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dnangelic · 4 months
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-also lost in popularity to cats-
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crownshattered · 3 months
Continued from here with @exorciiistt~
There was great enjoyment to be found in taking power away from someone. To break someone’s pride in such a way that they know there’s nothing to be done, yet they fight against it nevertheless. It was rare for Joseph to play with his food, but the exorcist simply seemed to amuse him. Aesop had the means in which to kill the vampire once and for all… And Joseph took it away from him.
Maybe that’s why Joseph hadn’t killed him yet… Aesop served no use to him other than mild entertainment, so why not be rid of him? Joseph didn’t quite know himself. Maybe it really did just stem from his amusement in the other’s fierceness even in the face of a greater enemy.
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A smirk found its way upon blood-red lips as crystal blue hues gazed down at the resilient exorcist. He was still fighting him, even when he had no way of winning. How interesting. “Not until you look at me,” the vampire replied as he kept his cool fingers pressed against the fabric of Aesop’s mask. His grip on his chin tightened just slightly. Aesop won’t win this game that easily.
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irregularbillcipher · 4 months
watched the musical demon show (don't wanna name it so this post isn't in the tags) at the behest of an IRL friend and i can already tell this is going to be a piece of media where i absolutely cannot stop thinking about it, not because i really love the show as-is, but because it has so many individual components i really like and find incredibly fun or compelling, and i'm so frustrated that it doesn't come together for me
i think the main thing i can say about it as a show, setting aside some of the insensitive choices that were made that i really don't feel qualified to tackle or talk about, is that the entire thing sort of gives off this vibe of someone really excited to show you every single oc they made in high school and college and i very genuinely mean that in both the best and worst ways possible
there are some good hooks for season two though so i will absolutely give them that
#the vibe is just like... they are just soooo excited to get all their ideas out that it becomes... messy and badly paced#like there are so many moments that are cool or fun or emotional in a vaccuum but they don't connect fully y'know#because this arc or character was JUST introduced so there isn't proper build up. everything moves too quick#and it's frustrating because you can TELL that the people making this show love their ideas and characters#and i more than get thta! i am also someone with a lotta ocs i love to blab about#but i think they have been working with them so long that they#a. assume we are already just as attached to them as they are without always doing that work#b. assume we've seen all the supplemental material which. i have not#and i don't think that a professional show is the type of thing where there should be a barrier of entry that involves like#podcasts and comics and twitter threads and IC instagram posts about characters to do that emotional/lore legwork y'know#i love lore and supplemental stuff obviously but this should still be like#a satisfying experience for me a person who saw the pilot however many years ago and then has not interacted with the show or fandom since#idk man stuff felt rushed and messy and i wish i liked it more#it needed more slow moments i think. the two scenes where the group all drinks together (minus one awful joke in the bar scene) are like#the best in the show to me becase i actually believe these guys are FRIENDS. i wanna see them hang out more!#i wanna see them actually really grow to like each other organically!!! i wanna see them build connections and grow better slowly!!!#songs absolutely slap though. soundtrack is probably gonna be in my spotify unwrapped 2024#i love me a musical and that inspiration is on its sleeve which i love#also imo the humor isn't great usually. it's very juvenile imo and sometime that works but it often doesn't#(for me at least humor is obviously SUPER subjective)#also tonally they have this 'have your cake and eat it too' issue which bugs me. it's exemplified by the v's (one in particular)#actually i could go on a whole rant about the v's if anyone is interested because god i have some Thoughts#and i think my issues with the v's (namely one v) encapsulates many issues i have with the show#despite all this rambling i actually did enjoy a lot of my time with it. i just don't think it was well-written if that makes sense
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ashesrebirthed-a · 4 months
"Kate! Here, turn towards me." Barely waiting for the other woman's response, Cordelia held up a black dress in front of her, eyes narrowed as she looked Kate up and down. Not that her decision took long; it wasn't even a moment later that she shook her head, putting the outfit back where she found it with pursed lips and a click of her tongue.
"Nope. Not right. With your sheer lack of smileage? You'd look ready to attend a funeral in that getup, not a party." Cordelia quickly flipped through the rest of the rack, not bothering to stop until she landed on something pink - and, even better, silky. "Hey - how opposed are you to some actual color? I know you're usually, like, Detective Broody the Second or whatever, but you'll fit in way better with a little pink. Totally works with your complexion, too!" // @lapdlockley + plotted starter!
