#painter MK x reader
crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Mk x shy GF Reader, with the Mk clones? set during the episode Duplicatnation where Mk is dealing with the fact he accidently got carry away with making clones, but not only that, he has to now deal with them fawning all over his girlfriend in their own ways and getting her EXTREMELY flustered and embarrassed, And are our poor boy is getting REALLY jealous.
“Too Many”(1244 w.c.)(Romantic one shot)
MK/Clones x Shy!Fem!Reader
pronouns: she/her
CW: slight possessiveness
One second, y/n was enjoying some quiet time at Pigsy’s because hey, there was a little too much chaos in her life at the moment, and the next, she was apparently texted to meet her lovely boyfriend at Sandy’s boat. This she didn’t mind. Sandy was such a sweet guy, and she’d be lying if she said spending time with the therapy cats wasn’t one of her favorite things to do. 
It was what happened when she got there that was a problem.
The boat was not only a new color, but she could see that familiar red bandana and messy brown hair hard at work painting it. She smiled knowingly, hopping up onto the deck to greet him. 
“MK, hey!” She went to hug him like she always did, but when he turned around, something was terribly off. His eyes had a crazed fire dancing in them as he wielded a paintbrush. But he still returned her affection.
“Y/n! Good, I was hoping you would be fast! I want to paint you!” He explained. She wasn’t opposed to the idea, but she certainly was thrown off by his mannerisms. 
“Like, right now? I’m not sure—“
“All you have to do is sit and be pretty. You’ll look perfect at any angle!”
Even if he was a little unhinged, she was still blushing at his comment. She went and sat on the stool across from a canvas he’d set up, choosing a simple pose that wouldn’t take long—theoretically.
“Beautiful! Yes, you’re the perfect muse!” He beamed, getting to work on an underpainting. Her heart was racing and she felt her face grow hot at his compliments. She held as still as she could, out of worry for what might happen if she shifted even a little. A solid half hour must have passed by now…But her arms were getting tired in the position she was holding them, so she mustered up the courage to say something.
“Hey, can I just take a quick break? Have you got a sketch down?” She asked. The artist stepped away from the canvas, humming while he looked at her. 
“I suppose…just hurry back, okay? This will be a masterpiece as long as you’re here.”
She hopped off of her seat and gave him a quick kiss as she exited the boat, choosing to head back into the city and get something to eat, maybe even stopping at the arcade…Mei was there, right? They hadn’t gotten to hang out lately.
Walking into the building, she could tell once again that something was wrong. But she pushed that feeling aside and continued in, getting some tokens and enjoying some of the games at the front by the entrance. But the music was muffled, like it was only coming from the back of the building, so y/n went to the back and saw two tall guards in front of the door. Once they saw her coming, they immediately opened the door for her, and she hurried past them with a quiet “thanks”. 
Gods, being in that space was already overwhelming—it smelled like soda pop and smoke machines. The music reverberated through the floors that lit up with each beat. And it was crowded past capacity, most likely. Someone was yelling from the DJ booth, but she couldn’t make out the words. 
“Y/n, thank goodness. You need to talk to your boyfriend.” Mei emerged from somewhere in the crowd, taking y/n by her arm and practically yelling to get her point across. 
“But I was just with him on the boat!” She yelled back.
“Then who’s the guy wearing leopard print sitting in the booth?!” 
The two girls got to the front of the room, and lo and behold, there was MK. Y/n was beyond confused. If he was here, then who was the artist she’d just spent time with? He peered through his slitted neon glasses at her, reaching over the turntable and yanking her into the booth with him. It was only a little easier to hear.
“Aw yeah, the life of my porty is here! It’s good to see you showed up!” He exclaimed, giving y/n a kiss. 
“Porty? MK, what are you talking about? What about the painting?”
“Huh? What painting, yo?” He shook his head with a smirk. “Whatever, anyways, c’mon, join in! Let’s make some sweet tunes to get these guys moving!”
“No, hang on, how long have you been in here?” She stopped him, trying to figure out exactly what was happening.
“No idea, babes, all I know is I’m throwing the best porty this arcade has EVER seen!” He put one of the headphones over his ear, before pressing some buttons that changed the music and got things going again. Now that y/n could see the whole crowd, she could also see that they all looked like zombies…some were slumped on the floor, others were trying to keep dancing but stumbled and dragged their feet. Some were even hiding from MK’s sight. Mei was standing by the entrance to the booth, and she didn’t look too hot either. 
“MK, you need to chill out a bit, okay? Let’s go play some games, just you and me.” Maybe if y/n played her cards right, she could get him to be distracted long enough that the crowd could disperse. 
