believe that all 19 states are going to win in this suit against Davos. However, even with this suit, Davos is so wealthy and has the protection of President Donald Trump to where whatever she pays will probably be a drop in the bucket of her overall wealth. I am guessing this is going to be equivalent to a person who makes around 1000 a month after taxes being expected to pay 15 dollars or less. I wish that I did not have to say this but this mainstream story only makes Betsy Davos more famous and in her case more fame, even controversial publicity is probably going to just going to make her wealthier even more. No, I do not wish bad on her, but Davos is getting so much coverage and fame from how she is handling being hired to solve the student loan problem that even the negative publicity/negative attention is working towards her popularity and advantage. I reluctantly say this because it is common knowledge that a person cannot declare bankruptcy on their student loans and has to work in some type of year round money paying job to at least ensure minimum payments are made. My point, I reluctantly admit that even the negative attention is going to work in Betsy Davos's favor to become wealthier and famous because her high profile from other states is independent from the fact that many people sometimes do not pay their student loans not because they don't want to rather it is because it is tricky for some people to get jobs that would help towards consistently paying their loans either because some jobs are simply not hiring even when said person has experience, more minimum wage jobs require experience andor sometimes even the best jobs with openings available are only for work that is temporary andor seasonal and not year round. 
18 States Sue DeVos, Education Department Over Student Loan Move
Trump administration sued by 18 US states over student loan relief
Trump administration sued by 18 US states over student loan relief by Reuters
  I agree that the women pictured are very beautiful. However, I just wish that more members of the mainstream media understood that it is still a different experience for a woman, regardless of her race, depending on how fat and thin she is. My point; I am very happy for these women as I can easily see that they are naturally happy and they have perfectly shaped bodies and proclaim their beauty and intelligence without shaming women that know that they have to lose weight. My point; this article is well meaning and I am going to keep it for reference as to how a self confident, intelligent, and beautiful woman conducts herself. However, it is still a completely different experience for a minority woman who is working on losing weight-whether light skinned andor darker complected. I grew up thin and had a thin body until I a few months after I turned 24 but I admit that I was guilty of allowing my weight to go higher than it should have after I voluntarily left the navy in 2009 and now I am in the process of getting smaller. I prefer to avoid posting a comment to that article today but my point is that I am happy for these women and I hope that they enjoy many more years of happiness and seeing the best in their beauty and intelligence. I wonder where these women live as I know from personal experience that where you live actually indirectly plays a role as well. The beach setting makes me wonder if these ladies live in California.  Yes, I have lived in California through the Navy before and it is actually a nice place to live. My point is that none of these women are what other people would consider fat but I am glad that these women see their beauty and intelligence and I hope and pray that the mainstream writer of this article does not try to shame a woman for being determined to get thinner.
  I use to be in the military and I have made as much as 3,000 dollars a month before after taxes from part of 2008 and part of 2009, so I know from firsthand experience how a military person such as the one profiled can be in a position to financially help others. Fortunately, I have not cosigned for anyone and there are no cosigners on my student loans so naturally my student loans die with me if I unexpectedly die young. I even plan on pursuing a 2nd bachelor’s degree online taking just one class at a time while working full-time so that I am in the black financially speaking when finishing this 2nd degree by the year 2030 or sooner. However, something tells me that this story involving Sina a 29 year old soldier in the Army is more commonplace than ever in this yahoo finance article of Fix My Finances: I cosigned a loan—and my buddy defaulted
Women Go Viral for Their Incredible Beach Looks
  Fast food guilty pleasures of the rich and famous by Anna Bailey of LoveFood
I had seen a bluebird earlier today and the text was taken from the shamanic journey website
Jays symbolise huge talent, however, this talent must be developed and used correctly. If jay has flown into your life, this may be a signal that you are coming into a time where you can begin to help the inherent wisdom that lies within you (within us all!) to mature.
 finding a career coach
muse article by Adrian Granzella Larssen
  How to Choose the Right Career Coach for You
  I truly wish that I can implement some of these practices but what to do to battle subtle discrimination, until I can get skinnier to rejoin the military,
Some of these suggestions are great and well-meaning and I do have some friends and family members who accept me.
However, many of them already know of my situation, this is why I am partially going to follow through on seeking outside
help in the way of a career coach and therapist  to resolve and heal my money and career situation. I intend to stop
typing now so that I can get my body outside to do my walkng routine. I intend to legally do what I have to in order to rejoin
active duty navy by May 1, 2018 or much sooner. I am starting to intuitively see that my destiny most likely is connected
to rejoining active duty navy andor directly working for an employer who is affiliated with the military.
