#pai ratt
matthesoundless · 4 months
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rattinahatt · 6 months
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IMMEDIATELY forgets to colour in the dress
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it's literally hot enough in my house to melt candle wax
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norveblue · 4 months
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Valefor - https://www.patreon.com/posts/100857748
I had been replaying FFX.
Print: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/silasagnostos/valefor/
please support my work so I can afford existing, this is how I pay my rent and bills: https://www.patreon.com/ratte https://ko-fi.com/ratte
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little-ikea-waldo · 2 years
Put Your Little Hand in Mine // Ratt AU
Matt had been hitting this apartment building for years. Shortly after he came of age for gathering he had steaked his claim in this building after a considerable jackpot of "Invented food" and "dried human-grade hemp flowers". Both contriban in the burrows, but that just meant it sold twice as fast for three times as much as regular goods. Over the years it waxed and wained but over all it always payed out. Maybe sometimes he wasn't totally clean and maybe he took a little more than he should have but mostly he was golden. Usually he didn't get back to a unit soon enough for there to be reason he was suspected, but this one... it always had good loot yeah but the TV always seemed to be on, even though the human was gone! When Matt had a little time it was nice to sit on the end of a counter or peak from a vent, avoiding the dog. He'd only dare for a few minutes at a time then it was out with some crumbs and a flask of "spiced whisky". Maybe he liked the unit too much. Maybe he spent a little to much time or took a few too many things. Maybe that's why when he came back there was a mouse trap the a dark spot he'd always landed safely before. Maybe that's why he was laying on the counter top behind the toaster with a white searing pain sending into such shock and fear he passes out. Damn. Human entertainment was just so funny... probably wasn't worth dying for some family guy reruns though... oh well... nothing he could do now. @iron-magee-giant
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ai-qa · 4 months
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The Mechanic v3 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/101243503
Back in 2012 I made a pretty awful picture of Beyle that I liked a lot at the time, then remade it in 2015 to see if there was any real progress. I thought it might be fun to do the same now that it's been even longer.
please support my work so I can afford existing, this is how I pay my rent and bills: https://www.patreon.com/ratte https://ko-fi.com/ratte
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moss-flesh · 2 years
i think something really upsetting about the crisp ratt thing is that you can tell every other voice actor and all the animators and everyone else REALLY REALLY TRIED they WANT this movie to be good. you can tell by the trailer and for them to just snuff it out with the main fucking character is mind boggling. so many people are not going to pay see this movie because doing that would tell the hellish companies that doing what they did is totally okay and its not. i just feel so bad that for the hundreds of people TRYING! and one rich untalented asshole ruins it all.
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ashipiko · 19 days
RAH IGNORE ME IF INTERACTIONS R NOT OPEN but mby niko opinion on Minerva…I must stew oomfpiko……..
—“Niko, what’s your opinion on Minerva?” 🦊
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“Ahhh. Mr. Ratte~. Honestly, who doesn’t know him? I mean, with a build like that and all the extra money that goes into his uniform customizations, you can’t tell me he’s never caught your eye. You’re not an NRC student if you don’t have an idea of who he is. A guy like that has a large presence, you know?
I think I’ve only seen him in passing a couple of times. I don’t usually talk to my seniors unless they approach me first, and as far as I’m aware, he isn’t in the market for sweet treats. But I respect the grind he’s constantly on, that’s for sure.
I hear people talk on and on about him, some complaints, some praises, he’s got it all! To be honest, I don’t really get all the trash talking for his “shady” attitude, or whatever else people call it. Shady students take up like, 75% of the school’s population. It’s just an NRC staple — I have no idea how 3rd years of all people are complaining… I think Minerva’s pretty smart. He’s just playing in his own way to survive and make it to the top. But maybe I don’t have a say because I’m fine staying on the down low, heh.
Say, do you think he’d be willing to help fund my small widdle Pawpsicle gig if I asked? I’d give him some of the pay — You can’t ever have too much money, right? Right.”