“Not right now, sweet cheeks. After this set, definitely!” He responded. 
“What do we do? He’s lost his mind!” Mei took y/n’s hand again to get her away from the crazed DJ. Y/n shrugged, racking her brain for solutions. 
“Let’s get out of here! There has to be an exit!” She said. 
“Sorry, sweet heart. No one’s leaving this porty!” The DJ came up behind the pair, yanking them both deeper into the booth.
Hours passed as Mei and y/n were stuck inside a giant claw machine. On the plus side they weren’t stuck on the dance floor, but on the downside they were trapped in a much bigger problem than before.
That is, until the skylight broke. Their saving grace was here, hopefully the REAL one. They couldn’t make out what Real MK and Porty MK were saying to each other, but y/n was just overjoyed that MK was okay. What scared the crap out of her were the countless evil clones that were trying to fight him and how she couldn’t really tell who was where doing what. Golden light was everywhere, and before they both knew it, y/n and Mei were out of the claw machine and out of harm’s way. But they were back in the booth, standing behind Real MK. 
“Wait, how can you tell who’s who? He might be the porty clone!” The DJ said. 
“It’s ‘party’!” Mei said.
“Aw man, I played myself.”
And then he disappeared. Y/n was still comprehending the fact that all of that just happened, but of course the explanation was three simple words: “mystic monkey business”. 
“Y/n, are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” MK approached y/n, pulling her into a hug that she recognized as his hug. She leaned into him, trying to calm down a bit.
“No, I’m not hurt. Just…frazzled, I guess. Promise you wont make any more clones, okay??” She pulled away from him, grabbing his arms and shaking him back and forth. He laughed the whole time.
“I promise, I promise!”
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monkiementor · 2 years
I love your writing, It's so cute, Could I request some Mk x shy female Reader, with the Mk clones? Like Mk is already dealing with the fact he accidently got carry away with making clones again, but now he has to deal with them fawning over his girlfriend in their own way and making her EXTREMELY flustered, basically boi get's jealous, Hope that's not too complicated.
Hmm, I'll still do this ask ! But as a GN reader "" [not everyone is female !] and it wasn't complicated dwww !!
Flustering <3
Mk clones [plus mk] x gn reader [fluff]
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It’s a quiet night at his house, Y/N was currently out. MK decides to try one last time on making clones, he doesn’t know what else he can do but he wants to try anyways. He grabs a piece of his hair and blew on it, watching it as it fell to the ground. MK waited a few seconds, and the hair started to form into three of his figures, just like before. Party MK looked around the spotted MK as he smiled, "Ayo, it's the OG MK! Wassup!" MK smiled a bit. "Hello, uh, party..clone?" The clone laughed and nodded. "So, why'd you call us anywayz? Anything special planned for us?" He asked lowing his pink shades.
Painter MK looked around MK's room with disgust, "Your wallpaper is disgusting" Mk pouted, "Hey don't judge my room, I like my paint job." He looked up at his clones. Delivery MK burped, "I'm hungry, got any food?" Painter MK shook his head and sighed, "Not until we can find some." He sat down at MK's desk chair. Party MK smiled wide, "You still gotta tell us why'd you poofed us up?" Party MK said with a grin. Painter MK rolled his eyes. "Why does it have to be something important?" Delivery MK just giggled. MK pouted once more as he crossed his arms and huffed, "I just wanted to hang out with you guys!" He exclaimed in his most childlike tone ever. The Painter MK raised an eyebrow but was interrupted by the sound of a door opening behind them. They turned around to see who was entering the home. It was none other than Y/N, MK's partner.
"Hey MK I brought us some-" Before Y/N could say anything else their eyes caught sight of all 3 MK's in the room. Their jaw dropped slightly and they gasped. "MK, what- who is- but you-" They continued to gawk and Y/N finally found their voice "What the hell." They mumbled. MK chuckled nervously, "Hun! I didn't think you would be home early! Uh, I forgot you haven't met any of my clones yet, so lemme introduce you-" Mk stopped when he heard Party MK whistling at Y/N, "Wow, ya didn't tell us you had a fine ass partner!" He lowered his shades as he winked at them. Y/N blushed and covered their face a bit. "He's right." A voice spoke behind Y/N making them yelp as Painter MK walked around from behind them, "You have nice legs too, maybe I can make a sculpture out of you~" He smirked uncovering Y/N's hands from their blushing face.