Posted by Alena Kirby, Senior Executive Search Consultant
Read more at http://www.yourcareerintel.com/land-the-job/outsmart-emotional-challenges-job-search/#BAuHqxh8plMQFiIc.99
  Katie Loveseat
Bob-O-Pedic 9 Gel Mattress
Bob-O-Pedic Infused Memory Foam!
 It is obvious that this article writer Liz Weston is doing financially well and is probably a millionaire with a paid for home and car 
so I will avoid criticizing. However, this well-meaning article is classist in the sense that it assumes that everyone that wants
to quit their jobs are doing so without having done their homework first. First off, I  do not believe in personally quitting another job
without another job lined up unless you are completely relocating to another state. Additionally, I am intuitively aware enough to 
understand that it is important to give your boss at least a 2-3 week notice before you quit your job with the understanding that
if they allow you to work those final 2 or 3 weeks then it is privilege and it is at their discretion if they want to allow you to do so
even after you give your notice. I voluntarily left a very comfortable U.S. Navy Career as a supply storekeeper back in 2009 where I was making at least $3,000
dollars after taxes plus I have voluntarily giving notice in quitting before with my current employer so I know what I am talking about.
With that said, it is evident that Liz Weston means well and is highly accomplished probably both money and career wise but
she overlooks that a woman such as myself has actually set her sights "realistically" when it comes to minimum wage jobs. However
during this summer alone, I have either been told that I need the experience for certain minimum wage jobs that were obvious even to 
me that the hiring manager already chose someone else or when I did pursue jobs related to my experience I have mainly been told
they were not yet hiring and there was one instance where the hiring manager was at least  more polite to me but admitted they filled
the job previously with someone else. My point; my career dreams, although probably deemed too big by others, are more for
practical money reasons, not to metaphorically give the finger to my any of my managers or coworkers. Additionally, my plan to
eventually relocate to another area close enough to the Washington D.C. area is once again not to metaphorically give the finger
to any of my current managers or coworkers. Rather, for me it is all about money and how even a woman like me sees the financial 
benefits of relocating to an area outside of the Washington D.C. area that I enjoy living but still close enough to where I can visit
at least a once andor twice a month or more. I understand that Weston is not trying to come across as classist but to tell a woman
like me to just be happy with competing for minimum wage jobs and to try not to better her career prospects in life with more college
actually makes me more determined to pursue the schooling of my dreams to improve my career and money prospects. Weston
may mean well when she gives this advice but this well meaning article of hers ignores the fact that some hiring managers, both
male and female are human and are influenced by physical appearance, personality, demeanor as well as qualifications when
deciding which women to hire. My point; you can line up at least three other women my age but with different physical appearances,
marital statuses, bodyweight etc and try to be well-meaning by giving them to hiring managers who are open minded when it comes
to both race and gender when hiring but each women is going to have a different experience depending on the hiring manager even if all of the women are the same ethnicity. So please Liz Weston take into account that I see that you are trying to help but your advice overlooks the fact that a woman such as myself
is making her decisions from a monetary standpoint, taking into account the challenging decision of eventually relocating despite having fair managers
 and coworkers who are fairly reasonable to get along with. I intend to stay in the Washington D.C. area for the rest of this year regardless of my career and money situation and regardless of what other people think for practical reasons. However, I reserve the right to use the three week notification rule even before I relocate. Whoever said that an employee needs to give six months notice must have been close friends with their managers andor popular with almost all of their coworkers. There is nothing wrong with that, but I am just stating that it is dangerous to tell your managers when you plan on relocating unless you are close friends with any of them, even if your managers are nice people and treat people fairly. Additionally, waiting until three weeks before is better because you want to be more than 100 percent sure that you are moving before giving such lifechanging notice, even if there is a chance that some of your managers andor coworkers may eventually follow you to the new area that you relocate to.
  Liz Weston: Chasing a dream? Fix your finances first
 Emilia Clarke's honest feelings about how she felt when being judged about the sex scenes seemed to show a relatable
and down to earth side about her.  
  Emilia Clarke says she gets 'a lot of crap' for doing Daenerys nude scenes, but one sex scene was empowering
·                  Carrie Wittmer
·                  Jul. 12, 2017, 3:23 PM
 ·                  23,256
  The Gorgeous Balance of Emilia Clarke, Sexiest Woman Alive 2015
 Friendly and fierce. Kid sister and killer. Movie star and girl next door.