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pizzaqueen · 9 months
85 for either steddie or buckingham? :D
85 was The Rat by The Walkmen
I started out writing an angsty (but hopeful) Steddie thing that actually had something vaguely to do with the lyrics, but I couldn’t make it work, so instead I wrote this Buckingham silliness, ignored the lyrics, and just latched onto the title lol sorry! I hope it’s okay
About 750 words of pre relationship fluff based on the idea I had about Chrissy moving in with the Buckleys
“So, I cleared out some space in my closet,” Robin says, flinging her closet open and waving her hand at the free space. She toes a shirt languishing on the floor out of the way. “I hope it’s enough room for your things.” She twirls her hair around her finger, staring at the cramped closet. It will be fine. It’s fine. “And you can put your…”
She trails off, heart stopping as she turns to Chrissy. “What’s that?” she asks faintly, pointing at the carrier in Chrissy’s hand.
“This is Ratt-a Hayworth.” Chrissy holds up the small, plastic carrier, smiling her radiant smile; a pointy face peers out at Robin. “Say hi to Robin, Miss Ratt-a.”
“Is that…” Robin swallows thickly against the panic in her throat. “Is that a rat?!”
“Why is it in that thing?” Why is it in my room?
“So she doesn’t run around everywhere…” Chrissy frowns, then her eyes widen, and her face pales. “Oh, no, are you scared of rats? I should have asked, rats aren’t exactly typical pets, but I did say I was bringing her.” She bites her thumb, looking between Robin and the… The rat she’s holding.
Robin mentally flicks back through the conversation she had with Chrissy when they arranged with Robin’s parents that Chrissy would stay here for a while, after Chrissy’s mom all but kicked her out. She does, vaguely, remember Chrissy saying something about a pet, maybe, but Robin was too panicked and dazed, thinking about sharing a room with Chrissy, to really pay attention. Shit.
Realizing she hasn’t answered, she says, “No, I’m not scared of rats, exactly,” biting her lip.
“Well…” Robin bounces on her toes and then just blurts out, “Rabies?”
Chrissy looks offended for a moment, before her expression settles into amusement. But not like robin is stupid for her fear, which is nice. “I promise she doesn’t have rabies. Grandma had her checked at the vet after she bought her for me.” Her lips twitch. “From a reputable pet store.”
“Your grandma got her for you?”
“Yeah.” Chrissy smiles, small and soft. “She was the last gift my grandma gave me before she…” Her expression clouds; bitterness enters her tone, and her eyes are both glassy and fierce. “My mom was so not happy and always trying to get me to get rid of her. But“—she shrugs—”she was my only true friend for a while. Until Eddie.” She pauses, a blush creeping into her cheeks. “And you,” she adds, looking at Robin with her big eyes. She clears her throat, looking away. “That’s pretty pathetic, huh?”
“No,” Robin says, “it’s really not.”
Chrissy ducks her gaze, cheeks dimpling. After a few moments, she says, “If she bothers you, though, maybe Eddie can look after her for me.”
And Robin desperately wants to say yes, please, get that thing out of my room. But she was checked at a vet, and she’s Chrissy’s friend so…
“No way,” she says. She tries a smile that she hopes is encouraging. “Uh… What was her name again?”
“Ratt-a Hayworth. Like Rita? But she’s a rat, so, um, Ratta.” Chrissy scrunches her nose up. Gosh, she’s so cute. “It’s kind of goofy, I know.”
“No! It’s great. I love Rita Hayworth.”
“Yeah. She’s so…” Is it safe to say beautiful? Loads of girls say other girls are beautiful. Still, Robin says, “Good.” She winces and clears her throat. “At acting.” Very smooth, Buckley.
But Chrissy only says, “In that case, I have a copy of Gilda,” either ignoring or oblivious to Robin’s awkwardness. “We could watch it tonight. Maybe?”
“I’d like that.” Robin’s stomach flips and her heart beats fast. Never mind potentially rabid rodents. Sharing a room with Chrissy is going to kill her. “Um,” she says, after the silence stretches out, realizing she was staring (but…was Chrissy staring too?), “I guess we should find somewhere for Miss Hayworth to live.”
Chrissy blinks, like she’s been caught in a daze and shakes herself. Maybe it wasn’t just Robin… “Thank you,” she says. “I— I really appreciate it.”
“It’s your home too, now,” Robin says.
“I mean for everything.”