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decidentia · 10 months
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My follower count is starting to creep up and my dash is getting crowded. If we’ve nothing going on yet but you’re interested in interacting, please like or comment on this post and I’ll reach out to you when I have a moment. ♡
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sercphs · 1 month
@grislyintentions sc - freminet
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⠀⠀⠀⠀The gentle clinking of a spoon against the edge of her teacup, her gaze fixed on the amber liquid within the vessel. The approach of the child is not openly acknowledged, but it is entirely expected. She had, of course, been responsible for summoning him.
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"Freminet. Take a seat."
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Simple, and to the point.
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nineliabilityrisk · 5 months
“ i don't know who i am anywhere else. ”
[[ this specific prompt triggered Something in my brain pardon me while i go wacky over it for a sec /pos (also formatting change bc the hellsite has decided to remove the option to edit ask replies, at least on mobile) ]]
-- [ asked by @mute-call ] --
To say Michael knew the feeling would be an understatement. What he didn't know – or, he supposes, hadn't realized – was that other people felt it, too. Fazbear Entertainment ... it had always been the Aftons' and the Emilys' burden to carry. Their creation, their story, their tragedy. Sure, others had been dragged into the mess in the past – Jeremy, those poor kids, their families – but he hadn't even stopped to consider how some of the other employees had been affected by the company.
Mr. Bell — Steven ( he keeps forgetting, they're more or less on equal ground now, and even if they weren't, they've been casual acquaintances long enough that he doesn't need to keep using honorifics for the guy ) especially. He'd been with the company nearly as long as Michael could remember, and, granted, that wasn't all that long, minus a few key events he would rather forget, but the point still stood. God knows the kind of shit he'd seen in his time here.
Michael was struck with the sudden urge to wrap the guy up in a hug. The kind with a few firm, comforting thumps on the back. Or at least clap a hand on his shoulder. Or something.
It'd been a long time since a real human person had earned an emotion other than mild annoyance from him, but Bell had done it.
Even still, he did exactly none of those things. Because those weren't things he did, and it would be weird if he did them at all, let alone to Mr. Bell of all people, the guy he's kind-of-sort-of-known for years now and only in a professional capacity. He'd probably explode from embarrassment. Or get asked if he needs to be drug tested. Or both. Maybe not in that order.
So, narrowly avoiding that absolute fucking nightmare, ( god, that would've been horrible, this is only their third or fourth time interacting outside of work and it's only because someone fucked up their schedules, Bell seemed like he was having a bad day, and Mike 'had nothing better to do' — he felt bad and wanted to help out but don't tell Steven that ) he just inclined his head and gave him an affirmative hum. If a small smile came with it, then, well... Can't blame him.
"Yeah, I... Yeah. This place... Hasn't really been the best, for me. But it's not like I can leave, y'know? Fazbear's is my home... Whether I like it or not," he said, ending it off with a soft chuckle as he remembered that Steven may not be as... Disillusioned with the company as he was.
Michael's reason for staying may be entirely different from Steven's, but... Steven doesn't need to know that. Better to keep him from knowing all the shit Michael's tangled himself up in with this company. Better to keep him from worrying. Safer for him, too, probably.
"Just, uh... I know how you feel. I'm here for ya, buddy." God. This is why he doesn't have friends. Not because it's hard, but because he sucks absolute ass at it.
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revengesworn · 8 months
"I finally found you, Mikey."
Draken has spent many hours wondering how he'd feel in this moment. Upon setting eyes on Mikey again, for the first time in so long... finally, he's met him once more.
When Mikey abandoned his friends, beating them up and spitting on their friendship in the process, Draken couldn't understand it. He'd been angry, so angry that he thought he'd lose his mind. He's been broken- devastated, crushed by the weight of despair that Mikey's actions brought upon him, wanting to know too many things - why would you do this? how did I miss this? -that he'd never get the answers for.
He'd tried. But Draken... couldn't abandon Mikey. In fact, even trying to let him go is one of the things Draken feels most ashamed of now. He knows how much Mikey suffered, and he knows Mikey - that that bond they shared, their friendship, the moments they had with each other... they couldn't have been a lie.
So Mikey must have some reason for all this. Draken has no clue what could be, but... how could he live with himself, if he didn't try to figure it out?