They took a step back from him and bumped into someone else. They yelp as they got lifted up into a hug. They looked up, surprised, and saw that it was Delivery MK holding onto them. He hugged them tight and gave them a warm smile. They shyly returned the hug, blushing a bit. "They're very cute too!" Delivery MK chirped, placing them back onto the ground after giving them one last squeeze. MK pouted, crossing his arms again. "A-Alright," Y/N said turning to Party MK, "C-Can you guys explain yourselves, please..?" They asked softly. Party laughed sheepishly. "Welllll..." "I was bored, okay!" MK blurted out as everyone looked at him. "You were gone for sooo longgg, so I wanted company.." He mumbled fiddling with his fingers.
"But now I regret it." He muttered glaring slightly at his clones. Party MK smirked mischievously. "But we thought you were boreddd." He cooed wrapping an arm around Y/N's waist. They squealed, trying to free themselves from his grasp. "Yea MK, I don't think ya should send us back so soon. We just got here." Painter MK pouted a bit. MK huffed, rolling his eyes, "Well, now you guys gotta go!" He snapped. His clones groaned at him. "But we wanna stay here and hang out with Y/N more" Delivery MK frowned. MK frowned feeling jealous, and looked at Y/N who was staring at the ground, face red, looking embarrassed, and then at Party MK. "No." He mumbled looking away from his clones. His three clones stared at him in confusion, not understanding why no one wanted them to stay.
"Come on man! Why won't anyone let us stay?!" Party whined, "we just want to hang out." Delivery added. "Yes, we wanna hang out." Painter mumbled. Party then gave up as he huffed, "fine guess we can goo! Since party pooper over here doesn't want us to stay." Party blew a raspberry at MK. Party smirked thinking of something, "But before we go~ We should give dear ol Y/N a kisss, hmm~" MK flinched at this and glared at party MK. Party ignored him, looking over at Y/N and pressing his lips against theirs. He pulled away quickly, leaving them shocked and a blushing mess, and ran over to his three clones. MK mumbled something angrily under his breath and walked over to them. "We didn't get to kiss them" Delivery pouted. Party looked up at him and grinned, "There's always a next time! Right OG?" "No."
MK does a Kung fu move that poofed them all away. He sighed as he looked at the mess of hair that was on the ground. He turned to look at Y/N who was still in shock at the whole thing. "Uh, sorry about that." He scratched the back of his neck. They blinked and gave a soft smile, "I-It's okay! I'm just in shock." They then looked at MK, he glared slightly at the pile of hair and you giggled. "You were jealous weren't you?" They asked. MK huffed, crossing his arms again, "No, what makes you think that?" Y/N giggled softly at him, "you looked really annoyed by them all flirting with me." They pointed out, smiling gently. "Of course I was! You're my partner, not there's!" He pouted. They giggles and walks up to him, pulling him close, and kissing his cheek. He sighs softly and leans into them. They smiled sweetly and held his hand tightly. "I love you." He whispered quietly. They stopped and kissed his forehead. "I love you too and only you."
Sorry, this was messy ! I tried my best [sobs]
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hydrangeyes · 7 months
Mk x spray painter Male reader ☁️☁️
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit: So shuffling through my docs It's been brought to my attention that wattpad (who I use as backup) Cut a lot of my fics in half??? anyway I'll be trying to fix that also
Aaaahhhh this is such a cute idea!!!
Mk sees male reader spray painting on a wall and what's to join/try it out!
Warning: None!! Just super cute and mushy
Requested by: ekkozied
For the most part you started this mural on your own. The building owner wanting to brighten up the alley walkway to their backyard café, and well, the pay was really good. A quick in and out job really.
So you didn't mind cleaning it up and prepping the wall, what you didn't expect was just...how big the wall actually was.
Letting out a breathe you step back shaking the can of black paint as you eye the sketch you placed. Took you since this early morning, and by the sound of your stomach. It was definitely time for lunch.
Doing some stretches and fully opening your bag of spray paints. You felt in the mood for something pretty light but filling.
"Hmm, Pigsy's noodles it is"
Your stomach ended up making you buy 2 servings...
It didn't take long for your food to arrive, and while it wasn't your order you couldn't help but look back at the cute delivery driver.
Wide eyed and curious, Mk quickly was distracted by the mess of empty paint cans and the sketch you had on the wall. "Woah this looks so cool! How long have you been doing this!?" he shouts in excitement turning to you, seeing you on the ground eating.
You pause to swallow then grin "Thanks! A bit of a hobby, uh spray painting or working on this?"
"Yes." Mk asks
Letting out a snorted laugh you wave him to join you, which he does sitting close, "Let's see, I've been into art and specifically spray painting since middle school I think. Been working on this commission since 4 am? maybe 5?"
Mk gasps dramatically going a small tangent about hoping you at least took a break or how he couldn't even focus on being still for that long. to which as you watch him suddenly start organizing your empty cans, could tell.