OCT 13, 2015 
   I still do believe that beauty comes in all skin complexion shades, hair types, hair colors, ethnicities etc. However,  I am
glad to have came across this link of Esquire pertaining to Penelope Cruz even as a mixed race woman. I see this as
a blessing from my spiritual higher self to embrace my unique looks as a dark  haired mixed race woman regardless of
how my physical appearance is judged by others on this earth. I take this as a sign from my heaven higher self and my heaven 
spirit ally team, along with other unseen benevolent/celestial forces from heaven that I must embrace and see my physical
beauty while embracing my natural dark brown hair color. I have my own mind when being determined to wear my hair long
even when judged by others for doing so. This article is healing in the essence that it helps me see the benefits in embracing
my looks as a dark haired woman and to accept that things can get better for me with keeping my natural hair color. However
I do notice that Penelope Cruz knows how to be happy, a vital trait that I am grateful that my higher self has intuitively called
my attention to.
Penélope Cruz Is This Year's Sexiest Woman Alive 
OCT 12, 2014 
A story about Madrid, the Plaza de Toros, bullfights, and the Sexiest Woman Alive                             
  Another inspirational example to me as a mixed race woman, even with being blessed to be born an American woman
Rihanna does have both talent and beauty.
  Rihanna: The Sexiest Woman Alive 2011
Photographs by Russell Jame
 Again, I understand that all skin complexions and hair types are beautiful. I am looking at this as a healing inspiration
for myself as a mixed race woman as I do not see that many women in mainstream media that look even similar to me that often.
   The 50 Hottest Biracial Women
“I Lost 50 Pounds Making One Simple Change”
 First off, I happen to be a person who just wants to be the best in her current job so I admit that I do not share Bevan’s goal to have her boss’s job. Additionally, I am blessed to work for some fair managers and a fair boss at my job yet I still would not want to do any of their jobs anytime soon for practical concerns that I’m aware that I have much more to learn and improve upon as a non-manager employee at the job I currently have. With that out of the way, I am still glad that Forbes and Liz Ryan shared this article with me as my husband is dedicated to his current job and easily sees himself as a manager at his current job one day so I can at least refer to this article for him through Bevan’s case study. However, I do not always agree with everything Liz Ryan says  in some of her articles. Yet, even I have to admit that Liz Ryan has it right and is only trying to help when she tells Bevan that she needs to wait a while longer before having that discussion with Charlize. Liz Ryan knows what she is saying when she advises Bevan to get to know Charlize more before even coming close to discussing her career ambitions as a boss. For starters, I know from experience that it is human nature for even other females to only help out other females in the workplace if they could see that person as friendship material. I prefer to avoid getting into the debate of this but what this has to do with Bevan’s interest is that she needs to make sure and for certain that as Liz Ryan puts it, Charlize would feel encouraged to train her as a backup boss. Then there are the logistics of what do the other managers think of Bevan in addition to Charlize. I know that this is an obvious question yet it is obvious even to a woman like me that Bevan may want to search herself and make for certain she still wants to be boss after getting to know Charlize andor any other managers and bosses at her job that are on the same level professional wise Charlize andor higher. As I say again, Liz Ryan is only trying to help Bevan in this situation. Kudos to Bevan for succeeding in her job yet I concur with Ryan that she needs more time to get to know Charlize and other managers (at least 6 more months to a year at a minimum) before throwing her professional hat in the ring to be invited to her professional table of preference as a boss. 
I Want My Boss's Job -- Should I Tell Her?
  I Want My Boss's Job -- Should I Tell Her?
Fortunately, I feel blessed to say that my sweet husband agreed to take me to see this Valerian film this weekend. Both Rihanna 
and Cara Delevinge are talented in their own right and are beautiful in a down to earth way (not once have I heard about either 
of them shaming other women on how they look). Both women are part of the reason why I admit that I am going to see this Valerian film.
However, it is my understanding that there are going to be other gifted actors/actresses in this film as well. Plus seeing the Valerian film
is an easy choice for both my husband and I as we both have enjoy watching science fiction andor fantasy films from time to time.
  The Valerian Hollywood Premiere Had Just as Many Dazzling Looks as a Full-On Awards Show
  Rihanna Is the Princess of the Valerian Red Carpet
I take the wheel and drive in all areas of my life both present and future
I am in the process of forging a bright present and future for myself
 My energy and confidence are on the rise and increasing in all areas of my life both present and future.
 weight loss links for me to keep in mind
I have to credit Washingtonian magazine via the facebook feed for introducing me to this informative link. I am intrigued to research more into the weight loss idea mentioned in this article and I intend to save it in at least my online fitness logs and maybe additional places in my online logs as the idea mentioned in this article is workable even with my budget. I feel blessed to have come across a success story around this idea as it helps broaden my mind what is possible when it comes to losing weight on a budget. I was already having a bright and happy day before coming across this article as it pertains to Alex Schriver who works in what looks to be Public Affairs at Navy Yard. However, this article feels me with even more positive hope and spiritual faith as it pertains to a secret timeline/deadline I have set as an intention for myself to accomplish my weight loss goals.