Robin’s face heats and she waves Chrissy off. “It’s fine.”
Chrissy smiles, so so pretty and bright, and then she sets the pet carrier down and flings her arms around Robin. And, caught off guard, Robin, not usually a hugger, hugs her back.
Yep. Sharing a room with Chrissy is definitely going to kill her. But, oh, it’s going to be worth it. Rat and all.
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solitarelee · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
I got tagged by @ratt-teeth and I'm very happy because no one tags me in these things!
Are you named after anyone? Yeah, I'm actually named after multiple relatives; I have three names and all but one is an aunt or uncle.
When was the last time you cried? I teared up a little at therapy last Monday but it wasn't really a cry. The last time I properly cried was last Thursday; I was too sick+injured to make it to my grandmother's funeral and mom sent pictures. I cried really hard when I saw my grandmother, which is probably a sign that it's a good thing I wasn't actually at the funeral ugly sobbing lol.
Do you have kids? Nope. I want them eventually but it's not very likely that I'll be able to afford it.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Honestly, not really. I use it jokingly with friends who also use it a lot. Once I figure out their sarcasm patterns I can mimic it. I mostly use it with that type of friend who very much enjoys to be bullied, because sarcasm from me is mostly bullying lol.
What sports do you play/have played? I played soccer in elementary and I liked it even though I was bad at it, but as anyone who played sports in elementary can tell you, that's the absolute last moment in your life where you can play a sport because you like it and not because you're good at it. Similarly, I always loved swimming, but was never good enough at it to call it a sport. In middle and high school I rode horses competitively in a myriad of different kinds of shows.
What's the first thing you notice about other people? How they dress. The second is how they stand/hold themselves. I'm VERY faceblind so those are the two things I can most easily use to identify people later.
What's your eye color? Brown! I'm kind of Default Human colored. Generic. During the summers I look like how sci-fi authors describe post-racial future humans.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings but I'm joining in the chorus of this being a baffling dichotomy since scary movies sometimes have happy endings and a LOT of non scary movies have miserable endings lol. But I personally don't like to make things that don't have happy endings. It's necessary sometimes, but I'm just a sap.
Any special talents? I can make an alien clicking noise in the back of my throat that my mom swears sounds exactly like medical equipment.
Where were you born? in the back seat of a Greyhound bus rollin down highway 41
What are your hobbies? Depends on if you define hobby as "a thing I do that requires effort but I am not paid for" or "a thing I do to relax." I do calligraphy, and I write, but sometimes I'm paid for those things. I like to play very laid back video games and I enjoy reading, both manually and via audiobook. I really enjoy making spreadsheets and find any excuse I can to do so.
Do you have any pets? I have two cats, Emma (who is a supermodel) and Cole (who is orange).
How tall are you? 5'6 and some change. 169cm.
Favorite subject at school? Oh, I was that wretched little beast who liked all of them. My favorite changed every year based entirely on teacher. Except Spanish. I'm terrible at languages. I think most years I enjoyed math the most, because it was very easy and so I didn't have to pay attention. In other classes I had to follow along and take notes so I would learn the facts to pass the test, but in math, you could learn exactly what you needed just by doing the assigned homework, so there was no need to listen in class or take notes. Might as well have been a 50 minute free-reading period.
Dream job? No idea. Something that pays well that ends when I clock out. I don't actually care what it is, I just want work/life balance. Instead, I'm a teacher.
I don't actually have 15 mutuals, I think I might not even have ten, and the ones I do have would mostly not appreciate being tagged. I'm going to tag @chaumas-deactivated20230115 anyway because I think it's funny. Also @hawnks.
