#paintedragcn. 001.
tiderideraa · 2 years
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the  dragon  had  moved  up  in  the  world,  harry  observed  silently  as  he  circled  the  office.  bookshelves  filled  with  tomes  wider  and  thicker  than  his  head,  a  desk  splayed  with  pages,  envelopes,  half  read  letters,  ink  fall  pens  and  golden  tins.  the  window  behind  her  ran  from  the  floor  to  the  ceiling  and  looked  out  over  the  castle  grounds.  royal  advisor  was  certainly  more  than  a  step  up  from  being  her  mothers  little  helper.
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        harry  whistled  his  appreciation  for  mal's  new  station  in  life,  his  grin  shark-like  as  ever  as  he  ran  the  curved  edge  of  his  hook  along  the  spines  of  the  books  that  lined  her  shelves.  ❝  nice  digs,  mal,  ❞  he  said mockingly,  ❝  bet  it  comes  with  a  bell  boy  and  everything,  ❞    //    @paintedragcn​  ♡’d  for  a  starter .
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khozmoh · 2 years
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the  sound  of  glass  shattering  all  around  him  elicited  a  vicious  grin  on  the  usually  stoic  stilinski’s  lips.  he  flipped  the  bat  in  his  hand,  glancing  through  the  safety  goggles  to  mal  on  the  other  side  of  the  room.  there  weren’t  any  rage  rooms  in  beacon  hills,  but  now  that  he  had  gotten  a  taste,  he  knew  that  if  anyone  were  to  pen  one  it  was  sure  to  be  lucrative.
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❝  you  know,  if  they’d  had  one  of  these  back  in  high  school  i  wouldn’t  have  started  so  many  fights,  ❞  cosmo  claimed,  he  swung  the  bat  at  a  particularly  sturdy  microwave,  knocking  it  off  of  its  perch  on  the  table  and  sending  it  crashing  to  the  ground,  ❝  well  .  .  .  i  probably  wouldn’t  have  started  so  many  fights  ❞    //    @paintedragcn​ 
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mahkahri · 3 years
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—  @paintedragcn​  liked  for  a  starter .
It wasn't often that Makkari found herself unsettled, her abilities to sense and feel the vibrations of even the slightest of movements meant that she was rarely caught off guard. However, the disturbance had been little more than a gentle breeze, as if she had left a window open. It wouldn't have been concerning if she hadn't within her closed storage container that was filled to the roof with numerous artifacts, books, and relics that she had collected over the eons.
          Makkari raced through the container and in an instant she found the one responsible for the shift. A young girl reached for a tome from one of her shelves and Makkari seemingly vanished from where she had once stood.
          Within the next instant, Makkari had the tome in her hand and was leaning against the bookshelf with her brows raised high.    ❝ You feel like magic, ❞ Makkari mouthed as she signed with her free hand,    ❝ if you're one of Sprite's friends, you should know not to come here without her, ❞
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tiderider1 · 3 years
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―  @paintedragcn​  gets  a  starter .
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𝐡𝐢𝐬  𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭  𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫,  harry  had  promised  that  much  to  uma  when  she  had  asked  him  to  stand  in  her  place  in  auroria  and  he  intended  to  keep  his  word,  but  that  didn’t  mean  that  he  was  happy  about  it.  court  was  everything  harry  hated  about  being  a  captain.  the  backroom  deals,  the  peacocking  of  people  who  thought  they  were  more  than  they  were,  the  way  that  no  one  ever  really  said  what  they  really  meant,  everything  had  to  be  read  between  the  lines.  it  was  a  game  of  sorts,  one  harry  rarely  had  the  patience  for  and  that  night  was  no  different.
after  paying  his  respects  to  the  host,  harry  wove  between  the  nobles,  picking  and  choosing  who  to  speak  to  and  what  to  speak  about,  fishing  for  information,  snippets  of  secrets  unwisely  shared,  things  he  could  take  and  use  later,  until  he  spotted  mal.
she  had  made  a  place  for  herself  not  just  in  auroria  as  an  advisor,  but  as  a  voice  for  magical  reformation  that  reached  across  kingdoms  and  even  harry  had  to  acknowledge  the  influence  that  she  held  now.  harry  stepped  away  from  the  game  of  court,  and  slipped  into  place  beside  mal.