"I like to draw and everything but I never branched out of sketches? Can't even imagine spray painting."
You tilt your head finishing up your bowl of noodles and getting up with a content stretch. Fully charged and ready to work.
"Well how about giving it a try now?"
Mk shakes his head watching as you pull out the colors you plan to use. "What!? Oh no no no! I would ruin it, what if I make a huge mess and then-" You interrupt him but handing over an orange spray can. Looking up at you Mk blushes at the calm and soft smirk you give him.
"I'll help if it's needed but that's the fun with spray painting. It dries quick and you can always paint over any mistakes." you wink stepping back and picking up a blue can. "So go wild delivery man."
Looking at the can Mk smiles a little. "Call me Mk."
You both had fun for hours, coloring in your design and every now and then when mk stayed in one spot too long, getting it on each other.
It was a big piece so day after day, mk came with lunch and a helping hand (When you allowed it). Laughing and tossing cans to one another, it was care free and even when you put on the finishing touches, mk stuck around around, watching you work and talking calmly about his recent training session or frustrations.
You catch yourself, when you start feeling excited when the time for lunch came around. Inwardly trying to keep your cool when when you both were tired, mk leans his head on your shoulder for a quick nap.
Falling asleep with him may have caused a slight scene, someone passing by thinking there was an accident (You guys forgot to clean up the red paint...).
He found himself, really relaxing with you. It was different than with mei which confused him at first. Till one day, it was just a little too hot and you took off your shirt to keep working and not get a heat stroke. Yeah. this feel was very different, that and he felt genuinely safe with you (emotionally of course).
So when it was all said in done you both couldn't help but feel a little bit sad.
You came to deeply enjoy the hyper man, find him cute and a great talker for times of burn out. And he adored the time with just having fun uninterrupted with someone he....well he realized he was starting to catch feelings for.
It shouldn't have been too much of a surprised when Mk suddenly asks you out. In the middle of cleaning your equipment up, you jolt as you feel him take hold of your arm. you see how he couldn't really look at you, his cheeks a deep red and shifting as if shy.
He's quiet then with a deep breathe, looks at you straight in the eyes with all the determination and adoration he had.
Blinking at the outburst then seeing how he started to fidget more, it finally registered what he asked/shout.
Blushing you smile brightly.
"I would love too."
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nct-writers · 3 years
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NOW OPEN! OFFICE HOURS: APRIL 1-23 Read the amazing works of our authors as they assign nct to professions other than being an idol!
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PAINT MY LOVE by @donghyukcore
PAIRING: Painter ! Renjun x Fem ! reader GENRE: Fluff, Romance WC: 4.6K TROPE / AU: Strangers to lovers WARNINGS: (Slightly) toxic family
FOCUS by @hyuck-obsessed
PAIRING: Photographer ! Renjun x Reader GENRE: Fluff WC: 1K TROPE / AU: Friends to lovers WARNINGS: None
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BRIGHT TATTOO ARTIST! YUTA by @queen-of-himbos
PAIRING: Tattoo Artist ! Yuta x Gender Neutral ! Reader  GENRE: Fluff WC: 543 TROPE / AU:  WARNINGS: None
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MARK, THE JOURNALIST by @shining-red-diamond
PAIRING: Journalist  ! Mark x Fiance ! Reader GENRE: Fluff WC: 300 TROPE / AU:  WARNINGS: None
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BACK TO YOU  by @jenoremii
PAIRING: Teacher ! Jaemin x Reader GENRE: Fluff, Romance, Slow Burn WC: 6.8k TROPE / AU: Teacher AU WARNINGS:  Mentions of workplace harassment (remember that it happens to everyone, not just women).