  How I Got This Body: Eating the Same Thing Every Day for Six Months to Lose Over 115 Pounds
Written by Caroline Cunningham | Published on July 11, 2017
I know that I shared this link widely on social media before but I wanted to save and share it again for  encouragement .
Coloma woman shares secret to weight-loss success: 'I walk every day - no excuses' http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2013/01/coloma_woman_shares_secret_to.html
to add in Law of Attraction Script 20  on Tuesday November 7 2017
 I Stella Carrier and my sweet husband Rusty Ridler are experiencing the essence of happiness, love, and a happier marriage in all areas our lives both present and future. My sweet husband Rusty Ridler is experiencing career success and recognition beyond his wildest dreams at his University of Maryland College Park laundry services job and many of his customers and coworkers are more than happy with his excellent job performance and brilliant customer service. I Stella Carrier am also experiencing much success and recognition beyond my wildest dreams at my University of Maryland College Park Food services job. I Stella Carrier deliver and give higher more than normal satisfaction and pleasure to my customers, coworkers, and managers/bosses leaders that I encounter in my job both present and future. As a matter of fact, I Stella Carrier am also noted for my superb customer service and brilliant job performance by many of my customers, coworkers, managers, bosses and other people both from within my place of employment and outside of my place of employment for both present and future.  I Stella Carrier frequently exceed expectations in a happy and good way that are set by my leaders at my current University of Maryland College Park food services job; Rob Fahey, George Gomez, Kevin Williams Cindy Bolden etc.
 I Stella Carrier enjoy a powerful, magical and even stronger connection each day with my heaven higher self and my heaven spirit ally team of the heaven worlds of divine love and divine happiness. I Stella Carrier successfully create heaven on earth and in my afterlife in all areas of my life both present and future.
I Stella Carrier am also becoming wiser and thriving in multiple ways both present and future such as through my volunteering, voluntarily seeking therapy etc. I Stella Carrier am fortunately becoming more gifted at social intelligence through my volunteering, therapy, and other creative endeavors. I Stella Carrier am becoming a woman of unlimited imagination power, unlimited genius powers, and unlimited genius powers in all areas of my life both present and future.
volunteering helps with social skills
The Social Benefits of Volunteering
secrets of popular coworkers
Psychologist shares the secret to making friends at work
By Rachel Gillett
23 Scientific Ways to Be Popular at Work
By Cassy Perera
A retired Navy SEAL commander who wakes up at 4:30 a.m. to work out shares his weekly fitness routine
A retired Navy SEAL commander who wakes up at 4:30 a.m. to work out shares his weekly fitness routine
By Richard Feloni
Online Virginia Network
found by 932 am Tuesday November 7 2017
How volunteering can help you gain new skills
Are you looking for a new direction in your work life? Do you feel like you need to make that next step? Sometimes you need a little extra something to get over that next hurdle. The answer could come from volunteering.
Volunteer work can broaden your experience and exposure to life where work can’t or doesn’t. Ask friends, family, and colleagues who volunteer. They’ll tell you that volunteering adds depth to their lives.
Shelley Falzon completed her Masters in Communication at age 39, but had no work experience on her CV. At the end of her degree Falzon volunteered for a communications role at Volunteering Victoria. It gave her the opportunity to try out her theoretical skills in the real world, and perhaps more importantly, gave her hands on experience in social media marketing.
“I learned how to update social media channels using Facebook, Twitter, WordPress and Hootesuite applications.” She landed a three-day-a-week paid job with Volunteering Victoria as a result.
Help Your Volunteers Gain Skills They Can Use
Five Unexpected Benefits of Volunteering
Loving others makes you feel more love.  Researchers at the London School of Economics studied the level of “happiness” among those who volunteer, and found that the more people served others, the happier they were. Volunteering builds empathy, strengthens social bonds and makes you smile – all factors in measurable happiness levels.
Volunteering is good for your social life. People who are naturally shy or have trouble making friends have found that volunteering gives them the opportunity to develop their social skills – especially those who volunteer in programs like mentoring, tutoring or teaching. Additionally, being around like-minded people gives them ample opportunity to strike up friendships with people who have common interests.