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❝  what  do  you  think  would  happen  if  i  spiked  the  punch?  ❞  harry  asked,  a  grin  threatening  to  crawl  across  his  lips.
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janefaery · 4 years
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Actually, Mal hadn’t really considered Jane’s feelings when she started dating Carlos… It had all seemed irrelevant at the time, but yeah, maybe this time there was a little part of her that did worry what the fairy would think, now that the two of them were spending a substantial amount of time together. Not only was Mal dating her ex, but she had also given Carlos quite a bit of advice on how to break up with Jane when she noticed he had been struggling. Did Jane know? Was it awkward if that was the case?
“Friends. Yeah, we are,” She sighed a little with relief, glad that Jane’s opinion of either of them hadn’t gone sour or anything. “But, as your friend …you sure that this,” She paused to gesture between both of them, “is alright?” Because she was more than willing to give Jane space if needed.
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If   Carlos   had   been   thinking   of   Mal   even   in   the   final   days   of   their   relationship,   that   was   a   mystery   that   could   remain   with   the   universe.   Jane   didn't   want   to   know   everything,   not   if   it   would   break   her   heart.   "Mal..."   Hesitation   marks   her   words   and   a   hand   reaches   up   brush   back   her   hair   even   as   her   eyes   flick   away.   "Sometimes   it   hurts,   but   I'll   be   okay.   Break-ups   happen."   It   was   disappointing   that   it   hadn't   worked   out,   Jane   wanted   her   fairytale   romance   and   accepting   that   she   was   the   supporting   character   instead   of   the   princess   still   stung,   but   she   wasn't   the   first   to   lose   a   boyfriend.   "you   don't   think   I'm   going   to   be   like   Audrey   and   pull   some   revenge   scheme,   do   you?   Because   I'm   not,   really.   I   just   might   need   some   time."   Rather   a   wallflower   than   a   third   wheel,   Jane   didn't   want   to   dive   into   self-pity   by   surrounding   herself   with   happy   couples   too   soon,   but   she   couldn't   deny   they   were   together.
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tealtendrils · 4 years
⤱ — -  @paintedragcn​​​ liked for a starter.
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It was too early and far too sunny for the young sea-witch to be in any form of pleasant mood. She had been trying to sleep, though it hadn’t come easy, and she had barely drifted off when a knock comes to her dorm door. So much for that. Uma groans as she forces herself from a mess of blankets on the floor where she’d been trying to rest — the beds were too soft, she was still getting used to that — to open the door. Her tired gaze turns to false bravado and arms crossing instantly over her chest when she sees a familiar face and purple hair. ❛ To what do I owe this visit? ❜ One of her eyebrows quirks and she makes no effort to open the door further or move to invite Mal into the room.
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hadesheiir-moved · 4 years
@paintedragcn​ // mal (closed starter)
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“it’s hard to see me on when you’ve been off as hell.”
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tideridera · 4 years
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          “    don’t  you  have  candy  to  steal  or  something ?    ”    //  @paintedragcn​  ♡‘d  for  a  one - liner
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crownbrn · 4 years
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       “ everytime i look out to the island, i feel like they've been abandoned. ”
@paintedragcn​ / one-line sc.
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nachtmaren · 4 years
@paintedragcn​​ liked for a one-liner starter
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“remind me again why i have to be nice when they refuse to be?”
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clippcr · 4 years
—  @paintedragcn​     /     semi - plotted  starter .
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          “    you  made  it !    ”    noelani exclaimed upon seeing mal’s approach. while the isle had gone through a fairly dramatic transformation, there were still certain pockets of the island that were fairly dangerous and as such, noelani had chosen one of the neutral districts to meet mal so that they would both be comfortable. noelani had two backpacks, one currently stuffed full of her climbing gear and the other almost completely empty save for two bottles of purified rain water.    “    how  was  the  trip  over ?  i  hope  you  didn’t  get  stopped  by  anyone,  you  know,  those  bogs  boys  have  been  getting  bold  lately.    ”
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