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THE DEEP END by @zhongriot
PAIRING: No pairing (Starring Lee HC.) GENRE: Horror WC: 2.9K TROPE / AU: Naval Officer AU, Lotus Eaters AU WARNINGS: inaccurate portrayals of naval procedures, unreliable narrator, horror elements, dark themes, drowning, body horror, implied cannibalism, profanity, mentions of vomiting, character death, self-harm and implied suicide
DO BETTER by @renhyucks
PAIRING: Lee Donghyuck x Female Reader GENRE: Smut WC: 2.4K TROPE / AU: Producer x Singer  WARNINGS: angry hyuck, dry humping, fingering, unprotected sex (pls wrap that d up hehe), literally no plot; just two friends fucking, mentions of ex ! jeno, risky semi public
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CUTIE DANCE TEACHER by @queen-of-himbos
PAIRING: Osaki Shotaro x Reader (F, M, GN) GENRE: Fluff,  WC: 763 TROPE / AU: Kids dance teacher!au, drabble/oneshot, G WARNINGS: None
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LONG OVERDUE by @markresonates
PAIRING: Lee Jeno x fem!reader GENRE:  Smut, fluff, friends to lovers WC: 1.9k TROPE / AU: Childhood friends, mechanic au!Jeno x fem!reader WARNINGS: Thigh riding, on camera, degradation, name calling, little spanking, mentions of masturbation, swearing, dirty talk, dom!Jeno, sub!reader
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OFFICE BUDDIES by @queen-of-himbos​
PAIRING: Kim Doyoung x gn! reader  GENRE: Fluff WC: 756 TROPE / AU: Professor!au (reader and Doyoung are professors) WARNINGS: None
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MY WORLD by @shining-red-diamond​
PAIRING: Lee Ten x Reader GENRE: Fluff WC: 904 TROPE / AU:  WARNINGS: None
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EXPEDITIOUS CUPID by @neoiovebot​ 
PAIRING: Kindergarten teacher!Sungchan x kind-of single parent!y/n GENRE: Romance, fluff WC: 10.2k TROPE / AU: Strangers-to-lovers!au, non-idol!au WARNINGS: Cursing, single-parenting/single-guardian, brief mention of death, suggestive (making out - but only at the near-end of the story).
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LEGAL BRIEFS by @yutasgalaxy
PAIRING: Lawyer!Taeil (NCT) x wife!reader GENRE: fluff, smut, small bit of angst WC: 1.5k TROPE / AU: corporate au WARNINGS: swearing, nail digging, riding, unprotected sex, creampie, pet names and slight exhibitionism
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7:43 PM by @ethaeriyeol
PAIRING: computer engineer/single-parent!Johnny x neighbor/doctor!reader GENRE: fluff,  WC: 0.9k+ TROPE / AU: domestic au, single parent au; WARNINGS: cw: mentions of food;
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hydrangeyes · 4 months
Fics/Drabbles/Rambles I wrote masterlist!
I will try my best to keep track of all of them and post it all here lol
Edit: Most of these are old! But silly fun and silly to read! Pls keep in mind there are some nsfw fics in thus list and I made sure to tag them as such! I don't plan to write nsfw as much or if at all anymore, but I don't plan to delete the ones I did write.
Mr. Villian's Day of shorts:
Encountering the Villian on your day of!: And so it begins
Ice Cream: You judge the villain when you're being just as weird
Uh Oh: A close call with someone who knows what they're doing startles you away from exploring.
Names: Note to myself to remember their names
My other works (Let's hope I linked these right lmao):
Old Gojo x male reader: Christmas ask
I Ramble about Victor (Potion Permit)
Christmas Cookies: Fatgum x Male Reader
You are what you are: Dabi x Male reader x Shigaraki
Pet: Reigen x Male reader
Snowball fight: Hawks/Keigo x Male reader
Hypnos (Hades) Imagines
Hair day: Established Dabi/Touya x Male reader
Blueberry Eyes: Established Dabi x Male reader
Bleach Rambles: around the time I found out about Bleach coming back
Dating Adult Denki Imagines
Ah: Idk what character this was for but could be for any
Bhna Valentines day imagines
Homage: jjk x male reader
Homage pt.2
It's hot okay??: bhna x male reader, could apply to any of them
Gojo and nipple play
First Loves: Established Dabi x male reader, Demi vent hours
Drabble ???: Hawks x Male reader
Fantasy: Bhna x male reader fic old
Who knows: Hawks x male reader
Sauce: Fatgum x male reader
A wonderful Christmas time!: Dabi x male reader
Bundle of Daffodil Flowers: Potential Botw link x Male reader
Feels: Mic x Male reader, potential mic x reader x Aizawa
Missing You: Aizawa x Male reader
Devotion: Draxum x Male reader
A new adventure awaits you: Luffy x Male Reader
Muzan likes to be punished: Muzan x Male Reader
The sun and His moon: Tsuchigomori x Seme male reader
Gojo x Male reader: the start of me nicknaming gojo little sapphire
Tobirama x male reader: I wanted these old men
Huh you're cute: Blunt male reader x Macaque
Rogue: Missing male reader x Sun wukong
Your favorite brat: Male reader x Sun wukong
Attention: Macaque x Immortal Male reader x Sun wukong
Love Language: Lmk x Male Reader
Dragon male reader x Macaque: nsfw was requested, nsfw was given
Mk x Spray Painter Male Reader: cute fluff
Unnamed: Botw link x male lynel hybrid pwp that I forgot about
Aishite: An old Your boyfriend AU drabble
Gaara fic Ideas
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