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"You've been busy. But you can't avoid me forever, you know."
@kyukicho ( starter for mikey! )
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solarisgod · 2 days
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" tragedy is the point. " you tell me this as we stand in darkness, the stars hidden behind clouds and the world nearly stills at what feels like an universal fact: tragedy is the point of all — this life. i can not resist but chuckle, my head lowered and shoulders shaken, because, of course, this is what many can believe when we all live in the world where most remembers best with the flaws and horrors and tragedies than poems and songs and love. i deeply apologize if my gentle amusement resembles as a mockery of sort to you, @kezoire. even at the dead night, i can still vividly see your scars, burning at the back of my mind. it looks as a tragic story that you must bear to the shuddering cosmos, each line and end a detail of unknown terror.
i gaze back at you, softly sympathetic. " not everything have to always be that way. " not to me, never ever to me even with my soul full of aches and body of fragments that beg for love, love, l — " it can always be love. " i do not expect you or anyone to listen to me — my delicate heart. you believe in tragedy, i believe in love, and this world will still rotate with benevolence and violence. isn't it beautiful that any sort of existences can still be alive no matter what we have to experience — endure ? you said tragedy is the point, although i will always believe there is always more than the darkness that lingers somewhere in the broken world. it is beyond beautiful i am still alive despite the agony that stole everything of me.
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everyone in my burnt childhood had treated me as a walking tragedy. no one but my own adoptive family and best friend thought i could be more than my deepest burning. the world did not believe in me when i was their doomed star, meaning to be slaughtered to nothing at all for the endless darkness. i was the monster who was supposed to die in the end. but look at me as i keep trying to find the reasons of why you have so easily said that tragedy is everything, wanting to understand you better in the softest way possible. watch me take a few steps back and look up at the sky, silently admiring the celestial peace of above, still grateful to be so painfully and wonderfully alive with every scars across my vessel and stars in me. i am love enough.
i leave the dark, stepping on the path where it can take me to haven. the shattered phantoms and sanguine memories follow my footsteps. i do not flinch at their deep coldness. " i will always hope for you. " a promise made between stars, their celestial selves shining more to be kindly apparent in the heavy clouds. you have told me something that cut my heart to re-see all of my own tragedies, but i only smile at you because i can forever believe love is the point of everything — i will be the living proof of this as the brightest star known on earth. " i will always hope that you will find your own light regardless of all. " i know we don't know much about each other, but i have always been alive in starlight. i just do not want anything more to mean as tragic.
i want my life to be the thesis on how love can be everything after all.
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intcthatgoodnight · 14 days
@rasafcrged continued from here
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He watched her from across the fire, his eyes sharp and intense, as if he could find the truth or lie written on her face. He’d been called too incense before, by friends who meant well and those who didn’t. People that most likely were dead now. He chose not to respond to her declaration. Her actions would show how honest she was. He hoped she was being honest, if only for the twin's sake. They were already getting attached. This new life of isolation was proving hard on the children who before all this had always been so friendly and outgoing. They got that from their mother.
With a sigh, Anakin settled back against an old pine tree and stretched his legs out. “For now we’re just headed south. There’s Fort Bragg in North Carolina, I spent a few months there years ago. I still remember the area pretty well. With any luck there might be something of it still left.” It would be a long trek by foot with two ten-year-olds who tired easily. Cars were easy to find, it was gas that was proving to be the problem. “What about you?”
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austerulous · 1 year
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crownshattered · 3 months
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This man perplexed her. A lot of his strange features could be nothing, such as his pale skin and red eyes, but she could see that his teeth were a bit sharper than those of a normal high elf... And, of course, the scars on his neck. If it were any other situation, she would be certain he was a vampire. But Faenethra met him in broad daylight. That was extremely strong evidence against any vampirism.
Well, the worst thing he has done to her so far was attempt to hold a knife to her throat. If he was a vampire, he wasn't trying to hurt anyone. Faenethra figured that was enough for her to trust him, at least somewhat. It was more than what most people would give a drow like her.
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"What do you make of this grove?" Faenethra asked him, glancing at the man from beneath her dark hood. She wasn't usually one for conversation, but it seemed like she would be stuck with these people for a while... She figured she might as well talk to them.