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thehotboxsocial · 2 years
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Mississippi Rap 2000
My World [Lil Half Ounce] [jackson]
Block 2 [South Boyz] [jackson]
Firewater Boyz [David Banner feat. Thug Addict, Scooby Doo & Crooked Lettaz] [jackson]
In My Blood [Nasty] [ocean springs]
Down Here [17] [ocean springs]
Rappaz Wisdom [Gino The Dictator] [hattiesburg]
Westside N----z [NCD feat. L-D, Lil Yak & Sleepy Will] [jackson]
Bend Yo Back [Deentown Villains] [aberdeen]
Gangster Shit [Queen Boyz] [jackson]
Who Am I [Kage] [jackson]
Reese's Pieces [Reese & Bigalow] [jackson]
Sniper [Doughbelly Stray] [west point]
Guide Lines [Wood Street Playaz] [jackson]
Keep It Real With Us [Petaman feat. Ghetto Connected, Gutta Boy, Lil' Nino & Playa Young] [jackson]
Box Chevy [Faithful Ruffnes feat. Dada] [greenville]
Set It Off [Children Of The Cornbread] [jackson +]
If I Fall [Ratt Pac & RMC] [jackson]
NO! MO!!! (B!@tch What!!!!) [David Banner] [jackson]
Pay Me [Boo Da Boss Playa] [jackson]
R-U-A Baller [754 Boyz feat. Mister Mister] [shaw]
Deez Dayz [Queen Boyz] [jackson]
Because I Got High [Afroman] [hattiesburg]
yt                                       dl
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updating commission prices bc I realized I just paid as much as I charge for a fully lined and colored full-body. for a doodle that took ~1 minute for the artist to complete. so maybe I'm undercharging
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norveblue · 4 months
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Full size here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/candy-105467865
Commission for Zip Mins!
please support my work so I can afford existing, this is how I pay my rent and bills: https://www.patreon.com/ratte https://ko-fi.com/ratte
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
JRK about her new football life in Chelsea and Magda about her new Swedish team mate svt(.)se/sport/fotboll/johanna-rytting-kaneryd-om-nya-livet-i-chelsea-har-verkligen-kommit-ratt
At the end of the summer, Johanna Rytting left Kaneryd BK Häcken for the big club Chelsea.
The first time at the club has exceeded expectations.
- It has been very good from the start. I like and enjoy playing football in such a good environment, she tells SVT Sport.
After having the club's eyes on her for a long time, it became clear in August that 25-year-old Johanna Rytting Kaneryd signed for the English big club Chelsea. The club already had captain Magdalena Eriksson and goalkeeper Zecira Musovic, her teammates in the national team.
- Both Magda and Zecce have been absolutely incredible and helped me with everything from getting into the team to everything practical you need to think about when you come to a new country, says Rytting Kaneryd.
The midfielder says that the training sessions at Chelsea have been a big boost for her.
- Partly it is the continuity of the training and that it is good quality, tough and fast paced. You get a lot out physically. There are many stars and many who work around the club. It feels like every training session is a challenge and that's exactly what I need to develop and take the next step in my career. I really enjoy every workout.
Praised by Chelsea captain Magdalena Eriksson
She has been allowed to play all three games in the season opener, even if the playing time has been sparse.
- But I feel that I am on the right track and starting to get into it more and more. I have told myself to be patient at first. But I feel I'm on the right track. I had no expectations of playing, so it's just a bonus now at the beginning, says Rytting Kaneryd.
Chelsea captain Magdalena Eriksson pays tribute to her teammate after her first time at the club.
- Johanna has settled into the team very well. She is a very simple person. She is cool and brave, she dares to be herself and has got right into it with the language. She has come in well football-wise too. She dares to do her thing, I think that's great fun to see and I think she will develop a lot.
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ai-qa · 4 months
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Drapery - https://www.patreon.com/posts/100372139
happy to finally release this preview to the public. full-size version available on my patreon and ko-fi as always.
print: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/silasagnostos/drapery/
please support my work so I can afford existing, this is how I pay my rent and bills: https://www.patreon.com/ratte https://ko-fi.com/ratte
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sugar-ratt · 1 year
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Ratt | 28 | she/her
Bi & polyamorous
Horny Jail sideblog
We get a lil kinky here
It’s already in the blog description, but I can not stress enough that I’m not looking for a partner/dom/whatever. Don’t hmu unless you’re gonna pay me for simply being cute and charming ♡
In that same vein, do not call me pet names or send unsolicited pics. It's a quick way to get blocked.
LGBTQ+ inclusive. General DNI criteria applies.
Follows from @/ratt-teeth
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MDNI banner from @mikeykuns
Star divider from @graphics-cafe
Heart divider from @cafekitsune
Header image straight up yoinked from pinterest
Icon is mine~
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