I confess that I was actually planning on doing more volunteering to strengthen my social skills , communication skills,and relationship building skills (at least a consistent once a week at a minimum) in addition to strengthening purpose for being alive through contributing to others around me via volunteering. However, I feel spiritually blessed to come across an article that confirmed how volunteering can help a person thrive in addition to building social skills and expand my employment skills. Please know that I am not definitely telling anybody to volunteer, rather I am just sharing a link that I found informative and as a positive confirmation that volunteering would help me with one of my goals to become more skilled in social intelligence while simultaneously expanding my understanding of ways to contribute. I had a chance to fortunately volunteer back in October and greatly enjoyed it and learned a lot just from that experience. I just need to make up my mind on other days I would make time for volunteering for the rest of this current year and beyond as fortunately my current job/employment allows me a stable  work schedule.
By Rob Stott
600 dollar listing as of 1013 am Tuesday November 7 2017
as of 1019 am Tuesday November 7 2017
The Graduate School of Political management online George Washington University
University of Southern California USC Annenberg School For Communication and Journalism
Primavera Stuffed Chicken
University of Maryland Robert H Smith School of Business
Metro Cooking DC 2017 link for my personal reference
Graduate Programs in Communication John Hopkins University
 songs from Pandora; Apollo by Hardwell, The Promise by When in Rome,Your Love is My Drug by Kesha, Come Undone by Duran Duran sources I prefer to keep secret; Get it on Bang a Gong by the Power Station, Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer
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netmyname-blog · 6 years
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Shelley Langner WA
Shelley Langner WA Top Web Results.
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rockandblognet · 7 years
Review. Martina Edoff - "We Will Align" (AOR Heaven)
Desde la sección de críticas de Rock and Blog presentamos el nuevo trabajo de Martina Edoff  «We Will Align» que se publicará a través de AOR Heaven
La carrera de MARTINA EDOFF empezó con el álbum titulado MARTINA EDOFF  lanzado en 2014, y casi un año después fue seguido por  «Unity» que la llevó a ella ya su banda a una exitosa gira norteamericana en septiembre de 2015.
Ahora está de vuelta con el tercer disco «We Will Align» que será lanzado en AOR Heaven el 22 de septiembre de 2017.
«We Will Align» es un álbum melódico de hard rock con una nota bluesy junto a piezas poderosas y vuelve a las raíces de donde EDOFF ha heredado sus influencias.
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Melodías potentes, una gran voz y un elenco de músicos que incluyen, Björn Höglund (batería), Nalle Påhlsson (bajo), Stefan Bergström (guitarra) y Jona Tee (teclado / Hammond y producción) nos dan como producto este gran álbum.
We Will Align tema a tema
El disco arranca con una auténtica patada en la puerta. Tras una breve intro aparece Martina con un grito dejando claro lo que viene.Turn our pages es un temazo con una base rítmica machacona y una melodía que evidencia la influencia de Erik Mårtensson (Eclipse)  en la producción.
El segundo tema es Champions que sigue la línea del anterior algo menos trabajada, pero con un estribillo que igualmente engancha.
Llegamos a Alive que apunta mucho, pero no logra rematar nada. Un inicio con un estilo funky-rock que te invita a moverte, un puente que parece llevarte destino un estribillo gloriosos, pero no… una pena.
El siguiente corte es el que da nombre al álbum We will Align que retoma el pulso de los primeros temas aunque no es lo mejor del disco.
Lay down your arms nos lleva ya al ecuador de nuestra review el álbum de Martina Edoff  «We will Align». Es un fantástico medio tiempo que te lleva desde un inicio siniestro y oscuro hasta un bonito y melódico estribillo.
Es el momento de relajarse con Face the Mirror, la balada. Cuando arranca parece que no es gran cosa, pero seguna avanza nos va descubriendo que es un auténtico pelotazo.
Entramos ahora en la parte del álbum más de relleno. ¡Pués no! Prepárate porque te esperan grandes temas. Set you Free un trallazo de Hard Rock con todo lo necesario para destrozar el volante del coche mientras lo escuchas.
I´m Invincible con una marcha menos que el anterior sigue estando a un nivel muy alto destacando los matices que aplica Martina aportando un plus extra de personalidad.
Truth came knocking es otro de mis favoritos con un riff rockero molón, y una melodía sencilla pero muy resultona de estrofas hasta estribillo.
El álbum termina con Brand New World un medio tiempo con un aire épico hecho para lucimiento de Martina. Un buen tema para cerrar un buen disco.
Critica realizada por Oscar Ricoy
Review. Martina Edoff – «We Will Align» (AOR Heaven) was originally published on Rock and Blog
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