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sivrit · 27 days
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"I'm not sure if you were aware, but High Lords often have to answer for their subjects' crimes," Imbrifer scoffs as @vtriol steps into the office. He had his back turned to them, arms folded behind himself as he stared out at the manor's courtyards in faux interest as he awaited their audience. Turning, he kept them in the corner of his vision. "So which is it? For sport? Or did you run out of blood bags?"
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unhindercd · 4 months
Bonding Experiences
[ The Visit ]
Cecil's visitation to the Auckland Chantry has been met with perhaps a surprising level of warmth for one not telegraphed as going to occur before it did. By extension, the cities Prince in general has remained incredibly welcoming. Voicing permission to his guest that they may do as they please, within reasonable bounds. Most of those bounds seemingly needing to go unspoken to one who is a Primogen of an old world city. Although more specific ones to do with 'Do not feed from xyz locations' are provided under the precipice of not wishing for any toes to get trodden on.
He carries himself with far more warmth in person than online, perhaps it is to be expected, perhaps not. He certainly mimics all the little subtleties of a living person far smoother than one would anticipate any vampire his age to - it makes his slight toning down of it on the evening he decided to corner Cecil quite the shotgun on the table effect. The threat was only meant to be subtle. Make clear that despite some of his jaded words he is happy for victorian pair, that he wishes them well, that he wants them to make the most of their opportunity, but he will side with Daniel if things sour in such a way intervention becomes necessary.
Beyond that significant encounter, he has mainly been preoccupied with work - and it has instead been The Twins who have served as Cecil's main hosts. The William's. Thea and Steph. They're identical for the most part, and mid-twenties at embrace. Having rarely hosted peers from their clan they're actually quite intrigued at the prospect of having someone new to talk to concerning Thaumaturgy for a bit. Especially someone born into the same generation as them. Thea being kept busy by Leo's work results in Stephan playing the predominant host to their guest. He's very proud of the library he's taken over from their deceased sire, noting his additions to it and the troubles involved in getting new literature down there. Aside from attempting to lure Cecil into conversations about rituals he'd of offered to play driver to show him around town. How much of his attention came from some kind of behind the scenes directive not to leave their guest alone and how much was out of genuine enthusiasm to point out places of note is never clear.
But Cecil is never truly left alone in the city. Danny is certainly eager to show him around once wizardly discussions simmer off in favour of the locals getting work done. Whether the others accompanied them on any such outing was something Danny left to Cecil's discretion.
A consistent theme of the stay has been Lachlan's repeated presence. 'Do you think-' 'So it's been since-' 'Do you know where-' Trying again and again to get everyone into a single room until eventually agreements are made.
[ The Event ]
The time and place are scheduled. It shall be an indoor affair set across the dining room table at midnight. Providing everyone enough time to settle in beforehand. It is seemingly one of the 'non-Tremere' guest receiving areas of the haven considering it's direct connection to the parlour and the wards upon the doors not leading back out to said room.
On the western side of the house it's windows stand open on this summers evening. The lace net curtains moving in time with the light breeze. The buzz of state highway 1 along the coastline a couple hundred metres down the cliff provides a background white noise to this undead gathering.
Full moon is the 25th of February.
Lachlan kneels on a chair halfway down the length of the old dark table. Hands picking at the decorative elements of a crystal serving dish. It's enough of a bowl to serve their purposes for tonight. Clearly picked from the hutch cabinet display down the far enough of the room given the the void left among the otherwise elegant display of precious unused dishware. He's donned his 'priests' outfit and eagerly awaits the complete gathering.
The households ghoul currently makes the rounds, offering blood of a (so far) unspecified source from a stone jug to be poured into shallow glasses. His name has surely been overheard in the last few nights. Ernie? Ernest? Can always err on the side of caution and settle for 'Sir' or no address at all.
The twins have chattered amongst themselves to this point, seeming more preoccupied with tasks outside this current gathering than those around their kitchen table. Stephan sits in a chair across and down the table a place from Lachlan, he's appeared the same every night. As if he got dressed in 1928 and never changed since. Thea stands directly across from him leaning on the back of a chair. Her long dark hair pulled back into a ponytail, and acrylics tap-tapping on the chair, her various pieces of gold jewellery strike out against her otherwise fairly corpo-goth style.
The two's discussion has most recently turned to the those they're still waiting on - Prince Lehmann, and Malkavian Primogen Alexandria.
"Honestly, how long do'ya think Alex is gonna end up keeping Len for? Never bodes well when she's late to something - she probably thinks she has to leave at a particular minute or the car'll crash like she thought last I gave her a ride." "Eh- maybe? More likely he trying to delegate something that's come up at the last second. That or hitting every red light on the way back. He doesn't just run the damn things these days but I guess that'd part the curse of CCTV."
As if that be the magic word for Danny, he slips from his obfuscation. He hasn't gone far from last scene. His continued presence in the gathering long marked by a withdrawn chair besides Cecil's. He's curled himself into a ball, slipped so far down in his seat his knees are to his chin and feet rest upon the edge of the table with no regards to manners. It's a position he ungracefully shifts himself a degree upright out from. The latest phone he'd obtained is open to the notes app- and for the the umpteenth time he leans over to show the display Cecil.
[ 'Things are everywhere, think I could fill the footage banks of some with AI garbage some point?' ]
Arthur Hestor, commonly known as Wart, is not in attendance.
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wontgodowninhistory · 1 month
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🌈 : @araneorum asked:⑁ / kat ! // still accepting this meme
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the squeak that kat let out as she leaped onto robin’s lap was endearing. everything about the other girl was adorable and she was completely enamored with her. the notes for her history exam were pushed aside and forgotten as both arms went securely around the other girl. yes she was there to study but she wasn’t going to reject some attention. “what's wrong? is ancient greek history boring you?” robin never got bored with anything that was providing her knowledge. she was especially fond of history and learning how past idiocy shaped the modern idiocy of the world. “you know we are supposed to be studying. that’s why i came over.” robin didn’t really need to study, she already had most of the material memorized. just like her ears, her mind was also a little genius. she absorbed knowledge like a sponge, even if it was something she’d never really need out in the real world. “would you rather do something else?” robin’s heart raced at the thought of cuddling with kat. her parents didn’t know that they liked each other and it probably was best to keep that to themselves. she doubted they would get violent like her father would but they might stop her from coming to their home or at least being alone with kat while she was there. they’d known her since she was just a little girl and kat’s mom would babysit her whenever robin’s grandmother just needed her out of the house for a while. robin didn’t want to tarnish their belief that she wasn’t like her father. she needed them to like her since most parents didn’t. “i could probably use a little break. i swear i’ll dream in greek tonight.” she chuckled as her blue eyes diverted from kat’s and she blushed.
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「Should you fall asleep before I say goodbye」
[@lightcffireflies ]
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“An old tradition in the city of winds has become quite the fun festivity for newer generations. It was once said that during these spooky months of the year, dead relatives would come to visit their families as an act of love and respect, but ghosts happen to be a little clumsy. As such, the people of Mondstadt would hide their knives, and prepare little cakes for their loved ones to eat before lighting a large bonfire outside of town to guide them back to the world of the dead. While ghosts are clearly not real, the tradition of taking the silverware out of the house, preparing a large feast, and lighting a bonfire as part of an Autumn festival still remains. Of course, there’s a lot of work to do, so hustle and help the citizens of Mondstadt out!”
In Mondstadt, there is constantly something going on; be it a discount on some exquisite wine, a battle of the bards, or – another joyful event. See, even after Weinlesefest, when the colder winds start to blow, it’s still not the end of festivities for the year.
During late autumn and winter, when living conditions used to worsen much, Mondstadtians had been doing what they could not to lose heart after the passing of a loved one. They believed that they came to visit them in their afterlife, giving subtle signs of their presence here and there. And so, another tradition was born: as the ghosts were thought to be friendly, people didn’t want to let them come to harm either, hiding anything that could be a potential danger. (What do you mean ghosts can pass through things? What if they’re a little silly and forget about that? We have to be prepared for every possibility.) They would also prepare a delicious feast for them, so they feel (ful)filled as they eventually leave the world of the living.
Well, people of that time hadn’t really considered that those ‘signs’ from the dead could have been simply a trick of some playful wind current messing around with the not properly fastened door, but… 
Venti proceeded to put on a frilly, not-quite-just-white-at-this-point apron, preparing to help with the baking at Good Hunter. 
“Behind every piece of tradition, there is some kind of story, and every story contains some bit of truth, don’t you think?”
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